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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.sis.swing;
import java.util.EventListener;
import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.GridBagConstraints;
import java.awt.Window;
import java.awt.GridBagLayout;
import java.awt.Insets;
import java.awt.Paint;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.Shape;
import java.awt.Stroke;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ComponentEvent;
import java.awt.event.ComponentListener;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseListener;
import java.awt.event.MouseWheelEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseWheelListener;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.geom.Dimension2D;
import java.awt.geom.NoninvertibleTransformException;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.awt.geom.RoundRectangle2D;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import javax.swing.AbstractAction;
import javax.swing.AbstractButton;
import javax.swing.Action;
import javax.swing.ActionMap;
import javax.swing.BoundedRangeModel;
import javax.swing.InputMap;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.JMenu;
import javax.swing.JMenuItem;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JPopupMenu;
import javax.swing.JScrollBar;
import javax.swing.KeyStroke;
import javax.swing.SwingConstants;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener;
import org.apache.sis.util.logging.Logging;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.matrix.AffineTransforms2D;
import org.apache.sis.util.resources.Errors;
import org.apache.sis.swing.internal.Resources;
import static java.lang.Math.abs;
import static java.lang.Math.rint;
* Base class for widget with a zoomable content. User can perform zooms using keyboard, menu or mouse.
* Subclasses must provide the content to be paint with the following methods, which need to be overridden:
* <ul class="verbose">
* <li>{@link #getArea()}, which must return a bounding box for the content to paint.
* This area can be expressed in arbitrary units. For example, an object wanting to display
* a geographic map with a content ranging from 10° to 15°E and 40° to 45°N should override
* this method as follows:
* {@snippet lang="java" :
* public Rectangle2D getArea() {
* return new Rectangle2D.Double(10, 40, 15-10, 45-40);
* }
* }</li>
* <li>{@link #paintComponent(Graphics2D)}, which must paint the widget content. Implementations
* must invoke <code>graphics.transform({@linkplain #zoom})</code> somewhere in their code in order
* to perform the zoom. Note that, by default, the {@linkplain #zoom} is initialized in such a way
* that the <var>y</var> axis points upwards, like the convention in geometry. This is opposed to
* the default Java2D axis orientation, where the <var>y</var> axis points downwards. The Java2D
* convention is appropriate for text rendering - consequently implementations wanting to paint
* text should use the default transform (the one provided by {@link Graphics2D}) for that purpose.
* Example:
* {@snippet lang="java" :
* protected void paintComponent(final Graphics2D graphics) {
* graphics.clip(getZoomableBounds(null));
* final AffineTransform textTr = graphics.getTransform();
* graphics.transform(zoom);
* // Paint the widget here, using logical coordinates.
* // The coordinate system is the same as getArea()'s one.
* graphics.setTransform(textTr);
* // Paint any text here, in pixel coordinates.
* }
* }</li>
* <li>{@link #reset()}, which sets up the initial {@linkplain #zoom}.
* Overriding this method is optional since the default implementation is appropriate in many cases.
* This default implementation setups the initial zoom in such a way that the following relation
* approximately hold: <cite>Logical coordinates provided by {@link #getPreferredArea()},
* after an affine transform described by {@link #zoom}, match pixel coordinates provided
* by {@link #getZoomableBounds(Rectangle)}.</cite></li>
* </ul>
* The "preferred area" is initially the same as {@link #getArea()}.
* The user can specify a different preferred area with {@link #setPreferredArea(Rectangle2D)}.
* The user can also reduce zoomable bounds by inserting an empty border around the widget, e.g.:
* {@snippet lang="java" :
* setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(top, left, bottom, right));
* }
* <h2>Zoom actions</h2>
* Whatever action is performed by the user, all zoom commands are translated as calls to
* {@link #transform(AffineTransform)}. Derived classes can redefine this method if they want
* to take particular actions during zooms, for example, modifying the minimum and maximum of
* a graph's axes. The table below shows the keyboard presses assigned to each zoom:
* <table class="sis">
* <caption>Key events</caption>
* <tr><th>Key</th> <th>Purpose</th> <th>{@link Action} name</th></tr>
* <tr><td>↑ (up)</td> <td>Scroll up</td> <td>{@code "Up"}</td></tr>
* <tr><td>↓ (down)</td> <td>Scroll down</td> <td>{@code "Down"}</td></tr>
* <tr><td>← (left)</td> <td>Scroll left</td> <td>{@code "Left"}</td></tr>
* <tr><td>→ (right)</td> <td>Scroll right</td> <td>{@code "Right"}</td></tr>
* <tr><td>⎘ (page down)</td> <td>Zoom in</td> <td>{@code "ZoomIn"}</td></tr>
* <tr><td>⎗ (page up)</td> <td>Zoom out</td> <td>{@code "ZoomOut"}</td></tr>
* <tr><td>end</td> <td>Maximal zoom</td> <td>{@code "Zoom"}</td></tr>
* <tr><td>home</td> <td>Default zoom</td> <td>{@code "Reset"}</td></tr>
* <tr><td>Ctrl + left</td> <td>Anti-clockwise rotation</td> <td>{@code "RotateLeft"}</td></tr>
* <tr><td>Ctrl + right</td> <td>Clockwise rotation</td> <td>{@code "RotateRight"}</td></tr>
* </table>
* In above table, the last column gives the {@link String}s that identify the different actions
* which manage the zooms. For example, to get action for zoom in, we can write
* <code>{@linkplain #getActionMap() getActionMap()}.get("ZoomIn")</code>.
* <h2>Scroll pane</h2>
* <strong>{@link javax.swing.JScrollPane} objects are not suitable for adding scrollbars
* to a {@code ZoomPane} object.</strong> Instead, use {@link #createScrollPane()}.
* Like other actions, all movements performed by user through the scrollbars
* will be translated in calls to {@link #transform(AffineTransform)}.
* <img src="doc-files/ZoomPane.png" alt="ZoomPane screenshot">
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (MPO, IRD, Geomatys)
* @version 1.1
* @since 1.1
public abstract class ZoomPane extends JComponent implements DeformableViewer {
* Whether to print debug messages.
* @see #debug(String, Rectangle2D)
private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
* Minimum width and height of this component.
private static final int MINIMUM_SIZE = 40;
* Default width and height of this component.
private static final int DEFAULT_SIZE = 400;
* Default width and height of the magnifying glass.
private static final int DEFAULT_MAGNIFIER_SIZE = 250;
* Default color with which to tint magnifying glass.
private static final Paint DEFAULT_MAGNIFIER_GLASS = new Color(209, 225, 243);
* Default color of the magnifying glass border.
private static final Paint DEFAULT_MAGNIFIER_BORDER = new Color(110, 129, 177);
* Small number for floating point comparisons.
private static final double EPS = 1E-6;
* Constant indicating scale changes on the <var>x</var> axis.
public static final int SCALE_X = 1;
* Constant indicating scale changes on the <var>y</var> axis.
public static final int SCALE_Y = (1 << 1);
* Constant indicating scale changes by the same value on both the <var>x</var> and <var>y</var> axes.
* This flag combines {@link #SCALE_X} and {@link #SCALE_Y}.
* <b>Note:</b> the converse (<code>{@linkplain #SCALE_X}|{@linkplain #SCALE_Y}</code>)
* does not necessarily imply {@code UNIFORM_SCALE}.
public static final int UNIFORM_SCALE = SCALE_X | SCALE_Y | (1 << 2);
* Constant indicating translations on the <var>x</var> axis.
public static final int TRANSLATE_X = (1 << 3);
* Constant indicating translations on the <var>y</var> axis.
public static final int TRANSLATE_Y = (1 << 4);
* Constant indicating rotations.
public static final int ROTATE = (1 << 5);
* Constant indicating the resetting of scale, rotation and translation to default values.
* Those default values ensure that the content is fully contained in the window.
* This action is implemented by a call to {@link #reset()}.
public static final int RESET = (1 << 6);
* Constant indicating default zoom close to the maximum permitted zoom.
* This zoom should allow details of the graphic to be seen without being overly big.
public static final int DEFAULT_ZOOM = (1 << 7);
* Combination of all permitted flags.
* Number of pixels by which to move the {@code ZoomPane} content during translations.
private static final double AMOUNT_TRANSLATE = 10;
* Zoom factor (must be greater than 1).
private static final double AMOUNT_SCALE = 1.03125;
* Rotation angle in radians.
private static final double AMOUNT_ROTATE = Math.PI / 90;
* Multiplication factor to apply on {@link #ACTION_AMOUNT} numbers when the "Shift" key is kept pressed.
private static final double ENHANCEMENT_FACTOR = 7.5;
* Enumeration value indicating that a paint is in progress.
* @see #renderingType
private static final int IS_PAINTING = 0;
* Enumeration value indicating that a paint of the magnifying glass is in progress.
* @see #renderingType
private static final int IS_PAINTING_MAGNIFIER = 1;
* Enumeration value indicating that a print is in progress.
* @see #renderingType
private static final int IS_PRINTING = 2;
* List of keys identifying zoom actions.
private static final String[] ACTION_ID = {
/*[0] Left */ "Left",
/*[1] Right */ "Right",
/*[2] Up */ "Up",
/*[3] Down */ "Down",
/*[4] ZoomIn */ "ZoomIn",
/*[5] ZoomOut */ "ZoomOut",
/*[6] ZoomMax */ "ZoomMax",
/*[7] Reset */ "Reset",
/*[8] RotateLeft */ "RotateLeft",
/*[9] RotateRight */ "RotateRight"
* List of resource keys for building menus in user's language.
* Must be in same order than {@link #ACTION_ID}.
private static final short[] RESOURCE_ID = {
/*[0] Left */ Resources.Keys.Left,
/*[1] Right */ Resources.Keys.Right,
/*[2] Up */ Resources.Keys.Up,
/*[3] Down */ Resources.Keys.Down,
/*[4] ZoomIn */ Resources.Keys.ZoomIn,
/*[5] ZoomOut */ Resources.Keys.ZoomOut,
/*[6] ZoomMax */ Resources.Keys.ZoomMax,
/*[7] Reset */ Resources.Keys.Reset,
/*[8] RotateLeft */ Resources.Keys.RotateLeft,
/*[9] RotateRight */ Resources.Keys.RotateRight
* List of default keystrokes performing zooms. Elements in this table go in pairs:
* elements at even indices are keystroke whilst elements at odd indices are modifier
* (CTRL or SHIFT). To obtain the {@link KeyStroke} object for action <var>i</var>,
* we can use the following code:
* {@snippet lang="java" :
* final int key = DEFAULT_KEYBOARD[(i << 1)+0];
* final int mdf = DEFAULT_KEYBOARD[(i << 1)+1];
* KeyStroke stroke = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(key, mdf);
* }
private static final int[] ACTION_KEY = {
/*[0] Left */ KeyEvent.VK_LEFT, 0,
/*[1] Right */ KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT, 0,
/*[2] Up */ KeyEvent.VK_UP, 0,
/*[3] Down */ KeyEvent.VK_DOWN, 0,
/*[4] ZoomIn */ KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_UP, 0,
/*[5] ZoomOut */ KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_DOWN, 0,
/*[6] ZoomMax */ KeyEvent.VK_END, 0,
/*[7] Reset */ KeyEvent.VK_HOME, 0,
/*[8] RotateLeft */ KeyEvent.VK_LEFT, KeyEvent.CTRL_DOWN_MASK,
/*[9] RotateRight */ KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT, KeyEvent.CTRL_DOWN_MASK
* Constants indicating the type of action to apply: translation, zoom or rotation.
private static final short[] ACTION_TYPE = {
/*[0] Left */ (short) TRANSLATE_X,
/*[1] Right */ (short) TRANSLATE_X,
/*[2] Up */ (short) TRANSLATE_Y,
/*[3] Down */ (short) TRANSLATE_Y,
/*[4] ZoomIn */ (short) SCALE_X | SCALE_Y,
/*[5] ZoomOut */ (short) SCALE_X | SCALE_Y,
/*[6] ZoomMax */ (short) DEFAULT_ZOOM,
/*[7] Reset */ (short) RESET,
/*[8] RotateLeft */ (short) ROTATE,
/*[9] RotateRight */ (short) ROTATE
* Amounts by which to translate, zoom or rotate the window content.
private static final double[] ACTION_AMOUNT = {
/*[0] Left */ +AMOUNT_TRANSLATE,
/*[1] Right */ -AMOUNT_TRANSLATE,
/*[3] Down */ -AMOUNT_TRANSLATE,
/*[4] ZoomIn */ AMOUNT_SCALE,
/*[5] ZoomOut */ 1/AMOUNT_SCALE,
/*[6] ZoomMax */ Double.NaN,
/*[7] Reset */ Double.NaN,
/*[8] RotateLeft */ -AMOUNT_ROTATE,
/*[9] RotateRight */ +AMOUNT_ROTATE
* List of operation types forming a group in the contextual menu.
* Group will be separated by a menu separator.
private static final int[] GROUP = {
* {@code ComponentUI} object in charge of obtaining the preferred
* size of a {@code ZoomPane} object as well as drawing it.
private static final ComponentUI UI = new ComponentUI() {
* Returns a default minimum size.
public Dimension getMinimumSize(final JComponent c) {
return new Dimension(MINIMUM_SIZE, MINIMUM_SIZE);
* Returns the maximum size. We use the preferred size as a default maximum size.
public Dimension getMaximumSize(final JComponent c) {
return getPreferredSize(c);
* Returns the default preferred size. User can override this preferred size
* by invoking {@link JComponent#setPreferredSize(Dimension)}.
public Dimension getPreferredSize(final JComponent c) {
return ((ZoomPane) c).getDefaultSize();
* Overrides in order to handle painting of magnifying glass, which is a special case.
* Since the magnifying glass is painted just after the normal component, we do not want
* to clear the background before painting it.
public void update(final Graphics g, final JComponent c) {
switch (((ZoomPane) c).renderingType) {
case IS_PAINTING_MAGNIFIER: paint(g, c); break; // Avoid background clearing
default: super.update(g, c); break;
* Paints the component. This method basically delegates the
* work to {@link ZoomPane#paintComponent(Graphics2D)}.
public void paint(final Graphics g, final JComponent c) {
final ZoomPane pane = (ZoomPane) c;
final Graphics2D gr = (Graphics2D) g;
switch (pane.renderingType) {
case IS_PAINTING: pane.paintComponent(gr); break;
case IS_PAINTING_MAGNIFIER: pane.paintMagnifier(gr); break;
case IS_PRINTING: pane.printComponent(gr); break;
default: throw new IllegalStateException(Integer.toString(pane.renderingType));
* Object in charge of drawing a box representing the user's selection.
private final MouseListener mouseSelectionTracker = new MouseSelectionTracker() {
* Returns the selection shape. This is usually a rectangle, but could also be an ellipse or other kind
* of geometric shape. This method gets the shape from {@link ZoomPane#getMouseSelectionShape(Point2D)}.
protected Shape getModel(final MouseEvent event) {
final Point2D point = new Point2D.Double(event.getX(), event.getY());
if (getZoomableBounds().contains(point)) try {
return getMouseSelectionShape(zoom.inverseTransform(point, point));
} catch (NoninvertibleTransformException exception) {
unexpectedException("getModel", exception);
return null;
* Invoked when the user finished his/her selection. This method delegates the action to
* {@link ZoomPane#mouseSelectionPerformed(Shape)}, which default implementation performs a zoom.
protected void selectionPerformed(int ox, int oy, int px, int py) {
try {
final Shape selection = getSelectedArea(zoom);
if (selection != null) {
} catch (NoninvertibleTransformException exception) {
unexpectedException("selectionPerformed", exception);
* Group of listeners for various events of interest for {@link ZoomPane}.
* Its includes mouse clicks in order to eventually claim focus or show contextual menu.
* Also listen for changes of component size (to adjust the zoom), <i>etc.</i>
private final class Listeners extends MouseAdapter implements MouseWheelListener, ComponentListener, Serializable {
@Override public void mouseWheelMoved (final MouseWheelEvent event) {ZoomPane.this.mouseWheelMoved (event);}
@Override public void mousePressed (final MouseEvent event) {ZoomPane.this.mayShowPopupMenu(event);}
@Override public void mouseReleased (final MouseEvent event) {ZoomPane.this.mayShowPopupMenu(event);}
@Override public void componentResized(final ComponentEvent event) {ZoomPane.this.processSizeEvent(event);}
@Override public void componentMoved (final ComponentEvent event) {}
@Override public void componentShown (final ComponentEvent event) {}
@Override public void componentHidden (final ComponentEvent event) {}
* Affine transform containing zoom factors, translations and rotations.
* During component painting, this affine transform should be applied with a call to
* <code>{@linkplain Graphics2D#transform(AffineTransform) Graphics2D.transform}(zoom)</code>.
protected final AffineTransform zoom = new AffineTransform();
* Indicates whether the zoom is the result of a {@link #reset()} operation.
* This is used in order to determine which behavior to replicate when the widget is resized.
private boolean zoomIsReset = true;
* {@code true} if calls to {@link #repaint()} should be temporarily disabled.
private boolean disableRepaint;
* Types of zoom permitted. Values can be combinations of {@link #SCALE_X}, {@link #SCALE_Y},
* {@link #TRANSLATE_X}, {@link #TRANSLATE_Y}, {@link #ROTATE}, {@link #RESET} or {@link #DEFAULT_ZOOM}.
private final int allowedActions;
* Controls how to calculate the initial affine transform. The {@code true} value specifies that
* content should fill the entire panel, even if it implies losing some content close to the edges.
* The {@code false} value specifies to display the entire content, even if it means leaving blank
* spaces in the panel.
private boolean fillPanel;
* Logical coordinates of visible region. This information is used for keeping the same region when
* the component size or position changes. This rectangle is initially empty and get values only when
* {@link #reset()} is invoked while {@link #getPreferredArea()} and {@link #getZoomableBounds()} can
* both return valid coordinates.
* @see #getVisibleArea()
* @see #setVisibleArea(Rectangle2D)
private final Rectangle2D visibleArea = new Rectangle2D.Double();
* Logical coordinates of the initial region to display, the first time that the window is shown.
* A {@code null} value indicates a call to {@link #getArea()}.
* @see #getPreferredArea()
* @see #setPreferredArea(Rectangle2D)
private Rectangle2D preferredArea;
* Menu to show on mouse right click. This menu will contain navigation options.
* @see #getPopupMenu(MouseEvent)
private transient PointPopupMenu navigationPopupMenu;
* Enumeration value indicating which kind of painting is in progress. Permitted values are
* {@link #IS_PAINTING}, {@link #IS_PAINTING_MAGNIFIER} and {@link #IS_PRINTING}.
private transient int renderingType;
* Indicates if this {@code ZoomPane} should be repainted when the user adjusts the scrollbars.
* The default value is {@code true}.
* @see #isPaintingWhileAdjusting()
* @see #setPaintingWhileAdjusting(boolean)
private boolean paintingWhileAdjusting = true;
* Object in which to write coordinates computed by {@link #getZoomableBounds()}.
* Used for reducing the amount of object allocations.
private transient Rectangle cachedBounds;
* Object in which to write values computed by {@link #getInsets()}.
* Used for reducing the amount of object allocations.
private transient Insets cachedInsets;
* Indicates whether the user is authorized to show the magnifying glass.
* The default value is {@code true}.
private boolean magnifierEnabled = true;
* Magnification factor inside the magnifying glass. This factor must be greater than 1.
private double magnifierPower = 4;
* Boundaries of the region to magnify. Coordinates of this shape are in pixels.
* The {@code null} value means that no magnifying glass is drawn.
private transient MouseReshapeTracker magnifier;
* Color with which to tint magnifying glass interior.
private Paint magnifierGlass = DEFAULT_MAGNIFIER_GLASS;
* Color of the magnifying glass border.
private Paint magnifierBorder = DEFAULT_MAGNIFIER_BORDER;
* Creates a new zoom pane allowing all actions.
public ZoomPane() {
* Constructs a {@code ZoomPane}.
* @param allowedActions
* allowed zoom actions. It can be a bitwise combination of the following constants:
* {@link #SCALE_X}, {@link #SCALE_Y}, {@link #UNIFORM_SCALE}, {@link #TRANSLATE_X},
* {@link #TRANSLATE_Y}, {@link #ROTATE}, {@link #RESET} and {@link #DEFAULT_ZOOM}.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code type} is invalid.
public ZoomPane(final int allowedActions) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if ((allowedActions & ~MASK) != 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
this.allowedActions = allowedActions;
final Resources resources = Resources.forLocale(null);
final InputMap inputMap = super.getInputMap();
final ActionMap actionMap = super.getActionMap();
for (int i = 0; i < ACTION_ID.length; i++) {
final short actionType = ACTION_TYPE[i];
if ((actionType & allowedActions) != 0) {
final String actionID = ACTION_ID[i];
final double amount = ACTION_AMOUNT[i];
final int keyboard = ACTION_KEY[(i << 1) + 0];
final int modifier = ACTION_KEY[(i << 1) + 1];
final KeyStroke stroke = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(keyboard, modifier);
final Action action = new AbstractAction() {
* Action to perform when a key has been pressed or the mouse clicked.
public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent event) {
Point point = null;
final Object source = event.getSource();
final boolean button = (source instanceof AbstractButton);
if (button) {
for (Container c = (Container) source; c != null; c = c.getParent()) {
if (c instanceof PointPopupMenu) {
point = ((PointPopupMenu) c).point;
double m = amount;
if (button || (event.getModifiers() & ActionEvent.SHIFT_MASK) != 0) {
if ((actionType & UNIFORM_SCALE) != 0) {
m = (m >= 1) ? 2.0 : 0.5;
else {
transform(actionType & allowedActions, m, point);
action.putValue(Action.NAME, resources.getString(RESOURCE_ID[i]));
action.putValue(Action.ACTION_COMMAND_KEY, actionID);
action.putValue(Action.ACCELERATOR_KEY, stroke);
actionMap.put(actionID, action);
inputMap .put(stroke, actionID);
inputMap .put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(keyboard, modifier | KeyEvent.SHIFT_DOWN_MASK), actionID);
* Adds a listeners for mouse clicks and resizing events.
final Listeners listeners = new Listeners();
if ((allowedActions & (SCALE_X | SCALE_Y)) != 0) {
* Reinitializes the {@link #zoom} affine transform in order to cancel any zoom, rotation or translation.
* Default implementation makes the <var>y</var> axis orientation upwards and makes the entire content to be
* visible in the {@link #getPreferredArea()} logical coordinates.
* <h4>Implementation note</h4>
* {@code reset()} is <u>the only</u> {@code ZoomPane} method which does not delegate
* to {@link #transform(AffineTransform)} method for modifying the zoom.
* This exception is necessary for avoiding an infinite loop.
public void reset() {
reset(getZoomableBounds(), true);
* Reinitializes the {@link #zoom} affine transform in order to cancel any zoom, rotation or translation.
* The {@code yAxisUpward} argument indicates whether the <var>y</var> axis should point upwards.
* A {@code false} value lets it point downwards. This is a convenience method for subclasses which want
* to override {@link #reset()}.
* @param zoomableBounds pixel coordinates of the region where to draw. Typical value is
* <code>{@linkplain #getZoomableBounds(Rectangle) getZoomableBounds}(null)</code>.
* @param yAxisUpward {@code true} if the <var>y</var> axis should point upwards rather than downwards.
protected void reset(final Rectangle zoomableBounds, final boolean yAxisUpward) {
if (!zoomableBounds.isEmpty()) {
final Rectangle2D area = getPreferredArea();
if (isValid(area)) {
final AffineTransform change;
try {
change = zoom.createInverse();
} catch (NoninvertibleTransformException exception) {
unexpectedException("reset", exception);
if (yAxisUpward) {
zoom.setToScale(+1, -1);
} else {
final AffineTransform transform = setVisibleArea(area, zoomableBounds,
zoom .concatenate(transform);
getVisibleArea(zoomableBounds); // Force update of `visibleArea`
* The three private versions `fireZoomPane0`, `getVisibleArea` and `setVisibleArea`
* avoid invoking other `ZoomPane` methods in order to avoid an infinite loop.
if (!change.isIdentity()) {
if (!disableRepaint) {
zoomIsReset = true;
debug("reset", visibleArea);
* Indicates whether the zoom is the result of a {@link #reset()} operation.
final boolean zoomIsReset() {
return zoomIsReset;
* Sets the policy for the zoom when the content is initially drawn or when the user resets the zoom.
* Value {@code true} means that the panel should initially be completely filled, even if the content
* partially falls outside the panel's bounds. Value {@code false} means that the full content should
* appear in the panel, even if some space is not used. Default value is {@code false}.
* @param fill {@code true} if the panel should be initially completely filled.
protected void setResetPolicy(final boolean fill) {
fillPanel = fill;
* Returns a bounding box that contains the logical coordinates of all data that may be displayed
* in this {@code ZoomPane}. For example if this {@code ZoomPane} is to display a geographic map,
* then this method should return the map's bounds in degrees of latitude and longitude (if the
* underlying CRS is {@linkplain geographic}), in metres
* (if the underlying CRS is {@linkplain projected}) or
* some other geodetic units. This bounding box is completely independent of any current zoom
* setting and will change only if the content changes.
* @return a bounding box for the logical coordinates of all contents that are going to be
* drawn in this {@code ZoomPane}. If this bounding box is unknown, then this method
* can return {@code null} (but this is not recommended).
public abstract Rectangle2D getArea();
* Indicates whether the logical coordinates of a region have been defined. This method returns
* {@code true} if {@link #setPreferredArea(Rectangle2D)} has been invoked with a non null argument.
* @return {@code true} if a preferred area has been set.
public final boolean hasPreferredArea() {
return preferredArea != null;
* Returns the logical coordinates of the region to display the first time that {@code ZoomPane} is shown.
* This region will also be displayed each time the method {@link #reset()} is invoked.
* The default implementation goes as follows:
* <ul>
* <li>If a region has already been defined by a call to {@link #setPreferredArea(Rectangle2D)},
* this region will be returned.</li>
* <li>If not, the whole region {@link #getArea()} will be returned.</li>
* </ul>
* @return the logical coordinates of the region to be initially displayed,
* or {@code null} if these coordinates are unknown.
public final Rectangle2D getPreferredArea() {
return (preferredArea != null) ? (Rectangle2D) preferredArea.clone() : getArea();
* Specifies the logical coordinates of the region to display the first time that {@code ZoomPane} is shown.
* This region will also be displayed when {@link #reset()} method is invoked.
* @param area the logical coordinates of the region to be initially displayed, or {@code null}.
public final void setPreferredArea(final Rectangle2D area) {
if (area == null) {
preferredArea = null;
} else if (isValid(area)) {
final Object oldArea;
if (preferredArea == null) {
oldArea = null;
preferredArea = new Rectangle2D.Double();
else oldArea = preferredArea.clone();
firePropertyChange("preferredArea", oldArea, area);
debug("setPreferredArea", area);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.EmptyArgument_1, "area"));
* Returns the logical coordinates of the region currently shown. In the case of a map,
* the logical coordinates can be expressed in degrees of latitude/longitude or in metres
* if a cartographic projection has been applied.
* @return the region currently shown, in logical coordinates.
public final Rectangle2D getVisibleArea() {
return getVisibleArea(getZoomableBounds());
* Implementation of {@link #getVisibleArea()}.
private Rectangle2D getVisibleArea(final Rectangle zoomableBounds) {
if (zoomableBounds.isEmpty()) {
return (Rectangle2D) visibleArea.clone();
Rectangle2D visible;
try {
visible = AffineTransforms2D.inverseTransform(zoom, zoomableBounds, null);
} catch (NoninvertibleTransformException exception) {
unexpectedException("getVisibleArea", exception);
visible = new Rectangle2D.Double(zoomableBounds.getCenterX(),
zoomableBounds.getCenterY(), 0, 0);
return visible;
* Zooms to a given region specified in logical coordinates.
* This method modifies the zoom and the translation in order to display the specified region.
* If {@link #zoom} contains a rotation, this rotation will not be modified.
* @param logicalBounds logical coordinates of the region to be shown.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code source} is empty.
public void setVisibleArea(final Rectangle2D logicalBounds) throws IllegalArgumentException {
debug("setVisibleArea", logicalBounds);
transform(setVisibleArea(logicalBounds, getZoomableBounds(), 0));
* Implementation of {@link #setVisibleArea(Rectangle2D)}.
* @param source logical coordinates of the region to be shown.
* @param dest pixel coordinates of the window region where to draw (usually {@link #getZoomableBounds()}).
* @param mask a mask to combine with the {@link #allowedActions} for determining which transformations are
* allowed. The {@link #allowedActions} is not modified.
* @return change to apply to the {@link #zoom} affine transform.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code source} is empty.
private AffineTransform setVisibleArea(Rectangle2D source, Rectangle2D dest, int mask) throws IllegalArgumentException {
* Reject invalid source rectangle, but be more flexible for destination
* rectangle because the window could have been resized by the user.
if (!isValid(source)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.EmptyArgument_1, "source"));
if (!isValid(dest)) {
return new AffineTransform();
* Converts the destination into logical coordinates, then apply
* a zoom and a translation mapping `source` into `dest`.
try {
dest = AffineTransforms2D.inverseTransform(zoom, dest, null);
} catch (NoninvertibleTransformException exception) {
unexpectedException("setVisibleArea", exception);
return new AffineTransform();
final double sourceWidth = source.getWidth ();
final double sourceHeight = source.getHeight();
final double destWidth = dest.getWidth ();
final double destHeight = dest.getHeight();
double sx = destWidth / sourceWidth;
double sy = destHeight / sourceHeight;
* Uniformize the horizontal and vertical scales,
* if such a uniformization has been requested.
mask |= allowedActions;
if (fillPanel) {
if (sy * sourceWidth > destWidth ) {
sx = sy;
} else if (sx * sourceHeight > destHeight) {
sy = sx;
} else {
if (sy * sourceWidth < destWidth ) {
sx = sy;
} else if (sx * sourceHeight < destHeight) {
sy = sx;
final AffineTransform change = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(
(mask & TRANSLATE_X) != 0 ? dest.getCenterX() : 0,
(mask & TRANSLATE_Y) != 0 ? dest.getCenterY() : 0);
change.scale ((mask & SCALE_X ) != 0 ? sx : 1,
(mask & SCALE_Y ) != 0 ? sy : 1);
change.translate((mask & TRANSLATE_X) != 0 ? -source.getCenterX() : 0,
(mask & TRANSLATE_Y) != 0 ? -source.getCenterY() : 0);
return change;
* Returns the bounding box (in pixel coordinates) of the zoomable area.
* <strong>For performance reasons, this method reuses an internal cache.
* Never modify the returned rectangle!</strong>. This internal method is
* invoked by every method looking for the {@code ZoomPane} dimension.
* @return the bounding box of the zoomable area, in pixel coordinates relative to this {@code ZoomPane} widget.
* <strong>Do not change the returned rectangle!</strong>
private Rectangle getZoomableBounds() {
return cachedBounds = getZoomableBounds(cachedBounds);
* Returns the bounding box (in pixel coordinates) of the zoomable area. This method is similar
* to {@link #getBounds(Rectangle)}, except that the zoomable area may be smaller than the whole
* widget area. For example, a chart needs to keep some space for axes around the zoomable area.
* Another difference is that pixel coordinates are relative to the widget, i.e. the (0,0)
* coordinate lies on the {@code ZoomPane} upper left corner, no matter the location on screen.
* <p>{@code ZoomPane} invokes {@code getZoomableBounds(…)} when it needs to set up an initial {@link #zoom} value.
* Subclasses should also set the clip area to this bounding box in their {@link #paintComponent(Graphics2D)}
* method <em>before</em> setting the graphics transform. For example:</p>
* {@snippet lang="java" :
* graphics.clip(getZoomableBounds(null));
* graphics.transform(zoom);
* }
* @param bounds an optional pre-allocated rectangle, or {@code null} to create a new one.
* @return the bounding box of the zoomable area, in pixel coordinates relative to this {@code ZoomPane} widget.
protected Rectangle getZoomableBounds(Rectangle bounds) {
Insets insets;
bounds = getBounds(bounds); insets = cachedInsets;
insets = getInsets(insets); cachedInsets = insets;
if (bounds.isEmpty()) {
final Dimension size = getPreferredSize();
bounds.width = size.width;
bounds.height = size.height;
bounds.x = insets.left;
bounds.y =;
bounds.width -= (insets.left + insets.right);
bounds.height -= ( + insets.bottom);
return bounds;
* Returns the default size for this component. This is the size returned by {@link #getPreferredSize()}
* if no preferred size has been explicitly set with {@link #setPreferredSize(Dimension)}.
* @return the default size for this component.
protected Dimension getDefaultSize() {
return getViewSize();
* Returns the preferred pixel size for a close zoom. For image rendering, the preferred pixel size
* is the image's pixel size in logical units. For other kinds of rendering, this "pixel" size should
* be some reasonable resolution. The default implementation computes a default value from {@link #getArea()}.
* @return the preferred pixel size for a close zoom, in logical units.
protected Dimension2D getPreferredPixelSize() {
final Rectangle2D area = getArea();
if (isValid(area)) {
final double sx = area.getWidth () / (10 * getWidth ());
final double sy = area.getHeight() / (10 * getHeight());
return new DoubleDimension2D(sx, sy);
} else {
return new Dimension(1, 1);
* Returns the current {@link #zoom} scale factor. For example, a value of 1/100 means that 100 metres are
* displayed as 1 pixel (assuming that the logical coordinates of {@link #getArea()} are expressed in metres).
* <p>This method combines scale along both axes, which is correct if this {@code ZoomPane} has
* been constructed with the {@link #UNIFORM_SCALE} type.</p>
* @return the current scale factor calculated from the {@link #zoom} affine transform.
public double getScaleFactor() {
return AffineTransforms2D.getScale(zoom);
* Returns a clone of the current {@link #zoom} transform.
* @return a clone of the current transform.
public AffineTransform getTransform() {
return new AffineTransform(zoom);
* Sets the {@link #zoom} transform to the given value. The default implementation computes an affine transform
* which is the change needed for going from the current {@linkplain #zoom} to the given transform, then calls
* {@link #transform(AffineTransform)} with that change. This is done that way for giving listeners a chance to
* track the changes.
* @param tr the new transform.
public void setTransform(final AffineTransform tr) {
final AffineTransform change;
try {
change = zoom.createInverse();
} catch (NoninvertibleTransformException exception) {
* Invoke the static method because we will not be able to invoke fireZoomChanged(…).
* This is because we cannot compute the change.
unexpectedException("setTransform", (Exception) exception);
* Changes the {@linkplain #zoom} by applying an affine transform. The {@code change} transform
* must express a change in logical units, for example, a translation in metres.
* This method is conceptually similar to the following code:
* {@snippet lang="java" :
* zoom.concatenate(change);
* fireZoomChanged(change);
* repaint(getZoomableBounds(null));
* }
* If {@code change} is the identity transform, then this method does nothing and listeners are not notified.
* @param change the zoom change as an affine transform in logical coordinates.
public void transform(final AffineTransform change) {
if (!change.isIdentity()) {
if (!disableRepaint) {
zoomIsReset = false;
* Changes the {@linkplain #zoom} by applying an affine transform. The {@code change} transform
* must express a change in pixel units, for example a scrolling of 6 pixels toward right.
* This method is conceptually similar to the following code:
* {@snippet lang="java" :
* zoom.preConcatenate(change);
* // Converts the change from pixel to logical units
* AffineTransform logical = zoom.createInverse();
* logical.concatenate(change);
* logical.concatenate(zoom);
* fireZoomChanged(logical);
* repaint(getZoomableBounds(null));
* }
* If {@code change} is the identity transform, then this method does nothing and listeners are not notified.
* @param change the zoom change, as an affine transform in pixel coordinates.
public void transformPixels(final AffineTransform change) {
if (!change.isIdentity()) {
final AffineTransform logical;
try {
logical = zoom.createInverse();
} catch (NoninvertibleTransformException exception) {
throw new IllegalStateException(exception);
* Applies a zoom, translation or rotation on the {@code ZoomPane} content.
* The type of operation depends on the {@code operation} argument:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link #TRANSLATE_X} applies a translation along the <var>x</var> axis.
* The {@code amount} argument specifies the translation in number of pixels.
* A negative value moves to the left whilst a positive value moves to the right.</li>
* <li>{@link #TRANSLATE_Y} applies a translation along the <var>y</var> axis.
* The {@code amount} argument specifies the translation in number of pixels.
* A negative value moves upwards whilst a positive value moves downwards.</li>
* <li>{@link #UNIFORM_SCALE} applies a zoom. The {@code amount} argument specifies the
* type of zoom to perform. A value greater than 1 will perform a zoom in whilst a value
* between 0 and 1 will perform a zoom out.</li>
* <li>{@link #ROTATE} carries out a rotation.
* The {@code amount} argument specifies the rotation angle in radians.</li>
* <li>{@link #RESET} restore the zoom to a default scale, rotation and translation.
* This operation displays all, or almost all, the contents of {@code ZoomPane}.</li>
* <li>{@link #DEFAULT_ZOOM} applies a default zoom, close to the maximum zoom, which shows
* the details of the contents of {@code ZoomPane} but without enlarging them too much.</li>
* </ul>
* @param operation type of operation to perform.
* @param amount ({@link #TRANSLATE_X} and {@link #TRANSLATE_Y}) translation in pixels,
* ({@link #SCALE_X} and {@link #SCALE_Y}) scale factor or
* ({@link #ROTATE}) rotation angle in radians.
* In other cases, this argument is ignored and can be {@link Double#NaN}.
* @param center zoom center ({@link #SCALE_X} and {@link #SCALE_Y}) or
* rotation center ({@link #ROTATE}), in pixel coordinates.
* The {@code null} value indicates a default value, more often the window center.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the {@code operation} argument is not recognized.
private void transform(final int operation, final double amount, final Point2D center)
throws UnsupportedOperationException
if ((operation & (RESET)) != 0) {
//// RESET ////
if ((operation & ~(RESET)) != 0) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
final AffineTransform change;
try {
change = zoom.createInverse();
} catch (NoninvertibleTransformException exception) {
unexpectedException("transform", exception);
if ((operation & (TRANSLATE_X | TRANSLATE_Y)) != 0) {
//// TRANSLATE ////
if ((operation & ~(TRANSLATE_X | TRANSLATE_Y)) != 0) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
change.translate(((operation & TRANSLATE_X) != 0) ? amount : 0,
((operation & TRANSLATE_Y) != 0) ? amount : 0);
} else {
* Gets the coordinates (in pixels) of the rotation or zoom center.
final double centerX;
final double centerY;
if (center != null) {
centerX = center.getX();
centerY = center.getY();
} else {
final Rectangle bounds = getZoomableBounds();
if (bounds.width >= 0 && bounds.height >= 0) {
centerX = bounds.getCenterX();
centerY = bounds.getCenterY();
} else {
* Zero lengths and widths are accepted. however if the rectangle is not valid
* (negative length or width) then the method will end without doing anything.
* No zoom will be performed.
if ((operation & (ROTATE)) != 0) {
//// ROTATE ////
if ((operation & ~(ROTATE)) != 0) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
change.rotate(amount, centerX, centerY);
} else if ((operation & (SCALE_X | SCALE_Y)) != 0) {
//// SCALE ////
if ((operation & ~(UNIFORM_SCALE)) != 0) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
change.translate(+centerX, +centerY);
change.scale(((operation & SCALE_X) != 0) ? amount : 1,
((operation & SCALE_Y) != 0) ? amount : 1);
change.translate(-centerX, -centerY);
} else if ((operation & (DEFAULT_ZOOM)) != 0) {
//// DEFAULT_ZOOM ////
if ((operation & ~(DEFAULT_ZOOM)) != 0) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
final Dimension2D size = getPreferredPixelSize();
double sx = 1 / (size.getWidth() * AffineTransforms2D.getScaleX0(zoom));
double sy = 1 / (size.getHeight() * AffineTransforms2D.getScaleY0(zoom));
if ((allowedActions & UNIFORM_SCALE) == UNIFORM_SCALE) {
if (sx > sy) sx = sy;
if (sy > sx) sy = sx;
if ((allowedActions & SCALE_X) == 0) sx = 1;
if ((allowedActions & SCALE_Y) == 0) sy = 1;
change.translate(+centerX, +centerY);
change.scale ( sx, sy );
change.translate(-centerX, -centerY);
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Adds an object to the list of objects interested in being notified about zoom changes.
* @param listener the change listener to add.
public void addZoomChangeListener(final ZoomChangeListener listener) {
listenerList.add(ZoomChangeListener.class, listener);
* Removes an object from the list of objects interested in being notified about zoom changes.
* @param listener the change listener to remove.
public void removeZoomChangeListener(final ZoomChangeListener listener) {
listenerList.remove(ZoomChangeListener.class, listener);
* Adds an object to the list of objects interested in being notified about mouse events.
* @param listener the mouse listener to add.
public void addMouseListener(final MouseListener listener) {
super.addMouseListener (listener);
super.addMouseListener (mouseSelectionTracker); // MUST be last!
* Notifies all registered {@code ZoomListener}s that a zoom change occurred.
* If {@code oldZoom} and {@code newZoom} are the affine transforms of the old and new zoom respectively,
* the change can be computed in such a way that the following relation hold within rounding errors:
* {@snippet lang="java" :
* newZoom = oldZoom.concatenate(change)
* }
* <strong>Note: This method may modify the given {@code change} transform</strong> to combine several
* consecutive {@code fireZoomChanged(…)} calls in a single transformation.
* @param change affine transform which represents the change in the zoom.
* The given instance may be modified by this method call.
protected void fireZoomChanged(final AffineTransform change) {
* Notifies all registered {@code ZoomListener}s that a zoom change occurred.
* Unlike the protected {@link #fireZoomChanged(AffineTransform)} method, this private method does not modify any
* internal field and does not attempt to call other {@code ZoomPane} methods such as {@link #getVisibleArea()}.
* This restriction avoid an infinite loop when this method is invoked by {@link #reset()}.
private void fireZoomChanged0(final AffineTransform change) {
* Note: the event must be fired even if the transformation is the identity matrix,
* because some classes use it for updating scrollbars.
if (change == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
ZoomChangeEvent event = null;
final Object[] listeners = listenerList.getListenerList();
for (int i = listeners.length; (i -= 2) >= 0;) {
if (listeners[i] == ZoomChangeListener.class) {
if (event == null) {
event = new ZoomChangeEvent(this, change);
try {
((ZoomChangeListener) listeners[i+1]).zoomChanged(event);
} catch (RuntimeException exception) {
unexpectedException("fireZoomChanged", exception);
* Invoked when user selected an area with the mouse.
* The default implementation zooms to the selected {@code area}.
* Subclasses can override this method in order to perform another action.
* @param area area selected by the user, in logical coordinates.
protected void mouseSelectionPerformed(final Shape area) {
final Rectangle2D rect = (area instanceof Rectangle2D) ? (Rectangle2D) area : area.getBounds2D();
if (isValid(rect)) {
* Returns the geometric shape to draw when user is delimitating an area. The shape is often a {@link Rectangle2D}
* but could also be an {@link java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D} or some other kinds of shape. The important aspect is the
* shape class and parameters not related to its position (e.g. arc size in a {@link RoundRectangle2D}).
* The width, height, <var>x</var> and <var>y</var> coordinates will be ignored and overwritten.
* <p>The returned shape should be either an instance of {@link java.awt.geom.RectangularShape} or
* {@link java.awt.geom.Line2D}. Other classes may cause a {@link ClassCastException} to be thrown.</p>
* <p>The default implementation returns a {@link Rectangle2D} instance.</p>
* @param point logical coordinates of the mouse at the moment the button is pressed.
* @return shape as an instance of {@link java.awt.geom.RectangularShape} or {@link java.awt.geom.Line2D},
* or {@code null} for disabling selection by area.
protected Shape getMouseSelectionShape(final Point2D point) {
return new Rectangle2D.Float();
* Indicates whether the magnifying glass is allowed to be shown on this component.
* By default, it is allowed.
* @return {@code true} if the magnifying glass is allowed to be shown.
public boolean isMagnifierEnabled() {
return magnifierEnabled;
* Specifies whether the magnifying glass is allowed to be shown on this component.
* A {@code false} value hides the magnifying glass, removes the "Display magnifying glass"
* choice from the contextual menu and causes
* <code>{@linkplain #setMagnifierVisible setMagnifierVisible}(true)</code>
* calls to be ignored.
* @param enabled whether magnifying glass is allowed to be show.
public void setMagnifierEnabled(final boolean enabled) {
magnifierEnabled = enabled;
navigationPopupMenu = null;
if (!enabled) {
* Indicates whether the magnifying glass is currently shown. By default, it is not visible.
* Invoke {@link #setMagnifierVisible(boolean)} to make it appear.
* @return whether the magnifying glass is currently shown.
public boolean isMagnifierVisible() {
return magnifier != null;
* Shows or hides the magnifying glass. If the magnifying glass is not yet shown and this method is invoked
* with the {@code true} argument value, then the magnifying glass will appear at the window center.
* @param visible whether to show the magnifying glass.
public void setMagnifierVisible(final boolean visible) {
setMagnifierVisible(visible, null);
* Returns the color with which to tint magnifying glass interior.
* @return the current color of magnifying glass interior.
public Paint getMagnifierGlass() {
return magnifierGlass;
* Sets the color with which to tint magnifying glass interior.
* @param color the new color of magnifying glass interior.
public void setMagnifierGlass(final Paint color) {
final Paint old = magnifierGlass;
magnifierGlass = color;
firePropertyChange("magnifierGlass", old, color);
* Returns the color of the magnifying glass border.
* @return the current color of the magnifying glass border.
public Paint getMagnifierBorder() {
return magnifierBorder;
* Sets the color of the magnifying glass border.
* @param color the new color of the magnifying glass border.
public void setMagnifierBorder(final Paint color) {
final Paint old = magnifierBorder;
magnifierBorder = color;
firePropertyChange("magnifierBorder", old, color);
* Returns the scale factor that has been applied on the {@link Graphics2D} before invoking
* {@link #paintComponent(Graphics2D)}. This is always 1, except when painting the content
* inside magnifier glass.
final double getGraphicsScale() {
return (renderingType == IS_PAINTING_MAGNIFIER) ? magnifierPower : 1;
* Corrects a pixel coordinates for removing the effect of the magnifying glass. Without this
* method, transformations from pixels to geographic coordinates would not give accurate results
* for pixels inside the magnifying glass because the glass moves the apparent pixel position.
* Invoking this method removes deformation effects using the following steps:
* <ul>
* <li>If the given pixel coordinates are outside the magnifying glass,
* then this method do nothing.</li>
* <li>Otherwise, this method update {@code point} in such a way that it contains the position
* that the same pixel would have in the absence of magnifying glass.</li>
* </ul>
* @param point on input, a pixel coordinates as it appears on the screen. On output, the
* coordinates that the same pixel would have if the magnifying glass was not presents.
public void correctApparentPixelPosition(final Point2D point) {
if (magnifier != null && magnifier.contains(point)) {
final double centerX = magnifier.getCenterX();
final double centerY = magnifier.getCenterY();
* The following code is equivalent to the following transformations, which
* must be identical to those which are applied in paintMagnifier(...).
* translate(+centerX, +centerY);
* scale (magnifierPower, magnifierPower);
* translate(-centerX, -centerY);
* inverseTransform(point, point);
point.setLocation((point.getX() - centerX) / magnifierPower + centerX,
(point.getY() - centerY) / magnifierPower + centerY);
* Shows or hides the magnifying glass. The magnifying glass will be shown centered on the
* specified coordinate if non-null, or in the screen center if {@code center} is null.
* @param visible {@code true} to show the magnifying glass or {@code false} to hide it.
* @param center central coordinate for the magnifying glass.
private void setMagnifierVisible(final boolean visible, final Point center) {
MouseReshapeTracker magnifier = this.magnifier;
if (visible && magnifierEnabled) {
if (magnifier == null) {
Rectangle bounds = getZoomableBounds(); // Do not modify the Rectangle!
if (bounds.isEmpty()) bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, DEFAULT_SIZE, DEFAULT_SIZE);
final int size = Math.min(Math.min(bounds.width, bounds.height), DEFAULT_MAGNIFIER_SIZE);
final int x, y;
if (center != null) {
x = center.x - size / 2;
y = center.y - size / 2;
} else {
x = bounds.x + (bounds.width - size) / 2;
y = bounds.y + (bounds.height - size) / 2;
this.magnifier = magnifier = new MouseReshapeTracker(new RoundRectangle2D.Float(x, y, size, size, 24, 24)) {
@Override protected void stateWillChange(final boolean isAdjusting) {repaintMagnifier();}
@Override protected void stateChanged (final boolean isAdjusting) {repaintMagnifier();}
magnifier.setAdjustable(SwingConstants.NORTH, true);
magnifier.setAdjustable(SwingConstants.SOUTH, true);
magnifier.setAdjustable(SwingConstants.EAST, true);
magnifier.setAdjustable(SwingConstants.WEST, true);
addMouseListener (magnifier);
firePropertyChange("magnifierVisible", Boolean.FALSE, Boolean.TRUE);
} else if (center != null) {
final Rectangle2D frame = magnifier.getFrame();
final double width = frame.getWidth();
final double height = frame.getHeight();
magnifier.setFrame(center.x - 0.5 * width,
center.y - 0.5 * height, width, height);
} else if (magnifier != null) {
removeMouseListener (magnifier);
this.magnifier = null;
firePropertyChange("magnifierVisible", Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.FALSE);
* Inserts navigation options to the specified menu. Default implementation adds menu items
* such as "Zoom in" and "Zoom out" together with associated short-cut keys.
* @param menu the menu in which to add navigation options.
public void buildNavigationMenu(final JMenu menu) {
buildNavigationMenu(menu, null);
* Implementation of {@link #buildNavigationMenu(JMenu)}.
private void buildNavigationMenu(final JMenu menu, final JPopupMenu popup) {
int groupIndex = 0;
boolean firstMenu = true;
final ActionMap actionMap = getActionMap();
for (int i=0; i<ACTION_ID.length; i++) {
final Action action = actionMap.get(ACTION_ID[i]);
if (action!=null && action.getValue(Action.NAME)!=null) {
* Checks whether the next item belongs to a new group.
* If this is the case, it will be necessary to add a separator before the next menu.
final int lastGroupIndex = groupIndex;
while ((ACTION_TYPE[i] & GROUP[groupIndex]) == 0) {
groupIndex = (groupIndex+1) % GROUP.length;
if (groupIndex == lastGroupIndex) {
* Adds an item to the menu.
if (menu != null) {
if (groupIndex!=lastGroupIndex && !firstMenu) {
final JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem(action);
item.setAccelerator((KeyStroke) action.getValue(Action.ACCELERATOR_KEY));
if (popup != null) {
if (groupIndex!=lastGroupIndex && !firstMenu) {
final JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem(action);
item.setAccelerator((KeyStroke) action.getValue(Action.ACCELERATOR_KEY));
firstMenu = false;
* Menu with mouse coordinates where user clicked when this menu has been shown.
private static final class PointPopupMenu extends JPopupMenu {
* Coordinates of the point where user clicked.
public final Point point;
* Creates a menu associated to the given mouse coordinates.
public PointPopupMenu(final Point point) {
this.point = point;
* Invoked when user clicks on the right mouse button.
* The default implementation shows a contextual menu containing navigation options.
* @param event mouse event containing mouse coordinates in geographic coordinates
* together with pixel coordinates.
* @return the contextual menu to show, or {@code null} if none.
protected JPopupMenu getPopupMenu(final MouseEvent event) {
if (getZoomableBounds().contains(event.getX(), event.getY())) {
if (navigationPopupMenu == null) {
navigationPopupMenu = new PointPopupMenu(event.getPoint());
if (magnifierEnabled) {
final Resources resources = Resources.forLocale(getLocale());
final JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem(
item.addActionListener((final ActionEvent event1) ->
setMagnifierVisible(true, navigationPopupMenu.point));
buildNavigationMenu(null, navigationPopupMenu);
} else {
navigationPopupMenu.point.x = event.getX();
navigationPopupMenu.point.y = event.getY();
return navigationPopupMenu;
} else {
return null;
* Invoked when user clicks on the right mouse button inside the magnifying glass.
* The default implementation shows a contextual menu which contains magnifying glass options.
* @param event mouse event containing mouse coordinates in geographic coordinates
* together with pixel coordinates.
* @return the contextual menu to show, or {@code null} if none.
protected JPopupMenu getMagnifierMenu(final MouseEvent event) {
final Resources resources = Resources.forLocale(getLocale());
final JPopupMenu menu = new JPopupMenu(resources.getString(Resources.Keys.Magnifier));
final JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem (resources.getString(Resources.Keys.Hide));
item.addActionListener((final ActionEvent event1) -> setMagnifierVisible(false));
return menu;
* Shows the navigation contextual menu, provided the mouse event described the expected action.
private void mayShowPopupMenu(final MouseEvent event) {
if (event.getID() == MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED &&
(event.getModifiersEx() & MouseEvent.BUTTON1_DOWN_MASK) != 0)
if (event.isPopupTrigger()) {
final Point point = event.getPoint();
final JPopupMenu popup = (magnifier != null && magnifier.contains(point)) ?
getMagnifierMenu(event) : getPopupMenu(event);
if (popup != null) {
final Component source = event.getComponent();
final Window window = SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(source);
if (window != null) {
final Toolkit toolkit = source.getToolkit();
final Insets insets = toolkit.getScreenInsets(window.getGraphicsConfiguration());
final Dimension screen = toolkit.getScreenSize();
final Dimension size = popup.getPreferredSize();
SwingUtilities.convertPointToScreen(point, source);
screen.width -= (size.width + insets.right);
screen.height -= (size.height + insets.bottom);
if (point.x > screen.width) point.x = screen.width;
if (point.y > screen.height) point.y = screen.height;
if (point.x < insets.left) point.x = insets.left;
if (point.y < point.y =;
SwingUtilities.convertPointFromScreen(point, source);, point.x, point.y);
* Invoked when user moves the mouse wheel.
* This method performs a zoom centered on the mouse position.
private void mouseWheelMoved(final MouseWheelEvent event) {
if (event.getScrollType() == MouseWheelEvent.WHEEL_UNIT_SCROLL) {
int rotation = event.getUnitsToScroll();
double scale = 1 + (AMOUNT_SCALE - 1) * Math.abs(rotation);
Point2D point = new Point2D.Double(event.getX(), event.getY());
if (rotation > 0) {
scale = 1 / scale;
if (magnifier != null && magnifier.contains(point)) {
magnifierPower *= scale;
} else {
transform(UNIFORM_SCALE & allowedActions, scale, point);
* Invoked when component size or position changed.
* The {@link #repaint()} method is not invoked because there is already a repaint command in the queue.
* The {@link #transform(AffineTransform)} method is not invoked neither because the zoom has not really changed;
* However, we still need to adjust the scrollbars.
private void processSizeEvent(final ComponentEvent event) {
if (zoomIsReset || !isValid(visibleArea)) {
disableRepaint = true;
try {
} finally {
disableRepaint = false;
if (magnifier != null) {
final Object[] listeners = listenerList.getListenerList();
for (int i = listeners.length; (i -= 2) >= 0;) {
if (listeners[i] == ZoomChangeListener.class) {
if (listeners[i + 1] instanceof Synchronizer) try {
((ZoomChangeListener) listeners[i + 1]).zoomChanged(null);
} catch (RuntimeException exception) {
unexpectedException("processSizeEvent", exception);
* Returns an {@code ZoomPane} embedded in a component with scrollbars.
* @return a swing component showing this {@code ZoomPane} together with scrollbars.
public JComponent createScrollPane() {
return new ScrollPane();
* Convenience method for getting a scrollbar model. Should actually be declared inside {@link ScrollPane},
* but we are not allowed to declare static methods in non-static inner classes.
private static BoundedRangeModel getModel(final JScrollBar bar) {
return (bar != null) ? bar.getModel() : null;
* The scroll panel for {@link ZoomPane}. The standard {@link javax.swing.JScrollPane}
* class is not used because it is difficult to get {@link javax.swing.JViewport} to
* interact with transformations already handled by {@link ZoomPane#zoom}.
private final class ScrollPane extends JComponent implements PropertyChangeListener {
* The horizontal scrollbar, or {@code null} if none.
private final JScrollBar scrollbarX;
* The vertical scrollbar, or {@code null} if none.
private final JScrollBar scrollbarY;
* Creates a scroll pane for the enclosing {@link ZoomPane}.
public ScrollPane() {
setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
* Sets up the scrollbars.
if ((allowedActions & TRANSLATE_X) != 0) {
scrollbarX = new JScrollBar(JScrollBar.HORIZONTAL);
scrollbarX.setUnitIncrement ((int) (AMOUNT_TRANSLATE));
scrollbarX.setBlockIncrement((int) (AMOUNT_TRANSLATE * ENHANCEMENT_FACTOR));
} else {
scrollbarX = null;
if ((allowedActions & TRANSLATE_Y) != 0) {
scrollbarY = new JScrollBar(JScrollBar.VERTICAL);
scrollbarY.setUnitIncrement ((int) (AMOUNT_TRANSLATE));
scrollbarY.setBlockIncrement((int) (AMOUNT_TRANSLATE * ENHANCEMENT_FACTOR));
} else {
scrollbarY = null;
* Adds the scrollbars in the scroll pane.
final GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints();
if (scrollbarX != null) {
c.gridx = 0; c.weightx = 1;
c.gridy = 1; c.weighty = 0;
c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
add(scrollbarX, c);
if (scrollbarY != null) {
c.gridx = 1; c.weightx = 0;
c.gridy = 0; c.weighty = 1;
c.fill = GridBagConstraints.VERTICAL;
add(scrollbarY, c);
if (scrollbarX != null && scrollbarY != null) {
final JComponent corner = new JPanel(false);
c.gridx = 1; c.weightx = 0;
c.gridy = 1; c.weighty = 0;
c.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
add(corner, c);
c.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
c.gridx = 0; c.weightx = 1;
c.gridy = 0; c.weighty = 1;
add(ZoomPane.this, c);
* Invoked when this {@code ScrollPane} is added in a {@link Container}.
* This method registers all required listeners.
public void addNotify() {
tieModels(getModel(scrollbarX), getModel(scrollbarY));
ZoomPane.this.addPropertyChangeListener("zoom.insets", this);
* Invoked when this {@code ScrollPane} is removed from a {@link Container}.
* This method unregisters all listeners.
public void removeNotify() {
ZoomPane.this.removePropertyChangeListener("zoom.insets", this);
untieModels(getModel(scrollbarX), getModel(scrollbarY));
* Invoked when the zoomable area changes.
* This method adjust scrollbar insets for keeping scrollbars aligned with zoomable area.
public void propertyChange(final PropertyChangeEvent event) {
final Insets old = (Insets) event.getOldValue();
final Insets insets = (Insets) event.getNewValue();
final GridBagLayout layout = (GridBagLayout) getLayout();
if (scrollbarX != null && (old.left != insets.left || old.right != insets.right)) {
final GridBagConstraints c = layout.getConstraints(scrollbarX);
c.insets.left = insets.left;
c.insets.right = insets.right;
layout.setConstraints(scrollbarX, c);
if (scrollbarY != null && ( != || old.bottom != insets.bottom)) {
final GridBagConstraints c = layout.getConstraints(scrollbarY); =;
c.insets.bottom = insets.bottom;
layout.setConstraints(scrollbarY, c);
* Synchronizes the position and range of given models with the zoom position.
* The <var>x</var> and <var>y</var> models are associated with horizontal and vertical scrollbars.
* When a scrollbar position is adjusted, the zoom is adjusted accordingly.
* Conversely when the zoom is modified, the scrollbars position and range are adjusted accordingly.
* @param x model of the horizontal scrollbar or {@code null} if none.
* @param y model of the vertical scrollbar or {@code null} if none.
public void tieModels(final BoundedRangeModel x, final BoundedRangeModel y) {
if (x != null || y != null) {
final Synchronizer listener = new Synchronizer(x, y);
if (x != null) x.addChangeListener(listener);
if (y != null) y.addChangeListener(listener);
* Removes synchronization between specified <var>x</var> and <var>y</var> models and enclosing {@code ZoomPane}.
* The {@link ChangeListener} and {@link ZoomChangeListener} objects that were created are deleted.
* @param x model of the horizontal scrollbar or {@code null} if none.
* @param y model of the vertical scrollbar or {@code null} if none.
public void untieModels(final BoundedRangeModel x, final BoundedRangeModel y) {
final EventListener[] listeners = getListeners(ZoomChangeListener.class);
for (int i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) {
if (listeners[i] instanceof Synchronizer) {
final Synchronizer s = (Synchronizer) listeners[i];
if (s.xm == x && s.ym == y) {
if (x != null) x.removeChangeListener(s);
if (y != null) y.removeChangeListener(s);
* Object responsible for synchronizing a {@link javax.swing.JScrollPane} object with scrollbars.
* Whilst not generally useful, it would be possible to synchronize several pairs of
* {@link BoundedRangeModel} objects on one {@code ZoomPane} object.
private final class Synchronizer implements ChangeListener, ZoomChangeListener {
* Model to synchronize with {@link ZoomPane}.
public final BoundedRangeModel xm, ym;
* Indicates whether the scrollbars are being adjusted in response to {@link #zoomChanged}.
* If this is the case, {@link #stateChanged} must not make any other adjustments.
private transient boolean isAdjusting;
* Cached {@code ZoomPane} bounds. Used in order to avoid too many object allocations on the heap.
private transient Rectangle bounds;
* Constructs an object which synchronizes a pair of {@link BoundedRangeModel} with {@link ZoomPane}.
public Synchronizer(final BoundedRangeModel xm, final BoundedRangeModel ym) {
this.xm = xm;
this.ym = ym;
* Invoked when the position of a scrollbars changed.
public void stateChanged(final ChangeEvent event) {
if (!isAdjusting) {
final boolean valueIsAdjusting = ((BoundedRangeModel) event.getSource()).getValueIsAdjusting();
if (paintingWhileAdjusting || !valueIsAdjusting) {
* Scroll view coordinates are computed using the following steps:
* 1) Get the logical coordinates for the whole area.
* 2) Transform to pixel space using current zoom.
* 3) Clip to the scrollbar's position (in pixels).
* 4) Transform back to the logical space.
* 5) Set the visible area to the resulting rectangle.
Rectangle2D area = getArea();
if (isValid(area)) {
area = AffineTransforms2D.transform(zoom, area, null);
double x = area.getX();
double y = area.getY();
double width, height;
if (xm != null) {
x += xm.getValue();
width = xm.getExtent();
} else {
width = area.getWidth();
if (ym != null) {
y += ym.getValue();
height = ym.getExtent();
} else {
height = area.getHeight();
area.setRect(x, y, width, height);
bounds = getBounds(bounds);
try {
area = AffineTransforms2D.inverseTransform(zoom, area, area);
try {
isAdjusting = true;
transform(setVisibleArea(area, bounds=getBounds(bounds), 0));
} finally {
isAdjusting = false;
} catch (NoninvertibleTransformException exception) {
unexpectedException("stateChanged", exception);
if (!valueIsAdjusting) {
* Invoked when the zoom changes.
* @param change ignored. Can be null.
public void zoomChanged(final ZoomChangeEvent change) {
if (!isAdjusting) {
Rectangle2D area = getArea();
if (isValid(area)) {
area = AffineTransforms2D.transform(zoom, area, null);
try {
isAdjusting = true;
setRangeProperties(xm, area.getX(), getWidth(), area.getWidth());
setRangeProperties(ym, area.getY(), getHeight(), area.getHeight());
finally {
isAdjusting = false;
* Adjusts the values of a model. The minimums and maximum values are adjusted as needed in order to include
* the given value and its range. This adjustment is necessary for avoiding chaotic behavior when suer drags
* the shape whilst a part of the graphic is outside the region initially specified by {@link #getArea()}.
private static void setRangeProperties(final BoundedRangeModel model,
final double value, final int extent, final double max)
if (model != null) {
final int pos = (int) Math.round(-value);
model.setRangeProperties(pos, extent, Math.min(0, pos),
Math.max((int) Math.round(max), pos + extent), false);
* Modifies the position in pixels of the {@code ZoomPane} visible part. {@code viewSize} is the size (in pixels)
* that {@code ZoomPane} would have if its visible area covered the whole region given by {@link #getArea()} with
* current zoom (Note: {@code viewSize} can be obtained by {@link #getPreferredSize()}
* if {@link #setPreferredSize(Dimension)} has not been invoked with a non-null value).
* Therefore, by definition, the conversion in pixel space of the region given by {@link #getArea()}
* would be <code>bounds = Rectangle(0, 0, viewSize.width, viewSize.height)</code>.
* <p>This {@code scrollRectToVisible(…)} method allows us to define the {@code bounds} sub-region
* to show in the {@code ZoomPane} window.</p>
* @param rect the region to be made visible.
public void scrollRectToVisible(final Rectangle rect) {
Rectangle2D area = getArea();
if (isValid(area)) {
area = AffineTransforms2D.transform(zoom, area, null);
area.setRect(area.getX() + rect.getX(), area.getY() + rect.getY(),
rect.getWidth(), rect.getHeight());
try {
setVisibleArea(AffineTransforms2D.inverseTransform(zoom, area, area));
} catch (NoninvertibleTransformException exception) {
unexpectedException("scrollRectToVisible", exception);
* Indicates whether this {@code ZoomPane} should be repainted when the user is still adjusting scrollbar slider.
* The scrollbars (or other models) are those which have been synchronized with this {@code ZoomPane} object by a
* call to the {@link #tieModels(BoundedRangeModel, BoundedRangeModel)} method. The default value is {@code true},
* @return {@code true} if the zoom pane is painted while the user is scrolling.
public boolean isPaintingWhileAdjusting() {
return paintingWhileAdjusting;
* Defines whether this {@code ZoomPane} should repaint its content when the user moves the scrollbar slider.
* A fast computer is recommended if this flag is to be set to {@code true}.
* @param flag {@code true} if the zoom pane should be painted while the user is scrolling.
public void setPaintingWhileAdjusting(final boolean flag) {
paintingWhileAdjusting = flag;
* Notifies that a part of this pane needs to be repainted. This method overrides the method
* of the parent class for taking in account the case where the magnifying glass is shown.
public void repaint(final long tm, final int x, final int y, final int width, final int height) {
super.repaint(tm, x, y, width, height);
if (magnifier != null && magnifier.intersects(x, y, width, height)) {
* If the part to paint is inside the magnifying glass, the zoom applied by the
* glass implies that we have to repaint a little more than that was requested.
* Notifies that the magnifying glass needs to be repainted. A {@link #repaint()} action is performed
* with the bounds of the magnifying glass as coordinates (taking into account its outline).
private void repaintMagnifier() {
final Rectangle bounds = magnifier.getBounds();
bounds.x -= 4;
bounds.y -= 4;
bounds.width += 8;
bounds.height += 8;
super.repaint(0, bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height);
* Paints the magnifying glass. This method is invoked after {@link #paintComponent(Graphics2D)}
* if a magnifying glass is visible.
* @param graphics the graphics where to paint the magnifying glass.
protected void paintMagnifier(final Graphics2D graphics) {
final double centerX = magnifier.getCenterX();
final double centerY = magnifier.getCenterY();
final Stroke stroke = graphics.getStroke();
final Paint paint = graphics.getPaint();
graphics.setStroke(new BasicStroke(6));
graphics.setPaint (magnifierBorder);
graphics.draw (magnifier);
graphics.clip (magnifier); // Coordinates in pixels.
graphics.setPaint (magnifierGlass);
graphics.fill (magnifier.getBounds2D());
graphics.setPaint (paint);
graphics.translate(+centerX, +centerY);
graphics.scale (magnifierPower, magnifierPower);
graphics.translate(-centerX, -centerY);
* Note: the transformations performed here must be identical to those performed in pixelToLogical(…).
* Paints this component. Subclass must override this method in order to draw the {@code ZoomPane} content.
* For most implementations, the first line in this method will be <code>graphics.transform({@linkplain #zoom})</code>.
* @param graphics the graphics where to paint this component.
protected abstract void paintComponent(final Graphics2D graphics);
* Prints this component. The default implementation invokes {@link #paintComponent(Graphics2D)}.
* @param graphics the graphics where to print this component.
protected void printComponent(final Graphics2D graphics) {
* Paints this component. This method is declared final in order to avoid unintentional overriding.
* Override {@link #paintComponent(Graphics2D)} instead.
* @param graphics the graphics where to paint this component.
protected final void paintComponent(final Graphics graphics) {
renderingType = IS_PAINTING;
* The JComponent.paintComponent(…) method creates a temporary Graphics2D object,
* then calls ComponentUI.update(…) with that graphic as a parameter. This method
* clears the screen background then calls ComponentUI.paint(…). This last method
* has been redefined above (our {@link #UI} object) in such a way that it calls
* itself paintComponent(Graphics2D).
if (magnifier != null) {
* Prints this component. This method is declared final in order to avoid unintentional overriding.
* Override {@link #printComponent(Graphics2D)} instead.
* @param graphics the graphics where to print this component.
protected final void printComponent(final Graphics graphics) {
renderingType = IS_PRINTING;
* Do not invoke `super.printComponent(…)` because we do not want above `paintComponent(…)` to be invoked.
* Returns the size (in pixels) that {@code ZoomPane} would have if it was showing the whole region
* specified by {@link #getArea()} with the current zoom ({@link #zoom}). This method is useful for
* determining the maximum values to assign to the scrollbars.
* For example, the horizontal bar could cover the {@code [0..viewSize.width]} range
* whilst the vertical bar could cover the {@code [0..viewSize.height]} range.
private Dimension getViewSize() {
if (!visibleArea.isEmpty()) {
Rectangle2D area = getArea();
if (isValid(area)) {
area = AffineTransforms2D.transform(zoom, area, null);
return new Dimension((int) Math.rint(area.getWidth()),
(int) Math.rint(area.getHeight()));
return getSize();
return new Dimension(DEFAULT_SIZE, DEFAULT_SIZE);
* Returns the insets of this component.
* If different insets are desired, override {@link #getInsets(Insets)} instead of this method.
public final Insets getInsets() {
return getInsets(null);
* Notifies this {@code ZoomPane} that the GUI has changed. Users should not call this method directly.
public void updateUI() {
navigationPopupMenu = null;
* Invoked when an affine transform cannot be inverted.
* Current implementation logs the stack trace and resets the zoom.
* @param methodName the caller method name.
* @param exception the exception to log.
private void unexpectedException(String methodName, NoninvertibleTransformException exception) {
unexpectedException(methodName, (Exception) exception);
* Invoked when an unexpected exception occurs.
* Current implementation logs the stack trace.
* @param methodName the caller's method name.
* @param exception the exception to log.
private static void unexpectedException(String methodName, Exception exception) {
Logging.unexpectedException(null, ZoomPane.class, methodName, exception);
* Prints a message saying "Area:" with coordinates of given rectangle.
* This is used for debugging purposes only.
private static void debug(final String methodName, final Rectangle2D area) {
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println(methodName + " area: "
+ "x=[" + area.getMinX() + " … " + area.getMaxX() + "], "
+ "y=[" + area.getMinY() + " … " + area.getMaxY() + ']');
* Verifies whether the given rectangle is valid. The rectangle is considered invalid if
* its length or width is less than or equals to 0, or if a coordinate is infinite or NaN.
private static boolean isValid(final Rectangle2D rect) {
if (rect == null) {
return false;
final double x = rect.getX();
final double y = rect.getY();
final double w = rect.getWidth();
final double h = rect.getHeight();
return (x > Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY && x < Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY &&
w > 0 && w < Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY &&
h > 0 && h < Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
* If scale and shear coefficients are close to integers, replaces their current values by their rounded values.
* The scale and shear coefficients are handled in a "all or nothing" way; either all of them or none are rounded.
* The translation terms are handled separately, provided that the scale and shear coefficients have been rounded.
* <p>This rounding up is useful for example in order to speedup image renderings.</p>
* @param tr the transform to round. Rounding will be applied in place.
private static void roundIfAlmostInteger(final AffineTransform tr) {
double r;
final double m00, m01, m10, m11;
if (abs((m00 = rint(r=tr.getScaleX())) - r) <= EPS &&
abs((m01 = rint(r=tr.getShearX())) - r) <= EPS &&
abs((m11 = rint(r=tr.getScaleY())) - r) <= EPS &&
abs((m10 = rint(r=tr.getShearY())) - r) <= EPS)
* At this point the scale and shear coefficients can be rounded to integers.
* Continue only if this rounding does not make the transform non-invertible.
if ((m00!=0 || m01!=0) && (m10!=0 || m11!=0)) {
double m02, m12;
if (abs((r = rint(m02=tr.getTranslateX())) - m02) <= EPS) m02=r;
if (abs((r = rint(m12=tr.getTranslateY())) - m12) <= EPS) m12=r;
tr.setTransform(m00, m10, m01, m11, m02, m12);