blob: 1834312069c83ff416828beca235d9782f414abc [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.sis.coverage;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.image.RenderedImage;
import java.awt.image.WritableRenderedImage;
import static java.lang.Math.round;
import javax.measure.IncommensurableException;
import javax.measure.Unit;
import org.opengis.geometry.Envelope;
import org.opengis.referencing.datum.PixelInCell;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.MathTransform;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.MathTransform1D;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.TransformException;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.transform.MathTransforms;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.grid.GridExtent;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.grid.GridGeometry;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.grid.GridCoverage;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.grid.ImageRenderer;
import org.apache.sis.image.ImageProcessor;
import org.apache.sis.image.ImageCombiner;
import org.apache.sis.image.Interpolation;
import org.apache.sis.image.PlanarImage;
import org.apache.sis.util.ArgumentChecks;
import org.apache.sis.measure.NumberRange;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.privy.SampleDimensions;
import static org.apache.sis.util.privy.Numerics.saturatingAdd;
import static org.apache.sis.util.privy.Numerics.saturatingSubtract;
// Specific to the geoapi-3.1 and geoapi-4.0 branches:
import org.opengis.coverage.CannotEvaluateException;
* Combines an arbitrary number of coverages into a single one.
* The combined coverages may use different coordinate systems.
* The workflow is as below:
* <ol>
* <li>Creates a {@code CoverageCombiner} with the destination coverage where to write.</li>
* <li>Configure with methods such as {@link #setInterpolation setInterpolation(…)}.</li>
* <li>Invoke {@link #acceptAll acceptAll(…)} methods for each list of coverages to combine.</li>
* <li>Get the combined coverage with {@link #result()}.</li>
* </ol>
* Coverage domains can have any number of dimensions.
* Coverages are combined in the order they are specified.
* For each coverage, sample dimensions are combined in the order they appear, regardless their names.
* For each sample dimension, values are converted to the unit of measurement of the destination coverage.
* <h2>Limitations</h2>
* The current implementation has the following limitations.
* Those restrictions may be resolved progressively in future Apache SIS versions.
* <ul>
* <li>Supports only {@link GridCoverage} instances, not yet more generic coverages.</li>
* <li>No interpolation except in the two dimensions having the largest size (usually the 2 first).
* For all other dimensions, data are taken from the nearest neighbor two-dimensional slice.</li>
* <li>No expansion of the destination coverage for accommodating data of source coverages
* that are outside the destination coverage bounds.</li>
* </ul>
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
* @version 1.4
* @see ImageCombiner
* @since 1.4
public class CoverageCombiner {
* The {@value} value for identifying code expecting exactly 2 dimensions.
private static final int BIDIMENSIONAL = 2;
* The image processor for resampling operation.
* The same processor is used for all slices.
private final ImageProcessor processor;
* The destination coverage where to write the coverages given to this {@code CoverageCombiner}.
private final GridCoverage destination;
* The dimension to extract as {@link RenderedImage}s.
* This is usually 0 for <var>x</var> and 1 for <var>y</var>.
* The other dimensions can have any size (not restricted to 1 cell).
private final int xdim, ydim;
* Whether the {@linkplain #destination} uses converted values.
private final boolean isConverted;
* Creates a coverage combiner which will write in the given coverage.
* The coverage is not cleared: cells that are not overwritten by calls
* to the {@code accept(…)} method will be left unchanged.
* @param destination the destination coverage where to combine source coverages.
* @throws CannotEvaluateException if the coverage does not have at least 2 dimensions.
public CoverageCombiner(final GridCoverage destination) {
this.destination = destination.forConvertedValues(true);
isConverted = (this.destination == destination);
final int[] dim = destination.getGridGeometry().getExtent().getLargestDimensions(BIDIMENSIONAL);
xdim = dim[0];
ydim = dim[1];
processor = new ImageProcessor();
* Returns the interpolation method to use during resample operations.
* <h4>Limitations</h4>
* In current version, the interpolation is applied only in the {@code xdim} and {@code ydim} dimensions
* specified at construction time. For all other dimensions, nearest neighbor interpolation is applied.
* @return interpolation method to use during resample operations.
public Interpolation getInterpolation() {
return processor.getInterpolation();
* Sets the interpolation method to use during resample operations.
* <h4>Limitations</h4>
* In current version, the interpolation is applied only in the {@code xdim} and {@code ydim} dimensions
* specified at construction time. For all other dimensions, nearest neighbor interpolation is applied.
* @param method interpolation method to use during resample operations.
public void setInterpolation(final Interpolation method) {
* Returns information about conversion from pixel coordinates to "real world" coordinates.
* This is taken from {@link PlanarImage#GRID_GEOMETRY_KEY} if available, or computed otherwise.
* @param image the image from which to get the conversion.
* @param coverage the coverage to use as a fallback if the information is not provided with the image.
* @param slice identification of the slice to read in the coverage.
* @return information about conversion from pixel coordinates to "real world" coordinates.
private static GridGeometry getImageGeometry(final RenderedImage image,
final GridCoverage coverage, final GridExtent slice)
final Object value = image.getProperty(PlanarImage.GRID_GEOMETRY_KEY);
if (value instanceof GridGeometry) {
return (GridGeometry) value;
return new ImageRenderer(coverage, slice).getImageGeometry(BIDIMENSIONAL);
* Returns the conversions from source units to target units.
* Conversion is fetched for each pair of units at the same index.
* @param sources the source units. May contain null elements.
* @param targets the target units. May contain null elements.
* @return converters, or {@code null} if none. May contain null elements.
* @throws IncommensurableException if a pair of units are not convertible.
private static MathTransform1D[] createUnitConverters(final Unit<?>[] sources, final Unit<?>[] targets)
throws IncommensurableException
MathTransform1D[] converters = null;
final int n = Math.min(sources.length, targets.length);
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
final Unit<?> source = sources[i];
final Unit<?> target = targets[i];
if (source != null && target != null) {
final MathTransform1D c = MathTransforms.convert(source.getConverterToAny(target));
if (!c.isIdentity()) {
if (converters == null) {
converters = new MathTransform1D[n];
Arrays.fill(converters, MathTransforms.identity(1));
converters[i] = c;
return converters;
* Writes the given coverages on top of the destination coverage.
* The given coverages are resampled to the grid geometry of the destination coverage.
* Coverages that do not intercept with the destination coverage are silently ignored.
* <h4>Performance note</h4>
* If there is many coverages to write, they should be specified in a single
* call to {@code acceptAll(…)} instead of invoking this method multiple times.
* Bulk operations can reduce the number of calls to {@link GridCoverage#render(GridExtent)}.
* @param sources the coverages to write on top of destination coverage.
* @return {@code true} on success, or {@code false} if at least one slice
* in the destination coverage is not writable.
* @throws TransformException if the coordinates of a given coverage cannot be transformed
* to the coordinates of destination coverage.
* @throws IncommensurableException if the unit of measurement of at least one source sample dimension
* is not convertible to the unit of measurement of the corresponding target sample dimension.
public boolean acceptAll(GridCoverage... sources) throws TransformException, IncommensurableException {
sources = sources.clone();
final GridGeometry targetGG = destination.getGridGeometry();
final GridExtent targetEx = targetGG.getExtent();
final int dimension = targetEx.getDimension();
final long[] minIndices = new long[dimension]; Arrays.fill(minIndices, Long.MAX_VALUE);
final long[] maxIndices = new long[dimension]; Arrays.fill(maxIndices, Long.MIN_VALUE);
final MathTransform[] toSourceSliceCorner = new MathTransform [sources.length];
final MathTransform[] toSourceSliceCenter = new MathTransform [sources.length];
final MathTransform1D[][] unitConverters = new MathTransform1D[sources.length][];
final NumberRange<?>[][] sourceRanges = new NumberRange<?> [sources.length][];
final Unit<?>[] destinationUnits = SampleDimensions.units(destination);
* Compute the intersection between `source` and `destination`, in units of destination cell indices.
* If a coverage does not intersect the destination, it will be discarded.
int numSources = 0;
next: for (int j=0; j<sources.length; j++) {
GridCoverage source = sources[j];
ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNullElement("sources", j, source);
source = source.forConvertedValues(true);
final GridGeometry sourceGG = source.getGridGeometry();
final GridExtent sourceEx = sourceGG.getExtent();
final MathTransform toSource = targetGG.createTransformTo(sourceGG, PixelInCell.CELL_CORNER);
final Envelope env = sourceEx.toEnvelope(toSource.inverse());
final long[] min = new long[dimension];
final long[] max = new long[dimension];
for (int i=0; i<dimension; i++) {
* The conversion from `double` to `long` may loose precision. The -1 (for making the maximum value
* inclusive) is done on the floating point value instead of the integer value in order to have the
* same rounding when the minimum and maximum values are close to each other.
* The goal is to avoid spurious "disjoint extent" exceptions.
min[i] = Math.max(targetEx.getLow (i), round(env.getMinimum(i)));
max[i] = Math.min(targetEx.getHigh(i), round(env.getMaximum(i) - 1));
if (min[i] > max[i]) {
continue next;
* Expand the destination extent only if the source intersects it.
* It can be done only after we tested all dimensions.
for (int i=0; i<dimension; i++) {
minIndices[i] = Math.min(minIndices[i], min[i]);
maxIndices[i] = Math.max(maxIndices[i], max[i]);
toSourceSliceCenter[numSources] = targetGG.createTransformTo(sourceGG, PixelInCell.CELL_CENTER);
toSourceSliceCorner[numSources] = toSource;
sources [numSources] = source;
unitConverters [numSources] = createUnitConverters(SampleDimensions.units(source), destinationUnits);
sourceRanges [numSources] = SampleDimensions.ranges(source);
Arrays.fill(sources, numSources, sources.length, null);
if (numSources == 0) {
return true; // No intersection. We "successfully" wrote nothing.
* Now apply `ImageCombiner` for each two-dimensional slice. We will iterate on all destination slices
* in the intersection area, and locate the corresponding source slices (this is a strategy similar to
* the resampling of pixel values in rasters).
final long[] minSliceIndices = minIndices.clone();
final long[] maxSliceIndices = maxIndices.clone();
final double[] centerIndices = targetEx.getPointOfInterest(PixelInCell.CELL_CENTER);
final Dimension margin = processor.getInterpolation().getSupportSize();
margin.width = ((margin.width + 1) >> 1) + 1;
margin.height = ((margin.height + 1) >> 1) + 1;
boolean success = true;
next: for (;;) {
* Get the image for the current slice to write.
* If the image is not writable, we skip that slice and try the next one.
* A flag will report to the user that at least one slice was non-writable.
final GridExtent targetSliceExtent = new GridExtent(null, minSliceIndices, maxSliceIndices, true);
final RenderedImage targetSlice = destination.render(targetSliceExtent);
if (targetSlice instanceof WritableRenderedImage) {
final ImageCombiner combiner = new ImageCombiner((WritableRenderedImage) targetSlice, processor);
for (int j=0; j<numSources; j++) {
final GridCoverage source = sources[j];
* Compute the bounds of the source image to load (with a margin for rounding and interpolations).
* For all dimensions other than the slice dimensions, we take the center of the slice to read.
final int srcDim = source.getGridGeometry().getDimension();
final long[] minSourceIndices = new long [srcDim];
final long[] maxSourceIndices = new long [srcDim];
final double[] centerSourceIndices = new double[srcDim];
toSourceSliceCenter[j].transform(centerIndices, 0, centerSourceIndices, 0, 1);
final Envelope env = targetSliceExtent.toEnvelope(toSourceSliceCorner[j]);
for (int i=0; i<srcDim; i++) {
if (i == xdim || i == ydim) {
final int m = (i == xdim) ? margin.width : margin.height;
minSourceIndices[i] = saturatingSubtract(round(env.getMinimum(i)), m );
maxSourceIndices[i] = saturatingAdd (round(env.getMaximum(i)), m-1L);
} else {
minSourceIndices[i] = round(centerSourceIndices[i]);
maxSourceIndices[i] = minSourceIndices[i];
* Get the source image and combine with the corresponding slice of destination coverage.
* Data are converted to the destination units before the resampling is applied.
GridExtent sourceSliceExtent = new GridExtent(null, minSourceIndices, maxSourceIndices, true);
RenderedImage sourceSlice = source.render(sourceSliceExtent);
MathTransform1D[] converters = unitConverters[j];
if (converters != null) {
sourceSlice = processor.convert(sourceSlice, sourceRanges[j], converters, combiner.getBandType());
MathTransform toSource =
getImageGeometry(targetSlice, destination, targetSliceExtent).createTransformTo(
getImageGeometry(sourceSlice, source, sourceSliceExtent), PixelInCell.CELL_CENTER);
combiner.resample(sourceSlice, null, toSource);
} else {
success = false;
* Increment indices to the next slice.
for (int i=0; i<dimension; i++) {
if (i != xdim && i != ydim) {
long index = minSliceIndices[i];
boolean done = index++ <= maxIndices[i];
if (!done) index = minIndices[i];
maxSliceIndices[i] = minSliceIndices[i] = index;
if (done) {
continue next;
return success;
* Returns the combination of destination coverage with all coverages specified to {@code CoverageCombiner} methods.
* This may be the destination coverage specified at construction time, but may also be a larger coverage if the
* destination has been dynamically expanded for accommodating larger sources.
* <p><b>Note:</b> dynamic expansion is not yet implemented in current version.
* If a future version implements it, we shall guarantee that the coordinate of each cell is unchanged
* (i.e. the grid extent {@code minX} and {@code minY} may become negative, but the cell identified by
* coordinates (0,0) for instance will stay the same cell.)</p>
* @return the combination of destination coverage with all source coverages.
public GridCoverage result() {
return destination.forConvertedValues(isConverted);