blob: b364d359bff8e208d3475149f19082122ecedfa5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.awt.Color;
import java.util.Optional;
import jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType;
import jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement;
import jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement;
// Specific to the main branch:
import org.apache.sis.filter.Expression;
* Instructions about how to draw styled lines.
* Stroke objects are contained by {@link LineSymbolizer} and {@link PolygonSymbolizer}.
* There are three basic types of strokes: solid-color, {@link GraphicFill} (stipple),
* and repeated linear {@link GraphicStroke}.
* A repeated linear graphic is plotted linearly and has its graphic symbol bent around the curves
* of the line string, and a graphic fill has the pixels of the line rendered with a repeating area-fill pattern.
* If neither a {@linkplain #getGraphicFill() graphic fill} nor {@linkplain #getGraphicStroke() graphic stroke}
* element is given, then the line symbolizer will render a solid color.
* <!-- Following list of authors contains credits to OGC GeoAPI 2 contributors. -->
* @author Johann Sorel (Geomatys)
* @author Chris Dillard (SYS Technologies)
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
* @param <R> the type of data to style, such as {@code Feature} or {@code Coverage}.
@XmlType(name = "StrokeType", propOrder = {
// "svgParameter"
@XmlRootElement(name = "Stroke")
public class Stroke<R> extends StyleElement<R> implements Translucent<R> {
* Graphic for tiling the (thin) area of the line, or {@code null} if none.
* This property and {@link #graphicStroke} are mutually exclusive.
* @see #getGraphicFill()
* @see #setGraphicFill(GraphicFill)
@XmlElement(name = "GraphicFill")
protected GraphicFill<R> graphicFill;
* Graphic to repeat along the path of the lines, or {@code null} if none.
* This property and {@link #graphicFill} are mutually exclusive.
* @see #getGraphicStroke()
* @see #setGraphicStroke(GraphicStroke)
@XmlElement(name = "GraphicStroke")
protected GraphicStroke<R> graphicStroke;
* Color of the line if it is to be solid-color filled, or {@code null} for the default value.
* The default value specified by OGC 05-077r4 standard is black.
* <p>This property is used when both {@link #graphicFill} and {@link #graphicStroke} are null.
* In XML documents, this is encoded inside a {@code <SvgParameter name="stroke">} element.</p>
* @see #getColor()
* @see #setColor(Expression)
protected Expression<R,Color> color;
* Level of translucency as a floating point number between 0 and 1 (inclusive), or {@code null} the default value.
* The default value specified by OGC 05-077r4 standard is 1.
* <p>In XML documents, this is encoded inside a {@code <SvgParameter name="stroke-opacity">} element.</p>
* @see #getOpacity()
* @see #setOpacity(Expression)
protected Expression<R, ? extends Number> opacity;
* Absolute width of the line stroke as a positive floating point number, or {@code null} for the default value.
* The default value specified by OGC 05-077r4 standard is 1.
* <p>In XML documents, this is encoded inside a {@code <SvgParameter name="stroke-width">} element.</p>
* @see #getWidth()
* @see #setWidth(Expression)
protected Expression<R, ? extends Number> width;
* How the various segments of a (thick) line string should be joined, or {@code null} the default value.
* The default value is implementation-specific.
* <p>In XML documents, this is encoded inside a {@code <SvgParameter name="stroke-linejoin">} element.</p>
* @see #getLineJoin()
* @see #setLineJoin(Expression)
protected Expression<R,String> lineJoin;
* How the beginning and ending segments of a line string will be terminated, or {@code null} the default value.
* The default value is implementation-specific.
* <p>In XML documents, this is encoded inside a {@code <SvgParameter name="stroke-linecap">} element.</p>
* @see #getLineCap()
* @see #setLineCap(Expression)
protected Expression<R,String> lineCap;
* Dash pattern as a space-separated sequence of numbers, or {@code null} for a solid line.
* <p>In XML documents, this is encoded inside a {@code <SvgParameter name="stroke-dasharray">} element.</p>
* @see #getDashArray()
* @see #setDashArray(Expression)
protected Expression<R,float[]> dashArray;
* Distance offset into the dash array to begin drawing, or {@code null} for the default value.
* The default value is zero.
* <p>In XML documents, this is encoded inside a {@code <SvgParameter name="stroke-dashoffset">} element.</p>
* @see #getDashOffset()
* @see #setDashOffset(Expression)
protected Expression<R,Integer> dashOffset;
* For JAXB unmarshalling only.
private Stroke() {
// Thread-local factory will be used.
* Creates a stroke initialized to solid line of black opaque color, 1 pixel width.
* @param factory the factory to use for creating expressions and child elements.
public Stroke(final StyleFactory<R> factory) {
* Creates a shallow copy of the given object.
* For a deep copy, see {@link #clone()} instead.
* @param source the object to copy.
public Stroke(final Stroke<R> source) {
graphicFill = source.graphicFill;
graphicStroke = source.graphicStroke;
color = source.color;
opacity = source.opacity;
width = source.width;
lineJoin = source.lineJoin;
lineCap = source.lineCap;
dashArray = source.dashArray;
dashOffset = source.dashOffset;
* Indicates that line should be drawn by tiling the (thin) area of the line with the given graphic.
* Between {@code getGraphicFill()} and {@link #getGraphicStroke()}, only one may return a non-null value
* because a {@code Stroke} can have a {@code GraphicFill} or a {@code GraphicStroke}, but not both.
* <p>The returned object is <em>live</em>:
* changes in the returned instance will be reflected in this stroke, and conversely.</p>
* @return graphic for tiling the (thin) area of the line.
* @see Fill#getGraphicFill()
public Optional<GraphicFill<R>> getGraphicFill() {
return Optional.ofNullable(graphicFill);
* Specifies that line should be drawn by tiling the (thin) area of the line with the given graphic.
* The given instance is stored by reference, it is not cloned.
* If this method is never invoked, then the default value is absence.
* <p>Setting a non-null value causes {@link #getGraphicStroke()} to
* return {@code null} because those two properties are mutually exclusive.</p>
* @param value new graphic for tiling the (thin) area of the line, or {@code null} if none.
* @see Fill#setGraphicFill(GraphicFill)
public void setGraphicFill(final GraphicFill<R> value) {
graphicFill = value;
if (value != null) {
graphicStroke = null;
* Indicates that lines should be drawn by repeatedly plotting the given graphic.
* The graphic is repeated along the path of the lines, rotating it according to the orientation of the line.
* Between {@link #getGraphicFill()} and {@code getGraphicStroke()}, only one may return a non-null value
* because a {@code Stroke} can have a {@link GraphicFill} or a {@link GraphicStroke}, but not both.
* <p>The returned object is <em>live</em>:
* changes in the returned instance will be reflected in this stroke, and conversely.</p>
* @return graphic to repeat along the path of the lines.
public Optional<GraphicStroke<R>> getGraphicStroke() {
return Optional.ofNullable(graphicStroke);
* Specifies that lines should be drawn by repeatedly plotting the given graphic.
* The given instance is stored by reference, it is not cloned.
* If this method is never invoked, then the default value is absence.
* <p>Setting a non-null value causes {@link #getGraphicFill()} to
* return {@code null} because those two properties are mutually exclusive.</p>
* @param value new graphic to repeat along the path of the lines, or {@code null} if none.
public void setGraphicStroke(final GraphicStroke<R> value) {
graphicStroke = value;
if (value != null) {
graphicFill = null;
* Indicates the color of the line if it is to be solid-color filled.
* This is used when both {@linkplain #getGraphicFill() graphic fill}
* and {@linkplain #getGraphicStroke() graphic stroke} are null.
* @return color of the line if it is to be solid-color filled.
* @see Fill#getColor()
public Expression<R,Color> getColor() {
final var value = color;
return (value != null) ? value :;
* Sets the color of the line if it is to be solid-color filled.
* If this method is never invoked, then the default value is black.
* That default value is standardized by OGC 05-077r4.
* <p>Setting a non-null value clears the {@linkplain #getGraphicFill() graphic fill} and the
* {@linkplain #getGraphicStroke() graphic stroke} because those three properties are mutually exclusive.</p>
* @param value color of the line if solid-color filled, or {@code null} for resetting the default value.
* @see Fill#setColor(Expression)
public void setColor(final Expression<R,Color> value) {
color = value;
if (value != null) {
graphicFill = null;
graphicStroke = null;
* Sets the color and opacity together.
* The opacity is derived from the alpha value of the given color.
* @param value new color and opacity, or {@code null} for resetting the defaults.
public void setColorAndOpacity(Color value) {
if (value == null) {
color = null;
opacity = null;
} else {
if ((opacity = opacity(value)) != null) {
value = new Color(value.getRGB() | 0xFF000000);
color = literal(value);
* Indicates the level of translucency as a floating point number between 0 and 1 (inclusive).
* A value of zero means completely transparent. A value of 1.0 means completely opaque.
* @return the level of translucency as a floating point number between 0 and 1 (inclusive).
* @see Fill#getOpacity()
* @see Graphic#getOpacity()
* @see RasterSymbolizer#getOpacity()
public Expression<R, ? extends Number> getOpacity() {
return defaultToOne(opacity);
* Sets the level of translucency as a floating point number between 0 and 1 (inclusive).
* If this method is never invoked, then the default value is literal 1 (totally opaque).
* That default value is standardized by OGC 05-077r4.
* @param value new level of translucency, or {@code null} for resetting the default value.
public void setOpacity(final Expression<R, ? extends Number> value) {
opacity = value;
* Gives the absolute width of the line stroke as a floating point number.
* The unit of measurement is given by {@link Symbolizer#getUnitOfMeasure()}.
* Fractional numbers are allowed, but negative numbers are not.
* @return absolute width of the line stroke as a positive floating point number.
public Expression<R, ? extends Number> getWidth() {
return defaultToOne(width);
* Sets the absolute width of the line stroke as a floating point number.
* If this method is never invoked, then the default value 1.0.
* That default value is standardized by OGC 05-077r4.
* @param value new width of the line stroke, or {@code null} for resetting the default value.
public void setWidth(final Expression<R, ? extends Number> value) {
width = value;
* Indicates how the various segments of a (thick) line string should be joined.
* Valid values are "miter", "round", and "bevel".
* @return how segments of a (thick) line string should be joined.
public Expression<R,String> getLineJoin() {
final var value = lineJoin;
return (value != null) ? value : factory.bevel;
* Sets how the various segments of a (thick) line string should be joined.
* If this method is never invoked, then the default value is literal "bevel".
* That default value is implementation-specific.
* @param value how segments of a line string should be joined, or {@code null} for resetting the default value.
public void setLineJoin(final Expression<R,String> value) {
lineJoin = value;
* Indicates how the beginning and ending segments of a line string will be terminated.
* Valid values are "butt", "round", and "square".
* @return how the beginning and ending segments of a line string will be terminated.
public Expression<R,String> getLineCap() {
final var value = lineCap;
return (value != null) ? value : factory.square;
* Sets how the beginning and ending segments of a line string will be terminated.
* If this method is never invoked, then the default value is literal "square".
* That default value is implementation-specific.
* @param value how a line string should be terminated, or {@code null} for resetting the default value.
public void setLineCap(final Expression<R,String> value) {
lineCap = value;
* Indicates the dash pattern as a space-separated sequence of floating point numbers.
* The first number represents the length of the first dash to draw.
* The second number represents the length of space to leave.
* This continues to the end of the list then repeats.
* If {@code null}, then lines will be drawn as solid and unbroken.
* @return dash pattern as a space-separated sequence of numbers, or empty for a solid line.
public Optional<Expression<R,float[]>> getDashArray() {
return Optional.ofNullable(dashArray);
* Sets the dash pattern as a space-separated sequence of floating point numbers.
* If this method is never invoked, then the default value is {@code null} (solid line).
* @param value new dash pattern as a space-separated sequence of numbers, or {@code null} for a solid line.
public void setDashArray(final Expression<R,float[]> value) {
dashArray = value;
* Indicates the distance offset into the dash array to begin drawing.
* @return distance offset into the dash array to begin drawing.
public Expression<R,Integer> getDashOffset() {
final var value = dashOffset;
return (value != null) ? value : factory.zeroAsInt;
* Sets the distance offset into the dash array to begin drawing.
* If this method is never invoked, then the default value is 0.
* @param value new distance offset into the dash array, or {@code null} for resetting the default value.
public void setDashOffset(final Expression<R,Integer> value) {
dashOffset = value;
* TODO: we need a private method like below for formatting above SVG parameters:
* @XmlElement(name = "SvgParameter")
* private List<SvgParameter> svgParameters();
* Where:
* class SvgParameter {
* @XmlAttribute(required = true)
* private String name;
* @XmlMixed
* @XmlElementRef(name = "expression", namespace = "")
* private List<Expression<?,?>> content;
* }
* See 05-077r4 ยง11.1.3.
* Returns all properties contained in this class.
* This is used for {@link #equals(Object)} and {@link #hashCode()} implementations.
final Object[] properties() {
return new Object[] {graphicFill, graphicStroke, color, opacity, width, lineJoin, lineCap, dashArray, dashOffset};
* Returns a deep clone of this object. All style elements are cloned,
* but expressions are not on the assumption that they are immutable.
* @return deep clone of all style elements.
public Stroke<R> clone() {
final var clone = (Stroke<R>) super.clone();
return clone;
* Clones the mutable style fields of this element.
private void selfClone() {
if (graphicFill != null) graphicFill = graphicFill.clone();
if (graphicStroke != null) graphicStroke = graphicStroke.clone();