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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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package org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.projection;
import org.opengis.util.FactoryException;
import org.opengis.referencing.datum.Ellipsoid;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.MathTransform;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.TransformException;
import org.opengis.test.referencing.ParameterizedTransformTest;
import org.apache.sis.parameter.Parameters;
import org.apache.sis.internal.util.Constants;
import org.apache.sis.internal.referencing.provider.MapProjection;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.DefaultOperationMethod;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.transform.CoordinateDomain;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.transform.MathTransformTestCase;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.transform.MathTransformFactoryMock;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.transform.MathTransforms;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.datum.GeodeticDatumMock;
import static java.lang.Double.isNaN;
import static java.lang.StrictMath.*;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
* Base class of map projection tests.
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
* @version 1.0
* @since 0.6
* @module
abstract strictfp class MapProjectionTestCase extends MathTransformTestCase {
* Axis length of WGS84 ellipsoid.
static final double WGS84_A = 6378137,
WGS84_B = 6356752.314245179;
* Axis length of Clarke 1866 ellipsoid. This ellipsoid is used by Snyder examples.
static final double CLARKE_A = 6378206.4,
CLARKE_B = 6356583.8;
* A radius for tests of spherical formulas.
static final double RADIUS = 6400000;
* Tolerance level for comparing formulas on the unitary sphere or ellipsoid.
static final double NORMALIZED_TOLERANCE = 1E-12;
* Creates a new test case.
MapProjectionTestCase() {
* Instantiates the object to use for running GeoAPI test.
* @param provider the provider of the projection to test.
* @return the GeoAPI test class using the given provider.
static ParameterizedTransformTest createGeoApiTest(final MapProjection provider) {
return new ParameterizedTransformTest(new MathTransformFactoryMock(provider));
* Returns the parameters to use for instantiating the projection to test.
* The parameters are initialized with the ellipse semi-axis lengths.
* @param provider the provider of the projection to test.
* @param ellipsoidal {@code false} for a sphere, or {@code true} for WGS84 ellipsoid.
* @return the parameters to use for instantiating the projection.
static Parameters parameters(final DefaultOperationMethod provider, final boolean ellipsoidal) {
final Parameters parameters = Parameters.castOrWrap(provider.getParameters().createValue());
final Ellipsoid ellipsoid = (ellipsoidal ? GeodeticDatumMock.WGS84 : GeodeticDatumMock.SPHERE).getEllipsoid();
if (ellipsoidal) {
return parameters;
* Initializes a complete projection (including conversion from degrees to radians) for the given provider.
* Base CRS axis order is (longitude, latitude).
final void createCompleteProjection(final DefaultOperationMethod provider,
final double semiMajor,
final double semiMinor,
final double centralMeridian,
final double latitudeOfOrigin,
final double standardParallel1,
final double standardParallel2,
final double scaleFactor,
final double falseEasting,
final double falseNorthing) throws FactoryException
final Parameters values = Parameters.castOrWrap(provider.getParameters().createValue());
if (semiMajor == WGS84_A && semiMinor == WGS84_B) {
if (!isNaN(centralMeridian)) values.parameter(Constants.CENTRAL_MERIDIAN) .setValue(centralMeridian);
if (!isNaN(latitudeOfOrigin)) values.parameter(Constants.LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN) .setValue(latitudeOfOrigin);
if (!isNaN(standardParallel1)) values.parameter(Constants.STANDARD_PARALLEL_1).setValue(standardParallel1);
if (!isNaN(standardParallel2)) values.parameter(Constants.STANDARD_PARALLEL_2).setValue(standardParallel2);
if (!isNaN(scaleFactor)) values.parameter(Constants.SCALE_FACTOR) .setValue(scaleFactor);
if (!isNaN(falseEasting)) values.parameter(Constants.FALSE_EASTING) .setValue(falseEasting);
if (!isNaN(falseNorthing)) values.parameter(Constants.FALSE_NORTHING) .setValue(falseNorthing);
transform = new MathTransformFactoryMock(provider).createParameterizedTransform(values);
* Returns the {@code NormalizedProjection} component of the current transform.
final NormalizedProjection getKernel() {
NormalizedProjection kernel = null;
for (final MathTransform component : MathTransforms.getSteps(transform)) {
if (component instanceof NormalizedProjection) {
assertNull("Found more than one kernel.", kernel);
kernel = (NormalizedProjection) component;
assertNotNull("Kernel not found.", kernel);
return kernel;
* Projects the given latitude value. The longitude is fixed to zero.
* This method is useful for testing the behavior close to poles in a simple case.
* @param φ the latitude.
* @return the northing.
* @throws ProjectionException if the projection failed.
final double transform(final double φ) throws ProjectionException {
final double[] coordinate = new double[2];
coordinate[1] = φ;
((NormalizedProjection) transform).transform(coordinate, 0, coordinate, 0, false);
final double y = coordinate[1];
if (Double.isFinite(y)) {
assertEquals(0, coordinate[0], tolerance);
return y;
* Inverse projects the given northing value. The easting is fixed to zero.
* This method is useful for testing the behavior close to poles in a simple case.
* @param y the northing.
* @return the latitude.
* @throws ProjectionException if the projection failed.
final double inverseTransform(final double y) throws ProjectionException {
final double[] coordinate = new double[2];
coordinate[1] = y;
((NormalizedProjection) transform).inverseTransform(coordinate, 0, coordinate, 0);
final double φ = coordinate[1];
if (!isNaN(φ)) {
* Opportunistically verify that the longitude is still zero. However the longitude value is meaningless
* at poles. We can not always use coordinate[0] for testing if we are at a pole because its calculation
* is not finished (the denormalization matrix has not yet been applied). In the particular case of SIS
* implementation, we observe sometime a ±180° rotation, which we ignore below. Such empirical hack is
* not rigorous, but it is not the purpose of this test to check the longitude value - we are doing only
* an opportunist check, other test methods will test longitude more accurately.
double λ = coordinate[0];
λ -= rint / PI) * PI;
assertEquals(0, λ, tolerance);
return φ;
* Compares the elliptical formulas with the spherical formulas for random points in the given domain.
* The spherical formulas are arbitrarily selected as the reference implementation because they are simpler,
* so less bug-prone, than the elliptical formulas.
* @param domain the domain of the numbers to be generated.
* @param randomSeed the seed for the random number generator, or 0 for choosing a random seed.
* @throws TransformException if a conversion, transformation or derivative failed.
final void compareEllipticalWithSpherical(final CoordinateDomain domain, final long randomSeed)
throws TransformException
transform = ProjectionResultComparator.sphericalAndEllipsoidal(transform);
if (derivativeDeltas == null) {
final double delta = toRadians(100.0 / 60) / 1852; // Approximately 100 metres.
derivativeDeltas = new double[] {delta, delta};
verifyInDomain(domain, randomSeed);