blob: 8e64169fd1b4d85f7d38c7a3c2e1b3b1d3a0e4e3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor
// license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright
// ownership. Apache Software Foundation (ASF) licenses this file to you under
// the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
// not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
package query
import (
commonv1 ""
measurev1 ""
modelv1 ""
pbv1 ""
logical_measure ""
type topNQueryProcessor struct {
measureService measure.Service
func (t *topNQueryProcessor) Rev(message bus.Message) (resp bus.Message) {
request, ok := message.Data().(*measurev1.TopNRequest)
now := time.Now().UnixNano()
if !ok {
t.log.Warn().Msg("invalid event data type")
// TODO: support multiple groups
if len(request.Groups) > 1 {
resp = bus.NewMessage(bus.MessageID(now), common.NewError("only support one group in the query request"))
ml := t.log.Named("topn", request.Groups[0], request.Name)
if e := ml.Debug(); e.Enabled() {
e.RawJSON("req", logger.Proto(request)).Msg("received a topn event")
if request.GetFieldValueSort() == modelv1.Sort_SORT_UNSPECIFIED {
t.log.Warn().Msg("invalid requested sort direction")
if e := t.log.Debug(); e.Enabled() {
e.Stringer("req", request).Msg("received a topN query event")
topNMetadata := &commonv1.Metadata{
Name: request.Name,
Group: request.Groups[0],
topNSchema, err := t.metaService.TopNAggregationRegistry().GetTopNAggregation(context.TODO(), topNMetadata)
if err != nil {
Str("topN", topNMetadata.GetName()).
Msg("fail to get execution context")
if topNSchema.GetFieldValueSort() != modelv1.Sort_SORT_UNSPECIFIED &&
topNSchema.GetFieldValueSort() != request.GetFieldValueSort() {
t.log.Warn().Msg("unmatched sort direction")
sourceMeasure, err := t.measureService.Measure(topNSchema.GetSourceMeasure())
if err != nil {
Str("topN", topNMetadata.GetName()).
Msg("fail to find source measure")
schema, err := t.metaService.MeasureRegistry().GetMeasure(context.TODO(), topNMetadata)
if err != nil {
Str("topN", topNMetadata.GetName()).
Msg("fail to find topN measure")
sourceMeasureSchema := sourceMeasure.GetSchema()
s, err := logical_measure.BuildTopNSchema(schema)
if err != nil {
Str("topN", topNMetadata.GetName()).
Msg("fail to build schema")
plan, err := logical_measure.TopNAnalyze(context.TODO(), request, schema, sourceMeasureSchema, topNSchema, s)
if err != nil {
resp = bus.NewMessage(bus.MessageID(now), common.NewError("fail to analyze the query request for topn %s: %v", topNMetadata.GetName(), err))
if e := ml.Debug(); e.Enabled() {
e.Str("plan", plan.String()).Msg("topn plan")
mIterator, err := plan.(executor.MeasureExecutable).Execute(executor.WithMeasureExecutionContext(context.Background(), sourceMeasure))
if err != nil {
ml.Error().Err(err).RawJSON("req", logger.Proto(request)).Msg("fail to close the topn plan")
resp = bus.NewMessage(bus.MessageID(now), common.NewError("fail to execute the topn plan for measure %s: %v", topNMetadata.GetName(), err))
defer func() {
if err = mIterator.Close(); err != nil {
ml.Error().Err(err).RawJSON("req", logger.Proto(request))
result := make([]*measurev1.DataPoint, 0)
for mIterator.Next() {
current := mIterator.Current()
if len(current) > 0 {
result = append(result, current[0])
resp = bus.NewMessage(bus.MessageID(now), toTopNResponse(result))
func toTopNResponse(dps []*measurev1.DataPoint) *measurev1.TopNResponse {
topNList := make([]*measurev1.TopNList, 0)
topNItems := make([]*measurev1.TopNList_Item, len(dps))
for i, dp := range dps {
topNItems[i] = &measurev1.TopNList_Item{
Entity: dp.GetTagFamilies()[0].GetTags(),
Value: dp.GetFields()[0].GetValue(),
topNList = append(topNList, &measurev1.TopNList{
Items: topNItems,
return &measurev1.TopNResponse{Lists: topNList}
var _ heap.Interface = (*postAggregationProcessor)(nil)
type aggregatorItem struct {
int64Func aggregation.Func[int64]
key string
values pbv1.EntityValues
index int
func (n *aggregatorItem) GetTags(tagNames []string) []*modelv1.Tag {
tags := make([]*modelv1.Tag, len(n.values))
for i := 0; i < len(tags); i++ {
tags[i] = &modelv1.Tag{
Key: tagNames[i],
Value: n.values[i],
return tags
// PostProcessor defines necessary methods for Top-N post processor with or without aggregation.
type PostProcessor interface {
Put(entityValues pbv1.EntityValues, val int64, timestampMillis uint64) error
Val([]string) []*measurev1.TopNList
// CreateTopNPostAggregator creates a Top-N post processor with or without aggregation.
func CreateTopNPostAggregator(topN int32, aggrFunc modelv1.AggregationFunction, sort modelv1.Sort) PostProcessor {
if aggrFunc == modelv1.AggregationFunction_AGGREGATION_FUNCTION_UNSPECIFIED {
// if aggregation is not specified, we have to keep all timelines
return &postNonAggregationProcessor{
topN: topN,
sort: sort,
timelines: make(map[uint64]*flow.DedupPriorityQueue),
aggregator := &postAggregationProcessor{
topN: topN,
sort: sort,
aggrFunc: aggrFunc,
cache: make(map[string]*aggregatorItem),
items: make([]*aggregatorItem, 0, topN),
return aggregator
// postAggregationProcessor is an implementation of postProcessor with aggregation.
type postAggregationProcessor struct {
cache map[string]*aggregatorItem
items []*aggregatorItem
latestTimestamp uint64
topN int32
sort modelv1.Sort
aggrFunc modelv1.AggregationFunction
func (aggr postAggregationProcessor) Len() int {
return len(aggr.items)
// Less reports whether min/max heap has to be built.
// For DESC, a min heap has to be built,
// while for ASC, a max heap has to be built.
func (aggr postAggregationProcessor) Less(i, j int) bool {
if aggr.sort == modelv1.Sort_SORT_DESC {
return aggr.items[i].int64Func.Val() < aggr.items[j].int64Func.Val()
return aggr.items[i].int64Func.Val() > aggr.items[j].int64Func.Val()
func (aggr *postAggregationProcessor) Swap(i, j int) {
aggr.items[i], aggr.items[j] = aggr.items[j], aggr.items[i]
aggr.items[i].index = i
aggr.items[j].index = j
func (aggr *postAggregationProcessor) Push(x any) {
n := len(aggr.items)
item := x.(*aggregatorItem)
item.index = n
aggr.items = append(aggr.items, item)
func (aggr *postAggregationProcessor) Pop() any {
old := aggr.items
n := len(old)
item := old[n-1]
old[n-1] = nil
item.index = -1
aggr.items = old[0 : n-1]
return item
func (aggr *postAggregationProcessor) Put(entityValues pbv1.EntityValues, val int64, timestampMillis uint64) error {
// update latest ts
if aggr.latestTimestamp < timestampMillis {
aggr.latestTimestamp = timestampMillis
key := entityValues.String()
if item, found := aggr.cache[key]; found {
aggr.tryEnqueue(key, item)
return nil
aggrFunc, err := aggregation.NewFunc[int64](aggr.aggrFunc)
if err != nil {
return err
item := &aggregatorItem{
key: key,
int64Func: aggrFunc,
values: entityValues,
if aggr.Len() < int(aggr.topN) {
aggr.cache[key] = item
heap.Push(aggr, item)
} else {
aggr.tryEnqueue(key, item)
return nil
func (aggr *postAggregationProcessor) tryEnqueue(key string, item *aggregatorItem) {
if lowest := aggr.items[0]; lowest != nil {
if aggr.sort == modelv1.Sort_SORT_DESC && lowest.int64Func.Val() < item.int64Func.Val() {
aggr.cache[key] = item
aggr.items[0] = item
heap.Fix(aggr, 0)
} else if aggr.sort != modelv1.Sort_SORT_DESC && lowest.int64Func.Val() > item.int64Func.Val() {
aggr.cache[key] = item
aggr.items[0] = item
heap.Fix(aggr, 0)
func (aggr *postAggregationProcessor) Val(tagNames []string) []*measurev1.TopNList {
topNItems := make([]*measurev1.TopNList_Item, aggr.Len())
for aggr.Len() > 0 {
item := heap.Pop(aggr).(*aggregatorItem)
topNItems[aggr.Len()] = &measurev1.TopNList_Item{
Entity: item.GetTags(tagNames),
Value: &modelv1.FieldValue{
Value: &modelv1.FieldValue_Int{
Int: &modelv1.Int{Value: item.int64Func.Val()},
return []*measurev1.TopNList{
Timestamp: timestamppb.New(time.Unix(0, int64(aggr.latestTimestamp))),
Items: topNItems,
var _ flow.Element = (*nonAggregatorItem)(nil)
type nonAggregatorItem struct {
key string
values pbv1.EntityValues
val int64
index int
func (n *nonAggregatorItem) GetTags(tagNames []string) []*modelv1.Tag {
tags := make([]*modelv1.Tag, len(n.values))
for i := 0; i < len(tags); i++ {
tags[i] = &modelv1.Tag{
Key: tagNames[i],
Value: n.values[i],
return tags
func (n *nonAggregatorItem) GetIndex() int {
return n.index
func (n *nonAggregatorItem) SetIndex(i int) {
n.index = i
type postNonAggregationProcessor struct {
timelines map[uint64]*flow.DedupPriorityQueue
topN int32
sort modelv1.Sort
func (naggr *postNonAggregationProcessor) Val(tagNames []string) []*measurev1.TopNList {
topNLists := make([]*measurev1.TopNList, 0, len(naggr.timelines))
for ts, timeline := range naggr.timelines {
items := make([]*measurev1.TopNList_Item, timeline.Len())
for idx, elem := range timeline.Values() {
items[idx] = &measurev1.TopNList_Item{
Entity: elem.(*nonAggregatorItem).GetTags(tagNames),
Value: &modelv1.FieldValue{
Value: &modelv1.FieldValue_Int{
Int: &modelv1.Int{Value: elem.(*nonAggregatorItem).val},
topNLists = append(topNLists, &measurev1.TopNList{
Timestamp: timestamppb.New(time.Unix(0, int64(ts))),
Items: items,
slices.SortStableFunc(topNLists, func(a, b *measurev1.TopNList) int {
r := int(a.GetTimestamp().GetSeconds() - b.GetTimestamp().GetSeconds())
if r != 0 {
return r
return int(a.GetTimestamp().GetNanos() - b.GetTimestamp().GetNanos())
return topNLists
func (naggr *postNonAggregationProcessor) Put(entityValues pbv1.EntityValues, val int64, timestampMillis uint64) error {
key := entityValues.String()
if timeline, ok := naggr.timelines[timestampMillis]; ok {
if timeline.Len() < int(naggr.topN) {
heap.Push(timeline, &nonAggregatorItem{val: val, key: key, values: entityValues})
} else {
if lowest := timeline.Peek(); lowest != nil {
if naggr.sort == modelv1.Sort_SORT_DESC && lowest.(*nonAggregatorItem).val < val {
timeline.ReplaceLowest(&nonAggregatorItem{val: val, key: key, values: entityValues})
} else if naggr.sort != modelv1.Sort_SORT_DESC && lowest.(*nonAggregatorItem).val > val {
timeline.ReplaceLowest(&nonAggregatorItem{val: val, key: key, values: entityValues})
return nil
timeline := flow.NewPriorityQueue(func(a, b interface{}) int {
if naggr.sort == modelv1.Sort_SORT_DESC {
if a.(*nonAggregatorItem).val < b.(*nonAggregatorItem).val {
return -1
} else if a.(*nonAggregatorItem).val == b.(*nonAggregatorItem).val {
return 0
return 1
if a.(*nonAggregatorItem).val < b.(*nonAggregatorItem).val {
return 1
} else if a.(*nonAggregatorItem).val == b.(*nonAggregatorItem).val {
return 0
return -1
}, false)
naggr.timelines[timestampMillis] = timeline
heap.Push(timeline, &nonAggregatorItem{val: val, key: key, values: entityValues})
return nil