blob: b813562f82210a9faa6efc91fbd4776b562dfd53 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.awt.image.DataBuffer;
import java.awt.image.ColorModel;
import java.awt.image.SampleModel;
import java.awt.image.BandedSampleModel;
import java.awt.image.ComponentSampleModel;
import java.awt.image.Raster;
import java.awt.image.RenderedImage;
import java.awt.image.RasterFormatException;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.SampleDimension;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.grid.GridCoverage;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.grid.GridCoverage2D;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.grid.GridDerivation;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.grid.GridExtent;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.grid.GridGeometry;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.grid.GridRoundingMode;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.privy.RangeArgument;
import org.apache.sis.util.ArraysExt;
import org.apache.sis.util.collection.WeakValueHashMap;
import static;
import static;
// Specific to the geoapi-3.1 and geoapi-4.0 branches:
import org.opengis.coverage.CannotEvaluateException;
* Base class of grid coverage resource storing data in tiles.
* The word "tile" is used for simplicity but can be understood
* as "chunk" in a <var>n</var>-dimensional generalization.
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
public abstract class TiledGridResource extends AbstractGridCoverageResource {
* A key in the {@link #rasters} cache of tiles.
* Each key shall be unique within its enclosing {@link TiledGridResource} instance.
static final class CacheKey {
/** Index in a row-major array of tiles. */ private final int indexInTileVector;
/** Bands in strictly increasing order. */ private final int[] includedBands;
/** Subsampling factors at read time. */ private final int[] subsampling;
/** Remainder of subsampling divisions. */ private final int[] subsamplingOffsets;
/** Creates a key with given arrays hold be reference (no copy). */
CacheKey(final int indexInTileVector, final int[] includedBands,
final int[] subsampling, final int[] subsamplingOffsets)
this.indexInTileVector = indexInTileVector;
this.includedBands = includedBands;
this.subsampling = subsampling;
this.subsamplingOffsets = subsamplingOffsets;
/** Returns a hash-code value for this key. */
@Override public int hashCode() {
return indexInTileVector
+ 73 * Arrays.hashCode(includedBands)
+ 1063 * Arrays.hashCode(subsampling)
+ 7919 * Arrays.hashCode(subsamplingOffsets);
/** Compares this key with the given object for equality. */
@Override public boolean equals(final Object obj) {
if (obj instanceof CacheKey) {
final CacheKey other = (CacheKey) obj;
return indexInTileVector == other.indexInTileVector
&& Arrays.equals(includedBands, other.includedBands)
&& Arrays.equals(subsampling, other.subsampling)
&& Arrays.equals(subsamplingOffsets, other.subsamplingOffsets);
return false;
* All tiles loaded by any {@link TiledGridCoverage} created from this resource.
* Keys contains tile indices in a row-major array of tiles.
* For each value, the {@link Raster#getMinX()} and {@code minY} values
* can be anything, depending which {@link TiledGridResource} was first to load the tile.
* @see TiledGridCoverage#rasters
* @see TiledGridCoverage.AOI#getCachedTile()
private final WeakValueHashMap<CacheKey, Raster> rasters;
* Whether all tiles should be loaded at {@code read(…)} method call or deferred to a later time.
* This field is initially {@code null} and is initialized to its default value only when needed.
* @see #getLoadingStrategy()
* @see #setLoadingStrategy(RasterLoadingStrategy)
private RasterLoadingStrategy loadingStrategy;
* Creates a new resource.
* @param parent listeners of the parent resource, or {@code null} if none.
* This is usually the listeners of the {@link}
* that created this resource.
protected TiledGridResource(final StoreListeners parent) {
super(parent, false);
rasters = new WeakValueHashMap<>(CacheKey.class);
* Returns the size of tiles in this resource.
* The length of the returned array is the number of dimensions.
* @return the size of tiles (in pixels) in this resource.
protected abstract int[] getTileSize();
* Returns the number of sample values in an indivisible element of a tile.
* An element is a primitive type such as {@code byte}, {@code int} or {@code float}.
* This value is usually 1 because each sample value is usually stored in a separated element.
* However, in multi-pixels packed sample model (e.g. bilevel image with 8 pixels per byte),
* it is difficult to start reading an image at <var>x</var> location other than a byte boundary.
* By declaring an "atom" size of 8 sample values in dimension X, the {@link Subset} constructor
* will ensure than the sub-region to read starts at a byte boundary when reading a bilevel image.
* <p>The default implementation returns the {@linkplain TiledGridCoverage#getPixelsPerElement()
* number of pixels per data element} for dimension X and returns 1 for all other dimensions.</p>
* @param xdim {@code true} for the size on <var>x</var> dimension, {@code false} for any other dimension.
* @return indivisible number of sample values to read in the specified dimension. Must be ≥ 1.
* This is in units of sample values (may be bits, bytes, floats, <i>etc</i>).
* @throws DataStoreException if an error occurred while fetching the sample model.
protected int getAtomSize(final boolean xdim) throws DataStoreException {
return xdim ? TiledGridCoverage.getPixelsPerElement(getSampleModel()) : 1;
* Returns {@code true} if the reader can load only the requested bands and skip the other bands,
* or {@code false} if the reader must load all bands. This value controls the amount of data to
* be loaded by {@link #read(GridGeometry, int...)}:
* <ul class="verbose">
* <li>If {@code false}, then {@link TiledGridCoverage#model} will expect the same {@link DataBuffer}
* than the one expected by the {@linkplain #getSampleModel() sample model of this resource}.
* All bands will be loaded but the coverage sample model will ignore the bands that were not
* enumerated in the {@code range} argument. This strategy is convenient when skipping bands
* at reading time is hard.</li>
* <li>If {@code true}, then {@link TiledGridCoverage#model} will have its band indices and bit masks
* "compressed" for making them consecutive. For example if the {@code range} argument specifies that
* the bands to read are {1, 3, 4, 6}, then after "compression" band indices become {0, 1, 2, 3}.
* This strategy is efficient when the reader is capable to skip bands at reading time.</li>
* </ul>
* <p>The default implementation returns {@code true} if the sample model is a {@link ComponentSampleModel}
* and {@code false} if all other cases, because skipping bands in a packed sample model is more difficult
* to implement.</p>
* @return {@code true} if the reader can load only the requested bands and skip other bands, or
* {@code false} if the reader needs to load all bands regardless the {@code range} subset.
* @throws DataStoreException if an error occurred while fetching the sample model.
* @see RangeArgument#select(SampleModel, boolean)
protected boolean getDissociableBands() throws DataStoreException {
return getSampleModel() instanceof ComponentSampleModel;
* Returns the Java2D sample model describing pixel type and layout for all bands.
* The raster size is the {@linkplain #getTileSize() tile size} as stored in the resource.
* <h4>Multi-dimensional data cube</h4>
* If this resource has more than 2 dimensions, then this model is for the two first ones (usually horizontal).
* The images for all levels in additional dimensions shall use the same sample model.
* <h4>Performance note</h4>
* Implementation should return a cached value, because this method may be invoked many times.
* @return the sample model for tiles at full resolution with all their bands.
* @throws DataStoreException if an error occurred during sample model construction.
protected abstract SampleModel getSampleModel() throws DataStoreException;
* Returns the Java2D color model for rendering images, or {@code null} if none.
* The color model shall be compatible with the sample model returned by {@link #getSampleModel()}.
* @return a color model compatible with {@link #getSampleModel()}, or {@code null} if none.
* @throws DataStoreException if an error occurred during color model construction.
protected abstract ColorModel getColorModel() throws DataStoreException;
* Returns the value to use for filling empty spaces in rasters,
* or {@code null} if none, not different than zero or not valid for the target data type.
* This value is used if a tile contains less pixels than expected.
* The zero value is excluded because tiles are already initialized to zero by default.
* @return the value to use for filling empty spaces in rasters.
* @throws DataStoreException if an error occurred while fetching filling information.
protected abstract Number getFillValue() throws DataStoreException;
* Parameters that describe the resource subset to be accepted by the {@link TiledGridCoverage} constructor.
* This is a temporary class used only for transferring information from {@link TiledGridResource}.
* This class does not perform I/O operations.
public final class Subset {
* The full size of the coverage in the enclosing {@link TiledGridResource}.
final GridExtent sourceExtent;
* The area to read in unit of the full coverage (without subsampling).
* This is the intersection between user-specified domain and enclosing
* {@link TiledGridResource} domain, expanded to an integer number of tiles.
final GridExtent readExtent;
* The sub-region extent, CRS and conversion from cell indices to CRS.
* This is the domain of the grid coverage to create.
final GridGeometry domain;
* Sample dimensions for each image band. This is the range of the grid coverage to create.
* If {@link #includedBands} is non-null, then the size of this list should be equal to
* {@link #includedBands} array length. However, bands are not necessarily in the same order:
* the order of bands in this {@code ranges} list is the order specified by user, while the
* order of bands in {@link #includedBands} is always increasing index order for efficiency
* reasons.
final List<? extends SampleDimension> ranges;
* Indices of {@link TiledGridResource} bands which have been retained for inclusion
* in the {@link TiledGridCoverage} to construct, in strictly increasing order.
* An "included" band is stored in memory but not necessarily visible to the user,
* because the {@link SampleModel} can be configured for ignoring some bands.
* This array is {@code null} if all bands shall be included.
* <p>If the user specified bands out of order, the change of band order is taken in
* account by the {@link #modelForBandSubset}. This {@code includedBands} array does
* not apply any change of order for making sequential readings easier.</p>
* @see TiledGridCoverage#includedBands
final int[] includedBands;
* Coordinate conversion from subsampled grid to the grid at full resolution.
* This array contains the factors by which to divide {@link TiledGridResource}
* cell coordinates in order to obtain {@link TiledGridCoverage} cell coordinates.
final int[] subsampling;
* Remainder of the divisions of {@link TiledGridResource} cell coordinates by subsampling factors.
final int[] subsamplingOffsets;
* Size of tiles (or chunks) in the resource, without clipping and subsampling.
final int[] tileSize;
* The sample model for the bands to read (not the full set of bands in the resource).
* The width is {@code tileSize[X_DIMENSION]} and the height it {@code tileSize[Y_DIMENSION]},
* i.e. subsampling is <strong>not</strong> applied.
final SampleModel modelForBandSubset;
* The color model for the bands to read (not the full set of bands in the resource).
* May be {@code null} if the color model could not be created.
final ColorModel colorsForBandSubset;
* Value to use for filling empty spaces in rasters, or {@code null} if none,
* not different than zero or not valid for the target data type.
final Number fillValue;
* Cache to use for tiles loaded by the {@link TiledGridCoverage}.
* It is a reference to {@link TiledGridResource#rasters} if shareable.
final WeakValueHashMap<CacheKey, Raster> cache;
* Creates parameters for the given domain and range.
* @param domain the domain argument specified by user in a call to {@code…)}.
* @param range the range argument specified by user in a call to {@code…)}.
* @throws ArithmeticException if pixel indices exceed 64 bits integer capacity.
* @throws DataStoreException if a call to {@link TiledGridResource} method failed.
* @throws RasterFormatException if the sample model is not recognized.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if an error occurred in an operation
* such as creating the {@code SampleModel} subset for selected bands.
public Subset(GridGeometry domain, final int[] range) throws DataStoreException {
List<SampleDimension> bands = getSampleDimensions();
final RangeArgument rangeIndices = RangeArgument.validate(bands.size(), range, listeners);
final GridGeometry gridGeometry = getGridGeometry();
sourceExtent = gridGeometry.getExtent();
tileSize = getTileSize();
boolean sharedCache = true;
if (domain == null) {
domain = gridGeometry;
readExtent = sourceExtent;
subsamplingOffsets = new int[gridGeometry.getDimension()];
subsampling = new int[subsamplingOffsets.length];
Arrays.fill(subsampling, 1);
} else {
* If an area of interest has been specified, we may need to expand it to an integer number of tiles.
* But we do not need to do that if the image is untiled; it is okay to read only a sub-region of the
* single tile. We disable the "integer number of tiles" restriction by setting the tile size to 1.
* Note that it is possible to disable this restriction in a single dimension, typically the X one
* when reading a TIFF image using strips instead of tiles.
final int atomSizeX = getAtomSize(true);
final int atomSizeY = getAtomSize(false);
int tileWidth = tileSize[X_DIMENSION];
int tileHeight = tileSize[Y_DIMENSION];
if (tileWidth >= sourceExtent.getSize(X_DIMENSION)) {tileWidth = atomSizeX; sharedCache = false;}
if (tileHeight >= sourceExtent.getSize(Y_DIMENSION)) {tileHeight = atomSizeY; sharedCache = false;}
* Note: if we allow X_DIMENSION and Y_DIMENSION to be anything in the future, then
* BIDIMENSIONAL must become `max(xDim, yDim) + 1` and array must be initialized to 1.
final int[] chunkSize = new int[TiledGridCoverage.BIDIMENSIONAL];
chunkSize[X_DIMENSION] = tileWidth;
chunkSize[Y_DIMENSION] = tileHeight;
* Maximal subsampling supported. We put no restriction if subsamplig can occur anywhere
* ("atome size" of 1) and disable subsampling otherwise for avoiding code complexity.
final int[] maximumSubsampling = new int[chunkSize.length];
Arrays.fill(maximumSubsampling, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
if (atomSizeX != 1) maximumSubsampling[X_DIMENSION] = 1;
if (atomSizeY != 1) maximumSubsampling[Y_DIMENSION] = 1;
* Build the domain in units of subsampled pixels, and get the same extent (`readExtent`)
* without subsampling, i.e. in units of cells of the original grid resource.
final GridDerivation target = gridGeometry.derive().chunkSize(chunkSize)
domain =;
readExtent = target.getIntersection();
subsampling = target.getSubsampling();
subsamplingOffsets = target.getSubsamplingOffsets();
* Get the bands selected by user in strictly increasing order of source band index.
* If user has specified bands in a different order, that change of band order will
* be handled by the `SampleModel`, not in `includedBands` array.
int[] includedBands = null;
boolean loadAllBands = rangeIndices.isIdentity();
if (!loadAllBands) {
bands = Arrays.asList(;
loadAllBands = !getDissociableBands();
if (!loadAllBands) {
sharedCache = false;
includedBands = new int[rangeIndices.getNumBands()];
for (int i=0; i<includedBands.length; i++) {
includedBands[i] = rangeIndices.getSourceIndex(i);
assert ArraysExt.isSorted(includedBands, true);
if (rangeIndices.hasAllBands) {
assert ArraysExt.isRange(0, includedBands);
includedBands = null;
this.domain = domain;
this.ranges = bands;
this.includedBands = includedBands;
this.modelForBandSubset =, loadAllBands);
this.colorsForBandSubset =;
this.fillValue = getFillValue();
* All `TiledGridCoverage` instances can share the same cache if they read all tiles fully.
* If they read only sub-regions or apply subsampling, then they will need their own cache.
cache = sharedCache ? rasters : new WeakValueHashMap<>(CacheKey.class);
* Returns {@code true} if reading data in this subset will read contiguous values on the <var>x</var> axis.
* This method returns {@code true} if all following conditions are met:
* <ul>
* <li>All bands will be read (ignoring change of band order
* because this change is handled by the sample model).</li>
* <li>There is no subsampling on the <var>x</var> axis.</li>
* </ul>
* Note that the first criterion can often be relaxed when the sample model is an instance
* of {@link BandedSampleModel}. This method does not check the sample model type.
* @return whether the values to read on a row are contiguous.
public boolean isXContiguous() {
return includedBands == null && subsampling[X_DIMENSION] == 1;
* Whether the reading of tiles is deferred to {@link RenderedImage#getTile(int, int)} time.
final boolean deferredTileReading() {
if (loadingStrategy != RasterLoadingStrategy.AT_GET_TILE_TIME) {
return false;
for (int i = subsampling.length; --i >= 0;) {
if (subsampling[i] >= tileSize[i]) {
return false;
return true;
* If the loading strategy is to load all tiles at {@code read(…)} time, replaces the given coverage
* by a coverage will all data in memory. This method should be invoked by subclasses at the end of
* their {@link #read(GridGeometry, int...)} method implementation.
* @param coverage the {@link TiledGridCoverage} to potentially replace by a coverage with preloaded data.
* @return a coverage with preloaded data, or the given coverage if preloading is not enabled.
* @throws DataStoreException if an error occurred while preloading data.
protected final GridCoverage preload(final GridCoverage coverage) throws DataStoreException {
assert Thread.holdsLock(getSynchronizationLock());
// Note: `loadingStrategy` may still be null if unitialized.
if (loadingStrategy == null || loadingStrategy == RasterLoadingStrategy.AT_READ_TIME) {
* In theory the following condition is redundant with `supportImmediateLoading()`.
* We apply it anyway in case the coverage geometry is not what was announced.
* This condition is also necessary if `loadingStrategy` has not been initialized.
if (coverage.getGridGeometry().getDimension() == TiledGridCoverage.BIDIMENSIONAL) try {
final RenderedImage image = coverage.render(null);
return new GridCoverage2D(coverage.getGridGeometry(), coverage.getSampleDimensions(), image);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
* The `coverage.render(…)` implementation may have wrapped the checked `DataStoreException`
* because of API restriction. In that case we can unwrap the exception here since this API
* allows it. This is one of the reasons for preferring the `AT_READ_TIME` loading mode.
Throwable cause = e.getCause();
if (cause instanceof DataStoreException) {
throw (DataStoreException) cause;
* The `CannotEvaluateException` wrapper is created by `TiledGridCoverage.render(…)`,
* in which case we avoid that level of indirection for making stack trace simpler.
* But if the exception is another kind, keep it.
if (cause == null || !(e instanceof CannotEvaluateException)) {
cause = e;
throw new DataStoreException(e.getLocalizedMessage(), cause);
return coverage;
* Whether this resource supports immediate loading of raster data.
* Current implementation does not support immediate loading if the data cube has more than 2 dimensions.
* Non-immediate loading allows users to specify two-dimensional slices.
private boolean supportImmediateLoading() {
return getTileSize().length == TiledGridCoverage.BIDIMENSIONAL;
* Returns an indication about when the "physical" loading of raster data will happen.
* @return current raster data loading strategy for this resource.
* @throws DataStoreException if an error occurred while fetching data store configuration.
public final RasterLoadingStrategy getLoadingStrategy() throws DataStoreException {
synchronized (getSynchronizationLock()) {
if (loadingStrategy == null) {
return loadingStrategy;
* Sets the preferred strategy about when to do the "physical" loading of raster data.
* @param strategy the desired strategy for loading raster data.
* @return {@code true} if the given strategy has been accepted, or {@code false}
* if this implementation replaced the given strategy by an alternative.
* @throws DataStoreException if an error occurred while setting data store configuration.
public final boolean setLoadingStrategy(final RasterLoadingStrategy strategy) throws DataStoreException {
synchronized (getSynchronizationLock()) {
if (strategy == RasterLoadingStrategy.AT_GET_TILE_TIME) {
loadingStrategy = strategy;
} else if (strategy != null) {
setLoadingStrategy(strategy == RasterLoadingStrategy.AT_READ_TIME && supportImmediateLoading());
return super.setLoadingStrategy(strategy);
* Sets the strategy for the given flag.
* @param loadAtReadTime whether all tiles should be read immediately
* at {@code read(…)} method call or deferred at a later time.
private void setLoadingStrategy(final boolean loadAtReadTime) {
loadingStrategy = loadAtReadTime ? RasterLoadingStrategy.AT_READ_TIME
: RasterLoadingStrategy.AT_RENDER_TIME;