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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.sis.geometry.wrapper;
import java.awt.Shape;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.OptionalInt;
import javax.measure.Unit;
import javax.measure.Quantity;
import javax.measure.IncommensurableException;
import javax.measure.quantity.Length;
import org.opengis.geometry.Geometry;
import org.opengis.geometry.DirectPosition;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.CoordinateOperation;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.MathTransform;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.TransformException;
import org.opengis.util.FactoryException;
import org.apache.sis.geometry.GeneralEnvelope;
import org.apache.sis.filter.sqlmm.SQLMM;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.privy.ReferencingUtilities;
import org.apache.sis.util.UnconvertibleObjectException;
import org.apache.sis.util.Classes;
import org.apache.sis.util.Debug;
import org.apache.sis.util.collection.BackingStoreException;
import org.apache.sis.util.resources.Errors;
// Specific to the main branch:
import org.apache.sis.pending.geoapi.filter.SpatialOperatorName;
import org.apache.sis.pending.geoapi.filter.DistanceOperatorName;
* Wraps a JTS, ESRI or Java2D geometry behind a {@code Geometry} interface.
* This is a temporary class to be refactored later as a more complete geometry framework.
* The methods provided in this class are not committed API, and often not even clean API.
* They are only utilities added for very specific Apache SIS needs and will certainly
* change without warning in future Apache SIS version.
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
* @see Geometries#wrap(Object)
public abstract class GeometryWrapper extends AbstractGeometry implements Geometry {
* Creates a new geometry object.
protected GeometryWrapper() {
* Returns the implementation-dependent factory of geometric objects.
* This is typically a system-wide factory shared by all geometry instances.
* @return the factory of implementation-dependent geometric objects (never {@code null}).
protected abstract Geometries<?> factory();
* Returns the JTS, ESRI or Java2D geometry implementation wrapped by this {@code GeometryWrapper} instance.
* The return type should be {@code <G>}, except for points which may be of unrelated type in some libraries.
* For runtime check, the base class is either {@link Geometries#rootClass} or {@link Geometries#pointClass}.
* @return the geometry implementation wrapped by this instance (never {@code this} or {@code null}).
* @see Geometries#implementation(Object)
* @see Geometries#getGeometry(GeometryWrapper)
protected abstract Object implementation();
* Returns the Spatial Reference System Identifier (SRID) if available.
* The SRID is used in database such as PostGIS and is generally database-dependent.
* This is <em>not</em> necessarily an EPSG code, even if it is a common practice
* to use the same numerical values as EPSG. Note that the absence of SRID does
* not mean that {@link #getCoordinateReferenceSystem()} would return no CRS.
* <p>Users should invoke the {@link #getCoordinateReferenceSystem()} method instead.
* This {@code getSRID()} method is provided for classes such as {@code DataStore} backed by an SQL database.
* Those classes have a connection to a {@code spatial_ref_sys} table providing the mapping from SRID codes
* to authority codes such as EPSG. Those {@code DataStore}s will typically get the SRID soon after geometry
* creation, resolve its CRS and invoke {@link #setCoordinateReferenceSystem(CoordinateReferenceSystem)}.</p>
* @return the Spatial Reference System Identifier of the geometry.
public OptionalInt getSRID() {
return OptionalInt.empty();
* Gets the Coordinate Reference System (CRS) of this geometry. In some libraries (for example JTS) the CRS
* is stored in the {@link Geometries#rootClass} instances of that library. In other libraries (e.g. Java2D)
* the CRS is stored only in this {@code GeometryWrapper} instance.
* @return the geometry CRS, or {@code null} if unknown.
* @throws BackingStoreException if the CRS is defined by a SRID code and that code cannot be used.
public abstract CoordinateReferenceSystem getCoordinateReferenceSystem();
* Sets the coordinate reference system.
* This method should be invoked only for newly created geometries. If the geometry library supports
* user objects (e.g. JTS), there is no guarantee that this method will not overwrite user setting.
* @param crs the coordinate reference system to set.
* @see #transform(CoordinateReferenceSystem)
public abstract void setCoordinateReferenceSystem(CoordinateReferenceSystem crs);
* Returns the geometry bounding box, together with its coordinate reference system.
* For an empty geometry or a single point, the returned envelope will be empty.
* @return the geometry envelope. Should never be {@code null}.
public abstract GeneralEnvelope getEnvelope();
* Returns the mathematical centroid (if possible) or center (as a fallback) as a direct position.
* @return the centroid of the wrapped geometry.
* @todo Consider a {@code getCentroid2D()} method avoiding the cost of fetching the CRS.
public abstract DirectPosition getCentroid();
* If the geometry implementation is a point, returns its coordinates. Otherwise returns {@code null}.
* If non-null, the returned array may have a length of 2 or 3. If the CRS is geographic, then the (x,y)
* values should be in (longitude, latitude) order for compliance with usage in ESRI and JTS libraries.
* @return the coordinate of the point as an array of length 2 or 3,
* or {@code null} if the geometry is not a point.
* @see #getCoordinateReferenceSystem()
* @see Geometries#createPoint(double, double)
public abstract double[] getPointCoordinates();
* Returns all geometry coordinate tuples. This method is currently used for testing purpose only because
* it does not separate the sequence of coordinates for different polygons in a multi-polygon.
* @return the sequence of all coordinate values in the wrapped geometry,
* or {@code null} if they cannot be obtained.
* @todo Replace by a {@code toJava2D()} method returning a {@link java.awt.Shape},
* so we can use the path iterator instead of this array.
public abstract double[] getAllCoordinates();
* Appends a sequence of points or polylines after this geometry.
* Each previous polyline will be a separated path in the new polyline instance.
* <p>The given iterator shall return instances of the underlying library assignable to
* {@link Geometries#rootClass} or {@link Geometries#pointClass}, <em>not</em> instances
* of {@link GeometryWrapper}. It is caller responsibility to unwrap if needed.</p>
* @param paths the points or polylines to merge in a single polyline instance.
* @return the merged polyline (may be the underlying geometry of {@code this} but never {@code null}).
* @throws ClassCastException if collection elements are not instances of the point or geometry class.
public abstract Object mergePolylines(final Iterator<?> paths);
* Applies a filter predicate between this geometry and another geometry.
* This method transforms the two geometries to the same CRS if needed.
* @param type the predicate operation to apply.
* @param other the other geometry to test with this geometry.
* @param distance the buffer distance around the geometry of the second expression.
* @param context the preferred CRS and other context to use if geometry transformations are needed.
* @return result of applying the specified predicate.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the operation cannot be performed with current implementation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if an error occurred while executing the operation on given geometries.
public final boolean predicate(final DistanceOperatorName type, final GeometryWrapper other,
final Quantity<Length> distance, final SpatialOperationContext context)
final GeometryWrapper[] geometries = new GeometryWrapper[] {this, other};
try {
if (context.transform(geometries)) {
double dv = distance.getValue().doubleValue();
final Unit<?> unit = ReferencingUtilities.getUnit(context.commonCRS);
if (unit != null) {
dv = distance.getUnit().getConverterToAny(unit).convert(dv);
return geometries[0].predicateSameCRS(type, geometries[1], dv);
} catch (FactoryException | TransformException | IncommensurableException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
* No common CRS. Consider that we have no intersection, no overlap, etc.
* since the two geometries are existing in different coordinate spaces.
return SpatialOperationContext.emptyResult(type);
* Applies a filter predicate between this geometry and another geometry.
* This method transforms the two geometries to the same CRS if needed.
* <p><b>Note:</b> {@link SpatialOperatorName#BBOX} is implemented by {@code NOT DISJOINT}.
* It is caller's responsibility to ensure that one of the geometries is rectangular.</p>
* @param type the predicate operation to apply.
* @param other the other geometry to test with this geometry.
* @param context the preferred CRS and other context to use if geometry transformations are needed.
* @return result of applying the specified predicate.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the operation cannot be performed with current implementation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if an error occurred while executing the operation on given geometries.
public final boolean predicate(final SpatialOperatorName type, final GeometryWrapper other,
final SpatialOperationContext context)
final GeometryWrapper[] geometries = new GeometryWrapper[] {this, other};
try {
if (context.transform(geometries)) {
return geometries[0].predicateSameCRS(type, geometries[1]);
} catch (FactoryException | TransformException | IncommensurableException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
* No common CRS. Consider that we have no intersection, no overlap, etc.
* since the two geometries are existing in different coordinate spaces.
return SpatialOperationContext.emptyResult(type);
* Applies a SQLMM operation on this geometry.
* This method shall be invoked only for operations without non-geometric parameters.
* @param operation the SQLMM operation to apply.
* @return result of the specified operation.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the operation cannot be performed with current implementation.
* @throws ClassCastException if the operation can only be executed on some specific geometry subclasses
* (for example polylines) and the wrapped geometry is not of that class.
public final Object operation(final SQLMM operation) {
assert operation.geometryCount() == 1 && operation.maxParamCount == 1 : operation;
final Object result = operationSameCRS(operation, null, null);
assert isInstance(operation, result) : result;
return result;
* Applies a SQLMM operation on two geometries.
* This method shall be invoked only for operations without non-geometric parameters.
* The second geometry is transformed to the same CRS as this geometry for conformance with SQLMM standard.
* @param operation the SQLMM operation to apply.
* @param other the other geometry. It is caller's responsibility to check that this value is non-null.
* @return result of the specified operation.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the operation cannot be performed with current implementation.
* @throws ClassCastException if the operation can only be executed on some specific geometry subclasses
* (for example polylines) and the wrapped geometry is not of that class.
* @throws TransformException if it was necessary to transform the other geometry and that transformation failed.
public final Object operation(final SQLMM operation, final GeometryWrapper other)
throws TransformException
assert operation.geometryCount() == 2 && operation.maxParamCount == 2 : operation;
final Object result = operationSameCRS(operation, toSameCRS(other), null);
assert isInstance(operation, result) : result;
return result;
* Applies a SQLMM operation on this geometry with one operation-specific argument.
* The argument shall be non-null, unless the argument is optional.
* @param operation the SQLMM operation to apply.
* @param argument an operation-specific argument.
* @return result of the specified operation.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the operation cannot be performed with current implementation.
* @throws ClassCastException if the operation can only be executed on some specific geometry subclasses
* (for example polylines) and the wrapped geometry is not of that class.
public final Object operationWithArgument(final SQLMM operation, final Object argument) {
assert operation.geometryCount() == 1 && operation.maxParamCount == 2 : operation;
if (argument == null && operation.minParamCount > 1) {
// TODO: fetch argument name.
throw new NullPointerException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.NullArgument_1, "arg1"));
final Object result = operationSameCRS(operation, null, argument);
assert isInstance(operation, result) : result;
return result;
* Applies a SQLMM operation on two geometries with one operation-specific argument.
* The argument shall be non-null, unless the argument is optional.
* The second geometry is transformed to the same CRS as this geometry for conformance with SQLMM standard.
* @param operation the SQLMM operation to apply.
* @param other the other geometry. It is caller's responsibility to check that this value is non-null.
* @param argument an operation-specific argument.
* @return result of the specified operation.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the operation cannot be performed with current implementation.
* @throws ClassCastException if the operation can only be executed on some specific geometry subclasses
* (for example polylines) and the wrapped geometry is not of that class.
* @throws TransformException if it was necessary to transform the other geometry and that transformation failed.
public final Object operationWithArgument(final SQLMM operation, final GeometryWrapper other, final Object argument)
throws TransformException
assert operation.geometryCount() == 2 && operation.maxParamCount == 3 : operation;
if (argument == null && operation.minParamCount > 2) {
// TODO: fetch argument name.
throw new NullPointerException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.NullArgument_1, "arg2"));
final Object result = operationSameCRS(operation, toSameCRS(other), argument);
assert isInstance(operation, result) : result;
return result;
* Transforms the {@code other} geometry to the same CRS as this geometry.
* This method should be cheap for the common case where the other geometry
* already uses the CRS, in which case it is returned unchanged.
* <p>If this geometry does not define a CRS, then current implementation
* returns the other geometry unchanged.</p>
* @param other the other geometry.
* @return the other geometry in the same CRS as this geometry.
* @throws TransformException if the other geometry cannot be transformed.
* If may be because the other geometry does not define its CRS.
private GeometryWrapper toSameCRS(final GeometryWrapper other) throws TransformException {
if (isSameCRS(other)) {
return other;
final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = getCoordinateReferenceSystem();
return (crs != null) ? other.transform(crs) : this;
* Returns {@code true} if a result is of the expected type.
* This is used for assertion purposes only.
private boolean isInstance(final SQLMM operation, final Object result) {
return (result == null) || operation.getReturnType(factory()).isInstance(result);
* Applies a filter predicate between this geometry and another geometry.
* This method assumes that the two geometries are in the same CRS (this is not verified).
* <p><b>Note:</b> {@link SpatialOperatorName#BBOX} is implemented by {@code NOT DISJOINT}.
* It is caller's responsibility to ensure that one of the geometries is rectangular.</p>
* @param type the predicate operation to apply.
* @param other the other geometry to test with this geometry.
* @return result of applying the specified predicate.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the operation cannot be performed with current implementation.
protected boolean predicateSameCRS(SpatialOperatorName type, GeometryWrapper other) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(Geometries.unsupported(;
* Applies a filter predicate between this geometry and another geometry within a given distance.
* This method assumes that the two geometries are in the same CRS and that the unit of measurement
* is the same for {@code distance} than for axes (this is not verified).
* @param type the predicate operation to apply.
* @param other the other geometry to test with this geometry.
* @param distance distance to test between the geometries.
* @return result of applying the specified predicate.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the operation cannot be performed with current implementation.
protected boolean predicateSameCRS(DistanceOperatorName type, GeometryWrapper other, double distance) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(Geometries.unsupported(;
* Applies a SQLMM operation on this geometry.
* @param operation the SQLMM operation to apply.
* @param other the other geometry, or {@code null} if the operation requires only one geometry.
* @param argument an operation-specific argument, or {@code null} if not applicable.
* @return result of the specified operation.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the operation cannot be performed with current implementation.
* @throws ClassCastException if the operation can only be executed on some specific geometry subclasses
* (for example polylines) and the wrapped geometry is not of that class.
protected Object operationSameCRS(SQLMM operation, GeometryWrapper other, Object argument) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(Geometries.unsupported(;
* Converts the wrapped geometry to the specified type.
* If the geometry is already of that type, it is returned unchanged.
* Otherwise coordinates are copied in a new geometry of the requested type.
* <p>The following conversions are illegal and will cause an {@link IllegalArgumentException} to be thrown:</p>
* <ul>
* <li>From point to polyline or polygon.</li>
* <li>From geometry collection (except multi-point) to polyline.</li>
* <li>From geometry collection (except multi-point and multi-line string) to polygon.</li>
* <li>From geometry collection containing nested collections.</li>
* </ul>
* The conversion from {@code MultiLineString} to {@code Polygon} is defined as following:
* the first {@code LineString} is taken as the exterior {@code LinearRing} and all others
* {@code LineString}s are interior {@code LinearRing}s.
* This rule is defined by some SQLMM operations.
* @param target the desired type.
* @return the converted geometry.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the geometry cannot be converted to the specified type.
public GeometryWrapper toGeometryType(final GeometryType target) {
final Class<?> type = factory().getGeometryClass(target);
final Object geometry = implementation();
if (type.isInstance(geometry)) {
return this;
throw new UnconvertibleObjectException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.CanNotConvertFromType_2, geometry.getClass(), type));
* Transforms this geometry using the given coordinate operation.
* If the operation is {@code null}, then the geometry is returned unchanged.
* If the geometry uses a different CRS than the source CRS of the given operation
* and {@code validate} is {@code true},
* then a new operation to the target CRS will be automatically computed.
* <p>This method is preferred to {@link #transform(CoordinateReferenceSystem)}
* when possible because not all geometry libraries store the CRS of their objects.</p>
* @param operation the coordinate operation to apply, or {@code null}.
* @param validate whether to validate the operation source CRS.
* @return the transformed geometry (may be the same geometry instance, but never {@code null}).
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this operation is not supported for current implementation.
* @throws FactoryException if transformation to the target CRS cannot be found.
* @throws TransformException if the geometry cannot be transformed.
public GeometryWrapper transform(CoordinateOperation operation, boolean validate)
throws FactoryException, TransformException
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(Geometries.unsupported("transform"));
* Transforms this geometry using the given transform.
* If the transform is {@code null}, then the geometry is returned unchanged.
* Otherwise, a new geometry is returned without CRS.
* @param transform the math transform to apply, or {@code null}.
* @return the transformed geometry (may be the same geometry instance, but never {@code null}).
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this operation is not supported for current implementation.
* @throws TransformException if the geometry cannot be transformed.
public GeometryWrapper transform(MathTransform transform) throws TransformException {
if (transform == null || transform.isIdentity()) {
return this;
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(Geometries.unsupported("transform"));
* Transforms this geometry to the specified Coordinate Reference System (CRS).
* If the given CRS is null, then the geometry is returned unchanged.
* If this geometry has no Coordinate Reference System, a {@link TransformException} is thrown.
* <p>Consider using {@link #transform(CoordinateOperation, boolean)} instead of this method as much as possible,
* both for performance reasons and because not all geometry libraries provide information about the CRS
* of their geometries.</p>
* @param targetCRS the target coordinate reference system, or {@code null}.
* @return the transformed geometry (may be the same geometry but never {@code null}).
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this operation is not supported for current implementation.
* @throws TransformException if the given geometry has no CRS or cannot be transformed.
* @see #getCoordinateReferenceSystem()
public GeometryWrapper transform(final CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS) throws TransformException {
if (targetCRS == null) {
return this;
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(Geometries.unsupported("transform"));
* Returns {@code true} if the given geometry use the same CRS as this geometry, or conservatively
* returns {@code false} in case of doubt. This method should perform only a cheap test; it is used
* as a way to filter rapidly if {@link #transform(CoordinateReferenceSystem)} needs to be invoked.
* If this method wrongly returned {@code false}, the {@code transform(…)} method will return the
* geometry unchanged anyway.
* <p>If both CRS are undefined (null), then they are considered the same.</p>
* @param other the second geometry.
* @return {@code true} if the two geometries use equivalent CRS or if the CRS is undefined on both side,
* or {@code false} in case of doubt.
public abstract boolean isSameCRS(GeometryWrapper other);
* Formats the wrapped geometry in Well Known Text (WKT).
* If the geometry contains curves, then the {@code flatness} parameter specifies the maximum distance that
* the line segments used in the Well Known Text are allowed to deviate from any point on the original curve.
* This parameter is ignored if the geometry does not contain curves.
* @param flatness maximal distance between the approximated WKT and any point on the curve.
* @return the Well Known Text for the wrapped geometry (never {@code null}).
* @see Geometries#parseWKT(String)
public abstract String formatWKT(double flatness);
* Returns a Java2D shape made from this geometry.
* The returned shape may be a view backed by the {@linkplain #implementation() geometry implementation},
* or may be an internal object returned directly. Caller should not attempt to modify the returned shape.
* Changes in the geometry implementation may or may not be reflected in the returned Java2D shape.
* @return a view, copy or direct reference to the geometry as a Java2D shape.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this operation is not supported for current implementation.
public Shape toJava2D() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(Geometries.unsupported("toJava2D"));
* Returns {@code true} if the given object is a wrapper of the same class
* and the wrapped geometry implementations are equal.
* @param obj the object to compare with this wrapper.
* @return whether the two objects are wrapping geometry implementations that are themselves equal.
public final boolean equals(final Object obj) {
return (obj != null) && obj.getClass() == getClass() &&
Objects.equals(((GeometryWrapper) obj).implementation(), implementation());
* Returns a hash code value based on the wrapped geometry.
public final int hashCode() {
return ~Objects.hashCode(implementation());
* Returns the string representation of the wrapped geometry
* (typically the class name and the bounds).
public final String toString() {
* Get a short string representation of the class name, ignoring the primitive type specialization.
* For example if the geometry class is `Rectangle2D.Float`, then get the "Rectangle2D" class name.
final Class<?> c = implementation().getClass();
final Class<?> e = c.getEnclosingClass();
String s = Classes.getShortName(e != null ? e : c);
final GeneralEnvelope envelope = getEnvelope();
if (envelope != null) {
final String bbox = envelope.toString();
s += bbox.substring(bbox.indexOf('('));
return s;