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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.sis.metadata;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import org.opengis.annotation.UML;
import org.opengis.annotation.Obligation;
import org.opengis.metadata.ExtendedElementInformation;
import org.opengis.metadata.citation.Citation;
import org.apache.sis.util.Classes;
import org.apache.sis.util.Numbers;
import org.apache.sis.util.ArraysExt;
import org.apache.sis.util.Utilities;
import org.apache.sis.util.Workaround;
import org.apache.sis.util.CharSequences;
import org.apache.sis.util.ComparisonMode;
import org.apache.sis.util.ObjectConverter;
import org.apache.sis.util.ObjectConverters;
import org.apache.sis.util.UnconvertibleObjectException;
import org.apache.sis.util.privy.CollectionsExt;
import org.apache.sis.util.privy.Numerics;
import org.apache.sis.util.privy.Unsafe;
import org.apache.sis.util.collection.CheckedContainer;
import org.apache.sis.util.collection.BackingStoreException;
import org.apache.sis.util.resources.Errors;
import org.apache.sis.xml.IdentifiedObject;
import org.apache.sis.measure.ValueRange;
import org.apache.sis.pending.jdk.JDK19;
import static org.apache.sis.metadata.PropertyComparator.*;
import static org.apache.sis.metadata.ValueExistencePolicy.isNullOrEmpty;
import static org.apache.sis.util.privy.CollectionsExt.snapshot;
import static org.apache.sis.util.privy.CollectionsExt.modifiableCopy;
* The getter methods declared in a GeoAPI interface, together with setter methods (if any)
* declared in the SIS implementation. An instance of {@code PropertyAccessor} gives access
* to all public properties of an instance of a metadata object. It uses reflection for this
* purpose, a little bit like the <cite>Java Beans</cite> framework.
* <p>This accessor groups the properties in two categories:</p>
* <ul>
* <li>The standard properties defined by the GeoAPI (or other standard) interfaces.
* Those properties are the only ones accessible by most methods in this class, except
* {@link #equals(Object, Object, ComparisonMode)} and {@link #walkWritable(MetadataVisitor, Object, Object)}.</li>
* <li>Extra properties defined by the {@link IdentifiedObject} interface. Those properties
* invisible in the ISO 19115-1 model, but appears in ISO 19115-3 XML marshalling. So we
* do the same in the SIS implementation: invisible in map and tree view, but visible in
* XML marshalling.</li>
* </ul>
* <h2>Thread safety</h2>
* The same {@code PropertyAccessor} instance can be safely used by many threads without synchronization
* on the part of the caller. Subclasses shall make sure that any overridden methods remain safe to call
* from multiple threads, because the same {@code PropertyAccessor} instances are typically used by many
* {@link ModifiableMetadata} instances.
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
class PropertyAccessor {
* Enumeration constants for the {@code mode} argument in the
* {@link #count(Object, ValueExistencePolicy, int)} method.
static final int COUNT_FIRST=0, COUNT_SHALLOW=1, COUNT_DEEP=2;
* Enumeration constants for the {@code mode} argument
* in the {@link #set(int, Object, Object, int)} method.
* Additional getter to declare in every list of getter methods that do not already provide
* their own {@code getIdentifiers()} method. We handle this method specially because it is
* needed for XML marshalling in ISO 19115-3 compliant document, while not part of abstract
* ISO 19115-1 specification.
* @see IdentifiedObject#getIdentifiers()
private static final Method EXTRA_GETTER;
static {
try {
EXTRA_GETTER = IdentifiedObject.class.getMethod("getIdentifiers", (Class<?>[]) null);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
throw new AssertionError(e); // Should never happen.
* The implemented metadata interface.
final Class<?> type;
* The implementation class, or {@link #type} if none.
* The following condition must hold:
* {@snippet lang="java" :
* assert type.isAssignableFrom(implementation);
* }
* <h4>Design note</h4>
* We could enforce the above-cited restriction with type parameter: if the {@link #type} field is declared
* as {@code Class<T>}, then this {@code implementation} field would be declared as {@code Class<? extends T>}.
* However, this is not useful for this internal class because the {@code <T>} type is never known; we have the
* {@code <?>} type everywhere except in tests, which result in compiler warnings at {@code PropertyAccessor}
* construction.
final Class<?> implementation;
* Number of {@link #getters} methods that can be used, regardless of whether the methods are visible
* or hidden to the user. This is either {@code getters.length} or {@code getters.length-1}, depending
* on whether the {@link #EXTRA_GETTER} method needs to be skipped or not.
private final int allCount;
* Numbers of methods to show to the user. This is always equal or lower than {@link #allCount}.
* This count may be lower than {@code allCount} for two reasons:
* <ul>
* <li>The {@link #EXTRA_GETTER} method is not part of the international standard.</li>
* <li>The interface contains deprecated methods from an older international standard.
* Example: changes caused by the upgrade from ISO 19115:2003 to ISO 19115:2014.</li>
* </ul>
private final int standardCount;
* The public getter methods. This array should not contain any null element.
* They are the methods defined in the interface, not the implementation class.
* <p>This array shall not contains any {@code null} elements.</p>
private final Method[] getters;
* The corresponding setter methods, or {@code null} if none. This array must have
* the same length as {@link #getters}. For every {@code getters[i]} element,
* {@code setters[i]} is the corresponding setter or {@code null} if there is none.
private final Method[] setters;
* The JavaBeans property names. They are computed at construction time, {@linkplain String#intern() interned}
* then cached. Those names are often the same as field names (at least in SIS implementation), so it is
* reasonable to intern them in order to share {@code String} instances.
* <p>This array shall not contains any {@code null} elements.</p>
* @see #name(int, KeyNamePolicy)
private final String[] names;
* The types of elements for the corresponding getter and setter methods. If a getter
* method returns a collection, then this is the type of elements in that collection.
* Otherwise this is the type of the returned value itself.
* <p>Notes:</p>
* <ul>
* <li>Element type of {@link Map} collection is {@link Map.Entry}.</li>
* <li>Primitive types like {@code double} or {@code int} are converted to their wrapper types.</li>
* <li>This array may contain null values if the type of elements in a collection is unknown
* (i.e. the collection is not parameterized).</li>
* </ul>
private final Class<?>[] elementTypes;
* Index of getter or setter for a given name. Original names are duplicated with the same name
* converted to lower cases according {@link Locale#ROOT} conventions, for case-insensitive searches.
* This map shall be considered as immutable after construction.
* <p>The keys in this map are both inferred from the method names and fetched from the UML
* annotations. Consequently, the map may contain many entries for the same value if some
* method names are different than the UML identifiers.</p>
* @see #indexOf(String, boolean)
private final Map<String,Integer> mapping;
* The last converter used. This is remembered on the assumption that the same converter
* will often be reused for the same property. This optimization can reduce the cost of
* looking for a converter, and also reduce thread contention since it reduces the number
* of calls to the synchronized {@link ObjectConverters#find(Class, Class)} method.
* @see #convert(Object[], Class)
private transient volatile ObjectConverter<?,?> lastConverter;
* The property information, including the name and restrictions on valid values.
* The array will be created when first needed. A {@code null} element means that
* the information at that index has not yet been computed.
* @see #information(Citation, int)
private transient ExtendedElementInformation[] informations;
* Creates a new property accessor for the specified metadata implementation.
* @param type the interface implemented by the metadata class.
* @param implementation the class of the metadata implementation, or {@code type} if none.
* @param standardImpl the implementation specified by the {@link MetadataStandard}, or {@code null} if none.
* This is the same as {@code implementation} unless a custom implementation is used.
PropertyAccessor(final Class<?> type, final Class<?> implementation, final Class<?> standardImpl) {
assert type.isAssignableFrom(implementation) : implementation;
this.type = type;
this.implementation = implementation;
this.getters = getGetters(type, implementation, standardImpl);
int allCount = getters.length;
int standardCount = allCount;
if (allCount != 0 && getters[allCount-1] == EXTRA_GETTER) {
if (!EXTRA_GETTER.getDeclaringClass().isAssignableFrom(implementation)) {
allCount--; // The extra getter method does not exist.
while (standardCount != 0) { // Skip deprecated methods.
if (!isDeprecated(standardCount - 1)) {
this.allCount = allCount;
this.standardCount = standardCount;
* Compute all information derived from getters: setters, property names, value types.
mapping = JDK19.newHashMap(allCount);
names = new String[allCount];
elementTypes = new Class<?>[allCount];
Method[] setters = null;
final Class<?>[] arguments = new Class<?>[1];
for (int i=0; i<allCount; i++) {
* Fetch the getter and remind its name. We do the same for
* the UML tag attached to the getter, if any.
final Integer index = i;
Method getter = getters[i];
String name = getter.getName();
final int base = prefix(name).length();
addMapping(name, index);
addMappingWithLowerCase(names[i] = toPropertyName(name, base), index);
final UML annotation = getter.getAnnotation(UML.class);
if (annotation != null) {
addMappingWithLowerCase(annotation.identifier().intern(), index);
* Now try to infer the setter from the getter. We replace the "get" prefix by
* "set" and look for a parameter of the same type as the getter return type.
Class<?> returnType = getter.getReturnType();
arguments[0] = returnType;
if (name.length() > base) {
final int lo = name.codePointAt(base);
final int up = Character.toUpperCase(lo);
final int length = name.length();
final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(length - base + 5).append(SET);
if (lo != up) {
buffer.appendCodePoint(up).append(name, base + Character.charCount(lo), length);
} else {
buffer.append(name, base, length);
name = buffer.toString();
* Note: we want PUBLIC methods only. For example, the referencing module defines
* setters as private methods for use by JAXB only. We don't want to allow access
* to those setters.
Method setter = null;
try {
setter = implementation.getMethod(name, arguments);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
* If we found no setter method expecting an argument of the same type as the
* argument returned by the GeoAPI method, try again with the type returned by
* the implementation class. It is typically the same type, but sometimes it may
* be a parent type.
* It is a necessary condition that the type returned by the getter is assignable
* to the type expected by the setter. This contract is required by the `FINAL`
* state among others.
try {
getter = implementation.getMethod(getter.getName(), (Class<?>[]) null);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException error) {
* Should never happen, since the implementation class
* implements the interface where the getter come from.
throw new AssertionError(error);
if (returnType != (returnType = getter.getReturnType())) {
arguments[0] = returnType;
try {
setter = implementation.getMethod(name, arguments);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException ignore) {
* There is no setter, which may be normal. At this stage
* the `setter` variable should still have the null value.
if (setter != null) {
if (setters == null) {
setters = new Method[allCount];
setters[i] = setter;
* Get the type of elements returned by the getter. We perform this step last because
* the search for a setter above may have replaced the getter declared in the interface
* by the getter declared in the implementation with a covariant return type. Our intent
* is to get a type which can be accepted by the setter.
Class<?> elementType = getter.getReturnType();
if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(elementType)) {
elementType = Classes.boundOfParameterizedProperty(getter);
if (elementType == null) {
// Subclass has erased parameterized type. Use method declared in the interface.
elementType = Classes.boundOfParameterizedProperty(getters[i]);
} else if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(elementType)) {
elementType = Map.Entry.class;
elementTypes[i] = Numbers.primitiveToWrapper(elementType);
this.setters = setters;
* Adds the given (name, index) pair to {@link #mapping}, making sure we don't
* overwrite an existing entry with different value.
private void addMapping(final String name, final Integer index) {
if (!name.isEmpty()) {
final Integer old = mapping.put(name, index);
if (old != null && !old.equals(index)) {
* Same identifier for two different properties. If one is deprecated while the
* other is not, then the non-deprecated identifier overwrite the deprecated one.
final boolean deprecated = isDeprecated(index);
if (deprecated == isDeprecated(old)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.DuplicatedIdentifier_1,
Classes.getShortName(type) + '.' + name));
if (deprecated) {
mapping.put(name, old); // Restore the undeprecated method.
* Adds the given (name, index) pair and its lower-case variant.
private void addMappingWithLowerCase(final String name, final Integer index) {
addMapping(name, index);
final String lower = name.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);
if (!lower.equals(name)) {
addMapping(lower, index);
* Returns the getters. The returned array should never be modified,
* since it may be shared among many instances of {@code PropertyAccessor}.
* @param type the metadata interface.
* @param implementation the class of metadata implementations, or {@code type} if none.
* @param standardImpl the implementation specified by the {@link MetadataStandard}, or {@code null} if none.
* @return the getters declared in the given interface (never {@code null}).
private static Method[] getGetters(final Class<?> type, final Class<?> implementation, final Class<?> standardImpl) {
* Indices map is used for choosing what to do in case of name collision.
Method[] getters = (MetadataStandard.IMPLEMENTATION_CAN_ALTER_API ? implementation : type).getMethods();
final Map<String,Integer> indices = JDK19.newHashMap(getters.length);
boolean hasExtraGetter = false;
int count = 0;
for (Method candidate : getters) {
if (Classes.isPossibleGetter(candidate)) {
final String name = candidate.getName();
if (name.startsWith(SET) || SpecialCases.exclude(type, name)) {
* The candidate method should be declared in the interface. If not, then we require it to have
* a @UML annotation. The latter case happen when the Apache SIS implementation contains methods
* for a new international standard not yet reflected in the GeoAPI interfaces.
if (type == implementation) {
if (!type.isInterface() && !candidate.isAnnotationPresent(UML.class)) {
continue; // @UML considered optional only for interfaces.
} else try {
candidate = type.getMethod(name, (Class[]) null);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
if (!candidate.isAnnotationPresent(UML.class)) {
continue; // Not a method from an interface, and no @UML in implementation.
* At this point, we are ready to accept the method. Before doing so, check if the method override
* another method defined in a parent class with a covariant return type. The JVM considers such
* cases as two different methods, while from a Java developer point of view this is the same method.
final Integer pi = indices.put(name, count);
if (pi != null) {
final Class<?> pt = getters[pi].getReturnType();
final Class<?> ct = candidate .getReturnType();
if (ct.isAssignableFrom(pt)) {
continue; // Previous type was more accurate.
if (pt.isAssignableFrom(ct)) {
getters[pi] = candidate;
throw new ClassCastException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.IllegalArgumentClass_3,
Classes.getShortName(type) + '.' + name, ct, pt));
getters[count++] = candidate;
if (!hasExtraGetter) {
hasExtraGetter = name.equals(EXTRA_GETTER.getName());
* Sort the standard methods before to add the extra methods (if any) in order to keep
* the extra methods last. The code checking for extra methods requires them to be last.
Arrays.sort(getters, 0, count, new PropertyComparator(implementation, standardImpl));
if (!hasExtraGetter) {
if (getters.length == count) {
getters = Arrays.copyOf(getters, count+1);
getters[count++] = EXTRA_GETTER;
getters = ArraysExt.resize(getters, count);
return getters;
* Returns the number of properties that can be read.
* This is the properties to show in map or tree, <strong>not</strong> including
* hidden properties like deprecated methods or {@link #EXTRA_GETTER} method.
* @see #count(Object, ValueExistencePolicy, int)
final int count() {
return standardCount;
* Returns the index of the specified property, or -1 if none.
* The search is case-insensitive.
* @param name the name of the property to search.
* @param mandatory whether this method shall throw an exception or return {@code -1}
* if the given name is not found.
* @return the index of the given name, or -1 if none and {@code mandatory} is {@code false}.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the name is not found and {@code mandatory} is {@code true}.
final int indexOf(final String name, final boolean mandatory) {
Integer index = mapping.get(name);
if (index == null) {
* Make a second try with lower cases only if the first try failed, because
* most of the time the key name will have exactly the expected case and using
* directly the given String instance allow usage of its cached hash code value.
final String key = CharSequences.replace(name, " ", "").toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).strip();
if (key == name || (index = mapping.get(key)) == null) { // Identity comparison is okay here.
if (!mandatory) {
return -1;
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.PropertyNotFound_2, type, name));
return index;
* Returns whether the property at the given index is mandatory, optional or conditional.
* @param index the index of the property for which to get the obligation.
* @return the obligation at the given index, or {@code null} if none or if the index is out of bounds.
final Obligation obligation(final int index) {
if (index >= 0 && index < names.length) {
final UML uml = getters[index].getAnnotation(UML.class);
if (uml != null) {
return uml.obligation();
return null;
* Returns the name of the property at the given index, or {@code null} if none.
* @param index the index of the property for which to get the name.
* @param keyPolicy the kind of name to return.
* @return the name of the given kind at the given index, or {@code null} if the index is out of bounds.
@Workaround(library="JDK", version="10") // Actually apply to String.intern() below.
final String name(final int index, final KeyNamePolicy keyPolicy) {
if (index >= 0 && index < names.length) {
switch (keyPolicy) {
final UML uml = getters[index].getAnnotation(UML.class);
if (uml != null) {
* Workaround here: I though that annotation strings were interned like any other constants,
* but it does not seem to be the case as of JDK 10. To check if a future JDK release still
* needs this explicit call to String.intern(), try to remove the ".intern()" part and run
* the NameMapTest.testStringIntern() method.
return uml.identifier().intern();
// Fallthrough
return names[index];
return getters[index].getName();
case SENTENCE: {
return CharSequences.camelCaseToSentence(names[index]).toString();
return null;
* Returns the type of the property at the given index. The returned type is usually
* a GeoAPI interface (at least in the case of SIS implementation).
* <p>If the given policy is {@code ELEMENT_TYPE}, then:</p>
* <ul>
* <li>Primitive types like {@code double} or {@code int} are converted to their wrapper types.</li>
* <li>If the property is a collection, then returns the type of collection elements.</li>
* </ul>
* @param index the index of the property.
* @param policy the kind of type to return.
* @return the type of property values, or {@code null} if unknown.
Class<?> type(final int index, final TypeValuePolicy policy) {
if (index >= 0 && index < allCount) {
switch (policy) {
return elementTypes[index];
return getters[index].getReturnType();
return getters[index].getDeclaringClass();
Method getter = getters[index];
if (implementation != type) try {
getter = implementation.getMethod(getter.getName(), (Class<?>[]) null);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException error) {
* Should never happen, since the implementation class
* implements the interface where the getter come from.
throw new AssertionError(error);
return getter.getDeclaringClass();
return null;
* Returns {@code true} if the type at the given index is {@link Collection} or {@link Map}.
final boolean isCollectionOrMap(final int index) {
if (index >= 0 && index < allCount) {
final Class<?> pt = getters[index].getReturnType();
return Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(pt) || Map.class.isAssignableFrom(pt);
return false;
* Returns {@code true} if the type at the given index is {@link Map}.
final boolean isMap(final int index) {
return (index >= 0 && index < allCount) && elementTypes[index] == Map.Entry.class;
* Returns {@code true} if the property at the given index is deprecated, either in the interface that
* declare the method or in the implementation class. A method may be deprecated in the implementation
* but not in the interface when the implementation has been updated for a new standard
* while the interface is still reflecting the old standard.
private boolean isDeprecated(final int index) {
return PropertyComparator.isDeprecated(implementation, getters[index]);
* Returns the information for the property at the given index.
* The information are created when first needed.
* @param standard the standard which define the {@link #type} interface.
* @param index the index of the property for which to get the information.
* @return the information for the property at the given index, or {@code null} if the index is out of bounds.
* @see PropertyInformation
final synchronized ExtendedElementInformation information(final Citation standard, final int index) {
ExtendedElementInformation[] informations = this.informations;
if (informations == null) {
this.informations = informations = new PropertyInformation<?>[standardCount];
if (index < 0 || index >= informations.length) {
return null;
ExtendedElementInformation information = informations[index];
if (information == null) {
final Class<?> elementType = elementTypes[index];
final String name = name(index, KeyNamePolicy.UML_IDENTIFIER);
final Method getter = getters[index];
final ValueRange range;
try {
range = implementation.getMethod(getter.getName(), (Class<?>[]) null).getAnnotation(ValueRange.class);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException error) {
* Should never happen, since the implementation class
* implements the interface where the getter come from.
throw new AssertionError(error);
information = new PropertyInformation<>(standard, name, getter, elementType, range);
informations[index] = information;
return information;
* Returns a remark or warning to format with the value at the given index, or {@code null} if none.
* This is provided when the value may look surprising, for example the longitude values in a geographic
* bounding box crossing the anti-meridian.
CharSequence remarks(int index, Object metadata) {
return null;
* Returns {@code true} if the {@link #implementation} class has at least one setter method.
final boolean isWritable() {
return setters != null;
* Returns {@code true} if the property at the given index is writable.
final boolean isWritable(final int index) {
return (index >= 0) && (index < allCount) && (setters != null) && (setters[index] != null);
* Returns the value for the specified metadata, or {@code null} if none.
* If the given index is out of bounds, then this method returns {@code null},
* so it is safe to invoke this method even if {@link #indexOf(String, boolean)}
* returned -1.
* @param index the index of the property for which to get a value.
* @param metadata the metadata object to query.
* @return the value, or {@code null} if none or if the given is out of bounds.
* @throws BackingStoreException if the implementation threw a checked exception.
Object get(final int index, final Object metadata) throws BackingStoreException {
return (index >= 0 && index < allCount) ? get(getters[index], metadata) : null;
* Gets a value from the specified metadata. We do not expect any checked exception to be
* thrown, since classes in the {@code org.opengis.metadata} packages do not declare any.
* However if a checked exception is throw anyway (maybe in user defined "standard"), it
* will be wrapped in a {@link BackingStoreException}. Unchecked exceptions are propagated.
* @param method the method to use for the query.
* @param metadata the metadata object to query.
* @throws BackingStoreException if the implementation threw a checked exception.
* @see #set(Method, Object, Object[])
private static Object get(final Method method, final Object metadata) throws BackingStoreException {
assert (method.getReturnType() != Void.TYPE) : method;
try {
try {
return method.invoke(metadata, (Object[]) null);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
* May happen if the getter method is defined only in the implementation class — not in the interface —
* but the given metadata object is an instance of another implementation class than the expected one.
* Example: didn't existed in ISO 19115:2003 and has been added in ISO 19115:2014.
* Consequently, there is no Citation.getGraphics() method in GeoAPI 3.0 interfaces (only in GeoAPI 3.1),
* but there is a DefaultCitation.getGraphics() method in Apache SIS implementation since some versions
* are ahead of GeoAPI. But if the given `metadata` instance is a different implementation of Citation
* interface, then attempt to invoke DefaultCitation.getGraphics() fail with IllegalArgumentException.
* In such case, we check if that implementation has a public method with exactly same signature.
* If yes, we try to invoke that method before to give up.
if (method.getDeclaringClass().isInstance(metadata)) {
throw e; // Exception thrown for another reason. This is probably a bug.
if (MetadataStandard.IMPLEMENTATION_CAN_ALTER_API) try {
final Method specific = metadata.getClass().getMethod(method.getName(), method.getParameterTypes());
if (method.getReturnType().equals(specific.getReturnType())) {
return specific.invoke(metadata, (Object[]) null);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
// Ignore.
return null;
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
* Should never happen since `getters` should contain only public methods.
throw new AssertionError(method.toString(), e);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
* Exception in user code (not a wrong usage of reflection).
final Throwable cause = e.getTargetException();
if (cause instanceof RuntimeException) {
throw (RuntimeException) cause;
if (cause instanceof Error) {
throw (Error) cause;
throw new BackingStoreException(cause);
* Sets a value for the specified metadata and returns the old value if {@code mode} is
* {@link #RETURN_PREVIOUS}. The {@code mode} argument can be one of the following:
* <ul>
* <li>RETURN_NULL: Set the value and returns {@code null}.</li>
* <li>RETURN_PREVIOUS: Set the value and returns the previous value. If the previous value was a
* collection or a map, then that value is copied in a new collection or map
* before the new value is set because the setter methods typically copy the
* new collection in their existing instance.</li>
* <li>APPEND: Set the value only if it does not overwrite an existing value, then returns
* {@link Boolean#TRUE} if the metadata changed as a result of this method call,
* {@link Boolean#FALSE} if the metadata didn't changed or {@code null} if the
* value cannot be set because another value already exists.</li>
* <li>IGNORE_READ_ONLY: Set the value and returns {@code null} on success. If the property is read-only,
* do not throw an exception; returns exception class instead.</li>
* </ul>
* <p>The {@code APPEND} mode has an additional side effect: it sets the {@code append} argument to
* {@code true} in the call to the {@link #convert(Method, Object, Object, Object[], Class, boolean)}
* method. See the {@code convert} javadoc for more information.</p>
* <p>If the given index is out of bounds, then this method does nothing and return {@code null}.
* We do that because the {@link ValueMap#remove(Object)} method may invoke this method with
* an index of -1 if the {@link #indexOf(String, boolean)} method didn't found the property name.
* However, the given value will be silently discarded, so index out-of-bounds shall be used only
* in the context of {@code remove} operations (this is not verified).</p>
* @param index the index of the property to set.
* @param metadata the metadata object on which to set the value.
* @param value the new value.
* @param mode whether this method should first fetches the old value,
* as one of the constants listed in this method javadoc.
* @return the old value, or {@code null} if {@code mode} was {@code RETURN_NULL} or {@code IGNORE_READ_ONLY}.
* @throws UnmodifiableMetadataException if the property for the given key is read-only.
* @throws ClassCastException if the given value is not of the expected type.
* @throws BackingStoreException if the implementation threw a checked exception.
Object set(final int index, final Object metadata, final Object value, final int mode)
throws UnmodifiableMetadataException, ClassCastException, BackingStoreException
if (index < 0 || index >= allCount) {
return null;
if (setters != null) {
final Method getter = getters[index];
final Method setter = setters[index];
if (setter != null) {
final Object oldValue;
final Object snapshot; // Copy of oldValue before modification.
switch (mode) {
oldValue = null;
snapshot = null;
case APPEND: {
oldValue = get(getter, metadata);
snapshot = null;
oldValue = get(getter, metadata);
if (oldValue instanceof Collection<?>) {
if (oldValue instanceof List<?>) {
snapshot = snapshot((List<?>) oldValue);
} else {
snapshot = modifiableCopy((Collection<?>) oldValue);
} else if (oldValue instanceof Map<?,?>) {
snapshot = modifiableCopy((Map<?,?>) oldValue);
} else {
snapshot = oldValue;
default: throw new AssertionError(mode);
* Converts the new value to a type acceptable for the setter method (if possible).
* If the new value is a singleton while the expected type is a collection, then the `convert`
* method added the singleton in the existing collection, which may result in no change if the
* collection is a Set and the new value already exists in that Set. If we detect that there is
* no change, then we don't need to invoke the setter method. Note that we conservatively assume
* that there is always a change in RETURN_NULL mode since we don't know the previous value.
final Object[] newValues = new Object[] {value};
Boolean changed = convert(getter, metadata, oldValue, newValues, elementTypes[index], mode == APPEND);
if (changed == null) {
changed = (mode == RETURN_NULL) || (mode == IGNORE_READ_ONLY) || (newValues[0] != oldValue);
if (changed && mode == APPEND && !isNullOrEmpty(oldValue)) {
* If `convert` did not added the value in a collection and if a value already
* exists, do not modify the existing value. Exit now with "no change" status.
return null;
if (changed) {
set(setter, metadata, newValues);
return (mode == APPEND) ? changed : snapshot;
if (mode == IGNORE_READ_ONLY) {
return UnmodifiableMetadataException.class;
throw new UnmodifiableMetadataException(Errors.format(
Errors.Keys.CanNotSetPropertyValue_1, type.getSimpleName() + '.' + names[index]));
* Sets a value for the specified metadata. This method does not attempt any conversion of
* argument values. Conversion of type, if needed, must have been applied before to call
* this method.
* <p>We do not expect any checked exception to be thrown, since classes in the
* {@code org.opengis.metadata} packages do not declare any. However if a checked
* exception is throw anyway, then it will be wrapped in a {@link BackingStoreException}.
* Unchecked exceptions are propagated.</p>
* @param setter the method to use for setting the new value.
* @param metadata the metadata object to query.
* @param newValues the argument to give to the method to be invoked.
* @throws BackingStoreException if the implementation threw a checked exception.
* @see #get(Method, Object)
private static void set(final Method setter, final Object metadata, final Object[] newValues)
throws BackingStoreException
try {
setter.invoke(metadata, newValues);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
// Should never happen since `setters` should contain only public methods.
throw new AssertionError(e);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
final Throwable cause = e.getTargetException();
if (cause instanceof RuntimeException) {
throw (RuntimeException) cause;
if (cause instanceof Error) {
throw (Error) cause;
throw new BackingStoreException(cause);
* Converts a value to the type required by a setter method.
* The values are converted in-place in the {@code newValues} array. We use an array instead
* of a single argument and return value because an array will be needed anyway for invoking
* the {@link #convert(Object[], Class)} and {@link Method#invoke(Object, Object[])} methods.
* <h4>The collection special case</h4>
* If the metadata property is a collection, then there is a choice:
* <ul>
* <li>If {@code append} is {@code true}, then the new value (which may itself be a collection)
* is unconditionally added to the previous collection.</li>
* <li>If {@code append} is {@code false} and the new value is <strong>not</strong> a collection,
* then the new value is added to the existing collection. In other words, we behave as a
* <i>multi-values map</i> for the properties that allow multi-values.</li>
* <li>Otherwise the new collection replaces the previous collection. All previous values
* are discarded.</li>
* </ul>
* Adding new values to the previous collection may or may not change the original metadata
* depending on whether those collections are live or not. In Apache SIS implementation,
* those collections are live. However, this method can be though as if the collections were
* not live, since the caller will invoke the setter method with the collection anyway.
* @param getter the method to use for fetching the previous value.
* @param metadata the metadata object to query and modify.
* @param oldValue the value returned by {@code get(getter, metadata)}, or {@code null} if unknown.
* This parameter is only an optimization for avoiding to invoke the getter method
* twice if the value is already known.
* @param newValues the argument to convert. The content of this array will be modified in-place.
* Current implementation requires an array of length 1, however this restriction
* may be relaxed in a future SIS version if needed.
* @param elementType the target type (if singleton) or the type of elements in the collection.
* @param append if {@code true} and the value is a collection, then that collection will be added
* to any previously existing collection instead of replacing it.
* @return if the given value has been added to an existing collection, then whether that existing
* collection has been modified as a result of this method call. Otherwise {@code null}.
* @throws ClassCastException if the element of the {@code arguments} array is not of the expected type.
* @throws BackingStoreException if the implementation threw a checked exception.
private Boolean convert(final Method getter, final Object metadata, Object oldValue, final Object[] newValues,
Class<?> elementType, final boolean append) throws ClassCastException, BackingStoreException
assert newValues.length == 1;
Object newValue = newValues[0];
Class<?> targetType = getter.getReturnType();
if (newValue == null) {
// Cannot test elementType, because it has been converted to the wrapper class.
if (targetType.isPrimitive()) {
newValues[0] = Numbers.valueOfNil(targetType);
return null;
Boolean changed = null;
if (!Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(targetType)) {
* We do not expect a collection. The provided argument should not be a
* collection neither. It should be some class convertible to targetType.
* If nevertheless the user provided a collection and this collection contains
* no more than 1 element, then as a convenience we will extract the singleton
* element and process it as if it had been directly provided in argument.
if (newValue instanceof Collection<?>) {
final Iterator<?> it = ((Collection<?>) newValue).iterator();
if (!it.hasNext()) { // If empty, process like null argument.
newValues[0] = null;
return null;
final Object next =;
if (!it.hasNext()) { // Singleton
newValue = next;
* Other cases: let the collection unchanged. It is likely to
* cause an exception later. The message should be appropriate.
targetType = Numbers.primitiveToWrapper(targetType);
} else {
* We expect a collection. Collections are handled in one of the two ways below:
* - If the user gives a collection, the user's collection replaces any
* previous one. The content of the previous collection is discarded.
* - If the user gives a single value, it will be added to the existing
* collection (if any). The previous values are not discarded. This
* allow for incremental filling of a property.
* The code below prepares an array of elements to be converted and wraps that
* array in a List (to be converted to a Set after this block if required). It
* is okay to convert the elements after the List creation since the list is a
* wrapper.
final boolean isCollection = (newValue instanceof Collection<?>);
final Object[] elements = isCollection ? ((Collection<?>) newValue).toArray() : new Object[] {newValue};
final List<Object> elementList = Arrays.asList(elements); // Converted later (see above comment).
newValue = elementList; // Still contains the same values, but now guaranteed to be a collection.
Collection<?> addTo = null;
if (!isCollection || append) {
if (oldValue == null) {
oldValue = get(getter, metadata);
if (oldValue != null) {
addTo = (Collection<?>) oldValue;
if (addTo instanceof CheckedContainer<?>) {
// Get the explicitly-specified element type.
elementType = ((CheckedContainer<?>) addTo).getElementType();
newValue = addTo;
if (elementType != null) {
convert(elements, elementType);
* We now have objects of the appropriate type. If we have a singleton to be added
* in an existing collection, add it now. In that case the `newValue` should refer
* to the `addTo` collection. We rely on the ModifiableMetadata.writeCollection(…)
* optimization for detecting that the new collection is the same instance as
* the old one so there is nothing to do. We could exit from the method, but let
* it continues in case the user override the `setFoo(…)` method.
if (addTo != null) {
* Unsafe addition into a collection. In SIS implementation, the collection is
* actually an instance of CheckedCollection, so the check will be performed at
* runtime. However, other implementations could use unchecked collection.
* There is not much we can do...
changed = Unsafe.addAll(addTo, elementList);
* If the expected type was not a collection, the conversion of user value happen
* here. Otherwise conversion from List to Set (if needed) happen here.
newValues[0] = newValue;
convert(newValues, targetType);
return changed;
* Converts values in the specified array to the given type.
* The array content is modified in-place. This method accepts an array instead of
* a single value because the values to convert may be the content of a collection.
* @param elements the array which contains element to convert.
* @param targetType the base type of target elements.
* @throws ClassCastException if an element cannot be converted.
private void convert(final Object[] elements, final Class<?> targetType) throws ClassCastException {
boolean hasNewConverter = false;
ObjectConverter converter = null; // Intentionally raw type. Checks are done below.
for (int i=0; i<elements.length; i++) {
final Object value = elements[i];
if (value != null) {
final Class<?> sourceType = value.getClass();
if (!targetType.isAssignableFrom(sourceType)) try {
if (converter == null) {
converter = lastConverter; // Volatile field - read only if needed.
* Require the exact same classes, not parent or subclass,
* otherwise the converter could be stricter than necessary.
if (converter == null || converter.getSourceClass() != sourceType
|| converter.getTargetClass() != targetType)
converter = ObjectConverters.find(sourceType, targetType);
hasNewConverter = true;
elements[i] = converter.apply(value);
} catch (UnconvertibleObjectException cause) {
throw (ClassCastException) new ClassCastException(Errors.format(
Errors.Keys.IllegalClass_2, targetType, sourceType)).initCause(cause);
if (hasNewConverter) {
lastConverter = converter; // Volatile field - store only if needed.
* Counts the number of non-null or non-empty properties.
* The {@code mode} argument can be one of the following:
* <ul>
* <li>COUNT_FIRST: stop at the first property found. This mode is used for testing if a
* metadata is empty or not, without the need to known the exact count.</li>
* <li>COUNT_SHALLOW: count all properties, counting collections as one property.</li>
* <li>COUNT_DEEP: count all properties, counting collections as the number of
* properties returned by {@link Collection#size()}.</li>
* </ul>
* @param mode kinds of count, as described above.
* @param valuePolicy the behavior of the count toward null or empty values.
* @throws BackingStoreException if the implementation threw a checked exception.
* @see #count()
final int count(final Object metadata, final ValueExistencePolicy valuePolicy, final int mode)
throws BackingStoreException
assert type.isInstance(metadata) : metadata;
if (valuePolicy == ValueExistencePolicy.ALL && mode != COUNT_DEEP) {
return count();
int count = 0;
// Use `standardCount` instead of `allCount` for ignoring deprecated methods.
for (int i=0; i<standardCount; i++) {
final Object value = get(getters[i], metadata);
if (!valuePolicy.isSkipped(value)) {
switch (mode) {
return 1;
case COUNT_DEEP: {
* Count always at least one element because if the user wanted to skip null or empty
* collections, then `valuePolicy.isSkipped(value)` above would have returned `true`.
count += isCollectionOrMap(i) ? Math.max(CollectionsExt.size(value), 1) : 1;
default: throw new AssertionError(mode);
return count;
* Compares the two specified metadata objects. This method implements a <em>shallow</em> comparison,
* i.e. all metadata properties are compared using their {@code properties.equals(…)} method
* without explicit calls to this {@code accessor.equals(…)} method for children.
* However, the final result may still be a deep comparison.
* @param metadata1 the first metadata object to compare. This object determines the accessor.
* @param metadata2 the second metadata object to compare.
* @param mode the strictness level of the comparison.
* @throws BackingStoreException if the implementation threw a checked exception.
* @see MetadataStandard#equals(Object, Object, ComparisonMode)
public boolean equals(final Object metadata1, final Object metadata2, final ComparisonMode mode)
throws BackingStoreException
assert type.isInstance(metadata1) : metadata1;
assert type.isInstance(metadata2) : metadata2;
for (int i=0; i<standardCount; i++) {
final Method method = getters[i];
final Object value1 = get(method, metadata1);
final Object value2 = get(method, metadata2);
if (isNullOrEmpty(value1) && isNullOrEmpty(value2)) {
* Consider empty collections/arrays as equal to null.
* Empty strings are also considered equal to null (this is more questionable).
final boolean equals;
if ((value1 instanceof Double || value1 instanceof Float) &&
(value2 instanceof Double || value2 instanceof Float))
equals = Numerics.epsilonEqual(((Number) value1).doubleValue(),
((Number) value2).doubleValue(), mode);
} else {
equals = Utilities.deepEquals(value1, value2, mode);
if (!equals) {
assert (mode != ComparisonMode.DEBUG) : type.getSimpleName() + '.' + names[i] + " differ.";
return false;
* One final check for the IdentifiedObjects.getIdentifiers() collection.
if (mode == ComparisonMode.STRICT && EXTRA_GETTER.getDeclaringClass().isInstance(metadata2)) {
final Object value1 = get(EXTRA_GETTER, metadata1);
final Object value2 = get(EXTRA_GETTER, metadata2);
if (!isNullOrEmpty(value1) || !isNullOrEmpty(value2)) {
return Utilities.deepEquals(value1, value2, mode);
return true;
* Invokes {@link MetadataVisitor#visit(Class, Object)} for all non-null properties in the given metadata.
* This method is not recursive, i.e. it does not traverse the children of the elements in the given metadata.
* @param visitor the object on which to invoke {@link MetadataVisitor#visit(Class, Object)}.
* @param metadata the metadata instance for which to visit the non-null properties.
* @throws Exception if an error occurred while visiting a property.
final void walkReadable(final MetadataVisitor<?> visitor, final Object metadata) throws Exception {
assert type.isInstance(metadata) : metadata;
for (int i=0; i<standardCount; i++) {
final Object value = get(getters[i], metadata);
if (value != null) {
final Object result = visitor.visit(elementTypes[i], value);
if (result != value) {
if (result == MetadataVisitor.SKIP_SIBLINGS) break;
set(i, metadata, result, IGNORE_READ_ONLY);
* Invokes {@link MetadataVisitor#visit(Class, Object)} for all writable properties in the given metadata.
* This method is not recursive, i.e. it does not traverse the children of the elements in the given metadata.
* <h4>Constraint</h4>
* In current implementation, if {@code source} and {@code target} are not the same,
* then {@code target} is assumed empty. The intent is to skip easily null or empty properties.
* @param visitor the object on which to invoke {@link MetadataVisitor#visit(Class, Object)}.
* @param source the metadata from which to read properties. May be the same as {@code target}.
* @param target the metadata instance where to write properties.
* @throws Exception if an error occurred while visiting a property.
final void walkWritable(final MetadataVisitor<?> visitor, final Object source, final Object target) throws Exception {
assert type.isInstance(source) : source;
assert type.isInstance(target) : target;
if (setters == null || !implementation.isInstance(target)) {
final Object[] arguments = new Object[1];
for (int i=0; i<allCount; i++) {
final Method setter = setters[i];
if (setter != null) {
if (setter.isAnnotationPresent(Deprecated.class)) {
* We need to skip deprecated setter methods, because those methods may delegate
* their work to other setter methods in different objects and those objects may
* have been made unmodifiable by previous iteration in this loop. If we do not
* skip them, we may get an UnmodifiableMetadataException in the call to set(…).
* Note that in some cases, only the setter method is deprecated, not the getter.
* This happen when Apache SIS classes represent a more recent ISO standard than
* the GeoAPI interfaces.
final Object value = get(getters[i], source);
final Object result = visitor.visit(elementTypes[i], value);
if (source == target ? (result != value) : !isNullOrEmpty(result)) { // See "constraint" in Javadoc
if (result == MetadataVisitor.SKIP_SIBLINGS) break;
arguments[0] = result;
set(setter, target, arguments);
* We invoke the set(…) method variant that do not perform type conversion
* because we do not want it to replace the immutable collections created
* by ModifiableMetadata.unmodifiable(source). Conversions should not be
* required anyway because the getter method should have returned a value
* compatible with the setter method - this contract is ensured by the
* way the PropertyAccessor constructor selected the setter methods.
* Returns a string representation of this accessor for debugging purpose.
* Output example:
* <pre class="text">PropertyAccessor[13 getters &amp; 13 setters in DefaultCitation:Citation]</pre>
public String toString() {
final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(60);
buffer.append("PropertyAccessor[").append(standardCount).append(" getters");
final int extra = allCount - standardCount;
if (extra != 0) {
buffer.append(" (+").append(extra).append(" ext.)");
if (setters != null) {
int c = 0;
for (final Method setter : setters) {
if (setter != null) {
buffer.append(" & ").append(c).append(" setters");
buffer.append(" in ").append(Classes.getShortName(implementation));
if (type != implementation) {
return buffer.append(']').toString();