blob: 9747ebbf98504939a6a161bc47d55455e999a3bd [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.sis.coverage.grid;
import java.awt.image.RenderedImage;
// Specific to the geoapi-3.1 and geoapi-4.0 branches:
import org.opengis.coverage.CannotEvaluateException;
* A grid coverage with the same data as the source coverage,
* with only a translation applied on grid coordinates.
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
final class TranslatedGridCoverage extends DerivedGridCoverage {
* The translation to apply on the argument given to {@link #render(GridExtent)}
* before to delegate to the source. This is the conversion from this coverage to
* the source coverage.
private final long[] translation;
* Constructs a new grid coverage which will delegate the rendering operation to the given source.
* This coverage will take the same sample dimensions as the source.
* The {@code domain} size must be the same as the source grid geometry size.
* @param source the source on which to delegate rendering operations.
* @param domain the grid extent, CRS and conversion from cell indices to CRS.
* @param translation translation to apply on the argument given to {@link #render(GridExtent)}.
private TranslatedGridCoverage(final GridCoverage source, final GridGeometry domain, final long[] translation) {
super(source, domain);
this.translation = translation;
* Returns a grid coverage which will use the {@code domain} grid geometry.
* This coverage will take the same sample dimensions as the source.
* <p>If {@code domain} is non-null, then it should have the same size as the source grid geometry size.
* If this is not the case, then this method returns {@code null}.</p>
* @param source the source on which to delegate rendering operations.
* @param domain the geometry of the grid coverage to return, or {@code null} for automatic.
* @param translation translation to apply on the argument given to {@link #render(GridExtent)}.
* @return the coverage, or {@code null} if {@code domain} is non-null but does not have the expected size.
* May be the {@code source} returned as-is.
static GridCoverage create(GridCoverage source, GridGeometry domain, long[] translation,
final boolean allowSourceReplacement)
if (allowSourceReplacement) {
while (source instanceof TranslatedGridCoverage) {
final TranslatedGridCoverage tc = (TranslatedGridCoverage) source;
final long[] shifted = tc.translation.clone();
long tm = 0;
for (int i = Math.min(shifted.length, translation.length); --i >= 0;) {
shifted[i] = Math.addExact(shifted[i], translation[i]);
tm |= translation[i];
if (tm == 0) return tc; // All translation terms are zero.
translation = shifted;
source = tc.source;
final GridGeometry gridGeometry = source.getGridGeometry();
if (domain == null) {
domain = gridGeometry.shiftGrid(translation);
} else if (!domain.extent.isSameSize(gridGeometry.extent)) {
return null;
if (domain.equals(gridGeometry)) {
return source; // All (potentially updated) translation terms are zero.
return new TranslatedGridCoverage(source, domain, translation);
* Returns a grid coverage that contains real values or sample values, depending if {@code converted}
* is {@code true} or {@code false} respectively. This method delegates to the source and wraps the
* result in a {@link TranslatedGridCoverage} with the same {@linkplain #translation}.
protected final GridCoverage createConvertedValues(final boolean converted) {
final GridCoverage cs = source.forConvertedValues(converted);
return (cs == source) ? this : new TranslatedGridCoverage(cs, gridGeometry, translation);
* Returns a two-dimensional slice of grid data as a rendered image.
* This method translates the {@code sliceExtent} argument, then delegates to the {@linkplain #source source}.
* It is okay to use the source result as-is because image coordinates are relative to the request;
* the rendered image shall not be translated.
public RenderedImage render(GridExtent sliceExtent) throws CannotEvaluateException {
if (sliceExtent == null) {
sliceExtent = gridGeometry.extent;
if (sliceExtent != null) {
sliceExtent = sliceExtent.translate(translation);
return source.render(sliceExtent);