blob: 08732ebaa8c9dd021a4e3a619acd5e3695f5e3ea [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.sis.metadata;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.List;
import org.opengis.metadata.Identifier;
import org.opengis.metadata.citation.Role;
import org.opengis.metadata.citation.Citation;
import org.opengis.metadata.acquisition.Instrument;
import org.opengis.metadata.acquisition.Platform;
import org.apache.sis.util.SimpleInternationalString;
import org.apache.sis.metadata.iso.DefaultIdentifier;
import org.apache.sis.metadata.iso.citation.DefaultCitation;
import org.apache.sis.metadata.iso.citation.DefaultIndividual;
import org.apache.sis.metadata.iso.acquisition.DefaultInstrument;
import org.apache.sis.metadata.iso.acquisition.DefaultPlatform;
// Test dependencies
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;
import org.apache.sis.test.TestCase;
// Specific to the geoapi-3.1 and geoapi-4.0 branches:
import org.opengis.metadata.citation.Individual;
// Specific to the geoapi-4.0 branch:
import org.opengis.metadata.citation.Responsibility;
import org.apache.sis.metadata.iso.citation.DefaultResponsibility;
* Tests the {@link HashCode} class. This is also used as a relatively simple {@link MetadataVisitor} test.
* The entry point is the {@link HashCode#walk(MetadataStandard, Class, Object, boolean)} method.
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
public final class HashCodeTest extends TestCase {
* Creates a new test case.
public HashCodeTest() {
* Computes the hash code value of the given object.
private static Integer hash(final Object metadata) {
return HashCode.getOrCreate().walk(MetadataStandard.ISO_19115, null, metadata, true);
* Tests hash code computation of an object that do not contain other metadata.
public void testSimple() {
final var instance = new DefaultCitation();
final int baseCode = Citation.class.hashCode();
assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(baseCode), hash(instance));
final var title = new SimpleInternationalString("Some title");
assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(baseCode + title.hashCode()), hash(instance));
final var alternateTitle = new SimpleInternationalString("Another title");
assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(baseCode + title.hashCode() + List.of(alternateTitle).hashCode()), hash(instance));
* Tests hash code computation of an object containing another metadata object.
public void testNested() {
final var title = new SimpleInternationalString("Some title");
final var person = new SimpleInternationalString("Illustre inconnu");
final var party = new DefaultIndividual(person, null, null);
final var resp = new DefaultResponsibility(Role.AUTHOR, null, party);
final var instance = new DefaultCitation(title);
* Individual hash code is the sum of all its properties, none of them being a collection.
int expected = Individual.class.hashCode() + person.hashCode();
assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(expected), hash(party));
* The +31 below come from java.util.List contract, since above Individual is a list member.
expected += Responsibility.class.hashCode() + Role.AUTHOR.hashCode() + 31;
assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(expected), hash(resp));
* The +31 below come from java.util.List contract, since above Responsibility is a list member.
expected += Citation.class.hashCode() + title.hashCode() + 31;
assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(expected), hash(instance));
* Tests hash code computation of an object graph containing a cycle.
public void testCycle() {
* We will create a Platform and an Instrument, both of them with no other property than an identifier.
* The assertions verifying Identifier hash codes are not the main purpose of this test, but we perform
* those verifications for making sure that the assertion done at the end of this method has good premises.
final var platformID = new DefaultIdentifier("P1");
final var instrumentID = new DefaultIdentifier("I1");
int platformHash = Identifier.class.hashCode() + platformID.getCode().hashCode();
int instrumentHash = Identifier.class.hashCode() + instrumentID.getCode().hashCode();
assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(platformHash), hash(platformID));
assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(instrumentHash), hash(instrumentID));
* Verify Platform and Instrument hash codes before we link them together.
final var platform = new DefaultPlatform();
final var instrument = new DefaultInstrument();
platform .setIdentifier(platformID);
platformHash += Platform.class.hashCode();
instrumentHash += Instrument.class.hashCode();
assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(platformHash), hash(platform));
assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(instrumentHash), hash(instrument));
* Add the instrument to the platform. The +31 below come from java.util.List contract,
* since the Instrument is contained in a list.
platformHash += instrumentHash + 31;
assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(platformHash), hash(platform));
* Add a reference from the instrument back to the platform. This is where the graph become cyclic.
* The hash code computation is expected to behave as if the platform was not specified.
assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(platformHash), hash(platform));