blob: 5b791fcaf5876231e8a4aa4a064ab80c26befab2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.sis.metadata;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Collection;
import org.apache.sis.util.Emptiable;
import org.apache.sis.util.privy.CollectionsExt;
import static org.apache.sis.metadata.ValueExistencePolicy.*;
// Specific to the main branch:
import org.opengis.util.CodeList;
* Implementation of {@link AbstractMetadata#isEmpty()} and {@link ModifiableMetadata#prune()} methods.
* The {@link #visited} map inherited by this class is the thread-local map of metadata objects already tested.
* Keys are metadata instances, and values are the results of the {@code metadata.isEmpty()} operation.
* If the final operation requested by the user is {@code isEmpty()}, then this map will contain one of
* few {@code false} values since the walk in the tree will stop at the first {@code false} value found.
* If the final operation requested by the user is {@code prune()}, then this map will contain a mix of
* {@code false} and {@code true} values since the operation will unconditionally walk through the entire tree.
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
final class Pruner extends MetadataVisitor<Boolean> {
* Provider of visitor instances.
private static final ThreadLocal<Pruner> VISITORS = ThreadLocal.withInitial(Pruner::new);
* {@code true} for removing empty properties.
private boolean prune;
* Whether the metadata is empty.
private boolean isEmpty;
* Creates a new object which will test or prune metadata properties.
private Pruner() {
* Returns the thread-local variable that created this {@code Pruner} instance.
final ThreadLocal<Pruner> creator() {
return VISITORS;
* Returns {@code true} if all properties in the given metadata are null or empty.
* This method is the entry point for the {@link AbstractMetadata#isEmpty()} and
* {@link ModifiableMetadata#prune()} public methods.
* @param metadata the metadata object.
* @param prune {@code true} for deleting empty entries.
* @return {@code true} if all metadata properties are null or empty.
static boolean isEmpty(final AbstractMetadata metadata, final boolean prune) {
final Pruner visitor = VISITORS.get();
final boolean p = visitor.prune;
visitor.prune = prune;
final Boolean r = visitor.walk(metadata.getStandard(), metadata.getInterface(), metadata, false);
visitor.prune = p;
return (r != null) && r; // If there is a cycle (r == null), then the metadata is non-empty.
* Marks a metadata instance as empty before we start visiting its non-null properties.
* If the metadata does not contain any property, then the {@link #isEmpty} field will stay {@code true}.
* @return {@link Filter#NON_EMPTY} since this visitor is not restricted to writable properties.
* We need to visit all readable properties even for pruning operation since we need to
* determine if the metadata is empty.
Filter preVisit(final PropertyAccessor accessor) {
isEmpty = true;
return Filter.NON_EMPTY;
* Invoked for each element in the metadata to test or prune. This method is invoked only for new elements
* not yet processed by {@code Pruner}. The element may be a value object or a collection. For convenience
* we will proceed as if we had only collections, wrapping value object in a singleton collection.
* @param type the type of elements. Note that this is not necessarily the type
* of given {@code element} argument if the latter is a collection.
* @param value value of the metadata element being visited.
Object visit(final Class<?> type, final Object value) {
final boolean isEmptyMetadata = isEmpty; // Save the value in case it is overwritten by recursive invocations.
boolean isEmptyValue = true;
final Collection<?> values = CollectionsExt.toCollection(value);
for (final Iterator<?> it = values.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
final Object element =;
if (!isNullOrEmpty(element)) {
* At this point, 'element' is not an empty CharSequence, Collection or array.
* It may be another metadata, a Java primitive type or user-defined object.
* - For AbstractMetadata, delegate to the public API in case it has been overriden.
* - For user-defined Emptiable, delegate to the user's isEmpty() method. Note that
* we test at different times depending if 'prune' is true of false.
boolean isEmptyElement = false;
if (element instanceof AbstractMetadata) {
final AbstractMetadata md = (AbstractMetadata) element;
if (prune) md.prune();
isEmptyElement = md.isEmpty();
} else if (!prune && element instanceof Emptiable) {
isEmptyElement = ((Emptiable) element).isEmpty();
// If 'prune' is true, we will rather test for Emptiable after our pruning attempt.
} else if (!(element instanceof Enum<?>) && !(element instanceof CodeList<?>)) {
final MetadataStandard standard = MetadataStandard.forClass(element.getClass());
if (standard != null) {
* For implementation that are not subtype of AbstractMetadata but nevertheless
* implement some metadata interfaces, we will invoke recursively this method.
final Boolean r = walk(standard, type, element, false);
if (r != null) {
isEmptyElement = r;
if (!isEmptyElement && element instanceof Emptiable) {
isEmptyElement = ((Emptiable) element).isEmpty();
} else if (element instanceof Number) {
isEmptyElement = Double.isNaN(((Number) element).doubleValue());
} else if (element instanceof Boolean) {
// Typically methods of the kind 'isFooAvailable()'.
isEmptyElement = !((Boolean) element);
if (!isEmptyElement) {
* At this point, we have determined that the property is not empty.
* If we are not removing empty nodes, there is no need to continue.
if (!prune) {
isEmpty = false;
isEmptyValue = false;
* Found an empty element. Remove it if the element is part of a collection,
* then move to the next element in the collection (not yet the next property).
if (prune && values == value) {
* If all elements were empty, set the whole property to 'null'.
isEmpty = isEmptyMetadata & isEmptyValue;
return isEmptyValue & prune ? null : value;
* Returns the result of visiting all elements in the metadata.
Boolean result() {
return isEmpty;