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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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package org.apache.sis.coverage.grid;
import java.util.Map;
import org.opengis.geometry.DirectPosition;
import org.opengis.geometry.Envelope;
import org.opengis.metadata.spatial.DimensionNameType;
import org.opengis.referencing.datum.PixelInCell;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.Matrix;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.MathTransform;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.TransformException;
import org.apache.sis.geometry.Envelope2D;
import org.apache.sis.geometry.GeneralEnvelope;
import org.apache.sis.geometry.DirectPosition2D;
import org.apache.sis.geometry.GeneralDirectPosition;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.CommonCRS;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.privy.Formulas;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.privy.AffineTransform2D;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.cs.AxesConvention;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.matrix.Matrices;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.matrix.Matrix3;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.matrix.Matrix4;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.transform.MathTransforms;
import static org.apache.sis.coverage.grid.GridGeometryTest.assertExtentEquals;
// Test dependencies
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;
import org.apache.sis.test.TestCase;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.HardCodedConversions;
import static org.apache.sis.referencing.Assertions.assertEnvelopeEquals;
// Specific to the geoapi-3.1 and geoapi-4.0 branches:
import static org.opengis.test.Assertions.assertBetween;
import static org.opengis.test.Assertions.assertMatrixEquals;
* Tests the {@link GridDerivation} implementation.
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
* @author Alexis Manin (Geomatys)
* @author Johann Sorel (Geomatys)
public final class GridDerivationTest extends TestCase {
* Creates a new test case.
public GridDerivationTest() {
* Tests {@link GridDerivation#subgrid(Envelope, double...)} using only the
* {@link GridExtent} result provided by {@link GridDerivation#getIntersection()}.
public void testSubExtent() {
GeneralEnvelope envelope = new GeneralEnvelope(HardCodedCRS.WGS84_3D);
envelope.setRange(0, -80, 120);
envelope.setRange(1, -12, 21);
envelope.setRange(2, 10, 25);
final MathTransform gridToCRS = MathTransforms.linear(new Matrix4(
0, 0.5, 0, -90,
0.5, 0, 0, -180,
0, 0, 2, 3,
0, 0, 0, 1));
final GridGeometry grid = new GridGeometry(PixelInCell.CELL_CORNER, gridToCRS, envelope, GridRoundingMode.NEAREST);
new long[] {336, 20, 4},
new long[] {401, 419, 10}, grid.getExtent());
* Set the region of interest as a two-dimensional envelope. The vertical dimension is omitted.
* The result should be that all grid indices in the vertical dimension are kept unchanged.
envelope = new GeneralEnvelope(HardCodedCRS.WGS84);
envelope.setRange(0, -70.001, +80.002);
envelope.setRange(1, 4.997, 15.003);
assertExtentEquals(new long[] {370, 40, 4},
new long[] {389, 339, 10}, grid.derive().subgrid(envelope).getIntersection());
* Creates a grid geometry with the given extent and scale for testing purpose.
* An arbitrary translation of (2,3) is added to the "grid to CRS" conversion.
private static GridGeometry grid(int xmin, int ymin, int xmax, int ymax, int xScale, int yScale) {
GridExtent extent = new GridExtent(null, new long[] {xmin, ymin}, new long[] {xmax, ymax}, true);
Matrix3 gridToCRS = new Matrix3();
gridToCRS.m00 = xScale;
gridToCRS.m11 = yScale;
gridToCRS.m02 = 200; // Arbitrary translation.
gridToCRS.m12 = 500;
return new GridGeometry(extent, PixelInCell.CELL_CORNER, MathTransforms.linear(gridToCRS), null);
* Tests the construction from grid geometries having a linear "grid to CRS" conversion.
public void testSubgridFromOtherGrid() {
GridGeometry query = grid( 10, -20, 110, 180, 100, -300); // Envelope x: [1200 … 11300] y: [-53800 … 6500]
GridGeometry base = grid(2000, -1000, 9000, 8000, 2, -1); // Envelope x: [4200 … 18202] y: [ -7501 … 1500]
GridDerivation change = base.derive().subgrid(query); // Envelope x: [4200 … 11300] y: [ -7501 … 1500]
GridExtent extent = change.getIntersection();
GridExtentTest.assertExtentEquals(extent, 0, 2000, 5549); // Subrange of base extent.
GridExtentTest.assertExtentEquals(extent, 1, -1000, 8000);
assertArrayEquals(new int[] {50, 300}, change.getSubsampling()); // s = scaleQuery / scaleBase
assertArrayEquals(new int[] {0, -100}, change.getSubsamplingOffsets());
* Above (50, 300) subsampling shall be applied and the `gridToCRS` transform adjusted consequently.
final GridGeometry tg =;
extent = tg.getExtent();
GridExtentTest.assertExtentEquals(extent, 0, 40, 110);
GridExtentTest.assertExtentEquals(extent, 1, -3, 27); // NEAREST grid rounding mode.
assertMatrixEquals(new Matrix3(100, 0, 200,
0, -300, 600,
0, 0, 1),
MathTransforms.getMatrix(tg.getGridToCRS(PixelInCell.CELL_CORNER)), STRICT, "gridToCRS");
* The envelope is the intersection of the envelopes of `query` and `base` grid geometries, documented above.
* That intersection should be approximately the same or smaller. Note that without the clipping documented in
* `GridExtent(GridExtent, int...)` constructor, the envelope would have been larger.
GeneralEnvelope expected = new GeneralEnvelope(2);
expected.setRange(0, 4200, 11300);
expected.setRange(1, -7501, 1500);
assertEnvelopeEquals(expected, tg.getEnvelope(), STRICT);
* Tests {@link GridDerivation#subgrid(Envelope, double...)} with a non-linear "grid to CRS" transform.
public void testSubExtentNonLinear() {
final GridExtent extent = new GridExtent(
new DimensionNameType[] {
new long[] { 0, 0, 2},
new long[] {180, 90, 5}, false);
final MathTransform linear = MathTransforms.linear(new Matrix4(
2, 0, 0, -180,
0, 2, 0, -90,
0, 0, 5, 10,
0, 0, 0, 1));
final MathTransform latitude = MathTransforms.interpolate(new double[] {0, 20, 50, 70, 90}, new double[] {-90, -45, 0, 45, 90});
final MathTransform gridToCRS = MathTransforms.concatenate(linear, MathTransforms.passThrough(1, latitude, 1));
final GridGeometry grid = new GridGeometry(extent, PixelInCell.CELL_CENTER, gridToCRS, HardCodedCRS.WGS84_3D);
* Following tests is similar to the one executed in testSubExtent(). Expected values are only
* anti-regression values, except the vertical range which is expected to cover all cells. The
* main purpose of this test is to verify that TransformSeparator has been able to extract the
* two-dimensional transform despite its non-linear component.
final GeneralEnvelope envelope = new GeneralEnvelope(HardCodedCRS.WGS84);
envelope.setRange(0, -70.001, +80.002);
envelope.setRange(1, -4.997, 15.003);
final GridExtent actual = grid.derive().subgrid(envelope).getIntersection();
assertEquals(extent.getAxisType(0), actual.getAxisType(0));
assertExtentEquals(new long[] { 56, 69, 2},
new long[] {130, 73, 4}, actual);
* Tests {@link GridDerivation#subgrid(Envelope, double...)}.
* Contrarily to {@link #testSubExtent()}, this method checks the full {@link GridGeometry}.
* @throws TransformException if an error occurred during computation.
public void testSubgridFromEnvelope() throws TransformException {
final GeneralEnvelope envelope = new GeneralEnvelope(HardCodedCRS.WGS84_LATITUDE_FIRST);
envelope.setRange(0, -70, +80);
envelope.setRange(1, 5, 15);
final MathTransform gridToCRS = MathTransforms.linear(new Matrix3(
0, 0.5, -90,
0.5, 0, -180,
0, 0, 1));
* Consistency checks before to test the `subgrid(…)` operation.
GridGeometry grid = new GridGeometry(PixelInCell.CELL_CORNER, gridToCRS, envelope, GridRoundingMode.NEAREST);
assertExtentEquals(new long[] {370, 40}, new long[] {389, 339}, grid.getExtent());
assertEnvelopeEquals(envelope, grid.getEnvelope(), STRICT);
* Set a sub-region. The grid extent and "grid to CRS" transform shall be adjusted
* in such a way that envelope computed from the new grid geometry is the same.
envelope.setRange(0, -50, +30);
envelope.setRange(1, 8, 12);
grid = grid.derive().subgrid(envelope, 1, 2).build();
assertExtentEquals(new long[] {94, 40}, new long[] {95, 119}, grid.getExtent());
assertEnvelopeEquals(envelope, grid.getEnvelope(), STRICT);
assertMatrixEquals(new Matrix3(0, 1, -90,
2, 0, -180,
0, 0, 1),
MathTransforms.getMatrix(grid.getGridToCRS(PixelInCell.CELL_CORNER)), STRICT, "gridToCRS");
* A sub-region again but with a requested resolution which is not a divisor of the actual resolution.
* It will force GridGeometry to adjust the translation term to compensate. We verify that the adustment
* is correct by verifying that we still get the same envelope.
grid = grid.derive().subgrid(envelope, 3, 2).build();
assertExtentEquals(new long[] {94, 13}, new long[] {95, 39}, grid.getExtent());
assertEnvelopeEquals(envelope, grid.getEnvelope(), STRICT);
MathTransform cornerToCRS = grid.getGridToCRS(PixelInCell.CELL_CORNER);
assertMatrixEquals(new Matrix3(0, 3, -89,
2, 0, -180,
0, 0, 1),
MathTransforms.getMatrix(cornerToCRS), STRICT, "gridToCRS");
DirectPosition2D src = new DirectPosition2D();
DirectPosition2D tgt = new DirectPosition2D();
DirectPosition2D exp = new DirectPosition2D();
src.x = 94; src.y = 13; exp.x = -50; exp.y = 8; assertEquals(exp, cornerToCRS.transform(src, tgt), "Lower corner");
src.x = 96; src.y = 40; exp.x = +31; exp.y = 12; assertEquals(exp, cornerToCRS.transform(src, tgt), "Upper corner");
* Tests {@link GridDerivation#subgrid(Envelope, double...)} using an envelope in a CRS different than the
* grid geometry CRS. This test constructs the same grid geometry as {@link #testSubgridFromEnvelope()}
* and tests the same request with only axis order flipped.
public void testSubgridFromEnvelopeDifferentCRS() {
final GeneralEnvelope envelope = new GeneralEnvelope(HardCodedCRS.WGS84_LATITUDE_FIRST);
envelope.setRange(0, -70, +80);
envelope.setRange(1, 5, 15);
final MathTransform gridToCRS = MathTransforms.linear(new Matrix3(
0, 0.5, -90,
0.5, 0, -180,
0, 0, 1));
* Same grid geometry as `testSubgridFromEnvelope()` with consistency checks omitted.
GridGeometry grid = new GridGeometry(PixelInCell.CELL_CORNER, gridToCRS, envelope, GridRoundingMode.NEAREST);
* Same request as the one used by `testSubgridFromEnvelope()` but with different axis order.
* The resulting subgrid should have the same extent as the one in `testSubgridFromEnvelope()`.
envelope.setRange(1, -50, +30);
envelope.setRange(0, 8, 12);
grid = grid.derive().subgrid(envelope, 2, 1).build();
assertSame(HardCodedCRS.WGS84_LATITUDE_FIRST, grid.getCoordinateReferenceSystem());
assertExtentEquals(new long[] {94, 40}, new long[] {95, 119}, grid.getExtent());
* Before to check envelope, we need to restore the same axis order as specified in the grid geometry.
* The envelope below is identical to the one used in `testSubgridFromEnvelope()`.
envelope.setRange(0, -50, +30);
envelope.setRange(1, 8, 12);
assertEnvelopeEquals(envelope, grid.getEnvelope(), STRICT);
* Tests {@link GridDerivation#subgrid(Envelope, double...)} using an envelope with more dimensions
* than the source grid geometry. The additional dimensions should be ignored.
public void testSubgridFromEnvelopeWithMoreDimensions() {
GeneralEnvelope envelope = new GeneralEnvelope(HardCodedCRS.WGS84);
envelope.setRange(0, -70, +80);
envelope.setRange(1, 5, 15);
GridGeometry grid = new GridGeometry(new GridExtent(300, 40), envelope, GridOrientation.HOMOTHETY);
assertExtentEquals(new long[2], new long[] {299, 39}, grid.getExtent());
* Above grid has a resolution of 0.5° × 0.25° per pixel. Ask for a resolution of 2° × 1° × 3 meters
* per pixels. The resolution in meter should be ignored, together with the envelope vertical range.
envelope = new GeneralEnvelope(HardCodedCRS.WGS84_WITH_TIME);
envelope.setRange(0, -40, +30);
envelope.setRange(1, 8, 18);
envelope.setRange(2, 20, 40);
final GridDerivation derivation = grid.derive();
grid = derivation.subgrid(envelope, 2, 1, 3).build();
* With the resolution used in this test, the grid size is divided by 4 in the first 2 dimensions.
* Note that the specified resolution (2,1) appears verbatim on the diagonal of the matrix.
assertExtentEquals(new long[] {60, 12}, new long[] {199, 39}, derivation.getIntersection());
assertExtentEquals(new long[] {15, 3}, new long[] { 49, 9}, grid.getExtent());
assertMatrixEquals(new Matrix3(2, 0, -69, 0, 1, 5.5, 0, 0, 1),
STRICT, "gridToCRS");
* Tests {@link GridDerivation#subgrid(Envelope, double...)} using an envelope with less dimensions
* than the source grid geometry.
* @see <a href="">SIS-514</a>
public void testSubgridFromEnvelopeWithLessDimensions() {
GeneralEnvelope envelope = new GeneralEnvelope(HardCodedCRS.WGS84_WITH_TIME);
envelope.setRange(0, -70, +80);
envelope.setRange(1, 5, 15);
envelope.setRange(2, 20, 40);
GridExtent extent = new GridExtent(null, null, new long[] {300, 40, 6}, false);
GridGeometry grid = new GridGeometry(extent, envelope, GridOrientation.HOMOTHETY);
assertExtentEquals(new long[3], new long[] {299, 39, 5}, grid.getExtent());
* Above grid has a resolution of 0.5° × 0.25° per pixel. Ask for a resolution of 2° × 1° × 3 meters
* per pixels. The resolution in meter should be ignored.
envelope = new GeneralEnvelope(HardCodedCRS.WGS84);
envelope.setRange(0, -40, +30);
envelope.setRange(1, 8, 18);
final GridDerivation derivation = grid.derive();
grid = derivation.subgrid(envelope, 2, 1, 3).build();
assertExtentEquals(new long[] {15, 3, 0}, new long[] {49, 9, 5}, grid.getExtent());
* Tests {@link GridDerivation#subgrid(Envelope, double...)} on a grid using a polar projection.
* The test also uses a geographic envelope with more dimensions than the source grid geometry.
* The difficulty is that axis directions do not match directly: the source grid has directions
* such as "South along 90° meridian".
public void testSubgridOnPolarProjection() {
GeneralEnvelope envelope = new GeneralEnvelope(CommonCRS.WGS84.universal(90, 0));
envelope.setRange(0, -1000, 1500);
envelope.setRange(1, -2000, 1800);
GridGeometry grid = new GridGeometry(new GridExtent(500, 400), envelope, GridOrientation.HOMOTHETY);
envelope = new GeneralEnvelope(HardCodedCRS.WGS84_WITH_TIME);
envelope.setRange(0, -45, -44);
envelope.setRange(1, 64, 65);
envelope.setRange(2, 20, 40);
final GridDerivation derivation = grid.derive();
grid = derivation.subgrid(envelope, 0.002, 0.001).build();
* The main test is to check that we reach this point without an exception being thrown.
* We add a small arbitrary test below as a matter of principle.
assertTrue(envelope.subEnvelope(0, 2).intersects(grid.getEnvelope()));
* Tests {@link GridDerivation#subgrid(GridExtent, int...)}
* with an integer number of tiles, operating only on extents.
public void testSubgridWithTilingOnExtent() {
final GridGeometry base = new GridGeometry(new GridExtent(200, 225), null, null, null);
final GridExtent domain = new GridExtent(null, new long[] {40, 30}, new long[] {99, 104}, true);
final GridGeometry test = base.derive().chunkSize(1, 9).subgrid(domain).build();
final GridExtent result = test.getExtent();
assertExtentEquals(new long[] {40, 27}, new long[] {99, 107}, result);
* Tests {@link GridDerivation#subgrid(Envelope, double...)} with addition of a margin in pixels
* and an integer number of tiles.
public void testSubgridWithMarginAndTiling() {
// Same data as above test, but using only 2 dimensions.
GeneralEnvelope envelope = new GeneralEnvelope(HardCodedCRS.WGS84);
envelope.setRange(0, -70, +80);
envelope.setRange(1, 5, 15);
GridGeometry grid = new GridGeometry(new GridExtent(300, 40), envelope, GridOrientation.HOMOTHETY);
envelope.setRange(0, -40, +30);
envelope.setRange(1, 8, 18);
* Size of `intersection`:
* Before margin and chunk: {60, 12}, {199, 39}
* After margin (∓4, ∓3): {56, 9}, {203, 39} (39 is unchanged because of clipping).
* After chunk size: {55, 0}, {204, 39}
final GridDerivation derivation = grid.derive().margin(4, 3).chunkSize(5, 10);
grid = derivation.subgrid(envelope, 2, 1).build();
assertExtentEquals(new long[] {55, 0}, new long[] {204, 39}, derivation.getIntersection());
assertExtentEquals(new long[] {11, 0}, new long[] { 40, 7}, grid.getExtent());
assertArrayEquals(new double[] {2.5, 1.25}, grid.getResolution(false));
* Without chunk size, the resolution would have been {2,1} which correspond to a subsampling of {4,4}.
* But because of the chunk size, the subsampling have been rounded to {5,5} which correspond to above
* resolution. The grid extent, which would have been x:[14 … 50] and y:[0 … 9], is also affected by
* the subsampling adjustment.
* Tests {@link GridDerivation#subgrid(GridGeometry)} with tiling and a subsampling.
* This is an anti-regression test: values were determined empirically
* (we have not done manual validation).
* @see #testSubgridFromOtherGrid()
public void testSubgridWithTilingAndSubsampling() {
GridGeometry query = grid( 80, -3, 110, 55, 100, -300); // Envelope x: [8200 … 11300] y: [-16300 … 1400]
GridGeometry base = grid(2000, -1000, 9000, 8000, 2, -1); // Envelope x: [4200 … 18202] y: [ -7501 … 1500]
GridDerivation change = base.derive().chunkSize(390, 70).subgrid(query);
GridExtent extent = change.getIntersection();
GridExtentTest.assertExtentEquals(extent, 0, 3900, 5849);
GridExtentTest.assertExtentEquals(extent, 1, -910, 8000);
assertArrayEquals(new int[] {39, 294}, change.getSubsampling());
assertArrayEquals(new int[] { 0, -28}, change.getSubsamplingOffsets());
final GridGeometry tg =;
extent = tg.getExtent();
GridExtentTest.assertExtentEquals(extent, 0, 100, 149);
GridExtentTest.assertExtentEquals(extent, 1, -3, 27);
assertMatrixEquals(new Matrix3(78, 0, 200,
0, -294, 528,
0, 0, 1),
STRICT, "gridToCRS");
GeneralEnvelope expected = new GeneralEnvelope(2);
expected.setRange(0, 8000, 11900);
expected.setRange(1, -7501, 1410);
assertEnvelopeEquals(expected, tg.getEnvelope(), STRICT);
* Tests {@link GridDerivation#subgrid(GridGeometry)} with a maximum subsampling value.
public void testSubgridWithMaximumSubsampling() {
GridGeometry query = grid( 80, -3, 110, 55, 100, -300); // Same as above test.
GridGeometry base = grid(2000, -1000, 9000, 8000, 2, -1);
GridDerivation change = base.derive().chunkSize(390, 70).maximumSubsampling(25, 100).subgrid(query);
GridGeometry result =;
Matrix toCRS = MathTransforms.getMatrix(result.getGridToCRS(PixelInCell.CELL_CORNER));
* Subsampling values checked below shall be equal or smaller
* than the values given to `maximumSubsampling(…)`.
assertArrayEquals(new int[] {15, 84}, change.getSubsampling());
assertArrayEquals(new int[] { 0, -70}, change.getSubsamplingOffsets());
assertMatrixEquals(new Matrix3(30, 0, 200,
0, -84, 570,
0, 0, 1),
toCRS, STRICT, "gridToCRS");
* Tests {@link GridDerivation#subgrid(GridGeometry)} with only a "grid to CRS" transform.
public void testSubgridWithTransformOnly() {
GridGeometry base = grid(2000, -1000, 9000, 8000, 2, -1);
GridGeometry query = new GridGeometry(null, PixelInCell.CELL_CENTER, MathTransforms.scale(10, 40), null);
GridDerivation change = base.derive().subgrid(query);
GridGeometry result =;
Matrix toCRS = MathTransforms.getMatrix(result.getGridToCRS(PixelInCell.CELL_CENTER));
assertArrayEquals(new double[] {10, 40}, result.getResolution(false));
assertMatrixEquals(new Matrix3(10, 0, 205,
0, -40, 480, // Note the negative sign, preserved from base grid geometry.
0, 0, 1),
toCRS, STRICT, "gridToCRS");
* Tests {@link GridDerivation#subgrid(GridExtent, int...)} with a null "grid to CRS" transform.
public void testSubgridWithoutTransform() {
GridExtent base = new GridExtent(null, new long[] {100, 200}, new long[] {300, 350}, true);
GridExtent query = new GridExtent(null, new long[] {120, 180}, new long[] {280, 360}, true);
GridGeometry result = new GridGeometry(base, null, null, null).derive().subgrid(query).build();
assertExtentEquals(new long[] {120, 200}, new long[] {280, 350}, result.getExtent());
* Try again with a subsampling. We can get the subsampling information back as the resolution.
* Note that there is no way with current API to get the subsampling offsets.
result = new GridGeometry(base, null, null, null).derive().subgrid(query, 3, 5).build();
assertExtentEquals(new long[] {40, 40}, new long[] {93, 70}, result.getExtent());
assertTrue (result.isDefined(GridGeometry.RESOLUTION));
assertArrayEquals(new double[] {3, 5}, result.getResolution(false));
* Tests {@link GridDerivation#slice(DirectPosition)}.
public void testSlice() {
final GridGeometry grid = new GridGeometry(
new GridExtent(null, new long[] {336, 20, 4}, new long[] {401, 419, 10}, true),
PixelInCell.CELL_CORNER, MathTransforms.linear(new Matrix4(
0, 0.5, 0, -90,
0.5, 0, 0, -180,
0, 0, 2, 3,
0, 0, 0, 1)), HardCodedCRS.WGS84_3D);
* There are two ways to ask for a slice. The first way is to set some coordinates to NaN.
GridGeometry slice = grid.derive().slice(new GeneralDirectPosition(Double.NaN, Double.NaN, 15)).build();
assertNotSame(grid, slice);
assertSame(grid.gridToCRS, slice.gridToCRS);
final long[] expectedLow = {336, 20, 6};
final long[] expectedHigh = {401, 419, 6};
assertExtentEquals(expectedLow, expectedHigh, slice.getExtent());
* Same test, but using a one-dimensional slice point instead of NaN values.
* Opportunistically use different units for testing conversions.
GeneralDirectPosition p = new GeneralDirectPosition(HardCodedCRS.ELLIPSOIDAL_HEIGHT_cm);
p.setCoordinate(0, 1500);
slice = grid.derive().slice(p).build();
assertNotSame(grid, slice);
assertSame(grid.gridToCRS, slice.gridToCRS);
assertExtentEquals(expectedLow, expectedHigh, slice.getExtent());
* Checks that wraparound is well applied when using {@link GridDerivation#slice(DirectPosition)}.
public void testSliceWithWrapAround() {
final GridGeometry base = new GridGeometry(
new AffineTransform2D(-0.02, 0, 0, 0.1, 55, 172),
new Envelope2D(HardCodedCRS.WGS84_LATITUDE_FIRST, 42, 172, 13, 51),
final GridGeometry expectedResult = base.derive()
.slice(new DirectPosition2D(51, 187))
final GridGeometry fromWrapAround = base.derive()
.slice(new DirectPosition2D(51, -173))
assertEquals(expectedResult, fromWrapAround, "Slice with wrap-around");
"Wrapped Y coordinate");
* Ensures that slicing on a corner point does not fail, but gives back a grid geometry centered on a pixel corner.
* @throws TransformException if we cannot build our test point.
public void testSliceOnCorner() throws TransformException {
GridGeometry base = grid(-132, 327, 986, 597, 2, 3);
* First of all, we'll try by focusing on the last pixel.
final DirectPosition2D gridUpperCorner = new DirectPosition2D(
final DirectPosition geoUpperCorner = base.getGridToCRS(PixelInCell.CELL_CENTER)
.transform(gridUpperCorner, null);
GridGeometry slice = base.derive()
long[] expectedGridPoint = {(long) gridUpperCorner.x, (long) gridUpperCorner.y};
assertExtentEquals(expectedGridPoint, expectedGridPoint, slice.extent);
* We will now try to focus on a point near the envelope edge. Note that slicing ensures to return a valid grid
* for any point INSIDE the envelope, it's non-determinist about points perfectly aligned on the edge.
* So, here we will test a point very near to the envelope edge, but still into it.
final var grid3d = new GeneralEnvelope(3);
grid3d.setEnvelope(0, 0, 0, 1920, 1080, 4);
final var crs3d = new DefaultCompoundCRS(
Map.of("name", "geo3d"),
final GeneralEnvelope geo3d = new GeneralEnvelope(crs3d);
geo3d.setEnvelope(-180, -90, 1865.128, 180, 90, 1865.256);
base = new GridGeometry(
MathTransforms.linear(Matrices.createTransform(grid3d, geo3d)),
final GeneralDirectPosition geo3dUpperCorner = new GeneralDirectPosition(geo3d.getUpperCorner());
IntStream.range(0, geo3dUpperCorner.getDimension())
.forEach(idx -> geo3dUpperCorner.coordinates[idx] -= 1e-7);
slice = base.derive()
// Build expected grid point focused after slicing. We expect it to be upper corner.
expectedGridPoint = DoubleStream.of(grid3d.getUpperCorner().getCoordinates())
.mapToLong(value -> (long) value)
.map(exclusiveValue -> exclusiveValue - 1) // Exclusive to inclusive.
assertExtentEquals(expectedGridPoint, expectedGridPoint, slice.extent);
* Tests deriving a grid geometry with a request crossing the antimeridian.
* The {@link GridGeometry} crossing the anti-meridian is the one given in
* argument to {@link GridDerivation#subgrid(GridGeometry)}.
* <a href="">SIS-548</a>
public void testAntiMeridianCrossingInSubgrid() {
final GridExtent be = new GridExtent(null, new long[] {0, -64800}, new long[] {168000, 21600}, false);
final GridExtent qe = new GridExtent(256, 256);
final double bs = 350d / 168000; // We will use [-175 … 175]° of longitude.
final double qs = 10d / 256; // We will use [-182 … -172]° of longitude.
final AffineTransform2D bt = new AffineTransform2D(bs, 0, 0, -bs, -175, -45);
final AffineTransform2D qt = new AffineTransform2D(qs, 0, 0, -qs, -182, 90);
final GridGeometry base = new GridGeometry(be, PixelInCell.CELL_CORNER, bt, HardCodedCRS.WGS84);
final GridGeometry query = new GridGeometry(qe, PixelInCell.CELL_CORNER, qt, HardCodedCRS.WGS84);
* The [-182 … -172]° longitude range intersects [-175 … 175]° only in the [-175 … -172]° part.
* The [-182 … -175]° part becomes [178 … 185]° after wraparound, which still outside the base
* and should not be included in the intersection result.
GridGeometry result = base.derive().subgrid(query).build();
assertExtentEquals(new long[] {0, -3410}, new long[] {75, -3158}, result.getExtent());
assertEnvelopeEquals(new Envelope2D(null,
-175, // Expected minimum value.
80, // Not interesting for this test.
-172 - -175, // Expected maximum value minus minimum.
90 - 80),
result.getEnvelope(), 0.02);
* Tests deriving a grid geometry with a request crossing the antimeridian.
* The request uses an envelope instead of a {@link GridGeometry}.
public void testAntiMeridianCrossingInEnvelope() {
final GridGeometry grid = new GridGeometry(
new GridExtent(200, 180), PixelInCell.CELL_CORNER,
MathTransforms.linear(new Matrix3(
1, 0, 80,
0, -1, 90,
0, 0, 1)), HardCodedCRS.WGS84);
final GeneralEnvelope areaOfInterest = new GeneralEnvelope(HardCodedCRS.WGS84);
areaOfInterest.setRange(0, 140, -179); // Cross anti-meridian.
areaOfInterest.setRange(1, -90, 90);
final GridGeometry subgrid = grid.derive().subgrid(areaOfInterest).build();
final Envelope subEnv = subgrid.getEnvelope();
areaOfInterest.setRange(0, 140, 181);
assertEnvelopeEquals(areaOfInterest, subEnv);
* Tests deriving a grid geometry from a grid crossing the antimeridian.
* The {@link GridGeometry} crossing the anti-meridian is the one given
* to {@link GridDerivation} constructor.
public void testAntiMeridianCrossingInBaseGrid() {
* Longitudes from 100°E to 240°E (in WGS84 geographic CRS), which is equivalent to 100°E to 120°W.
* That [100 … 240]°E range is compatible with the [0 … 360]° longitude range declared in the CRS.
* Latitude range is from 21°S to 60°N, but this is not important for this test.
final GridGeometry grid = new GridGeometry(
new GridExtent(null, null, new long[] {8400, 4860}, true), PixelInCell.CELL_CENTER,
MathTransforms.linear(new Matrix3(
0.016664682775860015, 0, 100.00833234138793, 0,
0.016663238016868958, -20.991668380991566, 0, 0, 1)),
* 180°W to 180″E (the world) and 80°S to 80°N in Mercator projection.
* Only the longitudes are of interest for this test.
final GridGeometry areaOfInterest = new GridGeometry(
new GridExtent(null, null, new long[] {256, 256}, false), PixelInCell.CELL_CORNER,
MathTransforms.linear(new Matrix3(
156543.03392804097, 0, -2.0037508342789244E7, 0,
-121066.95890409155, 1.5496570739723722E7, 0, 0, 1)),
* Since the area of interest covers the world (in longitude), the intersection should
* have the same range of longitudes than the source grid, which is [100 … 240]°E.
* Latitude range is also unchanged: 21°S to 60°N.
final GridGeometry result = grid.derive().subgrid(areaOfInterest).build();
assertEnvelopeEquals(new Envelope2D(null, 100, -21, 240 - 100, 60 - -21),
result.getEnvelope(), Formulas.ANGULAR_TOLERANCE);
* Following is empirical values provided as an anti-regression test.
* The longitude span is about (240° − 100°) ÷ 360° × 256 px ≈ 99.56 px.
* The latitude span is more complicated because of adjustement for resolution.
assertExtentEquals(new long[2], new long[] {100, 73}, result.getExtent());
* Tests deriving a grid geometry when all involved grid geometries cross the anti-meridian.
* Illustration:
* <pre class="text">
* ──────────────┐ ┌──────────────────
* Grid │ │ Grid
* ──────────────┘ └──────────────────
* 120°W 100°E
* ─────────────────┐ ┌────────────────────────────
* AOI │ │ Area Of Interest
* ─────────────────┘ └────────────────────────────
* 102°W 22°W
* ↖…………………………………………………………………………………………………360° period…………↗︎</pre>
public void testAntiMeridianCrossingInBothGrids() {
* Longitudes from 100°E to 240°E (in WGS84 geographic CRS), which is equivalent to 100°E to 120°W.
* Latitude range is from 21°S to 60°N, but this is not important for this test.
final GridGeometry grid = new GridGeometry(
new GridExtent(null, null, new long[] {8400, 4860}, true), PixelInCell.CELL_CENTER,
MathTransforms.linear(new Matrix3(
0.016664682775860015, 0, 100.00833234138793, 0,
0.016663238016868958, -20.991668380991566, 0, 0, 1)),
* 22°27′34″W to 102°27′35″W in Mercator projection.
* Latitude range is about 66°S to 80°N, but this is not important for this test.
final GridGeometry areaOfInterest = new GridGeometry(
new GridExtent(null, null, new long[] {865, 725}, true), PixelInCell.CELL_CENTER,
MathTransforms.linear(new Matrix3(
35992.44506018084, 0, -2482193.2646860380, 0,
-35992.44506018084, 16123175.875372937, 0, 0, 1)),
* Verify that the area of interest contains the full grid.
final GeneralEnvelope e1 = new GeneralEnvelope(grid.getGeographicExtent().get());
final GeneralEnvelope e2 = new GeneralEnvelope(areaOfInterest.getGeographicExtent().get());
* Expect the same longitude range as `grid` since it is fully included in `areaOfInterest`.
final GridGeometry result = grid.derive().subgrid(areaOfInterest).build();
assertEnvelopeEquals(new Envelope2D(null, 100, -21, 240 - 100, 60 - -21),
result.getEnvelope(), Formulas.ANGULAR_TOLERANCE);
* Following is empirical values provided as an anti-regression test.
assertExtentEquals(new long[2], new long[] {442, 285}, result.getExtent());
* Tests deriving a grid geometry from an area of interest shifted by 360° before or after the grid valid area.
public void testSubgridFromShiftedAOI() {
final GridGeometry grid = new GridGeometry(
new GridExtent(20, 140), PixelInCell.CELL_CORNER,
MathTransforms.linear(new Matrix3(
1, 0, 80,
0, -1, 70,
0, 0, 1)), HardCodedCRS.WGS84);
final GeneralEnvelope areaOfInterest = new GeneralEnvelope(HardCodedCRS.WGS84);
areaOfInterest.setRange(0, 70, 90);
areaOfInterest.setRange(1, -80, 60);
final GeneralEnvelope expected = new GeneralEnvelope(HardCodedCRS.WGS84);
expected.setRange(0, 80, 90);
expected.setRange(1, -70, 60);
GridGeometry subgrid;
* Area of interest of the left side.
areaOfInterest.setRange(0, -290, -270); // [70 … 90] - 360
subgrid = grid.derive().subgrid(areaOfInterest).build();
assertEnvelopeEquals(expected, subgrid.getEnvelope());
* Area of interest on the right side.
areaOfInterest.setRange(0, 430, 450); // [70 … 90] + 360
subgrid = grid.derive().subgrid(areaOfInterest).build();
assertEnvelopeEquals(expected, subgrid.getEnvelope());
* Tests deriving a grid geometry from an area of interest overlapping the grid in such a way
* that we have to overlap the AOI to the full grid extent. Illustration:
* <pre class="text">
* ┌────────────────────────────────────────────┐
* │ Domain of validity │
* └────────────────────────────────────────────┘
* ┌────────────────────┐ ┌─────
* │ Area of interest │ │ AOI
* └────────────────────┘ └─────
* ↖………………………………………………………360° period……………………………………………………↗︎</pre>
public void testAreaOfInterestExpansion() {
final GridGeometry grid = new GridGeometry(
new GridExtent(340, 140), PixelInCell.CELL_CORNER,
MathTransforms.linear(new Matrix3(
1, 0, 5,
0, -1, 70,
0, 0, 1)), HardCodedCRS.WGS84);
final GeneralEnvelope areaOfInterest = new GeneralEnvelope(HardCodedCRS.WGS84);
areaOfInterest.setRange(0, -30, 40);
areaOfInterest.setRange(1, -60, 60);
final GeneralEnvelope expected = new GeneralEnvelope(HardCodedCRS.WGS84);
expected.setRange(0, 5, 345);
expected.setRange(1, -60, 60);
GridGeometry subgrid = grid.derive().subgrid(areaOfInterest).build();
assertEnvelopeEquals(expected, subgrid.getEnvelope());
* Verifies the exception thrown when we specify an envelope outside the grid extent.
public void testOutsideDomain() {
final GridGeometry grid = new GridGeometry(
new GridExtent(10, 20), PixelInCell.CELL_CORNER,
MathTransforms.linear(new Matrix3(
2, 0, 0,
0, 2, 0,
0, 0, 1)), HardCodedCRS.WGS84);
final GeneralEnvelope areaOfInterest = new GeneralEnvelope(HardCodedCRS.WGS84);
areaOfInterest.setRange(0, 60, 85);
areaOfInterest.setRange(1, 15, 30);
try {
fail("Should not have accepted the given AOI.");
} catch (DisjointExtentException e) {
* Tests {@link GridDerivation#subgrid(GridGeometry)} when the two grid geometries contain only an envelope.
public void testWithEnvelopeOnly() {
Envelope2D domain = new Envelope2D(HardCodedCRS.WGS84, 10, 20, 110, 70);
Envelope2D request = new Envelope2D(HardCodedCRS.WGS84, -5, 25, 100, 90);
Envelope2D expected = new Envelope2D(HardCodedCRS.WGS84, 10, 25, 85, 65);
GridGeometry grid1 = new GridGeometry(domain);
GridGeometry grid2 = new GridGeometry(request);
GridGeometry subgrid = grid1.derive().subgrid(grid2).build();
assertEnvelopeEquals(expected, subgrid.getEnvelope(), STRICT);
* Test same envelope but with different axis order. The request uses a different CRS,
* but the result shall stay in the same CRS as the initial grid geometry.
request.setRect(25, -5, 90, 100);
grid2 = new GridGeometry(request);
subgrid = grid1.derive().subgrid(grid2).build();
assertSame(HardCodedCRS.WGS84, subgrid.getCoordinateReferenceSystem());
assertEnvelopeEquals(expected, subgrid.getEnvelope(), STRICT);
* Tests {@link GridDerivation#margin(int...)} when no other operation is requested.
public void testWithMarginOnly() {
final GridGeometry grid = new GridGeometry(
new GridExtent(10, 20), PixelInCell.CELL_CENTER,
MathTransforms.linear(new Matrix3(
2, 0, 0,
0, 3, 0,
0, 0, 1)), HardCodedCRS.WGS84);
final GridGeometry expanded = grid.derive().margin(4,5).clipping(GridClippingMode.BORDER_EXPANSION).build();
assertSame(grid.gridToCRS, expanded.gridToCRS);
assertExtentEquals(new long[] {-4, -5},
new long[] {13, 24}, expanded.getExtent());
assertEnvelopeEquals(new Envelope2D(null, -1, -1.5, 20, 60), grid.getEnvelope(), STRICT);
assertEnvelopeEquals(new Envelope2D(null, -9, -16.5, 36, 90), expanded.getEnvelope(), STRICT);