blob: 7fd2c5d4465ce48ac7bf80b0ddfdae9f618b929f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.sis.internal.sql.feature;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
import org.opengis.util.GenericName;
import org.apache.sis.feature.builder.AttributeRole;
import org.apache.sis.feature.builder.AttributeTypeBuilder;
import org.apache.sis.feature.builder.AssociationRoleBuilder;
import org.apache.sis.feature.builder.FeatureTypeBuilder;
import org.apache.sis.internal.feature.Geometries;
import org.apache.sis.internal.metadata.sql.Reflection;
import org.apache.sis.internal.metadata.sql.SQLUtilities;
import org.apache.sis.internal.util.CollectionsExt;
import org.apache.sis.util.collection.WeakValueHashMap;
import org.apache.sis.util.collection.TreeTable;
import org.apache.sis.util.CharSequences;
import org.apache.sis.util.Exceptions;
import org.apache.sis.util.Classes;
import org.apache.sis.util.Numbers;
import org.apache.sis.util.Debug;
// Branch-dependent imports
import org.apache.sis.feature.AbstractFeature;
import org.apache.sis.feature.DefaultFeatureType;
import org.apache.sis.feature.DefaultAssociationRole;
* Description of a table in the database, including columns, primary keys and foreigner keys.
* This class contains a {@code FeatureType} inferred from the table structure. The {@code FeatureType}
* contains an {@code AttributeType} for each table column, except foreigner keys which are represented
* by {@link DefaultAssociationRole}s.
* @author Johann Sorel (Geomatys)
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
* @version 1.0
* @since 1.0
* @module
final class Table extends AbstractFeatureSet {
* Provider of (pooled) connections to the database.
private final DataSource source;
* The structure of this table represented as a feature. Each feature attribute is a table column,
* except synthetic attributes like "sis:identifier". The feature may also contain associations
* inferred from foreigner keys that are not immediately apparent in the table.
final DefaultFeatureType featureType;
* The name in the database of this {@code Table} object, together with its schema and catalog.
final TableReference name;
* Name of attributes in feature instances, excluding operations and associations to other tables.
* Those names are in the order of columns declared in the {@code SELECT <columns} statement.
* This array shall not be modified after construction.
private final String[] attributeNames;
* Name of columns corresponding to each {@link #attributeNames}. This is often a reference to the
* same array than {@link #attributeNames}, but may be different if some attributes have been renamed
* for avoiding name collisions.
private final String[] attributeColumns;
* The columns that constitute the primary key, or {@code null} if there is no primary key.
private final String[] primaryKeys;
* The primary keys of other tables that are referenced by this table foreign key columns.
* They are 0:1 relations. May be {@code null} if there is no imported keys.
private final Relation[] importedKeys;
* The foreign keys of other tables that reference this table primary key columns.
* They are 0:N relations. May be {@code null} if there is no exported keys.
private final Relation[] exportedKeys;
* The class of primary key values, or {@code null} if there is no primary keys.
* If the primary keys use more than one column, then this field is the class of
* an array; it may be an array of primitive type.
final Class<?> primaryKeyClass;
* Feature instances already created for given primary keys. This map is used only when requesting feature
* instances by identifiers (not for iterating over all features) and those identifiers are primary keys.
* We create this map only for tables referenced by foreigner keys of other tables as enumerated by the
* {@link Relation.Direction#IMPORT} and {@link Relation.Direction#EXPORT} cases; not for arbitrary
* cross-reference cases. Values are usually {@code Feature} instances, but may also be {@code Collection<Feature>}.
* @see #instanceForPrimaryKeys()
private WeakValueHashMap<?,Object> instanceForPrimaryKeys;
* {@code true} if this table contains at least one geometry column.
final boolean hasGeometry;
* Creates a description of the table of the given name.
* The table is identified by {@code id}, which contains a (catalog, schema, name) tuple.
* The catalog and schema parts are optional and can be null, but the table is mandatory.
* @param analyzer helper functions, e.g. for converting SQL types to Java types.
* @param id the catalog, schema and table name of the table to analyze.
* @param importedBy if this table is imported by the foreigner keys of another table,
* the parent table. Otherwise {@code null}.
Table(final Analyzer analyzer, final TableReference id, final TableReference importedBy)
throws SQLException, DataStoreException
this.source = analyzer.source; = id;
final String tableEsc = analyzer.escape(id.table);
final String schemaEsc = analyzer.escape(id.schema);
* Get a list of primary keys. We need to know them before to create the attributes,
* in order to detect which attributes are used as components of Feature identifiers.
* In the 'primaryKeys' map, the boolean tells whether the column uses auto-increment,
* with null value meaning that we don't know.
* Note: when a table contains no primary keys, we could still look for index columns
* with unique constraint using metadata.getIndexInfo(catalog, schema, table, true).
* We don't do that for now because of uncertainties (which index to use if there is
* many? If they are suitable as identifiers why they are not primary keys?).
final Map<String,Boolean> primaryKeys = new LinkedHashMap<>();
try (ResultSet reflect = analyzer.metadata.getPrimaryKeys(id.catalog, id.schema, id.table)) {
while ( {
primaryKeys.put(analyzer.getUniqueString(reflect, Reflection.COLUMN_NAME), null);
// The actual Boolean value will be fetched in the loop on columns later.
this.primaryKeys = primaryKeys.isEmpty() ? null : primaryKeys.keySet().toArray(new String[primaryKeys.size()]);
* Creates a list of associations between the table read by this method and other tables.
* The associations are defined by the foreigner keys referencing primary keys. Note that
* the table relations can be defined in both ways: the foreigner keys of this table may
* be referencing the primary keys of other tables (Direction.IMPORT) or the primary keys
* of this table may be referenced by the foreigner keys of other tables (Direction.EXPORT).
* However in both case, we will translate that into associations from this table to the
* other tables. We can not rely on IMPORT versus EXPORT for determining the association
* navigability because the database designer's choice may be driven by the need to support
* multi-occurrences.
final List<Relation> importedKeys = new ArrayList<>();
final Map<String, List<Relation>> foreignerKeys = new HashMap<>();
try (ResultSet reflect = analyzer.metadata.getImportedKeys(id.catalog, id.schema, id.table)) {
if ( do {
Relation relation = new Relation(analyzer, Relation.Direction.IMPORT, reflect);
for (final String column : relation.getForeignerKeys()) {
CollectionsExt.addToMultiValuesMap(foreignerKeys, column, relation);
relation = null; // Only the first column will be associated.
} while (!reflect.isClosed());
final List<Relation> exportedKeys = new ArrayList<>();
try (ResultSet reflect = analyzer.metadata.getExportedKeys(id.catalog, id.schema, id.table)) {
if ( do {
final Relation export = new Relation(analyzer, Relation.Direction.EXPORT, reflect);
if (!export.equals(importedBy)) {
} while (!reflect.isClosed());
* For each column in the table that is not a foreigner key, create an AttributeType of the same name.
* The Java type is inferred from the SQL type, and the attribute multiplicity in inferred from the SQL
* nullability. Attribute names are added in the 'attributeNames' and 'attributeColumns' list. Those
* names are usually the same, except when a column is used both as a primary key and as foreigner key.
Class<?> primaryKeyClass = null;
boolean primaryKeyNonNull = true;
boolean hasGeometry = false;
int startWithLowerCase = 0;
final List<String> attributeNames = new ArrayList<>();
final List<String> attributeColumns = new ArrayList<>();
final FeatureTypeBuilder feature = new FeatureTypeBuilder(analyzer.nameFactory, analyzer.functions.library, analyzer.locale);
try (ResultSet reflect = analyzer.metadata.getColumns(id.catalog, schemaEsc, tableEsc, null)) {
while ( {
final String column = analyzer.getUniqueString(reflect, Reflection.COLUMN_NAME);
final boolean mandatory = Boolean.FALSE.equals(SQLUtilities.parseBoolean(reflect.getString(Reflection.IS_NULLABLE)));
final boolean isPrimaryKey = primaryKeys.containsKey(column);
final List<Relation> dependencies = foreignerKeys.get(column);
* Heuristic rule for determining if the column names starts with lower case or upper case.
* Words that are all upper-case are ignored on the assumption that they are acronyms.
if (!column.isEmpty()) {
final int firstLetter = column.codePointAt(0);
if (Character.isLowerCase(firstLetter)) {
} else if (Character.isUpperCase(firstLetter) && !CharSequences.isUpperCase(column)) {
* Add the column as an attribute. Foreign keys are excluded (they will be replaced by associations),
* except if the column is also a primary key. In the later case we need to keep that column because
* it is needed for building the feature identifier.
AttributeTypeBuilder<?> attribute = null;
if (isPrimaryKey || dependencies == null) {
final String typeName = reflect.getString(Reflection.TYPE_NAME);
Class<?> type = analyzer.functions.toJavaType(reflect.getInt(Reflection.DATA_TYPE), typeName);
if (type == null) {
analyzer.warning(Resources.Keys.UnknownType_1, typeName);
type = Object.class;
attribute = feature.addAttribute(type).setName(column);
if (CharSequence.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
final int size = reflect.getInt(Reflection.COLUMN_SIZE);
if (!reflect.wasNull()) {
if (!mandatory) {
* Some columns have special purposes: components of primary keys will be used for creating
* identifiers, some columns may contain a geometric object. Adding a role on those columns
* may create synthetic columns, for example "sis:identifier".
if (isPrimaryKey) {
primaryKeyNonNull &= mandatory;
primaryKeyClass = Classes.findCommonClass(primaryKeyClass, type);
if (primaryKeys.put(column, SQLUtilities.parseBoolean(reflect.getString(Reflection.IS_AUTOINCREMENT))) != null) {
throw new DataStoreContentException(Resources.forLocale(analyzer.locale)
.getString(Resources.Keys.DuplicatedColumn_1, column));
if (Geometries.isKnownType(type)) {
final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = analyzer.functions.createGeometryCRS(reflect);
if (crs != null) {
if (!hasGeometry) {
hasGeometry = true;
* If the column is a foreigner key, insert an association to another feature instead.
* If the foreigner key uses more than one column, only one of those columns will become
* an association and other columns will be omitted from the FeatureType (but there will
* still be used in SQL queries). Note that columns may be used by more than one relation.
if (dependencies != null) {
int count = 0;
for (final Relation dependency : dependencies) {
if (dependency != null) {
final GenericName typeName = dependency.getName(analyzer);
final Table table = analyzer.table(dependency, typeName, id);
* Use the column name as the association name, provided that the foreigner key
* use only that column. If the foreigner key use more than one column, then we
* do not know which column describes better the association (often there is none).
* In such case we use the foreigner key name as a fallback.
dependency.setPropertyName(column, count++);
final AssociationRoleBuilder association;
if (table != null) {
dependency.setSearchTable(analyzer, table, table.primaryKeys, Relation.Direction.IMPORT);
association = feature.addAssociation(table.featureType);
} else {
association = feature.addAssociation(typeName); // May happen in case of cyclic dependency.
if (!mandatory) {
* If the column is also used in the primary key, then we have a name clash.
* Rename the primary key column with the addition of a "pk:" scope. We rename
* the primary key column instead than this association because the primary key
* column should rarely be used directly.
if (attribute != null) {
attribute.setName(analyzer.nameFactory.createGenericName(null, "pk", column));
attributeNames.set(attributeNames.size() - 1, attribute.getName().toString());
attribute = null;
* Add the associations created by other tables having foreigner keys to this table.
* We infer the column name from the target type. We may have a name clash with other
* columns, in which case an arbitrary name change is applied.
int count = 0;
for (final Relation dependency : exportedKeys) {
if (dependency != null) {
final GenericName typeName = dependency.getName(analyzer);
String propertyName = typeName.tip().toString();
if (startWithLowerCase > 0) {
final CharSequence words = CharSequences.camelCaseToWords(propertyName, true);
final int first = Character.codePointAt(words, 0);
propertyName = new StringBuilder(words.length())
.append(words, Character.charCount(first), words.length())
final String base = propertyName;
while (feature.isNameUsed(propertyName)) {
propertyName = base + '-' + ++count;
dependency.propertyName = propertyName;
final Table table = analyzer.table(dependency, typeName, null); // 'null' because exported, not imported.
final AssociationRoleBuilder association;
if (table != null) {
dependency.setSearchTable(analyzer, table, this.primaryKeys, Relation.Direction.EXPORT);
association = feature.addAssociation(table.featureType);
} else {
association = feature.addAssociation(typeName); // May happen in case of cyclic dependency.
* If the primary keys uses more than one column, we will need an array to store it.
* If all columns are non-null numbers, use primitive arrays instead than array of wrappers.
if (primaryKeys.size() > 1) {
if (primaryKeyNonNull) {
primaryKeyClass = Numbers.wrapperToPrimitive(primaryKeyClass);
primaryKeyClass = Classes.changeArrayDimension(primaryKeyClass, 1);
* Global information on the feature type (name, remarks).
* The remarks are opportunistically stored in id.freeText if known by the caller.
String remarks = id.freeText;
if (id instanceof Relation) {
try (ResultSet reflect = analyzer.metadata.getTables(id.catalog, schemaEsc, tableEsc, null)) {
while ( {
remarks = analyzer.getUniqueString(reflect, Reflection.REMARKS);
if (remarks != null) {
remarks = remarks.trim();
if (remarks.isEmpty()) {
remarks = null;
} else break;
if (remarks != null) {
this.featureType =;
this.importedKeys = toArray(importedKeys);
this.exportedKeys = toArray(exportedKeys);
this.primaryKeyClass = primaryKeyClass;
this.hasGeometry = hasGeometry;
this.attributeNames = attributeNames.toArray(new String[attributeNames.size()]);
this.attributeColumns = attributeColumns.equals(attributeNames) ? this.attributeNames
: attributeColumns.toArray(new String[attributeColumns.size()]);
* Returns the given relations as an array, or {@code null} if none.
private static Relation[] toArray(final Collection<Relation> relations) {
final int size = relations.size();
return (size != 0) ? relations.toArray(new Relation[size]) : null;
* Sets the search tables on all {@link Relation} instances for which this operation has been deferred.
* This happen when a table could not be obtained because of circular dependency. This method is invoked
* after all tables have been created in order to fill such holes.
* @param tables all tables created.
final void setDeferredSearchTables(final Analyzer analyzer, final Map<GenericName,Table> tables) throws DataStoreException {
for (final Relation.Direction direction : Relation.Direction.values()) {
final Relation[] relations;
switch (direction) {
case IMPORT: relations = importedKeys; break;
case EXPORT: relations = exportedKeys; break;
default: continue;
if (relations != null) {
for (final Relation relation : relations) {
if (!relation.isSearchTableDefined()) {
// A ClassCastException below would be a bug since 'relation.propertyName' shall be for an association.
DefaultAssociationRole association = (DefaultAssociationRole) featureType.getProperty(relation.propertyName);
final Table table = tables.get(association.getValueType().getName());
if (table == null) {
throw new InternalDataStoreException(association.toString());
final String[] referenced;
switch (direction) {
case IMPORT: referenced = table.primaryKeys; break;
case EXPORT: referenced = this.primaryKeys; break;
default: throw new AssertionError(direction);
relation.setSearchTable(analyzer, table, referenced, direction);
// ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
// End of table construction. Next methods are for visualizing the table structure.
// ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
* Appends all children to the given parent. The children are added under the given node.
* If the children array is null, then this method does nothing.
* @param parent the node where to add children.
* @param children the children to add, or {@code null} if none.
* @param arrow the symbol to use for relating the columns of two tables in a foreigner key.
private static void appendAll(final TreeTable.Node parent, final Relation[] children, final String arrow) {
if (children != null) {
for (final Relation child : children) {
child.appendTo(parent, arrow);
* Creates a tree representation of this table for debugging purpose.
* @param parent the parent node where to add the tree representation.
final void appendTo(TreeTable.Node parent) {
parent = Relation.newChild(parent, featureType.getName().toString());
for (final String attribute : attributeNames) {
TableReference.newChild(parent, attribute);
appendAll(parent, importedKeys, " → ");
appendAll(parent, exportedKeys, " ← ");
* Formats a graphical representation of this table for debugging purpose. This representation
* can be printed to the {@linkplain System#out standard output stream} (for example) if the
* output device uses a monospaced font and supports Unicode.
public String toString() {
return TableReference.toString(this, (n) -> appendTo(n));
// ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
// End of table structure visualization. Next methods are for fetching features.
// ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
* Returns the table identifier composed of catalog, schema and table name.
public final Optional<GenericName> getIdentifier() {
return Optional.of(featureType.getName().toFullyQualifiedName());
* Returns the feature type inferred from the database structure analysis.
public final DefaultFeatureType getType() {
return featureType;
* If this table imports the inverse of the given relation, returns the imported relation.
* Otherwise returns {@code null}. This method is used for preventing infinite recursivity.
* @param exported the relation exported by another table.
* @param exportedOwner {@code}: table that contains the {@code exported} relation.
* @return the inverse of the given relation, or {@code null} if none.
final Relation getInverseOf(final Relation exported, final TableReference exportedOwner) {
if (importedKeys != null && name.equals(exported)) {
for (final Relation relation : importedKeys) {
if (relation.equals(exportedOwner) && relation.isInverseOf(exported)) {
return relation;
return null;
* Returns a cache for fetching feature instances by identifier. The map is created when this method is
* first invoked. Keys are primary key values, typically as {@code String} or {@code Integer} instances
* or arrays of those if the keys use more than one column. Values are usually {@code Feature} instances,
* but may also be {@code Collection<Feature>}.
final synchronized WeakValueHashMap<?,Object> instanceForPrimaryKeys() {
if (instanceForPrimaryKeys == null) {
instanceForPrimaryKeys = new WeakValueHashMap<>(primaryKeyClass);
return instanceForPrimaryKeys;
* Returns the number of rows, or -1 if unknown. Note that some database drivers returns 0,
* so it is better to consider 0 as "unknown" too. We do not cache this count because it may
* change at any time.
* @param metadata information about the database.
* @param approximate whether approximate or outdated values are acceptable.
* @return number of rows (may be approximate), or -1 if unknown.
final long countRows(final DatabaseMetaData metadata, final boolean approximate) throws SQLException {
long count = -1;
final String[] names = TableReference.splitName(featureType.getName());
try (ResultSet reflect = metadata.getIndexInfo(names[2], names[1], names[0], false, approximate)) {
while ( {
final long n = reflect.getLong(Reflection.CARDINALITY);
if (!reflect.wasNull()) {
if (reflect.getShort(Reflection.TYPE) == DatabaseMetaData.tableIndexStatistic) {
return n; // "Index statistic" type provides the number of rows in the table.
if (n > count) { // Other index types may be inaccurate.
count = n;
return count;
* Returns a stream of all features contained in this dataset.
* @param parallel {@code true} for a parallel stream (if supported), or {@code false} for a sequential stream.
* @return all features contained in this dataset.
* @throws DataStoreException if an error occurred while creating the stream.
public Stream<AbstractFeature> features(final boolean parallel) throws DataStoreException {
DataStoreException ex;
Connection connection = null;
try {
connection = source.getConnection();
final Features iter = features(connection, new ArrayList<>(), null);
return, parallel).onClose(iter);
} catch (SQLException cause) {
ex = new DataStoreException(Exceptions.unwrap(cause));
if (connection != null) try {
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw ex;
* Returns an iterator over the features.
* @param connection connection to the database.
* @param following the relations that we are following. Used for avoiding never ending loop.
* @param noFollow relation to not follow, or {@code null} if none.
final Features features(final Connection connection, final List<Relation> following, final Relation noFollow)
throws SQLException, InternalDataStoreException
return new Features(this, connection, attributeNames, attributeColumns, importedKeys, exportedKeys, following, noFollow);