blob: 31d6985531c0c04e79ead98e3cd6a2f055c14d73 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* All imports below except "CF" and "ACDD" are for javadoc only.
* The "CF" and "ACDD" imports are used only for its static final String constants,
* which are inlined by javac. Consequently, the compiled file of this class should
* have no dependency to the UCAR packages.
import ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile; // For Javadoc only.
import ucar.nc2.VariableSimpleIF; // For Javadoc only.
import ucar.nc2.constants.CF; // String constants are copied by the compiler with no UCAR reference left.
import ucar.nc2.constants.ACDD; // idem
import org.opengis.metadata.Metadata;
import org.opengis.metadata.Identifier;
import org.opengis.metadata.citation.*;
import org.opengis.metadata.content.*;
import org.opengis.metadata.acquisition.*;
import org.opengis.metadata.distribution.Distributor;
import org.opengis.metadata.distribution.Distribution;
import org.opengis.metadata.constraint.LegalConstraints;
import org.opengis.metadata.constraint.Restriction;
import org.opengis.metadata.spatial.DimensionNameType;
import org.opengis.metadata.spatial.GridSpatialRepresentation;
import org.opengis.metadata.spatial.SpatialRepresentationType;
import org.opengis.metadata.identification.DataIdentification;
import org.opengis.metadata.identification.TopicCategory;
import org.opengis.metadata.identification.KeywordType;
import org.opengis.metadata.identification.Keywords;
import org.opengis.metadata.lineage.Lineage;
import org.opengis.metadata.lineage.Source;
import org.opengis.metadata.extent.Extent;
import org.opengis.metadata.extent.VerticalExtent;
import org.opengis.metadata.extent.TemporalExtent;
import org.opengis.metadata.extent.BoundingPolygon;
import org.opengis.metadata.extent.GeographicBoundingBox;
import org.opengis.metadata.extent.GeographicDescription;
* Name of attributes used in the mapping from/to netCDF metadata to ISO 19115 metadata.
* The attributes recognized by SIS are listed below:
* <blockquote><table class="compact">
* <caption>List of all netCDF attributes mapped by Apache SIS to ISO 19115 metadata</caption>
* <tr style="vertical-align:top"><td style="width: 25%">
* {@value #ACCESS_CONSTRAINT}<br>
* {@value #ACKNOWLEDGEMENT}<br>
* {@value #COMMENT}<br>
* {@linkplain #CONTRIBUTOR "contributor_email"}<br>
* {@linkplain #CONTRIBUTOR "contributor_name"}<br>
* {@linkplain #CONTRIBUTOR "contributor_role"}<br>
* {@linkplain #CONTRIBUTOR "contributor_url"}<br>
* {@linkplain #CREATOR "creator_email"}<br>
* {@linkplain #CREATOR "creator_name"}<br>
* {@linkplain #CREATOR "creator_type"}<br>
* {@linkplain #CREATOR "creator_url"}<br>
* {@value #DATA_TYPE}<br>
* {@value #DATE_CREATED}<br>
* {@value #DATE_ISSUED}<br>
* {@value #METADATA_MODIFIED}<br>
* {@value #DATE_MODIFIED}<br>
* {@value #FLAG_MASKS}<br>
* {@value #FLAG_MEANINGS}<br>
* {@value #FLAG_NAMES}<br>
* {@value #FLAG_VALUES}<br>
* {@linkplain #TITLE "full_name"}<br>
* </td><td style="width: 25%">
* {@linkplain #GEOGRAPHIC_IDENTIFIER "geographic_identifier"}<br>
* {@value #GEOSPATIAL_BOUNDS}<br>
* {@linkplain #GEOSPATIAL_BOUNDS "geospatial_bounds_crs"}<br>
* {@linkplain #GEOSPATIAL_BOUNDS "geospatial_bounds_vertical_crs"}<br>
* {@linkplain #LATITUDE "geospatial_lat_max"}<br>
* {@linkplain #LATITUDE "geospatial_lat_min"}<br>
* {@linkplain #LATITUDE "geospatial_lat_resolution"}<br>
* {@linkplain #LATITUDE "geospatial_lat_units"}<br>
* {@linkplain #LONGITUDE "geospatial_lon_max"}<br>
* {@linkplain #LONGITUDE "geospatial_lon_min"}<br>
* {@linkplain #LONGITUDE "geospatial_lon_resolution"}<br>
* {@linkplain #LONGITUDE "geospatial_lon_units"}<br>
* {@linkplain #VERTICAL "geospatial_vertical_max"}<br>
* {@linkplain #VERTICAL "geospatial_vertical_min"}<br>
* {@linkplain #VERTICAL "geospatial_vertical_positive"}<br>
* {@linkplain #VERTICAL "geospatial_vertical_resolution"}<br>
* {@linkplain #VERTICAL "geospatial_vertical_units"}<br>
* {@value #HISTORY}<br>
* {@linkplain #IDENTIFIER "id"}<br>
* {@linkplain #CREATOR "institution"}<br>
* </td><td style="width: 25%">
* {@linkplain #KEYWORDS "keywords"}<br>
* {@linkplain #KEYWORDS "keywords_vocabulary"}<br>
* {@value #LICENSE}<br>
* {@value #METADATA_CREATION}<br>
* {@value #METADATA_LINK}<br>
* {@linkplain #TITLE "name"}<br>
* {@value #PROCESSING_LEVEL}<br>
* {@value #PRODUCT_VERSION}<br>
* {@linkplain #PROGRAM "program"}<br>
* {@value #PROJECT}<br>
* {@linkplain #PUBLISHER "publisher_email"}<br>
* {@linkplain #PUBLISHER "publisher_name"}<br>
* {@linkplain #PUBLISHER "publisher_type"}<br>
* {@linkplain #PUBLISHER "publisher_url"}<br>
* {@value #PURPOSE}<br>
* {@value #REFERENCES}<br>
* {@value #SOURCE}<br>
* {@linkplain #STANDARD_NAME "standard_name"}<br>
* {@linkplain #STANDARD_NAME "standard_name_vocabulary"}<br>
* {@value #SUMMARY}<br>
* </td><td style="width: 25%">
* {@linkplain #TIME "time_coverage_duration"}<br>
* {@linkplain #TIME "time_coverage_end"}<br>
* {@linkplain #TIME "time_coverage_resolution"}<br>
* {@linkplain #TIME "time_coverage_start"}<br>
* {@linkplain #TIME "time_coverage_units"}<br>
* {@value #TITLE}<br>
* {@value #TOPIC_CATEGORY}<br>
* </td></tr></table></blockquote>
* <h2>References</h2>
* <ul>
* <li><a href="">NetCDF
* Attribute Convention for Dataset Discovery</a> wiki</li>
* </ul>
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
* @version 0.8
* @since 0.3
public class AttributeNames {
* The {@value} attribute name for a short description of the dataset
* (<em>Highly Recommended</em>). If no {@value} attribute is provided,
* then {@code AttributeNames} will look for "full_name" and "name".
* <p><b>Path in ISO 19115:</b></p> <ul><li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getIdentificationInfo() identificationInfo} /
* {@link DataIdentification#getCitation() citation} /
* {@link Citation#getTitle() title}</li></ul>
* @see NetcdfFile#getTitle()
* @see <a href="">ESIP reference</a>
public static final String TITLE = ACDD.title;
* The {@value} attribute name for a paragraph describing the dataset
* (<em>Highly Recommended</em>).
* <p><b>Path in ISO 19115:</b></p> <ul><li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getIdentificationInfo() identificationInfo} /
* {@link DataIdentification#getAbstract() abstract}</li></ul>
* @see <a href="">ESIP reference</a>
public static final String SUMMARY = ACDD.summary;
* Holds the attribute names describing a term together with a vocabulary (or naming authority).
* A term is a word or expression having a precise meaning in a domain identified by the vocabulary.
* In the following table, the header lists the constants defined in the {@link AttributeNames}
* class and the other cells give the values assigned in this class fields for those constants.
* <table class="sis">
* <caption>Names of netCDF attributes describing a keyword</caption>
* <tr><th>{@link AttributeNames}</th> <th>{@link #TEXT}</th> <th>{@link #VOCABULARY}</th></tr>
* <tr><td>{@link AttributeNames#IDENTIFIER IDENTIFIER}</td> <td>{@code "id"}</td> <td>{@code "naming_authority"}</td></tr>
* <tr><td>{@link AttributeNames#STANDARD_NAME STANDARD_NAME}</td> <td>{@code "standard_name"}</td> <td>{@code "standard_name_vocabulary"}</td></tr>
* <tr><td>{@link AttributeNames#KEYWORDS KEYWORDS}</td> <td>{@code "keywords"}</td> <td>{@code "keywords_vocabulary"}</td></tr>
* <tr><td>{@link AttributeNames#PROGRAM PROGRAM}</td> <td>{@code "program"}</td> <td></td></tr>
* <tr><td>{@link AttributeNames#PLATFORM PLATFORM}</td> <td>{@code "platform"}</td> <td>{@code "platform_vocabulary"}</td></tr>
* <tr><td>{@link AttributeNames#INSTRUMENT INSTRUMENT}</td> <td>{@code "instrument"}</td> <td>{@code "instrument_vocabulary"}</td></tr>
* </table>
* <h2>Departure from conventions</h2>
* The member names in this class are upper-cases because they should be considered as constants.
* For example, {@code AttributeNames.KEYWORD.TEXT} maps exactly to the {@code "keywords"} string
* and nothing else. A lower-case {@code text} member name could be misleading since it would
* suggest that the field contains the actual text value rather than the key by which the value
* is identified in a netCDF file.
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
* @version 0.8
* @since 0.8
public static class Term implements Serializable {
* For cross-version compatibility.
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2625777878209548741L;
* The keyword or the identifier code. Possible values for this field are
* {@code "id"}, {@code "standard_name"}, {@code "keywords"}, {@code "program"},
* {@code "platform"} or {@code "instrument"}.
* <p><b>Path in ISO 19115:</b></p> <ul><li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getIdentificationInfo() identificationInfo} /
* {@link DataIdentification#getDescriptiveKeywords() descriptiveKeywords} /
* {@link Keywords#getKeywords() keyword}</li>
* <li>or {@link Identifier} / {@link Identifier#getCode() code}</li></ul>
public final String TEXT;
* The vocabulary or identifier namespace, or {@code null} if none. Possible values for this field are
* {@code "naming_authority"}, {@code "standard_name_vocabulary"}, {@code "keywords_vocabulary"},
* {@code "platform_vocabulary"} or {@code "instrument_vocabulary"}.
* <p><b>Path in ISO 19115:</b></p> <ul><li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getIdentificationInfo() identificationInfo} /
* {@link DataIdentification#getDescriptiveKeywords() descriptiveKeywords} /
* {@link Keywords#getThesaurusName() thesaurusName} /
* {@link Citation#getTitle() title}</li>
* <li>or {@link Identifier} / {@link Identifier#getAuthority() authority} /
* {@link Citation#getTitle() title}</li></ul>
public final String VOCABULARY;
* Creates a new set of attribute names. Any argument can be {@code null} if not applicable.
* @param text the keyword or the identifier code.
* @param vocabulary the vocabulary or identifier namespace.
* @since 0.8
public Term(final String text, final String vocabulary) {
TEXT = text;
VOCABULARY = vocabulary;
* The set of attribute names for an identifier (<em>Recommended</em>).
* The combination of the {@code "naming_authority"} and the {@code "id"}
* should be a globally unique identifier for the dataset.
* <p><b>Path in ISO 19115:</b></p> <ul><li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getFileIdentifier() fileIdentifier}</li>
* <li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getIdentificationInfo() identificationInfo} /
* {@link DataIdentification#getCitation() citation} /
* {@link Citation#getIdentifiers() identifier} /
* {@link Identifier#getCode() code}</li>
* <li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getIdentificationInfo() identificationInfo} /
* {@link DataIdentification#getCitation() citation} /
* {@link Citation#getIdentifiers() identifier} /
* {@link Identifier#getAuthority() authority} /
* {@link Citation#getTitle() title}</li></ul>
* @see NetcdfFile#getId()
* @see <a href="">ESIP reference</a>
public static final Term IDENTIFIER = new Term(, ACDD.naming_authority);
* The set of attribute names for a long descriptive name for the variable taken from a controlled
* vocabulary of variable names. This is actually a {@linkplain VariableSimpleIF variable} attribute,
* but sometimes appears also in {@linkplain NetcdfFile#findGlobalAttribute(String) global attributes}.
* <p><b>Path in ISO 19115:</b></p> <ul><li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getIdentificationInfo() identificationInfo} /
* {@link DataIdentification#getDescriptiveKeywords() descriptiveKeywords} /
* {@link Keywords#getKeywords() keyword} with {@link KeywordType#THEME}</li>
* <li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getIdentificationInfo() identificationInfo} /
* {@link DataIdentification#getDescriptiveKeywords() descriptiveKeywords} /
* {@link Keywords#getThesaurusName() thesaurusName} /
* {@link Citation#getTitle() title}</li></ul>
* @see #KEYWORDS
* @see <a href="">ESIP reference</a>
public static final Term STANDARD_NAME = new Term(CF.STANDARD_NAME, ACDD.standard_name_vocabulary);
* The set of attribute names for a comma separated list of key words and phrases
* (<em>Highly Recommended</em>).
* <p><b>Path in ISO 19115:</b></p> <ul><li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getIdentificationInfo() identificationInfo} /
* {@link DataIdentification#getDescriptiveKeywords() descriptiveKeywords} /
* {@link Keywords#getKeywords() keyword} with {@link KeywordType#THEME}</li>
* <li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getIdentificationInfo() identificationInfo} /
* {@link DataIdentification#getDescriptiveKeywords() descriptiveKeywords} /
* {@link Keywords#getThesaurusName() thesaurusName} /
* {@link Citation#getTitle() title}</li></ul>
* @see <a href="">ESIP reference</a>
public static final Term KEYWORDS = new Term(ACDD.keywords, ACDD.keywords_vocabulary);
* The {@value} attribute name for a high-level geographic data thematic classification.
* Typical values are {@code "farming"}, {@code "biota"}, {@code "boundaries"},
* {@code "climatology meteorology atmosphere"}, {@code "economy"}, {@code "elevation"},
* {@code "environment"}, {@code "geoscientific information"}, {@code "health"},
* {@code "imagery base maps earth cover"}, {@code "intelligence military"},
* {@code "inland waters"}, {@code "location"}, {@code "oceans"}, {@code "planning cadastre"},
* {@code "society"}, {@code "structure"}, {@code "transportation"} and
* {@code "utilitiesCommunication"}.
* <p><b>Path in ISO 19115:</b></p> <ul><li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getIdentificationInfo() identificationInfo} /
* {@link DataIdentification#getTopicCategories() topicCategory}</li></ul>
* @see TopicCategory
public static final String TOPIC_CATEGORY = "topic_category";
* The {@value} attribute name for the THREDDS data type appropriate for this dataset
* (<em>Recommended</em>). Examples: {@code "Vector"}, {@code "TextTable"}, {@code "Grid"},
* {@code "Image"}, {@code "Video"}, {@code "Tin"}, {@code "StereoModel"}, {@code "Station"},
* {@code "Swath"} or {@code "Trajectory"}.
* <p><b>Path in ISO 19115:</b></p> <ul><li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getIdentificationInfo() identificationInfo} /
* {@link DataIdentification#getSpatialRepresentationTypes() spatialRepresentationType}</li></ul>
* @see SpatialRepresentationType
* @see <a href="">ESIP reference</a>
public static final String DATA_TYPE = ACDD.cdm_data_type;
* The {@value} attribute name for providing an audit trail for modifications to the
* original data (<em>Recommended</em>).
* This is a character array with a line for each invocation of a program that has modified the dataset.
* <p><b>Path in ISO 19115:</b></p> <ul><li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getResourceLineages() resourceLineage} /
* {@link Lineage#getStatement() statement}</li></ul>
* <h4>Departure from convention</h4>
* Located in "{@link Metadata#getDataQualityInfo() dataQualityInfo} /
* {@link org.opengis.metadata.quality.DataQuality#getLineage() lineage}" instead of "{@code resourceLineage}"
* in {@code UnidataDD2MI.xsl} file (retrieved in 2017).
* See <a href="">SIS-361</a>.
* @see <a href="">ESIP reference</a>
public static final String HISTORY = ACDD.history;
* The {@value} attribute name for the method of production of the original data (<em>Recommended</em>).
* <p><b>Path in ISO 19115:</b></p> <ul><li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getResourceLineages() resourceLineage} /
* {@link Lineage#getSources() source} /
* {@link Source#getDescription() description}</li></ul>
* <h4>Departure from convention</h4>
* Located in "{@link Metadata#getDataQualityInfo() dataQualityInfo} /
* {@link org.opengis.metadata.quality.DataQuality#getLineage() lineage}" instead of "{@code resourceLineage}"
* in {@code UnidataDD2MI.xsl} file (retrieved in 2017).
* See <a href="">SIS-361</a>.
* @see <a href="">ESIP reference</a>
* @since 0.8
public static final String SOURCE = "source";
* The {@value} attribute name for miscellaneous information about the data
* (<em>Recommended</em>).
* <p><b>Path in ISO 19115:</b></p> <ul><li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getIdentificationInfo() identificationInfo} /
* {@link DataIdentification#getSupplementalInformation() supplementalInformation}</li></ul>
* @see <a href="">ESIP reference</a>
public static final String COMMENT = ACDD.comment;
* The {@value} attribute name for the date on which the metadata was created
* (<em>Suggested</em>). This is actually defined in the "{@code NCISOMetadata}"
* subgroup.
* <p><b>Path in ISO 19115:</b></p> <ul><li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getDateInfo() dateInfo}
* {@link CitationDate#getDate() date} with {@link DateType#CREATION}</li></ul>
public static final String METADATA_CREATION = "metadata_creation";
* The {@value} attribute name for the date on which the metadata has been modified
* (<em>Suggested</em>).
* <p><b>Path in ISO 19115:</b></p> <ul><li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getDateInfo() dateInfo}
* {@link CitationDate#getDate() date} with {@link DateType#REVISION}</li></ul>
* @since 0.8
public static final String METADATA_MODIFIED = "date_metadata_modified";
* The {@value} attribute name for the date on which the data was created
* (<em>Recommended</em>).
* <p><b>Path in ISO 19115:</b></p> <ul><li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getIdentificationInfo() identificationInfo} /
* {@link DataIdentification#getCitation() citation} /
* {@link Citation#getDates() date} /
* {@link CitationDate#getDate() date} with {@link DateType#CREATION}</li></ul>
* @see <a href="">ESIP reference</a>
public static final String DATE_CREATED = ACDD.date_created;
* The {@value} attribute name for the date on which this data was last modified
* (<em>Suggested</em>).
* <p><b>Path in ISO 19115:</b></p> <ul><li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getIdentificationInfo() identificationInfo} /
* {@link DataIdentification#getCitation() citation} /
* {@link Citation#getDates() date} /
* {@link CitationDate#getDate() date} with {@link DateType#REVISION}</li></ul>
* @see <a href="">ESIP reference</a>
public static final String DATE_MODIFIED = ACDD.date_modified;
* The {@value} attribute name for a date on which this data was formally issued
* (<em>Suggested</em>).
* <p><b>Path in ISO 19115:</b></p> <ul><li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getIdentificationInfo() identificationInfo} /
* {@link DataIdentification#getCitation() citation} /
* {@link Citation#getDates() date} /
* {@link CitationDate#getDate() date} with {@link DateType#PUBLICATION}</li></ul>
* @see <a href="">ESIP reference</a>
public static final String DATE_ISSUED = "date_issued";
* The {@value} attribute for version identifier of the data file or product as assigned by the data creator
* (<em>Suggested</em>).
* <p><b>Path in ISO 19115:</b></p> <ul><li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getIdentificationInfo() identificationInfo} /
* {@link DataIdentification#getCitation() citation} /
* {@link Citation#getEdition() edition}</li></ul>
* @see <a href="">ESIP reference</a>
public static final String PRODUCT_VERSION = "product_version";
* The set of attribute names for the overarching program(s) of which the dataset is a part (<em>Suggested</em>).
* Examples: "GHRSST", "NOAA CDR", "NASA EOS", "JPSS", "GOES-R".
* <p><b>Path in ISO 19115:</b></p> <ul><li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getAcquisitionInformation() acquisitionInformation} /
* {@link AcquisitionInformation#getOperations() operation} /
* {@link Operation#getIdentifier() identifier} /
* {@link Identifier#getCode() code}</li></ul>
* <p><b>This attribute is not yet read by {@link NetcdfStore}</b>,
* because we are not sure what would be the most appropriate ISO 19115 location.
* The above-cited location is experimental and may change in any future Apache SIS version.</p>
* @see #PROJECT
* @see <a href="">ESIP reference</a>
* @since 0.8
public static final Term PROGRAM = new Term("program", null);
* The set of attribute names for the platform(s) that supported the sensors used to create the resource(s).
* <p><b>Path in ISO 19115:</b></p> <ul><li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getAcquisitionInformation() acquisitionInformation} /
* {@link AcquisitionInformation#getPlatforms() platform} /
* {@link Platform#getIdentifier() identifier} /
* {@link Identifier#getCode() code}</li>
* <li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getAcquisitionInformation() acquisitionInformation} /
* {@link AcquisitionInformation#getPlatforms() platform} /
* {@link Platform#getIdentifier() identifier} /
* {@link Identifier#getAuthority() authority} /
* {@link Citation#getTitle() title}</li></ul>
* @since 0.8
public static final Term PLATFORM = new Term("platform", "platform_vocabulary");
* The set of attribute names for the contributing instrument(s) or sensor(s) used to create the resource(s).
* <p><b>Path in ISO 19115:</b></p> <ul><li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getAcquisitionInformation() acquisitionInformation} /
* {@link AcquisitionInformation#getPlatforms() platform} /
* {@link Platform#getInstruments() instrument} /
* {@link Instrument#getIdentifier() identifier} /
* {@link Identifier#getCode() code}</li>
* <li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getAcquisitionInformation() acquisitionInformation} /
* {@link AcquisitionInformation#getPlatforms() platform} /
* {@link Platform#getInstruments() instrument} /
* {@link Instrument#getIdentifier() identifier} /
* {@link Identifier#getAuthority() authority} /
* {@link Citation#getTitle() title}</li></ul>
* @since 0.8
public static final Term INSTRUMENT = new Term("instrument", "instrument_vocabulary");
* Holds the attribute names describing a responsible party.
* In the following table, the header lists the constants defined in the {@link AttributeNames}
* class and the other cells give the values assigned in this class fields for those constants.
* <table class="sis">
* <caption>Names of netCDF attributes describing a responsible party</caption>
* <tr>
* <th >Field in this class</th>
* <th class="sep">{@link AttributeNames#CREATOR CREATOR}</th>
* <th >{@link AttributeNames#CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR}</th>
* <th >{@link AttributeNames#PUBLISHER PUBLISHER}</th>
* </tr><tr>
* <td >{@link #NAME}</td>
* <td class="sep">{@code "creator_name"}</td>
* <td >{@code "contributor_name"}</td>
* <td >{@code "publisher_name"}</td>
* </tr><tr>
* <td >{@link #TYPE}</td>
* <td class="sep">{@code "creator_type"}</td>
* <td ></td>
* <td >{@code "publisher_type"}</td>
* </tr><tr>
* <td >{@link #INSTITUTION}</td>
* <td class="sep">{@code "creator_institution"}</td>
* <td ></td>
* <td >{@code "publisher_institution"}</td>
* </tr><tr>
* <td >{@link #URL}</td>
* <td class="sep">{@code "creator_url"}</td>
* <td >{@code "contributor_url"}</td>
* <td >{@code "publisher_url"}</td>
* </tr><tr>
* <td >{@link #EMAIL}</td>
* <td class="sep">{@code "creator_email"}</td>
* <td >{@code "contributor_email"}</td>
* <td >{@code "publisher_email"}</td>
* </tr><tr>
* <td >{@link #ROLE}</td>
* <td class="sep"></td>
* <td >{@code "contributor_role"}</td>
* <td ></td>
* </tr><tr>
* <td >{@link #DEFAULT_ROLE}</td>
* <td class="sep">{@link Role#ORIGINATOR}</td>
* <td ></td>
* <td> {@link Role#PUBLISHER}</td>
* </tr></table>
* <h2>Departure from conventions</h2>
* The member names in this class are upper-cases because they should be considered as constants.
* For example, {@code AttributeNames.CREATOR.EMAIL} maps exactly to the {@code "creator_email"} string
* and nothing else. A lower-case {@code email} member name could be misleading since it would suggest
* that the field contains the actual name value rather than the key by which the value is identified
* in a netCDF file.
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
* @version 0.8
* @see
* @since 0.3
public static class Responsible implements Serializable {
* For cross-version compatibility.
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2680152633273321012L;
* The attribute name for the responsible's name. Possible values for this field are
* {@code "creator_name"}, {@code "contributor_name"} or {@code "publisher_name"}.
* <p><b>Path in ISO 19115:</b></p> <ul><li>{@link ResponsibleParty} /
* {@link ResponsibleParty#getIndividualName() individualName}</li></ul>
public final String NAME;
* The attribute name for the responsible's type. Possible values for this field are
* {@code "creator_type"} or {@code "publisher_type"}. Possible values in a netCDF file
* are {@code "person"}, {@code "group"}, {@code "institution"} or {@code "position"}.
public final String TYPE;
* The attribute name for the responsible's institution, or {@code null} if none.
* Possible value is {@code "institution"}.
* <p><b>Path in ISO 19115:</b></p> <ul><li>{@link ResponsibleParty} /
* {@link ResponsibleParty#getOrganisationName() organisationName}</li></ul>
public final String INSTITUTION;
* The attribute name for the responsible's URL. Possible values are
* {@code "creator_url"}, {@code "contributor_url"} or {@code "publisher_url"}.
* <p><b>Path in ISO 19115:</b></p> <ul><li>{@link ResponsibleParty} /
* {@link ResponsibleParty#getContactInfo() contactInfo} /
* {@link Contact#getOnlineResource() onlineResource} /
* {@link OnlineResource#getLinkage() linkage}</li></ul>
public final String URL;
* The attribute name for the responsible's email address. Possible values are
* {@code "creator_email"}, {@code "contributor_email"} or {@code "publisher_email"}.
* <p><b>Path in ISO 19115:</b></p> <ul><li>{@link ResponsibleParty} /
* {@link ResponsibleParty#getContactInfo() contactInfo} /
* {@link Contact#getAddress() address} /
* {@link Address#getElectronicMailAddresses() electronicMailAddress}</li></ul>
public final String EMAIL;
* The attribute name for the responsible's role, or {@code null} if none.
* Possible value is {@code "contributor_role"}.
* <p><b>Path in ISO 19115:</b></p> <ul><li>{@link ResponsibleParty} /
* {@link ResponsibleParty#getRole()}</li></ul>
* @see Role
public final String ROLE;
* The role to use as a fallback if no attribute value is associated to the {@link #ROLE} key.
public final Role DEFAULT_ROLE;
* Creates a new set of attribute names. Any argument can be {@code null} if not applicable.
* @param name the attribute name for the responsible's name.
* @param type the attribute name for the responsible party type.
* @param institution the attribute name for the responsible's institution.
* @param url the attribute name for the responsible's URL.
* @param email the attribute name for the responsible's email address.
* @param role the attribute name for the responsible party role.
* @param defaultRole the role to use as a fallback if no attribute value is associated to the {@code role} key.
* @since 0.8
public Responsible(final String name, final String type, final String institution, final String url,
final String email, final String role, final Role defaultRole)
NAME = name;
TYPE = type;
INSTITUTION = institution;
URL = url;
EMAIL = email;
ROLE = role;
DEFAULT_ROLE = defaultRole;
* The set of attribute names for the creator (<em>Recommended</em>).
* <p><b>Path in ISO 19115:</b></p> <ul><li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getIdentificationInfo() identificationInfo} /
* {@link DataIdentification#getCitation() citation} /
* {@link Citation#getCitedResponsibleParties() citedResponsibleParty} with {@link Role#ORIGINATOR}</li></ul>
* @see <a href="">ESIP reference</a>
public static final Responsible CREATOR = new Responsible(ACDD.creator_name, "creator_type",
"creator_institution", ACDD.creator_url, ACDD.creator_email, null, Role.ORIGINATOR);
* The set of attribute names for the contributor (<em>Suggested</em>).
* <p><b>Path in ISO 19115:</b></p> <ul><li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getIdentificationInfo() identificationInfo} /
* {@link DataIdentification#getCitation() citation}</li></ul>
* @see #CREATOR
* @see <a href="">ESIP reference</a>
public static final Responsible CONTRIBUTOR = new Responsible("contributor_name", null,
null, "contributor_url", "contributor_email", "contributor_role", null);
* The set of attribute names for the publisher (<em>Suggested</em>).
* <p><b>Path in ISO 19115:</b></p> <ul><li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getDistributionInfo() distributionInfo} /
* {@link Distribution#getDistributors() distributors} /
* {@link Distributor#getDistributorContact() distributorContact} with {@link Role#PUBLISHER}</li>
* <li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getIdentificationInfo() identificationInfo} /
* {@link DataIdentification#getDescriptiveKeywords() descriptiveKeywords} /
* {@link Keywords#getKeywords() keyword} with the {@code "dataCenter"} {@link KeywordType}</li></ul>
* @see #CREATOR
* @see <a href="">ESIP reference</a>
public static final Responsible PUBLISHER = new Responsible(ACDD.publisher_name, "publisher_type",
ACDD.publisher_institution, ACDD.publisher_url, ACDD.publisher_email, null, Role.PUBLISHER);
* The {@value} attribute name for the scientific project that produced the data
* (<em>Recommended</em>).
* <p><b>Path in ISO 19115:</b></p> <ul><li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getIdentificationInfo() identificationInfo} /
* {@link DataIdentification#getDescriptiveKeywords() descriptiveKeywords} /
* {@link Keywords#getKeywords() keyword} with the {@code "project"} {@link KeywordType}</li></ul>
* @see #PROGRAM
* @see <a href="">ESIP reference</a>
public static final String PROJECT = "project";
* The {@value} attribute name for the summary of the intentions with which the resource(s)
* was developed.
* <p><b>Path in ISO 19115:</b></p> <ul><li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getIdentificationInfo() identificationInfo} /
* {@link DataIdentification#getPurpose() purpose}</li></ul>
public static final String PURPOSE = "purpose";
* The {@value} attribute name for bibliographical references.
* <p><b>Path in ISO 19115:</b></p> <ul><li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getIdentificationInfo() identificationInfo} /
* {@link DataIdentification#getCitation() citation} /
* {@link Citation#getOtherCitationDetails() otherCitationDetails}</li></ul>
public static final String REFERENCES = "references";
* The {@value} attribute name for a textual description of the processing (or quality control)
* level of the data.
* <p><b>Path in ISO 19115:</b></p> <ul><li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getContentInfo() contentInfo} /
* {@link ImageDescription#getProcessingLevelCode() processingLevelCode}</li></ul>
* @see <a href="">ESIP reference</a>
public static final String PROCESSING_LEVEL = ACDD.processing_level;
* The {@value} attribute name for a place to acknowledge various type of support for
* the project that produced this data (<em>Recommended</em>).
* <p><b>Path in ISO 19115:</b></p> <ul><li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getIdentificationInfo() identificationInfo} /
* {@link DataIdentification#getCredits() credit}</li></ul>
* @see <a href="">ESIP reference</a>
* @since 0.8
public static final String ACKNOWLEDGEMENT = ACDD.acknowledgement;
* The {@value} attribute name for a description of the restrictions to data access
* and distribution (<em>Recommended</em>).
* <p><b>Path in ISO 19115:</b></p> <ul><li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getIdentificationInfo() identificationInfo} /
* {@link DataIdentification#getResourceConstraints() resourceConstraints} /
* {@link LegalConstraints#getUseLimitations() useLimitation}</li></ul>
* @see <a href="">ESIP reference</a>
public static final String LICENSE = ACDD.license;
* The {@value} attribute name for the access constraints applied to assure the protection of
* privacy or intellectual property. Typical values are {@code "copyright"}, {@code "patent"},
* {@code "patent pending"}, {@code "trademark"}, {@code "license"},
* {@code "intellectual property rights"} or {@code "restricted"}.
* <p><b>Path in ISO 19115:</b></p> <ul><li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getIdentificationInfo() identificationInfo} /
* {@link DataIdentification#getResourceConstraints() resourceConstraints} /
* {@link LegalConstraints#getAccessConstraints() accessConstraints}</li></ul>
* @see Restriction
public static final String ACCESS_CONSTRAINT = "acces_constraint";
* The {@value} attribute name for an identifier of the geographic area.
* <p><b>Path in ISO 19115:</b></p> <ul><li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getIdentificationInfo() identificationInfo} /
* {@link DataIdentification#getExtents() extent} /
* {@link Extent#getGeographicElements() geographicElement} /
* {@link GeographicDescription#getGeographicIdentifier() geographicIdentifier}</li></ul>
public static final String GEOGRAPHIC_IDENTIFIER = "geographic_identifier";
* Data's 2D or 3D geospatial extent in OGC's Well-Known Text (WKT) geometry format.
* The Coordinate Reference System is given by {@code "geospatial_bounds_crs"},
* possibly completed by {@code "geospatial_bounds_vertical_crs"}.
* <p><b>Path in ISO 19115:</b></p> <ul><li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getIdentificationInfo() identificationInfo} /
* {@link DataIdentification#getExtents() extent} /
* {@link Extent#getGeographicElements() geographicElement} /
* {@link BoundingPolygon#getPolygons() polygon}</li></ul>
* @see <a href="">ESIP reference</a>
* @since 0.8
public static final String GEOSPATIAL_BOUNDS = "geospatial_bounds";
* Holds the attribute names describing a simple latitude, longitude, and vertical bounding box.
* In the following table, the header lists the constants defined in the {@link AttributeNames}
* class and the other cells give the values assigned in this class fields for those constants.
* <table class="sis">
* <caption>Names of netCDF attributes describing an extent</caption>
* <tr>
* <th >Field in this class</th>
* <th class="sep">{@link AttributeNames#LATITUDE LATITUDE}</th>
* <th >{@link AttributeNames#LONGITUDE LONGITUDE}</th>
* <th >{@link AttributeNames#VERTICAL VERTICAL}</th>
* <th >{@link AttributeNames#TIME TIME}</th>
* </tr><tr>
* <td >{@link #MINIMUM}</td>
* <td class="sep">{@code "geospatial_lat_min"}</td>
* <td >{@code "geospatial_lon_min"}</td>
* <td >{@code "geospatial_vertical_min"}</td>
* <td >{@code "time_coverage_start"}</td>
* </tr><tr>
* <td >{@link #MAXIMUM}</td>
* <td class="sep">{@code "geospatial_lat_max"}</td>
* <td >{@code "geospatial_lon_max"}</td>
* <td >{@code "geospatial_vertical_max"}</td>
* <td >{@code "time_coverage_end"}</td>
* </tr><tr>
* <td >{@link #SPAN}</td>
* <td class="sep"></td>
* <td ></td>
* <td ></td>
* <td >{@code "time_coverage_duration"}</td>
* </tr><tr>
* <td >{@link #RESOLUTION}</td>
* <td class="sep">{@code "geospatial_lat_resolution"}</td>
* <td >{@code "geospatial_lon_resolution"}</td>
* <td >{@code "geospatial_vertical_resolution"}</td>
* <td >{@code "time_coverage_resolution"}</td>
* </tr><tr>
* <td >{@link #UNITS}</td>
* <td class="sep">{@code "geospatial_lat_units"}</td>
* <td >{@code "geospatial_lon_units"}</td>
* <td >{@code "geospatial_vertical_units"}</td>
* <td >{@code "time_coverage_units"}</td>
* </tr><tr>
* <td >{@link #POSITIVE}</td>
* <td class="sep"></td>
* <td ></td>
* <td >{@code "geospatial_vertical_positive"}</td>
* <td></td>
* </tr><tr>
* <td >{@link #DEFAULT_NAME_TYPE}</td>
* <td class="sep">{@link DimensionNameType#ROW}</td>
* <td >{@link DimensionNameType#COLUMN}</td>
* <td >{@link DimensionNameType#VERTICAL}</td>
* <td >{@link DimensionNameType#TIME}</td>
* </tr></table>
* <h2>Departure from conventions</h2>
* The member names in this class are upper-cases because they should be considered as constants.
* For example, {@code AttributeNames.LATITUDE.MINIMUM} maps exactly to the {@code "geospatial_lat_min"}
* string and nothing else. A lower-case {@code minimum} member name could be misleading since it would
* suggest that the field contains the actual latitude value rather than the key by which the value is
* identified in a netCDF file.
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
* @version 0.3
* @see
* @since 0.3
public static class Dimension implements Serializable {
* For cross-version compatibility.
private static final long serialVersionUID = 5063525623830032591L;
* The attribute name for the minimal value of the bounding box (<em>Recommended</em>).
* Possible values are {@code "geospatial_lat_min"}, {@code "geospatial_lon_min"},
* {@code "geospatial_vertical_min"} and {@code "time_coverage_start"}.
public final String MINIMUM;
* The attribute name for the maximal value of the bounding box (<em>Recommended</em>).
* Possible values are {@code "geospatial_lat_max"}, {@code "geospatial_lon_max"},
* {@code "geospatial_vertical_max"} and {@code "time_coverage_end"}.
public final String MAXIMUM;
* The attribute name for the difference between the minimal and maximal values.
* Possible value is {@code "time_coverage_duration"}.
public final String SPAN;
* The attribute name for a further refinement of the geospatial bounding box
* (<em>Suggested</em>). Possible values are {@code "geospatial_lat_resolution"},
* {@code "geospatial_lon_resolution"}, {@code "geospatial_vertical_resolution"}
* and {@code "time_coverage_resolution"}.
public final String RESOLUTION;
* The attribute name for the bounding box units of measurement.
* Possible values are {@code "geospatial_lat_units"}, {@code "geospatial_lon_units"},
* {@code "geospatial_vertical_units"} and {@code "time_coverage_units"}.
public final String UNITS;
* The attribute name for indicating which direction is positive (<em>Suggested</em>).
* Possible value is {@code "geospatial_vertical_positive"}.
public final String POSITIVE;
* The default ISO 19115 dimension name type, or {@code null} if none.
* By default, {@link DimensionNameType#COLUMN} is associated to longitudes and {@link DimensionNameType#ROW}
* to latitudes since geographic maps in netCDF files are typically shown horizontally.
* <p>The default associations may not be always correct since the columns and rows can be anything.
* Strictly speaking, the dimension name types shall be associated to the <em>grid axes</em> rather
* than the <em>coordinate system axes</em>. However, the default association is correct in the common case
* (for netCDF files) where there is no axis swapping in the <i>grid to CRS</i> conversion.</p>
public final DimensionNameType DEFAULT_NAME_TYPE;
* Creates a new set of attribute names.
* @param type the default ISO 19115 dimension name type, or {@code null} if none.
* @param min the attribute name for the minimal value of the bounding box.
* @param max the attribute name for the maximal value of the bounding box.
* @param span the attribute name for the difference between the minimal and maximal values.
* @param resolution the attribute name for a further refinement of the geospatial bounding box.
* @param units the attribute name for the bounding box units of measurement.
* @param positive the attribute name for indicating which direction is positive.
public Dimension(final DimensionNameType type, final String min, final String max, final String span,
final String resolution, final String units, final String positive)
MINIMUM = min;
MAXIMUM = max;
SPAN = span;
RESOLUTION = resolution;
UNITS = units;
POSITIVE = positive;
* The set of attribute names for the minimal and maximal latitudes of the bounding box,
* resolution and units. Latitudes are assumed to be in decimal degrees north, unless a
* units attribute is specified.
* <p><b>Path in ISO 19115:</b></p> <ul><li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getIdentificationInfo() identificationInfo} /
* {@link DataIdentification#getExtents() extent} /
* {@link Extent#getGeographicElements() geographicElement} /
* {@link GeographicBoundingBox#getSouthBoundLatitude() southBoundLatitude} or
* {@link GeographicBoundingBox#getNorthBoundLatitude() northBoundLatitude}</li>
* <li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getSpatialRepresentationInfo() spatialRepresentationInfo} /
* {@link GridSpatialRepresentation#getAxisDimensionProperties() axisDimensionProperties} /
* {@link org.opengis.metadata.spatial.Dimension#getResolution() resolution}</li></ul>
* @see #VERTICAL
* @see #TIME
* @see <a href="">ESIP reference</a>
public static final Dimension LATITUDE = new Dimension(DimensionNameType.ROW,
* The set of attribute names for the minimal and maximal longitudes of the bounding box,
* resolution and units. Longitudes are assumed to be in decimal degrees east, unless a
* units attribute is specified.
* <p><b>Path in ISO 19115:</b></p> <ul><li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getIdentificationInfo() identificationInfo} /
* {@link DataIdentification#getExtents() extent} /
* {@link Extent#getGeographicElements() geographicElement} /
* {@link GeographicBoundingBox#getWestBoundLongitude() westBoundLongitude} or
* {@link GeographicBoundingBox#getEastBoundLongitude() eastBoundLongitude}</li>
* <li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getSpatialRepresentationInfo() spatialRepresentationInfo} /
* {@link GridSpatialRepresentation#getAxisDimensionProperties() axisDimensionProperties} /
* {@link org.opengis.metadata.spatial.Dimension#getResolution() resolution}</li></ul>
* @see #LATITUDE
* @see #VERTICAL
* @see #TIME
* @see <a href="">ESIP reference</a>
public static final Dimension LONGITUDE = new Dimension(DimensionNameType.COLUMN,
* The set of attribute names for the minimal and maximal elevations of the bounding box,
* resolution and units. Elevations are assumed to be in metres above the ground, unless a
* units attribute is specified.
* <p><b>Path in ISO 19115:</b></p> <ul><li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getIdentificationInfo() identificationInfo} /
* {@link DataIdentification#getExtents() extent} /
* {@link Extent#getVerticalElements() verticalElement} /
* {@link VerticalExtent#getMinimumValue() minimumValue} or
* {@link VerticalExtent#getMaximumValue() maximumValue}</li>
* <li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getSpatialRepresentationInfo() spatialRepresentationInfo} /
* {@link GridSpatialRepresentation#getAxisDimensionProperties() axisDimensionProperties} /
* {@link org.opengis.metadata.spatial.Dimension#getResolution() resolution}</li></ul>
* @see #LATITUDE
* @see #TIME
* @see <a href="">ESIP reference</a>
public static final Dimension VERTICAL = new Dimension(DimensionNameType.VERTICAL,
* The set of attribute names for the start and end times of the bounding box, resolution and
* units.
* <p><b>Path in ISO 19115:</b></p> <ul><li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getIdentificationInfo() identificationInfo} /
* {@link DataIdentification#getExtents() extent} /
* {@link Extent#getTemporalElements() temporalElement} /
* {@link TemporalExtent#getExtent() extent}</li>
* <li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getSpatialRepresentationInfo() spatialRepresentationInfo} /
* {@link GridSpatialRepresentation#getAxisDimensionProperties() axisDimensionProperties} /
* {@link org.opengis.metadata.spatial.Dimension#getResolution() resolution}</li></ul>
* @see #LATITUDE
* @see #VERTICAL
* @see <a href="">ESIP reference</a>
public static final Dimension TIME = new Dimension(DimensionNameType.TIME,
* The {@value} attribute name for the designation associated with a range element.
* This attribute can be associated to {@linkplain VariableSimpleIF variables}.
* If specified, they shall be one flag name for each {@linkplain #FLAG_MASKS flag mask},
* {@linkplain #FLAG_VALUES flag value} and {@linkplain #FLAG_MEANINGS flag meaning}.
* <p><b>Path in ISO 19115:</b></p> <ul><li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getContentInfo() contentInfo} /
* {@link CoverageDescription#getRangeElementDescriptions() rangeElementDescription} /
* {@link RangeElementDescription#getName() name}</li></ul>
public static final String FLAG_NAMES = "flag_names";
* The {@value} attribute name for bitmask to apply on sample values before to compare
* them to the {@linkplain #FLAG_VALUES flag values}.
* <p><b>Path in ISO 19115:</b></p> <ul><li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getContentInfo() contentInfo} /
* {@link CoverageDescription#getRangeElementDescriptions() rangeElementDescription} /
* {@link RangeElementDescription#getRangeElements() rangeElement}</li></ul>
public static final String FLAG_MASKS = "flag_masks";
* The {@value} attribute name for sample values to be flagged. The {@linkplain #FLAG_MASKS flag masks},
* flag values and {@linkplain #FLAG_MEANINGS flag meaning} attributes, used together, describe a blend
* of independent boolean conditions and enumerated status codes.
* A flagged condition is identified by a bitwise AND of the variable value and each flag masks
* value; a result that matches the flag values value indicates a true condition.
* <p><b>Path in ISO 19115:</b></p> <ul><li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getContentInfo() contentInfo} /
* {@link CoverageDescription#getRangeElementDescriptions() rangeElementDescription} /
* {@link RangeElementDescription#getRangeElements() rangeElement}</li></ul>
public static final String FLAG_VALUES = "flag_values";
* The {@value} attribute name for the meaning of {@linkplain #FLAG_VALUES flag values}.
* Each flag values and flag masks must coincide with a flag meanings.
* <p><b>Path in ISO 19115:</b></p> <ul><li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getContentInfo() contentInfo} /
* {@link CoverageDescription#getRangeElementDescriptions() rangeElementDescription} /
* {@link RangeElementDescription#getDefinition() definition}</li></ul>
public static final String FLAG_MEANINGS = "flag_meanings";
* The {@value} attribute name for a URL that gives the location of more complete metadata.
* For example, it may be the URL to an ISO 19115 metadata in XML format.
* <p><b>Path in ISO 19115:</b></p> <ul><li>{@link Metadata} /
* {@link Metadata#getMetadataLinkages() metadataLinkage} /
* {@link OnlineResource#getLinkage() linkage}</li></ul>
* @see <a href="">ESIP reference</a>
* @since 0.8
public static final String METADATA_LINK = "metadata_link";
* For subclass constructors only. {@code AttributeNames} may be sub-classed by communities
* defining domain-specific attributes in addition to the ones defined by the CF convention.
protected AttributeNames() {