blob: 8e922a80eb047caacea9f9aba7a8f6ce2bd04432 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.sis.referencing.factory.sql;
import javax.measure.Unit;
import org.opengis.referencing.IdentifiedObject;
import org.opengis.referencing.cs.*;
import org.opengis.referencing.datum.*;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.*;
import org.opengis.parameter.ParameterDescriptor;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.privy.WKTKeywords;
import org.apache.sis.util.CharSequences;
// Specific to the main branch:
import org.apache.sis.referencing.cs.DefaultParametricCS;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.datum.DefaultParametricDatum;
* Information about a specific table. The MS-Access dialect of SQL is assumed;
* it will be translated into ANSI SQL later by {@link SQLTranslator#apply(String)} if needed.
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (IRD, Geomatys)
final class TableInfo {
* The {@link EPSG} item used for coordinate reference systems.
static final TableInfo CRS;
* The {@link EPSG} item used for datums.
static final TableInfo DATUM;
* The {@link EPSG} item used for ellipsoids.
static final TableInfo ELLIPSOID;
* List of tables and columns to test for codes values.
* Those tables are used by the {@link EPSGDataAccess#createObject(String)} method
* in order to detect which of the following methods should be invoked for a given code:
* {@link EPSGDataAccess#createCoordinateReferenceSystem(String)}
* {@link EPSGDataAccess#createCoordinateSystem(String)}
* {@link EPSGDataAccess#createDatum(String)}
* {@link EPSGDataAccess#createEllipsoid(String)}
* {@link EPSGDataAccess#createUnit(String)}
* The order is significant: it is the key for a {@code switch} statement.
static final TableInfo[] EPSG = {
CRS = new TableInfo(CoordinateReferenceSystem.class,
"[Coordinate Reference System]",
new Class<?>[] { ProjectedCRS.class, GeographicCRS.class, GeocentricCRS.class,
VerticalCRS.class, CompoundCRS.class, EngineeringCRS.class,
DerivedCRS.class, TemporalCRS.class, DefaultParametricCRS.class}, // See comment below
new String[] {"projected", "geographic", "geocentric",
"vertical", "compound", "engineering",
"derived", "temporal", "parametric"}, // See comment below
* Above declaration could omit Derived, Temporal and Parametric cases because they are not defined
* by the EPSG repository (at least as of version 8.9). In particular we are not sure if EPSG would
* chose to use "time" or "temporal". However, omitting those types slow down a lot the search for
* CRS matching an existing one (even if it still work).
new TableInfo(CoordinateSystem.class,
"[Coordinate System]",
new Class<?>[] {CartesianCS.class, EllipsoidalCS.class, VerticalCS.class, LinearCS.class,
SphericalCS.class, PolarCS.class, CylindricalCS.class,
TimeCS.class, DefaultParametricCS.class, AffineCS.class},
new String[] {WKTKeywords.Cartesian, WKTKeywords.ellipsoidal, WKTKeywords.vertical, WKTKeywords.linear,
WKTKeywords.spherical, WKTKeywords.polar, WKTKeywords.cylindrical,
WKTKeywords.temporal, WKTKeywords.parametric, WKTKeywords.affine}, // Same comment as in the CRS case above.
new TableInfo(CoordinateSystemAxis.class,
"[Coordinate Axis] AS CA INNER JOIN [Coordinate Axis Name] AS CAN" +
null, null, null, null),
DATUM = new TableInfo(Datum.class,
new Class<?>[] { GeodeticDatum.class, VerticalDatum.class, EngineeringDatum.class,
TemporalDatum.class, DefaultParametricDatum.class},
new String[] {"geodetic", "vertical", "engineering",
"temporal", "parametric"}, // Same comment as in the CRS case above.
ELLIPSOID = new TableInfo(Ellipsoid.class,
null, null, null, null),
new TableInfo(PrimeMeridian.class,
"[Prime Meridian]",
null, null, null, null),
new TableInfo(CoordinateOperation.class,
new Class<?>[] { Conversion.class, Transformation.class},
new String[] {"conversion", "transformation"},
new TableInfo(OperationMethod.class,
"[Coordinate_Operation Method]",
null, null, null, null),
new TableInfo(ParameterDescriptor.class,
"[Coordinate_Operation Parameter]",
null, null, null, null),
new TableInfo(Unit.class,
"[Unit of Measure]",
null, null, null, null),
* The class of object to be created.
final Class<?> type;
* The table name for SQL queries. May contains a {@code "JOIN"} clause.
* @see #unquoted()
final String table;
* Column name for the code (usually with the {@code "_CODE"} suffix).
final String codeColumn;
* Column name for the name (usually with the {@code "_NAME"} suffix), or {@code null}.
final String nameColumn;
* Column type for the type (usually with the {@code "_TYPE"} suffix), or {@code null}.
* {@link EPSGDataAccess} and {@link AuthorityCodes} assumes that values in this column
* have the maximal length described in the {@value #ENUM_REPLACEMENT} statement.
private final String typeColumn;
* The SQL type to use as a replacement for enumerated values on databases that do not support enumerations.
static final String ENUM_REPLACEMENT = "VARCHAR(80)";
* Sub-interfaces of {@link #type} to handle, or {@code null} if none.
private final Class<?>[] subTypes;
* Names of {@link #subTypes} in the database, or {@code null} if none.
private final String[] typeNames;
* The column that specify if the object should be shown, or {@code null} if none.
final String showColumn;
* Stores information about a specific table.
private TableInfo(final Class<?> type,
final String table, final String codeColumn, final String nameColumn,
final String typeColumn, final Class<?>[] subTypes, final String[] typeNames,
final String showColumn)
this.type = type;
this.table = table;
this.codeColumn = codeColumn;
this.nameColumn = nameColumn;
this.typeColumn = typeColumn;
this.subTypes = subTypes;
this.typeNames = typeNames;
this.showColumn = showColumn;
* Returns the table name without brackets.
final String unquoted() {
return table.substring(1, table.length() - 1);
* Returns {@code true} if the given table {@code name} matches the {@code expected} name.
* The given {@code name} may be prefixed by {@code "epsg_"} and may contain abbreviations of the full name.
* For example, {@code "epsg_coordoperation"} is considered as a match for {@code "Coordinate_Operation"}.
* <p>The table name should be one of the values enumerated in the {@code epsg_table_name} type of the
* {@code EPSG_Prepare.sql} file.</p>
* @param expected the expected table name (e.g. {@code "Coordinate_Operation"}).
* @param name the actual table name.
* @return whether the given {@code name} is considered to match the expected name.
static boolean tableMatches(final String expected, String name) {
if (name == null) {
return false;
if (name.startsWith(SQLTranslator.TABLE_PREFIX)) {
name = name.substring(SQLTranslator.TABLE_PREFIX.length());
return CharSequences.isAcronymForWords(name, expected);
* Appends a {@code WHERE} clause together with a condition for searching the specified object.
* This method delegates to {@link #where(Class, StringBuilder)} with the type of the given object,
* except that some object properties may be inspected for resolving ambiguities.
* @param object the object to search in the database.
* @param buffer where to append the {@code WHERE} clause.
final void where(final IdentifiedObject object, final StringBuilder buffer) {
Class<?> userType = object.getClass();
if (object instanceof GeodeticCRS) {
final CoordinateSystem cs = ((GeodeticCRS) object).getCoordinateSystem();
if (cs instanceof EllipsoidalCS) {
userType = GeographicCRS.class;
} else if (cs instanceof CartesianCS || cs instanceof SphericalCS) {
userType = GeocentricCRS.class;
where(userType, buffer);
* Appends a {@code WHERE} clause together with a condition for searching the most specific subtype,
* if such condition can be added. The clause appended by this method looks like the following example
* (details may vary because of enumeration values):
* {@snippet lang="sql" :
* }
* In any case, the caller shall add at least one condition after this method call.
* @param userType the type specified by the user.
* @param buffer where to append the {@code WHERE} clause.
* @return the subtype, or {@link #type} if no subtype was found.
final Class<?> where(final Class<?> userType, final StringBuilder buffer) {
buffer.append(" WHERE ");
if (typeColumn != null) {
for (int i=0; i<subTypes.length; i++) {
final Class<?> candidate = subTypes[i];
if (candidate.isAssignableFrom(userType)) {
if (ENUM_REPLACEMENT != null) {
buffer.append("CAST(").append(typeColumn).append(" AS ").append(ENUM_REPLACEMENT).append(')');
} else {
buffer.append(" LIKE '").append(typeNames[i]).append("%' AND ");
return candidate;
return type;