blob: 95398995a41f5631e1fd80de94ece69ea6141428 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.sis.util.logging;
import java.util.ServiceLoader;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.logging.LogRecord;
import org.apache.sis.util.ArgumentChecks;
import org.apache.sis.util.Configuration;
import org.apache.sis.util.Static;
import org.apache.sis.util.Exceptions;
import org.apache.sis.util.Classes;
import org.apache.sis.internal.jdk9.JDK9;
import org.apache.sis.internal.system.Modules;
* A set of utilities method for configuring loggings in SIS. Library implementers should fetch
* their loggers using the {@link #getLogger(String)} static method defined in this {@code Logging}
* class rather than the one defined in the standard {@link Logger} class, in order to give SIS a
* chance to redirect the logs to an other framework like
* <a href="">Commons-logging</a> or
* <a href="">Log4J</a>.
* <p>This class provides also some convenience static methods, including:</p>
* <ul>
* <li>{@link #log(Class, String, LogRecord)} for {@linkplain LogRecord#setLoggerName(String) setting
* the logger name}, {@linkplain LogRecord#setSourceClassName(String) source class name} and
* {@linkplain LogRecord#setSourceMethodName(String) source method name} of the given record
* before to log it.</li>
* <li>{@link #unexpectedException(Logger, Class, String, Throwable)} for reporting an anomalous but
* nevertheless non-fatal exception.</li>
* </ul>
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
* @version 1.1
* @since 0.3
* @module
public final class Logging extends Static {
* The threshold at which {@link #unexpectedException(Logger, String, String, Throwable, Level)} shall
* set the throwable in the {@link LogRecord}. For any record to be logged at a lower {@link Level},
* the {@link LogRecord#setThrown(Throwable)} method will not be invoked.
* <p>The default value is 600, which is the {@link PerformanceLevel#PERFORMANCE} value.
* This value is between {@link Level#FINE} (500) and {@link Level#CONFIG} (700).
* Consequently we will ignore the stack traces of recoverable failures, but will report
* stack traces that may impact performance, configuration, or correctness.</p>
private static final int LEVEL_THRESHOLD_FOR_STACKTRACE = 600;
* The factory for obtaining {@link Logger} instances, or {@code null} if none.
* If {@code null} (the default), then the standard JDK logging framework will be used.
* {@code Logging} scans the classpath for logger factories on class initialization.
* The fully qualified factory classname shall be declared in the following file:
* {@preformat text
* META-INF/services/org.apache.sis.util.logging.LoggerFactory
* }
* The factory found on the classpath is assigned to the {@link #factory} field. If more than one factory
* is found, then the log messages will be sent to the logging frameworks managed by all those factories.
* <div class="note"><b>API note:</b>
* A previous version was providing a {@code scanForPlugins()} method allowing developers to refresh the
* object state when new {@link LoggerFactory} instances become available on the classpath of a running JVM.
* However it usually doesn't work since loggers are typically stored in static final fields.</div>
* @see #setLoggerFactory(LoggerFactory)
private static volatile LoggerFactory<?> factory;
static {
* Use ServiceLoader.load(…), not DefaultFactories.createServiceLoader(…), for avoiding a never-ending
* loop if a warning occurs in DefaultFactories. This risk exists because DefaultFactories may use the
* logging services. Anyway, Apache SIS does not define any custom logger factory, so DefaultFactories
* is not needed in this case.
LoggerFactory<?> factory = null;
for (final LoggerFactory<?> found : ServiceLoader.load(LoggerFactory.class)) {
if (factory == null) {
factory = found;
} else {
factory = new DualLoggerFactory(factory, found);
Logging.factory = factory;
* Do not allow instantiation of this class.
private Logging() {
* Sets a new factory to use for obtaining {@link Logger} instances.
* If the given {@code factory} argument is {@code null} (the default),
* then the standard Logging framework will be used.
* <h4>Limitation</h4>
* SIS classes typically declare a logger constant like below:
* {@preformat java
* public static final Logger LOGGER = Logging.getLogger("");
* }
* Factory changes will take effect only if this method is invoked before the initialization
* of such classes.
* @param factory the new logger factory, or {@code null} if none.
public static void setLoggerFactory(final LoggerFactory<?> factory) {
Logging.factory = factory;
* Returns the factory used for obtaining {@link Logger} instances, or {@code null} if none.
* @return the current logger factory, or {@code null} if none.
public static LoggerFactory<?> getLoggerFactory() {
return factory;
* Returns a logger for the specified name. If a {@linkplain LoggerFactory logger factory} has been set,
* then this method first {@linkplain LoggerFactory#getLogger(String) asks to the factory}.
* This rule gives SIS a chance to redirect logging events to
* <a href="">commons-logging</a> or some equivalent framework.
* Only if no factory was found or if the factory choose to not redirect the loggings, then this
* method delegate to <code>{@linkplain Logger#getLogger(String) Logger.getLogger}(name)</code>.
* @param name the logger name.
* @return a logger for the specified name.
public static Logger getLogger(final String name) {
ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull("name", name);
final LoggerFactory<?> factory = Logging.factory;
if (factory != null) {
final Logger logger = factory.getLogger(name);
if (logger != null) {
return logger;
return Logger.getLogger(name);
* Returns a logger for the package of the specified class. This convenience method invokes
* {@link #getLogger(String)} with the package name of the given class taken as the logger name.
* @param source the class which will emit a logging message.
* @return a logger for the specified class.
* @since 1.0
public static Logger getLogger(final Class<?> source) {
ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull("source", source);
String name = JDK9.getPackageName(source);
if (name.startsWith(Modules.INTERNAL_CLASSNAME_PREFIX)) {
// Remove the "internal" part from Apache SIS package names.
name = Modules.CLASSNAME_PREFIX + name.substring(Modules.INTERNAL_CLASSNAME_PREFIX.length());
return getLogger(name);
* Logs the given record to the logger associated to the given class.
* This convenience method performs the following steps:
* <ul>
* <li>Unconditionally {@linkplain LogRecord#setSourceClassName(String) set the source class name}
* to the {@linkplain Class#getCanonicalName() canonical name} of the given class;</li>
* <li>Unconditionally {@linkplain LogRecord#setSourceMethodName(String) set the source method name}
* to the given value;</li>
* <li>Get the logger for the {@linkplain LogRecord#getLoggerName() logger name} if specified,
* or for the {@code classe} package name otherwise;</li>
* <li>{@linkplain LogRecord#setLoggerName(String) Set the logger name} of the given record,
* if not already set;</li>
* <li>{@linkplain Logger#log(LogRecord) Log} the modified record.</li>
* </ul>
* @param classe the class for which to obtain a logger.
* @param method the name of the method which is logging a record.
* @param record the record to log.
public static void log(final Class<?> classe, String method, final LogRecord record) {
ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull("record", record);
final String loggerName = record.getLoggerName();
Logger logger;
if (loggerName == null) {
logger = getLogger(classe);
} else {
logger = getLogger(loggerName);
if (classe != null && method != null) {
} else {
* If the given class or method is null, infer them from stack trace. We do not document this feature
* in public API because the rules applied here are heuristic and may change in any future SIS version.
logger = inferCaller(logger, (classe != null) ? classe.getCanonicalName() : null,
method, Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace(), record);
* Sets the {@code LogRecord} source class and method names according values inferred from the given stack trace.
* This method inspects the given stack trace, skips what looks like internal API based on heuristic rules, then
* if some arguments are non-null tries to match them.
* @param logger where the log record will be sent after this method call, or {@code null} if unknown.
* @param classe the name of the class to report in the log record, or {@code null} if unknown.
* @param method the name of the method to report in the log record, or {@code null} if unknown.
* @param trace the stack trace to use for inferring the class and method names.
* @param record the record where to set the class and method names.
* @return the record to use for logging the record.
private static Logger inferCaller(Logger logger, String classe, String method,
final StackTraceElement[] trace, final LogRecord record)
for (final StackTraceElement element : trace) {
* Search for the first stack trace element with a classname matching the expected one.
* We compare against the name of the class given in argument if it was non-null.
* Note: a previous version also compared logger name with package name.
* This has been removed because those names are only loosely related.
final String classname = element.getClassName();
if (classe != null) {
if (!classname.equals(classe)) {
} else if (!isPublic(element)) {
* Now that we have a stack trace element from the expected class (or any
* element if we don't know the class), make sure that we have the right method.
final String methodName = element.getMethodName();
if (method != null && !methodName.equals(method)) {
* Now computes every values that are null, and stop the loop.
if (logger == null) {
final int separator = classname.lastIndexOf('.');
logger = getLogger((separator >= 1) ? classname.substring(0, separator-1) : "");
if (classe == null) {
classe = classname;
if (method == null) {
method = methodName;
* The logger may stay null if we have been unable to find a suitable stack trace.
* Fallback on the global logger.
if (logger == null) {
logger = getLogger(Logger.GLOBAL_LOGGER_NAME);
if (classe != null) {
if (method != null) {
return logger;
* Returns {@code true} if the given stack trace element describes a method considered part of public API.
* This method is invoked in order to infer the class and method names to declare in a {@link LogRecord}.
* We do not document this feature in public Javadoc because it is based on heuristic rules that may change.
* <p>The current implementation compares the class name against a hard-coded list of classes to hide.
* This implementation may change in any future SIS version.</p>
* @param e a stack trace element.
* @return {@code true} if the class and method specified by the given element can be considered public API.
private static boolean isPublic(final StackTraceElement e) {
final String classname = e.getClassName();
if (classname.startsWith("java") || classname.startsWith(Modules.INTERNAL_CLASSNAME_PREFIX) ||
classname.indexOf('$') >= 0 || e.getMethodName().indexOf('$') >= 0)
return false;
if (classname.startsWith(Modules.CLASSNAME_PREFIX + "util.logging.")) {
return classname.endsWith("Test"); // Consider JUnit tests as public.
return true; // TODO: with StackWalker on JDK9, check if the class is public.
* Invoked when an unexpected error occurred. This method logs a message at {@link Level#WARNING}
* to the specified logger. The originating class name and method name can optionally be specified.
* If any of them is {@code null}, then it will be inferred from the error stack trace as described below.
* <div class="note"><b>Recommended usage:</b>
* explicit value for class and method names are preferred to automatic inference for the following reasons:
* <ul>
* <li>Automatic inference is not 100% reliable, since the Java Virtual Machine
* is free to omit stack frame in optimized code.</li>
* <li>When an exception occurred in a private method used internally by a public
* method, we sometime want to log the warning for the public method instead,
* since the user is not expected to know anything about the existence of the
* private method. If a developer really want to know about the private method,
* the stack trace is still available anyway.</li>
* </ul></div>
* If the {@code classe} or {@code method} arguments are null, then the originating class name and method name
* are inferred from the given {@code error} using the first {@linkplain StackTraceElement stack trace element}
* for which the class name is inside a package or sub-package of the same name than the logger name.
* <div class="note"><b>Example:</b>
* if the logger name is {@code "org.apache.sis.image"}, then this method will uses the first stack
* trace element where the fully qualified class name starts with {@code "org.apache.sis.image"} or
* {@code ""}, but not {@code "org.apache.sis.imageio"}.</div>
* @param logger where to log the error, or {@code null} for inferring a default value from other arguments.
* @param classe the class where the error occurred, or {@code null} for inferring a default value from other arguments.
* @param method the method where the error occurred, or {@code null} for inferring a default value from other arguments.
* @param error the error, or {@code null} if none.
* @return {@code true} if the error has been logged, or {@code false} if the given {@code error}
* was null or if the logger does not log anything at {@link Level#WARNING}.
* @see #recoverableException(Logger, Class, String, Throwable)
* @see #severeException(Logger, Class, String, Throwable)
public static boolean unexpectedException(final Logger logger, final Class<?> classe,
final String method, final Throwable error)
final String classname = (classe != null) ? classe.getName() : null;
return unexpectedException(logger, classname, method, error, Level.WARNING);
* Implementation of {@link #unexpectedException(Logger, Class, String, Throwable)}.
* @param logger where to log the error, or {@code null} for inferring a default value from other arguments.
* @param classe the fully qualified class name where the error occurred, or {@code null} for inferring a default value from other arguments.
* @param method the method where the error occurred, or {@code null} for inferring a default value from other arguments.
* @param error the error, or {@code null} if none.
* @param level the logging level.
* @return {@code true} if the error has been logged, or {@code false} if the given {@code error}
* was null or if the logger does not log anything at the specified level.
private static boolean unexpectedException(Logger logger, String classe, String method,
final Throwable error, final Level level)
* Checks if loggable, inferring the logger from the classe name if needed.
if (error == null) {
return false;
if (logger == null && classe != null) {
final int separator = classe.lastIndexOf('.');
final String paquet = (separator >= 1) ? classe.substring(0, separator-1) : "";
logger = getLogger(paquet);
if (logger != null && !logger.isLoggable(level)) {
return false;
* The message is fetched using Exception.getMessage() instead than getLocalizedMessage()
* because in a client-server architecture, we want the locale on the server-side instead
* than the locale on the client side. See LocalizedException policy.
final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(256).append(Classes.getShortClassName(error));
String message = error.getMessage(); // Targeted to system administrators (see above).
if (message != null) {
buffer.append(": ").append(message);
message = buffer.toString();
message = Exceptions.formatChainedMessages(null, message, error);
final LogRecord record = new LogRecord(level, message);
if (level.intValue() >= LEVEL_THRESHOLD_FOR_STACKTRACE) {
if (logger == null || classe == null || method == null) {
logger = inferCaller(logger, classe, method, error.getStackTrace(), record);
} else {
return true;
* Invoked when an unexpected error occurred while configuring the system. The error shall not
* prevent the application from working, but may change the behavior in some minor aspects.
* <div class="note"><b>Example:</b>
* If the {@code org.apache.sis.util.logging.MonolineFormatter.time} pattern declared in the
* {@code jre/lib/} file is illegal, then {@link MonolineFormatter} will log
* this problem and use a default time pattern.</div>
* @param logger where to log the error, or {@code null} for inferring a default value from other arguments.
* @param classe the class where the error occurred, or {@code null} for inferring a default value from other arguments.
* @param method the method name where the error occurred, or {@code null} for inferring a default value from other arguments.
* @param error the error, or {@code null} if none.
* @return {@code true} if the error has been logged, or {@code false} if the given {@code error}
* was null or if the logger does not log anything at {@link Level#CONFIG}.
* @see #unexpectedException(Logger, Class, String, Throwable)
static boolean configurationException(final Logger logger, final Class<?> classe, final String method, final Throwable error) {
final String classname = (classe != null) ? classe.getName() : null;
return unexpectedException(logger, classname, method, error, Level.CONFIG);
* Invoked when a recoverable error occurred. This method is similar to
* {@link #unexpectedException(Logger,Class,String,Throwable) unexpectedException(…)}
* except that it does not log the stack trace and uses a lower logging level.
* @param logger where to log the error, or {@code null} for inferring a default value from other arguments.
* @param classe the class where the error occurred, or {@code null} for inferring a default value from other arguments.
* @param method the method name where the error occurred, or {@code null} for inferring a default value from other arguments.
* @param error the error, or {@code null} if none.
* @return {@code true} if the error has been logged, or {@code false} if the given {@code error}
* was null or if the logger does not log anything at {@link Level#FINE}.
* @see #unexpectedException(Logger, Class, String, Throwable)
* @see #severeException(Logger, Class, String, Throwable)
public static boolean recoverableException(final Logger logger, final Class<?> classe,
final String method, final Throwable error)
final String classname = (classe != null) ? classe.getName() : null;
return unexpectedException(logger, classname, method, error, Level.FINE);
* Invoked when an ignorable error occurred. This method is similar to
* {@link #recoverableException(Logger,Class,String,Throwable) unexpectedException(…)}
* except that it uses a lower logging level.
* @param logger where to log the error, or {@code null} for inferring a default value from other arguments.
* @param classe the class where the error occurred, or {@code null} for inferring a default value from other arguments.
* @param method the method name where the error occurred, or {@code null} for inferring a default value from other arguments.
* @param error the error, or {@code null} if none.
* @return {@code true} if the error has been logged, or {@code false} if the given {@code error}
* was null or if the logger does not log anything at {@link Level#FINER}.
* @since 1.0
public static boolean ignorableException(final Logger logger, final Class<?> classe,
final String method, final Throwable error)
final String classname = (classe != null) ? classe.getName() : null;
return unexpectedException(logger, classname, method, error, Level.FINER);
* Invoked when a severe error occurred. This method is similar to
* {@link #unexpectedException(Logger,Class,String,Throwable) unexpectedException}
* except that it logs the message at the {@link Level#SEVERE SEVERE} level.
* @param logger where to log the error, or {@code null} for inferring a default value from other arguments.
* @param classe the class where the error occurred, or {@code null} for inferring a default value from other arguments.
* @param method the method name where the error occurred, or {@code null} for inferring a default value from other arguments.
* @param error the error, or {@code null} if none.
* @return {@code true} if the error has been logged, or {@code false} if the given {@code error}
* was null or if the logger does not log anything at {@link Level#SEVERE}.
* @see #unexpectedException(Logger, Class, String, Throwable)
* @see #recoverableException(Logger, Class, String, Throwable)
public static boolean severeException(final Logger logger, final Class<?> classe,
final String method, final Throwable error)
final String classname = (classe != null) ? classe.getName() : null;
return unexpectedException(logger, classname, method, error, Level.SEVERE);