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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.sis.referencing.operation;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoField;
import org.opengis.util.FactoryException;
import org.opengis.parameter.ParameterValueGroup;
import org.opengis.referencing.cs.AxisDirection;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.CoordinateOperation;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.SingleOperation;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.Conversion;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.Transformation;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.TransformException;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.ConcatenatedOperation;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.OperationNotFoundException;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.Matrix;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.CommonCRS;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.CRS;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.privy.PositionalAccuracyConstant;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.transform.LinearTransform;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.transform.MathTransforms;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.matrix.Matrices;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.cs.DefaultCartesianCS;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.cs.DefaultCoordinateSystemAxis;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.datum.DefaultEngineeringDatum;
import org.apache.sis.measure.Units;
import static org.apache.sis.util.privy.Constants.SECONDS_PER_DAY;
import static org.apache.sis.referencing.privy.Formulas.LINEAR_TOLERANCE;
import static org.apache.sis.referencing.privy.Formulas.ANGULAR_TOLERANCE;
import static org.apache.sis.referencing.privy.PositionalAccuracyConstant.DATUM_SHIFT_APPLIED;
// Test dependencies
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.TestInstance;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.parallel.Execution;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.parallel.ExecutionMode;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.transform.MathTransformTestCase;
import org.apache.sis.test.TestUtilities;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.cs.HardCodedCS;
import static org.apache.sis.test.Assertions.assertMessageContains;
import static org.apache.sis.test.Assertions.assertSetEquals;
import static org.apache.sis.test.TestCase.STRICT;
// Specific to the geoapi-3.1 and geoapi-4.0 branches:
import org.opengis.test.Assertions;
* Tests {@link CoordinateOperationFinder}.
* Contrarily to {@link CoordinateOperationRegistryTest}, tests in this class are run without EPSG geodetic dataset.
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
public final class CoordinateOperationFinderTest extends MathTransformTestCase {
* The transformation factory to use for testing.
private final DefaultCoordinateOperationFactory factory;
* The parser to use for WKT strings used in this test.
private final WKTFormat parser;
* Creates a new {@link DefaultCoordinateOperationFactory} to use for testing purpose.
* The same factory will be used for all tests in this class.
* @throws ParseException if an error occurred while preparing the WKT parser.
public CoordinateOperationFinderTest() throws ParseException {
factory = new DefaultCoordinateOperationFactory();
parser = new WKTFormat();
* The first keyword in WKT below should be "GeodeticCRS" in WKT 2, but we use the WKT 1 keyword ("GEOGCS")
* for allowing inclusion in ProjectedCRS. SIS is okay with mixed WKT versions, but this is of course not
* something to recommend in production.
"GEOGCS[“Sphere”,\n" +
" Datum[“Sphere”, Ellipsoid[“Sphere”, 6370997, 0]],\n" +
" CS[ellipsoidal, 2],\n" +
" Axis[“Longitude (λ)”, EAST],\n" + // Use of non-ASCII letters is departure from WKT 2.
" Axis[“Latitude (φ)”, NORTH],\n" +
" Unit[“degree”, 0.017453292519943295]]");
* Nouvelle Triangulation Française (Datum of EPSG:4807 CRS).
* Use non-Greenwich prime meridian grad units (0.9 grad = 1°).
* We use the WKT 1 format because TOWGS84[…] is not a legal WKT 2 element.
"DATUM[“Nouvelle Triangulation Française”,\n" +
" SPHEROID[“Clarke 1880 (IGN)”, 6378249.2, 293.466021293627],\n" +
" TOWGS84[-168, -60, 320]]");
* Resets all fields that may be modified by test methods in this class.
* This is needed because we reuse the same instance for all methods,
* in order to reuse the factory and parser created in the constructor.
public void reset() {
isInverseTransformSupported = true;
* Returns the instance on which to execute the tests.
* @throws FactoryException if an error occurred while initializing the finder to test.
private CoordinateOperationFinder finder() throws FactoryException {
return new CoordinateOperationFinder(null, factory, null);
* Returns the CRS for the given Well Known Text.
private CoordinateReferenceSystem parse(final String wkt) throws ParseException {
return (CoordinateReferenceSystem) parser.parseObject(wkt);
* Verifies that the current transform is a linear transform with a matrix equals to the given one.
private void assertMatrixEquals(final Matrix expected) {
assertInstanceOf(LinearTransform.class, transform).getMatrix(),
STRICT, "transform.matrix");
* Makes sure that {@code createOperation(sourceCRS, targetCRS)} returns an identity transform
* when {@code sourceCRS} and {@code targetCRS} are identical.
* @throws FactoryException if the operation cannot be created.
public void testIdentityTransform() throws FactoryException {
testIdentityTransform(CommonCRS.WGS84.universal(0, 0));
* Implementation of {@link #testIdentityTransform()} using the given CRS.
private void testIdentityTransform(final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs) throws FactoryException {
final CoordinateOperation operation = finder().createOperation(crs, crs);
assertSame(crs, operation.getSourceCRS());
assertSame(crs, operation.getTargetCRS());
assertInstanceOf(Conversion.class, operation);
* Tests a transformation with a two-dimensional geographic source CRS.
* This method verifies with both a two-dimensional and a three-dimensional target CRS.
* @throws ParseException if a CRS used in this test cannot be parsed.
* @throws FactoryException if the operation cannot be created.
* @throws TransformException if an error occurred while converting the test points.
public void testGeocentricTranslationInGeographic2D() throws ParseException, FactoryException, TransformException {
* NAD27 (EPSG:4267) defined in WKT instead of relying on the CommonCRS.NAD27 constant in order to fix
* the TOWGS84[…] parameter to values that we control. Note that TOWGS84[…] is not a legal WKT 2 element.
* We could mix WKT 1 and WKT 2 elements (SIS allows that), but we nevertheless use WKT 1 for the whole
* string as a matter of principle.
final GeographicCRS sourceCRS = (GeographicCRS) parse(
"GEOGCS[“NAD27”,\n" +
" DATUM[“North American Datum 1927”,\n" +
" SPHEROID[“Clarke 1866”, 6378206.4, 294.9786982138982],\n" +
" TOWGS84[-8, 160, 176]]," + // EPSG:1173
" PRIMEM[“Greenwich”, 0.0]," +
" UNIT[“degree”, 0.017453292519943295],\n" +
" AXIS[“Latitude (φ)”, NORTH],\n" +
" AXIS[“Longitude (λ)”, EAST],\n" +
" AUTHORITY[“EPSG”, “4267”]]");
testGeocentricTranslationInGeographicDomain("Geocentric translations (geog2D domain)", sourceCRS, CommonCRS.WGS84.geographic());
testGeocentricTranslationInGeographicDomain("Geocentric translations (geog3D domain)", sourceCRS, CommonCRS.WGS84.geographic3D());
* Tests a transformation with a three-dimensional geographic source CRS.
* This method verifies with both a three-dimensional and a two-dimensional target CRS.
* @throws ParseException if a CRS used in this test cannot be parsed.
* @throws FactoryException if the operation cannot be created.
* @throws TransformException if an error occurred while converting the test points.
public void testGeocentricTranslationInGeographic3D() throws ParseException, FactoryException, TransformException {
final GeographicCRS sourceCRS = (GeographicCRS) parse(
"GeodeticCRS[“NAD27”,\n" +
" Datum[“North American Datum 1927”,\n" +
" Ellipsoid[“Clarke 1866”, 6378206.4, 294.9786982138982],\n" +
" ToWGS84[-8, 160, 176]]," + // See comment in above test.
" CS[ellipsoidal, 3],\n" +
" Axis[“Latitude (φ)”, NORTH, Unit[“degree”, 0.017453292519943295]],\n" +
" Axis[“Longitude (λ)”, EAST, Unit[“degree”, 0.017453292519943295]],\n" +
" Axis[“Height (h)”, UP, Unit[“m”, 1]]]");
testGeocentricTranslationInGeographicDomain("Geocentric translations (geog3D domain)",
sourceCRS, CommonCRS.WGS84.geographic3D());
isInverseTransformSupported = false; // Because lost of height values changes (φ,λ) results.
testGeocentricTranslationInGeographicDomain("Geocentric translations (geog3D domain)",
sourceCRS, CommonCRS.WGS84.geographic());
* Implementation of {@link #testGeocentricTranslationInGeographic2D()}
* and {@link #testGeocentricTranslationInGeographic3D()}.
* @param sourceCRS the NAD27 geographic CRS.
* @param targetCRS either the two-dimensional or the three-dimensional geographic CRS using WGS84 datum.
private void testGeocentricTranslationInGeographicDomain(final String method,
final GeographicCRS sourceCRS, final GeographicCRS targetCRS)
throws ParseException, FactoryException, TransformException
final CoordinateOperation operation = finder().createOperation(sourceCRS, targetCRS);
assertSame(sourceCRS, operation.getSourceCRS());
assertSame(targetCRS, operation.getTargetCRS());
assertEquals("Datum shift", operation.getName().getCode());
assertSetEquals(Set.of(DATUM_SHIFT_APPLIED), operation.getCoordinateOperationAccuracy());
assertInstanceOf(Transformation.class, operation);
assertEquals(method, ((SingleOperation) operation).getMethod().getName().getCode());
transform = operation.getMathTransform();
zTolerance = 0.01;
λDimension = new int[] {1};
zDimension = new int[] {2};
double[] source = {
39.00, -85.00, -10000.00, // The intent of those large height values is to cause a shift in (φ,λ)
38.26, -80.58, +10000.00 // large enough for being detected if we fail to use h in calculations.
double[] target;
if (sourceCRS.getCoordinateSystem().getDimension() == 2) {
source = TestUtilities.dropLastDimensions(source, 3, 2);
target = new double[] {
39.00004480, -84.99993102, -38.28, // This is NOT the most accurate NAD27 to WGS84 transformation.
38.26005019, -80.57979096, -37.62 // We use non-optimal TOWGS84[…] for the purpose of this test.
} else {
target = new double[] {
39.00004487, -84.99993091, -10038.28,
38.26005011, -80.57979129, 9962.38
if (targetCRS.getCoordinateSystem().getDimension() == 2) {
target = TestUtilities.dropLastDimensions(target, 3, 2);
verifyTransform(source, target);
* Tests a transformation using the <q>Geocentric translations (geog2D domain)</q> method
* together with a longitude rotation and unit conversion. The CRS and sample point are taken from
* the GR3DF97A – <cite>Grille de paramètres de transformation de coordonnées</cite> document.
* @throws ParseException if a CRS used in this test cannot be parsed.
* @throws FactoryException if the operation cannot be created.
* @throws TransformException if an error occurred while converting the test points.
public void testLongitudeRotation() throws ParseException, FactoryException, TransformException {
final CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCRS = parse(
"GeodeticCRS[“NTF (Paris)”, $NTF,\n" +
" PrimeMeridian[“Paris”, 2.5969213],\n" + // in grads, not degrees.
" CS[ellipsoidal, 2],\n" +
" Axis[“Latitude (φ)”, NORTH],\n" +
" Axis[“Longitude (λ)”, EAST],\n" +
" Unit[“grad”, 0.015707963267949],\n" +
" Id[“EPSG”, “4807”]]");
final GeographicCRS targetCRS = CommonCRS.WGS84.geographic();
final CoordinateOperation operation = finder().createOperation(sourceCRS, targetCRS);
assertSame(sourceCRS, operation.getSourceCRS());
assertSame(targetCRS, operation.getTargetCRS());
assertEquals("Datum shift", operation.getName().getCode());
assertSetEquals(Set.of(DATUM_SHIFT_APPLIED), operation.getCoordinateOperationAccuracy());
assertInstanceOf(Transformation.class, operation);
assertEquals("Geocentric translations (geog2D domain)",
((SingleOperation) operation).getMethod().getName().getCode());
* Same test point as the one used in FranceGeocentricInterpolationTest:
* NTF: 48°50′40.2441″N 2°25′32.4187″E
* RGF: 48°50′39.9967″N 2°25′29.8273″E (close to WGS84)
transform = operation.getMathTransform();
λDimension = new int[] {1};
verifyTransform(new double[] {54.271680278, 0.098269657}, // in grads east of Paris
new double[] {48.844443528, 2.424952028}); // in degrees east of Greenwich
* Tests a transformation using the <q>Geocentric translations (geocentric domain)</q> method,
* together with a longitude rotation and unit conversion. The CRS and sample point are derived from
* the GR3DF97A – <cite>Grille de paramètres de transformation de coordonnées</cite> document.
* @throws ParseException if a CRS used in this test cannot be parsed.
* @throws FactoryException if the operation cannot be created.
* @throws TransformException if an error occurred while converting the test points.
public void testGeocentricTranslationInGeocentricDomain() throws ParseException, FactoryException, TransformException {
final CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCRS = parse(
"GeodeticCRS[“NTF (Paris)”, $NTF,\n" +
" PrimeMeridian[“Paris”, 2.33722917],\n" + // in degrees.
" CS[Cartesian, 3],\n" +
" Axis[“(X)”, geocentricX],\n" +
" Axis[“(Y)”, geocentricY],\n" +
" Axis[“(Z)”, geocentricZ],\n" +
" Unit[“kilometre”, 1000]]");
final GeodeticCRS targetCRS = CommonCRS.WGS84.geocentric();
final CoordinateOperation operation = finder().createOperation(sourceCRS, targetCRS);
assertSame(sourceCRS, operation.getSourceCRS());
assertSame(targetCRS, operation.getTargetCRS());
assertEquals("Datum shift", operation.getName().getCode());
assertSetEquals(Set.of(DATUM_SHIFT_APPLIED), operation.getCoordinateOperationAccuracy());
assertInstanceOf(Transformation.class, operation);
assertEquals("Geocentric translations (geocentric domain)",
((SingleOperation) operation).getMethod().getName().getCode());
* Same test point as the one used in FranceGeocentricInterpolationTest:
* ┌────────────────────────────────────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
* │ Geographic coordinates (°) │ Geocentric coordinates (m) │
* ├────────────────────────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
* │ NTF: 48°50′40.2441″N 2°25′32.4187″E │ X = 4201905.725 Y = 177998.072 Z = 4778904.260 │
* │ RGF: 48°50′39.9967″N 2°25′29.8273″E │ ΔX = -168 ΔY = -60 ΔZ = 320 │
* └────────────────────────────────────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
* The source coordinate below is different than in the above table because the prime meridian is set to the
* Paris meridian, so there is a longitude rotation to take in account for X and Y axes.
transform = operation.getMathTransform();
verifyTransform(new double[] {4205.669137, 6.491944, 4778.904260}, // Paris prime meridian
new double[] {4201737.725, 177938.072, 4779224.260}); // Greenwich prime meridian
* Tests conversion from geographic to geocentric coordinate reference system and conversely.
* Both two-dimensional and three-dimensional cases are tested.
* @throws FactoryException if the operation cannot be created.
* @see <a href="">SIS-376</a>
public void testGeocentricConversions() throws FactoryException {
testGeocentricConversion(HardCodedCRS.WGS84_3D, HardCodedCRS.GEOCENTRIC);
testGeocentricConversion(HardCodedCRS.WGS84, HardCodedCRS.GEOCENTRIC);
testGeocentricConversion(HardCodedCRS.GEOCENTRIC, HardCodedCRS.WGS84_3D);
testGeocentricConversion(HardCodedCRS.GEOCENTRIC, HardCodedCRS.WGS84);
* Tests a single case of Geographic ↔︎ Geocentric conversions.
private void testGeocentricConversion(final CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCRS,
final CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS)
throws FactoryException
final CoordinateOperation operation = finder().createOperation(sourceCRS, targetCRS);
assertSame(sourceCRS, operation.getSourceCRS());
assertSame(targetCRS, operation.getTargetCRS());
assertEquals("Geocentric conversion", operation.getName().getCode());
assertInstanceOf(Conversion.class, operation);
* Tests conversion from a geographic to a projected CRS without datum of axis changes.
* @throws ParseException if a CRS used in this test cannot be parsed.
* @throws FactoryException if the operation cannot be created.
* @throws TransformException if an error occurred while converting the test points.
public void testGeographicToProjected() throws ParseException, FactoryException, TransformException {
final CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCRS = parse("$Sphere");
final CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS = parse(
"ProjectedCRS[“TM”,\n" +
" $Sphere,\n" +
" Conversion[“TM”,\n" +
" Method[“Transverse Mercator”],\n" +
" Parameter[“Longitude of natural origin”, 170],\n" +
" Parameter[“Latitude of natural origin”, 50],\n" +
" Parameter[“Scale factor at natural origin”, 0.95]],\n" +
" CS[Cartesian, 2],\n" +
" Axis[“x”, EAST],\n" +
" Axis[“y”, NORTH],\n" +
" Unit[“US survey foot”, 0.304800609601219]]");
final CoordinateOperation operation = finder().createOperation(sourceCRS, targetCRS);
assertSame(sourceCRS, operation.getSourceCRS());
assertSame(targetCRS, operation.getTargetCRS());
assertEquals("TM", operation.getName().getCode());
assertInstanceOf(Conversion.class, operation);
final ParameterValueGroup param = ((SingleOperation) operation).getParameterValues();
assertEquals(6370997, param.parameter("semi_major" ).doubleValue());
assertEquals(6370997, param.parameter("semi_minor" ).doubleValue());
assertEquals( 50, param.parameter("latitude_of_origin").doubleValue());
assertEquals( 170, param.parameter("central_meridian" ).doubleValue());
assertEquals( 0.95, param.parameter("scale_factor" ).doubleValue());
assertEquals( 0, param.parameter("false_easting" ).doubleValue());
assertEquals( 0, param.parameter("false_northing" ).doubleValue());
transform = operation.getMathTransform();
verifyTransform(new double[] {170, 50}, new double[] {0, 0});
transform = transform.inverse();
λDimension = new int[] {0};
verifyTransform(new double[] {0, 0}, new double[] {170, 50});
* Tests a datum shift applied as a position vector transformation in geocentric domain.
* This test does not use the EPSG geodetic dataset.
* @throws ParseException if a CRS used in this test cannot be parsed.
* @throws FactoryException if the operation cannot be created.
* @throws TransformException if an error occurred while converting the test points.
* @see DefaultCoordinateOperationFactoryTest#testPositionVectorTransformation()
* @see <a href="">SIS-364</a>
public void testPositionVectorTransformation() throws ParseException, FactoryException, TransformException {
final CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCRS = CommonCRS.WGS84.geographic();
final CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS = parse(AGD66());
final CoordinateOperation operation = finder().createOperation(sourceCRS, targetCRS);
transform = operation.getMathTransform();
λDimension = new int[] {0};
verifyTransform(expectedAGD66(true), expectedAGD66(false));
* Returns test coordinates for a transformation between {@link #AGD66()} and WGS84.
* We use this method for ensuring that {@link #testPositionVectorTransformation()}
* and {@link DefaultCoordinateOperationFactoryTest#testPositionVectorTransformation()}
* use the same data, as specified in {@link #AGD66()} contract.
* @param WGS84 {@code true} for the WGS84 input, or {@code false} for the AGD66 output.
static double[] expectedAGD66(final boolean WGS84) {
return WGS84 ? new double[] {-37.84, 114.0} : new double[] {763850.64, 5807560.94};
* Returns the WKT for a CRS using the Australian Geodetic Datum 1966. This method returns a WKT 1 string
* with a {@code TOWGS84} element that should help Apache SIS to produce the same result regardless if an
* EPSG geodetic dataset is used or not.
* @see <a href="">SIS-364</a>
static String AGD66() {
return "PROJCS[“AGD66 / AMG zone 49”, "
+ "GEOGCS[“AGD66”, "
+ "DATUM[“Australian_Geodetic_Datum_1966”, "
+ "SPHEROID[“Australian National Spheroid”,6378160, 298.25, AUTHORITY[“EPSG”,“7003”]],"
+ "TOWGS84[-117.808,-51.536,137.784,0.303,0.446,0.234,-0.29], AUTHORITY[“EPSG”,“6202”]],"
+ "PRIMEM[“Greenwich”, 0, AUTHORITY[“EPSG”,“8901”]],"
+ "UNIT[“degree”, 0.0174532925199433, AUTHORITY[“EPSG”,“9122”]],"
+ "AUTHORITY[“EPSG”,“4202”]],"
+ "PROJECTION[“Transverse_Mercator”],"
+ "PARAMETER[“latitude_of_origin”, 0],"
+ "PARAMETER[“central_meridian”, 111],"
+ "PARAMETER[“scale_factor”, 0.9996],"
+ "PARAMETER[“false_easting”, 500000],"
+ "PARAMETER[“false_northing”, 10000000],"
+ "UNIT[“metre”,1,AUTHORITY[“EPSG”,“9001”]],"
+ "AXIS[“Easting”,EAST],"
+ "AXIS[“Northing”,NORTH],"
+ "AUTHORITY[“EPSG”,“20249”]]";
* Tests a transformation between two CRS for which no direct bursa-wolf parameters are defined.
* However, a transformation should still be possible indirectly, through WGS 84.
* @throws ParseException if a CRS used in this test cannot be parsed.
* @throws FactoryException if the operation cannot be created.
* @throws TransformException if an error occurred while converting the test points.
public void testIndirectDatumShift() throws ParseException, FactoryException, TransformException {
final CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCRS = parse(
"PROJCS[“RGF93 / Lambert-93”, "
+ "GEOGCS[“RGF93”, "
+ "DATUM[“Reseau Geodesique Francais 1993”, "
+ "SPHEROID[“GRS 1980”, 6378137, 298.257222101], "
+ "TOWGS84[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]], "
+ "PRIMEM[“Greenwich”,0], "
+ "UNIT[“degree”, 0.0174532925199433]], "
+ "PROJECTION[“Lambert_Conformal_Conic_2SP”], "
+ "PARAMETER[“standard_parallel_1”, 49], "
+ "PARAMETER[“standard_parallel_2”, 44], "
+ "PARAMETER[“latitude_of_origin”, 46.5], "
+ "PARAMETER[“central_meridian”, 3], "
+ "PARAMETER[“false_easting”, 700000], "
+ "PARAMETER[“false_northing”, 6600000], "
+ "UNIT[“metre”,1], "
+ "AUTHORITY[“EPSG”,“2154”]]");
final CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS = parse(
"PROJCS[“Amersfoort / RD New”, "
+ "GEOGCS[“Amersfoort”, "
+ "DATUM[“Amersfoort”, "
+ "SPHEROID[“Bessel 1841”, 6377397.155, 299.1528128], "
+ "TOWGS84[565.417, 50.3319, 465.552, -0.398957, 0.343988, -1.8774, 4.0725]], "
+ "PRIMEM[“Greenwich”,0], "
+ "UNIT[“degree”,0.0174532925199433]], "
+ "PROJECTION[“Oblique_Stereographic”], "
+ "PARAMETER[“latitude_of_origin”, 52.15616055555555], "
+ "PARAMETER[“central_meridian”, 5.38763888888889], "
+ "PARAMETER[“scale_factor”, 0.9999079], "
+ "PARAMETER[“false_easting”, 155000], "
+ "PARAMETER[“false_northing”, 463000], "
+ "UNIT[“metre”,1], "
+ "AUTHORITY[“EPSG”,“28992”]]");
* Transform a point as a way to verify that a datum shift is applied.
* If no datum shift is applied, the point will be at 191 metres from
* expected value.
final CoordinateOperation operation = finder().createOperation(sourceCRS, targetCRS);
transform = operation.getMathTransform();
verifyTransform(new double[] {926713.702, 7348947.026},
new double[] {220798.684, 577583.801}); // With datum shift through WGS84.
// 220762.487, 577396.040 // Without datum shift.
* The accuracy should tell that the datum shift is indirect (through WGS 84).
* However, the value may differ depending on whether EPSG database has been
* used or not, because it depends on whether the datum have been completed
* with domain of validity.
final double accuracy = CRS.getLinearAccuracy(operation);
if (accuracy != PositionalAccuracyConstant.UNKNOWN_ACCURACY) {
assertEquals(PositionalAccuracyConstant.INDIRECT_SHIFT_ACCURACY, accuracy);
* Tests that an exception is thrown on attempt to grab a transformation between incompatible vertical CRS.
* @throws FactoryException if an exception other than the expected one occurred.
public void testIncompatibleVerticalCRS() throws FactoryException {
final VerticalCRS sourceCRS =;
final VerticalCRS targetCRS =;
var e = assertThrows(OperationNotFoundException.class, () -> finder().createOperation(sourceCRS, targetCRS));
assertMessageContains(e, "North American Vertical Datum", "Mean Sea Level");
* Tests a conversion of the temporal axis. We convert 1899-12-31 from a CRS having its epoch at 1970-1-1
* to another CRS having its epoch at 1858-11-17, so the new value shall be approximately 41 years
* after the new epoch. This conversion also implies a change of units from seconds to days.
* @throws FactoryException if the operation cannot be created.
* @throws TransformException if an error occurred while converting the test points.
public void testTemporalConversion() throws FactoryException, TransformException {
final TemporalCRS sourceCRS =;
final TemporalCRS targetCRS =;
final CoordinateOperation operation = finder().createOperation(sourceCRS, targetCRS);
assertSame(sourceCRS, operation.getSourceCRS());
assertSame(targetCRS, operation.getTargetCRS());
assertEquals("Axis changes", operation.getName().getCode());
assertInstanceOf(Conversion.class, operation);
transform = operation.getMathTransform();
tolerance = 2E-12;
verifyTransform(new double[] {
// December 31, 1899 at 12:00 UTC in seconds.
}, new double[] {
//////////// ////////////
//////////// Tests that change the number of dimensions ////////////
//////////// ////////////
* Tests the conversion from a four-dimensional geographic CRS to a two-dimensional geographic CRS.
* The vertical and temporal dimensions are simply dropped.
* @throws FactoryException if the operation cannot be created.
* @throws TransformException if an error occurred while converting the test points.
public void testGeographic4D_to_2D() throws FactoryException, TransformException {
// NOTE: make sure that the 'sourceCRS' below is not equal to any other 'sourceCRS' created in this class.
final CompoundCRS sourceCRS = compound("Test4D", CommonCRS.WGS84.geographic3D(),;
final GeographicCRS targetCRS = CommonCRS.WGS84.geographic();
final CoordinateOperation operation = finder().createOperation(sourceCRS, targetCRS);
assertSame(sourceCRS, operation.getSourceCRS());
assertSame(targetCRS, operation.getTargetCRS());
transform = operation.getMathTransform();
assertEquals(4, transform.getSourceDimensions());
assertEquals(2, transform.getTargetDimensions());
assertMatrixEquals(Matrices.create(3, 5, new double[] {
1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 1
isInverseTransformSupported = false;
verifyTransform(new double[] {
30, 10, 20, 1000,
20, 30, -10, 3000
}, new double[] {
30, 10,
20, 30
* Tests the conversion from a three-dimensional geographic CRS to a two-dimensional geographic CRS.
* The vertical dimension is simply dropped.
* @throws FactoryException if the operation cannot be created.
* @throws TransformException if an error occurred while converting the test points.
public void testGeographic3D_to_2D() throws FactoryException, TransformException {
final GeographicCRS sourceCRS = CommonCRS.WGS84.geographic3D();
final GeographicCRS targetCRS = CommonCRS.WGS84.geographic();
final CoordinateOperation operation = finder().createOperation(sourceCRS, targetCRS);
assertSame(sourceCRS, operation.getSourceCRS());
assertSame(targetCRS, operation.getTargetCRS());
assertEquals("Axis changes", operation.getName().getCode());
assertInstanceOf(Conversion.class, operation);
final ParameterValueGroup parameters = ((SingleOperation) operation).getParameterValues();
assertEquals("Geographic3D to 2D conversion", parameters.getDescriptor().getName().getCode());
transform = operation.getMathTransform();
assertEquals(3, transform.getSourceDimensions());
assertEquals(2, transform.getTargetDimensions());
assertMatrixEquals(Matrices.create(3, 4, new double[] {
1, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1
isInverseTransformSupported = false;
verifyTransform(new double[] {
30, 10, 20,
20, 30, -10
}, new double[] {
30, 10,
20, 30
* Tests the conversion from a two-dimensional geographic CRS to a three-dimensional geographic CRS.
* Coordinate values of the vertical dimension should be set to zero.
* @throws FactoryException if the operation cannot be created.
* @throws TransformException if an error occurred while converting the test points.
public void testGeographic2D_to_3D() throws FactoryException, TransformException {
final GeographicCRS sourceCRS = CommonCRS.WGS84.geographic();
final GeographicCRS targetCRS = CommonCRS.WGS84.geographic3D();
final CoordinateOperation operation = finder().createOperation(sourceCRS, targetCRS);
assertSame(sourceCRS, operation.getSourceCRS());
assertSame(targetCRS, operation.getTargetCRS());
assertEquals("Axis changes", operation.getName().getCode());
assertInstanceOf(Conversion.class, operation);
final ParameterValueGroup parameters = ((SingleOperation) operation).getParameterValues();
assertEquals("Geographic2D to 3D conversion", parameters.getDescriptor().getName().getCode());
assertEquals(0, parameters.parameter("height").doubleValue());
transform = operation.getMathTransform();
assertEquals(2, transform.getSourceDimensions());
assertEquals(3, transform.getTargetDimensions());
assertMatrixEquals(Matrices.create(4, 3, new double[] {
1, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1
verifyTransform(new double[] {
30, 10,
20, 30
}, new double[] {
30, 10, 0,
20, 30, 0
* Tests transformation from a tree-dimensional geographic CRS to an ellipsoidal CRS.
* Such vertical CRS are illegal according ISO 19111, but they are the easiest test
* that we can perform for geographic → vertical transformation.
* @throws FactoryException if the operation cannot be created.
* @throws TransformException if an error occurred while converting the test points.
public void testGeographic3D_to_EllipsoidalHeight() throws FactoryException, TransformException {
final CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCRS = CommonCRS.WGS84.geographic3D();
final CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS = HardCodedCRS.ELLIPSOIDAL_HEIGHT_cm;
final CoordinateOperation operation = finder().createOperation(sourceCRS, targetCRS);
assertSame(sourceCRS, operation.getSourceCRS());
assertSame(targetCRS, operation.getTargetCRS());
assertEquals("Axis changes", operation.getName().getCode());
assertInstanceOf(Conversion.class, operation);
transform = operation.getMathTransform();
assertEquals(3, transform.getSourceDimensions());
assertEquals(1, transform.getTargetDimensions());
assertMatrixEquals(Matrices.create(2, 4, new double[] {
0, 0, 100, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1
isInverseTransformSupported = false;
verifyTransform(new double[] {
0, 0, 0,
5, 8, 20,
-5, -8, 24
}, new double[] {
* Tests extracting the vertical part of a spatiotemporal CRS.
* @throws FactoryException if the operation cannot be created.
* @throws TransformException if an error occurred while converting the test points.
public void testGeographic4D_to_EllipsoidalHeight() throws FactoryException, TransformException {
// NOTE: make sure that the 'sourceCRS' below is not equal to any other 'sourceCRS' created in this class.
final CompoundCRS sourceCRS = compound("Test4D", CommonCRS.WGS84.geographic3D(),;
final VerticalCRS targetCRS =;
final CoordinateOperation operation = finder().createOperation(sourceCRS, targetCRS);
assertSame(sourceCRS, operation.getSourceCRS());
assertSame(targetCRS, operation.getTargetCRS());
assertEquals("Axis changes", operation.getName().getCode());
assertInstanceOf(Conversion.class, operation);
transform = operation.getMathTransform();
assertEquals(4, transform.getSourceDimensions());
assertEquals(1, transform.getTargetDimensions());
assertMatrixEquals(Matrices.create(2, 5, new double[] {
0, 0, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 1
isInverseTransformSupported = false;
verifyTransform(new double[] {
0, 0, 0, 0,
5, 8, 20, 10,
-5, -8, 24, 30
}, new double[] {
* Convenience method for creating a compound CRS.
private static CompoundCRS compound(final String name, final CoordinateReferenceSystem... components) {
return new DefaultCompoundCRS(properties(name), components);
* Returns property map with a value assigned to the "name" property.
* This is a convenience method for construction of geodetic objects.
private static Map<String,String> properties(final String name) {
return Map.of(CoordinateReferenceSystem.NAME_KEY, name);
* Tests conversion from four-dimensional compound CRS to two-dimensional projected CRS.
* @throws ParseException if a CRS used in this test cannot be parsed.
* @throws FactoryException if the operation cannot be created.
* @throws TransformException if an error occurred while converting the test points.
public void testProjected4D_to_2D() throws ParseException, FactoryException, TransformException {
final CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS = parse(
"ProjectedCRS[“WGS 84 / World Mercator”,\n" +
" BaseGeodCRS[“WGS 84”,\n" +
" Datum[“World Geodetic System 1984”,\n" +
" Ellipsoid[“WGS 84”, 6378137.0, 298.257223563]]],\n" +
" Conversion[“WGS 84 / World Mercator”,\n" +
" Method[“Mercator (1SP)”]],\n" +
" CS[Cartesian, 2],\n" +
" Axis[“Easting”, EAST],\n" +
" Axis[“Northing”, NORTH],\n" +
" Unit[“m”, 1],\n" +
" Id[“EPSG”, “3395”]]");
CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCRS = targetCRS;
sourceCRS = compound("Mercator 3D", sourceCRS,;
sourceCRS = compound("Mercator 4D", sourceCRS,;
final CoordinateOperation operation = finder().createOperation(sourceCRS, targetCRS);
assertSame(sourceCRS, operation.getSourceCRS());
assertSame(targetCRS, operation.getTargetCRS());
transform = operation.getMathTransform();
assertInstanceOf(LinearTransform.class, transform,
"The somewhat complex MathTransform chain should have been simplified to a single affine transform.");
assertInstanceOf(Conversion.class, operation,
"The operation should be a simple axis change, not a complex chain of ConcatenatedOperations.");
assertEquals(4, transform.getSourceDimensions());
assertEquals(2, transform.getTargetDimensions());
assertMatrixEquals(Matrices.create(3, 5, new double[] {
1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 1
isInverseTransformSupported = false;
verifyTransform(new double[] {
0, 0, 0, 0,
1000, -2000, 20, 4000
}, new double[] {
0, 0,
1000, -2000
* Tests conversion from three-dimensional geographic CRS to four-dimensional compound CRS
* where the last dimension is time.
* @throws FactoryException if the operation cannot be created.
* @throws TransformException if an error occurred while converting the test points.
public void testGeographic3D_to_4D() throws FactoryException, TransformException {
// NOTE: make sure that the 'sourceCRS' below is not equal to any other 'sourceCRS' created in this class.
final CompoundCRS sourceCRS = compound("Test3D", CommonCRS.WGS84.geographic(),;
final CompoundCRS targetCRS = compound("Test4D", CommonCRS.WGS84.geographic3D(),;
final CoordinateOperation operation = finder().createOperation(sourceCRS, targetCRS);
assertSame(sourceCRS, operation.getSourceCRS());
assertSame(targetCRS, operation.getTargetCRS());
assertInstanceOf(ConcatenatedOperation.class, operation);
assertEquals("CompoundCRS[“Test3D”] ⟶ CompoundCRS[“Test4D”]", operation.getName().getCode());
transform = operation.getMathTransform();
final var linear = assertInstanceOf(LinearTransform.class, transform);
assertEquals(3, linear.getSourceDimensions());
assertEquals(4, linear.getTargetDimensions());
Assertions.assertMatrixEquals(Matrices.create(5, 4, new double[] {
1, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1./SECONDS_PER_DAY, 40587,
0, 0, 0, 1
}), linear.getMatrix(), 1E-12, "transform.matrix");
tolerance = 2E-12;
verifyTransform(new double[] {
-5, -8, CommonCRS.Temporal.DUBLIN_JULIAN.datum().getOrigin().getLong(ChronoField.INSTANT_SECONDS)
}, new double[] {
-5, -8, 0, 15019.5 // Same value as in testTemporalConversion().
* Tests conversion from spatiotemporal CRS to a derived CRS.
* @throws FactoryException if the operation cannot be created.
* @throws TransformException if an error occurred while converting the test points.
public void testSpatioTemporalToDerived() throws FactoryException, TransformException {
final Map<String,Object> properties = new HashMap<>();
properties.put(DerivedCRS.NAME_KEY, "Display");
properties.put("", "Display to WGS84");
final GeographicCRS WGS84 = CommonCRS.WGS84.normalizedGeographic();
final CompoundCRS sourceCRS = compound("Test3D", WGS84,;
final DerivedCRS targetCRS = DefaultDerivedCRS.create(properties,
WGS84, null, factory.getOperationMethod("Affine"),
MathTransforms.linear(Matrices.create(3, 3, new double[] {
12, 0, 480,
0, -12, 790,
0, 0, 1
})), HardCodedCS.DISPLAY);
final CoordinateOperation operation = finder().createOperation(sourceCRS, targetCRS);
assertSame(sourceCRS, operation.getSourceCRS());
assertSame(targetCRS, operation.getTargetCRS());
transform = operation.getMathTransform();
assertEquals(3, transform.getSourceDimensions());
assertEquals(2, transform.getTargetDimensions());
assertMatrixEquals(Matrices.create(3, 4, new double[] {
12, 0, 0, 480,
0, -12, 0, 790,
0, 0, 0, 1
* Tests conversion between two engineering CRS.
* @throws FactoryException if the operation cannot be created.
public void testEngineeringCRS() throws FactoryException {
final DefaultEngineeringCRS sourceCRS = createEngineering("Screen display", AxisDirection.DISPLAY_DOWN);
final DefaultEngineeringCRS targetCRS = createEngineering("Another device", AxisDirection.DISPLAY_DOWN);
final CoordinateOperationFinder finder = finder();
var e = assertThrows(OperationNotFoundException.class, () -> finder.createOperation(sourceCRS, targetCRS),
"Should not create operation between CRS of different datum.");
assertMessageContains(e, "A test CRS");
final DefaultEngineeringCRS screenCRS = createEngineering("Screen display", AxisDirection.DISPLAY_UP);
final CoordinateOperation operation = finder.createOperation(sourceCRS, screenCRS);
assertSame(sourceCRS, operation.getSourceCRS());
assertSame(screenCRS, operation.getTargetCRS());
transform = operation.getMathTransform();
assertEquals(2, transform.getSourceDimensions());
assertEquals(2, transform.getTargetDimensions());
assertMatrixEquals(Matrices.create(3, 3, new double[] {
1, 0, 0,
0, -1, 0,
0, 0, 1
* Constructs an axis the given abbreviation and axis direction.
private static DefaultEngineeringCRS createEngineering(final String datumName, final AxisDirection yDirection) {
return new DefaultEngineeringCRS(properties("A test CRS"),
new DefaultEngineeringDatum(properties(datumName)),
new DefaultCartesianCS(properties("A test CS"),
new DefaultCoordinateSystemAxis(properties("x"), "x", AxisDirection.DISPLAY_RIGHT, Units.METRE),
new DefaultCoordinateSystemAxis(properties("y"), "y", yDirection, Units.METRE)));