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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.sis.util;
import org.opengis.metadata.citation.Citation; // For javadoc.
import org.apache.sis.internal.util.Numerics;
import org.apache.sis.internal.util.Strings;
import org.apache.sis.util.resources.Errors;
* Static methods working on {@code char} values, and some character constants.
* Apache SIS uses Unicode symbols directly in the source code for easier reading,
* except for some symbols that are difficult to differentiate from other similar
* symbols. For those symbols, constants are declared in this class.
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
* @version 1.1
* @since 0.3
* @module
public final class Characters extends Static {
* Hyphen character ('\u2010', Unicode {@code 2010}).
* This code tells to {@link}
* that a line break is allowed to be inserted after this character.
* <p>For non-breaking hyphen, use the Unicode {@code 2011} character.</p>
public static final char HYPHEN = '\u2010';
* Hyphen character to be visible only if there is a line break to insert after it
* (Unicode {@code 00AD}, HTML {@code &shy;}).
* Otherwise this character is invisible. When visible, the graphical symbol is similar
* to the {@link #HYPHEN} character.
public static final char SOFT_HYPHEN = '\u00AD';
* The <cite>no-break space</cite> (Unicode {@code 00A0}, HTML {@code &nbsp;}).
* Apache SIS uses Unicode symbols directly in the source code for easier reading,
* except for no-break spaces since they can not be visually distinguished from the
* ordinary space (Unicode {@code 0020}).
public static final char NO_BREAK_SPACE = '\u00A0';
* The Unicode line separator (Unicode {@code 2028}, HTML {@code <br>}).
* @see Character#LINE_SEPARATOR
public static final char LINE_SEPARATOR = '\u2028';
* The Unicode paragraph separator (Unicode {@code 2029}, HTML {@code <p>…</p>}).
public static final char PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR = '\u2029';
* Do not allow instantiation of this class.
private Characters() {
* Returns {@code true} if the given code point is a valid character for <cite>Well Known Text</cite> (WKT).
* This method returns {@code true} for the following characters:
* <blockquote><pre>{@literal A-Z a-z 0-9 _ [ ] ( ) { } < = > . , : ; + - (space) % & ' " * ^ / \ ? | °}</pre></blockquote>
* They are ASCII codes 32 to 125 inclusive except ! (33), # (35), $ (36), @ (64) and ` (96),
* plus the addition of ° (176) despite being formally outside the ASCII character set.
* @param c the code point to test.
* @return {@code true} if the given code point is a valid WKT character.
* @see
* @since 0.6
public static boolean isValidWKT(final int c) {
switch (c) {
case '!':
case '#':
case '$':
case '@':
case '`': return false;
case '°': return true;
default : return (c >= ' ') && (c <= '}');
* Returns {@code true} if the given code point is a {@linkplain Character#LINE_SEPARATOR
* line separator}, a {@linkplain Character#PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR paragraph separator} or one
* of the {@code '\r'} or {@code '\n'} control characters.
* @param c the code point to test.
* @return {@code true} if the given code point is a line or paragraph separator.
public static boolean isLineOrParagraphSeparator(final int c) {
switch (Character.getType(c)) {
default: return false;
case Character.LINE_SEPARATOR:
case Character.PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR: return true;
case Character.CONTROL: return (c == '\r') || (c == '\n');
* Returns {@code true} if the given character is an hexadecimal digit.
* This method returns {@code true} if {@code c} is between {@code '0'} and {@code '9'} inclusive,
* or between {@code 'A'} and {@code 'F'} inclusive, or between {@code 'a'} and {@code 'f'} inclusive.
* @param c the character to test.
* @return {@code true} if the given character is an hexadecimal digit.
* @since 0.5
public static boolean isHexadecimal(int c) {
* The &= ~32 is a cheap conversion of lower-case letters to upper-case letters.
* It is not a rigorous conversion since it does not check if 'c' is a letter,
* but for the purpose of this method it is okay.
return (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || ((c &= ~32) >= 'A' && c <= 'F');
* Determines whether the given character is a superscript. Most (but not all) superscripts
* have a Unicode value in the [2070 … 207F] range. Superscripts are the following symbols:
* {@preformat text
* ⁰ ¹ ² ³ ⁴ ⁵ ⁶ ⁷ ⁸ ⁹ ⁺ ⁻ ⁼ ⁽ ⁾ ⁿ
* }
* @param c the character to test.
* @return {@code true} if the given character is a superscript.
public static boolean isSuperScript(final int c) {
switch (c) {
case '¹': // Legacy values in "Latin-1 supplement" space: 00B9, 00B2 and 00B3.
case '²': // Those values are outside the usual [2070 … 207F] range.
case '³': return true;
case '\u2071': // Would be the '¹', '²' and '³' values if they were declared in the usual range.
case '\u2072': // Since they are not, those values are unassigned.
case '\u2073': return false;
default: return (c >= '⁰' && c <= 'ⁿ');
* Determines whether the given character is a subscript. All subscripts have
* a Unicode value in the [2080 … 208E]. Subscripts are the following symbols:
* {@preformat text
* ₀ ₁ ₂ ₃ ₄ ₅ ₆ ₇ ₈ ₉ ₊ ₋ ₌ ₍ ₎
* }
* @param c the character to test.
* @return {@code true} if the given character is a subscript.
public static boolean isSubScript(final int c) {
return (c >= '₀' && c <= '₎');
* Converts the given character argument to superscript.
* Only the following characters can be converted (other characters are left unchanged):
* {@preformat text
* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 + - = ( ) n
* }
* @param c the character to convert.
* @return the given character as a superscript, or {@code c} if the given character can not be converted.
public static char toSuperScript(char c) {
switch (c) {
case '1': c = '¹'; break; // 00B9
case '2': c = '²'; break; // 00B2
case '3': c = '³'; break; // 00B3
case '+': c = '⁺'; break; // 207A
case '-': c = '⁻'; break; // 207B
case '=': c = '⁼'; break; // 207C
case '(': c = '⁽'; break; // 207D
case ')': c = '⁾'; break; // 207E
case 'n': c = 'ⁿ'; break; // 207F
default: {
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
c += ('⁰' - '0');
return c;
* Converts the given character argument to subscript.
* Only the following characters can be converted (other characters are left unchanged):
* {@preformat text
* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 + - = ( )
* }
* @param c the character to convert.
* @return the given character as a subscript, or {@code c} if the given character can not be converted.
public static char toSubScript(char c) {
switch (c) {
case '+': c = '₊'; break; // 208A
case '-': c = '₋'; break; // 208B
case '=': c = '₌'; break; // 208C
case '(': c = '₍'; break; // 208D
case ')': c = '₎'; break; // 208E
default: {
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
c += ('₀' - '0');
return c;
* Converts the given character argument to normal script.
* @param c the character to convert.
* @return the given character as a normal script, or {@code c} if the
* given character was not a superscript or a subscript.
public static char toNormalScript(char c) {
// Cast is safe because all return values are in the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP).
return (char) toNormalScript((int) c);
* Converts the given code point to normal script.
* @param c the character to convert.
* @return the given character as a normal script, or {@code c} if the
* given character was not a superscript or a subscript.
* @since 1.0
public static int toNormalScript(int c) {
switch (c) {
case '\u2071': // Exceptions to the default case. They would be the ¹²³
case '\u2072': // cases if they were not defined in the Latin-1 range.
case '\u2073': break;
case '¹': c = '1'; break;
case '²': c = '2'; break;
case '³': c = '3'; break;
case '⁺': case '₊': c = '+'; break;
case '⁻': case '₋': c = '-'; break;
case '⁼': case '₌': c = '='; break;
case '⁽': case '₍': c = '('; break;
case '⁾': case '₎': c = ')'; break;
case 'ⁿ': c = 'n'; break;
default: {
if (c >= '⁰' && c <= '₉') {
if (c <= '⁹') c -= ('⁰' - '0');
else if (c >= '₀') c -= ('₀' - '0');
return c;
* Subsets of Unicode characters identified by their general category.
* The categories are identified by constants defined in the {@link Character} class, like
* <p>An instance of this class can be obtained from an enumeration of character types
* using the {@link #forTypes(byte[])} method, or using one of the constants predefined
* in this class. Then, Unicode characters can be tested for inclusion in the subset by
* calling the {@link #contains(int)} method.</p>
* <h2>Relationship with international standards</h2>
* ISO 19162:2015 §B.5.2 recommends to ignore spaces, case and the following characters when comparing two
* {@linkplain org.apache.sis.referencing.AbstractIdentifiedObject#getName() identified object names}:
* “{@code _}” (underscore), “{@code -}” (minus sign), “{@code /}” (solidus),
* “{@code (}” (left parenthesis) and “{@code )}” (right parenthesis).
* The same specification also limits the set of valid characters in a name to the following (§6.3.1):
* <blockquote>{@code A-Z a-z 0-9 _ [ ] ( ) { } < = > . , : ; + - (space) % & ' " * ^ / \ ? | °}</blockquote>
* <div class="note"><b>Note:</b> SIS does not enforce this restriction in its programmatic API,
* but may perform some character substitutions at <cite>Well Known Text</cite> (WKT) formatting time.</div>
* If we take only the characters in the above list which are valid in a {@linkplain #UNICODE_IDENTIFIER
* Unicode identifier} and remove the characters that ISO 19162 recommends to ignore, the only characters
* left are {@linkplain #LETTERS_AND_DIGITS letters and digits}.
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
* @version 1.1
* @see java.lang.Character.Subset
* @see Character#getType(int)
* @see <a href="">WKT 2 specification §B.5</a>
* @since 0.3
* @module
public static class Filter extends Character.Subset {
* This class can not easily be Serializable, because the parent class is not Serializable
* and does not define a no-argument constructor. We could workaround with a writeReplace
* method - waiting to see if there is a real need for that.
* The subset of all characters for which {@link Character#isLetterOrDigit(int)}
* returns {@code true}. This subset includes the following general categories:
* <blockquote>
* {@link Character#LOWERCASE_LETTER},
* {@link Character#OTHER_LETTER OTHER_LETTER} and
* </blockquote>
* SIS uses this filter when comparing two
* {@linkplain org.apache.sis.referencing.AbstractIdentifiedObject#getName() identified object names}.
* See the <cite>Relationship with international standards</cite> section in this class javadoc
* for more information.
* @see org.apache.sis.referencing.AbstractIdentifiedObject#isHeuristicMatchForName(String)
* @see org.apache.sis.metadata.iso.citation.Citations#identifierMatches(Citation, String)
public static final Filter LETTERS_AND_DIGITS = new LettersAndDigits();
* The subset of all characters for which {@link Character#isUnicodeIdentifierPart(int)}
* returns {@code true}, excluding {@linkplain Character#isIdentifierIgnorable(int) ignorable} characters.
* This subset includes all the {@link #LETTERS_AND_DIGITS} categories with the addition of the following
* ones:
* <blockquote>
* {@link Character#LETTER_NUMBER},
* </blockquote>
public static final Filter UNICODE_IDENTIFIER = new UnicodeIdentifier();
* A bitmask of character types in this subset.
private final long types;
* Creates a new subset of the given name.
* @param name the subset name.
* @param types a bitmask of character types.
Filter(final String name, final long types) {
this.types = types;
* Returns {@code true} if this subset contains the given Unicode character.
* @param codePoint the Unicode character, as a code point value.
* @return {@code true} if this subset contains the given character.
public boolean contains(final int codePoint) {
return containsType(Character.getType(codePoint));
* Returns {@code true} if this subset contains the characters of the given type.
* The given type shall be one of the {@link Character} constants like
* @param type one of the {@link Character} constants.
* @return {@code true} if this subset contains the characters of the given type.
* @see Character#getType(int)
* @deprecated to be removed because not used (only {@link #contains(int)} is used in practice)
* and consistency with {@link #contains(int)} is not guaranteed between different
* Java versions.
public final boolean containsType(final int type) {
return (types & Numerics.bitmask(type)) != 0;
* Returns a subset representing the union of all Unicode characters of the given types.
* @param types the character types, as {@link Character} constants.
* @return the subset of Unicode characters of the given type.
* @see Character#LOWERCASE_LETTER
* @see Character#UPPERCASE_LETTER
* @see Character#SPACE_SEPARATOR
public static Filter forTypes(final byte... types) {
long mask = 0;
for (int i=0; i<types.length; i++) {
final int type = types[i];
if (type < 0 || type >= Long.SIZE) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Errors.format(
Errors.Keys.IllegalArgumentValue_2, Strings.toIndexed("types", i), type));
mask |= (1L << type);
predefined: for (int i=0; ; i++) {
final Filter candidate;
switch (i) {
case 0: candidate = LETTERS_AND_DIGITS; break;
case 1: candidate = UNICODE_IDENTIFIER; break;
default: break predefined;
if (mask == candidate.types) {
return candidate;
return new Filter("Filter", mask);
* Implementation of the {@link Filter#LETTERS_AND_DIGITS} constant.
private static final class LettersAndDigits extends Filter {
* Creates the {@link Filter#LETTERS_AND_DIGITS} singleton instance.
LettersAndDigits() {
(1L << Character.LOWERCASE_LETTER)
| (1L << Character.UPPERCASE_LETTER)
| (1L << Character.TITLECASE_LETTER)
| (1L << Character.MODIFIER_LETTER)
| (1L << Character.OTHER_LETTER)
| (1L << Character.DECIMAL_DIGIT_NUMBER));
* Returns {@code true} if this subset contains the given Unicode character.
public boolean contains(final int codePoint) {
return Character.isLetterOrDigit(codePoint);
* Implementation of the {@link Filter#UNICODE_IDENTIFIER} constant.
private static final class UnicodeIdentifier extends Filter {
* Creates the {@link Filter#LETTERS_AND_DIGITS} singleton instance.
UnicodeIdentifier() {
(1L << Character.LOWERCASE_LETTER)
| (1L << Character.UPPERCASE_LETTER)
| (1L << Character.TITLECASE_LETTER)
| (1L << Character.MODIFIER_LETTER)
| (1L << Character.OTHER_LETTER)
| (1L << Character.DECIMAL_DIGIT_NUMBER)
| (1L << Character.LETTER_NUMBER)
| (1L << Character.NON_SPACING_MARK)
| (1L << Character.COMBINING_SPACING_MARK));
* Returns {@code true} if this subset contains the given Unicode character.
public boolean contains(final int codePoint) {
return Character.isUnicodeIdentifierPart(codePoint) &&