blob: 5f4fba9a902b699e7cc58d59fd496f2af38ca48f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.sis.referencing;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;
import org.opengis.util.NameSpace;
import org.opengis.util.GenericName;
import org.opengis.util.NameFactory;
import org.opengis.util.InternationalString;
import org.opengis.metadata.Identifier;
import org.opengis.metadata.citation.Citation;
import org.opengis.referencing.IdentifiedObject;
import org.apache.sis.internal.system.DefaultFactories;
import org.apache.sis.metadata.iso.citation.Citations;
import org.apache.sis.internal.referencing.DeprecatedCode;
import org.apache.sis.internal.referencing.DeprecatedName;
import org.apache.sis.util.iso.Types;
import org.apache.sis.util.Deprecable;
import org.apache.sis.util.resources.Errors;
import static org.apache.sis.util.ArgumentChecks.*;
// Branch-dependent imports
import org.opengis.referencing.ReferenceIdentifier;
* Base class of builders for various kinds of {@link IdentifiedObject}. This class provides convenience methods
* for filling the {@link #properties} map to be given to an {@link org.opengis.referencing.ObjectFactory}.
* The main properties are:
* <ul class="verbose">
* <li><b>{@linkplain AbstractIdentifiedObject#getName() Name}:</b><br>
* each {@code IdentifiedObject} shall have a name, which can be specified by a call to any of the
* {@link #addName(CharSequence) addName(…)} methods defined in this class.</li>
* <li><b>{@linkplain AbstractIdentifiedObject#getAlias() Aliases}:</b><br>
* {@code IdentifiedObject}s can optionally have an arbitrary amount of aliases, which are also specified
* by the {@code addName(…)} methods. Each call after the first one adds an alias.</li>
* <li><b>{@linkplain AbstractIdentifiedObject#getIdentifiers() Identifiers}:</b><br>
* {@code IdentifiedObject}s can also have an arbitrary amount of identifiers, which are specified by any
* of the {@link #addIdentifier(String) addIdentifier(…)} methods. Like names, more than one identifier
* can be added by invoking the method many time.</li>
* <li><b>{@linkplain ImmutableIdentifier#getCodeSpace() Code space}:</b><br>
* {@code IdentifiedObject} names and identifiers can be local to a code space defined by an authority.
* Both the authority and code space can be specified by the {@link #setCodeSpace(Citation, String)} method,
* and usually (but not necessarily) apply to all {@code Identifier} instances.</li>
* <li><b>{@linkplain ImmutableIdentifier#getVersion() Version}:</b><br>
* {@code Identifier}s can optionally have a version specified by the {@link #setVersion(String)} method.
* The version usually (but not necessarily) applies to all {@code Identifier} instances.</li>
* <li><b>{@linkplain ImmutableIdentifier#getDescription() Description}:</b><br>
* {@code Identifier}s can optionally have a description specified by the {@link #setDescription(CharSequence)} method.
* The description applies only to the next identifier to create.</li>
* <li><b>{@linkplain AbstractIdentifiedObject#getRemarks() Remarks}:</b><br>
* {@code IdentifiedObject}s can have at most one remark, which is specified by the
* {@link #setRemarks(CharSequence) code setRemarks(…)} method.</li>
* </ul>
* <h2>Namespaces and scopes</h2>
* The {@code addName(…)} and {@code addIdentifier(…)} methods come in three flavors:
* <ul class="verbose">
* <li>The {@link #addIdentifier(String)} and {@link #addName(CharSequence)} methods combine the given argument
* with the above-cited authority, code space, version and description information.
* The result is a {@linkplain org.apache.sis.util.iso.DefaultLocalName local name} or identifier,
* in which the code space information is stored but not shown by the {@code toString()} method.</li>
* <li>The {@link #addIdentifier(Citation, String)} and {@link #addName(Citation, CharSequence)} methods use the given
* {@link Citation} argument, ignoring any authority or code space information given to this {@code Builder}.
* The result is a {@linkplain org.apache.sis.util.iso.DefaultScopedName scoped name} or identifier,
* in which the code space information is shown by the {@code toString()} method.</li>
* <li>The {@code addIdentifier(Identifier)}, {@code addName(Identifier)} and {@link #addName(GenericName)}
* methods take the given object <cite>as-is</cite>. Any authority, code space, version or description
* information given to the {@code Builder} are ignored.</li>
* </ul>
* <div class="note"><b>Example:</b>
* The EPSG database defines a projection named <cite>"Mercator (variant A)"</cite> (EPSG:9804).
* This projection was named <cite>"Mercator (1SP)"</cite> in older EPSG database versions.
* The same projection was also named "{@code Mercator_1SP}" by OGC some specifications.
* If we choose EPSG as our primary naming authority, then those three names can be declared as below:
* {@preformat java
* builder.setCodespace (Citations.EPSG, "EPSG")
* .addName("Mercator (variant A)")
* .addName("Mercator (1SP)")
* .addName(Citations.OGC, "Mercator_1SP")
* }
* The {@code toString()} representation of those three names are {@code "Mercator (variant A)"},
* {@code "Mercator (1SP)"} (note the absence of {@code "EPSG:"} prefix, which is stored as the
* name {@linkplain org.apache.sis.util.iso.DefaultLocalName#scope() scope} but not shown) and
* <code>"<b>OGC:</b>Mercator_1SP"</code> respectively.</div>
* <h2>Builder property lifetimes</h2>
* Some complex objects require the creation of many components. For example constructing a
* {@linkplain Coordinate Reference System} (CRS) may require constructing a
* {@linkplain org.apache.sis.referencing.cs.AbstractCS coordinate system}, a
* {@linkplain org.apache.sis.referencing.datum.AbstractDatum datum} and an
* {@linkplain org.apache.sis.referencing.datum.DefaultEllipsoid ellipsoid} among other components.
* However all those components often (but not necessarily) share the same authority, code space and version information.
* In order to simplify that common usage, two groups of properties have different lifetimes in the {@code Builder} class:
* <ul>
* <li>
* {@linkplain NamedIdentifier#getAuthority() Authority},
* {@linkplain NamedIdentifier#getCodeSpace() code space} and
* {@linkplain NamedIdentifier#getVersion() version}:<br>
* Kept until they are specified again, because those properties are typically shared by all components.
* </li><li>
* {@linkplain AbstractIdentifiedObject#getName() Name},
* {@linkplain AbstractIdentifiedObject#getAlias() aliases},
* {@linkplain AbstractIdentifiedObject#getIdentifiers() identifiers},
* {@linkplain ImmutableIdentifier#getDescription() description} and
* {@linkplain AbstractIdentifiedObject#getRemarks() remarks}:<br>
* Cleared after each call to a {@code createXXX(…)} method, because those properties are usually specific
* to a particular {@code IdentifiedObject} or {@code Identifier} instance.
* </li>
* </ul>
* <h2>Usage examples</h2>
* See {@link org.apache.sis.parameter.ParameterBuilder} class javadoc for more examples with the
* <cite>Mercator</cite> projection parameters.
* <h2>Note for subclass implementers</h2>
* <ul>
* <li>The type {@code <B>} shall be exactly the subclass type.
* For performance reasons, this is verified only if Java assertions are enabled.</li>
* <li>All {@code createXXX(…)} methods shall invoke {@link #onCreate(boolean)} before and after
* usage of {@link #properties} map by the factory.</li>
* </ul>
* <div class="note"><b>Example:</b>
* {@preformat java
* public class MyBuilder extends Builder<MyBuilder> {
* public Foo createFoo() {
* onCreate(false);
* Foo foo = factory.createFoo(properties);
* onCreate(true);
* return foo;
* }
* }
* }
* </div>
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
* @version 1.1
* @param <B> the builder subclass.
* @since 0.4
* @module
public abstract class Builder<B extends Builder<B>> {
* The properties to be given to {@link org.opengis.referencing.ObjectFactory} methods.
* This map may contain values for the
* {@value org.opengis.referencing.IdentifiedObject#NAME_KEY},
* {@value org.opengis.referencing.IdentifiedObject#ALIAS_KEY},
* {@value org.opengis.referencing.IdentifiedObject#IDENTIFIERS_KEY} and
* {@value org.opengis.referencing.IdentifiedObject#REMARKS_KEY} keys.
* Subclasses may add other entries like
* {@value org.opengis.referencing.ReferenceSystem#DOMAIN_OF_VALIDITY_KEY} and
* {@value org.opengis.referencing.ReferenceSystem#SCOPE_KEY} keys.
* <p>See <cite>Notes for subclass implementers</cite> in class javadoc for usage conditions.</p>
* @see #onCreate(boolean)
protected final Map<String,Object> properties;
* A temporary list for aliases, before to assign them to the {@link #properties}.
private final List<GenericName> aliases;
* A temporary list for identifiers, before to assign them to the {@link #properties}.
private final List<ReferenceIdentifier> identifiers;
* The codespace as a {@code NameSpace} object, or {@code null} if not yet created.
* This object is built from the {@value org.opengis.metadata.Identifier#CODESPACE_KEY} value when first needed.
private transient NameSpace namespace;
* The name factory, fetched when first needed.
* @see #factory()
private transient NameFactory nameFactory;
* Creates a new builder.
protected Builder() {
assert verifyParameterizedType(getClass());
properties = new HashMap<>(8);
aliases = new ArrayList<>(); // Will often stay empty (default constructor handles those cases well).
identifiers = new ArrayList<>();
* Verifies that {@code B} in {@code <B extends Builder<B>} is the expected class.
* This method is for assertion purposes only.
private static boolean verifyParameterizedType(Class<?> expected) {
for (Class<?> c = expected; c != null; c = c.getSuperclass()) {
Type type = c.getGenericSuperclass();
if (type instanceof ParameterizedType) {
final ParameterizedType p = (ParameterizedType) type;
if (p.getRawType() == Builder.class) {
type = p.getActualTypeArguments()[0];
if (type == expected) return true;
throw new AssertionError(type);
} else {
expected = c.getSuperclass();
return false;
* Returns {@code this} casted to {@code <B>}. The cast is valid if the assertion performed
* at construction time passes. Since the {@code <B>} type is hard-coded in the source code,
* if the JUnit test passes then the cast should always be valid for all instances of the
* same builder class.
private B self() {
return (B) this;
* Creates a new builder initialized to properties of the given object.
* The properties recognized by this constructor are documented
* {@linkplain IdentifiedObjects#getProperties(IdentifiedObject, String...) here}.
* @param object the identified object from which to inherit properties, or {@code null}.
* @since 0.6
protected Builder(final IdentifiedObject object) {
if (object != null) {
final GenericName[] valueAlias = (GenericName[]) properties.remove(IdentifiedObject.ALIAS_KEY);
final ReferenceIdentifier[] valueIds = (ReferenceIdentifier[]) properties.remove(IdentifiedObject.IDENTIFIERS_KEY);
if (valueAlias != null) aliases.addAll(Arrays.asList(valueAlias));
if (valueIds != null) identifiers.addAll(Arrays.asList(valueIds));
* Returns the name factory to use for creating namespaces and local names.
* The factory will be fetched when first needed, and while not change anymore
* for the rest of this {@code Builder} lifetime.
private NameFactory factory() {
if (nameFactory == null) {
nameFactory = DefaultFactories.forBuildin(NameFactory.class);
return nameFactory;
* Creates or returns an existing name for the given string in the current namespace.
* The namespace may be cleared at anytime by a call to {@link #setCodeSpace(Citation, String)}.
private GenericName createName(final CharSequence name) {
final NameFactory factory = factory();
if (namespace == null) {
final String codespace = getCodeSpace();
if (codespace != null) {
namespace = factory.createNameSpace(factory.createLocalName(null, codespace), null);
return factory.createLocalName(namespace, name);
* Creates or returns an existing name for the given string in the given namespace.
private GenericName createName(final Citation authority, final CharSequence name) {
if (authority == getAuthority()) {
return createName(name);
} else {
return new NamedIdentifier(authority, name);
* Creates an identifier for the given authority. If and only if the given authority is the default one,
* then the new identifier will also contain the user-supplied code space and version (if any).
* The new identifier will be marked as deprecated if {@link #isDeprecated()} returns {@code true}.
private ReferenceIdentifier createIdentifier(final Citation authority, final String identifier) {
final String codeSpace;
final String version;
if (authority == getAuthority()) {
codeSpace = getCodeSpace();
version = getVersion();
} else {
// Do not use the version information since it applies to the default authority rather than the given one.
codeSpace = Citations.toCodeSpace(authority);
version = null;
return createIdentifier(authority, codeSpace, identifier, version);
* Creates an identifier for the given authority, code space and version.
* The new identifier will be marked as deprecated if {@link #isDeprecated()} returns {@code true}.
private ReferenceIdentifier createIdentifier(final Citation authority,
final String codeSpace, final String identifier, final String version)
if (isDeprecated()) {
return new DeprecatedCode(authority, codeSpace, identifier, version, null, getRemarks());
} else {
return new ImmutableIdentifier(authority, codeSpace, identifier, version, getDescription());
* Converts the given name into an identifier. Note that {@link NamedIdentifier}
* implements both {@link GenericName} and {@link Identifier} interfaces.
private static ReferenceIdentifier toIdentifier(final GenericName name) {
return (name instanceof ReferenceIdentifier) ? (ReferenceIdentifier) name : new NamedIdentifier(name);
* Sets the property value for the given key, if a change is still possible. The check for change permission
* is needed for all keys defined in the {@link Identifier} interface. This check is not needed for other keys,
* so callers do not need to invoke this method for other keys.
* @param key the key of the property to set.
* @param value the value to set.
* @return {@code true} if the property changed as a result of this method call.
* @throws IllegalStateException if a new value is specified in a phase where the value can not be changed.
private boolean setProperty(final String key, final Object value) throws IllegalStateException {
final Object previous = properties.putIfAbsent(key, value);
if (previous != null) {
if (previous.equals(value)) {
return false;
if (properties.get(IdentifiedObject.NAME_KEY) != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(Errors.getResources(properties)
.getString(Errors.Keys.ValueAlreadyDefined_1, key));
properties.put(key, value);
return true;
* Returns the value of the first argument given by the last call to {@link #setCodeSpace(Citation, String)},
* or {@code null} if none. The default value is {@code null}.
* @return the citation specified by the last call to {@code setCodeSpace(…)}, or {@code null} if none.
* @since 0.6
private Citation getAuthority() {
return (Citation) properties.get(Identifier.AUTHORITY_KEY);
* Returns the value of the last argument given by the last call to {@link #setCodeSpace(Citation, String)},
* or {@code null} if none. The default value is {@code null}.
* @return the string specified by the last call to {@code setCodeSpace(…)}, or {@code null} if none.
* @since 0.6
private String getCodeSpace() {
return (String) properties.get(Identifier.CODESPACE_KEY);
* Sets the {@code Identifier} authority and code space.
* The code space is often the authority's abbreviation, but not necessarily.
* <div class="note"><b>Example:</b> Coordinate Reference System (CRS) objects identified by codes from the
* EPSG database are maintained by the <cite>International Association of Oil &amp; Gas producers</cite> (IOGP)
* authority, but the code space is {@code "EPSG"} for historical reasons.</div>
* This method is typically invoked only once, since a compound object often uses the same code space
* for all individual components.
* <p><b>Condition:</b>
* this method can not be invoked after one or more names or identifiers have been added (by calls to the
* {@code addName(…)} or {@code addIdentifier(…)} methods) for the next object to create. This method can be
* invoked again after the name, aliases and identifiers have been cleared by a call to {@code createXXX(…)}.</p>
* <p><b>Lifetime:</b>
* this property is kept unchanged until this {@code setCodeSpace(…)} method is invoked again.</p>
* @param authority bibliographic reference to the authority defining the codes, or {@code null} if none.
* @param codespace the {@code IdentifiedObject} codespace, or {@code null} for inferring it from the authority.
* @return {@code this}, for method call chaining.
* @throws IllegalStateException if {@code addName(…)} or {@code addIdentifier(…)} has been invoked at least
* once since builder construction or since the last call to a {@code createXXX(…)} method.
* @see ImmutableIdentifier#getAuthority()
* @see ImmutableIdentifier#getCodeSpace()
public B setCodeSpace(final Citation authority, final String codespace) {
if (!setProperty(Identifier.CODESPACE_KEY, codespace)) {
namespace = null;
setProperty(Identifier.AUTHORITY_KEY, authority);
return self();
* Returns the value given by the last call to {@link #setVersion(String)}, or {@code null} if none.
* The default value is {@code null}.
* @return the value specified by the last call to {@code setVersion(…)}, or {@code null} if none.
* @since 0.6
private String getVersion() {
return (String) properties.get(Identifier.VERSION_KEY);
* Sets the {@code Identifier} version of object definitions. This method is typically invoked only once,
* since a compound object often uses the same version for all individual components.
* <p><b>Condition:</b>
* this method can not be invoked after one or more names or identifiers have been added (by calls to the
* {@code addName(…)} or {@code addIdentifier(…)} methods) for the next object to create. This method can be
* invoked again after the name, aliases and identifiers have been cleared by a call to {@code createXXX(…)}.</p>
* <p><b>Lifetime:</b>
* this property is kept unchanged until this {@code setVersion(…)} method is invoked again.</p>
* @param version the version of code definitions, or {@code null} if none.
* @return {@code this}, for method call chaining.
* @throws IllegalStateException if {@code addName(…)} or {@code addIdentifier(…)} has been invoked at least
* once since builder construction or since the last call to a {@code createXXX(…)} method.
public B setVersion(final String version) {
setProperty(Identifier.VERSION_KEY, version);
return self();
* Adds an {@code IdentifiedObject} name given by a {@code String} or {@code InternationalString}.
* The given string will be combined with the authority, {@linkplain #setCodeSpace(Citation, String)
* code space} and {@linkplain #setVersion(String) version} information for creating the
* {@link Identifier} or {@link GenericName} object.
* <h4>Name and aliases</h4>
* This method can be invoked many times. The first invocation sets the
* {@linkplain AbstractIdentifiedObject#getName() primary name}, and
* all subsequent invocations add an {@linkplain AbstractIdentifiedObject#getAlias() alias}.
* <h4>Deprecated names</h4>
* Some names may exist for historical reasons but have their use discouraged.
* If <code>{@linkplain #setDeprecated(boolean) setDeprecated}(true)</code> has been invoked, then this
* method creates a deprecated alias with the current {@linkplain #setRemarks(CharSequence) remarks}.
* The remark should suggest a replacement, for example with a sentence like
* <cite>"Superseded by {@literal <new-name>}"</cite>.
* <p>Note that deprecated names are always added as aliases, never as the primary name of an identified object.</p>
* <p><b>Lifetime:</b>
* the name and all aliases are cleared after a {@code createXXX(…)} method has been invoked.</p>
* @param name the {@code IdentifiedObject} name as a {@link String} or {@link InternationalString} instance.
* @return {@code this}, for method call chaining.
public B addName(final CharSequence name) {
ensureNonNull("name", name);
if (isDeprecated()) {
aliases.add(new DeprecatedName(getAuthority(), getCodeSpace(), name, getVersion(), getRemarks()));
} else if (properties.putIfAbsent(IdentifiedObject.NAME_KEY, name.toString()) != null) {
// A primary name is already present. Add the given name as an alias instead.
return self();
* Adds an {@code IdentifiedObject} name in an alternative namespace. This method is typically invoked for
* {@linkplain AbstractIdentifiedObject#getAlias() aliases} defined after the primary name.
* <div class="note"><b>Example:</b>
* The <cite>"Longitude of natural origin"</cite> parameter defined by EPSG is named differently
* by OGC and GeoTIFF. Those alternative names can be defined as below:
* {@preformat java
* builder.setCodespace(Citations.EPSG, "EPSG") // Sets the default namespace to "EPSG".
* .addName("Longitude of natural origin") // Primary name in builder default namespace.
* .addName(Citations.OGC, "central_meridian") // First alias in "OGC" namespace.
* .addName(Citations.GEOTIFF, "NatOriginLong"); // Second alias in "GeoTIFF" namespace.
* }
* In this example, {@code "central_meridian"} will be the
* {@linkplain org.apache.sis.util.iso.DefaultScopedName#tip() tip} and {@code "OGC"} will be the
* {@linkplain org.apache.sis.util.iso.DefaultScopedName#head() head} of the first alias.</div>
* <p><b>Lifetime:</b>
* the name and all aliases are cleared after a {@code createXXX(…)} method has been invoked.</p>
* @param authority bibliographic reference to the authority defining the codes, or {@code null} if none.
* @param name the {@code IdentifiedObject} alias as a name in the namespace of the given authority.
* @return {@code this}, for method call chaining.
* @see #addIdentifier(Citation, String)
public B addName(final Citation authority, final CharSequence name) {
ensureNonNull("name", name);
final boolean isDeprecated = isDeprecated();
if (!isDeprecated && properties.get(IdentifiedObject.NAME_KEY) != null) {
// A primary name is already present. Add the given name as an alias instead.
aliases.add(createName(authority, name));
} else {
final String codeSpace;
final String version;
if (authority == getAuthority()) {
codeSpace = getCodeSpace();
version = getVersion();
} else {
// Do not use the version information since it applies to the default authority rather than the given one.
codeSpace = Citations.toCodeSpace(authority);
version = null;
if (isDeprecated) {
aliases.add(new DeprecatedName(authority, codeSpace, name, version, getRemarks()));
} else {
new NamedIdentifier(authority, codeSpace, name, version, getDescription()));
return self();
* Adds an {@code IdentifiedObject} name fully specified by the given identifier.
* This method ignores the authority, {@linkplain #setCodeSpace(Citation, String) code space},
* {@linkplain #setVersion(String) version} and {@linkplain #setDescription(CharSequence) description}
* specified to this builder (if any), since the given identifier may already contain those information.
* <h4>Name and aliases</h4>
* This method can be invoked many times. The first invocation sets the
* {@linkplain AbstractIdentifiedObject#getName() primary name} to the given value, and
* all subsequent invocations add an {@linkplain AbstractIdentifiedObject#getAlias() alias}.
* <p><b>Lifetime:</b>
* the name and all aliases are cleared after a {@code createXXX(…)} method has been invoked.</p>
* @param name the {@code IdentifiedObject} name as an identifier.
* @return {@code this}, for method call chaining.
public B addName(final ReferenceIdentifier name) {
ensureNonNull("name", name);
if (properties.putIfAbsent(IdentifiedObject.NAME_KEY, name) != null) {
// A primary name is already present. Add the given name as an alias instead.
aliases.add(name instanceof GenericName ? (GenericName) name : new NamedIdentifier(name));
return self();
* Adds an {@code IdentifiedObject} name fully specified by the given generic name.
* This method ignores the authority, {@linkplain #setCodeSpace(Citation, String) code space},
* {@linkplain #setVersion(String) version} and {@linkplain #setDescription(CharSequence) description}
* specified to this builder (if any), since the given generic name may already contain those information.
* <h4>Name and aliases</h4>
* This method can be invoked many times. The first invocation sets the
* {@linkplain AbstractIdentifiedObject#getName() primary name} to the given value, and
* all subsequent invocations add an {@linkplain AbstractIdentifiedObject#getAlias() alias}.
* <p><b>Lifetime:</b>
* the name and all aliases are cleared after a {@code createXXX(…)} method has been invoked.</p>
* @param name the {@code IdentifiedObject} name as an identifier.
* @return {@code this}, for method call chaining.
public B addName(final GenericName name) {
ensureNonNull("name", name);
if (properties.get(IdentifiedObject.NAME_KEY) == null) {
properties.put(IdentifiedObject.NAME_KEY, toIdentifier(name));
} else {
return self();
* Adds an {@code IdentifiedObject} identifier given by a {@code String}.
* The given string will be combined with the authority, {@linkplain #setCodeSpace(Citation, String) code space}
* {@linkplain #setVersion(String) version} and {@linkplain #setDescription(CharSequence) description} information
* for creating the {@link Identifier} object.
* <h4>Deprecated identifiers</h4>
* Some identifiers may exist for historical reasons but have their use discouraged.
* If <code>{@linkplain #setDeprecated(boolean) setDeprecated}(true)</code> has been invoked, then this
* method creates a deprecated identifier with the current {@linkplain #setRemarks(CharSequence) remarks}.
* The remark should suggest a replacement, for example with a sentence like
* <cite>"Superseded by {@literal <new-code>}"</cite>.
* <p><b>Lifetime:</b>
* all identifiers are cleared after a {@code createXXX(…)} method has been invoked.</p>
* @param identifier the {@code IdentifiedObject} identifier.
* @return {@code this}, for method call chaining.
public B addIdentifier(final String identifier) {
ensureNonNull("identifier", identifier);
identifiers.add(createIdentifier(getAuthority(), getCodeSpace(), identifier, getVersion()));
return self();
* Adds an {@code IdentifiedObject} identifier in an alternative namespace.
* This method is typically invoked in complement to {@link #addName(Citation, CharSequence)}.
* <p><b>Lifetime:</b>
* all identifiers are cleared after a {@code createXXX(…)} method has been invoked.</p>
* @param authority bibliographic reference to the authority defining the codes, or {@code null} if none.
* @param identifier the {@code IdentifiedObject} identifier as a code in the namespace of the given authority.
* @return {@code this}, for method call chaining.
* @see #addName(Citation, CharSequence)
public B addIdentifier(final Citation authority, final String identifier) {
ensureNonNull("identifier", identifier);
identifiers.add(createIdentifier(authority, identifier));
return self();
* Adds an {@code IdentifiedObject} identifier fully specified by the given identifier.
* This method ignores the authority, {@linkplain #setCodeSpace(Citation, String) code space},
* {@linkplain #setVersion(String) version} and {@linkplain #setDescription(CharSequence) description}
* specified to this builder (if any), since the given identifier already contains those information.
* <p><b>Lifetime:</b>
* all identifiers are cleared after a {@code createXXX(…)} method has been invoked.</p>
* @param identifier the {@code IdentifiedObject} identifier.
* @return {@code this}, for method call chaining.
public B addIdentifier(final ReferenceIdentifier identifier) {
ensureNonNull("identifier", identifier);
return self();
* Returns {@code true} if the given name or identifier is non-null and non-deprecated.
* @see #isDeprecated()
private static boolean isValid(final Object object) {
return (object != null) && !((object instanceof Deprecable) && ((Deprecable) object).isDeprecated());
* Adds all non-deprecated names and identifiers from the given object.
* Other properties like description and remarks are ignored.
* <p>This is a convenience method for using an existing object as a template, before to modify
* some names by calls to {@link #rename(Citation, CharSequence[])}.</p>
* @param object the object from which to copy the names and identifiers.
* @return {@code this}, for method call chaining.
* @since 0.6
public B addNamesAndIdentifiers(final IdentifiedObject object) {
ensureNonNull("object", object);
for (final ReferenceIdentifier id : object.getIdentifiers()) {
if (isValid(id)) {
ReferenceIdentifier id = object.getName();
if (isValid(id)) {
for (final GenericName alias : object.getAlias()) {
if (isValid(alias)) {
return self();
* Adds the non-deprecated names and identifiers from the given object for the specified authority.
* This is a convenience method for reusing name and identifier already declared for another object.
* @param authority the authority for which to copy the name and identifier.
* @param object the object from which to copy the name and identifier.
* @return {@code this}, for method call chaining.
* @since 1.1
public B addNameAndIdentifier(final Citation authority, final IdentifiedObject object) {
ensureNonNull("authority", authority);
ensureNonNull("object", object);
for (final ReferenceIdentifier id : object.getIdentifiers()) {
if (isValid(id) && authority.equals(id.getAuthority())) {
ReferenceIdentifier id = object.getName();
if (isValid(id) && authority.equals(id.getAuthority())) {
for (final GenericName alias : object.getAlias()) {
if (isValid(alias) && (alias instanceof Identifier) && authority.equals(((Identifier) alias).getAuthority())) {
return self();
* Replaces the names associated to the given authority by the given new names.
* More specifically:
* <ul>
* <li>The first occurrence of a name associated to {@code authority} will be replaced by a new name
* with the same authority and the local part defined by {@code replacements[0]}.</li>
* <li>The second occurrence of a name associated to {@code authority} will be replaced by a new name
* with the same authority and the local part defined by {@code replacements[1]}.</li>
* <li><i>etc.</i> until one of the following conditions is met:
* <ul>
* <li>There are no more names associated to the given authority in this {@code Builder}, in which case
* new names are inserted for all remaining elements in the {@code replacements} array.</li>
* <li>There are no more elements in the {@code replacements} array, in which case all remaining
* names associated to the given authority in this {@code Builder} are removed.</li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* </ul>
* This method could also be understood as a {@code setNames(Citation, ...)} method, except that it modifies
* only the names associated to the given authority and preserves the same order than previous names.
* @param authority the authority of the names to replaces.
* @param replacements the new local parts for the names to replace,
* or {@code null} or an empty array for removing all names associated to the given authority.
* @return {@code this}, for method call chaining.
* @since 0.6
public B rename(final Citation authority, final CharSequence... replacements) {
ensureNonNull("authority", authority);
final int length = (replacements != null) ? replacements.length : 0;
* IdentifiedObjects store the "primary name" separately from aliases. Consequently we will start
* the iteration at index -1 where i=-1 is used as a sentinel value meaning "primary name" before
* to iterate over the aliases. Note that the type is not the same:
* - Primary: Identifier or String
* - Aliases: Identifier or GenericName
int next = 0;
int insertAt = aliases.size();
for (int i = -1; i < aliases.size(); i++) {
final Object old = (i < 0) ? properties.get(IdentifiedObject.NAME_KEY) : aliases.get(i);
if (old == null) {
continue; // Actually only the primary name can be null.
final boolean wasID = (old instanceof Identifier); // Usually true even for aliases.
if (!authority.equals(wasID ? ((Identifier) old).getAuthority() : getAuthority())) {
continue; // Current name is not for the authority we are looking for.
* Found a name associated to the given authority. Process to the replacement if we still
* have some elements to take in the 'replacements' array, otherwise remove the name.
if (next < length) {
final CharSequence name;
ensureNonNullElement("replacements", next, name = replacements[next++]);
* If the current name matches the specified replacement, we can leave the name as-is.
* Only if the name (in its local part) is not the same, proceed to the replacement.
final String code = name.toString();
if (!code.equals(wasID ? ((Identifier) old).getCode() : old.toString())) {
if (i < 0) {
(authority != getAuthority()) ? new NamedIdentifier(authority, name) : code);
} else {
aliases.set(i, createName(authority, name));
insertAt = i + 1;
} else {
if (i < 0) {
} else {
* If there is any remaining elements in the 'replacements' array, insert them right after the last
* element of the given authority that we found (so we keep together the names of the same authority).
while (next < length) {
final CharSequence name;
ensureNonNullElement("replacements", next, name = replacements[next++]);
aliases.add(insertAt++, createName(authority, name));
* If the primary name has been removed as a result of this method execution,
* take the first alias as the new primary name.
if (properties.get(IdentifiedObject.NAME_KEY) == null && !aliases.isEmpty()) {
properties.put(IdentifiedObject.NAME_KEY, toIdentifier(aliases.remove(0)));
return self();
* Replaces the identifiers associated to the given authority by the given new identifiers.
* More specifically:
* <ul>
* <li>The first occurrence of an identifier associated to {@code authority} will be replaced by
* a new identifier with the same authority and the code defined by {@code replacements[0]}.</li>
* <li>The second occurrence of an identifier associated to {@code authority} will be replaced by a
* new identifier with the same authority and the local part defined by {@code replacements[1]}.</li>
* <li><i>etc.</i> until one of the following conditions is met:
* <ul>
* <li>There are no more identifiers associated to the given authority in this {@code Builder}, in which case
* new identifiers are inserted for all remaining elements in the {@code replacements} array.</li>
* <li>There are no more elements in the {@code replacements} array, in which case all remaining
* identifiers associated to the given authority in this {@code Builder} are removed.</li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* </ul>
* This method could also be understood as a {@code setIdentifiers(Citation, ...)} method, except that it modifies
* only the identifiers associated to the given authority and preserves the same order than previous identifiers.
* @param authority the authority of the names to replaces.
* @param replacements the new local parts for the names to replace,
* or {@code null} or an empty array for removing all names associated to the given authority.
* @return {@code this}, for method call chaining.
* @since 0.8
public B reidentify(final Citation authority, final String... replacements) {
ensureNonNull("authority", authority);
final int length = (replacements != null) ? replacements.length : 0;
int next = 0;
int insertAt = identifiers.size();
for (int i = 0; i < identifiers.size(); i++) {
final Identifier old = identifiers.get(i);
if (authority.equals(old.getAuthority())) {
if (next < length) {
final String code;
ensureNonNullElement("replacements", next, code = replacements[next++]);
if (!code.equals(old.getCode())) {
identifiers.set(i, createIdentifier(authority, code));
insertAt = i + 1;
} else {
while (next < length) {
final String code;
ensureNonNullElement("replacements", next, code = replacements[next++]);
identifiers.add(insertAt++, createIdentifier(authority, code));
return self();
* Returns the parameter description specified by the last call to {@link #setDescription(CharSequence)},
* or {@code null} if none.
private InternationalString getDescription() {
return (InternationalString) properties.get(Identifier.DESCRIPTION_KEY);
* Sets an {@code Identifier} or {@code IdentifiedObject} description.
* Descriptions can be used in various contexts:
* <ul>
* <li>Before calls to {@link #addIdentifier(String)} or {@link #addIdentifier(Citation, String)}
* for specifying a natural language description of the meaning of the code value.
* <div class="note"><b>Example:</b>
* {@code setDescription("World Geodetic System 1984").addIdentifier("4326")}</div></li>
* <li>Before calls to a {@code createXXX(…)} method for providing a narrative explanation
* of the role of the object. Not all {@code IdentifiedObject} supports description.</li>
* </ul>
* Calls to this method overwrite any previous value.
* <p><b>Lifetime:</b>
* previous descriptions are discarded by calls to {@code setDescription(…)}.
* Descriptions are cleared after a {@code createXXX(…)} method has been invoked.</p>
* @param description the description as a {@link String} or {@link InternationalString} instance, or {@code null} if none.
* @return {@code this}, for method call chaining.
* @see ImmutableIdentifier#getDescription()
public B setDescription(final CharSequence description) {
* Convert to InternationalString now in order to share the same instance if
* the same description is used both for an Identifier and an IdentifiedObject.
properties.put(Identifier.DESCRIPTION_KEY, Types.toInternationalString(description));
return self();
* Returns the remarks specified by the last call to {@link #setRemarks(CharSequence)},
* or {@code null} if none.
private InternationalString getRemarks() {
return (InternationalString) properties.get(IdentifiedObject.REMARKS_KEY);
* Sets remarks as a {@code String} or {@code InternationalString} instance.
* Calls to this method overwrite any previous value.
* <p><b>Lifetime:</b>
* previous remarks are discarded by calls to {@code setRemarks(…)}.
* Remarks are cleared after a {@code createXXX(…)} method has been invoked.</p>
* @param remarks the remarks as a {@link String} or {@link InternationalString} instance, or {@code null} if none.
* @return {@code this}, for method call chaining.
public B setRemarks(final CharSequence remarks) {
* Convert to InternationalString now in order to share the same instance if
* the same remarks is used both for an Identifier and an IdentifiedObject.
properties.put(IdentifiedObject.REMARKS_KEY, Types.toInternationalString(remarks));
return self();
* Returns {@code true} if the deprecated flag is set to {@code true}.
private boolean isDeprecated() {
return Boolean.TRUE.equals(properties.get(AbstractIdentifiedObject.DEPRECATED_KEY));
* Sets whether the next {@code GenericName}s, {@code Identifier}s or {@code IdentifiedObject}s
* to create shall be considered deprecated.
* Deprecated objects exist in some {@linkplain org.opengis.referencing.AuthorityFactory authority factories}
* like the EPSG database.
* <p><b>Lifetime:</b>
* Deprecation status is cleared after a {@code createXXX(…)} method has been invoked.</p>
* @param deprecated {@code true} if the next names, identifiers and identified
* objects should be considered deprecated, or {@code false} otherwise.
* @return {@code this}, for method call chaining.
* @see AbstractIdentifiedObject#isDeprecated()
* @since 0.6
public B setDeprecated(final boolean deprecated) {
properties.put(AbstractIdentifiedObject.DEPRECATED_KEY, deprecated);
return self();
* Initializes/cleanups the {@link #properties} map before/after a {@code createXXX(…)} execution.
* Subclasses shall invoke this method in their {@code createXXX(…)} methods as below:
* {@preformat java
* public Foo createFoo() {
* final Foo foo;
* onCreate(false);
* try {
* foo = factory.createFoo(properties);
* } finally {
* onCreate(true);
* }
* return foo;
* }
* }
* If {@code cleanup} is {@code true}, then this method clears the identification information
* (name, aliases, identifiers, description, remarks and deprecation status) for preparing the
* builder to the construction of an other object.
* The authority, codespace and version properties are not cleared by this method.
* @param cleanup {@code false} when this method is invoked before object creation, and
* {@code true} when this method is invoked after object creation.
* @see #properties
protected void onCreate(final boolean cleanup) {
final GenericName[] valueAlias;
final Identifier[] valueIds;
if (cleanup) {
properties .put(IdentifiedObject.NAME_KEY, null);
properties .remove(IdentifiedObject.REMARKS_KEY);
properties .remove(Identifier.DESCRIPTION_KEY);
properties .remove(AbstractIdentifiedObject.DEPRECATED_KEY);
aliases .clear();
valueAlias = null;
valueIds = null;
} else {
valueAlias = aliases .toArray(new GenericName[aliases .size()]);
valueIds = identifiers.toArray(new ReferenceIdentifier[identifiers.size()]);
properties.put(IdentifiedObject.ALIAS_KEY, valueAlias);
properties.put(IdentifiedObject.IDENTIFIERS_KEY, valueIds);