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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.sis.referencing.factory.sql;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import org.opengis.util.FactoryException;
import org.opengis.util.GenericName;
import org.opengis.metadata.Identifier;
import org.opengis.referencing.IdentifiedObject;
import org.opengis.referencing.cs.CoordinateSystem;
import org.opengis.referencing.datum.Datum;
import org.opengis.referencing.datum.Ellipsoid;
import org.opengis.referencing.datum.GeodeticDatum;
import org.opengis.referencing.datum.TemporalDatum;
import org.opengis.referencing.datum.VerticalDatum;
import org.opengis.referencing.datum.VerticalDatumType;
import org.apache.sis.internal.metadata.ReferencingServices;
import org.apache.sis.internal.metadata.sql.SQLUtilities;
import org.apache.sis.internal.referencing.Formulas;
import org.apache.sis.internal.system.Loggers;
import org.apache.sis.internal.util.CollectionsExt;
import org.apache.sis.metadata.iso.citation.Citations;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.IdentifiedObjects;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.factory.IdentifiedObjectFinder;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.factory.ConcurrentAuthorityFactory;
import org.apache.sis.util.ArraysExt;
import org.apache.sis.util.CharSequences;
import org.apache.sis.util.collection.Containers;
import org.apache.sis.util.logging.Logging;
import static java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger;
import static org.apache.sis.internal.metadata.NameToIdentifier.Simplifier.ESRI_DATUM_PREFIX;
* An implementation of {@link IdentifiedObjectFinder} which scans over a smaller set of authority codes.
* This is used for finding the EPSG code of a given Coordinate Reference System or other geodetic object.
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (IRD, Geomatys)
* @version 1.0
* @since 0.7
* @module
final class EPSGCodeFinder extends IdentifiedObjectFinder {
* The data access object to use for searching EPSG codes.
* Supplied at construction time and assumed alive for the duration of this {@code EPSGCodeFinder} life
* (i.e. this class does not create and does not close DAO by itself).
private final EPSGDataAccess dao;
* The type of object to search, or {@code null} for using {@code object.getClass()}.
* This is set to a non-null value when searching for dependencies, in order to avoid
* confusion in an implementation class implements more than one GeoAPI interfaces.
* @see #isInstance(Class, IdentifiedObject)
private Class<? extends IdentifiedObject> declaredType;
* Creates a new finder for the given data access object.
EPSGCodeFinder(final EPSGDataAccess dao) {
this.dao = dao;
* Lookups objects which are approximately equal to the specified object.
* This method temporarily disables warnings about deprecated objects.
public Set<IdentifiedObject> find(final IdentifiedObject object) throws FactoryException {
final boolean old = dao.quiet;
dao.quiet = true;
try {
return super.find(object);
} finally {
dao.quiet = old;
* Returns a description of the condition to put in a {@code WHERE} clause for an object having
* the given dependency.
* <div class="note"><b>Implementation note:</b>
* The {@code super.find(…)} method performs a check (not documented in public API) for detecting
* when it is invoked recursively, which is the case here. Consequently the {@code super.find(…)}
* behavior below is slightly different than usual: since invoked recursively, {@code super.find(…)}
* checks the cache of the {@link ConcurrentAuthorityFactory} wrapper. If found, the dependency will
* also be stored in the cache. This is desirable because this method may be invoked (indirectly) in
* a loop for many CRS objects sharing the same {@link CoordinateSystem} or {@link Datum} dependencies.
* </div>
* @param column column in the SQL query containing EPSG codes of dependency.
* @param type GeoAPI interface implemented by the dependency to search.
* @param dependency the dependency for which to search EPSG codes, or {@code null}.
* @param ignoreAxes whether to force ignoring axes. Useful for base CRS of projected CRS.
* @return EPSG codes of given dependency, or {@code null} if no dependency were found.
private <T extends IdentifiedObject> Condition dependencies(final String column,
final Class<T> type, final T dependency, final boolean ignoreAxes) throws FactoryException
if (dependency != null) {
final Class<? extends IdentifiedObject> pt = declaredType;
final boolean previous = isIgnoringAxes();
final Set<IdentifiedObject> find;
try {
setIgnoringAxes(ignoreAxes | previous);
declaredType = type;
find = find(dependency);
} finally {
declaredType = pt;
final Set<Number> filters = new LinkedHashSet<>(Containers.hashMapCapacity(find.size()));
for (final IdentifiedObject dep : find) {
Identifier id = IdentifiedObjects.getIdentifier(dep, Citations.EPSG);
if (id != null) try { // Should never be null, but let be safe.
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
Logging.recoverableException(getLogger(Loggers.CRS_FACTORY), EPSGCodeFinder.class, "getCodeCandidates", e);
if (!filters.isEmpty()) {
return new Condition(column, filters);
return null;
* A condition to put in a SQL {@code WHERE} clause. SQL query will be one of the forms shown below,
* where {@code <column>} and {@code <values>} are {@link #column} and {@link #values} respectively.
* {@preformat sql
* SELECT <codeColumn> FROM <table> WHERE <column> IN (<values>)
* SELECT <codeColumn> FROM <table> WHERE <column> >= <value - ε> AND <column> <= <value + ε>
* }
* The latter form is used if {@code <filters>} is a floating point value.
* Otherwise, {@code <filters>} are typically EPSG codes of dependencies.
private static class Condition {
/** A sentinel value for filtering by name. */
static final Condition NAME = new Condition("NAME", Collections.emptySet());
/** The column on which the condition apply. */
final String column;
/** The values of the conditions. */
final Set<Number> values;
/** Creates a new condition. */
Condition(final String column, final Set<Number> values) {
this.column = column;
this.values = values;
* Appends this condition into the given buffer. If {@code isNext} is {@code true}, then an {@code "AND"}
* keyword is appended before the condition. Otherwise this method presumes that the given buffer already
* ends with {@code "WHERE "} or {@code "AND "} keyword. This method does <strong>not</strong> append a
* new {@code "AND"} keyword after the condition.
* @param isNext whether to append a {@code "AND"} keyword before the condition.
* @param buffer where to append the SQL fragment.
* @return whether a SQL fragment has been appended.
boolean appendToWhere(final StringBuilder buffer, final boolean isNext) {
if (values.isEmpty()) return false;
if (isNext) buffer.append(" AND ");
if (values.size() == 1) {
} else {
buffer.append(" IN (");
for (final Number code : values) {
buffer.setCharAt(buffer.length() - 1, ')');
return true;
* Appends an ordering criterion. The buffer shall ends with {@code "ORDER BY"} keyword before
* this method is invoked. If this method appends a criterion, then a comma will be appended
* after that criterion for allowing chaining.
* @param buffer where to append the SQL fragment.
void appendToOrderBy(final StringBuilder buffer) {
* Returns a string representation of this condition for debugging purpose.
public final String toString() {
final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(50);
appendToWhere(buffer, false);
return buffer.toString();
* A condition for a floating point value with a tolerance.
private static final class FloatCondition extends Condition {
/** Creates a new condition for the given value. */
FloatCondition(final String column, final double value) {
super(column, Collections.singleton(value));
* Appends a condition with a numeric value assumed a linear distance in metres.
* The tolerance threshold is 1 centimetre for a planet of the size of Earth.
boolean appendToWhere(final StringBuilder buffer, final boolean isNext) {
if (isNext) buffer.append(" AND ");
final double value = values.iterator().next().doubleValue();
final double tolerance = Math.abs((Formulas.LINEAR_TOLERANCE / ReferencingServices.AUTHALIC_RADIUS) * value);
buffer.append(column).append(">=").append(value - tolerance).append(" AND ")
.append(column).append("<=").append(value + tolerance);
return true;
* Appends an ordering condition.
void appendToOrderBy(final StringBuilder buffer) {
final double value = values.iterator().next().doubleValue();
buffer.append("ABS(").append(column).append('-').append(value).append("), ");
* Returns {@code true} if the given object implements the given interface, ignoring interfaces
* that are not subtypes of {@link #declaredType}. This method is used for avoiding confusion if
* the given object implements more than one GeoAPI interfaces. Test order matter: CRS should be
* tested first in order to have precedence over datum types.
private boolean isInstance(final Class<? extends IdentifiedObject> type, final IdentifiedObject object) {
return (declaredType == null || type.isAssignableFrom(declaredType)) && type.isInstance(object);
* Returns a set of authority codes that <strong>may</strong> identify the same object than the specified one.
* This implementation tries to get a smaller set than what {@link EPSGDataAccess#getAuthorityCodes(Class)}
* would produce. Deprecated objects must be last in iteration order.
protected Set<String> getCodeCandidates(final IdentifiedObject object) throws FactoryException {
final TableInfo table; // Contains `codeColumn` and `table` names.
final Condition[] filters; // Conditions to put in the WHERE clause.
crs: if (isInstance(CoordinateReferenceSystem.class, object)) {
* For compound CRS, the SQL statement may be something like below
* SELECT COORD_REF_SYS_CODE FROM "Coordinate Reference System"
table = TableInfo.CRS;
if (isInstance(CompoundCRS.class, object)) {
final List<CoordinateReferenceSystem> components = ((CompoundCRS) object).getComponents();
if (components != null) { // Paranoiac check.
final int n = components.size();
if (n == 2) {
filters = new Condition[2];
for (int i=0; i<=1; i++) {
if ((filters[i] = dependencies((i==0) ? "CMPD_HORIZCRS_CODE" : "CMPD_VERTCRS_CODE",
CoordinateReferenceSystem.class, components.get(i), false)) == null)
return Collections.emptySet();
break crs;
if (n == 1) { // Should not happen.
return getCodeCandidates(components.get(0));
* For Coordinate Reference System, the SQL statement may be something like below
* (with DATUM_CODE replaced by SOURCE_GEOGCRS_CODE in a projected CRS):
* SELECT COORD_REF_SYS_CODE FROM "Coordinate Reference System"
final Condition filter;
if (object instanceof GeneralDerivedCRS) { // No need to use isInstance(Class, Object) from here.
filter = dependencies("SOURCE_GEOGCRS_CODE", SingleCRS.class, ((GeneralDerivedCRS) object).getBaseCRS(), true);
} else if (object instanceof GeodeticCRS) {
filter = dependencies("DATUM_CODE", GeodeticDatum.class, ((GeodeticCRS) object).getDatum(), true);
} else if (object instanceof VerticalCRS) {
filter = dependencies("DATUM_CODE", VerticalDatum.class, ((VerticalCRS) object).getDatum(), true);
} else if (object instanceof TemporalCRS) {
filter = dependencies("DATUM_CODE", TemporalDatum.class, ((TemporalCRS) object).getDatum(), true);
} else if (object instanceof SingleCRS) {
filter = dependencies("DATUM_CODE", Datum.class, ((SingleCRS) object).getDatum(), true);
} else {
return Collections.emptySet();
if (filter == null) {
return Collections.emptySet();
filters = new Condition[] {filter};
} else if (isInstance(Datum.class, object)) {
* We currently have no better way to filter datum (or reference frames) than their names.
* Filtering must be at least as tolerant as AbstractDatum.isHeuristicMatchForName(String).
* The SQL statement will be something like below:
table = TableInfo.DATUM;
if (isInstance(GeodeticDatum.class, object)) {
filters = new Condition[] {
dependencies("ELLIPSOID_CODE", Ellipsoid.class, ((GeodeticDatum) object).getEllipsoid(), true),
if (filters[0] == null) {
return Collections.emptySet();
} else {
if (isInstance(VerticalDatum.class, object)) {
final VerticalDatumType type = ((VerticalDatum) object).getVerticalDatumType();
if (type != null && !type.equals(EPSGDataAccess.VERTICAL_DATUM_TYPE)) {
return Collections.emptySet();
filters = new Condition[] {
} else if (isInstance(Ellipsoid.class, object)) {
* The SQL query will be something like below:
table = TableInfo.ELLIPSOID;
filters = new Condition[] {
new FloatCondition("SEMI_MAJOR_AXIS", ((Ellipsoid) object).getSemiMajorAxis())
} else {
// Not a supported type. Returns all codes.
return super.getCodeCandidates(object);
* At this point we collected the information needed for creating the main SQL query.
* If the filters include a filter by names, we will need to take aliases in account.
* The following block prepares in advance the SQL query that we will need to execute,
* but does not execute it now. Note that this block overwrites the `buffer` content,
* so that buffer shall not contain valuable information yet.
final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(350); // Temporary buffer for building SQL query.
final Set<String> namePatterns;
final String aliasSQL;
if (ArraysExt.containsIdentity(filters, Condition.NAME)) {
namePatterns = new LinkedHashSet<>();
namePatterns.add(toDatumPattern(object.getName().getCode(), buffer));
for (final GenericName id : object.getAlias()) {
namePatterns.add(toDatumPattern(id.tip().toString(), buffer));
buffer.append("SELECT OBJECT_CODE FROM [Alias] WHERE OBJECT_TABLE_NAME='").append(table.unquoted()).append("' AND ");
// PostgreSQL does not require explicit cast when the value is a literal instead of "?".
appendFilterByName(namePatterns, "ALIAS", buffer);
aliasSQL = dao.translator.apply(buffer.toString());
} else {
namePatterns = null;
aliasSQL = null;
* Prepare the first part of SQL statement, which may be like below:
* SELECT <codeColumn> FROM <table>
* WHERE CAST(<typeColumn> AS VARCHAR(80)) LIKE 'type%'
* AND <filter.column> IN (<filter.values>)
* AND (LOWER(<nameColumn>) LIKE '<name>%')
* The query is assembled in the `buffer`. The first WHERE condition specifies the desired type.
* That condition may be absent. The next conditions specify desired values. It may be EPSG codes
* of dependencies or parameter values as floating points. The last condition is on the object name.
* It may be absent (typically, only datums or reference frames have that condition).
buffer.append("SELECT ").append(table.codeColumn).append(" FROM ").append(table.table);
table.where(object.getClass(), buffer); // Unconditionally append a "WHERE" clause.
boolean isNext = false;
for (final Condition filter : filters) {
isNext |= filter.appendToWhere(buffer, isNext);
* We did not finished to build the SQL query, but the remaining part may require a JDBC connection.
* We do not use PreparedStatement because the number of parameters varies, and we may need to use a
* Statement two times for completely different queries.
try (Statement stmt = dao.connection.createStatement()) {
if (namePatterns != null) {
if (isNext) buffer.append(" AND ");
isNext = false;
appendFilterByName(namePatterns, table.nameColumn, buffer);
try (ResultSet result = stmt.executeQuery(aliasSQL)) {
while ( {
final int code = result.getInt(1);
if (!result.wasNull()) { // Should never be null but we are paranoiac.
if (!isNext) {
isNext = true;
buffer.append(" OR ").append(table.codeColumn).append(" IN (");
} else {
if (isNext) buffer.append(')');
buffer.append(getSearchDomain() == Domain.ALL_DATASET
: " AND DEPRECATED=0 ORDER BY "); // Do not put spaces around "=" - SQLTranslator searches for this exact match.
for (final Condition filter : filters) {
buffer.append(table.codeColumn); // Only for making order determinist.
* At this point the SQL query is complete. Run it, preserving order.
* Then sort the result by taking in account the supersession table.
final Set<String> result = new LinkedHashSet<>(); // We need to preserve order in this set.
try (ResultSet r = stmt.executeQuery(dao.translator.apply(buffer.toString()))) {
while ( {
result.remove(null); // Should not have null element, but let be safe.
if (result.size() > 1) {
final Object[] id = result.toArray();
if (dao.sort(table.unquoted(), id)) {
for (final Object c : id) {
result.add((String) c);
return result;
} catch (SQLException exception) {
throw dao.databaseFailure(Identifier.class, String.valueOf(CollectionsExt.first(filters[0].values)), exception);
* Returns a SQL pattern for the given datum name. The name is returned in all lower cases for allowing
* case-insensitive searches. Punctuations are replaced by any sequence of characters ({@code '%'}) and
* non-ASCII letters are replaced by any single character ({@code '_'}). The returned pattern should be
* flexible enough for accepting all names considered equal in {@code DefaultGeodeticDatum} comparisons.
* In case of doubt, it is okay to return a pattern accepting more names.
* @param name the datum name for which to return a SQL pattern.
* @param buffer temporary buffer to use for creating the pattern.
* @return the SQL pattern for the given name.
* @see org.apache.sis.referencing.datum.DefaultGeodeticDatum#isHeuristicMatchForName(String)
private static String toDatumPattern(final String name, final StringBuilder buffer) {
int start = 0;
if (name.startsWith(ESRI_DATUM_PREFIX)) {
start = ESRI_DATUM_PREFIX.length();
int end = name.indexOf('('); // Ignore "Paris" in "Nouvelle Triangulation Française (Paris)".
if (end < 0) end = name.length();
end = CharSequences.skipTrailingWhitespaces(name, start, end);
SQLUtilities.toLikePattern(name, start, end, true, true, buffer);
return buffer.toString();
* Appends to the given buffer the SQL statement for filtering datum names using a pattern created by
* {@link #toDatumPattern(String, StringBuilder)}. This method append a SQL fragment like below:
* {@preformat sql
* (LOWER(<column>) LIKE '<pattern>' OR …)
* }
* This method assumes that {@code namePatterns} contains at least one element.
* @param namePatterns the patterns created by {@link #toDatumPattern(String, StringBuilder)}.
* @param column column where the search for the names.
* @param buffer buffer where to add the SQL fragment.
private static void appendFilterByName(final Set<String> namePatterns, final String column, final StringBuilder buffer) {
String separator = "(";
for (final String pattern : namePatterns) {
.append(") LIKE '").append(pattern).append('\'');
separator = " OR ";