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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.sis.geometry;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.text.ParsePosition;
import java.text.ParseException;
import org.opengis.geometry.DirectPosition;
import org.apache.sis.measure.Angle;
import org.apache.sis.measure.Quantities;
import org.apache.sis.measure.Units;
// Test dependencies
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;
import org.apache.sis.test.TestCase;
import org.apache.sis.test.mock.VerticalCRSMock;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.HardCodedConversions;
* Tests the {@link CoordinateFormat} class.
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (IRD, Geomatys)
* @author Michael Hausegger
* @see org.apache.sis.measure.AngleFormatTest
public final class CoordinateFormatTest extends TestCase {
* Creates a new test case.
public CoordinateFormatTest() {
* Compares coordinate values from the given positions.
private static void assertPositionEquals(final DirectPosition expected, final DirectPosition actual) {
assertNotSame(expected, actual);
assertArrayEquals(expected.getCoordinates(), actual.getCoordinates());
* Tests formatting a coordinate in unknown CRS.
* The coordinate values are expected to be formatted as ordinary numbers.
public void testFormatUnknownCRS() {
final CoordinateFormat format = new CoordinateFormat(null, null);
GeneralDirectPosition position = new GeneralDirectPosition(23.78, -12.74, 127.9, 3.25);
assertEquals("23.78 -12.74 127.9 3.25", format.format(position));
* Try another point having a different number of position
* for verifying that no cached values are causing problem.
position = new GeneralDirectPosition(4.64, 10.25, -3.12);
assertEquals("4.64 10.25 -3.12", format.format(position));
* Try again with a different separator.
format.setSeparator("; ");
assertEquals("; ", format.getSeparator());
assertEquals("4.64; 10.25; -3.12", format.format(position));
* Tests parsing a coordinate in unknown CRS.
* The coordinate values are formatted as ordinary numbers.
* @throws ParseException if the parsing failed.
public void testParseUnknownCRS() throws ParseException {
final CoordinateFormat format = new CoordinateFormat(null, null);
final ParsePosition charPos = new ParsePosition(0);
DirectPosition position = format.parse("23.78 -12.74 127.9 3.25", charPos);
assertArrayEquals(new double[] {23.78, -12.74, 127.9, 3.25}, position.getCoordinates());
assertEquals(-1, charPos.getErrorIndex());
assertEquals(23, charPos.getIndex());
* Try another point having a different number of position
* for verifying that no cached values are causing problem.
position = format.parse("4.64 10.25 -3.12", charPos);
assertArrayEquals(new double[] {4.64, 10.25, -3.12}, position.getCoordinates());
assertEquals(-1, charPos.getErrorIndex());
assertEquals(16, charPos.getIndex());
* Try again with a different separator. Also put or remove some spaces
* around the separator for testing UnitFormat capabilities to ignore them.
format.setSeparator("; ");
assertEquals("; ", format.getSeparator());
position = format.parse("4.64;10.25 ; -3.12", charPos);
assertArrayEquals(new double[] {4.64, 10.25, -3.12}, position.getCoordinates());
assertEquals(-1, charPos.getErrorIndex());
assertEquals(19, charPos.getIndex());
* Tests formatting a single vertical coordinate.
public void testFormatVertical() {
final CoordinateFormat format = new CoordinateFormat(Locale.US, null);
DirectPosition1D position = new DirectPosition1D(100);
assertEquals("100 m", format.format(position));
assertEquals("100 ft", format.format(position));
assertEquals("100 m", format.format(position));
* Tests formatting 2-dimensional projected coordinates.
public void testFormatProjected() {
final CoordinateFormat format = new CoordinateFormat(Locale.US, null);
assertEquals("100 m W 300 m N", format.format(new DirectPosition2D(-100, 300)));
assertEquals("200 m E 100 m S", format.format(new DirectPosition2D(200, -100)));
* Tests parsing 2-dimensional projected coordinates.
* This method is the converse of {@link #testFormatProjected()}.
* @throws ParseException if the parsing failed.
public void testParseProjected() throws ParseException {
final CoordinateFormat format = new CoordinateFormat(Locale.US, null);
DirectPosition pos = format.parse("100 m W 300 m N", new ParsePosition(0));
assertArrayEquals(new double[] {-100, 300}, pos.getCoordinates());
pos = format.parse("200 m E 100 m S", new ParsePosition(0));
assertArrayEquals(new double[] {200, -100}, pos.getCoordinates());
* Tests formatting 4-dimensional geographic coordinates.
public void testFormatGeographic4D() {
* For a 4-dimensional coordinate with a temporal CRS.
* Use a fixed timezone and date pattern for portability.
* Epoch is November 17, 1858 at 00:00 UTC.
final CoordinateFormat format = new CoordinateFormat(Locale.FRANCE, TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT+01:00"));
final String anglePattern = "DD°MM.m′";
final String datePattern = "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm";
format.applyPattern(Angle.class, anglePattern);
format.applyPattern(Date.class, datePattern);
assertEquals(anglePattern, format.getPattern(Angle.class));
assertEquals( datePattern, format.getPattern(Date .class));
final GeneralDirectPosition position = new GeneralDirectPosition(23.78, -12.74, 127.9, 54000.25);
assertEquals("23°46,8′E 12°44,4′S 127,9 m 22-09-2006 07:00", format.format(position));
* Try a null CRS. Should format everything as numbers.
assertEquals(anglePattern, format.getPattern(Angle.class));
assertEquals( datePattern, format.getPattern(Date .class));
assertEquals("23,78 -12,74 127,9 54 000,25", format.format(position));
* Try again with the original CRS, but different separator.
format.setSeparator("; ");
assertEquals("; ", format.getSeparator());
assertEquals(anglePattern, format.getPattern(Angle.class));
assertEquals( datePattern, format.getPattern(Date .class));
assertEquals("23°46,8′E; 12°44,4′S; 127,9 m; 22-09-2006 07:00", format.format(position));
* Tests parsing 4-dimensional geographic coordinates.
* This method is the converse of {@link #testFormatGeographic4D()}.
* @throws ParseException if the parsing failed.
public void testParseGeographic4D() throws ParseException {
final CoordinateFormat format = new CoordinateFormat(Locale.FRANCE, TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT+01:00"));
format.applyPattern(Date.class, "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm");
final ParsePosition charPos = new ParsePosition(11);
final DirectPosition pos = format.parse("(to skip); 23°46,8′E 12°44,4′S 127,9 m 22-09-2006 07:00 (ignore)", charPos);
assertArrayEquals(new double[] {23.78, -12.74, 127.90, 54000.25}, pos.getCoordinates());
assertEquals(-1, charPos.getErrorIndex());
assertEquals(55, charPos.getIndex());
* Tests error message when parsing the same string but with unknown units of measurement.
var e = assertThrows(ParseException.class,
() -> format.parse("(to skip); 23°46,8′E 12°44,4′S 127,9 Foo 22-09-2006 07:00", charPos),
"Should not have parsed a coordinate with unknown units.");
assertEquals( 11, charPos.getIndex());
assertEquals( 37, charPos.getErrorIndex());
assertEquals(37, e.getErrorOffset());
assertEquals("Les caractères « Foo » après « 23°46,8′E 12°44,4′S 127,9 » sont inattendus.",
e.getLocalizedMessage()); // In the language specified at CoordinateFormat construction time.
* Tests formatting a coordinate in default locale, then parsing the result. This test verifies that the
* parsing is consistent with formatting in whatever locale used by the platform. This test does not verify
* if the formatted string is equal to any expected value since it is locale-dependent.
* @throws IOException should never happen since we format into a {@link StringBuffer}.
* @throws ParseException if {@code CoordinateFormat} fails to parse the value that it formatted.
public void testParseInDefaultLocale() throws IOException, ParseException {
CoordinateFormat format = new CoordinateFormat();
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
format.format(new DirectPosition2D(-3, 4), buffer);
ParsePosition charPos = new ParsePosition(0);
DirectPosition position = format.parse(buffer, charPos);
assertEquals(buffer.length(), charPos.getIndex(), "Should have parsed the whole text.");
assertEquals(2, position.getDimension(), "DirectPosition.getDimension()");
assertArrayEquals(new double[] {-3, 4}, position.getCoordinates());
* Tests parsing from a position different then the beginning of the string.
* @throws ParseException if the parsing failed.
public void testParseFromOffset() throws ParseException {
CoordinateFormat coordinateFormat = new CoordinateFormat(Locale.CANADA, null);
ParsePosition charPos = new ParsePosition(7);
DirectPosition position = coordinateFormat.parse("[skip] 12", charPos);
assertEquals(9, charPos.getIndex(), "Should have parsed the whole text.");
assertEquals(1, position.getDimension(), "DirectPosition.getDimension()");
assertArrayEquals(new double[] {12}, position.getCoordinates());
* Verifies the pattern returned by {@link CoordinateFormat#getPattern(Class)}. This includes verifying that
* the method returns {@code null} when invoked for an unknown type, or a type that does not support pattern.
public void testGetPattern() {
CoordinateFormat coordinateFormat = new CoordinateFormat(Locale.UK, null);
assertEquals("#,##0.###", coordinateFormat.getPattern(Float.class));
* Verifies that {@link CoordinateFormat#applyPattern(Class, String)} when
* invoked for an unknown type, or for a type that does not support patterns.
public void testApplyPattern() {
CoordinateFormat format = new CoordinateFormat();
assertFalse(format.applyPattern(Object.class, "A dummy pattern"));
assertFalse(format.applyPattern(Class.class, "A dummy pattern"));
* Tests {@link CoordinateFormat#setGroundPrecision(Quantity)}.
public void testSetGroundPrecision() {
final CoordinateFormat format = new CoordinateFormat(Locale.FRANCE, null);
final DirectPosition2D pos = new DirectPosition2D(40.123456789, 9.87654321);
format.setGroundPrecision(Quantities.create(0.01, Units.GRAD));
assertEquals("40°07,4′N 9°52,6′E", format.format(pos));
format.setGroundPrecision(Quantities.create(0.01, Units.METRE));
assertEquals("40°07′24,4444″N 9°52′35,5556″E", format.format(pos));
* Tests {@link CoordinateFormat#setPrecisions(double...)} followed by
* {@link CoordinateFormat#getPrecisions()}
public void testSetPrecisions() {
final CoordinateFormat format = new CoordinateFormat(Locale.FRANCE, null);
final DirectPosition2D pos = new DirectPosition2D(40.123456789, 9.87654321);
format.setPrecisions(0.05, 0.0001);
assertEquals("40°07′N 9°52′35,6″E", format.format(pos));
assertArrayEquals(new double[] {1.0/60, 0.1/3600}, format.getPrecisions(), 1E-15);
format.setPrecisions(0.0005, 0.01);
assertEquals("40°07′24″N 9°52,6′E", format.format(pos));
assertArrayEquals(new double[] {1.0/3600, 0.1/60}, format.getPrecisions(), 1E-15);
* Tests {@link CoordinateFormat#setGroundAccuracy(Quantity)}.
* @throws ParseException if parsing failed.
public void testSetGroundAccuracy() throws ParseException {
final CoordinateFormat format = new CoordinateFormat(Locale.FRANCE, null);
final DirectPosition2D pos = new DirectPosition2D(40.123456789, 9.87654321);
format.setPrecisions(0.05, 0.0001);
format.setGroundAccuracy(Quantities.create(3, Units.KILOMETRE));
assertEquals("40°07′N 9°52′35,6″E ± 3 km", format.format(pos));
final DirectPosition p = format.parseObject("40°07′N 9°52′35,6″E ± 3 km");
assertArrayEquals(new double[] {40.1166, 9.8765}, p.getCoordinates(), 0.0001);
* Tests the automatic change of units from "m" to "km" when the precision is low.
* @throws ParseException if parsing failed.
public void testAutomaticChangeOfUnits() throws ParseException {
final CoordinateFormat format = new CoordinateFormat(Locale.CANADA, null);
final DirectPosition2D pos = new DirectPosition2D(400000, -600000);
* Test with a precision larger than 1 km, which instruct
* CoordinateFormat to switch unit.
format.setPrecisions(1000, 2000);
assertEquals("400 km E 600 km S", format.format(pos));
assertPositionEquals(pos, format.parseObject("400 km E 600 km S"));
assertPositionEquals(pos, format.parseObject("400,000 m E 600,000 m S"));
* Scaled units but with a fraction digit.
format.setPrecisions(100, 200);
assertEquals("400.0 km E 600.0 km S", format.format(pos));
assertPositionEquals(pos, format.parseObject("400,000 m E 600,000 m S"));
assertPositionEquals(pos, format.parseObject("400 km E 600 km S"));
* Test reverting back to unscaled units.
format.setPrecisions(1, 2);
assertEquals("400,000 m E 600,000 m S", format.format(pos));
assertPositionEquals(pos, format.parseObject("400,000 m E 600,000 m S"));
assertPositionEquals(pos, format.parseObject("400 km E 600 km S"));
* Tests {@link CoordinateFormat#clone()}, then verifies that the clone has the same configuration
* than the original object.
public void testClone() {
CoordinateFormat format = new CoordinateFormat(Locale.CANADA, null);
CoordinateFormat clone = format.clone();
assertNotSame(clone, format);
assertEquals(format.getSeparator(), clone.getSeparator());
assertEquals(format.getDefaultCRS(), clone.getDefaultCRS());