blob: 88c02d5dcb9636ce427bfcd4ef4d2bb5a12c62ae [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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syntax = "proto3";
package skywalking.v3;
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "";
option csharp_namespace = "SkyWalking.NetworkProtocol.V3";
option go_package = "";
import "common/Common.proto";
// Define a trace segment report service.
// All language agents or any trace collecting component, could use this service to send span collection to the SkyWalking OAP backend.
service TraceSegmentReportService {
// Recommended trace segment report channel.
// gRPC streaming provides better performance.
// All language agents should choose this.
rpc collect (stream SegmentObject) returns (Commands) {
// An alternative for trace report by using gRPC unary
// This is provided for some 3rd-party integration, if and only if they prefer the unary mode somehow.
// The performance of SkyWalking OAP server would be very similar with streaming report,
// the performance of the network and client side are affected
rpc collectInSync (SegmentCollection) returns (Commands) {
// The segment is a collection of spans. It includes all collected spans in a simple one request context, such as a HTTP request process.
// We recommend the agent/SDK report all tracked data of one request once for all, such as,
// typically, such as in Java, one segment represent all tracked operations(spans) of one request context in the same thread.
// At the same time, in some language there is not a clear concept like golang, it could represent all tracked operations of one request context.
message SegmentObject {
// A string id represents the whole trace.
string traceId = 1;
// A unique id represents this segment. Other segments could use this id to reference as a child segment.
string traceSegmentId = 2;
// Span collections included in this segment.
repeated SpanObject spans = 3;
// **Service**. Represents a set/group of workloads which provide the same behaviours for incoming requests.
// The logic name represents the service. This would show as a separate node in the topology.
// The metrics analyzed from the spans, would be aggregated for this entity as the service level.
string service = 4;
// **Service Instance**. Each individual workload in the Service group is known as an instance. Like `pods` in Kubernetes, it
// doesn't need to be a single OS process, however, if you are using instrument agents, an instance is actually a real OS process.
// The logic name represents the service instance. This would show as a separate node in the instance relationship.
// The metrics analyzed from the spans, would be aggregated for this entity as the service instance level.
string serviceInstance = 5;
// Whether the segment includes all tracked spans.
// In the production environment tracked, some tasks could include too many spans for one request context, such as a batch update for a cache, or an async job.
// The agent/SDK could optimize or ignore some tracked spans for better performance.
// In this case, the value should be flagged as TRUE.
bool isSizeLimited = 6;
// Segment reference represents the link between two existing segment.
message SegmentReference {
// Represent the reference type. It could be across thread or across process.
// Across process means there is a downstream RPC call for this.
// Typically, refType == CrossProcess means SpanObject#spanType = entry.
RefType refType = 1;
// A string id represents the whole trace.
string traceId = 2;
// Another segment id as the parent.
string parentTraceSegmentId = 3;
// The span id in the parent trace segment.
int32 parentSpanId = 4;
// The service logic name of the parent segment.
// If refType == CrossThread, this name is as same as the trace segment.
string parentService = 5;
// The service logic name instance of the parent segment.
// If refType == CrossThread, this name is as same as the trace segment.
string parentServiceInstance = 6;
// The endpoint name of the parent segment.
// **Endpoint**. A path in a service for incoming requests, such as an HTTP URI path or a gRPC service class + method signature.
// In a trace segment, the endpoint name is the name of first entry span.
string parentEndpoint = 7;
// The network address, including ip/hostname and port, which is used in the client side.
// Such as Client --> use -> Server
// then, in the reference of entry span reported by Server, the value of this field is
// This plays the important role in the SkyWalking STAM(Streaming Topology Analysis Method)
// For more details, read
string networkAddressUsedAtPeer = 8;
// Span represents a execution unit in the system, with duration and many other attributes.
// Span could be a method, a RPC, MQ message produce or consume.
// In the practice, the span should be added when it is really necessary, to avoid payload overhead.
// We recommend to creating spans in across process(client/server of RPC/MQ) and across thread cases only.
message SpanObject {
// The number id of the span. Should be unique in the whole segment.
// Starting at 0.
int32 spanId = 1;
// The number id of the parent span in the whole segment.
// -1 represents no parent span.
// Also, be known as the root/first span of the segment.
int32 parentSpanId = 2;
// Start timestamp in milliseconds of this span,
// measured between the current time and midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.
int64 startTime = 3;
// End timestamp in milliseconds of this span,
// measured between the current time and midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.
int64 endTime = 4;
// <Optional>
// In the across thread and across process, these references targeting the parent segments.
// The references usually have only one element, but in batch consumer case, such as in MQ or async batch process, it could be multiple.
repeated SegmentReference refs = 5;
// A logic name represents this span.
// We don't recommend to include the parameter, such as HTTP request parameters, as a part of the operation, especially this is the name of the entry span.
// All statistic for the endpoints are aggregated base on this name. Those parameters should be added in the tags if necessary.
// If in some cases, it have to be a part of the operation name,
// users should use the Group Parameterized Endpoints capability at the backend to get the meaningful metrics.
// Read
string operationName = 6;
// Remote address of the peer in RPC/MQ case.
// This is required when spanType = Exit, as it is a part of the SkyWalking STAM(Streaming Topology Analysis Method).
// For more details, read
string peer = 7;
// Span type represents the role in the RPC context.
SpanType spanType = 8;
// Span layer represent the component tech stack, related to the network tech.
SpanLayer spanLayer = 9;
// Component id is a predefinited number id in the SkyWalking.
// It represents the framework, tech stack used by this tracked span, such as Spring.
// All IDs are defined in the
// Send a pull request if you want to add languages, components or mapping defintions,
// all public components could be accepted.
// Follow this doc for more details,
int32 componentId = 10;
// The status of the span. False means the tracked execution ends in the unexpected status.
// This affects the successful rate statistic in the backend.
// Exception or error code happened in the tracked process doesn't mean isError == true, the implementations of agent plugin and tracing SDK make the final decision.
bool isError = 11;
// String key, String value pair.
// Tags provides more informance, includes parameters.
// In the OAP backend analysis, some special tag or tag combination could provide other advanced features.
repeated KeyStringValuePair tags = 12;
// String key, String value pair with an accurate timestamp.
// Logging some events happening in the context of the span duration.
repeated Log logs = 13;
// Force the backend don't do analysis, if the value is TRUE.
// The backend has its own configurations to follow or override this.
// Use this mostly because the agent/SDK could know more context of the service role.
bool skipAnalysis = 14;
message Log {
// The timestamp in milliseconds of this event.,
// measured between the current time and midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.
int64 time = 1;
// String key, String value pair.
repeated KeyStringValuePair data = 2;
// Map to the type of span
enum SpanType {
// Server side of RPC. Consumer side of MQ.
Entry = 0;
// Client side of RPC. Producer side of MQ.
Exit = 1;
// A common local code execution.
Local = 2;
// A ID could be represented by multiple string sections.
message ID {
repeated string id = 1;
// Type of the reference
enum RefType {
// Map to the reference targeting the segment in another OS process.
CrossProcess = 0;
// Map to the reference targeting the segment in the same process of the current one, just across thread.
// This is only used when the coding language has the thread concept.
CrossThread = 1;
// Map to the layer of span
enum SpanLayer {
// Unknown layer. Could be anything.
Unknown = 0;
// A database layer, used in tracing the database client component.
Database = 1;
// A RPC layer, used in both client and server sides of RPC component.
RPCFramework = 2;
// HTTP is a more specific RPCFramework.
Http = 3;
// A MQ layer, used in both producer and consuer sides of the MQ component.
MQ = 4;
// A cache layer, used in tracing the cache client component.
Cache = 5;
// The segment collections for trace report in batch and sync mode.
message SegmentCollection {
repeated SegmentObject segments = 1;