blob: 58768d75e6cd6afcdc34d3a9f22da150b5263b63 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor
// license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright
// ownership. Apache Software Foundation (ASF) licenses this file to you under
// the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
// not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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syntax = "proto3";
option java_package = "org.apache.skywalking.banyandb";
option go_package = ";v1";
package banyandb.v1;
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "banyandb/v1/database.proto";
// IntPair in a typed pair with an array of int64 as values
message IntPair {
string key = 1;
repeated int64 values = 2;
// StrPair in a typed pair with an array of string as values
message StrPair {
string key = 1;
repeated string values = 2;
// Pair is the building block of a record which is equivalent to a key-value pair.
// In the context of Trace, it could be metadata of a trace such as service_name, service_instance, etc.
// Besides, other fields/tags are organized in key-value pair in the underlying storage layer.
// One should notice that the values can be a multi-value.
message TypedPair {
oneof typed {
IntPair int_pair = 1;
StrPair str_pair = 2;
// PairQuery consists of the query condition with a single binary operator to be imposed
// For 1:1 BinaryOp, values in condition must be an array with length = 1,
// while for 1:N BinaryOp, values can be an array with length >= 1.
message PairQuery {
// BinaryOp specifies the operation imposed to the given query condition
// For EQ, NE, LT, GT, LE and GE, only one operand should be given, i.e. one-to-one relationship.
// HAVING and NOT_HAVING allow multi-value to be the operand such as array/vector, i.e. one-to-many relationship.
// For example, "keyA" contains "valueA" **and** "valueB"
enum BinaryOp {
BinaryOp op = 1;
TypedPair condition = 2;
// QueryOrder means a Sort operation to be done for a given field.
// The key_name refers to the key of a Pair.
message QueryOrder {
string key_name = 1;
enum Sort {
Sort sort = 2;
// Entity represents
// (Trace context) a Span defined in Google Dapper paper or equivalently a Segment in Skywalking.
// (Log context) a log
message Entity {
// entity_id could be span_id of a Span or segment_id of a Segment in the context of Trace
string entity_id = 1;
// timestamp represents
// 1) either the start time of a Span/Segment,
// 2) or the timestamp of a log
google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 2;
// data_binary contains all un-indexed Tags and other key-value pairs
bytes data_binary = 3;
// fields contains all indexed Field. Some typical names,
// - trace_id
// - duration
// - service_name
// - service_instance_id
// - end_time_nanoseconds
repeated TypedPair fields = 4;
// QueryResponse is the response for a query to the Query module.
message QueryResponse {
// entities are the actual data returned
repeated Entity entities = 1;
// Projection is used to select the names of keys to be returned.
message Projection {
// The key_name refers to the key(s) of Pair(s).
repeated string key_names = 1;
// TimeRange is a range query for uint64,
// the range here follows left-inclusive and right-exclusive rule, i.e. [begin, end) if both edges exist
message TimeRange {
google.protobuf.Timestamp begin = 1;
google.protobuf.Timestamp end = 2;
// EntityCriteria is the request contract for query.
message EntityCriteria {
// metadata is required
Metadata metadata = 1;
// time_range is a range query with begin/end time of entities in the timeunit of nanoseconds.
// In the context of Trace, it represents the range of the `startTime` for spans/segments,
// while in the context of Log, it means the range of the timestamp(s) for logs.
// it is always recommended to specify time range for performance reason
TimeRange time_range = 2;
// offset is used to support pagination, together with the following limit
uint32 offset = 3;
// limit is used to impose a boundary on the number of records being returned
uint32 limit = 4;
// order_by is given to specify the sort for a field. So far, only fields in the type of Integer are supported
QueryOrder order_by = 5;
// fields are indexed. Some typical fields are listed below,
// - trace_id: if given, it takes precedence over other fields and will be used to retrieve entities before other conditions are imposed
// - duration: typical for trace context
repeated PairQuery fields = 6;
// projection can be used to select the key names of the entities in the response
Projection projection = 7;