blob: 97872dc32cf7233e3243b179c689ac29d7fc24ce [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.text.FieldPosition;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import javax.measure.Unit;
import org.opengis.geometry.DirectPosition;
import org.opengis.metadata.content.TransferFunctionType;
import org.apache.sis.geometry.AbstractDirectPosition;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.transform.TransferFunction;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.SampleDimension;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.Category;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.grid.GridExtent;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.grid.GridCoverage;
import org.apache.sis.math.DecimalFunctions;
import org.apache.sis.math.MathFunctions;
import org.apache.sis.measure.NumberRange;
import org.apache.sis.measure.UnitFormat;
import org.apache.sis.util.Characters;
import org.apache.sis.util.logging.Logging;
import org.apache.sis.util.privy.Numerics;
import static org.apache.sis.gui.internal.LogHandler.LOGGER;
// Specific to the main branch:
import org.apache.sis.coverage.CannotEvaluateException;
* Fetches values from the coverage and formats them. This task is executed in a background thread
* because calls to {@link GridCoverage#render(GridExtent)} can take an arbitrary amount of time.
* The same {@code Formatter} instance can be reused as long as the configuration does not change.
* <p>As a rule of thumbs, all fields in {@link ValuesFromCoverage} class shall be read and written
* from the JavaFX thread, while all fields in this {@code Formatter} class can be read and written
* from a background thread.</p>
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
final class ValuesFormatter extends ValuesUnderCursor.Formatter {
* The separator to insert between sample values. We use EM space.
private static final char SEPARATOR = '\u2003';
* Pseudo number of fraction digits for default format.
* Used when we don't know how many fraction digits to use.
private static final int DEFAULT_FORMAT = -1;
* Pseudo number of fraction digits for scientific notation.
private static final int SCIENTIFIC_NOTATION = -2;
* The object computing or interpolation sample values in the coverage.
private final GridCoverage.Evaluator evaluator;
* Formatter for the values computed or interpolated by {@link #evaluator}.
* The number of fraction digits is computed from transfer function resolution.
* The same {@link NumberFormat} instance may appear at more than one index.
* Array shall not be modified after construction.
private final NumberFormat[] sampleFormats;
* Buffer where to format the textual content.
* We use this buffer as a synchronization lock because this class is already synchronized,
* so synchronizing on {@code buffer} allows us to use only one lock.
private final StringBuffer buffer;
* Ignored but required by {@link NumberFormat}.
private final FieldPosition field;
* Unit symbol to write after each value.
* Array shall not be modified after construction.
private final String[] units;
* The text to show when value under cursor is a NaN value.
* Values are packed with band number in low bits and float ordinal value in high bits.
* Map content shall not be modified after construction.
* @see #toNodataKey(int, float)
* @see MathFunctions#toNanOrdinal(float)
private final Map<Long,String> nodata;
* The text to show when cursor is outside coverage area. It should contain dimension names, for example "(SST)".
* May be {@code null} if {@link #setSelectedBands(BitSet, String[], HashSet)} needs to be invoked.
private String outsideText;
* The selection status of each band at the time of {@link #setSelectedBands(BitSet, String[], HashSet)} invocation.
* We need a copy of {@link ValuesFromCoverage} field because the two sets are read and updated in different threads.
* This set should not be modified; instead, copy should be made.
* @see ValuesFromCoverage#selectedBands
private BitSet selectedBands;
* Non-null when a new slice needs to be passed to {@link #evaluator}.
* A new value is set when {@link CoverageCanvas#sliceExtentProperty} changed.
* This value is reset to {@code null} after the slice has been taken in account.
* @see #setSlice(GridExtent)
private GridExtent newSlice;
* Creates a new formatter for the specified coverage.
* This constructor should be invoked in a background thread.
* @param owner the instance which will evaluate values under cursor position.
* @param inherit formatter from which to inherit band configuration, or {@code null} if none.
* @param coverage new coverage. Shall not be null.
* @param slice initial value of {@link #newSlice}.
* @param bands sample dimensions of the new coverage.
* @param locale locale of number formats to create.
ValuesFormatter(final ValuesUnderCursor owner, final ValuesFormatter inherit, final GridCoverage coverage,
final GridExtent slice, final List<SampleDimension> bands, final Locale locale)
buffer = new StringBuffer();
field = new FieldPosition(0);
newSlice = slice;
evaluator = coverage.forConvertedValues(true).evaluator();
if (inherit != null) {
// Same configuration as previous coverage.
synchronized (inherit.buffer) {
units = inherit.units;
nodata = inherit.nodata;
outsideText = inherit.outsideText;
selectedBands = inherit.selectedBands;
sampleFormats = inherit.sampleFormats.clone();
for (int i=0; i < sampleFormats.length; i++) {
sampleFormats[i] = (NumberFormat) sampleFormats[i].clone();
final int numBands = bands.size();
sampleFormats = new NumberFormat[numBands];
units = new String[numBands];
nodata = new HashMap<>();
selectedBands = new BitSet();
selectedBands.set(0, (numBands <= 3) ? numBands : 1, true);
* Loop below initializes number formats and unit symbols for all bands, regardless
* if selected or not. We do that on the assumption that the same format and symbol
* are typically shared by all bands.
final Map<Integer,NumberFormat> sharedFormats = new HashMap<>();
final Map<Unit<?>,String> sharedSymbols = new HashMap<>();
final UnitFormat unitFormat = new UnitFormat(locale);
for (int b=0; b<numBands; b++) {
* Build the list of texts to show for missing values. A coverage can have
* different NaN values representing different kind of missing values.
final SampleDimension sd = bands.get(b);
for (final Category c : sd.forConvertedValues(true).getCategories()) {
final float value = ((Number) c.getSampleRange().getMinValue()).floatValue();
if (Float.isNaN(value)) try {
nodata.putIfAbsent(toNodataKey(b, value), c.getName().toString(locale));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
recoverableException("changed", e);
* Format in advance the units of measurement. If none, an empty string is used.
* Note: it is quite common that all bands use the same unit of measurement.
units[b] = sd.getUnits().map((unit) -> sharedSymbols.computeIfAbsent(unit,
(key) -> format(unitFormat, key))).orElse("");
* Infer a number of fraction digits to use for the resolution of sample values in each band.
final SampleDimension isd = sd.forConvertedValues(false);
final Integer nf = isd.getTransferFunctionFormula().map(
(formula) -> suggestFractionDigits(formula, isd)).orElse(DEFAULT_FORMAT);
* Create number formats with a number of fraction digits inferred from sample value resolution.
* The same format instances are shared when possible. Keys are the number of fraction digits.
* Special values:
* - Key 0 is for integer values.
* - Key -1 is for default format with unspecified number of fraction digits.
* - Key -2 is for scientific notation.
sampleFormats[b] = sharedFormats.computeIfAbsent(nf, (precision) -> {
switch (precision) {
case 0: return NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance(locale);
case DEFAULT_FORMAT: return NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(locale);
final NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(locale);
if (precision == SCIENTIFIC_NOTATION && format instanceof DecimalFormat) {
((DecimalFormat) format).applyPattern("0.000E00");
return format;
default: {
final NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(locale);
return format;
* Formats the unit symbol to append after a sample value. The unit symbols are created in advance
* and reused for all sample value formatting as long as the sample dimensions do not change.
private String format(final UnitFormat format, final Unit<?> unit) {
synchronized (buffer) { // Take lock once instead of at each StringBuffer method call.
format.format(unit, buffer, field);
if (buffer.length() != 0 && Character.isLetterOrDigit(buffer.codePointAt(0))) {
buffer.insert(0, Characters.NO_BREAK_SPACE);
return buffer.toString();
* Formats the widest text that we expect. This text is used for computing the label width.
* Also computes the text to show when cursor is outside coverage area. This method is invoked
* when the bands selection changed, either because of selection in contextual menu or because
* {@link ValuesUnderCursor} is providing data for a new coverage.
* <p>We use {@link ValuesFromCoverage#needsBandRefresh} as a flag meaning that this method needs to be invoked.
* This method invocation sometimes needs to be delayed because calculation of text width may be wrong
* (produce 0 values) if invoked before {@link StatusBar#sampleValues} label is added in the scene graph.</p>
* <p>This method uses the same synchronization lock as {@link #evaluate(DirectPosition)}.
* Consequently, this method may block if data loading are in progress in another thread.</p>
* @param selection copy of {@link ValuesFromCoverage#selectedBands} made by the caller in JavaFX thread.
* @param labels labels of {@link ValuesFromCoverage#valueChoices} menu items computed by caller in JavaFX thread.
* @param others an initially empty set where to put textual representation of "no data" values.
* @return the text to use as a prototype for sample values.
final String setSelectedBands(final BitSet selection, final String[] labels, final HashSet<String> others) {
synchronized (buffer) {
final List<SampleDimension> bands = evaluator.getCoverage().getSampleDimensions();
final StringBuilder names = new StringBuilder().append('(');
for (int i = -1; (i = selection.nextSetBit(i+1)) >= 0;) {
if (buffer.length() != 0) {
names.append(", ");
final int start = buffer.length();
final Comparable<?>[] sampleValues = bands.get(i).forConvertedValues(true)
.getSampleRange().map((r) -> new Comparable<?>[] {r.getMinValue(), r.getMaxValue()})
.orElseGet(() -> new Comparable<?>[] {0xFFFF}); // Arbitrary value.
for (final Comparable<?> value : sampleValues) {
final int end = buffer.length();
sampleFormats[i].format(value, buffer, field);
final int length = buffer.length();
if (length - end >= end - start) {
buffer.delete(start, end); // Delete first number if it was shorter.
} else {
buffer.setLength(end); // Delete second number if it is shorter.
final String text = buffer.toString();
* At this point, `text` is the longest string of numerical values that we expect.
* We also need to take in account the width required for displaying "no data" labels.
* If a "no data" label is shown, it will be shown alone (we do not need to compute a
* sum of "no data" label widths).
for (final Map.Entry<Long,String> other : nodata.entrySet()) {
if (selection.get(other.getKey().intValue())) {
outsideText = text.isEmpty() ? "" : names.append(')').toString();
selectedBands = selection; // Set only on success.
return text;
* Sets the slice in grid coverages where sample values should be evaluated for next positions.
* The given slice will apply to all positions formatted after this method call,
* until this method is invoked again for a new slice.
* <p>This method shall be synchronized on the same lock as {@link #copy(DirectPosition)},
* which is the lock used by {@link #evaluateLater(DirectPosition)}.</p>
* @param slice grid coverage slice where to evaluate the sample values.
final synchronized void setSlice(final GridExtent slice) {
newSlice = slice;
* Position of next point to evaluate, together with the grid slice where sample values should be evaluated.
* Those two information are kept together because they are closely related: the slice depends on position
* in dimensions not necessarily expressed in the given {@link DirectPosition}, and we want to take those
* two information in the same synchronized block.
private static final class Position extends AbstractDirectPosition {
/** Coordinates of this position. */
private final double[] coordinates;
/** Coordinate reference system of this position. */
private final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs;
* Non-null when a new slice needs to be passed to {@link #evaluator}.
* Should be null if the slice did not changed since last invocation.
* This is a copy of {@link ValuesFormatter#newSlice}.
final GridExtent newSlice;
* Creates a copy of the given position. If {@link #evaluator} needs to be set
* to a new default slice position in order to evaluate the given coordinates,
* that position should be given as a non-null {@code slice} argument.
Position(final DirectPosition position, final GridExtent slice) {
coordinates = position.getCoordinate();
crs = position.getCoordinateReferenceSystem();
newSlice = slice;
/** Returns the number of dimensions of this position. */
@Override public int getDimension() {
return coordinates.length;
/** Returns the coordinate value in given dimension. */
@Override public double getCoordinate(final int dimension) {
return coordinates[dimension];
/** Returns the CRS of this position, or {@code null} if unspecified. */
@Override public CoordinateReferenceSystem getCoordinateReferenceSystem() {
return crs;
* Invoked in JavaFX thread for creating a copy of the given position together with related information.
* The related information is the grid coverage slice where the given position can be evaluated.
* The instance returned by this method will be given to {@link #evaluate(DirectPosition)}.
* @param point coordinates of the point for which to evaluate the grid coverage value.
* @return a copy of the given point, augmented with the slice where the point can be evaluated.
DirectPosition copy(final DirectPosition point) {
assert Thread.holdsLock(this);
final Position position = new Position(point, newSlice);
newSlice = null;
return position;
* Computes a string representation of data under the given position.
* The position may be in any CRS; this method will convert coordinates as needed.
* This method should be invoked in a background thread.
* @param point the cursor location in arbitrary CRS, or {@code null} if outside canvas region.
* @return string representation of data under given position.
* @see GridCoverage.Evaluator#apply(DirectPosition)
public String evaluate(final DirectPosition point) {
synchronized (buffer) {
if (point != null) try {
final GridExtent slice = ((Position) point).newSlice; // This cast should never fail.
if (slice != null) {
final double[] results = evaluator.apply(point);
if (results != null) {
final BitSet selection = selectedBands;
for (int i = -1; (i = selection.nextSetBit(i+1)) >= 0;) {
if (buffer.length() != 0) {
final double value = results[i];
if (Double.isNaN(value)) try {
* If a value is NaN, returns its label as the whole content. Numerical values
* in other bands are lost. We do that because "no data" strings are often too
* long for being shown together with numerical values, and are often the same
* for all bands. Users can see numerical values by hiding the band containing
* "no data" values with contextual menu on the status bar.
final String label = nodata.get(toNodataKey(i, (float) value));
if (label != null) {
return label;
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
recoverableException("evaluate", e);
sampleFormats[i].format(value, buffer, field).append(units[i]);
return buffer.toString();
} catch (CannotEvaluateException e) {
recoverableException("evaluate", e);
* Point is considered outside coverage area.
* We will write the sample dimension names.
return outsideText;
* Returns the key to use in {@link #nodata} map for the given "no data" value.
* The band number can be obtained by {@link Long#intValue()}.
* @param band band index.
* @param value the NaN value used for "no data".
* @return key to use in {@link #nodata} map.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given value is not a NaN value
* or does not use a supported bits pattern.
private static Long toNodataKey(final int band, final float value) {
return Numerics.tuple(MathFunctions.toNanOrdinal(value), band);
* Suggests a number of fraction digits for numbers formatted after conversion by the given formula.
* This is either a positive number (including 0 for integers), or the {@value #SCIENTIFIC_NOTATION}
* or {@value #DEFAULT_FORMAT} sentinel values.
private static Integer suggestFractionDigits(final TransferFunction formula, final SampleDimension isd) {
int nf;
if (formula.getType() != TransferFunctionType.LINEAR) {
} else {
double resolution = formula.getScale();
if (resolution > 0 && resolution <= Double.MAX_VALUE) { // Non-zero, non-NaN and finite.
final Optional<NumberRange<?>> range = isd.getSampleRange();
if (range.isPresent()) {
// See StatusBar.inflatePrecisions for rationale.
resolution *= (0.5 / range.get().getSpan()) + 1;
nf = DecimalFunctions.fractionDigitsForDelta(resolution, false);
if (nf < -9 || nf > 6) nf = SCIENTIFIC_NOTATION; // Arbitrary thresholds.
} else {
return nf;
* Message of the last exception, used for avoiding flooding the logger with repetitive errors.
* @see #recoverableException(String, Exception)
private String lastErrorMessage;
* Invoked when an exception occurred while computing values.
private void recoverableException(final String method, final Exception e) {
final String message = e.getMessage();
if (!message.equals(lastErrorMessage)) {
lastErrorMessage = message;
Logging.recoverableException(LOGGER, ValuesUnderCursor.class, method, e);