blob: 8c79a7e2fe268a65013f05f85fcb506abcf2ca00 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const msg = {
general: "普通服务",
services: "服务",
traces: "跟踪",
metrics: "指标",
serviceMesh: "服务网格",
infrastructure: "基础设施",
virtualMachine: "虚拟机",
dashboardNew: "新建仪表板",
dashboardHome: "仪表盘首页",
dashboardList: "仪表盘列表",
log: "日志",
events: "事件",
alerts: "警告",
settings: "设置",
dashboards: "仪表盘",
profiles: "性能剖析",
database: "数据库",
mySQL: "MySQL/MariaDB",
serviceName: "服务名称",
technologies: "技术",
health: "健康",
groupName: "群名称",
topologies: "拓扑图",
dataPanel: "数据平面",
controlPanel: "控制平面",
eventList: "事件列表",
newDashboard: "新增仪表盘",
dashboardEdit: "编辑仪表盘",
edit: "编辑",
delete: "删除",
layer: "层",
endpoint: "端点",
create: "新建",
loading: "加载中",
selectVisualization: "可视化指标",
visualization: "可视化",
graphStyles: "图形样式",
widgetOptions: "组件选项",
standardOptions: "标准选项",
max: "最大值",
min: "最小值",
mean: "平均值",
plus: "加法",
minus: "减法",
multiply: "乘法",
divide: "除法",
total: "总计",
convertToMilliseconds: "转换Unix时间戳(毫秒)",
convertToSeconds: "转换Unix时间戳(秒)",
smooth: "光滑的",
showSymbol: "显示符号",
step: "台阶",
showValues: "显示值",
fontSize: "字体大小",
showBackground: "显示背景",
areaOpacity: "透明度",
editGraph: "选项编辑",
dashboardName: "选择仪表板名称",
linkDashboard: "拓扑线关联的仪表板名称",
linkServerMetrics: "拓扑线服务端关联的指标",
linkClientMetrics: "拓扑线客户端关联的指标",
nodeDashboard: "拓节点关联的仪表板名称",
nodeMetrics: "拓扑节点关联的指标",
instanceDashboard: "拓节点关联的实例的仪表板名称",
endpointDashboard: "拓节点端点的实例的仪表板名称",
callSettings: "拓扑线设置",
nodeSettings: "拓扑点设置",
conditions: "条件",
legendSettings: "图例设置",
setLegend: "设置图例",
backgroundColors: "背景颜色",
fontColors: "字体颜色",
iconTheme: "图标主题",
default: "默认",
topSlow: "最慢的5个",
topChildren: "子Span数量最多的前5名",
showDepth: "展示深度选择器",
taskList: "任务列表",
sampledTraces: "采样的追踪",
editTab: "开启编辑Tab的名称",
label: "服务名称",
id: "服务编号",
setRoot: "设置成为根",
setNormal: "设置成为普通",
export: "导出仪表板模板",
import: "导入仪表板模板",
yes: "是",
no: "否",
tableHeaderCol1: "表格的第一列的名称",
tableHeaderCol2: "表格的第二列的名称",
showXAxis: "显示X轴",
showYAxis: "显示Y轴",
nameError: "仪表板名称不能重复",
nameEmptyError: "仪表板名称不能为空",
noRoot: "请设置根仪表板,为",
showGroup: "显示分组",
noWidget: "请添加组件",
rename: "重命名",
deleteTitle: "确定删除吗?",
rootTitle: "确定设置为Root吗?",
selfObservability: "自监控",
satellite: "Satellite",
skyWalkingServer: "SkyWalking服务",
functions: "Functions",
linux: "Linux",
browser: "浏览器",
editWarning: "你正在进入编辑模式",
viewWarning: "你正在进入预览模式",
virtualDatabase: "虚拟数据库",
virtualCache: "虚拟缓存",
reloadDashboards: "重新加载仪表盘",
kubernetesService: "服务",
kubernetesCluster: "集群",
kubernetes: "Kubernetes",
textUrl: "文本超链接",
textAlign: "文本对齐",
metricLabel: "指标标签",
showUnit: "显示单位",
noGraph: "无图表",
taskId: "任务ID",
triggerType: "触发类型",
targetType: "目标类型",
processSelect: "点击选择进程",
ebpfTip: "没有进程可以分析",
container: "容器",
limit: "范围",
page: "页面",
interval: "刷新间隔时间",
pause: "暂停",
begin: "开始",
associateOptions: "关联选项",
associateMetrics: "关联指标",
widget: "部件",
enableAssociate: "启用关联",
nameTip: "该名称仅支持中文和英文、横线和下划线, 并且限制长度为300个字符",
duplicateName: "重复的名称",
text: "文本",
query: "查询",
postgreSQL: "PostgreSQL",
endpointTips: "这里最多展示20条endpoints。",
apisix: "APISIX",
viewTrace: "查看相关Trace",
relatedTraceOptions: "相关的Trace选项",
setLatencyDuration: "延迟相关指标",
queryOrder: "按持续时间查询",
setOrder: "查询顺序",
latency: "延迟",
metricValues: "指标值",
enableRelatedTrace: "启用相关Trace",
queryConditions: "查询条件",
maxTraceDuration: "最大持续时间",
minTraceDuration: "最小持续时间",
legendOptions: "图例选项",
showLegend: "显示图例",
asTable: "作为表格",
toTheRight: "在右边",
legendValues: "图例值",
minDuration: "最小请求持续时间",
when4xx: "当响应代码介于400和499之间时,带有跟踪的HTTP请求和响应示例",
when5xx: "当响应代码介于500和599之间时,带有跟踪的HTTP请求和响应示例",
taskTitle: "HTTP请求和响应收集规则",
iframeWidgetTip: "添加widget的链接",
iframeSrc: "Iframe链接",
generateLink: "生成链接",
setDuration: "锁定查询持续时间",
openFunction: "OpenFunction",
period: "周期",
seconds: "秒",
hourTip: "选择小时",
minuteTip: "选择分钟",
secondTip: "选择秒数",
second: "秒",
yearSuffix: "年",
monthsHead: "1月_2月_3月_4月_5月_6月_7月_8月_9月_10月_11月_12月",
months: "一月_二月_三月_四月_五月_六月_七月_八月_九月_十月_十一月_十二月",
weeks: "一_二_三_四_五_六_日",
username: "用户名",
password: "密码",
title: "标题",
width: "宽度",
height: "高度",
topology: "拓扑图",
trace: "追踪",
alarm: "告警",
event: "事件",
auto: "自动更新",
reload: "刷新",
editmode: "编辑模式",
version: "版本",
copy: "拷贝",
reset: "重制",
apply: "应用",
confirm: "确定",
cancel: "取消",
createTab: "创建分页",
tabName: "分页名",
detectPoint: "侦察端",
name: "名称",
types: "类型",
all: "全部",
service: "服务",
instance: "实例",
endpoints: "端点",
cache: "存储器",
serviceinstance: "服务实例",
databaseaccess: "数据库存取",
servicerelation: "服务关系",
serviceinstancerelation: "服务实例关系",
endpointrelation: "服务端点关系",
status: "状态",
endpointName: "端点名称",
search: "搜索",
clear: "清空",
more: "更多",
traceID: "追踪ID",
range: "范围",
timeRange: "时间范围",
duration: "持续时间",
startTime: "开始时间",
start: "起始点",
spans: "跨度",
spanInfo: "跨度信息",
spanType: "跨度类型",
time: "时间",
tags: "标记",
logs: "日志",
component: "组件",
table: "表格",
list: "列表",
tree: "树结构",
filterScope: "过滤范围",
searchKeyword: "关键字",
quarterHourCutTip: "最近15分钟",
halfHourCutTip: "最近30分钟",
hourCutTip: "最近1小时",
dayCutTip: "最近1天",
weekCutTip: "最近1周",
monthCutTip: "最近1月",
serverZone: "OAP Server 时区",
exportImage: "导出为图片",
object: "粒度",
profile: "性能剖析",
newTask: "新建任务",
monitorTime: "监控时间",
monitorDuration: "监控持续时间",
minThreshold: "起始监控时间",
dumpPeriod: "监控间隔",
createTask: "新建任务",
maxSamplingCount: "最大采样数",
analyze: "分析",
noData: "数据为空",
taskInfo: "任务详情",
task: "任务",
operationType: "操作类型",
operationTime: "操作时间",
taskView: "查看任务详情",
includeChildren: "包含子部分",
excludeChildren: "不包含子部分",
view: "查看",
timeTips: "时间区间不能超过60天",
entityType: "实体类型",
maxItemNum: "最多条目数",
unknownMetrics: "未知指标",
labels: "标签",
aggregation: "计算",
unit: "单位",
labelsIndex: "标签下标",
group: "服务组",
browserView: "浏览器视图",
sortOrder: "排序方式",
chartType: "图表类型",
currentDepth: "当前深度",
defaultDepth: "默认深度",
traceTagsTip: "只有core/default/searchableTracesTags中定义的标记才可搜索。查看配置词汇表页面上的更多详细信息。",
logTagsTip: "只有core/default/searchableTracesTags中定义的标记才可搜索。查看配置词汇表页面上的更多详细信息。",
alarmTagsTip: "只有core/default/searchableTracesTags中定义的标记才可搜索。查看配置词汇表页面上的更多详细信息。",
tagsLink: "配置词汇页",
addTag: "请添加标签",
logCategory: "日志类别",
errorCatalog: "错误类目",
logDetail: "日志详情",
timeReload: "注意:时间间隔必须大于0",
errorInfo: "错误信息",
stack: "堆栈",
serviceVersion: "服务版本",
errorPage: "错误页面",
category: "类别",
grade: "等级",
relatedTraceLogs: "相关的日志",
setConditions: "更多条件",
metricName: "选择指标名称",
keywordsOfContent: "内容关键词",
excludingKeywordsOfContent: "内容不包含的关键词",
return: "返回",
isError: "错误",
contentType: "内容类型",
content: "内容",
viewLogs: "查看日志",
logsTagsTip: "只有core/default/searchableLogsTags中定义的标记才可搜索。查看配置词汇表页面上的更多详细信息。",
keywordsOfContentLogTips: "SkyWalking OAP服务器的当前存储不支持此操作",
setEvent: "设置事件",
viewAttributes: "查看",
serviceEvents: "服务事件",
select: "选择",
eventID: "事件ID",
eventName: "事件名称",
endTime: "结束时间",
instanceEvents: "实例事件",
endpointEvents: "端点事件",
enableEvents: "启动事件",
disableEvents: "禁用事件",
eventSeries: "事件系列",
eventsType: "事件类型",
eventsMessage: "事件消息",
eventsParameters: "事件参数",
eventDetail: "事件详情",
value: "数值",
key: "Key",
tableHeader: "表头名称",
tableValues: "表值",
show: "展示",
hide: "隐藏",
statistics: "统计",
message: "信息",
tooltipsContent: "提示内容",
alarmDetail: "警告详情",
scope: "范围",
destService: "终点服务",
destServiceInstance: "终点实例",
destEndpoint: "终点端点",
eventSource: "事件资源",
modalTitle: "查看",
selectRedirectPage: "查看 %s 服务的追踪或日志?",
logAnalysis: "日志分析语言",
logDataBody: "日志数据的内容",
addType: "请输入一个类型",
traceContext: "具有跟踪上下文的日志",
traceSegmentId: "跟踪段ID",
spanId: "跨度ID",
inputTraceSegmentId: "请输入跟踪段ID",
inputSpanId: "请输入跨度ID",
inputTraceId: "请输入跟踪ID",
dsl: "LAL的脚本输入",
logContentType: "日志内容的类型",
logRespContent: "日志内容",
analysis: "分析",
waitLoading: "加载中",
dslEmpty: "LAL的脚本输入不应该是空",
logContentEmpty: "日志数据的内容不应该是空。",
debug: "调试",
addTraceID: "请输入一个Trace ID",
addTags: "请输入一个标签",
addKeywordsOfContent: "请输入一个内容关键词",
addExcludingKeywordsOfContent: "请输入一个内容不包含的关键词",
noticeTag: "请输入一个标签(key=value)之后回车",
conditionNotice: "请输入一个内容关键词或者内容不包含的关键词(key=value)之后回车",
language: "语言",
gateway: "网关",
virtualMQ: "虚拟消息队列",
AWSCloud: "AWS云服务",
AWSCloudS3: "S3",
export default msg;