blob: 9822b134b646f91f0347ed554e00ee1dc44d43ea [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.sis.image.processing.isoline;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.NavigableMap;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.awt.Shape;
import java.awt.geom.Path2D;
import java.awt.image.RenderedImage;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.MathTransform;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.TransformException;
import org.apache.sis.image.PixelIterator;
import org.apache.sis.util.ArgumentChecks;
import org.apache.sis.util.ArraysExt;
import org.apache.sis.util.Debug;
import static org.apache.sis.image.processing.isoline.Tracer.UPPER_LEFT;
import static org.apache.sis.image.processing.isoline.Tracer.UPPER_RIGHT;
import static org.apache.sis.image.processing.isoline.Tracer.LOWER_RIGHT;
// Specific to the main branch:
import org.apache.sis.image.SequenceType;
* Creates isolines at specified levels from grid values provided in a {@link RenderedImage}.
* Isolines are created by calls to the {@link #generate generate(…)} static method.
* @author Johann Sorel (Geomatys)
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
* @see <a href="">Marching squares on Wikipedia</a>
public final class Isolines {
* Isoline data for each level, sorted in ascending order of {@link Tracer.Level#value}.
private final Tracer.Level[] levels;
* A consumer to notify about the current state of isoline generation, or {@code null} if none.
* This is used for debugging purposes only. This field is temporarily set to a non-null value
* when using {@code StepsViewer} (in test package) for following an isoline generation step
* by step.
private static final BiConsumer<String,Isolines> LISTENER = null;
* Creates an initially empty set of isolines for the given levels. The given {@code values}
* array should be one of the arrays validated by {@link #cloneAndSort(double[][])}.
private Isolines(final Tracer tracer, final int band, final double[] values, final int width) {
levels = new Tracer.Level[values.length];
for (int i=0; i<values.length; i++) {
levels[i] = Level(band, values[i], width);
* Ensures that the given arrays are sorted and contains no NaN value.
private static double[][] cloneAndSort(double[][] levels) {
for (int j=0; j<levels.length; j++) {
double[] values = levels[j];
ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNullElement("levels", j, values);
values = values.clone();
int n = values.length;
while (n > 0 && Double.isNaN(values[n-1])) n--;
for (int i=n; --i>0;) {
if (values[i] == values[i-1]) {
// Remove duplicated elements. May replace -0 by +0.
System.arraycopy(values, i, values, i-1, n-- - i);
levels[j] = ArraysExt.resize(values, n);
return levels;
* Sets the specified bit on {@link Tracer.Level#isDataAbove} for all levels lower than given value.
* <h4>How strict equalities are handled</h4>
* Sample values exactly equal to the isoline value are handled as if they were greater. It does not matter
* for interpolations: we could flip this convention randomly, the interpolated points would still the same.
* However, it could change the way line segments are assembled in a single polyline, but the algorithm stay
* consistent if we always apply the same rule for all points.
* <h4>How NaN values are handled</h4>
* {@link Double#NaN} sample values are considered higher than any level values. The algorithm does not need
* special attention for those values; bit patterns will be computed in a consistent way, and interpolations
* will produce NaN values and append them to polylines like real values. Those NaN values will be filtered
* out in the final stage, when copying coordinates in {@link Path2D} objects.
* @param value a sample values from the image.
* @param bit {@value Tracer#UPPER_LEFT}, {@value Tracer#UPPER_RIGHT},
* {@value Tracer#LOWER_LEFT} or {@value Tracer#LOWER_RIGHT}.
* @see Tracer.Level#nextColumn()
private void setMaskBit(final double value, final int bit) {
for (final Tracer.Level level : levels) {
if (level.value > value) break; // See above javadoc for NaN handling.
level.isDataAbove |= bit;
* Generates isolines at the specified levels computed from data provided by the given image.
* Isolines will be created for every bands in the given image.
* This method performs all computation sequentially in current thread.
* @param data image providing source values.
* @param levels values for which to compute isolines. An array should be provided for each band.
* If there is more bands than {@code levels.length}, the last array is reused for
* all remaining bands.
* @param gridToCRS transform from pixel coordinates to geometry coordinates, or {@code null} if none.
* Integer source coordinates are located at pixel centers.
* @return the isolines for each band in the given image.
* @throws TransformException if an interpolated point cannot be transformed using the given transform.
public static Isolines[] generate(final RenderedImage data, final double[][] levels,
final MathTransform gridToCRS) throws TransformException
ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull("data", data);
ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull("levels", levels);
return flush(generate(iterators().create(data), cloneAndSort(levels), gridToCRS));
* Generates isolines in background using an arbitrary number of processors.
* This method returns immediately (i.e. the current thread is not used for isoline computation).
* The result will become available at a later time in the {@link Future} object.
* @param data image providing source values.
* @param levels values for which to compute isolines. An array should be provided for each band.
* If there is more bands than {@code levels.length}, the last array is reused for
* all remaining bands.
* @param gridToCRS transform from pixel coordinates to geometry coordinates, or {@code null} if none.
* Integer source coordinates are located at pixel centers.
* @return a {@code Future} representing pending completion of isoline computation.
public static Future<Isolines[]> parallelGenerate(final RenderedImage data, final double[][] levels,
final MathTransform gridToCRS)
ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull("data", data);
ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull("levels", levels);
return new Parallelized(data, cloneAndSort(levels), gridToCRS).execute();
* Merges results of two partial computations (tiles).
* This is invoked only in multi-threaded isoline computation.
* The {@code isolines} instances are modified in-place.
* The {@code neighbor} instances can be discarded after the merge.
* @param isolines the first set of isolines to merge.
* @param neighbor another set of isolines close to the first set.
* @see Parallelized
static void merge(final Isolines[] isolines, final Isolines[] neighbor) throws TransformException {
for (int i=0; i<isolines.length; i++) {
final Isolines target = isolines[i];
final Isolines source = neighbor[i];
for (int j=0; j<target.levels.length; j++) {
* Returns a provider of {@link PixelIterator} suitable to isoline computations.
* It is critical that iterators use {@link SequenceType#LINEAR} iterator order.
static PixelIterator.Builder iterators() {
return new PixelIterator.Builder().setIteratorOrder(SequenceType.LINEAR);
* Creates all polylines that were still pending. This method should be the very last step,
* when all other computations finished. Pending polylines are sequences of points not yet
* stored in geometry objects because they were waiting to see if additional points would
* close them as polygons. This {@code flush()} method is invoked when we know that it will
* not be the case because there are no more points to add.
* @param isolines the isolines for which to write pending polylines.
* @return the {@code isolines} array, returned for convenience.
* @throws TransformException if an error occurred during polylines creation.
static Isolines[] flush(final Isolines[] isolines) throws TransformException {
for (final Isolines isoline : isolines) {
for (final Tracer.Level level : isoline.levels) {
return isolines;
* Generates isolines for the specified levels in the region traversed by the given iterator.
* This is the implementation of {@link #generate(RenderedImage, double[][], MathTransform)}
* but potentially on a sub-region for parallel "fork-join" execution.
static Isolines[] generate(final PixelIterator iterator, final double[][] levels, final MathTransform gridToCRS)
throws TransformException
* Prepares a window of size 2×2 pixels over pixel values. Window elements are traversed
* by incrementing indices in following order: band, column, row. The window content will
* be written in this method and read by Tracer.
final int numBands = iterator.getNumBands();
final double[] window = new double[numBands * 4];
final Tracer tracer = new Tracer(window, numBands, iterator.getDomain(), gridToCRS);
* Prepare the set of isolines for each band in the image.
* The number of cells on the horizontal axis is one less
* than the image width.
final int width = iterator.getDomain().width - 1;
final Isolines[] isolines = new Isolines[numBands];
{ // For keeping variable locale.
double[] levelValues = ArraysExt.EMPTY_DOUBLE;
for (int b=0; b<numBands; b++) {
if (b < levels.length) {
levelValues = levels[b];
ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNullElement("levels", b, levelValues);
levelValues = levelValues.clone();
isolines[b] = new Isolines(tracer, b, levelValues, width);
* Cache sample values on the top row. Those values are reused by the row just below row
* of cached values. This array is updated during iteration with values of current cell.
final double[] pixelValues = new double[numBands];
final double[] valuesOnPreviousRow = new double[numBands * (width+1)];
for (int i=0; i < valuesOnPreviousRow.length; i += numBands) {
if (! return isolines;
System.arraycopy(iterator.getPixel(pixelValues), 0, valuesOnPreviousRow, i, numBands);
* Compute isolines for all bands. Iteration over bands must be the innermost loop because
* data layout in buffer is band index varying fastest, then column index, then row index.
final int twoPixels = numBands * 2;
final int lastPixel = numBands * 3;
abort: while ( {
* Process the first cell of a new row:
* - Get values on the 4 corners.
* - Save value of lower-left corner for use by next row.
* - Initialize `Tracer.Level.isDataAbove` bits for all levels.
* - Interpolate the first cell.
System.arraycopy(valuesOnPreviousRow, 0, window, 0, twoPixels);
System.arraycopy(iterator.getPixel(pixelValues), 0, window, twoPixels, numBands);
if (! break;
System.arraycopy(iterator.getPixel(pixelValues), 0, window, lastPixel, numBands);
System.arraycopy(window, twoPixels, valuesOnPreviousRow, 0, twoPixels);
for (int i=0, flag = UPPER_LEFT; flag <= LOWER_RIGHT; flag <<= 1) {
for (int b=0; b<numBands; b++) { // Must be the inner loop (see above comment).
isolines[b].setMaskBit(window[i++], flag);
for (final Isolines iso : isolines) {
for (final Tracer.Level level : iso.levels) {
* Process all pixels on a row after the first column. We can reuse the bitmask of previous
* iteration with a simple bit shift operation. This is done by the `nextColumn()` call.
* The series for `System.arraycopy(…)` calls are for moving 3 pixel values of previous
* iteration that we can reuse, then fetch the only new value from the iterator.
for (tracer.x = 1; tracer.x < width; tracer.x++) {
final int offsetOnPreviousRow = (tracer.x + 1) * numBands;
if (! break abort; // Should never abort
if (numBands == 1) { // Optimization for a common case
window[2] = window[3]; // Lower-right → Lower-left
window[0] = window[1]; // Upper-right → Upper-left
window[1] = valuesOnPreviousRow[offsetOnPreviousRow]; // Take upper-right from previous row
window[3] = valuesOnPreviousRow[offsetOnPreviousRow] = iterator.getSampleDouble(0);
} else {
System.arraycopy(window, numBands, window, 0, numBands); // Upper-right → Upper-left
System.arraycopy(window, lastPixel, window, twoPixels, numBands); // Lower-right → Lower-left
System.arraycopy(valuesOnPreviousRow, offsetOnPreviousRow, window, numBands, numBands);
System.arraycopy(iterator.getPixel(pixelValues), 0, window, lastPixel, numBands);
System.arraycopy(window, lastPixel, valuesOnPreviousRow, offsetOnPreviousRow, numBands);
for (int b=0; b<numBands; b++) {
final Isolines iso = isolines[b];
for (final Tracer.Level level : iso.levels) {
iso.setMaskBit(window[numBands + b], UPPER_RIGHT);
iso.setMaskBit(window[lastPixel + b], LOWER_RIGHT);
for (final Tracer.Level level : iso.levels) {
* Finished iteration on a row. Clear flags and update position before to move to next row.
* If there is listeners to notify (for debugging purposes), notify them.
for (int b=0; b<numBands; b++) {
for (final Tracer.Level level : isolines[b].levels) {
if (LISTENER != null) {
final int y = tracer.y;
final int h = iterator.getDomain().height;
LISTENER.accept(String.format("After row %d of %d (%3.1f%%)", y, h, 100f*y/h), isolines[b]);
tracer.x = 0;
* Finished iteration over the whole image.
for (int b=0; b<numBands; b++) {
for (final Tracer.Level level : isolines[b].levels) {
if (LISTENER != null) {
LISTENER.accept("Finished band " + b, isolines[b]);
return isolines;
* Returns the polylines for each level specified to the {@link #generate generate(…)} method.
* @return the polylines for each level.
public final NavigableMap<Double,Shape> polylines() {
final TreeMap<Double,Shape> paths = new TreeMap<>();
for (final Tracer.Level level : levels) {
final Shape path = level.shape;
if (path != null) {
paths.put(level.value, path);
return paths;
* Returns the isolines for each band, then for each values in the band.
* @param isolines result of {@code generate(…)} or {@code parallelGenerate(…)} method call.
* @return isoline shapes for each values in each band.
static NavigableMap<Double,Shape>[] toArray(final Isolines[] isolines) {
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"})
final NavigableMap<Double,Shape>[] result = new NavigableMap[isolines.length];
for (int i=0; i<result.length; i++) {
result[i] = isolines[i].polylines();
return result;
* Returns the isolines for each band, then for each values in the band.
* @param isolines result of {@code generate(…)} or {@code parallelGenerate(…)} method call.
* @return isoline shapes for each values in each band.
public static List<NavigableMap<Double,Shape>> toList(final Isolines[] isolines) {
return Arrays.asList(toArray(isolines));
* Returns deferred isolines for each band, then for each values in the band.
* The {@link Future} result is requested the first time that {@link List#get(int)} is invoked.
* @param isolines result of {@code generate(…)} or {@code parallelGenerate(…)} method call.
* @return isoline shapes for each values in each band.
public static List<NavigableMap<Double,Shape>> toList(final Future<Isolines[]> isolines) {
return new Result(isolines);
* Returns the pixel coordinates of all level, for debugging purposes only.
* The {@link #gridToCRS} transform is <em>not</em> applied by this method.
* For avoiding confusing behavior, that transform should be null.
* @return the pixel coordinates.
final Map<PolylineStage,Path2D> toRawPath() {
final Map<PolylineStage,Path2D> appendTo = new EnumMap<>(PolylineStage.class);
for (final Tracer.Level level : levels) {
return appendTo;