blob: 820d1feccd26e90c83f94573de9ffc5ef990d645 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor
// license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright
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// under the License.
package tsdb_test
import (
. ""
. ""
var _ = Describe("Series", func() {
Context("TimeRange", func() {
Context("Contains", func() {
verifyFn := func(start, end string, includeStart, includeEnd bool, ts string, expected bool) {
startTime, _ := time.Parse("20060202", start)
endTime, _ := time.Parse("20060202", end)
tsTime, _ := time.Parse("20060202", ts)
Expect(timestamp.NewTimeRange(startTime, endTime, includeStart, includeEnd).Contains(uint64(tsTime.UnixNano()))).To(Equal(expected))
DescribeTable("It's a exclusive range",
func(start, end, ts string, expected bool) {
verifyFn(start, end, false, false, ts, expected)
Entry("is in the middle", "20220205", "20220107", "20220106", true),
Entry("is at the lower", "20220205", "20220107", "20220105", false),
Entry("is at the upper", "20220205", "20220107", "20220107", false),
Entry("is before the lower", "20220205", "20220107", "20220104", false),
Entry("is after the upper", "20220205", "20220107", "20220108", false),
DescribeTable("It's a inclusive range",
func(start, end, ts string, expected bool) {
verifyFn(start, end, true, true, ts, expected)
Entry("is in the middle", "20220205", "20220107", "20220106", true),
Entry("is at the lower", "20220205", "20220107", "20220105", true),
Entry("is at the upper", "20220205", "20220107", "20220107", true),
Entry("is before the lower", "20220205", "20220107", "20220104", false),
Entry("is after the upper", "20220205", "20220107", "20220108", false),
DescribeTable("It's a inclusive lower and exclusive upper range",
func(start, end, ts string, expected bool) {
verifyFn(start, end, true, false, ts, expected)
Entry("is in the middle", "20220205", "20220107", "20220106", true),
Entry("is at the lower", "20220205", "20220107", "20220105", true),
Entry("is at the upper", "20220205", "20220107", "20220107", false),
Entry("is before the lower", "20220205", "20220107", "20220104", false),
Entry("is after the upper", "20220205", "20220107", "20220108", false),
DescribeTable("It's a exclusive lower and inclusive upper range",
func(start, end, ts string, expected bool) {
verifyFn(start, end, false, true, ts, expected)
Entry("is in the middle", "20220205", "20220107", "20220106", true),
Entry("is at the lower", "20220205", "20220107", "20220105", false),
Entry("is at the upper", "20220205", "20220107", "20220107", true),
Entry("is before the lower", "20220205", "20220107", "20220104", false),
Entry("is after the upper", "20220205", "20220107", "20220108", false),
Context("Overlapping", func() {
verifyFn := func(start1, end1, start2, end2 string, expected bool) {
startTime1, _ := time.Parse("20060102", start1)
endTime1, _ := time.Parse("20060102", end1)
startTime2, _ := time.Parse("20060102", start2)
endTime2, _ := time.Parse("20060102", end2)
includes := []bool{true, false}
for _, r1l := range includes {
for _, r1u := range includes {
for _, r2l := range includes {
for _, r2u := range includes {
By(fmt.Sprintf("r1 lower:%v upper:%v. r1 lower:%v upper:%v", r1l, r1u, r2l, r2u), func() {
r1 := timestamp.NewTimeRange(startTime1, endTime1, r1l, r1u)
r2 := timestamp.NewTimeRange(startTime2, endTime2, r2l, r2u)
DescribeTable("Each range type's behavior is identical",
Entry("is no overlapping", "20220205", "20220107", "20220108", "20220112", false),
Entry("is the two range are identical", "20220105", "20220107", "20220105", "20220107", true),
Entry("is the one includes the other", "20220102", "20220107", "20220103", "20220106", true),
Entry("is the one includes the other, the upper bounds are identical", "20220102", "20220107", "20220103", "20220107", true),
Entry("is the one includes the other, the lower bounds are identical", "20220102", "20220107", "20220102", "20220106", true),
Entry("is they have an intersection", "20220102", "20220105", "20220103", "20220106", true),
adjacentVerifyFn := func(include1, include2, expected bool) {
startTime1, _ := time.Parse("20060102", "20210105")
endTime1, _ := time.Parse("20060102", "20210107")
startTime2, _ := time.Parse("20060102", "20210107")
endTime2, _ := time.Parse("20060102", "20210109")
r1 := timestamp.NewTimeRange(startTime1, endTime1, false, include1)
r2 := timestamp.NewTimeRange(startTime2, endTime2, include2, false)
DescribeTable("They are adjacent",
Entry("is they are inclusive", true, true, true),
Entry("is that range1 includes upper, but range2 excludes lower", true, false, false),
Entry("is that range1 excludes upper, but range2 includes lower", false, true, false),
Entry("is they are exclusive", false, false, false),