blob: ade1c2818b9acf88d2a7bd6db0ec47c56f4f0015 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.sis.geometry;
import java.text.Format;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.FieldPosition;
import java.text.ParsePosition;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.Instant;
import javax.measure.Unit;
import javax.measure.UnitConverter;
import javax.measure.Quantity;
import javax.measure.IncommensurableException;
import javax.measure.quantity.Time;
import javax.measure.quantity.Length;
import org.opengis.geometry.DirectPosition;
import org.opengis.referencing.cs.AxisDirection;
import org.opengis.referencing.cs.CoordinateSystem;
import org.opengis.referencing.cs.CoordinateSystemAxis;
import org.opengis.referencing.datum.Ellipsoid;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.CRS;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.privy.Formulas;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.privy.AxisDirections;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.privy.ReferencingUtilities;
import org.apache.sis.system.Loggers;
import org.apache.sis.util.ArgumentChecks;
import org.apache.sis.util.CharSequences;
import org.apache.sis.util.Characters;
import org.apache.sis.util.privy.LocalizedParseException;
import org.apache.sis.util.privy.TemporalDate;
import org.apache.sis.util.privy.Constants;
import org.apache.sis.util.privy.Numerics;
import org.apache.sis.math.DecimalFunctions;
import org.apache.sis.math.MathFunctions;
import org.apache.sis.util.logging.Logging;
import org.apache.sis.util.resources.Errors;
import org.apache.sis.measure.Angle;
import org.apache.sis.measure.AngleFormat;
import org.apache.sis.measure.Latitude;
import org.apache.sis.measure.Longitude;
import org.apache.sis.measure.Units;
import org.apache.sis.measure.Quantities;
import org.apache.sis.measure.QuantityFormat;
import org.apache.sis.measure.UnitFormat;
import org.apache.sis.pending.jdk.JDK23;
* Formats spatiotemporal coordinates using number, angle and date formats inferred from the coordinate system.
* The format for each coordinate is inferred from the
* {@linkplain org.apache.sis.referencing.cs.DefaultCoordinateSystemAxis#getUnit() coordinate system units}
* using the following rules:
* <ul>
* <li>Coordinate values in angular units are formatted as angles using {@link AngleFormat}.</li>
* <li>Coordinate values in temporal units are formatted as dates using {@link DateFormat}.</li>
* <li>Other values are formatted as numbers using {@link NumberFormat} followed by the unit symbol
* formatted by {@link org.apache.sis.measure.UnitFormat}.</li>
* </ul>
* The format can be controlled by invoking the {@link #applyPattern(Class, String)} public method,
* or by overriding the {@link #createFormat(Class)} protected method.
* <h2>Coordinate reference system</h2>
* {@code CoordinateFormat} uses the {@link DirectPosition#getCoordinateReferenceSystem()} value for determining
* how to format each coordinate value. If the position does not specify a coordinate reference system, then the
* {@linkplain #setDefaultCRS(CoordinateReferenceSystem) default CRS} is assumed. If no default CRS has been
* specified, then all coordinates are formatted as decimal numbers.
* <p>{@code CoordinateFormat} does <strong>not</strong> transform the given coordinates in a unique CRS.
* If the coordinates need to be formatted in a specific CRS, then the caller should
* {@linkplain org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.transform.AbstractMathTransform#transform(DirectPosition, DirectPosition)
* transform the position} before to format it.</p>
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (MPO, IRD, Geomatys)
* @version 1.4
* @see AngleFormat
* @see org.apache.sis.measure.UnitFormat
* @see GeneralDirectPosition
* @since 0.8
public class CoordinateFormat extends CompoundFormat<DirectPosition> {
* The logger for units of measurement.
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(Loggers.MEASURE);
* Serial number for cross-version compatibility.
private static final long serialVersionUID = 6633388113040644304L;
* Maximal number of characters to convert to {@link String} if the text to parse is not a string instance.
* This is an arbitrary limit that may change (or be removed) in any future SIS version.
private static final int READ_AHEAD_LIMIT = 256;
* Maximal number of dimensions to use when parsing a coordinate without {@link #defaultCRS}.
* This is an arbitrary limit that may change (or be removed) in any future SIS version.
* To avoid this limitation, users are encouraged to specify a default CRS.
private static final int DEFAULT_DIMENSION = 4;
* Units of measurement which are allowed to be automatically scaled to a larger unit.
* For example if the unit of measurement of an axis is meter but the precision is 1000 metres,
* then {@code CoordinateFormat} will automatically uses kilometres units instead of metres.
private static final Set<Unit<?>> SCALABLES = Set.of(Units.METRE, Units.PASCAL);
* The separator between each coordinate values to be formatted.
* The default value is a EM space space (U+2003).
* @see #getSeparator()
* @see #setSeparator(String)
private String separator;
* The separator without spaces, or an empty string if the separator contains only white spaces.
* This is used at parsing time only.
private transient String parseSeparator;
* The desired ground precision, or {@code null} if unspecified.
* This precision may not apply to all axes. The "ground axes" dimensions
* are identified by the bits set in the {@link #groundDimensions} bitmask.
* @see #groundDimensions
* @see #setGroundPrecision(Quantity)
@SuppressWarnings("serial") // Most SIS implementations are serializable.
private Quantity<?> groundPrecision;
* The declared accuracy on ground, or {@code null} if unspecified. The accuracy applies to the same axes
* than {@link #groundPrecision}. But contrarily to {@code groundPrecision}, the accuracy does not change
* the number of fraction digits used by {@link NumberFormat}. Instead, it causes a text such as "± 30 m"
* to be appended after the coordinates.
* @see #accuracyText
* @see #groundDimensions
* @see #accuracyThreshold
* @see #setGroundAccuracy(Quantity)
@SuppressWarnings("serial") // Most SIS implementations are serializable.
private Quantity<?> groundAccuracy;
* Value of {@link #desiredPrecisions} which cause {@link #accuracyText} to be shown.
* For each dimension identified by {@link #groundDimensions}, if the corresponding
* value in {@link #desiredPrecisions} is equal or smaller to this threshold, then
* {@link #accuracyText} will be appended after the formatted coordinates.
* @see #desiredPrecisions
* @see #isAccuracyVisible
private transient double accuracyThreshold;
* The dimensions on which {@link #groundPrecision} applies, specified as a bitmask.
* This bitmask is computed by {@link #applyGroundPrecision(CoordinateReferenceSystem)}
* when first needed. The current heuristic rules are:
* <ul>
* <li>All axes having a {@link AxisDirections#isCompass(AxisDirection) compass direction}
* if at least one of those axes uses an unit of measurement compatible with the unit
* of {@link #groundPrecision} (possibly after conversion between linear and angular
* units on a sphere).</li>
* <li>Otherwise all axes using compatible units, regardless their direction and without
* conversion between linear and angular units.</li>
* </ul>
private transient long groundDimensions;
* The desired precisions for each coordinate, or {@code null} if unspecified.
* The unit of measurement is given by {@link CoordinateSystemAxis#getUnit()}.
* The length of this array does not need to be equal to the number of dimensions;
* extraneous values are ignored and missing values are assumed equal to 0.
* A value of 0 means to use the default precision for that dimension.
* <p>Note that this is the precision specified by the user, which may differ from
* the precision returned by {@link #getPrecisions()}.</p>
* @see #setPrecisions(double...)
* @see #getPrecisions()
private double[] desiredPrecisions;
* Whether this {@code CoordinateFormat} instance has been configured for the precision and accuracy
* specified by {@link #groundPrecision}, {@link #desiredPrecisions} and {@link #groundAccuracy}.
* We use a field separated from {@link #lastCRS} because precision and accuracy threshold need
* to be set only for formatting, not for parsing.
* @see #setPrecisions(double...)
* @see #setGroundPrecision(Quantity)
* @see #setGroundAccuracy(Quantity)
* @see #configure(CoordinateReferenceSystem)
private transient boolean isPrecisionApplied;
* Whether to append the accuracy after coordinate values. This flag is {@code true}
* if {@link #accuracyText} is non-null and one of the following conditions is true:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link #desiredPrecisions} is null, in which case the accuracy is unconditionally shown.</li>
* <li>At least one {@link #desiredPrecisions} value is below {@link #accuracyThreshold}.</li>
* </ul>
* This flag is valid only if {@link #isPrecisionApplied} is {@code true}.
private transient boolean isAccuracyVisible;
* The coordinate reference system to assume if no CRS is attached to the position to format.
* May be {@code null}.
* @see #setDefaultCRS(CoordinateReferenceSystem)
@SuppressWarnings("serial") // Most SIS implementations are serializable.
private CoordinateReferenceSystem defaultCRS;
* The coordinate reference system of the last {@link DirectPosition} that we parsed or formatted.
* This is used for determining if we need to recompute all other transient fields in this class.
* @see #createFormats(CoordinateReferenceSystem)
private transient CoordinateReferenceSystem lastCRS;
* Constants for the {@link #types} array.
private static final byte LONGITUDE=1, LATITUDE=2, ANGLE=3, DATE=4, TIME=5, INDEX=6;
* The type for each value in the {@code formats} array, or {@code null} if not yet computed.
* Types are: 0=number, 1=longitude, 2=latitude, 3=other angle, 4=date, 5=elapsed time, 6=index.
* <p>This array is created by {@link #createFormats(CoordinateReferenceSystem)}, which is invoked before
* parsing or formatting in a different CRS than last operation, and stay unmodified after creation.</p>
* @see #createFormats(CoordinateReferenceSystem)
private transient byte[] types;
* The format instances given by {@link #getFormat(Class)}, to use by default when we have
* not been able to configure the precision. This is the same array as {@link #formats},
* unless {@link #setPrecisions(double...)} has been invoked.
* Values at different indices may reference the same {@link Format} instance.
* @see #createFormats(CoordinateReferenceSystem)
private transient Format[] sharedFormats;
* The formats to use for formatting each coordinate value, or {@code null} if not yet computed.
* The length of this array should be equal to the number of dimensions in {@link #lastCRS}.
* Values at different indices may reference the same {@link Format} instance.
* @see #createFormats(CoordinateReferenceSystem)
private transient Format[] formats;
* The units for each dimension to be formatted as a number with an unit of measurement.
* We do not store {@link Unit} instances for dimensions to be formatted as angles or dates
* because those quantities are formatted with specialized {@link Format} instances working
* in fixed units; no unit symbol should appear after dates or DD°MM′SS″ angles.
* <p>We use this {@code units} array at parsing time for converting numbers from the units
* of measurement in the parsed text to units expected by this {@code CoordinateFormat}.
* Whether an element is non-null determines whether an unit symbol is allowed to appear
* in the text to parse for the corresponding dimension.</p>
* <p>All non-null elements in this array are {@link CoordinateSystemAxis#getUnit()} return values.
* This array is created by {@link #createFormats(CoordinateReferenceSystem)}, which is invoked before
* parsing or formatting in a different CRS than last operation, and stay unmodified after creation.</p>
* @see #unitSymbolsUnscaled
private transient Unit<?>[] units;
* Conversions from arbitrary units to the unit used by formatter, or {@code null} if none.
* For example if coordinate at dimension <var>i</var> is formatted as an angle, then {@code toFormatUnit[i]}
* is the conversion from angular axis units to decimal degrees before those degrees are formatted as DD°MM′SS″
* with {@link AngleFormat}. Note that in this case, {@code units[i] == null} for telling that no unit symbol
* should appear after the coordinate formatted in dimension <var>i</var> (because degree, minute and second
* symbols are handled by {@link AngleFormat} instead).
* <p>In addition to conversions required by formatters expecting values in fixed units of measurement,
* {@code toFormatUnit[i]} may also be non-null for some coordinates formatted as numbers if a different
* unit of measurement is desired. For example, the converter may be non-null if some coordinates in metres
* should be shown in kilometres. In those cases, {@code units[i] != null}.</p>
* <p>This array is used in slightly different ways at parsing time and formatting time. At formatting time,
* coordinate values and unconditionally converted using all converters and the {@link #units} array is ignored.
* At parsing time, {@code toFormatUnit[i]} converters are used only in dimensions <var>i</var> where the parser
* requires a fixed unit which is implicit in the text ({@code units[i] == null}). For other dimensions accepting
* various units ({@code units[i] != null}), the converter to use is determined by the unit of measurement written
* in the text.</p>
* <p>This array is created by {@link #createFormats(CoordinateReferenceSystem)}, which is invoked before
* parsing or formatting in a different CRS than last operation. It may be modified after creation as a
* result of {@link #setPrecisions(double...)} calls, for example for replacing a "m" unit by "km".</p>
* @see #setConverter(int, int, UnitConverter)
private transient UnitConverter[] toFormatUnit;
* Units symbols to append after coordinate values for each dimension, including leading space.
* This is used only for coordinates to be formatted as ordinary numbers with {@link NumberFormat}.
* This array is non-null only if at least one dimension needs to format its coordinates that way.
* <p>Units symbols may be followed by axis {@linkplain #directionSymbols direction symbols} used
* for axes on the ground ("E", "N", "SW", <i>etc.</i>) so the complete symbol may be for example
* "km E". Those direction symbols are stored in a separated array; they are not part of elements
* of this {@code unitSymbols} array.</p>
* <p>This array is created by {@link #createFormats(CoordinateReferenceSystem)}, which is invoked before
* parsing or formatting in a different CRS than last operation. It may be modified after creation as a
* result of {@link #setPrecisions(double...)} calls, for example for replacing a "m" unit by "km".</p>
private transient String[] unitSymbols;
* Same as {@link #unitSymbols} but without the changes applied by {@link #setPrecisions(double...)}.
* This array is created by {@link #createFormats(CoordinateReferenceSystem)}, which is invoked before
* parsing or formatting in a different CRS than last operation, and stay unmodified after creation.
* @see #units
private transient String[] unitSymbolsUnscaled;
* Directions symbols ("E", "N", "SW", <i>etc.</i>) to append after coordinate values for some dimensions,
* including leading space. This is used only for some coordinates formatted with {@link NumberFormat}.
* This array is non-null only if at least one dimension needs to format its coordinates that way.
* The length of this array is twice the number of dimensions. The array contains this tuple:
* <ol>
* <li>Symbol of axis direction (at even indices)</li>
* <li>Symbol in the direction opposite to axis direction (at odd indices)</li>
* </ol>
* <p>This array is created by {@link #createFormats(CoordinateReferenceSystem)}, which is invoked before
* parsing or formatting in a different CRS than last operation, and stay unmodified after creation.</p>
private transient String[] directionSymbols;
* Text to append to the coordinate values for giving an indication about accuracy, or {@code null} if none.
* Example: " ± 1 m" (note the leading space). This is determined by the {@link #groundAccuracy} value.
* If {@link #desiredPrecisions} array is non-null, then accuracy is shown only if a precision is smaller.
* @see #groundAccuracy
* @see #accuracyThreshold
* @see #setGroundAccuracy(Quantity)
private transient String accuracyText;
* Flags the coordinate values that need to be inverted before to be formatted.
* This is needed for example if the axis is oriented toward past instead of future,
* or toward west instead of east.
* @see #negate(int)
private transient long negate;
* The time epochs. Non-null only if at least one coordinate is to be formatted as a date.
* <p>This array is created by {@link #createFormats(CoordinateReferenceSystem)}, which is invoked before
* parsing or formatting in a different CRS than last operation, and stay unmodified after creation.</p>
private transient Instant[] epochs;
* Dummy field position.
private transient FieldPosition dummy;
* Temporary buffer to use if the {@code toAppendTo} argument given to {@link #format(DirectPosition, Appendable)}
* is not an instance of {@code StringBuffer}.
private transient StringBuffer buffer;
* Constructs a new coordinate format with default locale and timezone.
public CoordinateFormat() {
this(Locale.getDefault(Locale.Category.FORMAT), TimeZone.getDefault());
* Constructs a new coordinate format for the specified locale and timezone.
* @param locale the locale for the new {@code Format}, or {@code null} for {@code Locale.ROOT}.
* @param timezone the timezone, or {@code null} for UTC.
public CoordinateFormat(final Locale locale, final TimeZone timezone) {
super(locale, timezone);
separator = "\u2003"; // EM space.
parseSeparator = "";
* Returns the separator between each coordinate (number, angle or date).
* The default value is a single space.
* @return the current coordinate separator.
public String getSeparator() {
return separator;
* Sets the separator between each coordinate.
* The default value is a single space.
* @param separator the new coordinate separator.
public void setSeparator(final String separator) {
ArgumentChecks.ensureNonEmpty("separator", separator);
this.separator = separator;
parseSeparator = separator.strip();
* Returns the coordinate reference system to use if no CRS is explicitly associated to a given {@code DirectPosition}.
* This CRS determines the type of format to use for each coordinate (number, angle or date) and the number of fraction
* digits to use for achieving a {@linkplain #setGroundPrecision(Quantity) specified precision on ground}.
* @return the default coordinate reference system, or {@code null} if none.
public CoordinateReferenceSystem getDefaultCRS() {
return defaultCRS;
* Sets the coordinate reference system to use if no CRS is explicitly associated to a given {@code DirectPosition}.
* This CRS is only a default; positions given in another CRS are <strong>not</strong> automatically transformed to
* that CRS before formatting.
* @param crs the default coordinate reference system, or {@code null} if none.
public void setDefaultCRS(final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs) {
isPrecisionApplied &= (crs == defaultCRS);
defaultCRS = crs;
* Computes the values of transient fields from the given CRS. The {@link #lastCRS} field is set to the given CRS
* for allowing callers to check if this method needs to be invoked again (this method does not check by itself).
* This method does not configure the formats for precisions specified by {@link #setPrecisions(double...)} and
* related methods; that work is done by {@link #configure(CoordinateReferenceSystem)} at formatting time
* (it is not needed at parsing time).
* @param crs the CRS for which to create the {@link Format} instances.
* @see #configure(CoordinateReferenceSystem)
private void createFormats(final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs) {
types = null;
formats = null;
sharedFormats = null;
units = null;
toFormatUnit = null;
unitSymbols = null;
unitSymbolsUnscaled = null;
directionSymbols = null;
epochs = null;
negate = 0L;
lastCRS = crs;
isPrecisionApplied = false;
* If no CRS were specified, we will format everything as numbers. Working with null CRS
* is sometimes useful because null CRS are allowed in DirectPosition according ISO 19107.
* Note that the caller may have replaced `crs` by `defaultCRS` if the CRS was null.
if (crs == null) {
final CoordinateSystem cs = crs.getCoordinateSystem();
if (cs == null) {
return; // Paranoiac check (should never be null).
* Otherwise (if a CRS is given), infer the format subclasses from the axes.
* Prepare also related information such as the unit of measurement and the
* axis direction ("E", "N", etc.) that may need to be formatted.
* The loop handles the following cases:
* - case 0: no axis — use default NumberFormat
* - case 1: angular unit — use AngleFormat
* - case 2: temporal unit — use DateFormat unless no TemporalCRS is found
* - case 3: grid direction — use NumberFormat configured for integers.
* - case 4: all other unit — use NumberFormat + UnitFormat + [axis direction]
final int dimension = cs.getDimension();
final byte[] types = new byte [dimension];
final Format[] formats = new Format[dimension];
for (int i=0; i<dimension; i++) {
final CoordinateSystemAxis axis = cs.getAxis(i);
if (axis == null) { // Paranoiac check.
formats[i] = getDefaultFormat();
final AxisDirection direction = axis.getDirection();
final Unit<?> unit = axis.getUnit();
if (Units.isAngular(unit)) {
* CASE 1: Formatter for angular units. Target unit is DEGREE_ANGLE.
* Type is LONGITUDE, LATITUDE or ANGLE depending on axis direction.
byte type = ANGLE;
if (direction == AxisDirection.NORTH) {type = LATITUDE;}
else if (direction == AxisDirection.EAST) {type = LONGITUDE;}
else if (direction == AxisDirection.SOUTH) {type = LATITUDE; negate(i);}
else if (direction == AxisDirection.WEST) {type = LONGITUDE; negate(i);}
types [i] = type;
formats[i] = getFormat(Angle.class);
setConverter(dimension, i, unit.asType(javax.measure.quantity.Angle.class).getConverterTo(Units.DEGREE));
} else if (Units.isTemporal(unit)) {
* CASE 2: Formatter for temporal units. Target unit is MILLISECONDS.
* Type is DATE.
final CoordinateReferenceSystem t = CRS.getComponentAt(crs, i, i+1);
if (t instanceof TemporalCRS) {
if (epochs == null) {
epochs = new Instant[dimension];
types [i] = DATE;
formats[i] = getFormat(Date.class);
epochs [i] = TemporalDate.toInstant(((TemporalCRS) t).getDatum().getOrigin());
setConverter(dimension, i, unit.asType(Time.class).getConverterTo(Units.SECOND));
if (direction == AxisDirection.PAST) {
types[i] = TIME;
// Fallthrough: format as number (cannot compute epoch because no TemporalCRS found).
} else if (AxisDirections.isGrid(direction) && (unit == null || Units.PIXEL.isCompatible(unit))) {
* CASE 3: Formatter for grid cell indices. Target unit is unity of pixels.
* Type is INDEX, a flag meaning to not set minimum/maximum fraction digits.
types[i] = INDEX;
* CASE 4: Formatter for all other units. Do NOT set types[i] since it may have been set to
* a non-zero value by previous case. If not, the default value (zero) is the one we want.
formats[i] = getFormat(types[i] == INDEX ? Long.class : Number.class);
if (unit != null) {
if (units == null) {
units = new Unit<?>[dimension];
units[i] = unit;
final String symbol = getFormat(Unit.class).format(unit);
if (!symbol.isEmpty()) {
if (unitSymbols == null) {
unitSymbols = unitSymbolsUnscaled = new String[dimension];
unitSymbols[i] = QuantityFormat.SEPARATOR + symbol;
if (AxisDirections.isCompass(direction)) {
if (directionSymbols == null) {
directionSymbols = new String[dimension * 2];
directionSymbols[i*2] = symbol(direction);
directionSymbols[i*2 + 1] = symbol(AxisDirections.opposite(direction));
this.types = types;
this.formats = formats; // Assign only on success because no element can be null.
sharedFormats = formats; // `getFormatClone(int)` will separate arrays later if needed.
* Returns the symbol ("E", "N", "SW", <i>etc.</i>) for given axis direction.
private static String symbol(final AxisDirection direction) {
// Following cast uses or knowledge of `camelCaseToAcronym` implementation.
return ((StringBuilder) CharSequences.camelCaseToAcronym(direction.identifier()))
.insert(0, Characters.NO_BREAK_SPACE).toString();
* Returns a clone of the format at the specified dimension. Format instances are cloned only when first needed.
* The clones are needed when we want to change the format pattern (number of fraction digits, <i>etc.</i>) for
* only one dimension, without impacting other dimensions that may use the same format.
private Format getFormatClone(final int dim) {
if (formats == sharedFormats) {
formats = formats.clone();
Format format = formats[dim];
if (format == sharedFormats[dim]) {
formats[dim] = format = (Format) format.clone();
return format;
* The default format to use when no CRS or no axis information is available. The coordinate type
* could be anything (a date, an angle, …), but since we have no information we assume a number.
* This method is defined for making clearer when such fallback is used.
private Format getDefaultFormat() {
return getFormat(Number.class);
* Sets at the given index a conversion from CRS units to units used by this formatter.
* @param dimension number of dimensions of the coordinate system.
* @param i index of the dimension for which to set the converter.
* @param c the converter to set at the given dimension.
private void setConverter(final int dimension, final int i, final UnitConverter c) {
if (!c.isIdentity()) {
if (toFormatUnit == null) {
toFormatUnit = new UnitConverter[dimension];
toFormatUnit[i] = c;
* Replaces the "m" or "Pa" units of measurement in the given dimension by "km" or "kPa" or other units.
* This is invoked for modifying the format created by {@link #createFormats(CoordinateReferenceSystem)}
* according the value given to {@link #setPrecisions(double...)}.
* <h4>Limitation</h4>
* Current implementation assumes that there is only one scale factor allowed by {@code CoordinateFormat},
* which is 1000. If a future SIS version allows different scale factors, then we would need to make the
* {@code if (toFormatUnit[i] == null)} check more accurate in {@link #applyPrecision(int)} method.
* @param i index of the dimension for which to change the unit.
* @param unit value of {@code units[dimension]}.
* @parma scale scale factor to apply on the unit.
private <Q extends Quantity<Q>> void scaleUnit(final int i, final Unit<Q> unit) {
if (toFormatUnit == null) {
toFormatUnit = new UnitConverter[formats.length];
if (toFormatUnit[i] == null) {
final Unit<Q> target = unit.multiply(1000);
toFormatUnit[i] = unit.getConverterTo(target);
if (unitSymbols == unitSymbolsUnscaled) {
unitSymbols = unitSymbols.clone();
unitSymbols[i] = QuantityFormat.SEPARATOR + getFormat(Unit.class).format(target);
} else {
// Dimension already scaled, assuming we allow only one scale factor.
* Remembers that coordinate values at the given dimension will need to have their sign reverted.
private void negate(final int dimension) {
if (dimension >= Long.SIZE) {
throw new ArithmeticException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.ExcessiveNumberOfDimensions_1, dimension + 1));
negate |= (1L << dimension);
* Returns {@code true} if the value at the given dimension needs to have its sign reversed.
private boolean isNegative(final int dimension) {
return (negate & Numerics.bitmask(dimension)) != 0;
* Returns the precisions at which coordinate values are formatted in each dimension.
* For example if coordinates in dimension <var>i</var> are formatted with two fraction digits,
* then the precision reported in {@code precisions[i]} will be 0.01. If the precision cannot
* be determined for some dimensions, the corresponding values in the returned array will be 0.
* <p>The values returned by this method are not necessarily equal to the values specified in the last
* call to {@link #setPrecisions(double...)}. For example if a precision of 0.03 has been requested for
* a dimension whose coordinates are formatted as decimal numbers, then the actual precision returned
* by this method for that dimension will be 0.01.</p>
* @return precision of coordinate values in each dimension (may contain 0 values for unknown precisions).
* @see AngleFormat#getPrecision()
* @see DecimalFormat#getMaximumFractionDigits()
* @since 1.1
public double[] getPrecisions() {
Format[] cf = formats;
if (cf == null) {
cf = new Format[DEFAULT_DIMENSION];
Arrays.fill(cf, getDefaultFormat());
final double[] precisions = new double[cf.length];
for (int i=0; i<precisions.length; i++) {
final Format f = cf[i];
if (f instanceof DecimalFormat) {
* Intentionally check the DecimalFormat subtype, not the more generic NumberFormat type,
* because the calculation below assumes base 10 and assumes that fraction digits are for
* fractions of 1 (by contrast, CompactNumberFormat may apply fraction to larger values).
precisions[i] = MathFunctions.pow10(-((DecimalFormat) f).getMaximumFractionDigits());
} else if (f instanceof AngleFormat) {
precisions[i] = ((AngleFormat) f).getPrecision();
return precisions;
* Sets the desired precisions at which to format coordinate values in each dimension.
* For example if {@code precisions[i]} is 0.05, then coordinates in dimension <var>i</var>
* will be shown with two fraction digits when formatted as decimal numbers, or with "D°MM"
* pattern when formatted as angles.
* <p>This precision does not have a direct relationship to the precision on the ground.
* For example, a precision of 0.01 could be one centimeter or 10 meters, depending if
* the units of measurement in that dimension is meter or kilometer.
* For a precision related to the ground, use {@link #setGroundPrecision(Quantity)} instead.</p>
* <p>If any value in the given array is 0 or {@link Double#NaN}, then there is a choice:
* if {@link #setGroundPrecision(Quantity)} has been invoked, the precision specified to that
* method will apply (if possible). Otherwise an implementation-specific default precision is used.
* A typical use case is to use {@link #setGroundPrecision(Quantity)} for specifying an horizontal
* precision in "real world" units and to use this {@code setPrecisions(double...)} method for adjusting
* the precision of the vertical axis only.</p>
* @param precisions desired precision at which to format coordinate values in each dimension
* (may have 0 or {@link Double#NaN} values for unspecified precisions in some
* of those dimensions), or {@code null} for restoring the default values.
* @see AngleFormat#setPrecision(double, boolean)
* @see DecimalFormat#setMaximumFractionDigits(int)
* @since 1.1
public void setPrecisions(final double... precisions) {
* Implementation note: this method configures (indirectly through calls to `applyPrecision(int)`)
* the formats given in the `formats` array but does not touch the `sharedFormats` array. This is
* the opposite of `setGroundPrecision(…)` which performs a more global change that affect formats
* in the `sharedFormats` array.
if (precisions == null) {
desiredPrecisions = null;
formats = sharedFormats; // `getFormatClone(int)` will separate arrays later if needed.
} else {
if (desiredPrecisions == null || desiredPrecisions.length != precisions.length) {
desiredPrecisions = new double[precisions.length];
// Initial zero values mean "unspecified".
isPrecisionApplied &= (formats != null);
for (int i=0; i<precisions.length; i++) {
double p = Math.abs(precisions[i]);
if (!(p < Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)) p = 0; // Use ! for replacing NaN.
if (desiredPrecisions[i] != (desiredPrecisions[i] = p)) {
// Precision changed. Keep format up to date.
if (isPrecisionApplied) {
* Sets the pattern of the format for the specified dimension according the desired precision.
* The format to configure is {@code formats[dim]} and the pattern will be constructed from the
* {@code desiredPrecisions[dim]} value. Caller must ensure that the given dimension is valid
* for both {@link #formats} and {@link #desiredPrecisions} arrays.
private void applyPrecision(final int dim) {
final double precision = desiredPrecisions[dim];
if (precision > 0) {
final Format format = formats[dim]; // Will be cloned below if needed.
* Intentionally check the DecimalFormat subtype, not the more generic NumberFormat type,
* because the calculation below assumes base 10 and assumes that fraction digits are for
* fractions of 1 (by contrast, CompactNumberFormat may apply fraction to larger values).
if (format instanceof DecimalFormat && (types == null || types[dim] != INDEX)) {
int digits = DecimalFunctions.fractionDigitsForDelta(precision, false);
if (unitSymbols != null) {
* The `units` array cannot be null if `unitSymbols` is non-null since unit symbols
* are inferred from Unit instances. For now we scale only a small set of known units,
* but more general scaling may be added in a future version.
final Unit<?> unit = units[dim];
if (SCALABLES.contains(unit)) {
if (precision >= 10) { // If precision < 1000, we will use 1 or 2 fraction digits.
digits += 3; // Because `scaleUnit(…)` scales by a factor 1000.
scaleUnit(dim, unit);
} else if (toFormatUnit != null) {
toFormatUnit[dim] = null;
unitSymbols[dim] = unitSymbolsUnscaled[dim];
digits = Math.max(digits, 0);
final DecimalFormat nf = (DecimalFormat) getFormatClone(dim);
} else if (format instanceof AngleFormat) {
((AngleFormat) getFormatClone(dim)).setPrecision(precision, true);
* Computes the values of transient fields from the given CRS and configure the format precisions.
* This method updates the {@link #lastCRS} and {@link #isPrecisionApplied} fields.
* This method does nothing if above-cited fields are already up to date.
* @param crs the CRS for which to create and configure the {@link Format} instances.
* @see #createFormats(CoordinateReferenceSystem)
private void configure(final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs) {
if (lastCRS != crs) {
createFormats(crs); // This method sets the `lastCRS` field.
if (!isPrecisionApplied) {
if (groundPrecision != null) {
if (desiredPrecisions != null) {
if (sharedFormats == null) {
formats = sharedFormats = new Format[desiredPrecisions.length];
Arrays.fill(formats, getDefaultFormat());
types = new byte[formats.length];
final int n = Math.min(desiredPrecisions.length, formats.length);
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
applyPrecision(i); // Will clone Format instances if needed.
isPrecisionApplied = true;
* Adjusts the number of fraction digits to show in coordinates for achieving the given precision.
* The {@link NumberFormat} and {@link AngleFormat} are configured for coordinates expressed in the
* coordinate reference system of the position to format.
* The given resolution will be converted to the units used by coordinate system axes. For example if a 10 metres
* resolution is specified but the {@linkplain #getDefaultCRS() default CRS} axes use kilometres, then this method
* converts the resolution to 0.01 kilometre and uses that value for inferring that coordinates should be formatted
* with 2 fraction digits. If the resolution is specified in an angular units such as degrees, this method uses the
* {@linkplain org.apache.sis.referencing.datum.DefaultEllipsoid#getAuthalicRadius() ellipsoid authalic radius} for
* computing an equivalent resolution in linear units. For example if the ellipsoid of default CRS is WGS84,
* then this method considers a resolution of 1 second of angle as equivalent to a resolution of about 31 meters.
* Conversions work also in the opposite direction (from linear to angular units) and are also used for choosing
* which angle fields (degrees, minutes or seconds) to show.
* <p>If both {@link #setPrecisions(double...)} and {@code setGroundPrecision(Quantity)} are used,
* then the values specified with {@code setPrecisions(…)} have precedence and this ground precision
* is used only as a fallback. A typical use case is to specify the ground precision for horizontal
* dimensions, then to specify a different precision <var>dz</var> for the vertical axis only with
* {@code setPrecisions(NaN, NaN, dz)}.</p>
* @param precision the desired precision together with its linear or angular unit.
* @see DecimalFormat#setMaximumFractionDigits(int)
* @see AngleFormat#setPrecision(double, boolean)
* @see Quantities#create(double, Unit)
* @since 1.1
public void setGroundPrecision(final Quantity<?> precision) {
groundPrecision = Objects.requireNonNull(precision);
if (isPrecisionApplied) {
* Specifies an uncertainty to append as "± <var>accuracy</var>" after the coordinate values.
* If no {@linkplain #setPrecisions(double...) precisions} have been specified, the accuracy
* will be always shown. But if precisions have been specified, then the accuracy will be
* shown only if equals or greater than the precision.
* @param accuracy the accuracy to append after the coordinate values, or {@code null} if none.
* @see #getGroundAccuracy()
* @see #getGroundAccuracyText()
* @see Quantities#create(double, Unit)
* @since 1.1
public void setGroundAccuracy(final Quantity<?> accuracy) {
accuracyText = null;
groundAccuracy = accuracy;
if (accuracy != null) {
final NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(getLocale(Locale.Category.FORMAT));
final QuantityFormat f = new QuantityFormat(nf, (UnitFormat) getFormat(Unit.class));
if (buffer == null) buffer = new StringBuffer();
accuracyText = f.format(accuracy, buffer.append("\u2003\u00B1\u00A0"), dummy).toString();
if (isPrecisionApplied) {
* Configures the formats for {@link #groundPrecision} value. Contrarily to {@link #applyPrecision(int)},
* this method modifies the default formats provided by {@link #getFormat(Class)}. They are the formats
* stored in the {@link #sharedFormats} array. Those formats are used as fallback when the {@link #formats}
* array does not provide more specific format.
* <p>It is caller responsibility to ensure that {@link #groundPrecision} is non-null before to invoke this
* method.</p>
* @param crs the target CRS in the conversion from ground units to CRS units.
private void applyGroundPrecision(final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs) {
* If the given resolution is linear (for example in metres), compute an equivalent resolution in degrees
* assuming a sphere of radius computed from the CRS. Conversely if the resolution is angular (typically
* in degrees), computes an equivalent linear resolution. For all other kind of units, do nothing.
final Resolution specified = new Resolution(groundPrecision);
Resolution derived;
IncommensurableException error;
try {
derived = specified.derived(crs);
error = null;
} catch (IncommensurableException e) { // Should not happen. If happen anyway, use `specified` only.
derived = null;
error = e;
* We now have the requested resolution in both linear and angular units. Convert those resolutions
* to the unit actually used by CRS axes. If the units are not the same for all axes, use the unit
* which result in the smallest resolution value after conversion. Current implementation considers
* only compass directions (East, North, South-East, etc.) but we may revisit in the future.
groundDimensions = 0L;
boolean useSpecified = false;
boolean useDerived = false;
final CoordinateSystem cs;
if (crs != null && (cs = crs.getCoordinateSystem()) != null) {
final int dimension = cs.getDimension();
* The following loop will be executed exactly one or two times. The first execution checks
* only axes having compass direction (East, North, South-East, etc.) and compatible units.
* If no such axis is found, second execution checks all axes regardless their direction.
for (boolean useAllAxes = false; ; useAllAxes = true) {
for (int i=0; i<dimension; i++) {
final CoordinateSystemAxis axis = cs.getAxis(i);
if (axis == null) continue; // Paranoiac check (should never be null).
final AxisDirection direction = axis.getDirection();
if (useAllAxes || AxisDirections.isCompass(direction)) {
final Unit<?> axisUnit = axis.getUnit();
if (axisUnit != null) try {
boolean done;
useSpecified |= (done = specified.findMinResolution(axisUnit, useSpecified));
if (!done && derived != null) {
useDerived |= (done = derived.findMinResolution(axisUnit, useDerived));
if (done) {
groundDimensions |= Numerics.bitmask(i);
} catch (IncommensurableException e) {
if (error == null) error = e; // Should not happen. If happen anyway, skip axis.
else error.addSuppressed(e);
if (useSpecified | useDerived) {
if (useAllAxes) {
useSpecified = true;
derived = null;
if (useSpecified) specified.setPrecision(this);
if (useDerived) derived .setPrecision(this);
if (error != null) {
unexpectedException("setGroundPrecision", error);
* Updates the {@link #accuracyThreshold} for the current {@link #groundAccuracy} value
* (which may be null) and the given coordinate reference system.
private void applyGroundAccuracy(final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs) {
long dimensions = groundDimensions;
abort: if (dimensions != 0 && groundAccuracy != null) try {
final Resolution specified = new Resolution(groundAccuracy);
final Resolution derived = specified.derived(crs); // May be null.
final CoordinateSystem cs = crs.getCoordinateSystem();
accuracyThreshold = 0;
do {
final int i = Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(dimensions);
final Unit<?> unit = cs.getAxis(i).getUnit();
final double accuracy;
if (unit.isCompatible(specified.unit)) {
accuracy = specified.resolution(unit);
} else if (derived != null && unit.isCompatible(derived.unit)) {
accuracy = derived.resolution(unit);
} else {
break abort;
if (accuracy > accuracyThreshold) {
accuracyThreshold = accuracy;
dimensions &= ~(1L << i);
} while (dimensions != 0);
} catch (IncommensurableException e) {
// Should not happen because `groundDimensions` bits were set only on successful axes.
unexpectedException("setGroundAccuracy", e);
accuracyThreshold = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
* Updates the {@link #isAccuracyVisible} flag according current values of {@link #accuracyText},
* {@link #accuracyThreshold} and {@link #desiredPrecisions}.
private void updateAccuracyVisibility() {
isAccuracyVisible = (accuracyText != null);
if (isAccuracyVisible && desiredPrecisions != null) {
long dimensions = groundDimensions & (Numerics.bitmask(desiredPrecisions.length) - 1);
if (dimensions != 0) {
isAccuracyVisible = false;
do {
final int i = Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(dimensions);
final double precision = desiredPrecisions[i];
if (precision > 0 && precision <= accuracyThreshold) {
isAccuracyVisible = true;
dimensions &= ~(1L << i);
} while (dimensions != 0);
* Desired resolution in a given units, together with methods for converting to the units of a coordinate system axis.
* This is a helper class for {@link CoordinateFormat#setGroundPrecision(Quantity)} implementation. An execution of
* that method typically creates two instances of this {@code Resolution} class: one for the resolution in metres
* and another one for the resolution in degrees.
private static final class Resolution {
/** Maximal absolute value that we may format, regardless unit of measurement. */
private double magnitude;
/** The desired resolution in the unit of measurement given by {@link #unit}. */
private double resolution;
/** Unit of measurement of {@link #resolution}. */
private Unit<?> unit;
/** Whether {@link #unit} is an angular unit. */
final boolean isAngular;
/** Creates a new instance initialized to the given precision. */
Resolution(final Quantity<?> groundPrecision) {
resolution = Math.abs(groundPrecision.getValue().doubleValue());
unit = groundPrecision.getUnit();
isAngular = Units.isAngular(unit);
* Creates a new instance derived from the given angular or linear resolution.
* This constructor computes an angular resolution from a linear one, or conversely.
* If is caller responsibility to ensure that the specified resolution is either linear or angular.
* @param specified the linear or angular resolution specified by the user.
* @param radius authalic radius of CRS ellipsoid.
* @param axisUnit {@code radius} unit of measurement, which is also ellipsoid axes unit.
* @throws IncommensurableException should not happen if {@code specified} is either linear or angular.
private Resolution(final Resolution specified, final double radius, final Unit<Length> axisUnit)
throws IncommensurableException
isAngular = !specified.isAngular;
if (isAngular) {
// Angular resolution in radians = linear resolution / radius
resolution = Math.toDegrees(specified.resolution(axisUnit) / radius);
unit = Units.DEGREE;
} else {
// Linear resolution = angular resolution in radians × radius.
resolution = specified.resolution(Units.RADIAN) * radius;
unit = axisUnit;
* If this resolution is in metres, returns equivalent resolution in degrees. Or conversely if this resolution
* is in degrees, returns an equivalent resolution in metres. Other linear and angular units are accepted too;
* they will be converted as needed.
* @param crs the CRS for which to derive an equivalent resolution, or {@code null} if none.
* @return the derived resolution, or {@code null} if none.
* @throws IncommensurableException should never happen since this method verifies unit compatibility.
Resolution derived(final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs) throws IncommensurableException {
if (isAngular || Units.isLinear(unit)) {
final Ellipsoid ellipsoid = ReferencingUtilities.getEllipsoid(crs);
final double radius = Formulas.getAuthalicRadius(ellipsoid);
if (radius > 0) { // Indirectly filter null ellipsoid.
Unit<Length> axisUnit = ellipsoid.getAxisUnit();
if (axisUnit != null) { // Paranoiac check (should never be null).
return new Resolution(this, radius, axisUnit);
return null;
* Returns the resolution converted to the specified unit as an absolute value.
* @throws IncommensurableException if the specified unit is not compatible with {@link #unit}.
private double resolution(final Unit<?> target) throws IncommensurableException {
return Math.abs(unit.getConverterToAny(target).convert(resolution));
* Adjusts the resolution units for the given coordinate system axis. This methods select the units which
* result in the smallest absolute value of {@link #resolution}.
* @param axisUnit {@link CoordinateSystemAxis#getUnit()}.
* @param hasPrevious whether this method has been successfully applied on another axis before.
* @return whether the given axis unit is compatible with the expected unit.
* @throws IncommensurableException should never happen since this method verifies unit compatibility.
boolean findMinResolution(final Unit<?> axisUnit, final boolean hasPrevious) throws IncommensurableException {
if (!axisUnit.isCompatible(unit)) {
return false;
final double r = resolution(axisUnit);
if (!hasPrevious || r < resolution) {
resolution = r; // To units producing the smallest value.
unit = axisUnit;
return true;
* Adjusts the maximal magnitude value, ignoring unit conversion. We do not apply unit conversion because
* the axis minimum and maximum values are already in the units of the coordinates that will be formatted.
* Even if different axes use different units, we want the largest value that {@link NumberFormat} may see.
final void findMaxValue(final CoordinateSystemAxis axis) {
final double maxValue = Math.max(Math.abs(axis.getMinimumValue()),
if (maxValue > magnitude) {
magnitude = maxValue;
* Configures the {@link NumberFormat} or {@link AngleFormat} for a number of fraction digits
* sufficient for the given resolution. This method configures the shared formats returned by
* {@link #getFormat(Class)}. They are the formats stored in the {@link #sharedFormats} array.
void setPrecision(final CoordinateFormat owner) {
if (Units.isTemporal(unit)) {
return; // Setting temporal resolution is not yet implemented.
final Format format = owner.getFormat(isAngular ? Angle.class : Number.class);
if (format instanceof DecimalFormat) {
* Intentionally check the DecimalFormat subtype, not the more generic NumberFormat type,
* because the calculation below assumes base 10 and assumes that fraction digits are for
* fractions of 1 (by contrast, CompactNumberFormat may apply fraction to larger values).
if (resolution == 0) resolution = 1E-6; // Arbitrary value.
final int p = Math.max(0, DecimalFunctions.fractionDigitsForDelta(resolution, true));
final int m = Math.max(0, DecimalFunctions.fractionDigitsForDelta(Math.ulp(magnitude), false));
((DecimalFormat) format).setMinimumFractionDigits(Math.min(p, m));
((DecimalFormat) format).setMaximumFractionDigits(p);
} else if (format instanceof AngleFormat) {
((AngleFormat) format).setPrecision(resolution, true);
* Returns the current ground accuracy value, or {@code null} if none.
* This is the value given to the last call to {@link #setGroundAccuracy(Quantity)}.
* @return the current ground accuracy value, or {@code null} if none.
* @see #setGroundAccuracy(Quantity)
public Quantity<?> getGroundAccuracy() {
return groundAccuracy;
* Returns the textual representation of the current ground accuracy.
* Example: " ± 3 m" (note the leading space).
* @return textual representation of current ground accuracy.
* @see #setGroundAccuracy(Quantity)
public Optional<String> getGroundAccuracyText() {
return Optional.ofNullable(accuracyText);
* Returns the pattern for number, angle or date fields. The given {@code valueType} should be
* {@code Number.class}, {@code Angle.class}, {@code Date.class} or a sub-type of the above.
* This method may return {@code null} if the underlying format cannot provide a pattern.
* <table class="sis">
* <caption>Pattern availability for type of value</caption>
* <tr><th>Value type</th> <th>Base format class</th> <th>Format with pattern</th></tr>
* <tr><td>{@link Number}</td> <td>{@link NumberFormat}</td> <td>{@link DecimalFormat}</td></tr>
* <tr><td>{@link Angle}</td> <td>{@link AngleFormat}</td> <td>{@link AngleFormat}</td></tr>
* <tr><td>{@link Date}</td> <td>{@link DateFormat}</td> <td>{@link SimpleDateFormat}</td></tr>
* </table>
* @param valueType the base type of coordinate values to parse and format:
* {@code Number.class}, {@code Angle.class} or {@code Date.class}.
* @return the pattern for fields of the given type, or {@code null} if not applicable.
* @see #getFormat(Class)
public String getPattern(final Class<?> valueType) {
final Format format = getFormat(valueType);
if (format instanceof AngleFormat) {
return ((AngleFormat) format).toPattern();
} else if (format instanceof DecimalFormat) {
return ((DecimalFormat) format).toPattern();
} else if (format instanceof SimpleDateFormat) {
return ((SimpleDateFormat) format).toPattern();
} else {
return null;
* Sets the pattern for number, angle or date fields.
* The pattern syntax depends on the {@code valueType} argument:
* <ul>
* <li>If {@code valueType} is {@code Number.class}, then the pattern syntax shall be as described in the
* {@link DecimalFormat} class. This pattern may be used for any coordinate to be formatted as plain number,
* for example in {@linkplain org.apache.sis.referencing.cs.DefaultCartesianCS Cartesian coordinate system}.</li>
* <li>If {@code valueType} is {@code Angle.class}, then the pattern syntax shall be as described in the
* {@link AngleFormat} class. This pattern may be used for any coordinate to be formatted as latitude or longitude,
* for example in {@linkplain org.apache.sis.referencing.cs.DefaultEllipsoidalCS ellipsoidal coordinate system}.</li>
* <li>If {@code valueType} is {@code Date.class}, then the pattern syntax shall be as described in the
* {@link SimpleDateFormat} class. This pattern may be used for any coordinate to be formatted as date and time,
* for example in {@linkplain org.apache.sis.referencing.cs.DefaultTimeCS time coordinate system}.</li>
* </ul>
* @param valueType the base type of coordinate values to parse and format:
* {@code Number.class}, {@code Angle.class} or {@code Date.class}.
* @param pattern the pattern as specified in {@link DecimalFormat}, {@link AngleFormat}
* or {@link SimpleDateFormat} javadoc.
* @return {@code true} if the pattern has been applied, or {@code false} if {@code valueType} does not
* specify a known type or if the format associated to that type does not support patterns.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given pattern is invalid.
public boolean applyPattern(final Class<?> valueType, final String pattern) {
ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull("pattern", pattern);
final Format format = getFormat(valueType);
if (format instanceof DecimalFormat) {
((DecimalFormat) format).applyPattern(pattern);
} else if (format instanceof SimpleDateFormat) {
((SimpleDateFormat) format).applyPattern(pattern);
} else if (format instanceof AngleFormat) {
((AngleFormat) format).applyPattern(pattern);
} else {
return false;
formats = sharedFormats; // For forcing an update of `formats` when needed.
return true;
* Returns the base type of values parsed and formatted by this {@code Format} instance.
* @return {@code DirectPosition.class}.
public final Class<DirectPosition> getValueType() {
return DirectPosition.class;
* Creates a new format to use for parsing and formatting values of the given type.
* This method is invoked by {@link #getFormat(Class)} the first time that a format
* is needed for the given type.
* <p>See {@linkplain CompoundFormat#createFormat(Class) super-class} for a description of recognized types.
* This method override uses the short date pattern instead of the (longer) default one.</p>
* @param valueType the base type of values to parse or format.
* @return the format to use for parsing of formatting values of the given type, or {@code null} if none.
protected Format createFormat(final Class<?> valueType) {
if (valueType == Date.class) {
final Locale locale = super.getLocale();
if (!Locale.ROOT.equals(locale)) {
final DateFormat format;
format = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, DateFormat.SHORT, locale);
return format;
return super.createFormat(valueType);
* Formats the given coordinate.
* The type of each coordinate value (number, angle or date) is determined by the CRS of the given
* position if such CRS is defined, or from the {@linkplain #getDefaultCRS() default CRS} otherwise.
* @param position the coordinate to format.
* @return the formatted position.
public String format(final DirectPosition position) {
if (buffer == null) {
buffer = new StringBuffer();
try {
format(position, buffer);
} catch (IOException e) {
* Should never happen when writing into a StringBuffer, unless the user override the
* format(…) method. We do not rethrow an AssertionError because of this possibility.
throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
return buffer.toString();
* Formats the given coordinate and appends the resulting text to the given stream or buffer.
* The type of each coordinate value (number, angle or date) is determined by the CRS of the given
* position if such CRS is defined, or from the {@linkplain #getDefaultCRS() default CRS} otherwise.
* @param position the coordinate to format.
* @param toAppendTo where the text is to be appended.
* @throws IOException if an error occurred while writing to the given appendable.
* @throws ArithmeticException if a date value exceed the capacity of {@code long} type.
public void format(final DirectPosition position, final Appendable toAppendTo) throws IOException {
ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull("position", position);
ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull("toAppendTo", toAppendTo);
CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = position.getCoordinateReferenceSystem();
if (crs == null) {
crs = defaultCRS; // May still be null.
* Configure the formatters for the desired precision, which can potentially change for each point.
* Note that the formatters may not have been created if the CRS is null (because `createFormats(…)`
* does not know which format to use), in which case generic number formats will be used.
* Standard java.text.Format API can only write into a StringBuffer. If the given Appendable is not a
* StringBuffer, then we will need to format in a temporary buffer before to copy to the Appendable.
final StringBuffer destination;
if (toAppendTo instanceof StringBuffer) {
destination = (StringBuffer) toAppendTo;
} else {
if (buffer == null) {
buffer = new StringBuffer();
destination = buffer;
if (dummy == null) {
dummy = new FieldPosition(0);
* The format to use for each coordinate has been computed by `configure`. The format array length
* should match the number of dimensions in the given position assuming that the DirectPosition is
* consistent with its CRS. If there is no CRS, or if the DirectPosition dimension is (illegally)
* greater than the CRS dimension, then we will format the coordinate as a plain number.
final int dimension = position.getDimension();
for (int i=0; i < dimension; i++) {
double value = position.getOrdinate(i);
final Object valueObject;
final String unit, direction;
final Format f;
if (formats != null && i < formats.length) { // The < check is a safety against illegal DirectPosition.
f = formats[i];
unit = (unitSymbols != null) ? unitSymbols[i] : null;
if (directionSymbols == null) {
direction = null;
} else if (value < 0) {
value = -value;
direction = directionSymbols[i*2 + 1];
} else {
direction = directionSymbols[i*2];
if (isNegative(i)) {
value = -value;
if (toFormatUnit != null) {
final UnitConverter c = toFormatUnit[i];
if (c != null) {
value = c.convert(value);
switch (types[i]) {
default: valueObject = Double.valueOf(value); break;
case INDEX: valueObject = Math.round (value); break;
case LONGITUDE: valueObject = new Longitude (value); break;
case LATITUDE: valueObject = new Latitude (value); break;
case ANGLE: valueObject = new Angle (value); break;
case DATE: {
if (Double.isFinite(value)) {
valueObject = TemporalDate.toDate(TemporalDate.addSeconds(epochs[i], value));
} else {
if (i != 0) toAppendTo.append(separator);
} else {
valueObject = value;
f = getDefaultFormat();
unit = direction = null;
* At this point we got the value to format together with the Format instance to use.
if (i != 0) {
if (f.format(valueObject, destination, dummy) != toAppendTo) {
if (unit != null) toAppendTo.append(unit);
if (direction != null) toAppendTo.append(direction);
* Finished to format the all coordinate values. Appends the accuracy if
* there is one and if the precision is at least as small as the accuracy.
if (isAccuracyVisible) {
* Parses a coordinate from the given character sequence.
* This method presumes that the coordinate reference system is the {@linkplain #getDefaultCRS() default CRS}.
* The parsing begins at the {@linkplain ParsePosition#getIndex() index} given by the {@code pos} argument.
* If parsing succeeds, then the {@code pos} index is updated to the index after the last coordinate value and
* the parsed coordinate is returned. Otherwise (if parsing fails), the {@code pos} index is left unchanged,
* the {@code pos} {@linkplain ParsePosition#getErrorIndex() error index} is set to the index of the first
* unparsable character and an exception is thrown with a similar {@linkplain ParseException#getErrorOffset()
* error index}.
* @param text the character sequence for the coordinate to parse.
* @param pos the index where to start the parsing.
* @return the parsed coordinate (never {@code null}).
* @throws ParseException if an error occurred while parsing the coordinate.
public DirectPosition parse(final CharSequence text, final ParsePosition pos) throws ParseException {
final int start = pos.getIndex();
final int length = text.length();
* The NumberFormat, DateFormat and AngleFormat work only on String values, not on CharSequence.
* If the given text is not a String, we will convert an arbitrarily small section of the given
* text. Note that this will require to adjust the ParsePosition indices.
final int offset;
final String asString;
final ParsePosition subPos;
if (text instanceof String) {
offset = 0;
subPos = pos;
asString = (String) text;
} else {
offset = start;
subPos = new ParsePosition(0);
asString = text.subSequence(start, Math.min(start + READ_AHEAD_LIMIT, length)).toString();
* The Format instances to be used for each coordinate values is determined by the default CRS.
* If no such CRS has been specified, then we will parse everything as plain numbers.
if (lastCRS != defaultCRS) {
final double[] coordinates;
Format format;
final Format[] formats = this.formats;
if (formats != null) {
format = null;
coordinates = new double[formats.length];
} else {
format = getDefaultFormat();
coordinates = new double[DEFAULT_DIMENSION];
* For each coordinate value except the first one, we need to skip the separator.
* If we do not find the separator, we may consider that we reached the coordinate
* end ahead of time. We currently allow that only for coordinate without CRS.
for (int i=0; i < coordinates.length; i++) {
skipSep: if (i != 0) {
final int end = subPos.getIndex(); // End of previous coordinate.
int index = offset + end;
while (index < length) {
if (parseSeparator.isEmpty()) {
final int next = CharSequences.skipLeadingWhitespaces(text, index, length);
if (next > index) {
subPos.setIndex(next - offset);
break skipSep;
} else {
if (CharSequences.regionMatches(text, index, parseSeparator)) {
subPos.setIndex(index + parseSeparator.length() - offset);
break skipSep;
final int c = Character.codePointAt(text, index);
if (!Character.isSpaceChar(c)) break;
index += Character.charCount(c);
* No separator found. If no CRS was specified (in which case we don't know how many coordinates
* were expected), then stop parsing and return whatever number of coordinates we got. Otherwise
* (another coordinate was expected) consider we have a too short string or unexpected characters.
if (formats == null) {
return new GeneralDirectPosition(Arrays.copyOf(coordinates, i));
final CharSequence previous = text.subSequence(start, end);
final CharSequence found = CharSequences.token(text, index);
final short key;
final CharSequence[] args;
if (found.length() != 0) {
key = Errors.Keys.UnexpectedCharactersAfter_2;
args = new CharSequence[] {previous, found};
} else {
key = Errors.Keys.UnexpectedEndOfString_1;
args = new CharSequence[] {previous};
throw new LocalizedParseException(getLocale(), key, args, index);
* At this point `subPos` is set to the beginning of the next coordinate to parse in `asString`.
* Parse the value as a number, angle or date, as determined from the coordinate system axis.
if (formats != null) {
format = formats[i];
@SuppressWarnings("null") // `format` was initially null only if `formats` is non-null.
final Object object = format.parseObject(asString, subPos);
if (object == null) {
* If we failed to parse, build an error message with the type that was expected for that coordinate.
* If the given CharSequence was not a String, we may need to update the error index since we tried
* to parse only a substring.
Class<?> type = Number.class;
if (types != null) {
switch (types[i]) {
case LONGITUDE: type = Longitude.class; break;
case LATITUDE: type = Latitude.class; break;
case ANGLE: type = Angle.class; break;
case DATE: type = Date.class; break;
case INDEX: type = Long.class; break;
if (subPos != pos) {
pos.setErrorIndex(offset + subPos.getErrorIndex());
throw new LocalizedParseException(getLocale(), type, text, pos);
* The value part (number, angle or date) has been parsed successfully.
* Get the numerical value. The unit of measurement may not be the same
* than the one expected by the CRS (we will convert later).
double value;
if (object instanceof Angle) {
value = ((Angle) object).degrees();
} else if (object instanceof Date) {
final Duration d = JDK23.until(epochs[i], ((Date) object).toInstant());
value = d.getSeconds() + (d.getNano() / (double) Constants.NANOS_PER_SECOND);
} else {
value = ((Number) object).doubleValue();
* The value sign may need to be adjusted if the value is followed by a direction symbol
* such as "N", "E" or "SW". Get the symbols that are allowed for current coordinate.
* We will check for their presence after the unit symbol, or immediately after the value
* if there is no unit symbol.
String direction = null;
String opposite = null;
if (directionSymbols != null) {
direction = directionSymbols[i*2 ];
opposite = directionSymbols[i*2 + 1];
* The unit written after the coordinate value may not be the same as the unit declared
* in the CRS axis, so we have to parse the unit and convert the value before to apply the
* change of sign.
final Unit<?> target;
UnitConverter toCRS = null;
parseUnit: if (units != null && (target = units[i]) != null) {
final int base = subPos.getIndex();
int index = base; // Will become start index of unit symbol.
* Skip whitespaces using Character.isSpaceChar(…), not Character.isWhitespace(…),
* because we need to skip also the non-breaking space (Characters.NO_BREAK_SPACE).
* If we cannot parse the unit after those spaces, we will revert to the original
* position + spaces skipped (absence of unit will not be considered an error).
int c;
for (;;) {
if (index >= asString.length()) {
break parseUnit; // Found only spaces until end of string.
c = asString.codePointAt(index);
if (!Character.isSpaceChar(c)) break;
index += Character.charCount(c);
* Now the `index` should be positioned on the first character of the unit symbol.
* Before to parse the unit, verify if a direction symbol is found after the unit.
* We need to do this check because unit symbol and direction symbol are separated
* by a no-break space, which causes `UnitFormat` to try to parse them together as
* a unique unit symbol.
int stopAt = index; // Will become stop index of unit symbol.
int nextAt = -1; // Will become start index of next coordinate.
checkDirection: if (direction != null) {
do {
stopAt += Character.charCount(c);
if (stopAt >= asString.length()) {
break checkDirection;
c = asString.codePointAt(stopAt);
} while (!Character.isSpaceChar(c));
* Found the first space character, which may be a no-break space.
* Check for direction symbol here. This strategy is based on the
* fact that the direction symbol starts with a no-break space.
if (asString.regionMatches(true, stopAt, direction, 0, direction.length())) {
nextAt = stopAt + direction.length();
} else if (asString.regionMatches(true, stopAt, opposite, 0, opposite.length())) {
nextAt = stopAt + opposite.length();
value = -value;
* Parse the unit symbol now. The `nextAt` value determines whether a direction symbol
* has been found, in which case we need to exclude the direction from the text parsed
* by `UnitFormat`.
final Format f = getFormat(Unit.class);
final Object unit;
try {
if (nextAt < 0) {
unit = f.parseObject(asString, subPos); // Let `UnitFormat` decide where to stop parsing.
} else {
unit = f.parseObject(asString.substring(index, stopAt));
direction = opposite = null;
if (unit == null) {
} else {
toCRS = ((Unit<?>) unit).getConverterToAny(target);
} catch (ParseException | IncommensurableException e) {
index += offset;
if (e instanceof ParseException) {
throw (ParseException) e;
throw (ParseException) new ParseException(e.getMessage(), index).initCause(e);
} else {
* If we reach this point, the format at dimension `i` uses an implicit unit of measurement
* such as degrees for `AngleFormat` or milliseconds for `DateFormat`. Only for those cases
* (identified by `units[i] == null`), use the conversion declared in `toFormatUnit` array.
if (toFormatUnit != null) {
toCRS = toFormatUnit[i];
if (toCRS != null) {
toCRS = toCRS.inverse();
* At this point either the unit of measurement has been parsed, or there is no unit.
* If the direction symbol ("E", "N", "SW", etc.) has not been found before, check now.
if (direction != null) {
int index = subPos.getIndex();
if (asString.regionMatches(true, index, direction, 0, direction.length())) {
index += direction.length();
} else if (asString.regionMatches(true, index, opposite, 0, opposite.length())) {
index += opposite.length();
value = -value;
* The conversions and sign reversal applied below shall be in reverse order
* than the operations applied by the `format(…)` method.
if (toCRS != null) {
value = toCRS.convert(value);
if (isNegative(i)) {
value = -value;
coordinates[i] = value;
* If accuracy information is appended after the coordinates (e.g. " ± 3 km"), skip that text.
if (accuracyText != null) {
final int index = subPos.getIndex();
final int lg = accuracyText.length();
if (asString.regionMatches(true, index, accuracyText, 0, lg)) {
subPos.setIndex(index + lg);
final GeneralDirectPosition position = new GeneralDirectPosition(coordinates);
return position;
* Invoked when an unexpected error occurred but continuation is still possible.
* This method is invoked in the context of units of measurement.
* @param method the public method to report as the source of the log record.
* @param error the error that occurred.
private static void unexpectedException(final String method, final Exception error) {
Logging.unexpectedException(LOGGER, CoordinateFormat.class, method, error);
* Returns a clone of this format.
* @return a clone of this format.
public CoordinateFormat clone() {
final CoordinateFormat clone = (CoordinateFormat) super.clone();
clone.dummy = null;
clone.buffer = null;
if (desiredPrecisions != null) {
clone.desiredPrecisions = desiredPrecisions.clone();
return clone;
* Invoked on deserialization for restoring some transient fields.
* @param in the input stream from which to deserialize a coordinate format
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurred while reading or if the stream contains invalid data.
* @throws ClassNotFoundException if the class serialized on the stream is not on the module path.
private void readObject(final ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
parseSeparator = separator.strip();