blob: 690bff747018dab8f7451ab5598341db05dcfdc7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
class Vec2 extends Float32Array {
constructor(v?: unknown, y?: unknown) {
if (v instanceof Vec2 || v instanceof Float32Array || (v instanceof Array && v.length == 2)) {
this[0] = v[0];
this[1] = v[1];
} else if (typeof v === "number" && typeof y === "number") {
this[0] = v;
this[1] = y;
} else if (typeof v === "number") {
this[0] = v;
this[1] = v;
xy(x: number, y: number): Vec2 {
if (y != undefined) {
this[0] = x;
this[1] = y;
} else this[0] = this[1] = x;
return this;
get x(): number {
return this[0];
set x(v: number) {
this[0] = v;
get y(): number {
return this[1];
set y(v: number) {
this[1] = v;
len(): number {
return Math.sqrt(this[0] * this[0] + this[1] * this[1]);
fromAdd(a: number[], b: number[]): Vec2 {
this[0] = a[0] + b[0];
this[1] = a[1] + b[1];
return this;
fromSub(a: number[] | Vec2, b: number[] | Vec2): Vec2 {
this[0] = a[0] - b[0];
this[1] = a[1] - b[1];
return this;
fromScale(a: number[] | Vec2, s: number): Vec2 {
this[0] = a[0] * s;
this[1] = a[1] * s;
return this;
fromLerp(a: number[] | Vec2, b: number[] | Vec2, t: number): Vec2 {
const tt = 1 - t;
this[0] = a[0] * tt + b[0] * t;
this[1] = a[1] * tt + b[1] * t;
return this;
/** Used to get data from a flat buffer of vectors, useful when building geometery */
fromBuf(ary: number[], idx: number): Vec2 {
this[0] = ary[idx];
this[1] = ary[idx + 1];
return this;
/** Pust vector components onto an array, useful when building geometery */
pushTo(ary: number[]): Vec2 {
ary.push(this[0], this[1]);
return this;
add(v: number[]): Vec2 {
this[0] += v[0];
this[1] += v[1];
return this;
addRaw(x: number, y: number): Vec2 {
this[0] += x;
this[1] += y;
return this;
sub(v: number[]): Vec2 {
this[0] -= v[0];
this[1] -= v[1];
return this;
scale(v: number): Vec2 {
this[0] *= v;
this[1] *= v;
return this;
norm(out?: number[] | Vec2): number[] | Vec2 | undefined {
const mag = Math.sqrt(this[0] * this[0] + this[1] * this[1]);
if (mag == 0) return this;
out = out || this;
out[0] = this[0] / mag;
out[1] = this[1] / mag;
return out;
perpCCW(): Vec2 {
const x = this[0];
this[0] = -this[1];
this[1] = x;
return this;
static add(a: number[], b: number[]): Vec2 {
return new Vec2().fromAdd(a, b);
static sub(a: number[], b: number[]): Vec2 {
return new Vec2().fromSub(a, b);
static scale(v: number[], s: number): Vec2 {
return new Vec2().fromScale(v, s);
static lerp(v0: number[], v1: number[], t: number): Vec2 {
return new Vec2().fromLerp(v0, v1, t);
static len(v0: Vec2, v1: Vec2): number {
return Math.sqrt((v0[0] - v1[0]) ** 2 + (v0[1] - v1[1]) ** 2);
/** Create an Iterator Object that allows an easy way to loop a Float32Buffer
* @example
* let buf = new Float32Array( 2 * 10 );
* for( let v of Vec3.bufIter( buf ) ){console.log( v )};
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types
static bufIter(buf: number[]) {
let i = 0;
const result = { value: new Vec2(), done: false },
len = buf.length,
next = () => {
if (i >= len) result.done = true;
else {
result.value.fromBuf(buf, i);
i += 2;
return result;
return {
[Symbol.iterator]() {
return { next };
export default Vec2;