blob: 511cdce4dc3cba07cd2c06fc0e25abe7e06a7da8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.image.DataBuffer;
import java.awt.image.ColorModel;
import java.awt.image.SampleModel;
import java.awt.image.MultiPixelPackedSampleModel;
import java.awt.image.RenderedImage;
import java.awt.image.Raster;
import static java.lang.Math.addExact;
import static java.lang.Math.subtractExact;
import static java.lang.Math.multiplyExact;
import static java.lang.Math.multiplyFull;
import static java.lang.Math.incrementExact;
import static java.lang.Math.decrementExact;
import static java.lang.Math.toIntExact;
import static java.lang.Math.floorDiv;
import org.opengis.util.GenericName;
import org.opengis.geometry.MismatchedDimensionException;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.grid.GridCoverage;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.grid.GridExtent;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.grid.DisjointExtentException;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.privy.DeferredProperty;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.privy.TiledImage;
import org.apache.sis.util.collection.WeakValueHashMap;
import org.apache.sis.util.resources.Errors;
import static org.apache.sis.pending.jdk.JDK18.ceilDiv;
// Specific to the main branch:
import org.apache.sis.coverage.CannotEvaluateException;
* Base class of grid coverage read from a resource where data are stored in tiles.
* This grid coverage may represent only a subset of the coverage resource.
* Tiles are read from the storage only when first needed.
* <h2>Cell Coordinates</h2>
* When there is no subsampling, this coverage uses the same cell coordinates as the originating resource.
* When there is a subsampling, cell coordinates in this coverage are divided by the subsampling factors.
* Conversions are done by {@link #toFullResolution(long, int)}.
* <h2>Tile coordinate matrix</h2>
* In each {@code TiledGridCoverage}, indices of tiles starts at (0, 0, …).
* This class does not use the same tile indices as the coverage resource
* in order to avoid integer overflow.
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
public abstract class TiledGridCoverage extends GridCoverage {
* Number of dimensions in a rendered image.
* Used for identifying codes where a two-dimensional slice is assumed.
protected static final int BIDIMENSIONAL = 2;
* The dimensions of <var>x</var> and <var>y</var> axes.
* Static constants for now, may become configurable fields in the future.
protected static final int X_DIMENSION = 0, Y_DIMENSION = 1;
* The area to read in unit of the full coverage (without subsampling).
* This is the intersection between user-specified domain and the source
* {@link TiledGridResource} domain, expanded to an integer number of tiles.
private final GridExtent readExtent;
* Whether to force the {@link #readExtent} tile intersection to the {@link #tileSize}.
* This is relevant only for the last column of tile matrix, because those tiles may be truncated
* if the image size is not a multiple of tile size. It is usually necessary to read those tiles
* fully anyway because otherwise, the pixels read from the storage would not be aligned with the
* pixels stored in the {@link Raster}. However, there is a few exceptions where the read extent
* should not be forced to the tile size:
* <ul>
* <li>If the image is untiled, then the {@link}
* constructor assumes that only the requested region of the tile will be read.</li>
* <li>If the tile is truncated on the storage as well
* (note: this is rare. GeoTIFF for example always stores whole tiles).</li>
* </ul>
* <p>In current version this is a flag for the <var>x</var> dimension only. In a future version
* it could be flags for other dimensions as well (using bitmask) if it appears to be useful.</p>
private final boolean forceTileSize;
* Size of all tiles in the domain of this {@code TiledGridCoverage}, without clipping and subsampling.
* All coverages created from the same {@link TiledGridResource} have the same tile size values.
* The length of this array is the number of dimensions in the source {@link GridExtent}.
* This is often {@value #BIDIMENSIONAL} but can also be more.
private final int[] tileSize;
* Values by which to multiply each tile coordinates for obtaining the index in the tile vector.
* The length of this array is the same as {@link #tileSize}. All coverages created from the same
* {@link TiledGridResource} have the same stride values.
private final int[] tileStrides;
* Index of the first {@code TiledGridCoverage} tile in a row-major array of tiles.
* This is the value to add to the index computed with {@link #tileStrides} before to access vector elements.
private final int indexOfFirstTile;
* The Tile Matrix Coordinates (TMC) of the first tile.
* This is the value to subtract from tile indices computed from pixel coordinates.
* @see #indexOfFirstTile
private final long[] tmcOfFirstTile;
* Conversion from pixel coordinates in this (potentially subsampled) coverage
* to pixel coordinates in the resource coverage at full resolution.
* The conversion from (<var>x</var>, <var>y</var>) to (<var>x′</var>, <var>y′</var>) is as below,
* where <var>s</var> are subsampling factors and <var>t</var> are subsampling offsets:
* <ul>
* <li><var>x′</var> = s₀⋅<var>x</var> + t₀</li>
* <li><var>y′</var> = s₁⋅<var>y</var> + t₁</li>
* </ul>
* This transform maps {@linkplain org.opengis.referencing.datum.PixelInCell#CELL_CORNER pixel corners}.
* @see #getSubsampling(int)
* @see #toFullResolution(long, int)
private final int[] subsampling, subsamplingOffsets;
* Indices of {@link TiledGridResource} bands which have been retained for
* inclusion in this {@code TiledGridCoverage}, in strictly increasing order.
* An "included" band is stored in memory but not necessarily visible to the user,
* because the {@link SampleModel} can be configured for ignoring some bands.
* This array is {@code null} if all bands shall be included.
* <p>If the user specified bands out of order, the change of band order is taken in account
* by the sample {@link #model}. This {@code includedBands} array does not apply any change
* of order for making sequential readings easier.</p>
protected final int[] includedBands;
* Cache of rasters read by this {@code TiledGridCoverage}. This cache may be shared with other coverages
* created for the same {@link TiledGridResource} resource. For each value, the raster {@code minX} and
* {@code minY} values can be anything, depending which {@code TiledGridCoverage} was first to load the tile.
* @see TiledGridResource#rasters
* @see AOI#getCachedTile()
* @see #createCacheKey(int)
private final WeakValueHashMap<TiledGridResource.CacheKey, Raster> rasters;
* The sample model for all rasters. The width and height of this sample model are the two first elements
* of {@link #tileSize} divided by subsampling and clipped to the domain. If user requested to read only
* a subset of the bands, then this sample model is already the subset.
protected final SampleModel model;
* The Java2D color model for images rendered from this coverage.
protected final ColorModel colors;
* The value to use for filling empty spaces in rasters, or {@code null} if zero.
protected final Number fillValue;
* Whether the reading of tiles is deferred to {@link RenderedImage#getTile(int, int)} time.
private final boolean deferredTileReading;
* Creates a new tiled grid coverage. All parameters should have been validated before this call.
* @param subset description of the {@link TiledGridResource} subset to cover.
* @throws ArithmeticException if the number of tiles overflows 32 bits integer arithmetic.
protected TiledGridCoverage(final TiledGridResource.Subset subset) {
super(subset.domain, subset.ranges);
final GridExtent extent = subset.domain.getExtent();
final int dimension = subset.sourceExtent.getDimension();
deferredTileReading = subset.deferredTileReading();
readExtent = subset.readExtent;
subsampling = subset.subsampling;
subsamplingOffsets = subset.subsamplingOffsets;
includedBands = subset.includedBands;
rasters = subset.cache;
tileSize = subset.tileSize;
tmcOfFirstTile = new long[dimension];
tileStrides = new int [dimension];
final int[] subSize = new int [dimension];
int tileStride = 1;
long indexOfFirstTile = 0;
for (int i=0; i<dimension; i++) {
final int ts = tileSize[i];
tmcOfFirstTile[i] = floorDiv(readExtent.getLow(i), ts);
tileStrides[i] = tileStride;
subSize[i] = (int) Math.min(((ts-1) / subsampling[i]) + 1, extent.getSize(i));
indexOfFirstTile = addExact(indexOfFirstTile, multiplyExact(tmcOfFirstTile[i], tileStride));
int tileCount = toIntExact(ceilDiv(subset.sourceExtent.getSize(i), ts));
tileStride = multiplyExact(tileCount, tileStride);
this.indexOfFirstTile = toIntExact(indexOfFirstTile);
* At this point, `tileStride` is the total number of tiles in source.
* This value is not stored but its computation is still useful because
* we want `ArithmeticException` to be thrown if the value is too high.
SampleModel model = subset.modelForBandSubset;
if (model.getWidth() != subSize[X_DIMENSION] || model.getHeight() != subSize[Y_DIMENSION]) {
model = model.createCompatibleSampleModel(subSize[X_DIMENSION], subSize[Y_DIMENSION]);
this.model = model;
this.colors = subset.colorsForBandSubset;
this.fillValue = subset.fillValue;
forceTileSize = subSize[X_DIMENSION] * subsampling[X_DIMENSION] == tileSize[X_DIMENSION];
* Returns a unique name that identifies this coverage.
* The name shall be unique in the {@link TileMatrixSet}.
* @return an human-readable identification of this coverage.
protected abstract GenericName getIdentifier();
* Returns the locale for error messages, or {@code null} for the default.
* @return the locale for warning or error messages, or {@code null} if unspecified.
protected Locale getLocale() {
return null;
* Returns the size of all tiles in the domain of this {@code TiledGridCoverage}, without clipping and subsampling.
* @param dimension dimension for which to get tile size.
* @return tile size in the given dimension, without clipping and subsampling.
protected final int getTileSize(final int dimension) {
return tileSize[dimension];
* Returns the subsampling in the given dimension.
* @param dimension dimension for which to get subsampling.
* @return subsampling as a value ≥ 1.
protected final int getSubsampling(final int dimension) {
return subsampling[dimension];
* Converts a cell coordinate from this {@code TiledGridCoverage} coordinate space to full resolution.
* This method removes the subsampling effect. Note that since this {@code TiledGridCoverage} uses the
* same coordinate space as {@link TiledGridResource}, the converted coordinates should be valid in
* the full resource as well.
* @param coordinate coordinate in this {@code TiledGridCoverage} domain.
* @param dimension dimension of the coordinate.
* @return coordinate in this {@code TiledGridCoverage} as if no subsampling was applied.
* @throws ArithmeticException if the coordinate cannot be represented as a long integer.
private long toFullResolution(final long coordinate, final int dimension) {
return addExact(multiplyExact(coordinate, subsampling[dimension]), subsamplingOffsets[dimension]);
* Converts a cell coordinate from {@link TiledGridResource} space to {@code TiledGridCoverage} coordinate.
* This is the converse of {@link #toFullResolution(long, int)}. Note that there is a possible accuracy lost.
* @param coordinate coordinate in the {@code TiledGridResource} domain.
* @param dimension dimension of the coordinate.
* @return coordinates in this subsampled {@code TiledGridCoverage} domain.
* @throws ArithmeticException if the coordinate cannot be represented as a long integer.
private long toSubsampledPixel(final long coordinate, final int dimension) {
return floorDiv(subtractExact(coordinate, subsamplingOffsets[dimension]), subsampling[dimension]);
* Converts a cell coordinate from this {@code TiledGridCoverage} coordinate space
* to the Tile Matrix Coordinate (TMC) of the tile which contains that cell.
* The TMC is relative to the full {@link TiledGridResource},
* i.e. without subtraction of {@link #tmcOfFirstTile}.
* @param coordinate coordinates in this {@code TiledGridCoverage} domain.
* @param dimension dimension of the coordinate.
* @return Tile Matrix Coordinate (TMC) of the tile which contains the specified cell.
* @throws ArithmeticException if the coordinate cannot be represented as an integer.
private long toTileMatrixCoordinate(final long coordinate, final int dimension) {
return floorDiv(toFullResolution(coordinate, dimension), tileSize[dimension]);
* Returns the number of pixels in a single bank element. This is usually 1, except for
* {@link MultiPixelPackedSampleModel} which packs many pixels in a single bank element.
* This value is a power of 2 according {@code MultiPixelPackedSampleModel} specification.
* <h4>Design note</h4>
* This is "pixels per element", not "samples per element". It makes a difference in the
* {@link java.awt.image.SinglePixelPackedSampleModel} case, for which this method returns 1
* (by contrast a "samples per element" would give a value greater than 1).
* But this value can nevertheless be understood as a "samples per element" value
* where only one band is considered at a time.
* @return number of pixels in a single bank element. Usually 1.
* @see SampleModel#getSampleSize(int)
* @see MultiPixelPackedSampleModel#getPixelBitStride()
protected final int getPixelsPerElement() {
return getPixelsPerElement(model);
* Implementation of {@link #getPixelsPerElement()}.
* @param model the sample model from which to infer the number of pixels per bank element.
* @return number of pixels in a single bank element. Usually 1.
static int getPixelsPerElement(final SampleModel model) {
if (model instanceof MultiPixelPackedSampleModel) {
* The following code performs the same computation as `MultiPixelPackedSampleModel`
* constructor when computing its package-private field `pixelsPerDataElement`.
* That constructor ensured that `sampleSize` is a divisor of `typeSize`.
final int typeSize = DataBuffer.getDataTypeSize(model.getDataType());
final int sampleSize = ((MultiPixelPackedSampleModel) model).getPixelBitStride();
final int pixelsPerElement = typeSize / sampleSize;
if (pixelsPerElement > 0) { // Paranoiac check.
return pixelsPerElement;
return 1;
* Returns a two-dimensional slice of grid data as a rendered image.
* @param sliceExtent a subspace of this grid coverage, or {@code null} for the whole image.
* @return the grid slice as a rendered image. Image location is relative to {@code sliceExtent}.
public RenderedImage render(GridExtent sliceExtent) {
final GridExtent available = gridGeometry.getExtent();
final int dimension = available.getDimension();
if (sliceExtent == null) {
sliceExtent = available;
} else {
final int sd = sliceExtent.getDimension();
if (sd != dimension) {
throw new MismatchedDimensionException(Errors.format(
Errors.Keys.MismatchedDimension_3, "sliceExtent", dimension, sd));
final int[] selectedDimensions = sliceExtent.getSubspaceDimensions(BIDIMENSIONAL);
if (selectedDimensions[1] != 1) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Non-horizontal slices not yet implemented.");
final RenderedImage image;
try {
final int[] tileLower = new int[dimension]; // Indices of first tile to read, inclusive.
final int[] tileUpper = new int[dimension]; // Indices of last tile to read, exclusive.
final int[] offsetAOI = new int[dimension]; // Pixel offset compared to Area Of Interest.
final int[] imageSize = new int[dimension]; // Subsampled image size.
for (int i=0; i<dimension; i++) {
final long min = available .getLow (i); // Lowest valid coordinate in subsampled image.
final long max = available .getHigh(i); // Highest valid coordinate, inclusive.
final long aoiMin = sliceExtent.getLow (i); // Requested coordinate in subsampled image.
final long aoiMax = sliceExtent.getHigh(i);
final long tileUp = incrementExact(toTileMatrixCoordinate(Math.min(aoiMax, max), i));
final long tileLo = toTileMatrixCoordinate(Math.max(aoiMin, min), i);
if (tileUp <= tileLo) {
final String message = Errors.forLocale(getLocale())
.getString(Errors.Keys.IllegalRange_2, aoiMin, aoiMax);
if (aoiMin > aoiMax) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
} else {
throw new DisjointExtentException(message);
// Lower and upper coordinates in subsampled image, rounded to integer number of tiles and clipped to available data.
final long lower = /* inclusive */Math.max(toSubsampledPixel(/* inclusive */multiplyExact(tileLo, tileSize[i]), i), min);
final long upper = incrementExact(Math.min(toSubsampledPixel(decrementExact(multiplyExact(tileUp, tileSize[i])), i), max));
imageSize[i] = toIntExact(subtractExact(upper, lower));
offsetAOI[i] = toIntExact(subtractExact(lower, aoiMin));
tileLower[i] = toIntExact(subtractExact(tileLo, tmcOfFirstTile[i]));
tileUpper[i] = toIntExact(subtractExact(tileUp, tmcOfFirstTile[i]));
* Prepare an iterator over all tiles to read, together with the following properties:
* - Two-dimensional conversion from pixel coordinates to "real world" coordinates.
final AOI iterator = new AOI(tileLower, tileUpper, offsetAOI, dimension);
final Map<String,Object> properties = DeferredProperty.forGridGeometry(gridGeometry, selectedDimensions);
if (deferredTileReading) {
image = new TiledDeferredImage(imageSize, tileLower, properties, iterator);
} else {
* If the loading strategy is not `RasterLoadingStrategy.AT_GET_TILE_TIME`, get all tiles
* in the area of interest now. I/O operations, if needed, happen in `readTiles(…)` call.
final Raster[] result = readTiles(iterator);
image = new TiledImage(properties, colors,
imageSize[X_DIMENSION], imageSize[Y_DIMENSION],
tileLower[X_DIMENSION], tileLower[Y_DIMENSION], result);
} catch (Exception e) { // Too many exception types for listing them all.
throw new CannotEvaluateException(Resources.forLocale(getLocale()).getString(
Resources.Keys.CanNotRenderImage_1, getIdentifier().toFullyQualifiedName()), e);
return image;
* The Area Of Interest specified by user in a call to {@link #render(GridExtent)}.
* This class is also an iterator over tiles in the region of interest.
protected final class AOI {
* Total number of tiles in the AOI, from {@link #tileLower} inclusive to {@link #tileUpper} exclusive.
* This is the length of the array to be returned by {@link #readTiles(AOI)}.
public final int tileCountInQuery;
* Indices (relative to enclosing {@code TiledGridCoverage}) of the upper-left tile to read.
* Tile indices starts at (0, 0, …), not at the indices of the corresponding tile in resource,
* for avoiding integer overflow.
private final int[] tileLower;
* Indices (relative to enclosing {@code TiledGridCoverage}) after the bottom-right tile to read.
private final int[] tileUpper;
* Pixel coordinates to assign to the upper-left corner of the region to render, with subsampling applied.
* This is the difference between the region requested by user and the region which will be rendered.
private final int[] offsetAOI;
* Tile Matrix Coordinates (TMC) of current iterator position relative to enclosing {@code TiledGridCoverage}.
* Initial position is a clone of {@link #tileLower}. This array is modified by calls to {@link #next()}.
private final int[] tmcInSubset;
* Pixel coordinates of current iterator position relative to the Area Of Interest specified by user.
* Those coordinates are in units of the full resolution image.
* Initial position is {@link #offsetAOI} multiplied by {@link #subsampling}.
* This array is modified by calls to {@link #next()}.
private final long[] tileOffsetFull;
* Current iterator position as an index in the array of tiles to be returned by {@link #readTiles(AOI)}.
* The initial position is zero. This field is incremented by calls to {@link #next()}.
private int indexInResultArray;
* Current iterator position as an index in the vector of tiles in the {@link TiledGridResource}.
* Tiles are assumed stored in a row-major fashion. This field is incremented by calls to {@link #next()}.
private int indexInTileVector;
* Creates a new Area Of Interest for the given tile indices.
* @param tileLower indices (relative to enclosing {@code TiledGridCoverage}) of the upper-left tile to read.
* @param tileUpper indices (relative to enclosing {@code TiledGridCoverage}) after the bottom-right tile to read.
* @param offsetAOI pixel coordinates to assign to the upper-left corner of the subsampled region to render.
* @param dimension number of dimension of the {@code TiledGridCoverage} grid extent.
AOI(final int[] tileLower, final int[] tileUpper, final int[] offsetAOI, final int dimension) {
this.tileLower = tileLower;
this.tileUpper = tileUpper;
this.offsetAOI = offsetAOI;
tileOffsetFull = new long[offsetAOI.length];
* Initialize variables to values for the first tile to read. The loop does arguments validation and
* converts the `tileLower` coordinates to index in the `tileOffsets` and `tileByteCounts` vectors.
indexInTileVector = indexOfFirstTile;
int tileCountInQuery = 1;
for (int i=0; i<dimension; i++) {
final int lower = tileLower[i];
final int count = subtractExact(tileUpper[i], lower);
indexInTileVector = addExact(indexInTileVector, multiplyExact(tileStrides[i], lower));
tileCountInQuery = multiplyExact(tileCountInQuery, count);
tileOffsetFull[i] = multiplyFull(offsetAOI[i], subsampling[i]);
* Following is the pixel coordinate after the last pixel in current dimension.
* This is not stored; the intent is to get a potential `ArithmeticException`
* now instead of in a call to `next()` during iteration. A negative value
* would mean that the AOI does not intersect the region requested by user.
final int max = addExact(offsetAOI[i], multiplyExact(tileSize[i], count));
assert max > Math.max(offsetAOI[i], 0) : max;
this.tileCountInQuery = tileCountInQuery;
this.tmcInSubset = tileLower.clone();
* Returns a new {@code AOI} instance over a sub-region of this Area Of Interest.
* The region is specified by tile indices, with (0,0) being the first tile of the enclosing grid coverage.
* The given region is intersected with the region of this {@code AOI}.
* The {@code tileLower} and {@code tileUpper} array can have any length;
* extra indices are ignored and missing indices are inherited from this AOI.
* This method is independent to the iterator position of this {@code AOI}.
* @param tileLower indices (relative to enclosing {@code TiledGridCoverage}) of the upper-left tile to read.
* @param tileUpper indices (relative to enclosing {@code TiledGridCoverage}) after the bottom-right tile to read.
* @return a new {@code AOI} instance for the specified sub-region.
public AOI subset(final int[] tileLower, final int[] tileUpper) {
final int[] offset = this.offsetAOI.clone();
final int[] lower = this.tileLower.clone();
for (int i = Math.min(tileLower.length, lower.length); --i >= 0;) {
final int base = lower[i];
final int s = tileLower[i];
if (s > base) {
lower[i] = s;
// Use of `ceilDiv(…)` is for consistency with `getTileOrigin(int)`.
offset[i] = addExact(offset[i], ceilDiv(multiplyExact(s - base, tileSize[i]), subsampling[i]));
final int[] upper = this.tileUpper.clone();
for (int i = Math.min(tileUpper.length, upper.length); --i >= 0;) {
upper[i] = Math.max(lower[i], Math.min(upper[i], tileUpper[i]));
return new AOI(lower, upper, offset, offset.length);
* Returns the enclosing coverage.
final TiledGridCoverage getCoverage() {
return TiledGridCoverage.this;
* Returns the current iterator position as an index in the array of tiles to be returned
* by {@link #readTiles(AOI)}. The initial position is zero.
* The position is incremented by 1 in each call to {@link #next()}.
* @return current iterator position in result array.
public final int getIndexInResultArray() {
return indexInResultArray;
* Returns the cached tile for current iterator position.
* @return cached tile at current iterator position, or {@code null} if none.
* @see Snapshot#cache(Raster)
public Raster getCachedTile() {
final Raster tile = rasters.get(createCacheKey(indexInTileVector));
if (tile != null) {
* Found a tile, but the sample model may be different because band order may be different.
* In both cases, we need to make sure that the raster starts at the expected coordinates.
final int x = getTileOrigin(X_DIMENSION);
final int y = getTileOrigin(Y_DIMENSION);
if (model.equals(tile.getSampleModel())) {
if (tile.getMinX() == x && tile.getMinY() == y) {
return tile;
return tile.createTranslatedChild(x, y);
* If the sample model is not the same (e.g. different bands), it must at least have the same size.
* Having a sample model of different size would probably be a bug, but we check anyway for safety.
* Note that the tile size is not necessarily equals to the sample model size.
final SampleModel sm = tile.getSampleModel();
if (sm.getWidth() == model.getWidth() && sm.getHeight() == model.getHeight()) {
final int width = tile.getWidth(); // May be smaller than sample model width.
final int height = tile.getHeight(); // Idem.
* It is okay to have a different number of bands if the sample model is
* a view created by `SampleModel.createSubsetSampleModel(int[] bands)`.
* Bands can also be in a different order and still share the same buffer.
Raster r = Raster.createRaster(model, tile.getDataBuffer(), new Point(x, y));
if (r.getWidth() != width || r.getHeight() != height) {
r = r.createChild(x, y, width, height, x, y, null);
return r;
return null;
* Returns the origin to assign to the tile at current iterator position.
* Note that the subsampling should be a divisor of tile size,
* otherwise a drift in pixel coordinates will appear.
* There are two exceptions to this rule:
* <ul>
* <li>If image is untiled (i.e. there is only one tile),
* we allow to read a sub-region of the unique tile.</li>
* <li>If subsampling is larger than tile size.</li>
* </ul>
final int getTileOrigin(final int dimension) {
* We really need `ceilDiv(…)` below, not `floorDiv(…)`. It makes no difference in the usual
* case where the subsampling is a divisor of the tile size (the numerator is initialized to
* a multiple of the denominator, then incremented by another multiple of the denominator).
* It makes no difference in the untiled case neither because the numerator is not incremented.
* But if we are in the case where subsampling is larger than tile size, then we want rounding
* to the next tile. The tile seems "too far", but it will either be discarded at a later step
* (because of empty intersection with AOI) or compensated by the offset caused by subsampling.
* At first the index values seem inconsistent, but after we discard the tiles where
* `getRegionInsideTile(…)` returns `false` they become consistent.
return toIntExact(ceilDiv(tileOffsetFull[dimension], subsampling[dimension]));
* Moves the iterator position to next tile. This method should be invoked in a loop as below:
* {@snippet lang="java" :
* do {
* // Process current tile.
* } while (;
* }
* @return {@code true} on success, or {@code false} if the iteration is finished.
public boolean next() {
if (++indexInResultArray >= tileCountInQuery) {
return false;
* Iterates over all tiles in the region specified to this method by maintaining 4 indices:
* - `indexInResultArray` is the index in the `rasters` array to be returned.
* - `indexInTileVector` is the corresponding index in the `tileOffsets` vector.
* - `tmcInSubset[]` contains the Tile Matrix Coordinates (TMC) relative to this `TiledGridCoverage`.
* - `tileOffsetFull[]` contains the pixel coordinates relative to the user-specified AOI.
* We do not check for integer overflow in this method because if an overflow is possible,
* then `ArithmeticException` should have occurred in `TiledGridCoverage` constructor.
for (int i=0; i<tmcInSubset.length; i++) {
indexInTileVector += tileStrides[i];
if (++tmcInSubset[i] < tileUpper[i]) {
tileOffsetFull[i] += tileSize[i];
// Rewind to index for tileLower[i].
indexInTileVector -= (tmcInSubset[i] - tileLower[i]) * tileStrides[i];
tmcInSubset [i] = tileLower[i];
tileOffsetFull[i] = multiplyFull(offsetAOI[i], subsampling[i]);
return true;
* Snapshot of a {@link AOI} iterator position. Those snapshots can be created during an iteration
* for processing a tile later. For example, a {@link #readTiles(AOI)} method implementation may want
* to create a list of all tiles to load before to start the actual reading process in order to read
* the tiles in some optimal order, or for combining multiple read operations in a single operation.
protected static class Snapshot {
* The source coverage.
private final TiledGridCoverage coverage;
* Tile Matrix Coordinates (TMC) relative to the enclosing {@link TiledGridCoverage}.
* Tile (0,0) is the tile in the upper-left corner of this {@link TiledGridCoverage},
* not necessarily the tile in the upper-left corner of the image in the resource.
private final int[] tmcInSubset;
* Index of this tile in the array of tiles returned by {@link #readTiles(AOI)}.
public final int indexInResultArray;
* Index of this tile in the {@link TiledGridResource}. In a GeoTIFF image, this is
* the index of the tile in the {@code tileOffsets} and {@code tileByteCounts} vectors.
* This index is also used as key in the {@link TiledGridCoverage#rasters} map.
public final int indexInTileVector;
* Pixel coordinates of the upper-left corner of the tile.
public final int originX, originY;
* Stores information about a tile to be loaded.
* @param iterator the iterator for which to create a snapshot of its current position.
public Snapshot(final AOI iterator) {
coverage = iterator.getCoverage();
tmcInSubset = iterator.tmcInSubset.clone();
indexInResultArray = iterator.indexInResultArray;
indexInTileVector = iterator.indexInTileVector;
originX = iterator.getTileOrigin(X_DIMENSION);
originY = iterator.getTileOrigin(Y_DIMENSION);
* Returns the coordinate of the pixel to read <em>inside</em> the tile, ignoring subsampling.
* The tile upper-left corner is assumed (0,0). Consequently, the lower coordinates are usually
* (0,0) and the upper coordinates are usually the tile size, but those value may be different
* if the enclosing {@link TiledGridCoverage} contains only one (potentially big) tile.
* In that case, the reading process is more like untiled image reading.
* <p>The {@link TiledGridCoverage} subsampling is provided for convenience,
* but is constant for all tiles regardless the subregion to read.
* The same values can be obtained by {@link #getSubsampling(int)}.</p>
* @param lower a pre-allocated array where to store relative coordinates of the first pixel.
* @param upper a pre-allocated array where to store relative coordinates after the last pixel.
* @param subsampling a pre-allocated array where to store subsampling.
* @param dimension number of elements to write in the {@code lower} and {@code upper} arrays.
* @return {@code true} on success, or {@code false} if the tile is empty.
public boolean getRegionInsideTile(final long[] lower, final long[] upper, final int[] subsampling, int dimension) {
System.arraycopy(coverage.subsampling, 0, subsampling, 0, dimension);
while (--dimension >= 0) {
final int tileSize = coverage.tileSize[dimension];
final long tileIndex = addExact(coverage.tmcOfFirstTile[dimension], tmcInSubset[dimension]);
final long tileBase = multiplyExact(tileIndex, tileSize);
* The `offset` value is usually zero or negative because the tile to read should be inside the AOI,
* e.g. at the right of the AOI left border. It may be positive if the `TiledGridCoverage` contains
* only one (potentially big) tile, so the tile reading process become a reading of untiled data.
long offset = subtractExact(coverage.readExtent.getLow(dimension), tileBase);
long limit = Math.min(addExact(offset, coverage.readExtent.getSize(dimension)), tileSize);
if (offset < 0) {
* Example: for `tileSize` = 10 pixels and `subsampling` = 3,
* the pixels to read are represented by black small squares below:
* -10 0 10 20 30
* ┼──────────╫──────────┼──────────┼──────────╫
* │▪▫▫▪▫▫▪▫▫▪║▫▫▪▫▫▪▫▫▪▫│▫▪▫▫▪▫▫▪▫▫│▪▫▫▪▫▫▪▫▫▪║
* ┼──────────╫──────────┼──────────┼──────────╫
* If reading the second tile, then `tileBase` = 10 and `offset` = -10.
* The first pixel to read in the second tile has a subsampling offset.
* We usually try to avoid this situation because it causes a variable
* number of white squares in tiles (4,3,3,4 in the above example),
* except when there is only 1 tile to read in which case offset is tolerated.
final int s = coverage.subsampling[dimension];
offset %= s;
if (offset != 0) {
offset += s;
if (offset >= limit) { // Test for intersection before we adjust the limit.
return false;
if (dimension == X_DIMENSION && coverage.forceTileSize) {
limit = tileSize;
lower[dimension] = offset;
upper[dimension] = limit;
return true;
* Stores the given raster in the cache. If another raster existed previously in the cache,
* the old raster will be reused if it has the same size and model, or discarded otherwise.
* The latter case may happen if {@link AOI#getCachedTile()} determined that a cached raster
* exists but cannot be reused.
* @param tile the raster to cache.
* @return the cached raster. Should be the given {@code raster} instance,
* but this method check for concurrent caching as a paranoiac check.
* @see AOI#getCachedTile()
public Raster cache(final Raster tile) {
final TiledGridResource.CacheKey key = coverage.createCacheKey(indexInTileVector);
Raster existing = coverage.rasters.put(key, tile);
* If a tile already exists, verify if its layout is compatible with the given tile.
* If yes, we assume that the two tiles have the same content. We do this check as a
* safety but it should not happen if the caller synchronized the tile read actions.
if (existing != null
&& existing.getSampleModel().equals(tile.getSampleModel())
&& existing.getWidth() == tile.getWidth()
&& existing.getHeight() == tile.getHeight())
// Restore the existing tile in the cache, with its original position.
if (coverage.rasters.replace(key, tile, existing)) {
final int x = tile.getMinX();
final int y = tile.getMinY();
if (existing.getMinX() != x || existing.getMinY() != y) {
existing = existing.createTranslatedChild(x, y);
return existing;
return tile;
* Creates the key to use for caching the tile at given index.
private TiledGridResource.CacheKey createCacheKey(final int indexInTileVector) {
return new TiledGridResource.CacheKey(indexInTileVector, includedBands, subsampling, subsamplingOffsets);
* Returns all tiles in the given area of interest. Tile indices are relative to this {@code TiledGridCoverage}:
* (0,0) is the tile in the upper-left corner of this {@code TiledGridCoverage} (not necessarily the upper-left
* corner of the image in the {@link TiledGridResource}).
* The {@link Raster#getMinX()} and {@code getMinY()} coordinates of returned rasters
* shall start at the given {@code iterator.offsetAOI} values.
* <p>This method must be thread-safe. It is implementer responsibility to ensure synchronization,
* for example using {@link TiledGridResource#getSynchronizationLock()}.</p>
* @param iterator an iterator over the tiles that intersect the Area Of Interest specified by user.
* @return tiles decoded from the {@link TiledGridResource}.
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurred.
* @throws DataStoreException if a logical error occurred.
* @throws RuntimeException if the Java2D image cannot be created for another reason
* (too many exception types to list them all).
protected abstract Raster[] readTiles(AOI iterator) throws IOException, DataStoreException;