blob: 6e0a256aeb3ad2c355c6280e92903712f8963bb5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor
// license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright
// ownership. Apache Software Foundation (ASF) licenses this file to you under
// the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
// not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
package tree
import (
api ""
func Adapt(trace api.Trace) (roots []*Node, serviceNames []string) {
all := make(map[string]*Node)
set := make(map[string]bool)
var traceID string
for _, span := range trace.Spans {
if !set[span.ServiceCode] {
serviceNames = append(serviceNames, span.ServiceCode)
set[span.ServiceCode] = true
all[id(span)] = node(span)
if traceID == "" {
traceID = span.TraceID
seen := make(map[string]bool)
for _, span := range trace.Spans {
if isRoot(span) {
roots = append(roots, all[id(span)])
seen[id(span)] = true
for _, ref := range span.Refs {
if all[id0(ref)] == nil {
for i := 0; i <= ref.ParentSpanID; i++ {
if traceID != ref.TraceID {
virtualSpan := virtualSpan(i, *ref)
if all[id(virtualSpan)] != nil {
all[id(virtualSpan)] = node(virtualSpan)
if i == 0 {
roots = append(roots, all[id(virtualSpan)])
seen[id(virtualSpan)] = true
} else if all[id1(ref)] != nil {
all[id1(ref)].Children = append(all[id1(ref)].Children, all[id(virtualSpan)])
seen[id(virtualSpan)] = true
buildTree(all, seen, trace)
return roots, serviceNames
func buildTree(all map[string]*Node, seen map[string]bool, trace api.Trace) {
for len(seen) < len(trace.Spans) {
for _, span := range trace.Spans {
if seen[id(span)] {
if all[pid(span)] != nil {
all[pid(span)].Children = append(all[pid(span)].Children, all[id(span)])
seen[id(span)] = true
for _, ref := range span.Refs {
refData := all[id0(ref)]
if refData != nil {
refData.Children = append(refData.Children, all[id(span)])
seen[id(span)] = true
func virtualSpan(spanID int, ref api.Ref) *api.Span {
endpointName := fmt.Sprintf("VNode: %s", ref.ParentSegmentID)
component := fmt.Sprintf("VirtualNode: #%d", spanID)
peer := "No Peer"
fail := true
layer := "Broken"
span := api.Span{
TraceID: ref.TraceID,
SegmentID: ref.ParentSegmentID,
SpanID: spanID,
ParentSpanID: spanID - 1,
EndpointName: &endpointName,
ServiceCode: "VirtualNode",
Type: fmt.Sprintf("[Broken] %s", ref.Type),
Peer: &peer,
Component: &component,
IsError: &fail,
Layer: &layer,
Tags: nil,
Logs: nil,
return &span
func isRoot(span *api.Span) bool {
return span.SpanID == 0 && span.ParentSpanID == -1 && len(span.Refs) == 0
func id(span *api.Span) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s:%d", span.TraceID, span.SegmentID, span.SpanID)
func pid(span *api.Span) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s:%d", span.TraceID, span.SegmentID, span.ParentSpanID)
func id0(ref *api.Ref) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s:%d", ref.TraceID, ref.ParentSegmentID, ref.ParentSpanID)
func id1(ref *api.Ref) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s:%d", ref.TraceID, ref.ParentSegmentID, ref.ParentSpanID-1)
func node(span *api.Span) *Node {
return &Node{
Children: []*Node{},
Value: util.Stringify{Str: value(span)},
Detail: detail(span),
func value(span *api.Span) string {
if *span.IsError {
return fmt.Sprintf(
"[|%s| %s [%s/%s]](mod:bold,fg:white,bg:red)",
span.Type, *span.EndpointName, *span.Component, *span.Layer,
return fmt.Sprintf("[|%s|](fg:bold,fg:green) %s [[%s/%s]](mod:bold,fg:green)",
span.Type, *span.EndpointName, *span.Component, *span.Layer,
func detail(span *api.Span) string {
var lines []string
lines = append(lines,
fmt.Sprintf("[Endpoint :](mod:bold,fg:red) %s", *span.EndpointName),
fmt.Sprintf("[Span Type :](mod:bold,fg:red) %s", span.Type),
fmt.Sprintf("[Component :](mod:bold,fg:red) %s", *span.Component),
fmt.Sprintf("[Peer :](mod:bold,fg:red) %s", *span.Peer),
fmt.Sprintf("[Error :](mod:bold,fg:red) %t", *span.IsError),
for _, tag := range span.Tags {
lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("[%-12s:](mod:bold,fg:red) %s", tag.Key, *tag.Value))
for _, log := range span.Logs {
for _, datum := range log.Data {
lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("%-12s: %s", datum.Key, *datum.Value))
return strings.Join(lines, "\n")