blob: d6e95ff14b606e0f4ffa37bd4dd4958cb8b9a157 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.projection;
import org.opengis.util.FactoryException;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.TransformException;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.NoninvertibleTransformException;
import org.apache.sis.internal.referencing.Formulas;
import org.apache.sis.internal.referencing.provider.Mercator1SP;
import org.apache.sis.internal.referencing.provider.Mercator2SP;
import org.apache.sis.internal.referencing.provider.PseudoMercator;
import org.apache.sis.internal.referencing.provider.MillerCylindrical;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.transform.CoordinateDomain;
import org.apache.sis.test.DependsOnMethod;
import org.apache.sis.test.DependsOn;
import org.junit.Test;
import static java.lang.Double.*;
import static java.lang.StrictMath.*;
import static org.opengis.test.Assert.*;
import static org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.projection.ConformalProjectionTest.LN_INFINITY;
// Branch-specific imports
import static org.junit.Assume.assumeTrue;
import static org.apache.sis.test.Assert.PENDING_NEXT_GEOAPI_RELEASE;
* Tests the {@link Mercator} projection.
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
* @author Simon Reynard (Geomatys)
* @author Rémi Maréchal (Geomatys)
* @version 0.8
* @since 0.6
* @module
public final strictfp class MercatorTest extends MapProjectionTestCase {
* Creates a new instance of {@link Mercator} for a sphere or an ellipsoid.
* The new instance is stored in the inherited {@link #transform} field.
* @param ellipsoidal {@code false} for a sphere, or {@code true} for WGS84 ellipsoid.
private void createNormalizedProjection(final boolean ellipsoidal) {
final Mercator2SP method = new Mercator2SP();
transform = new Mercator(method, parameters(method, ellipsoidal));
if (!ellipsoidal) {
transform = new Mercator.Spherical((Mercator) transform);
* Tests the WKT formatting of {@link NormalizedProjection}. For the Mercator projection, we expect only
* the ellipsoid eccentricity. We expect nothing else because all other parameters are used
* by the (de)normalization affine transforms instead than the {@link Mercator} class itself.
* @throws NoninvertibleTransformException if the transform can not be inverted.
* @see LambertConicConformalTest#testNormalizedWKT()
public void testNormalizedWKT() throws NoninvertibleTransformException {
assertWktEquals("PARAM_MT[“Mercator (radians domain)”,\n" +
" PARAMETER[“eccentricity”, 0.0818191908426215]]");
transform = transform.inverse();
assertWktEquals("INVERSE_MT[\n" +
" PARAM_MT[“Mercator (radians domain)”,\n" +
" PARAMETER[“eccentricity”, 0.0818191908426215]]]");
* Tests WKT of a complete map projection.
* @throws FactoryException if an error occurred while creating the map projection.
* @throws NoninvertibleTransformException if the transform can not be inverted.
public void testCompleteWKT() throws FactoryException, NoninvertibleTransformException {
createCompleteProjection(new Mercator1SP(),
WGS84_A, // Semi-major axis length
WGS84_B, // Semi-minor axis length
0.5, // Central meridian
NaN, // Latitude of origin (none)
NaN, // Standard parallel 1 (none)
NaN, // Standard parallel 2 (none)
0.997, // Scale factor
200, // False easting
100); // False northing
assertWktEquals("PARAM_MT[“Mercator_1SP”,\n" +
" PARAMETER[“semi_major”, 6378137.0],\n" +
" PARAMETER[“semi_minor”, 6356752.314245179],\n" +
" PARAMETER[“central_meridian”, 0.5],\n" +
" PARAMETER[“scale_factor”, 0.997],\n" +
" PARAMETER[“false_easting”, 200.0],\n" +
" PARAMETER[“false_northing”, 100.0]]");
transform = transform.inverse();
assertWktEquals("INVERSE_MT[\n" +
" PARAM_MT[“Mercator_1SP”,\n" +
" PARAMETER[“semi_major”, 6378137.0],\n" +
" PARAMETER[“semi_minor”, 6356752.314245179],\n" +
" PARAMETER[“central_meridian”, 0.5],\n" +
" PARAMETER[“scale_factor”, 0.997],\n" +
" PARAMETER[“false_easting”, 200.0],\n" +
" PARAMETER[“false_northing”, 100.0]]]");
* Tests the projection at some special latitudes (0, ±π/2, NaN).
* @throws ProjectionException if an error occurred while projecting a point.
public void testSpecialLatitudes() throws ProjectionException {
if (transform == null) { // May have been initialized by 'testSphericalCase'.
createNormalizedProjection(true); // Elliptical case
assertEquals ("Not a number", NaN, transform(NaN), tolerance);
assertEquals ("Out of range", NaN, transform(+2), tolerance);
assertEquals ("Out of range", NaN, transform(-2), tolerance);
assertEquals ("Forward 0°N", 0, transform(0), tolerance);
assertEquals ("Forward 90°N", POSITIVE_INFINITY, transform(+PI/2), tolerance);
assertEquals ("Forward 90°S", NEGATIVE_INFINITY, transform(-PI/2), tolerance);
assertEquals ("Forward (90+ε)°N", POSITIVE_INFINITY, transform(nextUp ( PI/2)), tolerance);
assertEquals ("Forward (90+ε)°S", NEGATIVE_INFINITY, transform(nextDown(-PI/2)), tolerance);
assertBetween("Forward (90-ε)°N", +MIN_VALUE, +MAX_VALUE, transform(nextDown( PI/2)));
assertBetween("Forward (90-ε)°S", -MAX_VALUE, -MIN_VALUE, transform(nextUp (-PI/2)));
assertEquals ("Not a number", NaN, inverseTransform(NaN), tolerance);
assertEquals ("Inverse 0 m", 0, inverseTransform(0), tolerance);
assertEquals ("Inverse +∞", +PI/2, inverseTransform(POSITIVE_INFINITY), tolerance);
assertEquals ("Inverse +∞ appr.", +PI/2, inverseTransform(LN_INFINITY + 1), tolerance);
assertEquals ("Inverse −∞", -PI/2, inverseTransform(NEGATIVE_INFINITY), tolerance);
assertEquals ("Inverse −∞ appr.", -PI/2, inverseTransform(-(LN_INFINITY + 1)), tolerance);
* Tests the derivatives at a few points. This method compares the derivatives computed by
* the projection with an estimation of derivatives computed by the finite differences method.
* @throws TransformException if an error occurred while projecting a point.
public void testDerivative() throws TransformException {
if (transform == null) { // May have been initialized by 'testSphericalCase'.
createNormalizedProjection(true); // Elliptical case
final double delta = toRadians(100.0 / 60) / 1852; // Approximately 100 metres.
derivativeDeltas = new double[] {delta, delta};
tolerance = 1E-9; // More severe than Formulas.LINEAR_TOLERANCE.
verifyDerivative(toRadians(15), toRadians( 30));
verifyDerivative(toRadians(10), toRadians(-60));
* Tests the <cite>"Mercator (variant A)"</cite> case (EPSG:9804).
* This test is defined in GeoAPI conformance test suite.
* @throws FactoryException if an error occurred while creating the map projection.
* @throws TransformException if an error occurred while projecting a coordinate.
@DependsOnMethod({"testSpecialLatitudes", "testDerivative"})
public void testMercator1SP() throws FactoryException, TransformException {
createGeoApiTest(new Mercator1SP()).testMercator1SP();
* Tests the <cite>"Mercator (variant B)"</cite> case (EPSG:9805).
* This test is defined in GeoAPI conformance test suite.
* @throws FactoryException if an error occurred while creating the map projection.
* @throws TransformException if an error occurred while projecting a coordinate.
public void testMercator2SP() throws FactoryException, TransformException {
createGeoApiTest(new Mercator2SP()).testMercator2SP();
* Tests the <cite>"Mercator (variant C)"</cite> case (EPSG:1044).
* This test is defined in GeoAPI conformance test suite.
* @throws FactoryException if an error occurred while creating the map projection.
* @throws TransformException if an error occurred while projecting a coordinate.
public void testRegionalMercator() throws FactoryException, TransformException {
assumeTrue(PENDING_NEXT_GEOAPI_RELEASE); // Test not available in GeoAPI 3.0
* Tests the <cite>"Mercator (Spherical)"</cite> case (EPSG:1026).
* This test is defined in GeoAPI conformance test suite.
* @throws FactoryException if an error occurred while creating the map projection.
* @throws TransformException if an error occurred while projecting a coordinate.
public void testMercatorSpherical() throws FactoryException, TransformException {
assumeTrue(PENDING_NEXT_GEOAPI_RELEASE); // Test not available in GeoAPI 3.0
* Tests the <cite>"Popular Visualisation Pseudo Mercator"</cite> case (EPSG:1024).
* This test is defined in GeoAPI conformance test suite.
* @throws FactoryException if an error occurred while creating the map projection.
* @throws TransformException if an error occurred while projecting a coordinate.
public void testPseudoMercator() throws FactoryException, TransformException {
createGeoApiTest(new PseudoMercator()).testPseudoMercator();
* Tests the <cite>"Miller Cylindrical"</cite> case.
* This test is defined in GeoAPI conformance test suite.
* @throws FactoryException if an error occurred while creating the map projection.
* @throws TransformException if an error occurred while projecting a coordinate.
public void testMiller() throws FactoryException, TransformException {
createGeoApiTest(new MillerCylindrical()).testMiller();
* Performs the same tests than {@link #testSpecialLatitudes()} and {@link #testDerivative()},
* but using spherical formulas.
* @throws FactoryException if an error occurred while creating the map projection.
* @throws TransformException if an error occurred while projecting a coordinate.
@DependsOnMethod({"testSpecialLatitudes", "testDerivative"})
public void testSphericalCase() throws FactoryException, TransformException {
createNormalizedProjection(false); // Spherical case
// Make sure that the above methods did not overwrote the 'transform' field.
assertEquals("transform.class", Mercator.Spherical.class, transform.getClass());
* Verifies the consistency of elliptical formulas with the spherical formulas.
* This test compares the results of elliptical formulas with the spherical ones
* for some random points.
* @throws FactoryException if an error occurred while creating the map projection.
* @throws TransformException if an error occurred while projecting a coordinate.
public void compareEllipticalWithSpherical() throws FactoryException, TransformException {
createCompleteProjection(new Mercator1SP(),
6371007, // Semi-major axis length
6371007, // Semi-minor axis length
0.5, // Central meridian
NaN, // Latitude of origin (none)
NaN, // Standard parallel 1 (none)
NaN, // Standard parallel 2 (none)
0.997, // Scale factor
200, // False easting
100); // False northing
tolerance = Formulas.LINEAR_TOLERANCE;
compareEllipticalWithSpherical(CoordinateDomain.GEOGRAPHIC_SAFE, 0);