blob: 916c94cfce5fdd09b92a412055dcff7e57b105f3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor
// license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright
// ownership. Apache Software Foundation (ASF) licenses this file to you under
// the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
// not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
package tree
import (
ui ""
type Node struct {
Children []*Node
Detail string
Value fmt.Stringer
var extra = make(map[*widgets.TreeNode]*Node)
func Display(roots []*Node, serviceNames []string) error {
if err := ui.Init(); err != nil {
logger.Log.Fatalf("failed to initialize termui: %v", err)
defer ui.Close()
nodes := make([]*widgets.TreeNode, len(roots))
for i := range nodes {
nodes[i] = &widgets.TreeNode{}
for i, root := range roots {
adapt(root, nodes[i])
tree := widgets.NewTree()
tree.TextStyle = ui.Style{
Fg: ui.ColorWhite,
Bg: ui.ColorClear,
Modifier: 0,
tree.SelectedRowStyle = ui.Style{
Fg: ui.ColorBlack,
Bg: ui.ColorWhite,
Modifier: ui.ModifierBold,
tree.WrapText = false
tree.Title = fmt.Sprintf("[ %s ] [%s]", strings.Join(serviceNames, "->"), " Press ? to show help ")
tree.TitleStyle.Modifier = ui.ModifierBold
tree.TitleStyle.Fg = ui.ColorRed
x, y := ui.TerminalDimensions()
tree.SetRect(0, 0, x, y)
detail := widgets.NewParagraph()
detail.Title = Detail
detail.WrapText = false
detail.SetRect(x, 0, x, y)
help := widgets.NewParagraph()
help.WrapText = false
help.SetRect(x, 0, x, y)
help.Title = KeyMap
help.Text = `
[? ](fg:red,mod:bold) Toggle this help
[k ](fg:red,mod:bold) Scroll Up
[<Up> ](fg:red,mod:bold) Scroll Up
[j ](fg:red,mod:bold) Scroll Down
[<Down> ](fg:red,mod:bold) Scroll Down
[<Ctr-b> ](fg:red,mod:bold) Scroll Page Up
[<Ctr-u> ](fg:red,mod:bold) Scroll Half Page Up
[<Ctr-f> ](fg:red,mod:bold) Scroll Page Down
[<Ctr-d> ](fg:red,mod:bold) Scroll Half Page Down
[<Home> ](fg:red,mod:bold) Scroll to Top
[gg ](fg:red,mod:bold) Scroll to Top
[<Enter> ](fg:red,mod:bold) Show Trace Detail
[<Space> ](fg:red,mod:bold) Show Trace Detail
[o ](fg:red,mod:bold) Toggle Expand
[G ](fg:red,mod:bold) Scroll to Bottom
[<End> ](fg:red,mod:bold) Scroll to Bottom
[E ](fg:red,mod:bold) Expand All
[C ](fg:red,mod:bold) Collapse All
[q ](fg:red,mod:bold) Quit
[<Ctr-c> ](fg:red,mod:bold) Quit
ui.Render(tree, detail, help)
listenKeyboard(tree, detail, help)
return nil
func adapt(n1 *Node, n2 *widgets.TreeNode) {
if n1 == nil || n2 == nil {
n2.Expanded = true
n2.Value = n1.Value
n2.Nodes = []*widgets.TreeNode{}
extra[n2] = n1
for _, child := range n1.Children {
node := &widgets.TreeNode{}
n2.Nodes = append(n2.Nodes, node)
adapt(child, node)
func actions(key string, tree *widgets.Tree) func() {
// mostly vim style
actions := map[string]func(){
"k": tree.ScrollUp,
"<Up>": tree.ScrollUp,
"j": tree.ScrollDown,
"<Down>": tree.ScrollDown,
"<C-b>": tree.ScrollPageUp,
"<C-u>": tree.ScrollHalfPageUp,
"<C-f>": tree.ScrollPageDown,
"<C-d>": tree.ScrollHalfPageDown,
"<Home>": tree.ScrollTop,
"o": tree.ToggleExpand,
"G": tree.ScrollBottom,
"<End>": tree.ScrollBottom,
"E": tree.ExpandAll,
"C": tree.CollapseAll,
"<Resize>": func() {
x, y := ui.TerminalDimensions()
tree.SetRect(0, 0, x, y)
return actions[key]
func listenKeyboard(tree *widgets.Tree, detail, help *widgets.Paragraph) {
var previousKey string
var previousSelected *Node
visibilities := make(map[interface{}]bool)
uiEvents := ui.PollEvents()
for {
e := <-uiEvents
switch e.ID {
case "q", Quit:
case "g":
if previousKey == "g" {
case "<Enter>", "<Space>":
selected := extra[tree.SelectedNode()]
detail.Text = selected.Detail
selectionChanged := previousSelected != selected
visibilities[detail] = selectionChanged || !visibilities[detail]
previousSelected = selected
case "?":
visibilities[help] = !visibilities[help]
if action := actions(e.ID, tree); action != nil {
if previousKey == "g" {
previousKey = ""
} else {
previousKey = e.ID
redraw(visibilities, tree, detail, help)
func redraw(shouldShow map[interface{}]bool, tree *widgets.Tree, detail, help *widgets.Paragraph) {
x, y := ui.TerminalDimensions()
shouldDisplaySideBar := shouldShow[detail] || shouldShow[help]
if shouldDisplaySideBar {
tree.SetRect(0, 0, x*2/3, y)
} else {
tree.SetRect(0, 0, x, y)
if shouldShow[detail] && shouldShow[help] {
detail.SetRect(x*2/3, 0, x, y/2)
help.SetRect(x*2/3, y/2+1, x, y)
} else if shouldShow[help] {
detail.SetRect(0, 0, 0, 0)
help.SetRect(x*2/3, 0, x, y)
} else if shouldShow[detail] {
detail.SetRect(x*2/3, 0, x, y)
help.SetRect(0, 0, 0, 0)
} else {
help.SetRect(0, 0, 0, 0)
detail.SetRect(0, 0, 0, 0)
ui.Render(tree, detail, help)