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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.sis.coverage.grid;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Locale;
import org.opengis.geometry.Envelope;
import org.opengis.geometry.DirectPosition;
import org.opengis.metadata.spatial.DimensionNameType;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.TransformException;
import org.opengis.referencing.cs.AxisDirection;
import org.apache.sis.geometry.AbstractEnvelope;
import org.apache.sis.geometry.GeneralEnvelope;
import org.apache.sis.geometry.GeneralDirectPosition;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.SubspaceNotSpecifiedException;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.transform.MathTransforms;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.matrix.Matrices;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.matrix.Matrix3;
import org.apache.sis.util.resources.Vocabulary;
import org.apache.sis.pending.jdk.JDK18;
// Test dependencies
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.DisplayName;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;
import org.apache.sis.test.TestCase;
import static org.apache.sis.test.Assertions.assertMapEquals;
import static org.apache.sis.test.Assertions.assertMessageContains;
import static org.apache.sis.test.Assertions.assertMultilinesEquals;
import static org.apache.sis.referencing.Assertions.assertEnvelopeEquals;
// Specific to the main branch:
import org.apache.sis.coverage.PointOutsideCoverageException;
import static org.apache.sis.test.GeoapiAssert.assertAxisDirectionsEqual;
import static org.apache.sis.test.GeoapiAssert.assertMatrixEquals;
* Tests {@link GridExtent}.
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (IRD, Geomatys)
* @author Alexis Manin (Geomatys)
* @author Johann Sorel (Geomatys)
public final class GridExtentTest extends TestCase {
* Creates a new test case.
public GridExtentTest() {
* Creates a three-dimensional grid extent to be shared by different tests.
private static GridExtent create3D() {
return new GridExtent(
new DimensionNameType[] {DimensionNameType.COLUMN, DimensionNameType.ROW, DimensionNameType.TIME},
new long[] {100, 200, 40}, new long[] {500, 800, 50}, false);
* Verifies the low and high values in the specified dimension of the given extent
static void assertExtentEquals(final GridExtent extent, final int dimension, final int low, final int high) {
assertEquals(low, extent.getLow (dimension), "low");
assertEquals(high, extent.getHigh(dimension), "high");
assertEquals(high - low + 1, extent.getSize(dimension), "size");
assertEquals(JDK18.ceilDiv(high + low, 2), extent.getMedian(dimension), "median");
* Tests {@link GridExtent#subsample(int...)}.
public void testSubsample() {
GridExtent extent = create3D();
extent = extent.subsample(4, 3, 9);
assertExtentEquals(extent, 0, 25, 124); // 100 cells
assertExtentEquals(extent, 1, 66, 265); // 200 cells
assertExtentEquals(extent, 2, 4, 5); // 2 cells
* Tests {@link GridExtent#upsample(int...)}.
public void testUpsample() {
GridExtent extent = create3D();
extent = extent.upsample(4, 3, 9);
assertExtentEquals(extent, 0, 400, 1999); // 1600 cells
assertExtentEquals(extent, 1, 600, 2399); // 1800 cells
assertExtentEquals(extent, 2, 360, 449); // 90 cells
* Tests the {@link GridExtent#GridExtent(AbstractEnvelope,
* GridRoundingMode, int[], int[], GridExtent, int[])} constructor.
public void testCreateFromEnvelope() {
final GeneralEnvelope env = new GeneralEnvelope(HardCodedCRS.IMAGE);
env.setRange(0, -23.01, 30.107);
env.setRange(1, 12.97, 18.071);
GridExtent extent = new GridExtent(env, GridRoundingMode.NEAREST, GridClippingMode.STRICT, null, null, null, null);
assertExtentEquals(extent, 0, -23, 29);
assertExtentEquals(extent, 1, 13, 17);
assertEquals(DimensionNameType.COLUMN, extent.getAxisType(0).get());
assertEquals(DimensionNameType.ROW, extent.getAxisType(1).get());
* Tests the {@link GridExtent#GridExtent(AbstractEnvelope, GridRoundingMode, int[],
* int[], GridExtent, int[])} constructor when an envelope has a span close to zero.
public void testCreateFromThinEnvelope() {
final GeneralEnvelope env = new GeneralEnvelope(3);
env.setRange(0, 11.22, 11.23);
env.setRange(1, -23.02, -23.01);
env.setRange(2, 34.91, 34.92);
GridExtent extent = new GridExtent(env, GridRoundingMode.NEAREST, GridClippingMode.STRICT, null, null, null, null);
assertExtentEquals(extent, 0, 11, 11);
assertExtentEquals(extent, 1, -24, -24);
assertExtentEquals(extent, 2, 34, 34);
* Tests the rounding performed by the {@link GridExtent#GridExtent(AbstractEnvelope,
* GridRoundingMode, int[], int[], GridExtent, int[])} constructor.
public void testRoundings() {
final GeneralEnvelope env = new GeneralEnvelope(6);
env.setRange(0, 1.49999, 3.49998); // Round to [1…3), stored as [1…2].
env.setRange(1, 1.50001, 3.49998); // Round to [2…3), stored as [1…2] (not [2…2]) because the span is close to 2.
env.setRange(2, 1.49998, 3.50001); // Round to [1…4), stored as [1…2] (not [1…3]) because the span is close to 2.
env.setRange(3, 1.49999, 3.50002); // Round to [1…4), stored as [2…3] because the upper part is closer to integer.
env.setRange(4, 1.2, 3.8); // Round to [1…4), stores as [1…3] because the span is not close enough to integer.
GridExtent extent = new GridExtent(env, GridRoundingMode.NEAREST, GridClippingMode.STRICT, null, null, null, null);
assertExtentEquals(extent, 0, 1, 2);
assertExtentEquals(extent, 1, 1, 2);
assertExtentEquals(extent, 2, 1, 2);
assertExtentEquals(extent, 3, 2, 3);
assertExtentEquals(extent, 4, 1, 3);
assertExtentEquals(extent, 5, 0, 0); // Unitialized envelope values were [0…0].
* Tests {@link GridExtent#insertDimension(int, DimensionNameType, long, long, boolean)}
* with {@code offset} set to {@link GridExtent#getDimension()}.
public void testAppendDimension() {
appendOrInsert(2, 1);
* Tests {@link GridExtent#insertDimension(int, DimensionNameType, long, long, boolean)}
* with {@code offset} somewhere in the middle of the extent.
public void testInsertDimension() {
appendOrInsert(1, 2);
* Implementation of {@link #testAppend()} and {@link #testInsert()}.
private void appendOrInsert(final int offset, final int rowIndex) {
GridExtent extent = new GridExtent(new DimensionNameType[] {DimensionNameType.COLUMN, DimensionNameType.ROW},
new long[] {100, 200}, new long[] {500, 800}, true);
extent = extent.insertDimension(offset, DimensionNameType.TIME, 40, 50, false);
assertEquals(3, extent.getDimension(), "dimension");
assertExtentEquals(extent, 0, 100, 500);
assertExtentEquals(extent, rowIndex, 200, 800);
assertExtentEquals(extent, offset, 40, 49);
assertEquals(DimensionNameType.COLUMN, extent.getAxisType(0).get());
assertEquals(DimensionNameType.ROW, extent.getAxisType(rowIndex).get());
assertEquals(DimensionNameType.TIME, extent.getAxisType(offset).get());
* Tests {@link GridExtent#selectDimensions(int[])}.
public void testSelectDimensions() {
final GridExtent extent = create3D();
GridExtent reduced = extent.selectDimensions(0, 1);
assertEquals(2, reduced.getDimension(), "dimension");
assertExtentEquals(reduced, 0, 100, 499);
assertExtentEquals(reduced, 1, 200, 799);
assertEquals(DimensionNameType.COLUMN, reduced.getAxisType(0).get());
assertEquals(DimensionNameType.ROW, reduced.getAxisType(1).get());
reduced = extent.selectDimensions(2);
assertEquals(1, reduced.getDimension(), "dimension");
assertExtentEquals(reduced, 0, 40, 49);
assertEquals(DimensionNameType.TIME, reduced.getAxisType(0).get());
* Tests {@link GridExtent#withRange(int, long, long)}.
public void testWithRange() {
GridExtent extent = create3D();
assertSame(extent, extent.withRange(1, 200, 799));
extent = extent.withRange(2, 30, 60);
assertExtentEquals(extent, 0, 100, 499);
assertExtentEquals(extent, 1, 200, 799);
assertExtentEquals(extent, 2, 30, 60);
* Tests {@link GridExtent#expand(long...)}.
public void testExpand() {
GridExtent extent = create3D();
assertSame(extent, extent.expand(new long[3]));
extent = extent.expand(20, -10); // One less dimension than `exent` dimension.
assertExtentEquals(extent, 0, 80, 519);
assertExtentEquals(extent, 1, 210, 789);
assertExtentEquals(extent, 2, 40, 49);
* Tests {@link GridExtent#forChunkSize(int[])}.
public void testForChunkSize() {
GridExtent extent = create3D();
extent = extent.forChunkSize(300, 200, 15);
assertExtentEquals(extent, 0, 0, 599);
assertExtentEquals(extent, 1, 200, 799);
assertExtentEquals(extent, 2, 30, 59);
* Tests {@link GridExtent#resize(long...)}.
public void testResize() {
GridExtent extent = create3D();
extent = extent.resize(200, 150);
assertExtentEquals(extent, 0, 50, 249);
assertExtentEquals(extent, 1, 50, 199);
assertExtentEquals(extent, 2, 40, 49);
* Tests {@link GridExtent#contains(long...)}.
public void testContains() {
final GridExtent extent = create3D();
assertTrue (extent.contains(100, 200, 40));
assertFalse(extent.contains(100, 200, 39));
* Creates another arbitrary extent for tests of union and intersection.
private static GridExtent createOther() {
return new GridExtent(
new DimensionNameType[] {DimensionNameType.COLUMN, DimensionNameType.ROW, DimensionNameType.TIME},
new long[] {150, 220, 35}, new long[] {400, 820, 47}, false);
* Tests {@link GridExtent#intersect(GridExtent)}.
public void testIntersect() {
final GridExtent domain = createOther();
final GridExtent extent = create3D().intersect(domain);
assertExtentEquals(extent, 0, 150, 399);
assertExtentEquals(extent, 1, 220, 799);
assertExtentEquals(extent, 2, 40, 46);
assertSame(extent.intersect(domain), extent);
final GridExtent disjoint = domain.translate(0, 1000);
var exception = assertThrows(DisjointExtentException.class, () -> extent.intersect(disjoint));
* Tests {@link GridExtent#union(GridExtent)}.
public void testUnion() {
final GridExtent domain = createOther();
final GridExtent extent = create3D().union(domain);
assertExtentEquals(extent, 0, 100, 499);
assertExtentEquals(extent, 1, 200, 819);
assertExtentEquals(extent, 2, 35, 49);
assertSame(extent.union(domain), extent);
* Tests {@link GridExtent#intersect(GridExtent)} with inconsistent axis types.
* An exception should be thrown.
public void testCombineInvalid() {
final GridExtent domain = createOther();
final GridExtent other = new GridExtent(
new DimensionNameType[] {DimensionNameType.COLUMN, DimensionNameType.TRACK, DimensionNameType.TIME},
new long[] {100, 200, 40}, new long[] {500, 800, 50}, false);
var exception = assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> domain.intersect(other));
* Tests {@link GridExtent#GridExtent(GridExtent, GridExtent)}.
public void testConcatenate() {
final GridExtent domain = create3D();
final GridExtent other = new GridExtent(
new DimensionNameType[] {DimensionNameType.VERTICAL},
new long[] {-4}, new long[] {17}, true);
final GridExtent extent = new GridExtent(domain, other);
assertArrayEquals(new DimensionNameType[] {
DimensionNameType.COLUMN, DimensionNameType.ROW, DimensionNameType.TIME, DimensionNameType.VERTICAL
}, extent.getAxisTypes());
assertArrayEquals(new long[] {
100, 200, 40, -4,
499, 799, 49, 17
}, extent.getCoordinates());
* Tests {@link GridExtent#slice(DirectPosition, int[])}.
public void testSlice() {
final GeneralDirectPosition slicePoint = new GeneralDirectPosition(226.7, 47.2);
final GridExtent extent = create3D();
final GridExtent slice = extent.slice(slicePoint, new int[] {1, 2});
assertEquals(3, slice.getDimension(), "dimension");
assertExtentEquals(slice, 0, 100, 499);
assertExtentEquals(slice, 1, 227, 227);
assertExtentEquals(slice, 2, 47, 47);
* Verify that point outside the GridExtent causes an exception to be thrown.
* The message is localized but the grid coordinates "(900, 47)" are currently
* unlocalized, so the check below should work in any locale (note that it may
* change in future SIS version).
slicePoint.setCoordinate(0, 900);
var exception = assertThrows(PointOutsideCoverageException.class, () -> extent.slice(slicePoint, new int[] {1, 2}));
assertMessageContains(exception, "(900, 47)"); // See above comment.
* Tests {@link GridExtent#getSubspaceDimensions(int)} and {@link GridExtent#getLargestDimensions(int)}.
* Opportunistically tests {@link GridExtent#getSliceCoordinates()} since the two methods closely related.
public void testGetSubspaceDimensions() {
final GridExtent extent = new GridExtent(null, new long[] {100, 5, 200, 40}, new long[] {500, 5, 800, 40}, true);
assertMapEquals(Map.of(1, 5L, 3, 40L), extent.getSliceCoordinates());
assertSubspaceEquals(extent, 0, 2 );
assertSubspaceEquals(extent, 0,1,2 );
assertSubspaceEquals(extent, 0,1,2,3);
var exception = assertThrows(SubspaceNotSpecifiedException.class, () -> extent.getSubspaceDimensions(1));
* Verifies the result of {@code getSubspaceDimensions(…)} and {@code getLargestDimensions(…)}.
* In this test, the two methods should produce the same results.
* @param extent the grid extent to test.
* @param expected the expected result.
private static void assertSubspaceEquals(final GridExtent extent, final int... expected) {
assertArrayEquals(expected, extent.getSubspaceDimensions(expected.length));
assertArrayEquals(expected, extent.getLargestDimensions (expected.length));
* Tests {@link GridExtent#cornerToCRS(Envelope, long, int[])}.
public void testCornerToCRS() {
final GeneralEnvelope aoi = new GeneralEnvelope(HardCodedCRS.WGS84);
aoi.setRange(0, 40, 55);
aoi.setRange(1, -10, 70);
final GridExtent extent = new GridExtent(null,
new long[] {-20, -25},
new long[] { 10, 15}, false);
* No axis flip.
* Verification: y = 2 × −25 + 40 = −10 (the minimum value declared in envelope).
assertMatrixEquals(new Matrix3(0.5, 0, 50,
0, 2, 40,
0, 0, 1),
extent.cornerToCRS(aoi, 0, null), STRICT, "cornerToCRS");
* Y axis flip.
* Verification: y = −2 × −25 + 20 = 70 (the maximum value declared in envelope).
assertMatrixEquals(new Matrix3(0.5, 0, 50,
0, -2, 20,
0, 0, 1),
extent.cornerToCRS(aoi, 2, null), STRICT, "cornerToCRS");
* Swap axis order. The {1,0} indices apply to grid dimensions, not to CRS dimensions.
* Verification: x = 0.375 × −25 + 49.375 = 40 (the minimum value declared in envelope).
* y = 2.667 × −20 + 43.333 ≈ −10 (idem).
assertMatrixEquals(new Matrix3(0, 0.375, 49.375,
2.6666666666666667, 0, 43.333333333333333,
0, 0, 1),
extent.cornerToCRS(aoi, 0, new int[] {1,0}), 1E-15, "cornerToCRS");
* Tests {@link GridExtent#toEnvelope(MathTransform)} with an identity transform.
* @throws TransformException if an error occurred while transforming to an envelope.
public void testToEnvelope() throws TransformException {
final GridExtent extent = new GridExtent(new DimensionNameType[] {
}, new long[] {0, 0, 741}, new long[] {13, 9, 741}, true);
final GeneralEnvelope envelope = extent.toEnvelope(MathTransforms.identity(3));
assertEnvelopeEquals(new GeneralEnvelope(
new double[] { 0, 0, 741},
new double[] {14, 10, 742}), envelope);
* Tests {@link GridExtent#toEnvelope(MathTransform)} with a non-identity transform.
* @throws TransformException if an error occurred while transforming to an envelope.
public void testToTransformedEnvelope() throws TransformException {
final GridExtent extent = new GridExtent(new DimensionNameType[] {
}, new long[] {100, 5, 200, 40}, new long[] {500, 7, 800, 50}, false);
final GeneralEnvelope envelope = extent.toEnvelope(MathTransforms.linear(Matrices.create(5, 5, new double[] {
0, 0, 1, 0, 0,
-1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, -1, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 1})));
assertEnvelopeEquals(new GeneralEnvelope(
new double[] {200, -500, -50, 5},
new double[] {800, -100, -40, 7}), envelope);
* Tests {@link GridExtent#toString()}.
* Note that the string representation may change in any future SIS version.
* @throws IOException should never happen since we are writing to a {@link StringBuilder}.
public void testToString() throws IOException {
final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(100);
create3D().appendTo(buffer, Vocabulary.forLocale(Locale.ENGLISH));
"Column: [100 … 499] (400 cells)\n" +
"Row: [200 … 799] (600 cells)\n" +
"Time: [ 40 … 49] (10 cells)\n", buffer);
* Verifies that a translation of zero cell results in the same {@link GridExtent} instance.
@DisplayName("Empty translation returns same extent instance")
public void testZeroTranslation() {
final GridExtent extent = new GridExtent(10, 10);
assertSame(extent, extent.translate());
assertSame(extent, extent.translate(0));
assertSame(extent, extent.translate(0, 0));
* Verifies that {@link GridExtent#translate(long...)} accepts a vector with less dimensions
* than the extent number of dimensions. No translation shall be applied in missing dimensions.
@DisplayName("Translating only first dimensions leave others untouched")
public void testTranslateOneDimension() {
final GridExtent base = new GridExtent(null, new long[] {
0, 0, 0,
2, 2, 2
final GridExtent translatedByX = base.translate(1);
assertArrayEquals(new long[] {1, 0, 0}, translatedByX.getLow() .getCoordinateValues(), "Lower corner");
assertArrayEquals(new long[] {3, 2, 2}, translatedByX.getHigh().getCoordinateValues(), "Upper corner");
final GridExtent translatedByY = base.translate(0, -1);
assertArrayEquals(new long[] {0, -1, 0}, translatedByY.getLow() .getCoordinateValues(), "Lower corner");
assertArrayEquals(new long[] {2, 1, 2}, translatedByY.getHigh().getCoordinateValues(), "Upper corner");
final GridExtent translatedByXAndY = base.translate(-1, 4);
assertArrayEquals(new long[] {-1, 4, 0}, translatedByXAndY.getLow() .getCoordinateValues(), "Lower corner");
assertArrayEquals(new long[] { 1, 6, 2}, translatedByXAndY.getHigh().getCoordinateValues(), "Upper corner");
// Paranoiac check: ensure that base extent has been left untouched.
assertArrayEquals(new long[] {0, 0, 0}, base.getLow() .getCoordinateValues(), "Base lower corner");
assertArrayEquals(new long[] {2, 2, 2}, base.getHigh().getCoordinateValues(), "Base lower corner");
* Verifies that {@link GridExtent#translate(long...)} applies a translation on all dimensions
* when the given vector is long enough.
@DisplayName("Translating all dimensions")
public void testTranslateAllDimensions() {
final GridExtent base = new GridExtent(null, new long[] {
-1, -1, -2, 10,
2, 2, 2, 20
final GridExtent translated = base.translate(-2, 1, 1, 100);
assertArrayEquals(new long[] {-3, 0, -1, 110}, translated.getLow() .getCoordinateValues(), "Lower corner");
assertArrayEquals(new long[] { 0, 3, 3, 120}, translated.getHigh().getCoordinateValues(), "Upper corner");
// Paranoiac check: ensure that base extent has been left untouched.
assertArrayEquals(new long[] {-1, -1, -2, 10}, base.getLow() .getCoordinateValues(), "Base lower corner");
assertArrayEquals(new long[] { 2, 2, 2, 20}, base.getHigh().getCoordinateValues(), "Base lower corner");