blob: 0a380122537bcfa85f85788b69f4a1fa1cc9ba1b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.sis.referencing;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.awt.geom.RectangularShape;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import static java.lang.StrictMath.*;
import javax.measure.Unit;
import org.opengis.geometry.Envelope;
import org.opengis.geometry.DirectPosition;
import org.opengis.metadata.Identifier;
import org.opengis.parameter.GeneralParameterValue;
import org.opengis.parameter.ParameterDescriptor;
import org.opengis.parameter.ParameterValue;
import org.opengis.parameter.ParameterValueGroup;
import org.opengis.referencing.IdentifiedObject;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.Matrix;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.MathTransform;
import org.opengis.referencing.cs.AxisDirection;
import org.opengis.referencing.cs.CoordinateSystemAxis;
import org.opengis.referencing.cs.RangeMeaning;
import org.opengis.util.GenericName;
import org.apache.sis.util.Static;
import org.apache.sis.geometry.AbstractEnvelope;
import org.apache.sis.geometry.Envelopes;
import org.apache.sis.geometry.GeneralDirectPosition;
import org.apache.sis.metadata.iso.citation.Citations;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.transform.LinearTransform;
import org.apache.sis.util.privy.Constants;
// Test dependencies
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;
import org.apache.sis.test.TestUtilities;
import static org.apache.sis.test.Assertions.assertMultilinesEquals;
* Assertion methods used by the {@code org.apache.sis.referencing} module in addition of the ones inherited
* from other modules and libraries.
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
public final class Assertions extends Static {
* The formatter to be used by {@link #assertWktEquals(String, Object)}.
* This formatter uses the {@code “…”} quotation marks instead of {@code "…"}
* for easier readability of {@link String} constants in Java code.
private static final WKTFormat WKT_FORMAT = new WKTFormat();
static {
final Symbols s = new Symbols(Symbols.SQUARE_BRACKETS);
s.setPairedQuotes("“”", "\"\"");
* Do not allow instantiation of this class.
private Assertions() {
* Asserts that the given identifier has the expected code and the {@code "OGC"} code space.
* The authority is expected to be {@link Citations#OGC}. We expect the exact same authority
* instance because identifiers in OGC namespace are often hard-coded in SIS.
* @param expected the expected identifier code.
* @param actual the identifier to verify.
public static void assertOgcIdentifierEquals(final String expected, final Identifier actual) {
assertEquals(expected, actual.getCode(), "code");
assertEquals(Constants.OGC, actual.getCodeSpace(), "codeSpace");
assertSame (Citations.OGC, actual.getAuthority(), "authority");
assertEquals(Constants.OGC + Constants.DEFAULT_SEPARATOR + expected, IdentifiedObjects.toString(actual), "identifier");
* Asserts that the given identifier has the expected code and the {@code "EPSG"} code space.
* The authority is expected to have the {@code "EPSG"} title, alternate title or identifier.
* @param expected the expected identifier code.
* @param actual the identifier to verify.
public static void assertEpsgIdentifierEquals(final String expected, final Identifier actual) {
assertEquals(expected, actual.getCode(), "code");
assertEquals(Constants.EPSG, actual.getCodeSpace(), "codeSpace");
assertEquals(Constants.EPSG, Citations.toCodeSpace(actual.getAuthority()), "authority");
assertEquals(Constants.EPSG + Constants.DEFAULT_SEPARATOR + expected, IdentifiedObjects.toString(actual), "identifier");
* Asserts that the given object has the expected name and singleton identifier in the {@code "EPSG"} code space.
* No other identifier than the given one is expected. The authority is expected to have the {@code "EPSG"} title,
* alternate title or identifier.
* @param name the expected EPSG name.
* @param identifier the expected EPSG identifier.
* @param object the object to verify.
public static void assertEpsgNameAndIdentifierEqual(final String name, final int identifier, final IdentifiedObject object) {
assertNotNull(object, name);
assertEpsgIdentifierEquals(name, object.getName());
assertEpsgIdentifierEquals(String.valueOf(identifier), TestUtilities.getSingleton(object.getIdentifiers()));
* Asserts that the tip of the unique alias of the given object is equal to the expected value.
* As a special case if the expected value is null, then this method verifies that the given object has no alias.
* @param expected the expected alias, or {@code null} if we expect no alias.
* @param object the object for which to test the alias.
public static void assertAliasTipEquals(final String expected, final IdentifiedObject object) {
final Collection<GenericName> aliases = object.getAlias();
if (expected == null) {
assertTrue(aliases.isEmpty(), "aliases.isEmpty()");
} else {
assertEquals(expected, TestUtilities.getSingleton(aliases).tip().toString(), "alias");
* Compares the given coordinate system axis against the expected values.
* @param name the expected axis name code.
* @param abbreviation the expected axis abbreviation.
* @param direction the expected axis direction.
* @param minimumValue the expected axis minimal value.
* @param maximumValue the expected axis maximal value.
* @param unit the expected axis unit of measurement.
* @param rangeMeaning the expected axis range meaning.
* @param axis the axis to verify.
public static void assertAxisEquals(final String name, final String abbreviation, final AxisDirection direction,
final double minimumValue, final double maximumValue, final Unit<?> unit, final RangeMeaning rangeMeaning,
final CoordinateSystemAxis axis)
assertEquals(name, axis.getName().getCode(), "name");
assertEquals(abbreviation, axis.getAbbreviation(), "abbreviation");
assertEquals(direction, axis.getDirection(), "direction");
assertEquals(minimumValue, axis.getMinimumValue(), "minimumValue");
assertEquals(maximumValue, axis.getMaximumValue(), "maximumValue");
assertEquals(unit, axis.getUnit(), "unit");
assertEquals(rangeMeaning, axis.getRangeMeaning(), "rangeMeaning");
* Asserts that the given parameter values are equal to the expected ones within
* a positive delta. Only the elements in the given descriptor are compared, and
* the comparisons are done in the units declared in the descriptor.
* @param expected the expected parameter values.
* @param actual the actual parameter values.
* @param tolerance the tolerance threshold for comparison of numerical values.
public static void assertParameterEquals(final ParameterValueGroup expected,
final ParameterValueGroup actual, final double tolerance)
for (final GeneralParameterValue candidate : expected.values()) {
if (!(candidate instanceof ParameterValue<?>)) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not yet implemented.");
final ParameterValue<?> value = (ParameterValue<?>) candidate;
final ParameterDescriptor<?> descriptor = value.getDescriptor();
final String name = descriptor.getName().getCode();
final Unit<?> unit = descriptor.getUnit();
final Class<?> valueClass = descriptor.getValueClass();
final ParameterValue<?> e = expected.parameter(name);
final ParameterValue<?> a = actual .parameter(name);
if (unit != null) {
final double f = e.doubleValue(unit);
assertEquals(f, a.doubleValue(unit), tolerance, name);
} else if (valueClass == Float.class || valueClass == Double.class) {
final double f = e.doubleValue();
assertEquals(f, a.doubleValue(), tolerance, name);
} else {
assertEquals(e.getValue(), a.getValue(), name);
* Asserts that the given matrix is diagonal, and that all elements on the diagonal are equal
* to the given values. The matrix doesn't need to be square. The last row is handled especially
* if the {@code affine} argument is {@code true}.
* @param expected the values which are expected on the diagonal. If the length of this array
* is less than the matrix size, then the last element in the array is repeated
* for all remaining diagonal elements.
* @param affine if {@code true}, then the last row is expected to contains the value 1
* in the last column, and all other columns set to 0.
* @param matrix the matrix to test.
* @param tolerance the tolerance threshold while comparing floating point values.
public static void assertDiagonalEquals(final double[] expected, final boolean affine,
final Matrix matrix, final double tolerance)
final int numRows = matrix.getNumRow();
final int numCols = matrix.getNumCol();
for (int j=0; j<numRows; j++) {
for (int i=0; i<numCols; i++) {
final double e;
if (affine && j == numRows-1) {
e = (i == numCols-1) ? 1 : 0;
} else if (i == j) {
e = expected[min(expected.length-1, i)];
} else {
e = 0;
final int ti=i, tj=j; // Because lambda requires final values.
assertEquals(e, matrix.getElement(j, i), tolerance, () -> "matrix(" + tj + ", " + ti + ")");
* Compares two affine transforms for equality.
* @param expected the expected affine transform.
* @param actual the actual affine transform.
* @param tolerance the tolerance threshold.
public static void assertTransformEquals(final AffineTransform expected, final AffineTransform actual, final double tolerance) {
assertEquals(expected.getScaleX(), actual.getScaleX(), tolerance, "scaleX");
assertEquals(expected.getScaleY(), actual.getScaleY(), tolerance, "scaleY");
assertEquals(expected.getShearX(), actual.getShearX(), tolerance, "shearX");
assertEquals(expected.getShearY(), actual.getShearY(), tolerance, "shearY");
assertEquals(expected.getTranslateX(), actual.getTranslateX(), tolerance, "translateX");
assertEquals(expected.getTranslateY(), actual.getTranslateY(), tolerance, "translateY");
* Asserts that two rectangles have the same location and the same size.
* @param expected the expected rectangle.
* @param actual the rectangle to compare with the expected one.
* @param tolx the tolerance threshold on location along the <var>x</var> axis.
* @param toly the tolerance threshold on location along the <var>y</var> axis.
public static void assertRectangleEquals(final RectangularShape expected,
final RectangularShape actual, final double tolx, final double toly)
assertEquals(expected.getMinX(), actual.getMinX(), tolx, "Min X");
assertEquals(expected.getMinY(), actual.getMinY(), toly, "Min Y");
assertEquals(expected.getMaxX(), actual.getMaxX(), tolx, "Max X");
assertEquals(expected.getMaxY(), actual.getMaxY(), toly, "Max Y");
assertEquals(expected.getCenterX(), actual.getCenterX(), tolx, "Center X");
assertEquals(expected.getCenterY(), actual.getCenterY(), toly, "Center Y");
assertEquals(expected.getWidth(), actual.getWidth(), tolx*2, "Width");
assertEquals(expected.getHeight(), actual.getHeight(), toly*2, "Height");
* Asserts that two envelopes have the same minimum and maximum coordinates.
* This method ignores the envelope type (i.e. the implementation class) and the CRS.
* @param expected the expected envelope.
* @param actual the envelope to compare with the expected one.
* @param tolerances the tolerance threshold on location along each axis. If this array length is shorter
* than the number of dimensions, then the last tolerance is reused for all remaining axes.
* If this array is empty, then the tolerance threshold is zero.
public static void assertEnvelopeEquals(final Envelope expected, final Envelope actual, final double... tolerances) {
final int dimension = expected.getDimension();
assertEquals(dimension, actual.getDimension(), "dimension");
final DirectPosition expectedLower = expected.getLowerCorner();
final DirectPosition expectedUpper = expected.getUpperCorner();
final DirectPosition actualLower = actual .getLowerCorner();
final DirectPosition actualUpper = actual .getUpperCorner();
double tolerance = 0;
for (int i=0; i<dimension; i++) {
if (i < tolerances.length) {
tolerance = tolerances[i];
if (abs(expectedLower.getCoordinate(i) - actualLower.getCoordinate(i)) > tolerance ||
abs(expectedUpper.getCoordinate(i) - actualUpper.getCoordinate(i)) > tolerance)
fail("Envelopes are not equal in dimension " + i + ":\n"
+ "expected " + Envelopes.toString(expected) + "\n"
+ " but got " + Envelopes.toString(actual));
* Tests if the given {@code outer} shape contains the given {@code inner} rectangle.
* This method will also verify class consistency by invoking the {@code intersects}
* method, and by interchanging the arguments.
* <p>This method can be used for testing the {@code outer} implementation -
* it should not be needed for standard JDK implementations.</p>
* @param outer the shape which is expected to contains the given rectangle.
* @param inner the rectangle which should be contained by the shape.
public static void assertContains(final RectangularShape outer, final Rectangle2D inner) {
assertTrue(outer.contains (inner), "outer.contains(inner)");
assertTrue(outer.intersects(inner), "outer.intersects(inner)");
if (outer instanceof Rectangle2D r) {
assertTrue (inner.intersects(r), "inner.intersects(outer)");
assertFalse(inner.contains (r), "inner.contains(outer)");
assertTrue(outer.contains(inner.getCenterX(), inner.getCenterY()), "outer.contains(centerX, centerY)");
* Tests if the given {@code outer} envelope contains the given {@code inner} envelope.
* This method will also verify class consistency by invoking the {@code intersects}
* method, and by interchanging the arguments.
* @param outer the envelope which is expected to contains the given inner envelope.
* @param inner the envelope which should be contained by the outer envelope.
public static void assertContains(final AbstractEnvelope outer, final Envelope inner) {
assertTrue(outer.contains (inner, true), "outer.contains(inner)");
assertTrue(outer.contains (inner, false), "outer.contains(inner)");
assertTrue(outer.intersects(inner, true), "outer.intersects(inner)");
assertTrue(outer.intersects(inner, false), "outer.intersects(inner)");
if (inner instanceof AbstractEnvelope ai) {
assertTrue (ai.intersects(outer, true), "inner.intersects(outer)");
assertTrue (ai.intersects(outer, false), "inner.intersects(outer)");
assertFalse(ai.contains (outer, true), "inner.contains(outer)");
assertFalse(ai.contains (outer, false), "inner.contains(outer)");
final GeneralDirectPosition median = new GeneralDirectPosition(inner.getDimension());
for (int i=median.getDimension(); --i>=0;) {
median.setCoordinate(i, inner.getMedian(i));
assertTrue(outer.contains(median), "outer.contains(median)");
* Tests if the given {@code r1} shape is disjoint with the given {@code r2} rectangle.
* This method will also verify class consistency by invoking the {@code contains}
* method, and by interchanging the arguments.
* <p>This method can be used for testing the {@code r1} implementation - it should not
* be needed for standard implementations.</p>
* @param r1 the first shape to test.
* @param r2 the second rectangle to test.
public static void assertDisjoint(final RectangularShape r1, final Rectangle2D r2) {
assertFalse(r1.intersects(r2), "r1.intersects(r2)");
assertFalse(r1.contains(r2), "r1.contains(r2)");
if (r1 instanceof Rectangle2D r) {
assertFalse(r2.intersects(r), "r2.intersects(r1)");
assertFalse(r2.contains (r), "r2.contains(r1)");
for (int i=0; i<9; i++) {
final double x, y;
switch (i % 3) {
case 0: x = r2.getMinX(); break;
case 1: x = r2.getCenterX(); break;
case 2: x = r2.getMaxX(); break;
default: throw new AssertionError(i);
switch (i / 3) {
case 0: y = r2.getMinY(); break;
case 1: y = r2.getCenterY(); break;
case 2: y = r2.getMaxY(); break;
default: throw new AssertionError(i);
assertFalse(r1.contains(x, y), () -> "r1.contains(" + x + ", " + y + ')');
* Tests if the given {@code e1} envelope is disjoint with the given {@code e2} envelope.
* This method will also verify class consistency by invoking the {@code contains} method,
* and by interchanging the arguments.
* @param e1 the first envelope to test.
* @param e2 the second envelope to test.
public static void assertDisjoint(final AbstractEnvelope e1, final Envelope e2) {
assertFalse(e1.intersects(e2, false), "e1.intersects(e2)");
assertFalse(e1.intersects(e2, true), "e1.intersects(e2)");
assertFalse(e1.contains (e2, false), "e1.contains(e2)");
assertFalse(e1.contains (e2, true), "e1.contains(e2)");
if (e2 instanceof AbstractEnvelope ae) {
assertFalse(ae.intersects(e1, false), "e2.intersects(e1)");
assertFalse(ae.intersects(e1, true), "e2.intersects(e1)");
assertFalse(ae.contains (e1, false), "e2.contains(e1)");
assertFalse(ae.contains (e1, true), "e2.contains(e1)");
final int dimension = e1.getDimension();
final int numCases = toIntExact(round(pow(3, dimension)));
final GeneralDirectPosition pos = new GeneralDirectPosition(dimension);
for (int index=0; index<numCases; index++) {
int n = index;
for (int i=0; i<dimension; i++) {
final double coordinate;
switch (n % 3) {
case 0: coordinate = e2.getMinimum(i); break;
case 1: coordinate = e2.getMedian (i); break;
case 2: coordinate = e2.getMaximum(i); break;
default: throw new AssertionError(i);
pos.setCoordinate(i, coordinate);
n /= 3;
assertEquals(0, n); // Opportunist check of this assert method.
assertFalse(e1.contains(pos), () -> "e1.contains(" + pos + ')');
* Tests if the given transform is the identity transform.
* If the current transform is linear, then this method will also verifies {@link Matrix#isIdentity()}.
* @param transform the transform to test.
public static void assertIsIdentity(final MathTransform transform) {
assertTrue(transform.isIdentity(), "isIdentity()");
if (transform instanceof LinearTransform linear) {
assertTrue(linear.getMatrix().isIdentity(), "getMatrix().isIdentity()");
* Tests if the given transform is <strong>not</strong> the identity transform.
* If the current transform is linear, then this method will also verifies {@link Matrix#isIdentity()}.
* @param transform the transform to test.
public static void assertIsNotIdentity(final MathTransform transform) {
assertFalse(transform.isIdentity(), "isIdentity()");
if (transform instanceof LinearTransform linear) {
assertFalse(linear.getMatrix().isIdentity(), "getMatrix().isIdentity()");
* Asserts that the WKT 2 of the given object is equal to the expected one.
* This method expected the {@code “…”} quotation marks instead of {@code "…"}
* for easier readability of {@link String} constants in Java code.
* @param expected the expected text, or {@code null} if {@code object} is expected to be null.
* @param object the object to format in <i>Well Known Text</i> format, or {@code null}.
public static void assertWktEquals(final String expected, final Object object) {
assertWktEquals(Convention.WKT2, expected, object);
* Asserts that the WKT of the given object according the given convention is equal to the expected one.
* This method expected the {@code “…”} quotation marks instead of {@code "…"} for easier readability of
* {@link String} constants in Java code.
* @param convention the WKT convention to use.
* @param expected the expected text, or {@code null} if {@code object} is expected to be null.
* @param object the object to format in <i>Well Known Text</i> format, or {@code null}.
public static void assertWktEquals(final Convention convention, final String expected, final Object object) {
if (expected == null) {
} else {
final String wkt;
synchronized (WKT_FORMAT) {
wkt = WKT_FORMAT.format(object);
assertMultilinesEquals(expected, wkt, (object instanceof IdentifiedObject) ?
((IdentifiedObject) object).getName().getCode() : object.getClass().getSimpleName());
* Asserts that the WKT of the given object according the given convention is equal to the given regular expression.
* This method is like {@link #assertWktEquals(String, Object)}, but the use of regular expression allows some
* tolerance for example on numerical parameter values that may be subject to a limited form of rounding errors.
* @param convention the WKT convention to use.
* @param expected the expected regular expression, or {@code null} if {@code object} is expected to be null.
* @param object the object to format in <i>Well Known Text</i> format, or {@code null}.
public static void assertWktEqualsRegex(final Convention convention, final String expected, final Object object) {
if (expected == null) {
} else {
final String wkt;
synchronized (WKT_FORMAT) {
wkt = WKT_FORMAT.format(object);
if (!wkt.matches(expected.replace("\n", System.lineSeparator()))) {
fail("WKT does not match the expected regular expression. The WKT that we got is:\n" + wkt);