blob: 24412acf850d02da86c3b8f8bf29a9bfb665d280 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.FileAlreadyExistsException;
import java.nio.file.FileSystemNotFoundException;
import java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException;
import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption;
import org.opengis.util.InternationalString;
import org.opengis.parameter.ParameterValueGroup;
import org.opengis.parameter.ParameterDescriptor;
import org.opengis.parameter.ParameterDescriptorGroup;
import org.apache.sis.parameter.ParameterBuilder;
import org.apache.sis.parameter.Parameters;
import org.apache.sis.util.logging.Logging;
import org.apache.sis.setup.OptionKey;
* The provider of {@link Store} instances. This provider is intentionally registered with lowest priority
* because it will open any directory, which may conflict with other providers opening only directory with
* some specific content.
* @author Johann Sorel (Geomatys)
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
@StoreMetadata(formatName = StoreProvider.NAME,
capabilities = {Capability.READ, Capability.WRITE},
resourceTypes = {Aggregate.class, FeatureSet.class, GridCoverageResource.class},
yieldPriority = true)
public final class StoreProvider extends DataStoreProvider {
* A short name or abbreviation for the data format.
static final String NAME = "folder";
* The logger used by folder stores.
* @see #getLogger()
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger("");
* Description of the parameter for formatting conventions of dates and numbers.
private static final ParameterDescriptor<Locale> LOCALE;
* Description of the parameter for timezone of dates in the data store.
private static final ParameterDescriptor<TimeZone> TIMEZONE;
* Description of the parameter for character encoding used by the data store.
private static final ParameterDescriptor<Charset> ENCODING;
* Description of the parameter for name of format or {@code DataStoreProvider}
* to use for reading or writing the directory content.
private static final ParameterDescriptor<String> FORMAT;
* The group of parameter descriptors to be returned by {@link #getOpenParameters()}.
static final ParameterDescriptorGroup PARAMETERS;
static {
final ParameterDescriptor<Path> location;
final ParameterBuilder builder = new ParameterBuilder();
final InternationalString remark = Resources.formatInternational(Resources.Keys.UsedOnlyIfNotEncoded);
ENCODING = annotate(builder, URIDataStoreProvider.ENCODING, remark);
LOCALE = builder.addName("locale" ).setDescription(Resources.formatInternational(Resources.Keys.DataStoreLocale )).setRemarks(remark).create(Locale.class, null);
TIMEZONE = builder.addName("timezone").setDescription(Resources.formatInternational(Resources.Keys.DataStoreTimeZone)).setRemarks(remark).create(TimeZone.class, null);
FORMAT = builder.addName("format" ).setDescription(Resources.formatInternational(Resources.Keys.DirectoryContentFormatName)).create(String.class, null);
location = new ParameterBuilder(URIDataStoreProvider.LOCATION_PARAM).create(Path.class, null);
PARAMETERS = builder.addName(NAME).createGroup(location, LOCALE, TIMEZONE, ENCODING, FORMAT, URIDataStoreProvider.CREATE_PARAM);
* Creates a parameter descriptor equals to the given one except for the remarks which are set to the given value.
private static <T> ParameterDescriptor<T> annotate(ParameterBuilder builder, ParameterDescriptor<T> e, InternationalString remark) {
return builder.addName(e.getName()).setDescription(e.getDescription()).setRemarks(remark).create(e.getValueClass(), null);
* Creates a new provider.
public StoreProvider() {
* Returns a short name or abbreviation for the data format.
* @return a short name or abbreviation for the data format.
public String getShortName() {
return NAME;
* Returns a description of all parameters accepted by this provider for opening a data store.
* @return description of the parameters for opening a {@link DataStore}.
public ParameterDescriptorGroup getOpenParameters() {
* Returns {@link ProbeResult#SUPPORTED} if the given storage appears to be a folder.
* Returning {@code SUPPORTED} from this method does not guarantee that reading or writing will succeed,
* only that there appears to be a reasonable chance of success based on a brief inspection of the storage
* characteristics.
* @return {@link ProbeResult#SUPPORTED} if the given storage seems to be readable as a folder.
* @throws DataStoreException if an I/O error occurred.
public ProbeResult probeContent(StorageConnector connector) throws DataStoreException {
try {
final Path path = connector.getStorageAs(Path.class);
if (path != null && Files.isDirectory(path)) {
return ProbeResult.SUPPORTED;
} catch (FileSystemNotFoundException e) {
Logging.recoverableException(getLogger(), StoreProvider.class, "probeContent", e);
// Nothing we can do, may happen often.
* Returns a data store implementation associated with this provider.
* The data store created by this method will try to auto-detect the format of every files in the directory.
* For exploring only the file of a known format, use {@link #open(ParameterValueGroup)} instead.
* @param connector information about the storage (URL, path, <i>etc</i>).
* @return a data store implementation associated with this provider for the given storage.
* @throws DataStoreException if an error occurred while creating the data store instance.
public DataStore open(final StorageConnector connector) throws DataStoreException {
return open(connector, null, EnumSet.noneOf(StandardOpenOption.class));
* Shared implementation of public {@code open(…)} methods.
* Note that this method may modify the given {@code options} set for its own purpose.
* @param connector information about the storage (URL, path, <i>etc</i>).
* @param format format name for directory content, or {@code null} if unspecified.
* @param options whether to create a new directory, overwrite existing content, <i>etc</i>.
private DataStore open(final StorageConnector connector, final String format, final EnumSet<StandardOpenOption> options)
throws DataStoreException
* Determine now the provider to use for directory content. We do that for determining if the component
* has write capability. If not, then the WRITE, CREATE and related options will be ignored. If we can
* not determine whether the component store has write capabilities (i.e. if canWrite(…) returns null),
* assume that the answer is "yes".
final DataStoreProvider componentProvider;
if (format != null) {
componentProvider = StoreUtilities.providerByFormatName(format.trim());
if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(StoreUtilities.canWrite(componentProvider.getClass()))) {
options.clear(); // No write capability.
} else {
componentProvider = null;
options.clear(); // Cannot write if we don't know the components format.
final Path path = connector.getStorageAs(Path.class);
final Store store;
try {
* If the user asked to create a new directory, we need to perform this task before
* to create the Store (otherwise constructor will fail with NoSuchFileException).
* In the particular case of CREATE_NEW, we unconditionally attempt to create the
* directory in order to rely on the atomic check performed by Files.createDirectory(…).
boolean isNew = false;
if (options.contains(StandardOpenOption.CREATE)) {
if (options.contains(StandardOpenOption.CREATE_NEW) || Files.notExists(path)) {
Files.createDirectory(path); // IOException if the directory already exists.
isNew = true;
if (isNew || (options.contains(StandardOpenOption.WRITE) && Files.isWritable(path))) {
store = new WritableStore(this, connector, path, componentProvider); // May throw NoSuchFileException.
} else {
store = new Store(this, connector, path, componentProvider); // May throw NoSuchFileException.
* If there is a destructive operation to perform (TRUNCATE_EXISTING), do it last only
* after we have successfully created the data store. The check for directory existence
* is also done after creation to be sure to check the path used by the store.
if (!Files.isDirectory(path)) {
throw new DataStoreException(Resources.format(Resources.Keys.FileIsNotAResourceDirectory_1, path));
if (options.contains(StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING)) {
WritableStore.deleteRecursively(path, false);
} catch (IOException e) {
* In case of error, Java FileSystem implementation tries to throw a specific exception
* (NoSuchFileException or FileAlreadyExistsException), but this is not guaranteed.
int isDirectory = 0;
final short errorKey;
if (e instanceof FileAlreadyExistsException) {
if (path != null && Files.isDirectory(path)) {
isDirectory = 1;
errorKey = Resources.Keys.FileAlreadyExists_2;
} else if (e instanceof NoSuchFileException) {
errorKey = Resources.Keys.NoSuchResourceDirectory_1;
} else {
errorKey = Resources.Keys.CanNotCreateFolderStore_1;
throw new DataStoreException(Resources.format(errorKey,
(path != null) ? path : connector.getStorageName(), isDirectory), e);
return store;
* Returns a data store implementation associated with this provider for the given parameters.
* @return a folder data store implementation for the given parameters.
* @throws DataStoreException if an error occurred while creating the data store instance.
public DataStore open(final ParameterValueGroup parameters) throws DataStoreException {
final StorageConnector connector = URIDataStoreProvider.connector(this, parameters);
final Parameters pg = Parameters.castOrWrap(parameters);
connector.setOption(OptionKey.LOCALE, pg.getValue(LOCALE));
connector.setOption(OptionKey.TIMEZONE, pg.getValue(TIMEZONE));
connector.setOption(OptionKey.ENCODING, pg.getValue(ENCODING));
final EnumSet<StandardOpenOption> options = EnumSet.of(StandardOpenOption.WRITE);
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(pg.getValue(URIDataStoreProvider.CREATE_PARAM))) {
return open(connector, pg.getValue(FORMAT), options);
* {@return the logger used by folder stores}.
public Logger getLogger() {
return LOGGER;