blob: 66fe896ce5b81c4218f85e426a98f2b4969c7c00 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Spliterator;
import java.util.OptionalLong;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import ucar.nc2.constants.CF; // String constants are copied by the compiler with no UCAR reference left.
import javax.measure.Unit;
import org.opengis.util.FactoryException;
import org.opengis.metadata.acquisition.GeometryType;
import org.apache.sis.system.Configuration;
import org.apache.sis.feature.privy.MovingFeatures;
import org.apache.sis.feature.builder.AttributeRole;
import org.apache.sis.feature.builder.FeatureTypeBuilder;
import org.apache.sis.feature.builder.AttributeTypeBuilder;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.grid.GridExtent;
import org.apache.sis.util.Characters;
import org.apache.sis.util.privy.Strings;
import org.apache.sis.util.collection.BackingStoreException;
import org.apache.sis.math.Vector;
// Specific to the geoapi-3.1 and geoapi-4.0 branches:
import org.opengis.feature.Feature;
import org.opengis.feature.FeatureType;
import org.opengis.feature.Attribute;
* Implementations of the discrete sampling features decoder. This implementation shall be able to decode at least the
* netCDF files encoded as specified in the OGC 16-114 (OGC Moving Features Encoding Extension: netCDF) specification.
* This implementation is used as a fallback when the subclass does not provide a more specialized class.
* <h4>Limitations</h4>
* Current implementation may perform many seek operations during traversal of feature instances.
* It may be inefficient unless the {@link Decoder} uses a {@code ChannelDataInput} backed by a direct buffer.
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
final class FeatureSet extends DiscreteSampling {
* Value of {@code "featureType"} global attribute for netCDF files that this class can handle.
* Also used as property name for the geometry object.
* @see #isTrajectory
static final String TRAJECTORY = "trajectory";
* Number of features to get in one read operation. We do not read features one-by-one because it may be slow.
* We do not read all features at once neither because it consumes a lot of memory if the netCDF file is large.
* This value is a compromise between reducing I/O operations and reducing memory consumption.
private static final int PAGE_SIZE = 512;
* The number of instances for each feature, or {@code null} if none. If non-null, then the number of features
* is the length of this vector and each {@link Feature} instance has multi-valued properties with a number of
* elements given by this count. If null, the number of features is determined by the length of other variables.
* @see #getFeatureCount()
private final Vector counts;
* The singleton properties (for which there is only one value per feature instance), or an empty array if none.
* In the case of trajectories, this array usually contains a single variable for the moving feature identifiers
* ("mfIdRef"). If {@link #counts} is non-null, then the length of all {@code properties} variables shall be the
* same as the length of the {@link #counts} vector.
private final Variable[] properties;
* The time-varying properties (for which there is many values per feature instance), or an empty array if none.
* The length of all {@code dynamicProperties} variables shall be the sum of all {@link #counts} values.
* If {@link #counts} is {@code null}, then this array is empty.
private final Variable[] dynamicProperties;
* Number of variables storing the coordinates of all geometries (trajectories or points). Those variables are
* stored at the beginning of either the {@link #properties} array or the {@link #dynamicProperties} array.
* The array where to find coordinates is determined by {@link #isTrajectory}:
* <ul>
* <li>If {@code isTrajectory = false}, coordinates are at the beginning of {@link #properties}.</li>
* <li>If {@code isTrajectory = true}, coordinates are at the beginning of {@link #dynamicProperties}.</li>
* </ul>
* The coordinates are <var>x</var>, <var>y</var> and potentially <var>z</var> or <var>t</var>, in that order.
* The <var>x</var> and <var>y</var> coordinates are typically longitudes and latitudes, but not necessarily.
* If temporal coordinates exist, the time variable must be last and {@link #hasTime} shall be {@code true}.
* Ordering is defined by the {@link AxisType} enumeration.
* <p>Note that referencing dimension is not necessarily equal to geometry dimension,
* because temporal coordinates are not stored in the geometry object.</p>
* @see AxisType
* @see #getReferencingDimension(boolean)
* @see Iter#geometryDimension
private final int referencingDimension;
* The kind of geometry described by coordinates. Current implementation supports only two types,
* identified by the {@code false} and {@code true} values respectively:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link GeometryType#POINT} with coordinates stored in {@link #properties}.</li>
* <li>{@link GeometryType#LINEAR} with coordinates stored in {@link #dynamicProperties}.</li>
* </ul>
* If there are no coordinates ({@link #referencingDimension} = 0), then this field shall be {@code true}.
* This is a convenience for the way we compute an {@code isEmpty} flag in {@code tryAdvance(Consumer)}.
* This policy may change in any future version.
* @see #getReferencingDimension(boolean)
private final boolean isTrajectory;
* Whether coordinates include a temporal variable.
* If {@code true}, then the time variable shall be last.
* If {@code false}, then {@link #referencingDimension} is equal to geometry dimension.
private final boolean hasTime;
* The temporal component of the coordinate reference system (CRS), or {@code null} if none.
* Note that this field may be {@code null} even if {@link #hasTime} is {@code true},
* if the CRS cannot be expressed as a {@link TemporalCRS}.
private final DefaultTemporalCRS timeCRS;
* The type of all features to be read by this {@code FeatureSet}.
private final FeatureType type;
* Creates a new discrete sampling parser for features identified by the given variable.
* All arrays given to this method are stored by direct reference (they are not cloned).
* <p>The {@code name} argument can be anything. A not-too-bad choice (when nothing better is available) is
* the name of the first dimension of {@code dynamicProperties} (preferred) or {@code properties} (fallback)
* variables. Variables in the same array should have that first dimension in common because {@code create(…)}
* uses that criterion.</p>
* @param decoder the source of the features to create.
* @param name name to give to the feature type.
* @param counts the count of instances per feature, or {@code null} if none.
* @param properties variables providing a single value per feature instance (e.g. "mfIdRef").
* @param dynamicProperties variables that contain time-varying properties other than coordinates.
* @param selectedAxes variables storing the coordinates of all geometries (trajectories or points).
* @param isTrajectory whether coordinates are stored in {@code properties} or {@code dynamicProperties}.
* @param hasTime whether coordinates include a temporal variable.
* @param lock the lock to use in {@code synchronized(lock)} statements.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given library is non-null but not available.
private FeatureSet(final Decoder decoder, String name, final Vector counts, final Variable[] properties,
final Variable[] dynamicProperties, final Map<AxisType,Variable> selectedAxes,
final boolean isTrajectory, final boolean hasTime, final DataStore lock)
throws DataStoreException, IOException
super(decoder.geomlib, decoder.listeners, lock);
this.counts = counts; = properties;
this.dynamicProperties = dynamicProperties;
this.referencingDimension = selectedAxes.size();
this.isTrajectory = isTrajectory | (referencingDimension == 0);
this.hasTime = hasTime;
* We will create a description of the features to be read with following properties:
* - Identifier and other properties having a single value per feature instance.
* - Trajectory as a geometric object, potentially with a time characteristic.
* - Time-varying properties (i.e. properties having a value per instant).
final FeatureTypeBuilder builder = new FeatureTypeBuilder(
decoder.nameFactory, decoder.geomlib, decoder.listeners.getLocale());
* Identifier and other static properties (one value per feature instance).
for (int i = getReferencingDimension(false); i < properties.length; i++) {
final Variable v = properties[i];
final Class<?> type;
if (v.getEnumeration() != null) {
type = String.class;
} else {
type = v.getDataType().getClass(v.getNumDimensions() > 1);
describe(v, builder.addAttribute(type));
* Geometry object as a single point or a trajectory, associated with:
* - A Coordinate Reference System (CRS) characteristic.
* - A "datetimes" characteristic if a time axis exists.
DefaultTemporalCRS timeCRS = null;
if (referencingDimension != 0) {
final AttributeTypeBuilder<?> geometry;
geometry = builder.addAttribute(isTrajectory ? GeometryType.LINEAR : GeometryType.POINT);
try {
final SingleCRS[] time = new SingleCRS[1];
geometry.setCRS(CRSBuilder.assemble(decoder, selectedAxes.values(), time));
if (time[0] instanceof TemporalCRS) {
timeCRS = DefaultTemporalCRS.castOrCopy((TemporalCRS) time[0]);
} catch (FactoryException ex) {
decoder.getFilename(), name, ex.getLocalizedMessage()), ex);
if (hasTime) {
geometry.addCharacteristic(MovingFeatures.characteristic(timeCRS != null));
this.timeCRS = timeCRS;
* Dynamic properties (many values by feature instances).
* Use `Number` type instead of a more specialized subclass because values
* will be stored in `Vector` objects and that class implements `List<Number>`.
for (int i = getReferencingDimension(true); i < dynamicProperties.length; i++) {
final Variable v = dynamicProperties[i];
final Class<?> type = (v.getEnumeration() != null || v.isString()) ? String.class : Number.class;
describe(v, builder.addAttribute(type).setMaximumOccurs(Integer.MAX_VALUE));
* By default, `name` is a netCDF dimension name (see method javadoc), usually all lower-cases.
* Make the first letter upper-case for consistency with SIS convention used for feature types.
name = Strings.toUpperCase(name, Characters.Filter.UNICODE_IDENTIFIER, false);
type = builder.setName(name).build();
* Sets the attribute name, and potentially its definition, from the given variable.
* If the variable has a {@code "cf_role"} attribute set to {@code "trajectory_id"},
* then the attribute will also be declared as an identifier.
* @param variable the variable from which to get metadata.
* @param attribute the attribute to configure with variable metadata.
private static void describe(final Variable variable, final AttributeTypeBuilder<?> attribute) {
final String name = variable.getName();
final String desc = variable.getDescription();
if (desc != null && !desc.equals(name)) {
final Unit<?> unit = variable.getUnit();
if (unit != null) {
if (CF.TRAJECTORY_ID.equalsIgnoreCase(variable.getAttributeAsString(CF.CF_ROLE))) {
* Creates new discrete sampling parsers from the attribute values found in the given decoder.
* This method shall be invoked in a method synchronized on {@code lock}.
* @param decoder the source of the features to create.
* @param lock the lock to use in {@code synchronized(lock)} statements.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the geometric object library is not available.
* @throws ArithmeticException if the size of a variable exceeds {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE}, or other overflow occurs.
static FeatureSet[] create(final Decoder decoder, final DataStore lock) throws IOException, DataStoreException {
assert Thread.holdsLock(lock);
final List<FeatureSet> features = new ArrayList<>(3); // Will usually contain at most one element.
final Map<Dimension,Boolean> done = new HashMap<>(); // Whether a dimension has already been used.
for (final Variable v : decoder.getVariables()) {
if (v.getRole() != VariableRole.FEATURE_PROPERTY) {
* Any one-dimensional integer variable having a "sample_dimension" attribute string value
* will be taken as an indication that we have Discrete Sampling Geometries. That variable
* shall be counting the number of feature instances, and another variable having the same
* dimension (optionally plus a character dimension) should give the feature identifiers.
* Example:
* dimensions:
* identifiers = 100;
* points = UNLIMITED;
* variables:
* int identifiers(identifiers);
* identifiers:cf_role = "trajectory_id";
* int counts(identifiers);
* counts:sample_dimension = "points";
if (v.getNumDimensions() == 1 && v.getDataType().isInteger) {
final String sampleDimName = v.getAttributeAsString(CF.SAMPLE_DIMENSION);
if (sampleDimName != null) {
// At this point, the variable is assumed to be `counts`.
final Dimension featureDimension = v.getGridDimensions().get(0);
final Dimension sampleDimension = decoder.findDimension(sampleDimName);
if (sampleDimension != null) {
addFeatureSet(features, decoder, v, featureDimension, sampleDimension, lock);
done.put(sampleDimension, Boolean.TRUE);
} else {
decoder.getFilename(), v.getName(), sampleDimName));
done.put(featureDimension, Boolean.TRUE); // Overwrite `false` value with `true`.
done.putIfAbsent(v.getGridDimensions().get(0), Boolean.FALSE);
* Above loop handled all features which seem to be trajectories (i.e. having a `counts` variable allowing
* each feature instance to contain an arbitrary number of points). If there is other feature variables not
* handled by above loop (i.e. feature properties without `counts` variable), the features are assumed to be
* "simple features" with only points instead of trajectories.
for (final Map.Entry<Dimension,Boolean> entry : done.entrySet()) {
if (!entry.getValue()) {
final Dimension dimension = entry.getKey();
addFeatureSet(features, decoder, null, dimension, dimension, lock);
return features.toArray(FeatureSet[]::new);
* Searches all variables having the expected feature dimension or sample dimension.
* Those variable contains the actual data. For example if the sample dimension name
* is "points", then we may have:
* <pre class="text">
* double longitude(points);
* longitude:axis = "X";
* longitude:standard_name = "longitude";
* longitude:units = "degrees_east";
* double latitude(points);
* latitude:axis = "Y";
* latitude:standard_name = "latitude";
* latitude:units = "degrees_north";
* double time(points);
* time:axis = "T";
* time:standard_name = "time";
* time:units = "minutes since 2014-11-29 00:00:00";
* short myCustomProperty(points);</pre>
* @param features where to add the {@code FeatureSet} instance.
* @param decoder the source of the features to create.
* @param counts the count of instances per feature, or {@code null} if none.
* @param featureDimension dimension of properties having a single value per feature instance.
* @param sampleDimension dimension of properties having multiple values per feature instance.
* @param lock the lock to use in {@code synchronized(lock)} statements.
private static void addFeatureSet(final List<FeatureSet> features, final Decoder decoder,
final Variable counts, final Dimension featureDimension, final Dimension sampleDimension,
final DataStore lock) throws IOException, DataStoreException
final String featureName = featureDimension.getName();
if (featureName == null) {
// May happen with HDF5 file read using UCAR library.
final boolean isTrajectory = !sampleDimension.equals(featureDimension);
final List<Variable> properties = new ArrayList<>();
final List<Variable> dynamicProperties = isTrajectory ? new ArrayList<>() : Collections.emptyList();
final EnumMap<AxisType,Variable> coordinates = new EnumMap<>(AxisType.class);
final EnumMap<AxisType,Variable> trajectory = new EnumMap<>(AxisType.class);
for (final Variable data : decoder.getVariables()) {
if (data.equals(counts)) {
* We should have another variable of the same name as the feature dimension name.
* In SIS implementation, this variable is optional. But if present, it should have
* the expected dimension. According CF convention that variable should also have a
* "cf_role" attribute set to "trajectory_id", but this is not required by SIS.
final boolean dynamic;
if (featureName.equalsIgnoreCase(data.getName())) {
if (isScalarOrString(data, featureDimension, decoder)) {
} else if (isScalarOrString(data, featureDimension, null)) {
dynamic = false;
} else if (isTrajectory && isScalarOrString(data, sampleDimension, null)) {
dynamic = true;
} else {
* Check if the property that we just added is a coordinate system axis.
* We handle separately the axes having coordinates provided by static and dynamic properties.
* We will decide at the end of this loop which one of those two groups to use.
final AxisType axisType = AxisType.valueOf(data);
if (axisType != null) {
final Variable previous = (dynamic ? trajectory : coordinates).putIfAbsent(axisType, data);
if (previous != null) {
// Duplicated axis type. Keep the first axis in declaration order.
decoder.getFilename(), axisType, previous.getName(), data.getName()));
* Choose whether coordinates are taken in static or dynamic properties. Current implementation does not
* support mixing both modes (e.g. X and Y coordinates as static properties and T as dynamic property).
* The variables are reordered for making sure that X, Y, Z, T are first and in that order.
final Reorder r = new Reorder();
features.add(new FeatureSet(decoder, featureName,
(counts != null) ? : null,
r.toArray(properties, coordinates, false),
r.toArray(dynamicProperties, trajectory, true),
r.selectedAxes, r.isTrajectory, r.hasTime, lock)); // Those arguments must be last.
* Returns {@code true} if the given variable starts with the given dimension.
* If the variable is an array of character, then it can have 2 dimensions.
* Otherwise it shall have exactly one dimension.
* @param data the data for which to check the dimensions.
* @param featureDimension the dimension that we expect as the first dimension.
* @param decoder decoder where to report warnings, or {@code null} for silent mode.
private static boolean isScalarOrString(final Variable data, final Dimension featureDimension, final Decoder decoder) {
List<Dimension> dimensions = null;
final int unexpectedDimension;
switch (data.getNumDimensions()) {
default: { // Too many dimensions
unexpectedDimension = 2;
case Variable.STRING_DIMENSION: {
if (data.getDataType() != DataType.CHAR) {
unexpectedDimension = 1;
// Fall through for checking the first dimension.
case 1: {
dimensions = data.getGridDimensions();
if (featureDimension.equals(dimensions.get(0))) {
return true;
unexpectedDimension = 0;
case 0: { // Should not happen.
return false;
if (decoder != null) {
if (dimensions == null) {
dimensions = data.getGridDimensions();
decoder.getFilename(), data.getName(),
featureDimension.getName(), dimensions.get(unexpectedDimension).getName()));
return false;
* Returns the content of a property list as an array, potentially with coordinates moved at the array beginning.
* At most one call to the {@link #toArray(List, EnumMap, boolean)} will reorder the properties; other calls will
* return properties in the order they appear in the list.
private static final class Reorder {
* Variables storing the coordinates of all geometries (trajectories or points).
* Those variables are taken either from static properties or from dynamic properties.
Map<AxisType,Variable> selectedAxes;
* The kind of geometry described by coordinates.
* This is the value to assign to {@link FeatureSet#isTrajectory}.
boolean isTrajectory;
* Whether coordinates include a temporal variable.
* This is the value to assign to {@link FeatureSet#hasTime}.
boolean hasTime;
* Creates an initially empty builder of variable arrays.
Reorder() {
selectedAxes = Collections.emptyMap();
* Returns the content of given property list as an array, potentially with coordinate variables first.
* @param properties the list to return as an array, not necessarily with elements in same order.
* @param coordinates {@code properties} variables to consider as coordinate values.
* @param dynamic value to assign to {@link #isTrajectory} if coordinate axes have been found.
Variable[] toArray(final List<Variable> properties, final EnumMap<AxisType,Variable> coordinates, final boolean dynamic) {
Variable[] array = new Variable[properties.size()];
if (selectedAxes.isEmpty() && coordinates.containsKey(AxisType.X) && coordinates.containsKey(AxisType.Y)) {
isTrajectory = dynamic;
selectedAxes = coordinates;
hasTime = coordinates.containsKey(AxisType.T);
array = coordinates.values().toArray(array); // Put coordinates at array beginning.
final int dim = coordinates.size();
int n = dim;
skip: for (final Variable v : properties) {
for (int i=dim; --i >= 0;) {
if (array[i] == v) continue skip; // Skip already added coordinates.
array[n++] = v; // Add property after coordinates.
assert n == array.length;
} else {
array = properties.toArray(array);
return array;
* Returns the number of variables that are storing coordinate values.
* If present, those variables are always at the lowest array indices.
* @param dynamic {@code true} for searching in dynamic properties, or {@code false} for static properties.
* @return number of coordinate variables in the specified group of properties.
final int getReferencingDimension(final boolean dynamic) {
return (isTrajectory ^ dynamic) ? 0 : referencingDimension;
* Returns the type of all features to be read by this {@code FeatureSet}.
public FeatureType getType() {
return type;
* Returns the number of features in this set.
* @return the number of features.
public OptionalLong getFeatureCount() {
if (counts != null) {
return OptionalLong.of(counts.size());
if (properties.length != 0) {
final long length = properties[0].getGridDimensions().get(0).length();
if (length >= 0) {
return OptionalLong.of(length);
return OptionalLong.empty();
* Returns {@code true} if the given value is null, an empty string or a NaN value.
static boolean isEmpty(final Object value) {
return (value == null) || "".equals(value) ||
(value instanceof Float && ((Float) value).isNaN()) ||
(value instanceof Double && ((Double) value).isNaN());
* Prepares indices of a sub-region to read in a vector of the given number of dimensions.
* This is a helper method for {@link Iter}, defined here because we cannot put static methods
* in a non-static inner class.
* @param dimensions dimensions of the vector to read. Can be {@code null} if {@code numDim} is 1.
* @param numDim number of dimensions in the vector to read: {@code dimensions.size()}.
* @param position position of the first value to read in the netCDF variables.
* @param length number of property values to read.
static GridExtent extent(final List<Dimension> dimensions, int numDim, final long position, final int length) {
final long[] lower = new long[numDim];
final long[] upper = new long[numDim];
lower[--numDim] = position;
upper[ numDim] = Math.addExact(position, length);
for (int i=0; i<numDim; i++) {
upper[i] = dimensions.get(numDim-i).length();
return new GridExtent(null, lower, upper, false);
* Returns the stream of features.
* @param parallel ignored, since current version does not support parallelism.
public Stream<Feature> features(boolean parallel) throws DataStoreException {
try {
return Iter(), false);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new DataStoreException(canNotReadFile(), e);
* Implementation of the iterator returned by {@link #features(boolean)}.
private final class Iter implements Spliterator<Feature> {
* Expected number of feature instances.
private final int size;
* Index of the next feature to read.
private int featureIndex;
* Index of the first feature for which the {@link #propertyValues} contains data.
* Call to {@code propertyValues[p].get(i)} provides value of property <var>p</var>
* for the feature at index {@code currentLowerIndex + i}.
private int currentLowerIndex;
* Index after the last feature for which the {@link #propertyValues} contains data.
* This is {@link #currentLowerIndex} + {@code propertyValues[any].size()}.
private int currentUpperIndex;
* Index of the first {@link #propertyValues} list which is not a coordinate vector.
* Lists before that index will be stored in the geometry instead of as feature property.
private final int propertyIndexOffset;
* Values of all simple properties (having a single value per feature instance).
* The list size should not exceed {@value FeatureSet#PAGE_SIZE} elements.
* @see FeatureSet#properties
private final List<?>[] propertyValues;
* Names of feature properties where to store {@link #propertyValues}.
private final String[] propertyNames;
* Index where to start reading dynamic property values for the next feature.
* This is the sum of the length of data in all previous features.
private long dynamicPropertyPosition;
* Dimension of geometry objects.
* This is {@link #referencingDimension} minus the temporal dimension if any.
private final int geometryDimension;
* Creates a new iterator. This constructor reads immediately data for the first
* {@value #PAGE_SIZE} feature instances as a way to detect problem early.
Iter() throws IOException, DataStoreException {
size = (int) Math.min(getFeatureCount().orElse(0), Integer.MAX_VALUE);
geometryDimension = referencingDimension - (hasTime ? 1 : 0);
propertyIndexOffset = getReferencingDimension(false);
int n = properties.length;
propertyValues = new List<?>[n]; // Including coordinate vectors.
propertyNames = new String[n -= propertyIndexOffset]; // Excluding coordinate vectors.
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
propertyNames[i] = properties[i + propertyIndexOffset].getName();
readNextPage(); // See constructor javadoc.
* Reads static property values for the next {@value #PAGE_SIZE} feature instances.
* Reading starts at the feature at index given by {@link #currentLowerIndex}.
private void readNextPage() throws IOException, DataStoreException {
final int length = Math.min(size - currentLowerIndex, PAGE_SIZE);
read(properties, propertyIndexOffset, currentLowerIndex, length, propertyValues);
currentUpperIndex = currentLowerIndex + length;
* Executes the given action only on the next feature, if any.
* <h4>Limitations</h4>
* Current implementation may perform a lot of seek operations, which may be inefficient
* unless the {@link Decoder} uses a {@code ChannelDataInput} backed by a direct buffer.
* @throws ArithmeticException if the size of a variable exceeds {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE}, or other overflow occurs.
* @throws BackingStoreException if an {@link IOException} or {@link DataStoreException} occurred.
public boolean tryAdvance(final Consumer<? super Feature> action) {
final Feature feature = type.newInstance();
final Vector[] coordinateValues;
int offset, length;
try {
* Read the properties having one value per feature instance, for example the feature identifier.
* Those values are read by chunks, for example 512 values read in advance for each property.
* Features where all values are null, empty string or NaN are skipped.
List<?>[] values = propertyValues;
boolean isEmpty;
do {
if (featureIndex >= currentUpperIndex) {
if (featureIndex >= size) {
return false;
currentLowerIndex = featureIndex;
offset = featureIndex - currentLowerIndex;
length = (counts != null) ? counts.intValue(featureIndex) : 1;
isEmpty = (length == 0);
for (int i=0; i < propertyNames.length; i++) {
final Object value = values[i + propertyIndexOffset].get(offset);
if (!isEmpty(value)) {
isEmpty = false;
feature.setPropertyValue(propertyNames[i], value);
} while (isEmpty);
* At this point we found that there is some data we can put in a feature instance.
* Above loop has set the static properties (those having one value per feature).
* The block below sets the dynamic properties (those having time-varying values).
final int n = dynamicProperties.length;
if (n != 0) {
final List<?>[] target = new List<?>[n];
int i = getReferencingDimension(true);
read(dynamicProperties, i, dynamicPropertyPosition, length, target);
for (/* i = first property after coordinate vectors */; i<n; i++) {
feature.setPropertyValue(dynamicProperties[i].getName(), target[i]);
if (isTrajectory) {
values = target;
* The coordinate vectors are provided by the first variables in either `properties` or
* `dynamicProperties`, depending on whether the geometries are points or trajectories.
* Above code has set `values` to the correct source of coordinate data.
* The following `System.arraycopy(…)` call writes `List<?>` references into a `Vector[]` array,
* which seems unsafe. But it should not cause an ArrayStoreException because the elements that
* we copy should be `Vector` instances, even if the remaining `values` elements are not.
coordinateValues = new Vector[referencingDimension];
System.arraycopy(values, 0, coordinateValues, 0, coordinateValues.length);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new UncheckedIOException(canNotReadFile(), e);
} catch (DataStoreException e) {
throw new BackingStoreException(canNotReadFile(), e);
* Create the geometry, which may be a trajectory or a single point. Some geometry libraries
* (e.g. Java2D) provide different implementations for single-precision or double-precision.
* The use of single-precision when possible can help to reduce memory usage.
boolean isEmpty = isTrajectory; // Skip `isEmptyOrNaN()` test for points.
boolean isFloat = factory.supportSinglePrecision();
for (final Vector vc : coordinateValues) {
if (isEmpty) isEmpty = vc.isEmptyOrNaN();
if (isFloat) isFloat = vc.isSinglePrecision();
makeGeom: if (!isEmpty) {
final Object geometry;
if (isTrajectory) {
* Case when the geometry can have an arbitrary number of points.
* Coordinates are taken from `dynamicProperties` variable, which
* are read every time that a feature instance is created.
final int n = Math.multiplyExact(length, geometryDimension);
final Vector vc;
if (isFloat) {
final float[] c = new float[n];
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
c[i] = coordinateValues[i % geometryDimension].floatValue(i / geometryDimension);
vc = Vector.create(c, false);
} else {
final double[] c = new double[n];
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
c[i] = coordinateValues[i % geometryDimension].doubleValue(i / geometryDimension);
vc = Vector.create(c);
geometry = factory.createPolyline(false, geometryDimension, vc);
} else {
* Case when the geometry is a single point. Note that the X and Y coordinates
* are guaranteed to be present because of the check done by `Reorder.toArray(…)`.
if (isFloat) {
final float x = coordinateValues[0].floatValue(offset);
final float y = coordinateValues[0].floatValue(offset);
if (Float.isNaN(x) && Float.isNaN(y)) break makeGeom;
geometry = factory.createPoint(x, y);
} else {
final double x = coordinateValues[0].doubleValue(offset);
final double y = coordinateValues[1].doubleValue(offset);
if (Double.isNaN(x) && Double.isNaN(y)) break makeGeom;
geometry = factory.createPoint(x, y);
feature.setPropertyValue(TRAJECTORY, geometry);
* Add time characteristic on the geometry. Actually this characteristic
* could be applied to all dynamic properties, but that would be redundancies.
* The time vector is the first vector after the geometry dimensions.
if (hasTime) {
MovingFeatures.setTimes((Attribute<?>) feature.getProperty(TRAJECTORY),
coordinateValues[geometryDimension], timeCRS);
dynamicPropertyPosition += length; // Check for ArithmeticException is already done by `extent(…)` call.
return true;
* Reads property values starting at the given position.
* The same sub-region is read for all variables.
* @param variables the variables to read.
* @param refdim number of referencing dimensions in {@code variables}.
* @param position position of the first value to read in the netCDF variables.
* @param length number of property values to read.
* @param target where to store the results of read operations.
private void read(final Variable[] variables, final int refdim, final long position, final int length,
final List<?>[] target) throws IOException, DataStoreException
final GridExtent extent = extent(null, 1, position, length);
List<Dimension> textDimensions = null;
GridExtent textExtent = null;
synchronized (getSynchronizationLock()) {
for (int i=0; i < variables.length; i++) {
final Variable p = variables[i];
List<?> value;
if (p.getNumDimensions() > 1) {
final List<Dimension> dimensions = p.getGridDimensions();
if (textExtent == null || !dimensions.equals(textDimensions)) {
textExtent = extent(dimensions, dimensions.size(), position, length);
textDimensions = dimensions;
value = p.readAnyType(textExtent, null);
} else if (i >= refdim) {
value = p.readAnyType(extent, null); // May be `Vector` or `List<String>`.
} else {
value =, null); // Force the type to `Vector`.
final Map<Integer,String> enumeration = p.getEnumeration();
if (enumeration != null && value instanceof Vector) {
final Vector data = (Vector) value;
final String[] meanings = new String[data.size()];
for (int j=0; j<meanings.length; j++) {
String m = enumeration.get(data.intValue(j));
meanings[j] = (m != null) ? m : "";
value = Arrays.asList(meanings);
target[i] = value;
* Current implementation cannot split this iterator.
public Spliterator<Feature> trySplit() {
return null;
* Returns the remaining number of features to traverse.
public long estimateSize() {
return size - featureIndex;
* Returns the characteristics of the iteration over feature instances.
* The iteration is assumed {@link #ORDERED} in the declaration order in the netCDF file.
* The iteration is {@link #NONNULL} (i.e. {@link #tryAdvance(Consumer)} is not allowed
* to return null value) and {@link #IMMUTABLE} (i.e. we do not support modification of
* the netCDF file while an iteration is in progress).
* @return characteristics of iteration over the features in the netCDF file.
public int characteristics() {