blob: fccbb2c5222939958af294481fb7ff506beecb08 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.sis.util.ArraysExt;
import org.apache.sis.util.CharSequences;
import org.apache.sis.util.ArgumentChecks;
import org.apache.sis.util.resources.Errors;
import org.apache.sis.internal.util.X364;
import static org.apache.sis.util.Characters.isLineOrParagraphSeparator;
// Related to JK7
import org.apache.sis.internal.jdk7.JDK7;
* An {@link Appendable} which formats the text as a table suitable for displaying in devices using
* a monospaced font. Columns are separated by tabulations ({@code '\t'}) and rows are separated by
* {@linkplain org.apache.sis.util.Characters#isLineOrParagraphSeparator(int) line or paragraph separators}.
* The content of every table cells are stored in memory until the {@link #flush()} method is invoked.
* When invoked, {@code flush()} copies the cell contents to the {@linkplain #out underlying stream
* or buffer} while replacing tabulations by some amount of spaces and drawing borders.
* The exact number of spaces is computed from the cell widths.
* <p>For example, the following code:</p>
* {@preformat java
* StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
* TableAppender table = new TableAppender(buffer);
* table.nextLine('═');
* table.append("English\tFrench\tr.e.d.\n");
* table.nextLine('-');
* table.append("Mercury\tMercure\t0.382\n")
* .append("Venus\tVénus\t0.949\n")
* .append("Earth\tTerre\t1.00\n")
* .append("Mars\tMars\t0.532\n");
* table.nextLine('═');
* table.flush();
* }
* produces the following output:
* {@preformat text
* ╔═════════╤═════════╤════════╗
* ║ English │ French │ r.e.d. ║
* ╟─────────┼─────────┼────────╢
* ║ Mercury │ Mercure │ 0.382 ║
* ║ Venus │ Vénus │ 0.949 ║
* ║ Earth │ Terre │ 1.00 ║
* ║ Mars │ Mars │ 0.532 ║
* ╚═════════╧═════════╧════════╝
* }
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (MPO, IRD, Geomatys)
* @since 0.3
* @version 0.3
* @module
* @see org.apache.sis.util.collection.TreeTableFormat
public class TableAppender extends Appender implements Flushable {
* A possible value for cell alignment. This specifies that the text is aligned
* to the left indent and extra whitespace should be placed on the right.
public static final byte ALIGN_LEFT = -1;
* A possible value for cell alignment. This specifies that the text is aligned
* to the center and extra whitespace should be placed equally on the left and right.
public static final byte ALIGN_CENTER = 0;
* A possible value for cell alignment. This specifies that the text is aligned
* to the right indent and extra whitespace should be placed on the left.
public static final byte ALIGN_RIGHT = +1;
* Drawing-box characters. The last two characters
* are horizontal and vertical line respectively.
private static final char[][] BOX = new char[][] {
{// [0000]: single horizontal, single vertical
{// [0001]: single horizontal, double vertical
{// [0010]: double horizontal, single vertical
{// [0011]: double horizontal, double vertical
* The character for empty spaces to insert between columns.
private static final char SPACE = ' ';
* Temporary string buffer. This buffer contains only one cell content.
private final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(64);
* List of {@link Cell} objects, from left to right and top to bottom.
* By convention, a {@code null} value or a {@link Cell} object with
* <code>{@linkplain Cell#text} == null</code> means that we need to move
* to the next line.
private final List<Cell> cells = new ArrayList<Cell>();
* Alignment for current and next cells.
* @see #getCellAlignment()
* @see #setCellAlignment(byte)
private byte alignment = ALIGN_LEFT;
* Column position of the cell currently being written. The field
* is incremented every time {@link #nextColumn()} is invoked.
private int currentColumn;
* Line position of the cell currently being written. The field
* is incremented every time {@link #nextLine()} is invoked.
private int currentRow;
* Maximum width for each columns. This array length must
* be equal to the number of columns in this table.
private int[] maximalColumnWidths = ArraysExt.EMPTY_INT;
* The line separator. We will use the first line separator found in the
* text to provided by the user, or the system default if none.
private String lineSeparator;
* The column separator.
private final String columnSeparator;
* The left table border.
private final String leftBorder;
* The right table border.
private final String rightBorder;
* Tells if cells can span more than one line. If {@code true}, then EOL characters likes
* {@code '\n'} move to the next line <em>inside</em> the current cell. If {@code false},
* then EOL characters move to the next table row. Default value is {@code false}.
private boolean multiLinesCells;
* {@code true} if the next character needs to be skipped if equals to {@code '\n'}.
private boolean skipLF;
* Sets to {@code true} at construction time if {@link #out} has been created by the
* constructor rather than supplied by the user.
private boolean ownOut;
* Creates a new table formatter writing in an internal buffer with a default column separator.
* The default is a vertical double line for the left and right table borders, and a single
* line between the columns.
public TableAppender() {
this(new StringBuilder(256));
ownOut = true;
* Creates a new table formatter writing in an internal buffer with the specified column separator.
* @param separator String to write between columns.
public TableAppender(final String separator) {
this(new StringBuilder(256), separator);
ownOut = true;
* Creates a new table formatter writing in the given output with a default column separator.
* The default is a vertical double line for the left and right table borders, and a single
* line between the columns.
* @param out The underlying stream or buffer to write to.
public TableAppender(final Appendable out) {
leftBorder = "║ ";
rightBorder = " ║" ;
columnSeparator = " │ ";
* Creates a new table formatter writing in the given output with the specified column separator.
* @param out The underlying stream or buffer to write to.
* @param separator String to write between columns.
public TableAppender(final Appendable out, final String separator) {
* Following methods use Character.isWhitespace(…) instead of Character.isSpaceChar(…).
* This has the effect of removing some ISO control characters (line feeds, tabulation,
* etc.) from the border. If this policy is changed, search for other occurrences of
* 'isWhitespace' in this class for ensuring consistency. Note however that the same
* policy is not necessarily applied everywhere.
final int length = separator.length();
leftBorder = separator.substring( CharSequences.skipLeadingWhitespaces (separator, 0, length));
rightBorder = separator.substring(0, CharSequences.skipTrailingWhitespaces(separator, 0, length));
columnSeparator = separator;
* Writes a border or a corner to the underlying stream or buffer.
* @param horizontalBorder -1 for left border, +1 for right border, 0 for center.
* @param verticalBorder -1 for top border, +1 for bottom border, 0 for center.
* @param horizontalChar Character to use for horizontal line.
* @throws IOException If the writing operation failed.
private void writeBorder(final int horizontalBorder,
final int verticalBorder,
final char horizontalChar) throws IOException
* Get the set of characters to use for the horizontal line.
int boxCount = 0;
final char[][] box = new char[BOX.length][];
for (final char[] row : BOX) {
if (row[9] == horizontalChar) {
box[boxCount++] = row;
* Get a string which contains the vertical lines to draw
* on the left, on the right or in the center of the table.
final String border;
switch (horizontalBorder) {
case -1: border = leftBorder; break;
case +1: border = rightBorder; break;
case 0: border = columnSeparator; break;
default: throw new AssertionError(horizontalBorder);
assert (verticalBorder >= -1) && (verticalBorder <= +1) : verticalBorder;
* Remplaces spaces by the horizontal lines, and vertical lines by an intersection.
* Use Character.isWhitespace(…) instead of Character.isSpaceChar(…) for consistency
* with the policy used in the constructor, since we work on the same object (namely
* the border strings).
final int index = (horizontalBorder+1) + (verticalBorder+1)*3;
final int borderLength = border.length();
for (int i=0; i<borderLength;) {
int c = border.codePointAt(i);
i += Character.charCount(c);
if (Character.isWhitespace(c)) {
c = horizontalChar;
} else {
for (int j=0; j<boxCount; j++) {
if (box[j][10] == c) {
c = box[j][index];
* Returns {@code true} if EOL characters are used for line feeds inside current cells.
* @return {@code true} if EOL characters are to be write inside the cell.
public boolean isMultiLinesCells() {
return multiLinesCells;
* Sets the desired behavior for EOL and tabulations characters.
* <ul>
* <li>If {@code true}, then tabulations,
* {@linkplain org.apache.sis.util.Characters#isLineOrParagraphSeparator(int)
* line and paragraph separator} characters are copied into the current cell.
* Subsequent writing operations will continue inside the same cell.</li>
* <li>If {@code false}, then tabulations move to next column and EOL move
* to the first cell of next row (i.e. tabulation and EOL are equivalent to
* {@link #nextColumn()} and {@link #nextLine()} calls respectively).</li>
* </ul>
* The default value is {@code false}.
* @param multiLines {@code true} true if EOL are used for line feeds inside
* current cells, or {@code false} if EOL move to the next row.
public void setMultiLinesCells(final boolean multiLines) {
multiLinesCells = multiLines;
* Returns the alignment of the text inside the current cell.
* The default value is {@link #ALIGN_LEFT}.
* @return Current cell alignment as one of the {@link #ALIGN_LEFT},
* {@link #ALIGN_RIGHT} or {@link #ALIGN_CENTER} constants.
public byte getCellAlignment() {
return alignment;
* Sets the alignment of the text inside the current cell. The alignments of any cell
* written prior this method call are left unchanged. The new alignment will apply to
* the next cells too until this {@code setCellAlignment(…)} method is invoked again
* with a different value.
* <p>If this method is never invoked, then the default alignment is {@link #ALIGN_LEFT}.</p>
* @param alignment The new cell alignment as one of the {@link #ALIGN_LEFT},
* {@link #ALIGN_RIGHT} or {@link #ALIGN_CENTER} constants.
public void setCellAlignment(final byte alignment) {
if (alignment < ALIGN_LEFT || alignment > ALIGN_RIGHT) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Errors.format(
Errors.Keys.IllegalArgumentValue_2, "alignment", alignment));
this.alignment = alignment;
* Returns the number of rows in this table. This count is reset to 0 by {@link #flush()}.
* @return The number of rows in this table.
public int getRowCount() {
int count = currentRow;
if (currentColumn != 0) {
count++; // Some writting has begun in the current row.
return count;
* Returns the number of columns in this table.
* @return The number of columns in this table.
public int getColumnCount() {
return maximalColumnWidths.length;
* Writes a single character. If {@link #isMultiLinesCells()} is {@code false}
* (which is the default), then:
* <ul>
* <li>Tabulations ({@code '\t'}) are replaced by calls to {@link #nextColumn()}.</li>
* <li>{@linkplain org.apache.sis.util.Characters#isLineOrParagraphSeparator(int)
* line or paragraph separators} are replaced by calls to {@link #nextLine()}.</li>
* </ul>
* @param c Character to write.
* @return {@code this}.
public TableAppender append(final char c) {
final int cp = toCodePoint(c);
if (!multiLinesCells) {
if (cp == '\t') {
skipLF = false;
return this;
if (isLineOrParagraphSeparator(cp)) {
if (cp == '\n') {
if (!skipLF) {
skipLF = false;
} else {
skipLF = true;
return this;
skipLF = false;
return this;
* Appends the specified character sequence.
* @param sequence The character sequence to append, or {@code null}.
* @return A reference to this {@code Appendable}.
public TableAppender append(CharSequence sequence) {
if (sequence == null) {
sequence = "null";
return append(sequence, 0, sequence.length());
* Writes a portion of a character sequence. Tabulations and line separators are
* interpreted as by {@link #append(char)}.
* @param sequence The character sequence to be written.
* @param start Index from which to start reading characters.
* @param end Index of the character following the last character to read.
* @return {@code this}.
public TableAppender append(final CharSequence sequence, int start, int end) {
ArgumentChecks.ensureValidIndexRange(sequence.length(), start, end);
if (lineSeparator == null) {
lineSeparator = lineSeparator(sequence, start, end);
try {
start = appendSurrogate(sequence, start, end);
} catch (IOException e) {
// Should never happen, because appendSurrogate(…) delegates to append(char)
// which is overriden without 'throws IOException' clause in this class.
throw new AssertionError(e);
if (start != end) {
if (skipLF && sequence.charAt(start) == '\n') {
if (!multiLinesCells) {
int cp = 0;
int upper = start;
while (upper != end) {
cp = toCodePoint(sequence.charAt(upper++));
if (cp >= 0 && (cp == '\t' || isLineOrParagraphSeparator(cp))) {
buffer.append(sequence, start, upper - Character.charCount(cp));
switch (cp) {
case '\r': if (upper < end && sequence.charAt(upper) == '\n') upper++;
default: nextLine(); break; // Applies also to the above '\r' case.
case '\t': nextColumn(); break;
start = upper;
skipLF = (cp == '\r'); // Check the last character.
} else {
* The call to 'toCodePoint' is for forcing the initialization of
* super.highSurrogate field value. Even if we fall in the middle
* of a surrogate pair, it should not hurt because in this context,
* toCodePoint should either returns -1 or its argument unchanged.
assert !isHighSurrogate();
skipLF = (toCodePoint(sequence.charAt(end - 1)) == '\r');
if (isHighSurrogate()) {
buffer.append(sequence, start, end);
return this;
* Writes an horizontal separator.
public void appendHorizontalSeparator() {
if (currentColumn != 0 || buffer.length() != 0) {
* Moves one column to the right.
* The subsequent writing operations will occur in a new cell on the same row.
public void nextColumn() {
* Moves one column to the right, filling remaining space with the given character.
* The subsequent writing operations will occur in a new cell on the same row.
* <p>Calling {@code nextColumn('*')} from the first character
* in a cell is a convenient way to put a pad value in this cell.</p>
* @param fill Character filling the cell (default to whitespace).
public void nextColumn(final char fill) {
final String cellText = buffer.toString();
cells.add(new Cell(cellText, alignment, fill));
if (currentColumn >= maximalColumnWidths.length) {
maximalColumnWidths = Arrays.copyOf(maximalColumnWidths, currentColumn+1);
int width = 0;
int lineStart = 0;
final int length = cellText.length();
while (lineStart < length) {
final int nextLine = CharSequences.indexOfLineStart(cellText, 1, lineStart);
for (int i=nextLine; --i >= lineStart;) {
if (!Character.isISOControl(cellText.charAt(i))) {
final int lg = X364.lengthOfPlain(cellText, lineStart, i+1);
if (lg > width) {
width = lg;
lineStart = nextLine;
if (width > maximalColumnWidths[currentColumn]) {
maximalColumnWidths[currentColumn] = width;
* Moves to the first column on the next row.
* The subsequent writing operations will occur on a new row.
public void nextLine() {
* Moves to the first column on the next row, filling every remaining cell in the current
* row with the specified character. The subsequent writing operations will occur on a new
* row.
* <p>Calling {@code nextLine('-')} from the first column of a row is a convenient way
* to fill this row with a line separator.</p>
* @param fill Character filling the rest of the line (default to whitespace).
* This character may be use as a row separator.
public void nextLine(final char fill) {
if (buffer.length() != 0) {
assert buffer.length() == 0;
cells.add((fill != SPACE) ? new Cell(null, alignment, fill) : null);
currentColumn = 0;
* Flushes the table content to the underlying stream or buffer. This method should not
* be called before the table is completed (otherwise, columns may have the wrong width).
* @throws IOException if an output operation failed.
public void flush() throws IOException {
if (buffer.length() != 0) {
assert buffer.length() == 0;
if (!ownOut) {
currentRow = 0;
currentColumn = 0;
if (!(out instanceof TableAppender)) {
* Flush only if this table is not included in an outer (bigger) table.
* This is because flushing the outer table would break its formatting.
* Returns the content of this {@code TableAppender} as a string if possible.
* <ul>
* <li>If this {@code TableAppender} has been created without explicit {@link Appendable},
* then this method always returns the current table content formatted as a string.</li>
* <li>Otherwise, if {@link #out} implements {@link CharSequence} or is directly or
* indirectly a wrapper around a {@code CharSequence}, returns its {@code toString()}
* representation. The string will contain this table content only if {@link #flush()}
* has been invoked prior this {@code toString()} method.</li>
* <li>Otherwise returns the localized <cite>"Unavailable content"</cite> string.</li>
* </ul>
public String toString() {
if (ownOut) {
((StringBuilder) out).setLength(0);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// Should never happen because we are writing in a StringBuilder.
throw new AssertionError(e);
return super.toString();
* Writes the table without clearing the {@code TableAppender} content.
* Invoking this method many time would result in the same table being
* repeated.
private void writeTable() throws IOException {
final String columnSeparator = this.columnSeparator;
final Cell[] currentLine = new Cell[maximalColumnWidths.length];
final int cellCount = cells.size();
for (int cellIndex=0; cellIndex<cellCount; cellIndex++) {
* Copies in 'currentLine' every cells to write in the current table row.
* Those elements exclude the last null sentinal value. The 'currentLine'
* array initially contains no null element, but some element will be set
* to null as we progress in the writing process.
Cell lineFill = null;
int currentCount = 0;
do {
final Cell cell = cells.get(cellIndex);
if (cell == null) {
if (cell.text == null) {
lineFill = new Cell("", cell.alignment, cell.fill);
currentLine[currentCount++] = cell;
while (++cellIndex < cellCount);
Arrays.fill(currentLine, currentCount, currentLine.length, lineFill);
* The loop below will be executed as long as we have some lines to write,
* (i.e. as long as at least one element is non-null). If a cell contains
* EOL characters, then we will need to format it as a multi-lines cell.
while (!isEmpty(currentLine)) {
for (int j=0; j<currentLine.length; j++) {
final boolean isFirstColumn = (j == 0);
final boolean isLastColumn = (j+1 == currentLine.length);
final Cell cell = currentLine[j];
final int cellWidth = maximalColumnWidths[j];
final int cellPadding = isLastColumn && rightBorder.isEmpty() ? 0 : cellWidth;
if (cell == null) {
if (isFirstColumn) {
repeat(out, SPACE, cellPadding);
out.append(isLastColumn ? rightBorder : columnSeparator);
String cellText = cell.text;
int textLength = cellText.length();
Cell remaining = null;
for (int endOfFirstLine=0; endOfFirstLine < textLength;) {
int c = cellText.codePointAt(endOfFirstLine);
int next = endOfFirstLine + Character.charCount(c);
if (isLineOrParagraphSeparator(c)) {
* If a EOL character has been found, write only the first line in the cell.
* The 'currentLine[j]' element will be modified in order to contain only
* the remaining lines, which will be written in next loop iterations.
if (c == '\r' && (next < textLength) && cellText.charAt(next) == '\n') {
* Verify if the remaining contains only white spaces. If so, those spaces
* will be ignored. But if there is at least one non-white character, then
* we will not skip those spaces. We use Character.isWhitespace(…) instead
* of Character.isSpaceChar(…) in order to consider non-breaking spaces as
* non-white characters. This is similar to the use of &nbsp; in HTML tables,
* which can be used for forcing the insertion of an otherwise ignored space.
for (int i=next; i<textLength; i += Character.charCount(c)) {
c = cellText.codePointAt(i);
if (!Character.isWhitespace(c)) {
remaining = cell.substring(next);
cellText = cellText.substring(0, endOfFirstLine);
endOfFirstLine = next;
currentLine[j] = remaining;
textLength = X364.lengthOfPlain(cellText, 0, cellText.length());
* If the cell to write is actually a border, do a special processing
* in order to use the characters defined in the BOX static constant.
if (currentCount == 0) {
assert textLength == 0;
final int verticalBorder;
if (cellIndex == 0) verticalBorder = -1;
else if (cellIndex >= cellCount-1) verticalBorder = +1;
else verticalBorder = 0;
if (isFirstColumn) {
writeBorder(-1, verticalBorder, cell.fill);
repeat(out, cell.fill, Character.isWhitespace(cell.fill) ? cellPadding : cellWidth);
writeBorder(isLastColumn ? +1 : 0, verticalBorder, cell.fill);
* If the cell is not a border, it is a normal cell.
* Write a single line of this cell content.
if (isFirstColumn) {
final Appendable tabExpander = (cellText.indexOf('\t') >= 0)
? new LineAppender(out, Integer.MAX_VALUE, true) : out;
switch (cell.alignment) {
default: {
throw new AssertionError(cell.alignment);
case ALIGN_LEFT: {
repeat(tabExpander, cell.fill, cellPadding - textLength);
repeat(tabExpander, cell.fill, cellWidth - textLength);
final int leftPadding = (cellWidth - textLength) / 2;
repeat(tabExpander, cell.fill, leftPadding);
repeat(tabExpander, cell.fill, (cellPadding - leftPadding) - textLength);
out.append(isLastColumn ? rightBorder : columnSeparator);
if (lineSeparator == null) {
lineSeparator = JDK7.lineSeparator();
* Checks if {@code array} contains only {@code null} elements.
private static boolean isEmpty(final Object[] array) {
for (int i=array.length; --i>=0;) {
if (array[i] != null) {
return false;
return true;
* Repeats a character. The {@code count} value may be negative,
* which is handled as if it was zero.
* @param out The stream or buffer where to repeat the character.
* @param car Character to write (usually ' ').
* @param count Number of repetition.
private static void repeat(final Appendable out, final char car, int count) throws IOException {
while (--count >= 0) {
* A class wrapping a cell content and its text alignment.
* This class if for internal use only.
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (IRD, Geomatys)
* @since 0.3
* @version 0.3
* @module
private static final class Cell {
* The text to write inside the cell.
final String text;
* The alignment for {@link #text} inside the cell.
byte alignment;
* The fill character, used for filling space inside the cell.
final char fill;
* Returns a new cell wrapping the specified string with the
* specified alignment and fill character.
Cell(final String text, final byte alignment, final char fill) {
this.text = text;
this.alignment = alignment;
this.fill = fill;
* Returns a new cell which contains substring of this cell.
Cell substring(final int lower) {
return new Cell(text.substring(lower), alignment, fill);
* Returns the cell content.
public String toString() {
return text;