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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.sis.geometry;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import static java.lang.Double.NaN;
import static java.lang.Double.isNaN;
import static java.lang.Double.doubleToLongBits;
import org.opengis.geometry.Envelope;
import org.opengis.geometry.DirectPosition;
import org.opengis.geometry.MismatchedDimensionException;
import org.opengis.metadata.extent.GeographicBoundingBox;
import org.opengis.referencing.cs.CoordinateSystemAxis;
import org.opengis.referencing.cs.AxisDirection;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.CommonCRS;
import org.apache.sis.util.Emptiable;
import org.apache.sis.util.resources.Errors;
import static org.apache.sis.math.MathFunctions.isSameSign;
import static org.apache.sis.math.MathFunctions.isPositive;
import static org.apache.sis.math.MathFunctions.isNegative;
import static org.apache.sis.math.MathFunctions.isNegativeZero;
import static org.apache.sis.util.ArgumentChecks.ensureDimensionMatches;
import static org.apache.sis.referencing.privy.Formulas.isPoleToPole;
import static org.apache.sis.geometry.AbstractEnvelope.getAxis;
import static org.apache.sis.geometry.AbstractEnvelope.isWrapAround;
import static org.apache.sis.geometry.AbstractEnvelope.isNegativeUnsafe;
// Specific to the geoapi-3.1 and geoapi-4.0 branches:
import org.opengis.geometry.MismatchedReferenceSystemException;
* A two-dimensional envelope on top of Java2D rectangle.
* This implementation is provided for inter-operability between Java2D and GeoAPI.
* <p>This class inherits {@linkplain #x x} and {@linkplain #y y} fields.
* But despite their names, they don't need to be oriented toward {@linkplain AxisDirection#EAST East} and
* {@linkplain AxisDirection#NORTH North} respectively. The (<var>x</var>,<var>y</var>) axis can have any
* direction and should be understood as <dfn>coordinate 0</dfn> and <dfn>coordinate 1</dfn> values instead.
* This is not specific to this implementation; in Java2D too, the visual axis orientation depend
* on the {@linkplain java.awt.Graphics2D#getTransform() affine transform in the graphics context}.</p>
* <h2>Crossing the anti-meridian of a Geographic CRS</h2>
* The <cite>Web Coverage Service</cite> (WCS) specification authorizes (with special treatment)
* cases where <var>upper</var> &lt; <var>lower</var> at least in the longitude case. They are
* envelopes crossing the anti-meridian, like the red box below (the green box is the usual case).
* For {@code Envelope2D} objects, they are rectangle with negative {@linkplain #width width} or
* {@linkplain #height height} field values. The default implementation of methods listed in the
* right column can handle such cases.
* <div class="horizontal-flow">
* <div>
* <img style="vertical-align: middle" src="doc-files/AntiMeridian.png" alt="Envelope crossing the anti-meridian">
* </div><div>
* Supported methods:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link #getMinimum(int)}</li>
* <li>{@link #getMaximum(int)}</li>
* <li>{@link #getSpan(int)}</li>
* <li>{@link #getMedian(int)}</li>
* <li>{@link #isEmpty()}</li>
* <li>{@link #toRectangles()}</li>
* <li>{@link #contains(double,double)}</li>
* <li>{@link #contains(Rectangle2D)} and its variant receiving {@code double} arguments</li>
* <li>{@link #intersects(Rectangle2D)} and its variant receiving {@code double} arguments</li>
* <li>{@link #createIntersection(Rectangle2D)}</li>
* <li>{@link #createUnion(Rectangle2D)}</li>
* <li>{@link #add(Rectangle2D)}</li>
* <li>{@link #add(double,double)}</li>
* </ul>
* </div></div>
* The {@link #getMinX()}, {@link #getMinY()}, {@link #getMaxX()}, {@link #getMaxY()},
* {@link #getCenterX()}, {@link #getCenterY()}, {@link #getWidth()} and {@link #getHeight()}
* methods delegate to the above-cited methods.
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (IRD, Geomatys)
* @author Johann Sorel (Geomatys)
* @version 1.5
* @see GeneralEnvelope
* @see org.apache.sis.metadata.iso.extent.DefaultGeographicBoundingBox
* @since 0.3
public class Envelope2D extends Rectangle2D.Double implements Envelope, Emptiable, Cloneable {
* Serial number for inter-operability with different versions.
private static final long serialVersionUID = 761232175464415062L;
* The number of dimensions in every {@code Envelope2D}.
private static final int DIMENSION = 2;
* An empty array of Java2D rectangles, to be returned by {@link #toRectangles()}
* when en envelope is empty.
private static final Rectangle2D.Double[] EMPTY = new Rectangle2D.Double[0];
* The coordinate reference system, or {@code null}.
@SuppressWarnings("serial") // Most SIS implementations are serializable.
private CoordinateReferenceSystem crs;
* Constructs an initially empty envelope with no CRS.
public Envelope2D() {
* Creates a new envelope from the given bounding box. This constructor cannot be public,
* because the {@code xmax} and {@code ymax} arguments are not the ones usually expected for
* {@link Rectangle2D} objects (the standard arguments are {@code width} and {@code height}).
* Making this constructor public would probably be a too high risk of confusion.
* <p>This constructor is needed because the other constructors (expecting envelopes or other
* rectangles) cannot query directly the {@link Envelope#getSpan(int)} or equivalent methods,
* because the return value is not the one expected by this class when the envelope spans the
* anti-meridian.</p>
private Envelope2D(final double xmin, final double ymin, final double xmax, final double ymax) {
super(xmin, ymin, xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin);
* Creates a new envelope from the given positions and CRS.
* It is the caller responsibility to check the validity of the given CRS.
* @see #Envelope2D(DirectPosition, DirectPosition)
private Envelope2D(final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs,
final DirectPosition lowerCorner,
final DirectPosition upperCorner)
* JDK constraint: The call to ensureDimensionMatch(…) should have been first if Sun/Oracle
* fixed RFE #4093999 (Relax constraint on placement of this()/super() call in constructors).
this(lowerCorner.getCoordinate(0), lowerCorner.getCoordinate(1),
upperCorner.getCoordinate(0), upperCorner.getCoordinate(1));
ensureDimensionMatches("crs", DIMENSION, crs); = crs;
* Constructs a two-dimensional envelope defined by the specified coordinates.
* The {@code lowerCorner} and {@code upperCorner} arguments are not necessarily
* the minimal and maximal values respectively.
* See the class javadoc about crossing the anti-meridian for more details.
* @param lowerCorner the first position.
* @param upperCorner the second position.
* @throws MismatchedReferenceSystemException if the two positions don't use the same CRS.
* @throws MismatchedDimensionException if the two positions are not two-dimensional.
public Envelope2D(final DirectPosition lowerCorner, final DirectPosition upperCorner)
throws MismatchedReferenceSystemException, MismatchedDimensionException
this(AbstractEnvelope.getCommonCRS(lowerCorner, upperCorner), lowerCorner, upperCorner);
* Constructs a two-dimensional envelope defined by another {@link Envelope}.
* @param envelope the envelope to copy (cannot be {@code null}).
* @throws MismatchedDimensionException if the given envelope is not two-dimensional.
public Envelope2D(final Envelope envelope) throws MismatchedDimensionException {
this(envelope.getCoordinateReferenceSystem(), envelope.getLowerCorner(), envelope.getUpperCorner());
* Constructs a new envelope with the same data as the specified geographic bounding box.
* The coordinate reference system is set to the
* {@linkplain org.apache.sis.referencing.CommonCRS#defaultGeographic() default geographic CRS}.
* Axis order is (<var>longitude</var>, <var>latitude</var>).
* @param box The bounding box to copy (cannot be {@code null}).
public Envelope2D(final GeographicBoundingBox box) {
crs = CommonCRS.defaultGeographic();
if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(box.getInclusion())) {
x += width;
width = -width;
if (!isPoleToPole(y, y+height)) {
y += height;
height = -height;
* Constructs two-dimensional envelope defined by another {@link Rectangle2D}.
* If the given rectangle has negative width or height, they will be interpreted
* as an envelope crossing the anti-meridian.
* @param crs the coordinate reference system, or {@code null}.
* @param rect the rectangle to copy (cannot be {@code null}).
* @throws MismatchedDimensionException if the given CRS is not two-dimensional.
public Envelope2D(final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs, final Rectangle2D rect)
throws MismatchedDimensionException
super(rect.getX(), rect.getY(), rect.getWidth(), rect.getHeight()); // Really 'super', not 'this'.
ensureDimensionMatches("crs", DIMENSION, crs); = crs;
* Constructs two-dimensional envelope defined by the specified coordinates. Despite
* their name, the (<var>x</var>,<var>y</var>) coordinates don't need to be oriented
* toward ({@linkplain AxisDirection#EAST East}, {@linkplain AxisDirection#NORTH North}).
* Those parameter names simply match the {@linkplain #x x} and {@linkplain #y y} fields.
* The actual axis orientations are determined by the specified CRS.
* See the <a href="#skip-navbar_top">class javadoc</a> for details.
* @param crs the coordinate reference system, or {@code null}.
* @param x the <var>x</var> minimal value.
* @param y the <var>y</var> minimal value.
* @param width the envelope width. May be negative for envelope crossing the anti-meridian.
* @param height the envelope height. May be negative for envelope crossing the anti-meridian.
* @throws MismatchedDimensionException if the given CRS is not two-dimensional.
public Envelope2D(final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs, final double x, final double y,
final double width, final double height) throws MismatchedDimensionException
super(x, y, width, height); // Really 'super', not 'this'.
ensureDimensionMatches("crs", DIMENSION, crs); = crs;
* Returns the coordinate reference system in which the coordinates are given.
* @return the coordinate reference system, or {@code null}.
public final CoordinateReferenceSystem getCoordinateReferenceSystem() {
return crs;
* Sets the coordinate reference system in which the coordinate are given.
* This method <strong>does not</strong> reproject the envelope.
* If the envelope coordinates need to be transformed to the new CRS, consider using
* {@link Envelopes#transform(Envelope, CoordinateReferenceSystem)} instead.
* @param crs the new coordinate reference system, or {@code null}.
public void setCoordinateReferenceSystem(final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs) {
ensureDimensionMatches("crs", DIMENSION, crs); = crs;
* Sets this envelope to the given rectangle. If the given rectangle is also an instance of {@link Envelope}
* (typically as another {@code Envelope2D}) and has a non-null Coordinate Reference System (CRS), then the
* CRS of this envelope will be set to the CRS of the given envelope.
* @param rect the rectangle to copy coordinates from.
* @since 0.8
public void setRect(final Rectangle2D rect) {
if (rect == this) {
return; // Optimization for methods chaining like env.setRect(Shapes.transform(…, env))
if (rect instanceof Envelope) {
final CoordinateReferenceSystem envelopeCRS = ((Envelope) rect).getCoordinateReferenceSystem();
if (envelopeCRS != null) {
* Returns the number of dimensions, which is always 2.
* @return always 2 for bi-dimensional objects.
public final int getDimension() {
* The limits in the direction of decreasing coordinate values for the two dimensions.
* This is typically a coordinate position consisting of the minimal coordinates for
* the two dimensions for all points within the {@code Envelope}.
* <p>The object returned by this method is a copy. Change in the returned position
* will not affect this envelope, and conversely.</p>
* <h4>Note on wraparound</h4>
* The <cite>Web Coverage Service</cite> (WCS) 1.1 specification uses an extended interpretation of the
* bounding box definition. In a WCS 1.1 data structure, the lower corner defines the edges region in the
* directions of <em>decreasing</em> coordinate values in the envelope CRS. This is usually the algebraic
* minimum coordinates, but not always. For example, an envelope crossing the anti-meridian could have a
* lower corner longitude greater than the upper corner longitude. Such extended interpretation applies
* mostly to axes having {@code WRAPAROUND} range meaning.
* @return a copy of the lower corner, typically (but not necessarily) containing minimal coordinate values.
* @see #getMinX()
* @see #getMinY()
* @see #getMinimum(int)
public DirectPosition2D getLowerCorner() {
return new DirectPosition2D(crs, x, y);
* The limits in the direction of increasing coordinate values for the two dimensions.
* This is typically a coordinate position consisting of the maximal coordinates for
* the two dimensions for all points within the {@code Envelope}.
* <p>The object returned by this method is a copy. Change in the returned position
* will not affect this envelope, and conversely.</p>
* <h4>Note on wraparound</h4>
* The <cite>Web Coverage Service</cite> (WCS) 1.1 specification uses an extended interpretation of the
* bounding box definition. In a WCS 1.1 data structure, the upper corner defines the edges region in the
* directions of <em>increasing</em> coordinate values in the envelope CRS. This is usually the algebraic
* maximum coordinates, but not always. For example, an envelope crossing the anti-meridian could have an
* upper corner longitude less than the lower corner longitude. Such extended interpretation applies
* mostly to axes having {@code WRAPAROUND} range meaning.
* @return a copy of the upper corner, typically (but not necessarily) containing maximal coordinate values.
* @see #getMaxX()
* @see #getMaxY()
* @see #getMaximum(int)
public DirectPosition2D getUpperCorner() {
return new DirectPosition2D(crs,
(x != 0) ? x+width : width, // Preserve the sign of `width` if -0.0.
(y != 0) ? y+height : height);
* A coordinate position consisting of all the median coordinate values.
* <p>The object returned by this method is a copy. Change in the returned position
* will not affect this envelope, and conversely.</p>
* @return a copy of the median coordinates.
* @see #getMedian(int)
* @since 1.1
public DirectPosition2D getMedian() {
return new DirectPosition2D(crs, getMedian(0), getMedian(1));
* Creates an exception for an index out of bounds.
private static IndexOutOfBoundsException indexOutOfBounds(final int dimension) {
return new IndexOutOfBoundsException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.IndexOutOfBounds_1, dimension));
* Returns the minimal coordinate along the specified dimension. This method handles
* anti-meridian as documented in the {@link AbstractEnvelope#getMinimum(int)} method.
* @param dimension the dimension to query.
* @return the minimal coordinate value along the given dimension.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the given index is out of bounds.
public double getMinimum(final int dimension) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
final double value, span;
switch (dimension) {
case 0: value=x; span=width; break;
case 1: value=y; span=height; break;
default: throw indexOutOfBounds(dimension);
if (isNegative(span)) { // Special handling for -0.0
final CoordinateSystemAxis axis = getAxis(crs, dimension);
return isWrapAround(axis) ? axis.getMinimumValue() : NaN;
return value;
* Returns the maximal coordinate along the specified dimension. This method handles
* anti-meridian as documented in the {@link AbstractEnvelope#getMaximum(int)} method.
* @param dimension the dimension to query.
* @return the maximal coordinate value along the given dimension.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the given index is out of bounds.
public double getMaximum(final int dimension) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
final double value, span;
switch (dimension) {
case 0: value=x; span=width; break;
case 1: value=y; span=height; break;
default: throw indexOutOfBounds(dimension);
if (isNegative(span)) { // Special handling for -0.0
final CoordinateSystemAxis axis = getAxis(crs, dimension);
return isWrapAround(axis) ? axis.getMaximumValue() : NaN;
return value + span;
* Returns the median coordinate along the specified dimension. This method handles
* anti-meridian as documented in the {@link AbstractEnvelope#getMedian(int)} method.
* @param dimension the dimension to query.
* @return the mid coordinate value along the given dimension.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the given index is out of bounds.
* @see #getMedian()
public double getMedian(final int dimension) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
double value, span;
switch (dimension) {
case 0: value=x; span=width; break;
case 1: value=y; span=height; break;
default: throw indexOutOfBounds(dimension);
value += 0.5*span;
if (isNegative(span)) { // Special handling for -0.0
value = AbstractEnvelope.fixMedian(getAxis(crs, dimension), value);
return value;
* Returns the envelope span along the specified dimension. This method handles
* anti-meridian as documented in the {@link AbstractEnvelope#getSpan(int)} method.
* @param dimension the dimension to query.
* @return the rectangle width or height, depending the given dimension.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the given index is out of bounds.
public double getSpan(final int dimension) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
double span;
switch (dimension) {
case 0: span=width; break;
case 1: span=height; break;
default: throw indexOutOfBounds(dimension);
if (isNegative(span)) { // Special handling for -0.0
span = AbstractEnvelope.fixSpan(getAxis(crs, dimension), span);
return span;
// Do not override getX() and getY() - their default implementations is okay.
* Returns the {@linkplain #getMinimum(int) minimal} coordinate value for dimension 0.
* The default implementation invokes <code>{@linkplain #getMinimum(int) getMinimum}(0)</code>.
* The result is the standard {@link Rectangle2D} value (namely {@linkplain #x x})
* only if the envelope is not crossing the anti-meridian.
* @return the minimal coordinate value for dimension 0.
public double getMinX() {
return getMinimum(0);
* Returns the {@linkplain #getMinimum(int) minimal} coordinate value for dimension 1.
* The default implementation invokes <code>{@linkplain #getMinimum(int) getMinimum}(1)</code>.
* The result is the standard {@link Rectangle2D} value (namely {@linkplain #y y})
* only if the envelope is not crossing the anti-meridian.
* @return the minimal coordinate value for dimension 1.
public double getMinY() {
return getMinimum(1);
* Returns the {@linkplain #getMaximum(int) maximal} coordinate value for dimension 0.
* The default implementation invokes <code>{@linkplain #getMaximum(int) getMinimum}(0)</code>.
* The result is the standard {@link Rectangle2D} value (namely {@linkplain #x x} + {@linkplain #width width})
* only if the envelope is not crossing the anti-meridian.
* @return the maximal coordinate value for dimension 0.
public double getMaxX() {
return getMaximum(0);
* Returns the {@linkplain #getMaximum(int) maximal} coordinate value for dimension 1.
* The default implementation invokes <code>{@linkplain #getMaximum(int) getMinimum}(1)</code>.
* The result is the standard {@link Rectangle2D} value (namely {@linkplain #y y} + {@linkplain #height height})
* only if the envelope is not crossing the anti-meridian.
* @return the maximal coordinate value for dimension 1.
public double getMaxY() {
return getMaximum(1);
* Returns the {@linkplain #getMedian(int) median} coordinate value for dimension 0.
* The default implementation invokes <code>{@linkplain #getMedian(int) getMedian}(0)</code>.
* The result is the standard {@link Rectangle2D} value (namely {@linkplain #x x} + {@linkplain #width width}/2)
* only if the envelope is not crossing the anti-meridian.
* @return the median coordinate value for dimension 0.
public double getCenterX() {
return getMedian(0);
* Returns the {@linkplain #getMedian(int) median} coordinate value for dimension 1.
* The default implementation invokes <code>{@linkplain #getMedian(int) getMedian}(1)</code>.
* The result is the standard {@link Rectangle2D} value (namely {@linkplain #y y} + {@linkplain #height height}/2)
* only if the envelope is not crossing the anti-meridian.
* @return the median coordinate value for dimension 1.
public double getCenterY() {
return getMedian(1);
* Returns the {@linkplain #getSpan(int) span} for dimension 0.
* The default implementation invokes <code>{@linkplain #getSpan(int) getSpan}(0)</code>.
* The result is the standard {@link Rectangle2D} value (namely {@linkplain #width width})
* only if the envelope is not crossing the anti-meridian.
* @return the span for dimension 0.
public double getWidth() {
return getSpan(0);
* Returns the {@linkplain #getSpan(int) span} for dimension 1.
* The default implementation invokes <code>{@linkplain #getSpan(int) getSpan}(1)</code>.
* The result is the standard {@link Rectangle2D} value (namely {@linkplain #height height})
* only if the envelope is not crossing the anti-meridian.
* @return the span for dimension 1.
public double getHeight() {
return getSpan(1);
* Determines whether the envelope is empty. A negative {@linkplain #width} or
* (@linkplain #height} is considered as a non-empty area if the corresponding
* axis has the {@linkplain org.opengis.referencing.cs.RangeMeaning#WRAPAROUND
* wraparound} range meaning.
* <p>Note that if the {@linkplain #width} or {@linkplain #height} value is
* {@link java.lang.Double#NaN NaN}, then the envelope is considered empty.
* This is different than the default {@link java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D.Double#isEmpty()}
* implementation, which doesn't check for {@code NaN} values.</p>
* @return {@code true} if this envelope is empty.
public boolean isEmpty() {
return !((width > 0 || (isNegative(width) && isWrapAround(crs, 0)))
&& (height > 0 || (isNegative(height) && isWrapAround(crs, 1))));
* Returns this envelope as non-empty Java2D rectangle objects. This method returns an array of length 0, 1,
* 2 or 4 depending on whether the envelope crosses the anti-meridian or the limit of any other axis having
* {@linkplain org.opengis.referencing.cs.RangeMeaning#WRAPAROUND wraparound} range meaning.
* More specifically:
* <ul>
* <li>If this envelope {@linkplain #isEmpty() is empty}, then this method returns an empty array.</li>
* <li>If this envelope does not have any wraparound behavior, then this method returns a copy
* of this envelope as an instance of {@code Rectangle2D.Double} in an array of length 1.</li>
* <li>If this envelope crosses the <i>anti-meridian</i> (a.k.a. <i>date line</i>)
* then this method represents this envelope as two separated rectangles.
* <li>While uncommon, the envelope could theoretically crosses the limit of other axis having
* wraparound range meaning. If wraparound occur along the two axes, then this method
* represents this envelope as four separated rectangles.
* </ul>
* <div class="note"><b>API note:</b>
* The return type is the {@code Rectangle2D.Double} implementation class rather than the {@code Rectangle2D}
* abstract class because the {@code Envelope2D} class hierarchy already exposes this implementation choice.</div>
* @return a representation of this envelope as an array of non-empty Java2D rectangles.
* The array never contains {@code this}.
* @see GeneralEnvelope#toSimpleEnvelopes()
* @since 0.4
public Rectangle2D.Double[] toRectangles() {
int isWrapAround = 0; // A bitmask of the dimensions having a "wrap around" behavior.
for (int i=0; i!=DIMENSION; i++) {
final double span = (i == 0) ? width : height;
if (!(span > 0)) { // Use '!' for catching NaN.
if (!isNegative(span) || !isWrapAround(crs, i)) {
return EMPTY;
isWrapAround |= (1 << i);
* The number of rectangles is 2ⁿ where n is the number of wraparound found.
final Rectangle2D.Double[] rect = new Rectangle2D.Double[1 << Integer.bitCount(isWrapAround)];
for (int i=0; i<rect.length; i++) {
rect[i] = new Rectangle2D.Double(x, y, width, height);
if ((isWrapAround & 1) != 0) {
* (x+width) (x)
* ↓ ↓
* ──────┐ ┌───────
* …next │ │ start…
* ──────┘ └───────
final CoordinateSystemAxis axis = getAxis(crs, 0);
final Rectangle2D.Double start = rect[0];
final Rectangle2D.Double next = rect[1];
start.width = axis.getMaximumValue() - x;
next.x = axis.getMinimumValue();
next.width += x - next.x;
if ((isWrapAround & 2) != 0) {
* │ ⋮ │
* │ start │
* (y) → └───────┘
* (y+height) → ┌───────┐
* │ next │
* │ ⋮ │
final CoordinateSystemAxis axis = getAxis(crs, 1);
final Rectangle2D.Double start = rect[0];
final Rectangle2D.Double next = rect[isWrapAround - 1]; // == 1 if y is the only wraparound axis, or 2 otherwise.
start.height = axis.getMaximumValue() - y;
next.y = axis.getMinimumValue();
next.height += y - next.y;
if (isWrapAround == 3) {
* If there is a wraparound along both axes, copy the values.
* The (x) and (y) labels indicate which values to copy.
* (y) R1 │ │ R0
* ─────────┘ └─────────
* ─────────┐ ┌─────────
* (x,y) R3 │ │ R2 (x)
rect[1].height = rect[0].height;
rect[2].width = rect[0].width;
rect[3].x = rect[1].x;
rect[3].width = rect[1].width;
rect[3].y = rect[2].y;
rect[3].height = rect[2].height;
return rect;
* Tests if a specified coordinate is inside the boundary of this envelope. If it least one
* of the given coordinate value is {@link java.lang.Double#NaN NaN}, then this method returns
* {@code false}.
* <h4>Crossing the anti-meridian of a Geographic CRS</h4>
* This method supports anti-meridian in the same way as
* {@link AbstractEnvelope#contains(DirectPosition)}.
* @param px the first coordinate value of the point to text.
* @param py the second coordinate value of the point to text.
* @return {@code true} if the specified coordinate is inside the boundary of this envelope;
* {@code false} otherwise.
public boolean contains(final double px, final double py) {
boolean c1 = (px >= x);
boolean c2 = (px <= x + width);
// See AbstractEnvelope.contains(DirectPosition) for explanation.
if ((c1 & c2) || ((c1 | c2) && isNegative(width))) {
// Same check, but for y axis.
c1 = (py >= y);
c2 = (py <= y + height);
return (c1 & c2) || ((c1 | c2) && isNegative(height));
return false;
* Returns {@code true} if this envelope completely encloses the specified rectangle. If this
* envelope or the given rectangle have at least one {@link java.lang.Double#NaN NaN} value,
* then this method returns {@code false}.
* <h4>Crossing the anti-meridian of a Geographic CRS</h4>
* This method supports anti-meridian in the same way as
* {@link AbstractEnvelope#contains(Envelope)}.
* @param rect the rectangle to test for inclusion.
* @return {@code true} if this envelope completely encloses the specified rectangle.
public boolean contains(final Rectangle2D rect) {
if (rect instanceof Envelope2D) {
// Need to bypass the overriden getWidth()/getHeight().
final Envelope2D env = (Envelope2D) rect;
return contains(env.x, env.y, env.width, env.height);
return super.contains(rect);
* Returns {@code true} if this envelope completely encloses the specified rectangle. If this
* envelope or the given rectangle have at least one {@link java.lang.Double#NaN NaN} value,
* then this method returns {@code false}.
* <h4>Crossing the anti-meridian of a Geographic CRS</h4>
* This method supports anti-meridian in the same way as
* {@link AbstractEnvelope#contains(Envelope)}.
* @param rx the <var>x</var> coordinate of the lower corner of the rectangle to test for inclusion.
* @param ry the <var>y</var> coordinate of the lower corner of the rectangle to test for inclusion.
* @param rw the width of the rectangle to test for inclusion. May be negative if the rectangle spans the anti-meridian.
* @param rh the height of the rectangle to test for inclusion. May be negative.
* @return {@code true} if this envelope completely encloses the specified one.
public boolean contains(final double rx, final double ry, final double rw, final double rh) {
for (int i=0; i!=DIMENSION; i++) {
final double min0, min1, span0, span1;
if (i == 0) {
min0 = x; span0 = width;
min1 = rx; span1 = rw;
} else {
min0 = y; span0 = height;
min1 = ry; span1 = rh;
* See AbstractEnvelope.contains(Envelope) for an illustration of the algorithm applied here.
final boolean minCondition = (min1 >= min0);
final boolean maxCondition = (min1 + span1 <= min0 + span0);
if (minCondition & maxCondition) {
if (!isNegativeUnsafe(span1) || isNegativeUnsafe(span0)) {
if (span0 >= AbstractEnvelope.getCycle(getAxis(crs, i))) {
} else if (minCondition != maxCondition) {
if (isNegative(span0) && isPositive(span1)) {
} else if (isNegativeZero(span0)) {
return false;
return true;
* Returns {@code true} if this envelope intersects the specified envelope. If this envelope
* or the given rectangle have at least one {@link java.lang.Double#NaN NaN} value, then this
* method returns {@code false}.
* <h4>Crossing the anti-meridian of a Geographic CRS</h4>
* This method supports anti-meridian in the same way as
* {@link AbstractEnvelope#intersects(Envelope)}.
* @param rect the rectangle to test for intersection.
* @return {@code true} if this envelope intersects the specified rectangle.
public boolean intersects(final Rectangle2D rect) {
if (rect instanceof Envelope2D) {
// Need to bypass the overriden getWidth()/getHeight().
final Envelope2D env = (Envelope2D) rect;
return intersects(env.x, env.y, env.width, env.height);
return super.intersects(rect);
* Returns {@code true} if this envelope intersects the specified envelope. If this envelope
* or the given rectangle have at least one {@link java.lang.Double#NaN NaN} value, then this
* method returns {@code false}.
* <h4>Crossing the anti-meridian of a Geographic CRS</h4>
* This method supports anti-meridian in the same way as
* {@link AbstractEnvelope#intersects(Envelope)}.
* @param rx the <var>x</var> coordinate of the lower corner of the rectangle to test for intersection.
* @param ry the <var>y</var> coordinate of the lower corner of the rectangle to test for intersection.
* @param rw the width of the rectangle to test for inclusion. May be negative if the rectangle spans the anti-meridian.
* @param rh the height of the rectangle to test for inclusion. May be negative.
* @return {@code true} if this envelope intersects the specified rectangle.
public boolean intersects(final double rx, final double ry, final double rw, final double rh) {
for (int i=0; i!=DIMENSION; i++) {
final double min0, min1, span0, span1;
if (i == 0) {
min0 = x; span0 = width;
min1 = rx; span1 = rw;
} else {
min0 = y; span0 = height;
min1 = ry; span1 = rh;
* See AbstractEnvelope.intersects(Envelope) for an illustration of the algorithm applied here.
* We use < operator, not <=, for consistency with the standard "intersects" definition.
final boolean minCondition = (min1 < min0 + span0);
final boolean maxCondition = (min1 + span1 > min0);
if (maxCondition & minCondition) {
final boolean sp0 = isNegative(span0);
final boolean sp1 = isNegative(span1);
if (sp0 | sp1) {
if ((sp0 & sp1) | (maxCondition | minCondition)) {
return false;
return true;
* Returns the intersection of this envelope with the specified rectangle. If this envelope
* or the given rectangle have at least one {@link java.lang.Double#NaN NaN} values, then this
* method returns an {@linkplain #isEmpty() empty} envelope.
* <h4>Crossing the anti-meridian of a Geographic CRS</h4>
* This method supports anti-meridian in the same way as
* {@link GeneralEnvelope#intersect(Envelope)}.
* @param rect the rectangle to be intersected with this envelope.
* @return the intersection of the given rectangle with this envelope.
public Envelope2D createIntersection(final Rectangle2D rect) {
final Envelope2D env = (rect instanceof Envelope2D) ? (Envelope2D) rect : null;
final Envelope2D inter = new Envelope2D(crs, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN);
for (int i=0; i!=DIMENSION; i++) {
final double min0, min1, span0, span1;
if (i == 0) {
min0 = x;
span0 = width;
min1 = rect.getX();
span1 = (env != null) ? env.width : rect.getWidth();
} else {
min0 = y;
span0 = height;
min1 = rect.getY();
span1 = (env != null) ? env.height : rect.getHeight();
* The purpose for (min != 0) test before addition is to preserve the sign of zero.
* In the [0 … -0] range, the span is -0. But computing max = 0 + -0 result in +0,
* while we need max = -0 in this case.
final double max0 = (min0 != 0) ? min0 + span0 : span0;
final double max1 = (min1 != 0) ? min1 + span1 : span1;
double min = Math.max(min0, min1);
double max = Math.min(max0, max1);
* See GeneralEnvelope.intersect(Envelope) for an explanation of the algorithm applied below.
if (isSameSign(span0, span1)) { // Always 'false' if any value is NaN.
if ((min1 > max0 || max1 < min0) && !isNegativeUnsafe(span0)) {
continue; // No intersection: leave coordinate values to NaN
} else if (isNaN(span0) || isNaN(span1)) {
continue; // Leave coordinate values to NaN
} else {
int intersect = 0; // A bitmask of intersections (two bits).
if (isNegativeUnsafe(span0)) {
if (min1 <= max0) {min = min1; intersect = 1;}
if (max1 >= min0) {max = max1; intersect |= 2;}
} else {
if (min0 <= max1) {min = min0; intersect = 1;}
if (max0 >= min1) {max = max0; intersect |= 2;}
if (intersect == 0 || intersect == 3) {
final double csSpan = AbstractEnvelope.getCycle(getAxis(crs, i));
if (span1 >= csSpan || isNegativeZero(span1)) {
min = min0;
max = max0;
} else if (span0 >= csSpan || isNegativeZero(span0)) {
min = min1;
max = max1;
} else {
continue; // Leave coordinate values to NaN
inter.setRange(i, min, max);
assert inter.isEmpty() || (contains(inter) && rect.contains(inter)) : inter;
return inter;
* Returns the union of this envelope with the specified rectangle.
* The default implementation clones this envelope, then delegates
* to {@link #add(Rectangle2D)}.
* @param rect the rectangle to add to this envelope.
* @return the union of the given rectangle with this envelope.
public Envelope2D createUnion(final Rectangle2D rect) {
final Envelope2D union = clone();
assert union.isEmpty() || (union.contains(this) && union.contains(rect)) : union;
return union;
* Adds another rectangle to this rectangle. The resulting rectangle is the union of the
* two {@code Rectangle} objects.
* <h4>Crossing the anti-meridian of a Geographic CRS</h4>
* This method supports anti-meridian in the same way as {@link GeneralEnvelope#add(Envelope)},
* except if the result is a rectangle expanding to infinities. In that later case, the field values
* are set to {@code NaN} because infinite values are a problematic in {@link Rectangle2D} objects.
* @param rect the rectangle to add to this envelope.
public void add(final Rectangle2D rect) {
final Envelope2D env = (rect instanceof Envelope2D) ? (Envelope2D) rect : null;
for (int i=0; i!=DIMENSION; i++) {
final double min0, min1, span0, span1;
if (i == 0) {
min0 = x;
span0 = width;
min1 = rect.getX();
span1 = (env != null) ? env.width : rect.getWidth();
x = width = NaN;
} else {
min0 = y;
span0 = height;
min1 = rect.getY();
span1 = (env != null) ? env.height : rect.getHeight();
y = height = NaN;
final double max0 = min0 + span0;
final double max1 = min1 + span1;
double min = Math.min(min0, min1);
double max = Math.max(max0, max1);
* See GeneralEnvelope.add(Envelope) for an explanation of the algorithm applied below.
* Note that the "continue" statement has reverse meaning: coordinates are left to NaN.
final boolean sp0 = isNegative(span0);
final boolean sp1 = isNegative(span1);
if (sp0 == sp1) {
if (sp0 && !isNegativeUnsafe(max - min)) {
continue; // Leave coordinates to NaN.
} else if (sp0) {
if (max1 <= max0 || min1 >= min0) {
min = min0;
max = max0;
} else {
final double left = min1 - max0;
final double right = min0 - max1;
if (!(left > 0 || right > 0)) {
continue; // Leave coordinates to NaN.
if (left > right) {min = min1; max = max0;}
if (right > left) {min = min0; max = max1;}
} else {
if (max0 <= max1 || min0 >= min1) {
min = min1;
max = max1;
} else {
final double left = min0 - max1;
final double right = min1 - max0;
if (!(left > 0 || right > 0)) {
continue; // Leave coordinates to NaN.
if (left > right) {min = min0; max = max1;}
if (right > left) {min = min1; max = max0;}
setRange(i, min, max);
* Sets the envelope range along the specified dimension.
* @param dimension the dimension to set.
* @param minimum the minimum value along the specified dimension.
* @param maximum the maximum value along the specified dimension.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the given index is out of bounds.
private void setRange(final int dimension, final double minimum, final double maximum)
throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
final double span = maximum - minimum;
switch (dimension) {
case 0: x = minimum; width = span; break;
case 1: y = minimum; height = span; break;
default: throw indexOutOfBounds(dimension);
* Adds a point to this rectangle. The resulting rectangle is the smallest rectangle that
* contains both the original rectangle and the specified point.
* <p>
* After adding a point, a call to {@link #contains(double, double)} with the added point
* as an argument will return {@code true}, except if one of the point coordinates was
* {@link java.lang.Double#NaN} in which case the corresponding coordinate has been ignored.
* <h4>Crossing the anti-meridian of a Geographic CRS</h4>
* This method supports anti-meridian in the same way as
* {@link GeneralEnvelope#add(DirectPosition)}.
* @param px the first coordinate of the point to add.
* @param py the second coordinate of the point to add.
public void add(final double px, final double py) {
double off = px - x;
if (!isNegative(width)) { // Standard case, or NaN.
if (off < 0) {x=px; width -= off;}
if (off > width) {width = off;}
} else if (off < 0) {
final double r = width - off;
if (r < 0) {
if (r > off) width = off;
else {x=px; width -= off;}
off = py - y;
if (!isNegative(height)) {
if (off < 0) {y=py; height -= off;}
if (off > height) {height = off;}
} else if (off < 0) {
final double r = height - off;
if (r < 0) {
if (r > off) height = off;
else {y=py; height -= off;}
assert contains(px, py) || isEmpty() || isNaN(px) || isNaN(py);
* Compares the specified object with this envelope for equality. If the given object is not
* an instance of {@code Envelope2D}, then the two objects are compared as plain rectangles,
* i.e. the {@linkplain #getCoordinateReferenceSystem() coordinate reference system} of this
* envelope is ignored.
* <h4>Note on {@code hashCode()}</h4>
* This class does not override the {@link #hashCode()} method for consistency with the
* {@link Rectangle2D#equals(Object)} method, which compare arbitrary {@code Rectangle2D}
* implementations.
* @param object the object to compare with this envelope.
* @return {@code true} if the given object is equal to this envelope.
public boolean equals(final Object object) {
if (object instanceof Envelope2D) {
final Envelope2D other = (Envelope2D) object;
return doubleToLongBits(x) == doubleToLongBits(other.x) &&
doubleToLongBits(y) == doubleToLongBits(other.y) &&
doubleToLongBits(width) == doubleToLongBits(other.width) &&
doubleToLongBits(height) == doubleToLongBits(other.height) &&
} else {
return super.equals(object);
* Returns {@code true} if {@code this} envelope bounds is equal to {@code that} envelope
* bounds in two specified dimensions. The coordinate reference system is not compared, since
* it doesn't need to have the same number of dimensions.
* @param that the envelope to compare to.
* @param xDim the dimension of {@code that} envelope to compare to the <var>x</var> dimension of {@code this} envelope.
* @param yDim the dimension of {@code that} envelope to compare to the <var>y</var> dimension of {@code this} envelope.
* @param eps a small tolerance number for floating point number comparisons. This value will be scaled
* according this envelope {@linkplain #width width} and {@linkplain #height height}.
* @return {@code true} if the envelope bounds are the same (up to the specified tolerance
* level) in the specified dimensions, or {@code false} otherwise.
public boolean boundsEquals(final Envelope that, final int xDim, final int yDim, double eps) {
eps *= 0.5*(width + height);
for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
final int dim2D = (i & 1);
final int dimND = (dim2D == 0) ? xDim : yDim;
final double value2D, valueND;
if ((i & 2) == 0) {
value2D = this.getMinimum(dim2D);
valueND = that.getMinimum(dimND);
} else {
value2D = this.getMaximum(dim2D);
valueND = that.getMaximum(dimND);
// Use '!' for catching NaN values.
if (!(Math.abs(value2D - valueND) <= eps)) {
return false;
return true;
* Returns a clone of this envelope.
* @return a clone of this envelope.
public Envelope2D clone() {
return (Envelope2D) super.clone();
* Formats this envelope as a "{@code BOX}" element.
* The output is of the form "{@code BOX(}{@linkplain #getLowerCorner()
* lower corner}{@code ,}{@linkplain #getUpperCorner() upper corner}{@code )}".
* Example:
* {@snippet lang="wkt" :
* BOX(-90 -180, 90 180)
* }
* @see Envelopes#toString(Envelope)
public String toString() {
return AbstractEnvelope.toString(this, false);