blob: 1f92a0b74fd8cc6c6aea18258e571412a07f8b65 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Random;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.image.RenderedImage;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.grid.GridCoverage;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.grid.GridDerivation;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.grid.GridGeometry;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.grid.GridExtent;
import org.apache.sis.util.Workaround;
import org.apache.sis.util.ArraysExt;
import org.apache.sis.util.privy.Constants;
import org.apache.sis.util.privy.Numerics;
import org.apache.sis.image.PixelIterator;
import org.apache.sis.math.Statistics;
import org.apache.sis.math.StatisticsFormat;
// Test dependencies
import org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterAll;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.TestInstance;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.parallel.Execution;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.parallel.ExecutionMode;
import org.apache.sis.test.TestUtilities;
import org.apache.sis.test.TestCase;
import org.apache.sis.test.Benchmark;
* Base class for testing the consistency of grid coverage read operations.
* The test reads the whole grid coverage at full resolution,
* then reads random sub-regions at random resolutions.
* The sub-regions pixels are compared with the original image.
* <h2>Assumptions</h2>
* Assuming that the code reading the full extent is correct, this class can detect some bugs
* in the code reading sub-regions or applying sub-sampling. This assumption is reasonable if
* we consider that the code reading the full extent is usually simpler than the code reading
* a subset of data.
* <p>This class is not thread-safe. However, instances of this class can be reused for many test methods.</p>
* @param <S> the data store class to test.
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
public abstract class CoverageReadConsistency<S extends DataStore> extends TestCase {
* A constant for identifying the codes working on two dimensional slices.
private static final int BIDIMENSIONAL = 2;
* The data store to test. It will be closed after all tests finished.
* @see #closeFile()
protected final S store;
* The resource to test. May be the same instance as {@link #store}.
private final GridCoverageResource resource;
* The coverage at full extent, full resolution and with all bands.
* This coverage will be used as a reference for verifying values read in sub-domains.
* Can be {@code null} if unavailable (for example because the image is too large).
private final GridCoverage full;
* Whether to allow random sub-regions to start elsewhere than (0,0).
private boolean allowOffsets;
* Whether to use random subsampling.
private boolean allowSubsampling;
* Whether to use random selection of bands.
* @see #randomRange()
private boolean allowBandSubset;
* The random number generator to use.
private final Random random;
* Number of random sub-regions to read.
private final int numIterations;
* Whether mismatched pixel values should cause a test failure. The default value is {@code true}.
* If {@code false}, then this class will only counts the failures and reports them as statistics.
private final boolean failOnMismatch;
* Statistics about execution time.
* Created only in benchmark mode.
private List<Statistics> statistics;
* Creates a new tester. This constructor reads immediately the coverage at full extent and full resolution.
* That full coverage will be used as a reference for verifying the pixel values read in sub-domains.
* Any mismatch in pixel values will cause immediate test failure.
* @param store the data store to test.
* @throws DataStoreException if the full coverage cannot be read.
public CoverageReadConsistency(final S store) throws DataStoreException { = store;
resource = resource();
full =, null);
random = TestUtilities.createRandomNumberGenerator();
numIterations = 100;
failOnMismatch = true;
* Creates a new tester with specified configuration.
* This tester may be used for benchmarking instead of JUnit tests.
* Mismatched pixel values will be reported in statistics instead of causing test failure.
* @param store the data store to close after all tests are completed.
* @param tested the resource to test.
* @param reference full coverage read from the {@code resource}, or {@code null} if none.
* @param seed seed for random number generator. Used for reproducible "random" values.
* @param readCount number of read operations to perform.
public CoverageReadConsistency(final S store, final GridCoverageResource tested,
final GridCoverage reference, final long seed, final int readCount)
{ = store;
resource = tested;
full = reference;
random = TestUtilities.createRandomNumberGenerator(seed);
numIterations = readCount;
failOnMismatch = false;
* Returns the resource to read from the {@linkplain #store}.
* This method shall not use any other field and shall not invoke any other method,
* because this method is invoked during object construction.
* <p>This method is a work around for RFE #4093999 in Sun's bug database
* ("Relax constraint on placement of this()/super() call in constructors")
* and will be removed (replaced by constructor argument) in a future version.</p>
* @return the resource to test.
* @throws DataStoreException if an error occurred while reading the resource.
@Workaround(library="JDK", version="1.7")
protected abstract GridCoverageResource resource() throws DataStoreException;
* Tests reading in random sub-regions starting at coordinates (0,0).
* Data are read at full resolution (no-subsampling) and all bands are read.
* This is the simplest test.
* @throws DataStoreException if an error occurred while using the resource.
public void testSubRegionAtOrigin() throws DataStoreException {
allowOffsets = false;
allowBandSubset = false;
allowSubsampling = false;
readAndCompareRandomRegions("Subregions at (0,0)");
* Tests reading in random sub-regions starting at random offsets.
* Data are read at full resolution (no-subsampling) and all bands are read.
* @throws DataStoreException if an error occurred while using the resource.
public void testSubRegionsAnywhere() throws DataStoreException {
allowOffsets = true;
allowBandSubset = false;
allowSubsampling = false;
* Tests reading in random sub-regions starting at coordinates (0,0) with subsampling applied.
* All bands are read.
* @throws DataStoreException if an error occurred while using the resource.
public void testSubsamplingAtOrigin() throws DataStoreException {
allowOffsets = false;
allowBandSubset = false;
allowSubsampling = true;
readAndCompareRandomRegions("Subsampling at (0,0)");
* Tests reading in random sub-regions starting at random offsets with subsampling applied.
* All bands are read.
* @throws DataStoreException if an error occurred while using the resource.
public void testSubsamplingAnywhere() throws DataStoreException {
allowOffsets = true;
allowBandSubset = false;
allowSubsampling = true;
* Tests reading random subset of bands in random sub-region starting at coordinates (0,0).
* @throws DataStoreException if an error occurred while using the resource.
public void testBandSubsetAtOrigin() throws DataStoreException {
allowOffsets = false;
allowBandSubset = true;
allowSubsampling = false;
readAndCompareRandomRegions("Bands at (0,0)");
* Tests reading random subset of bands in random sub-regions starting at random offsets.
* @throws DataStoreException if an error occurred while using the resource.
public void testBandSubsetAnywhere() throws DataStoreException {
allowOffsets = true;
allowBandSubset = true;
allowSubsampling = false;
* Tests reading random subset of bands in random sub-regions starting at random offsets
* with random subsampling applied.
* @throws DataStoreException if an error occurred while using the resource.
public void testAllAnywhere() throws DataStoreException {
allowOffsets = true;
allowBandSubset = true;
allowSubsampling = true;
* Applies a random configuration on the resource.
private void randomConfigureResource() throws DataStoreException {
final RasterLoadingStrategy[] choices = RasterLoadingStrategy.values();
* Creates a random domain to be used as a query on the {@link #resource} to test.
* All arrays given to this method will have their values overwritten.
* @param gg value of {@link GridCoverage#getGridGeometry()} on the resource to test.
* @param low pre-allocated array where to write the lower grid coordinates, inclusive.
* @param high pre-allocated array where to write the upper grid coordinates, inclusive.
* @param subsampling pre-allocated array where to write the subsampling.
private GridGeometry randomDomain(final GridGeometry gg, final long[] low, final long[] high, final int[] subsampling) {
final GridExtent fullExtent = gg.getExtent();
final int dimension = fullExtent.getDimension();
for (int d=0; d<dimension; d++) {
final int span = StrictMath.toIntExact(fullExtent.getSize(d));
final int rs = random.nextInt(span); // Span of the sub-region - 1.
if (allowOffsets) {
low[d] = random.nextInt(span - rs); // Note: (span - rs) > 0.
high[d] = low[d] + rs;
subsampling[d] = 1;
if (allowSubsampling) {
subsampling[d] += random.nextInt(StrictMath.max(rs / 16, 1));
return gg.derive().subgrid(new GridExtent(null, low, high, true), subsampling).build();
* Returns the subset of bands to use for testing. This method never return {@code null},
* but the set of bands is random only if {@link #allowBandSubset} is {@code true}.
private int[] randomRange(final int numBands) {
if (!allowBandSubset) {
return ArraysExt.range(0, numBands);
final int[] selectedBands = new int[numBands];
for (int i=0; i<numBands; i++) {
selectedBands[i] = random.nextInt(numBands);
// Remove duplicated elements.
long included = 0;
int count = 0;
for (final int b : selectedBands) {
if (included != (included |= Numerics.bitmask(b))) {
selectedBands[count++] = b;
return ArraysExt.resize(selectedBands, count);
* Implementation of methods testing reading in random sub-regions with random sub-samplings.
* @param label a label for the test being run.
* @throws DataStoreException if an error occurred while using the resource.
private void readAndCompareRandomRegions(final String label) throws DataStoreException {
final GridGeometry gg = resource.getGridGeometry();
final int dimension = gg.getDimension();
final long[] low = new long[dimension];
final long[] high = new long[dimension];
final int [] subsampling = new int [dimension];
final int [] subOffsets = new int [dimension];
final int numBands = resource.getSampleDimensions().size();
* We will collect statistics on execution time only if the
* test is executed in a more verbose mode than the default.
final Statistics durations = (VERBOSE || !failOnMismatch) ? new Statistics(label) : null;
int failuresCount = 0;
for (int it=0; it < numIterations; it++) {
final GridGeometry domain = randomDomain(gg, low, high, subsampling);
final int[] selectedBands = randomRange(numBands);
* Read a coverage containing the requested sub-domain. Note that the reader is free to read
* more data than requested. The extent actually read is `actualReadExtent`. It shall contain
* fully the requested `domain`.
final long startTime = System.nanoTime();
final GridCoverage subset =, selectedBands);
final GridExtent actualReadExtent = subset.getGridGeometry().getExtent();
if (failOnMismatch) {
assertEquals(dimension, actualReadExtent.getDimension(), "Unexpected number of dimensions.");
for (int d=0; d<dimension; d++) {
if (subsampling[d] == 1) {
assertTrue(actualReadExtent.getSize(d) > high[d] - low[d], "Actual extent is too small.");
assertTrue(actualReadExtent.getLow (d) <= low[d], "Actual extent is too small.");
assertTrue(actualReadExtent.getHigh(d) >= high[d], "Actual extent is too small.");
* If subsampling was enabled, the factors selected by the reader may be different than
* the subsampling factors that we specified. The following block updates those values.
if (allowSubsampling && full != null) {
final GridDerivation change = full.getGridGeometry().derive().subgrid(subset.getGridGeometry());
System.arraycopy(change.getSubsampling(), 0, subsampling, 0, dimension);
System.arraycopy(change.getSubsamplingOffsets(), 0, subOffsets, 0, dimension);
* Iterate over all dimensions greater than 2. In the common case where we are reading a
* two-dimensional image, the following loop will be executed only once. If reading a 3D
* or 4D image, the loop is executed for all possible two-dimensional slices in the cube.
final long[] sliceMin = actualReadExtent.getLow() .getCoordinateValues();
final long[] sliceMax = actualReadExtent.getHigh().getCoordinateValues();
nextSlice: for (;;) {
System.arraycopy(sliceMin, BIDIMENSIONAL, sliceMax, BIDIMENSIONAL, dimension - BIDIMENSIONAL);
final PixelIterator itr = iterator(full, sliceMin, sliceMax, subsampling, subOffsets, allowSubsampling);
final PixelIterator itc = iterator(subset, sliceMin, sliceMax, subsampling, subOffsets, false);
if (itr != null) {
assertEquals(itr.getDomain().getSize(), itc.getDomain().getSize());
final double[] expected = new double[selectedBands.length];
double[] reference = null, actual = null;
while ( {
reference = itr.getPixel(reference);
actual = itc.getPixel(actual);
for (int i=0; i<selectedBands.length; i++) {
expected[i] = reference[selectedBands[i]];
if (!Arrays.equals(expected, actual)) {
if (!failOnMismatch) break;
final Point pr = itr.getPosition();
final Point pc = itc.getPosition();
final StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(100).append("Mismatch at position (")
.append(pr.x).append(", ").append(pr.y).append(") in full image and (")
.append(pc.x).append(", ").append(pc.y).append(") in tested sub-image");
findMatchPosition(itr, pr, selectedBands, actual, message);
assertArrayEquals(expected, actual, message.toString());
* - If the `GridGeometry` has no `gridToCRS` transform, then `GridDerivation` manages
* to save the scales (subsampling factors) anyway but the translations (subsampling
* offsets) are lost. It causes an image shift if the offsets were not zero. Because
* `gridToCRS` should never be null with spatial data, we do not complexify the code
* for what may be a non-issue.
} else {
// Unable to create a reference image. Just check that no exception is thrown.
double[] actual = null;
while ( {
actual = itc.getPixel(actual);
* Move to the next two-dimensional slice and read again.
* We stop the loop after we have read all 2D slices.
for (int d=dimension; --d >= BIDIMENSIONAL;) {
if (sliceMin[d]++ <= actualReadExtent.getHigh(d)) continue nextSlice;
sliceMin[d] = actualReadExtent.getLow(d);
if (durations != null) {
durations.accept((System.nanoTime() - startTime) / (double) Constants.NANOS_PER_MILLISECOND);
* Show statistics only if the test are executed with the `VERBOSE` flag set,
* or if this `CoverageReadConsistency` is used for benchmark.
if (durations != null) {
if (statistics == null) {
statistics = new ArrayList<>();
final int totalCount = durations.count();
out.println("Number of failures: " + failuresCount + " / " + totalCount
+ " (" + (failuresCount / (totalCount / 100f)) + "%)");
* Prints statistics about execution time (in milliseconds) after all tests completed.
public void printDurations() {
if (statistics != null) {
// It is too late for using `TestCase.out`.
statistics = null;
* Creates a pixel iterator for a sub-region in a slice of the specified coverage.
* All coordinates given to this method are in the coordinate space of subsampled coverage subset.
* This method returns {@code null} if the arguments are valid but the image cannot be created
* because of a restriction in {@code PixelInterleavedSampleModel} constructor.
* @param coverage the coverage from which to get the iterator, or {@code null} if unavailable.
* @param sliceMin lower bounds of the <var>n</var>-dimensional region of the coverage for which to get an iterator.
* @param sliceMax upper bounds of the <var>n</var>-dimensional region of the coverage for which to get an iterator.
* @param subsampling subsampling factors to apply on the image.
* @param subOffsets offsets to add after multiplication by subsampling factors.
* @return pixel iterator over requested area, or {@code null} if unavailable.
private static PixelIterator iterator(final GridCoverage coverage, long[] sliceMin, long[] sliceMax,
final int[] subsampling, final int[] subOffsets, final boolean allowSubsampling)
if (coverage == null) {
return null;
* Same extent as `areaOfInterest` but in two dimensions and with (0,0) origin.
* We use that for clipping iteration to the area that we requested even if the
* coverage gave us a larger area.
final Rectangle sliceAOI = new Rectangle(StrictMath.toIntExact(sliceMax[0] - sliceMin[0] + 1),
StrictMath.toIntExact(sliceMax[1] - sliceMin[1] + 1));
* If the given coordinates were in a subsampled space while the coverage is at full resolution,
* convert the coordinates to full resolution.
if (allowSubsampling) {
sliceMin = sliceMin.clone();
sliceMax = sliceMax.clone();
for (int i=0; i<sliceMin.length; i++) {
sliceMin[i] = sliceMin[i] * subsampling[i] + subOffsets[i];
sliceMax[i] = sliceMax[i] * subsampling[i] + subOffsets[i];
RenderedImage image = coverage.render(new GridExtent(null, sliceMin, sliceMax, true));
* The subsampling offsets were included in the extent given to above `render` method call, so in principle
* they should not be given again to `SubsampledImage` constructor. However, the `render` method is free to
* return an image with a larger extent, which may result in different offsets. The result can be "too much"
* offset. We want to compensate by subtracting the surplus. But because we cannot have negative offsets,
* we shift the whole `sliceAOI` (which is equivalent to subtracting `subX|Y` in full resolution coordinates)
* and set the offset to the complement.
if (allowSubsampling) {
final int subX = subsampling[0];
final int subY = subsampling[1];
if (subX > image.getTileWidth() || subY > image.getTileHeight()) {
return null; // `SubsampledImage` does not support this case.
int offX = StrictMath.floorMod(image.getMinX(), subX);
int offY = StrictMath.floorMod(image.getMinY(), subY);
if (offX != 0) {sliceAOI.x--; offX = subX - offX;}
if (offY != 0) {sliceAOI.y--; offY = subY - offY;}
image = SubsampledImage.create(image, subX, subY, offX, offY);
if (image == null) {
return null;
return new PixelIterator.Builder().setRegionOfInterest(sliceAOI).create(image);
* Explores pixel values around the given position in search for a pixel having the expected values.
* If a match is found, the error message is completed with information about the match position.
private static void findMatchPosition(final PixelIterator ir, final Point pr, final int[] selectedBands,
final double[] actual, final StringBuilder message)
final double[] expected = new double[actual.length];
double[] reference = null;
for (int dy=0; dy<10; dy++) {
for (int dx=0; dx<10; dx++) {
if ((dx | dy) != 0) {
for (int c=0; c<4; c++) {
final int x = (c & 1) == 0 ? -dx : dx;
final int y = (c & 2) == 0 ? -dy : dy;
try {
ir.moveTo(pr.x + x, pr.y + y);
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
reference = ir.getPixel(reference);
for (int i=0; i<selectedBands.length; i++) {
expected[i] = reference[selectedBands[i]];
if (Arrays.equals(expected, actual)) {
message.append(" (note: found a match at offset (").append(x).append(", ").append(y)
.append(") in full image)");
* Closes the resource used by all tests.
* @throws DataStoreException if an error occurred while closing the resource.
public void closeFile() throws DataStoreException {