blob: 87a953b6daa4d6a895b236f4784defada8f00469 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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# Resources in this file are for "sis-feature" usage only and should not be used by any other module.
# For resources shared by all modules in the Apache SIS project, see "org.apache.sis.util.resources" package.
AbstractFeatureType_1 = Feature type \u2018{0}\u2019 is abstract.
CanNotAssignCharacteristics_1 = Can not assign characteristics to the \u201c{0}\u201d property.
CanNotBuildGridCoverage = Can not build the grid coverage.
CanNotComputeTile_2 = Can not compute tile ({0}, {1}).
CanNotProcessTile_2 = Can not process tile ({0}, {1}).
CanNotUpdateTile_2 = Can not update tile ({0}, {1}).
CanNotCreateTwoDimensionalCRS_1 = Can not create a two-dimensional reference system from the \u201c{0}\u201d system.
CanNotEnumerateValuesInRange_1 = Can not enumerate values in the {0} range.
CanNotInstantiateProperty_1 = Property \u201c{0}\u201d is not a type that can be instantiated.
CanNotMapToGridDimensions = Some envelope dimensions can not be mapped to grid dimensions.
CanNotSetCharacteristics_2 = Can not set a value of type \u2018{1}\u2019 to characteristic \u201c{0}\u201d.
CanNotSetDerivedGridProperty_1 = Can not set this derived grid property after a call to \u201c{0}\u201d method.
CanNotSetPropertyValue_1 = Type of the \u201c{0}\u201d property does not allow to set a value.
CanNotSimplifyTransferFunction_1 = Can not simplify transfer function of sample dimension \u201c{0}\u201d.
CanNotVisit_2 = Can not visit a \u201c{1}\u201d {0,choice,0#filter|1#expression}.
CategoryRangeOverlap_4 = The two categories \u201c{0}\u201d and \u201c{2}\u201d have overlapping ranges: {1} and {3} respectively.
CharacteristicsAlreadyExists_2 = Characteristics \u201c{1}\u201d already exists in attribute \u201c{0}\u201d.
CharacteristicsNotFound_2 = No characteristics named \u201c{1}\u201d has been found in \u201c{0}\u201d attribute.
CrsToGridConversion = Conversions from coverage CRS to grid cell indices.
DependencyNotFound_3 = Operation \u201c{0}\u201d requires a \u201c{1}\u201d property, but no such property has been found in \u201c{2}\u201d.
EmptyImage = Image has zero pixel.
EmptyTileOrImageRegion = Empty tile or image region.
GridCoordinateOutsideCoverage_4 = Indices ({3}) are outside grid coverage. The value in dimension {0} shall be between {1,number} and {2,number} inclusive.
GridEnvelopeMustBeNDimensional_1 = The grid envelope must have at least {0} dimensions.
GridEnvelopeOutsideCoverage_5 = Envelope is outside grid coverage. Indices [{3,number} \u2026 {4,number}] in dimension {0} do not intersect the [{1,number} \u2026 {2,number}] grid extent.
IllegalCategoryRange_2 = Sample value range {1} for \u201c{0}\u201d category is illegal.
IllegalCharacteristicsType_3 = Expected an instance of \u2018{1}\u2019 for the \u201c{0}\u201d characteristics, but got an instance of \u2018{2}\u2019.
IllegalFeatureType_3 = Association \u201c{0}\u201d does not accept features of type \u2018{2}\u2019. Expected an instance of \u2018{1}\u2019 or derived type.
IllegalGridEnvelope_3 = Illegal grid envelope [{1,number} \u2026 {2,number}] for dimension {0}.
IllegalGridGeometryComponent_1 = Can not create a grid geometry with the given \u201c{0}\u201d component.
IllegalPropertyType_2 = Type or result of \u201c{0}\u201d property can not be \u2018{1}\u2019 for this operation.
IllegalPropertyValueClass_3 = Property \u201c{0}\u201d does not accept values of type \u2018{2}\u2019. Expected an instance of \u2018{1}\u2019 or derived type.
IllegalTransferFunction_1 = Illegal transfer function for \u201c{0}\u201d category.
ImageAllowsTransparency = Image allows transparency.
ImageHasAlphaChannel = Image has alpha channel.
ImageIsOpaque = Image is opaque.
IncompatibleTile_2 = The ({0}, {1}) tile has an unexpected size, number of bands or sample layout.
InsufficientBufferCapacity_3 = Data buffer capacity is insufficient for a grid of {0} cells \u00d7 {1} bands. Missing {2} elements.
IterationIsFinished = Iteration is finished.
IterationNotStarted = Iteration did not started.
MismatchedBandCount_2 = Image number of bands {0,number} does not match the number of sample dimensions ({1,number}).
MismatchedBandSize = The bands have different number of sample values.
MismatchedDataType = The bands store sample values using different data types.
MismatchedImageLocation = The two images have different size or pixel coordinates.
MismatchedImageSize_3 = Image {0,choice,0#width|1#height} ({1,number} pixels) does not match the grid extent size ({2,number} cells).
MismatchedPropertyType_1 = Mismatched type for \u201c{0}\u201d property.
MismatchedSampleModel = The two images use different sample models.
MismatchedTileGrid = The two images have different tile grid.
MismatchedValueClass_3 = An attribute for \u2018{1}\u2019 values where expected, but the \u201c{0}\u201d attribute specifies values of type \u2018{2}\u2019.
NoCategoryForValue_1 = No category for value {0}.
NoNDimensionalSlice_3 = Can not infer a {0}-dimensional slice from the grid envelope. Dimension {1} has {2,number} cells.
NonLinearInDimensions_1 = non-linear in {0} dimension{0,choice,1#|2#s}:
NotAGeometryAtFirstExpression = Value provided by first expression is not a geometry.
NotASingleton_1 = Property \u201c{0}\u201d contains more than one value.
NotStrictlyOrderedDimensions = The specified dimensions are not in strictly ascending order.
OperationRequiresSingleBand = This operation requires an image with only one band.
OptionalLibraryNotFound_2 = The {0} optional library is not available. Geometric operations will ignore that library.\nCause is {1}.
OutOfIteratorDomain_2 = The ({0,number}, {1,number}) pixel coordinate is outside iterator domain.
PointOutsideCoverageDomain_1 = Point ({0}) is outside the coverage domain.
PropertyAlreadyExists_2 = Property \u201c{1}\u201d already exists in feature \u201c{0}\u201d.
PropertyNotFound_2 = No property named \u201c{1}\u201d has been found in \u201c{0}\u201d feature.
TileErrorFlagSet_2 = Tile ({0}, {1}) is unavailable because of error in a previous calculation attempt.
TileNotWritable_2 = Tile ({0}, {1}) is not writable.
TooManyQualitatives = Too many qualitative categories.
TransformDependsOnDimension_1 = Coordinate operation depends on grid dimension {0}.
UnavailableGeometryLibrary_1 = The {0} geometry library is not available in current runtime environment.
UnconvertibleGridCoordinate_2 = Can not convert grid coordinate {1} to type \u2018{0}\u2019.
UnconvertibleSampleValues = Can not convert sample values.
UnexpectedNumberOfBands_2 = Expected {0} bands but got {1}.
UnexpectedNumberOfComponents_4 = The \u201c{1}\u201d value given to \u201c{0}\u201d property should be separable in {2} components, but we got {3}.
UnknownDataType_1 = Raster data type \u2018{0}\u2019 is unknown or unsupported.
UnknownFunction_1 = Function \u201c{0}\u201d is unknown or unsupported.
UnresolvedFeatureName_1 = Feature named \u201c{0}\u201d has not yet been resolved.
UnspecifiedCRS = Coordinate reference system is unspecified.
UnspecifiedGridExtent = Grid extent is unspecified.
UnspecifiedRasterData = Raster data are unspecified.
UnspecifiedTransform = Coordinates transform is unspecified.
UnsupportedSampleType_3 = Sample type with a size of {0} bits can not have \u2018{1}\u2019\u202f=\u202f\u201c{2}\u201d characteristic.
UnsupportedGeometryObject_1 = Unsupported geometry {0}D object.