blob: eb2e7aabd011a44aa5c29dbda2f2c511e07afba4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.sis.internal.referencing.provider;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Collection;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlTransient;
import org.opengis.util.GenericName;
import org.opengis.parameter.ParameterDescriptor;
import org.opengis.parameter.ParameterDescriptorGroup;
import org.opengis.referencing.IdentifiedObject;
import org.opengis.referencing.cs.CoordinateSystem;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.SingleOperation;
import org.apache.sis.internal.util.Constants;
import org.apache.sis.measure.Units;
import org.apache.sis.measure.Latitude;
import org.apache.sis.measure.Longitude;
import org.apache.sis.measure.MeasurementRange;
import org.apache.sis.metadata.iso.citation.Citations;
import org.apache.sis.parameter.ParameterBuilder;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.DefaultOperationMethod;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.transform.MathTransformProvider;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.transform.DefaultMathTransformFactory;
import org.apache.sis.util.resources.Vocabulary;
import org.apache.sis.util.ArgumentChecks;
import org.apache.sis.util.Workaround;
import org.apache.sis.util.logging.Logging;
import org.apache.sis.internal.system.Loggers;
import static java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger;
// Branch-dependent imports
import org.opengis.referencing.ReferenceIdentifier;
* Base class for all providers defined in this package.
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
* @version 1.3
* @since 0.6
* @module
public abstract class AbstractProvider extends DefaultOperationMethod implements MathTransformProvider {
* For cross-version compatibility.
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1165868434518724597L;
* The base interface of the {@code CoordinateOperation} instances that use this method.
* @see #getOperationType()
private final Class<? extends SingleOperation> operationType;
* The base interface of the coordinate system of source/target coordinates.
* This is used for resolving some ambiguities at WKT parsing time.
public final Class<? extends CoordinateSystem> sourceCSType, targetCSType;
* Flags whether the source and/or target ellipsoid are concerned by this operation. Those flags are read by
* {@link org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.transform.DefaultMathTransformFactory} for determining if this
* operation has {@code "semi_major"}, {@code "semi_minor"}, {@code "src_semi_major"}, {@code "src_semi_minor"}
* parameters that may need to be filled with values inferred from the source or target
* {@link org.apache.sis.referencing.datum.DefaultGeodeticDatum}.
* Meaning of return values:
* <ul>
* <li>({@code false},{@code false}) if neither the source coordinate system or the destination
* coordinate system is ellipsoidal. There are no parameters that need to be completed.</li>
* <li>({@code true},{@code false}) if this operation has {@code "semi_major"} and {@code "semi_minor"}
* parameters that need to be set to the axis lengths of the source ellipsoid.</li>
* <li>({@code false},{@code true}) if this operation has {@code "semi_major"} and {@code "semi_minor"}
* parameters that need to be set to the axis lengths of the target ellipsoid.</li>
* <li>({@code true},{@code true}) if this operation has {@code "src_semi_major"}, {@code "src_semi_minor"},
* {@code "tgt_semi_major"} and {@code "tgt_semi_minor"} parameters that need to be set to the axis lengths
* of the source and target ellipsoids.</li>
* </ul>
* Those flags are only hints. If the information is not provided, {@code DefaultMathTransformFactory}
* will try to infer it from the type of user-specified source and target CRS.
public final boolean sourceOnEllipsoid, targetOnEllipsoid;
* Constructs a math transform provider from the given properties and a set of parameters.
* @param properties set of properties. Shall contain at least {@code "name"}.
* @param sourceDimension number of dimensions in the source CRS of this operation method.
* @param targetDimension number of dimensions in the target CRS of this operation method.
* @param parameters the set of parameters (never {@code null}).
protected AbstractProvider(final Map<String,?> properties,
final int sourceDimension,
final int targetDimension,
final ParameterDescriptorGroup parameters)
super(properties, sourceDimension, targetDimension, parameters);
operationType = SingleOperation.class;
sourceCSType = CoordinateSystem.class;
targetCSType = CoordinateSystem.class;
sourceOnEllipsoid = false;
targetOnEllipsoid = false;
* Constructs a math transform provider from a set of parameters. The provider name and
* {@linkplain #getIdentifiers() identifiers} will be the same than the parameter ones.
* @param operationType base interface of the {@code CoordinateOperation} instances that use this method.
* @param parameters description of parameters expected by this operation.
* @param sourceDimensions number of dimensions in the source CRS of this operation method.
* @param sourceCSType base interface of the coordinate system of source coordinates.
* @param sourceOnEllipsoid whether the operation needs source ellipsoid axis lengths.
* @param targetDimensions number of dimensions in the target CRS of this operation method.
* @param targetCSType base interface of the coordinate system of target coordinates.
* @param targetOnEllipsoid whether the operation needs target ellipsoid axis lengths.
AbstractProvider(final Class<? extends SingleOperation> operationType, final ParameterDescriptorGroup parameters,
final Class<? extends CoordinateSystem> sourceCSType, final int sourceDimensions, final boolean sourceOnEllipsoid,
final Class<? extends CoordinateSystem> targetCSType, final int targetDimensions, final boolean targetOnEllipsoid)
super(toMap(parameters), sourceDimensions, targetDimensions, parameters);
this.operationType = operationType;
this.sourceCSType = sourceCSType;
this.targetCSType = targetCSType;
this.sourceOnEllipsoid = sourceOnEllipsoid;
this.targetOnEllipsoid = targetOnEllipsoid;
* Work around for RFE #4093999 in Sun's bug database
* ("Relax constraint on placement of this()/super() call in constructors").
@Workaround(library="JDK", version="1.7")
private static Map<String,Object> toMap(final IdentifiedObject parameters) {
ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull("parameters", parameters);
final Map<String,Object> properties = new HashMap<>(4);
properties.put(NAME_KEY, parameters.getName());
final Collection<ReferenceIdentifier> identifiers = parameters.getIdentifiers();
int size = identifiers.size();
if (size != 0) {
properties.put(IDENTIFIERS_KEY, identifiers.toArray(new ReferenceIdentifier[size]));
final Collection<GenericName> aliases = parameters.getAlias();
size = aliases.size();
if (size != 0) {
properties.put(ALIAS_KEY, aliases.toArray(new GenericName[size]));
return properties;
* Creates the parameter builder with the default namespace set to EPSG.
static ParameterBuilder builder() {
return new ParameterBuilder().setCodeSpace(Citations.EPSG, Constants.EPSG).setRequired(true);
* Adds a name together with its previous (legacy) name.
* The legacy name will be added as a deprecated alias.
static ParameterBuilder addNameAndLegacy(final ParameterBuilder builder, final String name, final String legacy) {
return builder.addName(name).setDeprecated(true)
.setRemarks(Vocabulary.formatInternational(Vocabulary.Keys.SupersededBy_1, name))
* Adds an identifier code together with its previous (legacy) code.
* The legacy code will be added as a deprecated identifier.
static ParameterBuilder addIdentifierAndLegacy(final ParameterBuilder builder, final String code, final String legacy) {
return builder.addIdentifier(code).setDeprecated(true)
.setRemarks(Vocabulary.formatInternational(Vocabulary.Keys.SupersededBy_1, code))
* Creates a descriptor for a 0 constant value in degrees.
* @see MapProjection#validate(ParameterDescriptor, double)
static ParameterDescriptor<Double> createZeroConstant(final ParameterBuilder builder) {
final Double zero = +0.0;
return builder.createBounded(MeasurementRange.create(-0.0, true, zero, true, Units.DEGREE), zero);
* Creates a descriptor for a latitude parameter in degrees without default value.
* This method is used for latitude of origin that can not be zero, of for standard parallels
* where the default value should be the value of another parameter instead of 0°.
static ParameterDescriptor<Double> createMandatoryLatitude(final ParameterBuilder builder) {
return builder.createBounded(Latitude.MIN_VALUE, Latitude.MAX_VALUE, Double.NaN, Units.DEGREE);
* Creates a descriptor for a latitude parameter in degrees with a default value of 0°.
static ParameterDescriptor<Double> createLatitude(final ParameterBuilder builder, final boolean includePoles) {
return builder.createBounded(MeasurementRange.create(
Latitude.MIN_VALUE, includePoles,
Latitude.MAX_VALUE, includePoles,
Units.DEGREE), 0.0);
* Creates a descriptor for a longitude parameter in degrees with a default value of 0°.
static ParameterDescriptor<Double> createLongitude(final ParameterBuilder builder) {
return builder.createBounded(Longitude.MIN_VALUE, Longitude.MAX_VALUE, 0.0, Units.DEGREE);
* Creates a descriptor for a scale parameter with a default value of 1.
static ParameterDescriptor<Double> createScale(final ParameterBuilder builder) {
return builder.createStrictlyPositive(1.0, Units.UNITY);
* Creates a false easting, false northing or height parameter in metre with a default value of 0.
static ParameterDescriptor<Double> createShift(final ParameterBuilder builder) {
return builder.create(0.0, Units.METRE);
* If an operation method is ambiguous according Apache SIS, returns the name of the method that SIS should use.
* Otherwise returns {@code null}. The ambiguities that need to be resolved are:
* <ul>
* <li>Method <cite>"Geographic/geocentric conversions"</cite> (EPSG:9602) can be either:
* <ul>
* <li>{@code "Ellipsoid_To_Geocentric"} (implemented by {@link GeographicToGeocentric}</li>
* <li>{@code "Geocentric_To_Ellipsoid"} (implemented by {@link GeocentricToGeographic}</li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* </ul>
* @param context the potentially ambiguous context.
* @return name of the provider to use, or {@code null} if there is nothing to change.
* @since 0.8
public String resolveAmbiguity(final DefaultMathTransformFactory.Context context) {
return null;
* Returns the interface implemented by the coordinate operation.
* This method returns the type specified at construction time.
* @return interface implemented by all coordinate operations that use this method.
public final Class<? extends SingleOperation> getOperationType() {
return operationType;
* Returns the operation method which is the inverse of this method.
* <ul>
* <li>If {@code null}, no inverse method is easily available. This is the default.</li>
* <li>If {@code this}, the inverse of this operation method is the same operation method
* with some parameter values changed (typically with sign inverted).</li>
* <li>If another method, it should take the same parameter values.</li>
* </ul>
* <p>This is a SIS-specific information which may be changed in any future SIS version.
* Current implementation provides this information in a "all or nothing" way: either all parameter values
* can have their sign reversed, or either the operation is considered not revertible at all.
* This is different than the EPSG dataset in two way:</p>
* <ul class="verbose">
* <li>EPSG provides an equivalent information in the {@code PARAM_SIGN_REVERSAL} column of the
* {@code [Coordinate_Operation Parameter Usage]} table, but on a parameter-by-parameter basis
* instead of for the whole operation (which is probably better).</li>
* <li>EPSG provides another information in the {@code REVERSE_OP} column of the
* {@code [Coordinate_Operation Method]} table, but this is not equivalent to this method because it
* does not differentiate the map projection methods from <em>inverse</em> map projection methods.</li>
* </ul>
* @return the inverse of this operation method (possibly {@code this}), or {@code null} if none.
* @see org.apache.sis.internal.referencing.SignReversalComment
public AbstractProvider inverse() {
return null;
* Convenience method for reporting a non-fatal error at transform construction time.
* This method assumes that the error occurred (indirectly) during execution of
* {@link #createMathTransform(MathTransformFactory, ParameterValueGroup)}.
* @param caller the provider class in which the error occurred.
* @param e the error that occurred.
static void recoverableException(final Class<? extends AbstractProvider> caller, Exception e) {
Logging.recoverableException(getLogger(Loggers.COORDINATE_OPERATION), caller, "createMathTransform", e);