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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.sis.metadata;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException;
import java.util.function.Function;
import org.opengis.annotation.Obligation;
import org.apache.sis.xml.NilReason;
import org.apache.sis.xml.bind.lan.LocaleAndCharset;
import org.apache.sis.util.Debug;
import org.apache.sis.util.Classes;
import org.apache.sis.util.CharSequences;
import org.apache.sis.util.ArgumentChecks;
import org.apache.sis.util.ObjectConverters;
import org.apache.sis.util.privy.CollectionsExt;
import org.apache.sis.util.privy.Unsafe;
import org.apache.sis.util.iso.Types;
import org.apache.sis.util.collection.TableColumn;
import org.apache.sis.util.collection.TreeTable.Node;
import org.apache.sis.util.collection.CheckedContainer;
import org.apache.sis.util.resources.Errors;
import org.apache.sis.util.resources.Vocabulary;
* A node in a {@link TreeTableView} view. The {@code TreeNode} base class is used directly only for the root node,
* or for nodes containing a fixed value instead of a value fetched from the metadata object. For all other nodes,
* the actual node class shall be either {@link Element} or {@link CollectionElement}.
* <p>The value of a node is extracted from the {@linkplain #metadata} object by {@link #getUserObject()}.
* For each instance of {@code TreeNode}, that value is always a singleton, never a collection.
* If a metadata property is a collection, then there is an instance of the {@link CollectionElement}
* subclass for each element in the collection.</p>
* <p>The {@link #newChild()} operation is supported if the node is not a leaf. The user shall
* set the identifier and the value, in that order, before any other operation on the new child.
* See {@code newChild()} javadoc for an example.</p>
* <h2>API note</h2>
* This class is not serializable because the values of the {@link Element#indexInData}
* and {@link CollectionElement#indexInList} fields may not be stable.
* The former may be invalid if the node is serialized and deserialized by two different versions of Apache SIS
* having properties in different order. The second may be invalid if the collection is not guaranteed to preserve
* order on serialization (e.g. {@code CodeListSet} with user supplied elements, in which case the elements order
* depends on the instantiation order).</div>
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
class TreeNode implements Node {
* The collection of {@linkplain #children} to return when the node does not allow children.
* This constant is also used as a sentinel value by {@link #isLeaf()}.
* <p>We choose an empty set instead of an empty list because {@link TreeNodeChildren}
* does not implement the {@link List} interface. So we are better to never give to the user
* a collection implementing {@code List} in order to signal incorrect casts sooner.</p>
private static final Collection<Node> LEAF = Set.of();
* The table for which this node is an element.
* Contains information like the metadata standard and the value existence policy.
* <p>All {@code TreeNode} instances in the same tree have
* a reference to the same {@code TreeTableView} instance.</p>
final TreeTableView table;
* The parent of this node to be returned by {@link #getParent()},
* or {@code null} if this node is the root of the tree.
* @see #getParent()
private final TreeNode parent;
* The metadata object from which the {@link #getUserObject()} method will fetch the value.
* The value is fetched in different ways, which depend on the {@code TreeNode} subclass:
* <ul>
* <li>For {@code TreeNode} (the root of the tree),
* the value is directly {@link #metadata}.</li>
* <li>For {@link Element} (a metadata property which is not a collection),
* the value is {@code accessor.get(indexInData, metadata)}.</li>
* <li>For {@link CollectionElement} (an element in a collection),
* another index is used for fetching the element in that collection.</li>
* </ul>
* This field shall never be null.
* @see #getUserObject()
final Object metadata;
* The return type of the getter method that provides the value encapsulated by this node.
* This information is used for filtering aspects when a class opportunistically implements
* many interfaces. This value is part of the {@link CacheKey} needed for invoking
* {@link MetadataStandard} methods.
final Class<?> baseType;
* The value of {@link TableColumn#NAME}, computed by {@link #getName()} then cached.
* @see #getName()
private transient CharSequence name;
* The children of this node, or {@code null} if not yet computed. If and only if the node
* cannot have children (i.e. {@linkplain #isLeaf() is a leaf}), then this field is set to
* {@link #LEAF}.
* @see #getChildren()
private transient Collection<Node> children;
* The value which existed when the {@link TreeNodeChildren#iterator()} traversed this node.
* This value is cached on the assumption that users will ask for value or for children soon
* after they iterated over this node. The cached value is cleared after its first use.
* <p>This value shall be either {@code null}, or the exact same value as what a call to
* {@link #getUserObject()} would return, assuming that the underlying {@linkplain #metadata}
* object didn't changed.</p>
* <p>The purpose of this cache is to avoid invoking (by reflection) the same getter methods
* twice in common situations like the {@link TreeTableView#toString()} implementation or in
* Graphical User Interface. However, we may remove this field in any future SIS version if
* experience shows that it is more problematic than helpful.</p>
* @see #getNonNilValue()
transient Object cachedValue;
* Whether {@link #cachedValue} can be used for the value of {@link TableColumn#VALUE}.
* This flag is set to {@code true} only by the {@link TreeNodeChildren} iterator,
* thus allowing the use of cached value in the {@code VALUE} column only after
* a call to {@link Iterator#next()} (for opportunistic reason), and only once.
* This restriction does not apply to {@link MetadataColumn#NIL_REASON}.
transient boolean canUseCache;
* Creates the root node of a new metadata tree table.
* @param table the table which is creating this root node.
* @param metadata the root metadata object (cannot be null).
* @param baseType the return type of the getter method that provides the value encapsulated by this node.
TreeNode(final TreeTableView table, final Object metadata, final Class<?> baseType) {
this.table = table;
this.parent = null;
this.metadata = metadata;
this.baseType = baseType;
* Creates a new child for an element of the given metadata.
* This constructor is for the {@link Element} subclass only.
* @param parent the parent of this node.
* @param metadata the metadata object for which this node will be a value.
* @param baseType the return type of the getter method that provides the value encapsulated by this node.
private TreeNode(final TreeNode parent, final Object metadata, final Class<?> baseType) {
this.table = parent.table;
this.parent = parent;
this.metadata = metadata;
this.baseType = baseType;
if (!isMetadata(baseType)) {
children = LEAF;
* Returns {@code true} if nodes for values of the given type can be expanded with more children.
* A return value of {@code false} means that values of the given type are leaves.
final boolean isMetadata(final Class<?> type) {
return table.standard.isMetadata(type);
* Returns the key to use for calls to {@link MetadataStandard} methods.
* This key is used only for some default method implementations in the root node;
* children will use the class of their node value instead.
private CacheKey key() {
return new CacheKey(metadata.getClass(), baseType);
* Appends an identifier for this node in the given buffer, for {@link #toString()} implementation.
* The appended value is similar to the value returned by {@link #getIdentifier()} (except for the
* root node), but may contains additional information like the index in a collection.
* <p>The default implementation is suitable only for the root node - subclasses must override.</p>
* @param buffer the buffer where to complete the {@link #toString()} representation.
void appendIdentifier(final StringBuilder buffer) {
* Returns the UML identifier defined by the standard. The default implementation is suitable
* only for the root node, since it returns the class identifier. Subclasses must override in
* order to return the property identifier instead.
String getIdentifier() {
final Class<?> type = table.standard.getInterface(key());
final String id = Types.getStandardName(type);
return (id != null) ? id : Classes.getShortName(type);
* Returns the index in the collection if the metadata property type is a collection,
* or {@code null} otherwise. The (<var>identifier</var>, <var>index</var>) pair can
* be used as a primary key for identifying this node among its siblings.
Integer getIndex() {
return null;
* Gets the human-readable name of this node. The name shall be stable, since it will be cached
* by the caller. The name typically contains {@linkplain #getIdentifier() identifier} and
* {@linkplain #getIndex() index} information, eventually localized.
* <p>The default implementation is suitable only for the root node - subclasses must override.</p>
CharSequence getName() {
return CharSequences.camelCaseToSentence(Classes.getShortName(
* Gets whether the property is mandatory, optional or conditional, or {@code null} if unspecified.
Obligation getObligation() {
return null;
* Gets remarks about the value in this node, or {@code null} if none.
CharSequence getRemarks() {
return null;
* Gets the reason why the value is missing, or {@code null} if unspecified.
* Note that this method is expected to always return {@code null} if
* {@link ValueExistencePolicy#acceptNilValues()} is {@code false}.
* @see #setNilReason(NilReason)
NilReason getNilReason() {
return null;
* Returns the property value, excluding nil value and using the cached value if available.
* Nil value are excluded because the reason why they are nil is reported in a separated column.
* <h4>Caching</h4>
* The cached value is set by {@link TreeNodeChildren} iterator and used only once for
* the value in {@link TableColumn#VALUE}. However, the cached value may be reused for
* the value in {@link MetadataColumn#NIL_REASON}.
private Object getNonNilValue() {
if (!canUseCache) {
cachedValue = getUserObject();
canUseCache = false; // Use the cached value only once after iteration.
if (table.valuePolicy.acceptNilValues() && NilReason.forObject(cachedValue) != null) {
return null;
return cachedValue;
* The metadata value for this node, to be returned by {@code getValue(TableColumn.VALUE)}.
* The default implementation is suitable only for the root node - subclasses must override.
public Object getUserObject() {
return metadata;
* Sets the metadata value for this node. Subclasses must override this method.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the metadata value is not writable.
void setUserObject(final Object value) throws UnsupportedOperationException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(unmodifiableCellValue(TableColumn.VALUE));
* Sets the value to nil with a reason explaining why the value is nil.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the metadata value is not writable.
void setNilReason(final NilReason value) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(unmodifiableCellValue(MetadataColumn.NIL_REASON));
* Returns {@code true} if the metadata value can be set.
* Subclasses must override this method.
boolean isWritable() {
return false;
* Returns {@code true} if the given object is of the same class as this node and contains a reference
* to the same metadata object. Since {@code TreeNode} generates all content from the wrapped metadata,
* this condition should ensure that two equal nodes have the same values and children.
public boolean equals(final Object other) {
return (other != null) && other.getClass() == getClass()
&& ((TreeNode) other).metadata == metadata
&& ((TreeNode) other).baseType == baseType;
* Returns a hash code value for this node.
public int hashCode() {
return System.identityHashCode(metadata) ^ Objects.hashCode(baseType);
* A node for a metadata property value. This class does not store the property value directly.
* Instead, is stores a reference to the metadata object that contains the property values,
* together with the index for fetching the value in that object. That way, the real storage
* objects still the metadata object, which allow {@link TreeTableView} to be a dynamic view.
* <p>Instances of this class shall be instantiated only for metadata singletons. If a metadata
* property is a collection, then the {@link CollectionElement} subclass shall be instantiated
* instead.</p>
static class Element extends TreeNode {
* The accessor to use for fetching the property names, types and values from the {@link #metadata} object.
* Note that the reference stored in this field is the same for all siblings.
private final PropertyAccessor accessor;
* The reasons why some mandatory property values are missing.
* Created only if cell values in the "Nil reason" column are requested.
* @see #nilReasons()
private transient NilReasonMap nilReasons;
* Index of the value in the {@link #metadata} object to be fetched with the {@link #accessor}.
private final int indexInData;
* If tree node should be wrapped in another object before to be returned, the function performing that wrapping.
* This is used if we want to render a metadata property in a different way than the way implied by JavaBeans.
* The wrapping operation should be cheap because it will be applied every time the user request the node.
* <h4>Example</h4>
* The {@code "defaultLocale+otherLocale"} property is represented by {@code Map.Entry<Locale,Charset>} values.
* The nodes created by this class contain those {@code Map.Entry} values, but we want to show them to users as
* as a {@link java.util.Locale} node with a {@link java.nio.charset.Charset} child. This separation is done by
* {@link LocaleAndCharset}.
final Function<TreeNode,Node> decorator;
* Creates a new child for a property of the given metadata at the given index.
* @param parent the parent of this node.
* @param metadata the metadata object for which this node will be a value.
* @param accessor accessor to use for fetching the name, type and value.
* @param indexInData index to be given to the accessor for fetching the value.
Element(final TreeNode parent, final Object metadata,
final PropertyAccessor accessor, final int indexInData)
super(parent, metadata, accessor.type(indexInData, TypeValuePolicy.ELEMENT_TYPE));
this.accessor = accessor;
this.indexInData = indexInData;
if (SpecialCases.isLocaleAndCharset(accessor, indexInData)) {
decorator = LocaleAndCharset::new;
} else {
decorator = null;
* Appends an identifier for this node in the given buffer, for {@link #toString()} implementation.
* This method is mostly for debugging purposes and is not used for the tree table node values.
void appendIdentifier(final StringBuilder buffer) {
buffer.append('.').append(, KeyNamePolicy.JAVABEANS_PROPERTY));
* The property identifier to be returned in the {@link TableColumn#IDENTIFIER} cells.
final String getIdentifier() {
return, KeyNamePolicy.UML_IDENTIFIER);
* Gets the name of this node. Current implementation derives the name from the
* {@link KeyNamePolicy#UML_IDENTIFIER} instead of {@link KeyNamePolicy#JAVABEANS_PROPERTY}
* in order to get the singular form instead of the plural one, because we will create one
* node for each element in a collection.
* <p>If the property name is equal, ignoring case, to the simple type name, then this method
* returns the subtype name (<a href="">SIS-298</a>).
* For example, instead of:</p>
* <pre class="text">
* Citation
* └─Cited responsible party
* └─Party
* └─Name ……………………………… Jon Smith</pre>
* we format:
* <pre class="text">
* Citation
* └─Cited responsible party
* └─Individual
* └─Name ……………………………… Jon Smith</pre>
CharSequence getName() {
String identifier = getIdentifier();
if (identifier.equalsIgnoreCase(Classes.getShortName(baseType))) {
final Object value = getUserObject();
if (value != null) {
Class<?> type = standardSubType(Classes.getLeafInterfaces(value.getClass(), baseType));
if (type != null && type != Void.TYPE) {
identifier = Classes.getShortName(type);
identifier = SpecialCases.rename(identifier); // Hard-coded special case.
return CharSequences.camelCaseToSentence(identifier).toString();
* Returns the element of the given array which is both assignable to {@link #baseType} and a member
* of the standard represented by {@link TreeTableView#standard}. If no such type is found, returns
* {@code null}. If more than one type is found, returns the {@link Void#TYPE} sentinel value.
private Class<?> standardSubType(final Class<?>[] subtypes) {
Class<?> type = null;
for (Class<?> c : subtypes) {
if (baseType.isAssignableFrom(c)) {
if (!isMetadata(c)) {
c = standardSubType(c.getInterfaces());
if (type == null) {
type = c;
} else if (type != c) {
return Void.TYPE;
return type;
* Returns the map of reasons why a mandatory value is missing.
* The map is created only when first needed.
private NilReasonMap nilReasons() {
if (nilReasons == null) {
nilReasons = new NilReasonMap(metadata, accessor, KeyNamePolicy.UML_IDENTIFIER);
return nilReasons;
* Sets the value to nil with a reason explaining why the value is nil.
void setNilReason(final NilReason value) {
cachedValue = null;
canUseCache = false;
nilReasons().setReflectively(indexInData, value);
* Gets the reason why the value is missing, or {@code null} if unspecified.
NilReason getNilReason() {
// Do not check `canUseCache` because it applies to TableColumn.VALUE.
if (cachedValue == null) cachedValue = getUserObject();
return nilReasons().getNilReason(indexInData, cachedValue);
* Gets whether the property is mandatory, optional or conditional, or {@code null} if unspecified.
Obligation getObligation() {
return accessor.obligation(indexInData);
* Gets remarks about the value in this node, or {@code null} if none.
final CharSequence getRemarks() {
return accessor.remarks(indexInData, metadata);
* Fetches the node value from the metadata object.
public Object getUserObject() {
return accessor.get(indexInData, metadata);
* Sets the property value for this node.
void setUserObject(final Object value) {
cachedValue = null;
canUseCache = false;
accessor.set(indexInData, metadata, value, PropertyAccessor.RETURN_NULL);
* Returns {@code true} if the metadata is writable.
final boolean isWritable() {
return accessor.isWritable(indexInData);
* Returns {@code true} if the value returned by {@link #getUserObject()}
* should be the same for both nodes.
public boolean equals(final Object other) {
return super.equals(other) && ((Element) other).indexInData == indexInData;
* Returns a hash code value for this node.
public int hashCode() {
return super.hashCode() ^ (31 * indexInData);
* A node for an element in a collection. This class needs the iteration order to be stable.
static final class CollectionElement extends Element {
* Index of the element in the collection, in iteration order.
final int indexInList;
* Creates a new node for the given collection element.
* @param parent the parent of this node.
* @param metadata the metadata object for which this node will be a value.
* @param accessor accessor to use for fetching the name, type and collection.
* @param indexInData index to be given to the accessor of fetching the collection.
* @param indexInList index of the element in the collection, in iteration order.
CollectionElement(final TreeNode parent, final Object metadata,
final PropertyAccessor accessor, final int indexInData, final int indexInList)
super(parent, metadata, accessor, indexInData);
this.indexInList = indexInList;
* Appends an identifier for this node in the given buffer, for {@link #toString()} implementation.
* This method is mostly for debugging purposes and is not used for the tree table node values.
void appendIdentifier(final StringBuilder buffer) {
* Returns the zero-based index of this node in the metadata property.
Integer getIndex() {
return indexInList;
* Appends the index of this property, if there is more than one.
* Index numbering begins at 1, since this name if for human reading.
CharSequence getName() {
CharSequence name = super.getName();
final int size = CollectionsExt.size(super.getUserObject());
if (size >= 2) {
name = Vocabulary.formatInternational(Vocabulary.Keys.Of_3, name, indexInList+1, size);
return name;
* Fetches the property value from the metadata object, which is expected to be a collection,
* then fetch the element at the index represented by this node.
public Object getUserObject() {
final Object collection = super.getUserObject();
final Collection<?> values;
if (collection instanceof Collection<?>) {
values = (Collection<?>) collection;
} else {
* ClassCastException should never happen here unless PropertyAccessor.isCollectionOrMap(…) has
* been modified, in which case there is probably many code to update (not only this method).
values = ((Map<?,?>) collection).entrySet();
* If the collection is null or empty but the value existence policy tells
* us that such elements shall be shown, behave as if the collection was a
* singleton containing a null element, in order to make the property
* visible in the tree.
if (indexInList == 0 && table.valuePolicy.substituteByNullElement(values)) {
return null;
try {
if (values instanceof List<?>) {
return ((List<?>) values).get(indexInList);
final Iterator<?> it = values.iterator();
for (int i=0; i<indexInList; i++) {; // Inefficient way to move at the desired index, but hopefully rare.
} catch (NullPointerException | IndexOutOfBoundsException | NoSuchElementException e) {
* May happen if the collection for this metadata property changed after the iteration
* in the TreeNodeChildren. Users should not keep TreeNode references instances for a
* long time, but instead iterate again over TreeNodeChildren when needed.
throw new ConcurrentModificationException(e);
* Sets the property value for this node.
void setUserObject(Object value) {
cachedValue = null;
canUseCache = false;
final Collection<?> values = (Collection<?>) super.getUserObject();
if (!(values instanceof List<?>)) {
// `setValue(…)` is the public method which invoked this one.
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.UnsupportedOperation_1, "setValue"));
final Class<?> targetType;
if (values instanceof CheckedContainer<?>) {
* Typically the same as getElementType(), but let be safe
* in case some implementations have stricter requirements.
targetType = ((CheckedContainer<?>) values).getElementType();
} else {
targetType = baseType;
value = ObjectConverters.convert(value, targetType);
try {
* Unsafe addition into a collection. In SIS implementation, the collection is
* actually an instance of CheckedCollection, so the check will be performed at
* runtime. However, other implementations could use unchecked collection. We have
* done our best for converting the type above, there is not much more we can do...
Unsafe.set((List<?>) values, indexInList, value);
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
// Same rational as in the getUserObject() method.
throw new ConcurrentModificationException(e);
* Gets the reason why the value is missing, or {@code null} if unspecified.
* Note that this method gets the nil reason of a specific collection element.
* This is a bit unusual, since nil reasons usually apply to the whole property.
NilReason getNilReason() {
// Do not check `canUseCache` because it applies to TableColumn.VALUE.
if (cachedValue == null) cachedValue = getUserObject();
return NilReason.forObject(cachedValue);
* Sets the value to nil with a reason explaining why the value is nil.
* Note that this method sets the nil reason of a specific collection element.
* This is a bit unusual, since nil reasons usually apply to the whole property.
void setNilReason(final NilReason value) {
setUserObject(value != null ? value.createNilObject(baseType) : null);
* Returns {@code true} if the value returned by {@link #getUserObject()}
* should be the same for both nodes.
public boolean equals(final Object other) {
return super.equals(other) && ((CollectionElement) other).indexInList == indexInList;
* Returns a hash code value for this node.
public int hashCode() {
return super.hashCode() ^ indexInList;
// -------- Final methods (defined in terms of above methods only) ----------------------------
* Returns the parent node, or {@code null} if this node is the root of the tree.
public final Node getParent() {
return parent;
* Returns {@code false} if the value is a metadata object (and consequently can have children),
* or {@code true} if the value is not a metadata object.
public final boolean isLeaf() {
return (children == LEAF);
* Returns the children of this node, or an empty set if none.
* Only metadata object can have children.
public final Collection<Node> getChildren() {
* `children` is set to LEAF if an only if the node *cannot* have children,
* in which case we do not need to check for changes in the underlying metadata.
if (!isLeaf()) {
Object value = getNonNilValue();
if (value == null) {
* If there is no value, returns an empty set but *do not* set `children`
* to that set, in order to allow this method to check again the next time
* that this method is invoked.
children = null; // Let GC do its work.
return LEAF;
* If there is a value, check if the cached collection is still applicable.
* We verify that the collection is a wrapper for the same metadata object.
* If we need to create a new collection, we know that the property accessor
* exists otherwise the call to `isLeaf()` above would have returned `true`.
if (children == null || ((TreeNodeChildren) children).metadata != value) {
PropertyAccessor accessor = table.standard.getAccessor(new CacheKey(value.getClass(), baseType), true);
children = new TreeNodeChildren(this, value, accessor);
return children;
* Returns a proxy for a new property to be defined in the metadata object.
* The user shall set the identifier and the value, in that order, before
* any other operation on the new child. Example:
* {@snippet lang="java" :
* TreeTable.Node node = ...;
* TreeTable.Node child = node.newChild();
* child.setValue(TableColumn.IDENTIFIER, "title");
* child.setValue(TableColumn.VALUE, "Le petit prince");
* // Nothing else to do - node has been added.
* }
* Do not keep a reference to the returned node for a long time, since it is only
* a proxy toward the real node to be created once the identifier is known.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this node {@linkplain #isLeaf() is a leaf}.
public final Node newChild() throws UnsupportedOperationException {
if (isLeaf()) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.NodeIsLeaf_1, this));
return new NewChild();
* The proxy to be returned by {@link TreeNode#newChild()}.
* User shall not keep a reference to this proxy for a long time.
private final class NewChild implements Node {
* Index in the {@link PropertyAccessor} for the property to be set.
* This index is known only after a value has been specified for the
* {@link TableColumn#IDENTIFIER}.
private int indexInData = -1;
* The real node created after the identifier and the value have been specified.
* All operations will be delegated to that node after it has been determined.
private TreeNode delegate;
* Returns the {@link #delegate} node if non-null, or throw an exception otherwise.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the identifier and value columns have not yet been defined.
private TreeNode delegate() throws IllegalStateException {
if (delegate != null) {
return delegate;
throw new IllegalStateException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.MissingValueInColumn_1,
(indexInData < 0 ? TableColumn.IDENTIFIER : TableColumn.VALUE).getHeader()));
* Returns all children of the parent node. The new child will be added to that list.
private TreeNodeChildren getSiblings() {
return (TreeNodeChildren) TreeNode.this.getChildren();
* If the {@link #delegate} is not yet known, set the identifier or the value.
* After the identifier and value have been specified, delegates to the real node.
public <V> void setValue(final TableColumn<V> column, final V value) {
if (delegate == null) {
* For the given identifier, get the index in the property accessor.
* This can be done only before the `delegate` is found - after that
* point, the identifier will become unmodifiable.
if (column == TableColumn.IDENTIFIER) {
ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull("value", value);
indexInData = getSiblings().accessor.indexOf((String) value, true);
* Set the value for the property specified by the above identifier,
* then get the `delegate` on the assumption that the new value will
* be added at the end of collection (if the property is a collection).
if (column == TableColumn.VALUE) {
ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull("value", value);
if (indexInData < 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.MissingValueInColumn_1,
final TreeNodeChildren siblings = getSiblings();
final int indexInList;
if (siblings.isCollectionOrMap(indexInData)) {
indexInList = CollectionsExt.size(siblings.valueAt(indexInData));
} else {
indexInList = -1;
if (!siblings.add(indexInData, value)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.ElementAlreadyPresent_1, value));
delegate = siblings.childAt(indexInData, indexInList);
* Do not set `delegate.cachedValue = value`, since `value` may
* have been converted by the setter method to another value.
delegate().setValue(column, value);
* For all operations other than {@code setValue(…)}, delegates to the {@link #delegate} node
* or to some code functionally equivalent.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the identifier and value columns have not yet been defined.
@Override public Node getParent() {return TreeNode.this;}
@Override public boolean isLeaf() {return delegate().isLeaf();}
@Override public Collection<Node> getChildren() {return delegate().getChildren();}
@Override public Node newChild() {return delegate().newChild();}
@Override public <V> V getValue(TableColumn<V> column) {return delegate().getValue(column);}
@Override public boolean isEditable(TableColumn<?> column) {return delegate().isEditable(column);}
@Override public Object getUserObject() {return delegate().getUserObject();}
* Returns the children if the value policy is {@link ValueExistencePolicy#COMPACT}, or {@code null} otherwise.
private TreeNodeChildren getCompactChildren() {
if (table.valuePolicy == ValueExistencePolicy.COMPACT) {
final Collection<Node> children = getChildren();
if (children instanceof TreeNodeChildren) {
return (TreeNodeChildren) children;
return null;
* Returns the value of this node in the given column, or {@code null} if none. This method verifies
* the {@code column} argument, then delegates to {@link #getName()}, {@link #getUserObject()} or
* other properties.
public final <V> V getValue(final TableColumn<V> column) {
Object value = null;
ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull("column", column);
if (column == TableColumn.IDENTIFIER) {
value = getIdentifier();
} else if (column == TableColumn.INDEX) {
value = getIndex();
} else if (column == TableColumn.NAME) {
if (name == null) {
name = getName();
value = name;
} else if (column == TableColumn.TYPE) {
final TreeNodeChildren children = getCompactChildren();
if (children == null || (value = children.getParentType()) == null) {
value = baseType;
} else if (column == TableColumn.VALUE) {
if (isLeaf()) {
value = getNonNilValue();
} else {
final TreeNodeChildren children = getCompactChildren();
if (children != null) {
value = children.getParentTitle();
} else if (column == MetadataColumn.OBLIGATION) {
value = getObligation();
} else if (column == MetadataColumn.NIL_REASON) {
value = getNilReason();
} else if (column == TableColumn.REMARKS) {
value = getRemarks();
return column.getElementType().cast(value);
* Sets the value if the given column is {@link TableColumn#VALUE}. This method verifies
* the {@code column} argument, then delegates to {@link #setUserObject(Object)}.
* <p>This method does not accept null value, because setting a singleton property to null
* with {@link ValueExistencePolicy#NON_EMPTY} is equivalent to removing the property, and
* setting a collection element to null is not allowed. Those various behavior are at risk
* of causing confusion, so we are better to never allow null.</p>
public final <V> void setValue(final TableColumn<V> column, final V value) throws UnsupportedOperationException {
ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull("column", column);
if (column == TableColumn.VALUE) {
ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull("value", value); // See javadoc.
final TreeNodeChildren children = getCompactChildren();
if (children == null || !(children.setParentTitle(value))) {
} else if (column == MetadataColumn.NIL_REASON) {
setNilReason((NilReason) value);
} else if (table.getColumns().contains(column)) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(unmodifiableCellValue(column));
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.IllegalArgumentValue_2, "column", column));
* Returns the error message for an unmodifiable cell value in the given column.
private String unmodifiableCellValue(final TableColumn<?> column) {
return Errors.format(Errors.Keys.UnmodifiableCellValue_2, getValue(TableColumn.NAME), column.getHeader());
* Returns {@code true} if the given column is {@link TableColumn#VALUE} and the property is writable,
* or {@code false} in all other cases. This method verifies the {@code column} argument, then delegates
* to {@link #isWritable()}.
public final boolean isEditable(final TableColumn<?> column) {
ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull("column", column);
return (column == TableColumn.VALUE) && isWritable();
* Returns a string representation of this node for debugging purpose.
public final String toString() {
final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(60);
return buffer.toString();
* Implementation of {@link #toString()} appending the string representation in the given buffer.
* This method is mostly for debugging purposes and is not used for the tree table node values.
final void appendStringTo(final StringBuilder buffer) {
buffer.append(" : ").append(Classes.getShortName(baseType)).append(']');