blob: 636db486cd6939a999e62d2654107e02ab72f05e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
export type DashboardItem = {
id?: string;
entity: string;
layer: string;
isRoot: boolean;
name: string;
export interface LayoutConfig {
x: number;
y: number;
w: number;
h: number;
i: string;
type: string;
metricMode?: string;
widget?: WidgetConfig;
graph?: GraphConfig;
metrics?: string[];
expressions?: string[];
metricTypes?: string[];
typesOfMQE?: string[];
children?: { name: string; children: LayoutConfig[] }[];
activedTabIndex?: number;
metricConfig?: MetricConfigOpt[];
id?: string;
associate?: { widgetId: string }[];
eventAssociate?: boolean;
filters?: Filters;
relatedTrace?: RelatedTrace;
subExpressions?: string[];
subTypesOfMQE?: string[];
export type RelatedTrace = {
duration: DurationTime;
status: string;
queryOrder: string;
latency: boolean;
enableRelate: boolean;
export type Filters = {
dataIndex: number;
sourceId: string;
isRange?: boolean;
duration?: {
startTime: string;
endTime: string;
traceId?: string;
spanId?: string;
segmentId?: string;
id?: string;
queryOrder?: string;
status?: string;
export type MetricConfigOpt = {
unit?: string;
label?: string;
calculation?: string;
labelsIndex: string;
sortOrder: string;
topN?: number;
index?: number;
export interface WidgetConfig {
name?: string;
title?: string;
tips?: string;
export type GraphConfig =
| BarConfig
| LineConfig
| CardConfig
| TableConfig
| EndpointListConfig
| ServiceListConfig
| InstanceListConfig
| TopologyConfig;
export interface BarConfig {
type?: string;
showBackground?: boolean;
legend?: LegendOptions;
export interface LineConfig extends AreaConfig {
type?: string;
smooth?: boolean;
showSymbol?: boolean;
step?: boolean;
showXAxis?: boolean;
showYAxis?: boolean;
smallTips?: boolean;
showlabels?: boolean;
export interface AreaConfig {
type?: string;
opacity?: number;
legend?: LegendOptions;
export interface CardConfig {
type?: string;
fontSize?: number;
showUnit?: boolean;
textAlign?: "center" | "right" | "left";
export interface TextConfig {
fontSize: number;
backgroundColor: string;
textAlign: string;
fontColor: string;
content: string;
export interface TableConfig {
type?: string;
showTableValues: boolean;
tableHeaderCol1: string;
tableHeaderCol2: string;
export interface TopListConfig {
type?: string;
topN: number;
export interface ServiceListConfig {
type?: string;
dashboardName: string;
fontSize: number;
showGroup: boolean;
export interface InstanceListConfig {
type?: string;
dashboardName: string;
fontSize: number;
export interface EndpointListConfig {
type?: string;
dashboardName: string;
fontSize: number;
export interface TopologyConfig {
type?: string;
backgroundColor?: string;
fontColor?: string;
iconTheme?: boolean;
content?: string;
fontSize?: number;
depth?: number;
showDepth?: boolean;
export type EventParams = {
componentType: string;
seriesType: string;
seriesIndex: number;
seriesName: string;
name: string;
dataIndex: number;
data: Record<string, unknown>;
dataType: string;
value: number | number[];
color: string;
export type LegendOptions = {
show: boolean;
total: boolean;
min: boolean;
max: boolean;
mean: boolean;
asTable: boolean;
toTheRight: boolean;
width: number;