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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.sis.geometry;
import java.util.Objects;
import org.opengis.geometry.DirectPosition;
import org.opengis.geometry.Envelope;
import org.opengis.util.FactoryException;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.MathTransform;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.TransformException;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.CoordinateOperation;
import org.opengis.metadata.extent.GeographicBoundingBox;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.CRS;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.transform.MathTransforms;
import org.apache.sis.math.MathFunctions;
import org.apache.sis.metadata.privy.ReferencingServices;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.privy.ReferencingUtilities;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.privy.WraparoundAxesFinder;
import org.apache.sis.util.Utilities;
import org.apache.sis.util.logging.Logging;
* An envelope or position converter making them more compatible with a given domain of validity.
* For each axes having {@link org.opengis.referencing.cs.RangeMeaning#WRAPAROUND},
* this class can add or subtract an integer number of periods (typically 360° of longitude)
* in attempt to move positions or envelopes inside a domain of validity specified at construction time.
* <p>{@code WraparoundAdjustment} instances are not thread-safe.</p>
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
* @version 1.4
* @since 1.2
public class WraparoundAdjustment {
* The region inside which a given Area Of Interest (AOI) or Point Of Interest (POI) should be located.
* This domain is specified at construction time and does not change.
private final ImmutableEnvelope domainOfValidity;
* The domain of validity transformed to a CRS where wraparound axes exist, or {@code null} if not yet computed.
* For example if {@link #domainOfValidity} is expressed in a projected CRS, then this envelope will be the same
* domain but converted to the base geographic CRS in order to allow identification of wraparound axes.
private AbstractEnvelope shiftableDomain;
* The geographic bounds of {@link #domainOfValidity}, or {@code null} if not applicable.
* This is used for more accurate selection of a coordinate operation between a pair of CRS,
* so it is okay to conservatively use an area covering the whole world.
* @see CRS#findOperation(CoordinateReferenceSystem, CoordinateReferenceSystem, GeographicBoundingBox)
private GeographicBoundingBox geographicDomain;
* Whether {@link #geographicDomain} has been computed (result may be null).
private boolean geographicDomainKnown;
* Coordinate reference system of the last Area Of Interest (AOI) or Point Of Interest (POI).
* This is used for detecting when the input CRS changed.
private CoordinateReferenceSystem inputCRS;
* Coordinate reference system of results, or {@code null} if unspecified.
private final CoordinateReferenceSystem resultCRS;
* A transform from the {@link #inputCRS} to any destination user space at caller choice.
* Objects returned by {@code shift(…)} methods will be transformed by this transform after all computations
* have been finished. This is done in order to allow final transforms to be concatenated in a single step.
* <p>This field should be considered final if {@link #domainToInput} is non-null.</p>
private MathTransform inputToResult;
* A transform from the {@link #domainOfValidity} CRS to the {@link #inputCRS} if it was explicitly specified,
* or {@code null} otherwise. If non-null, all input envelopes or positions will be assumed in the CRS which
* is the target of this transform. For performance reason, this assumption will not be verified.
private final MathTransform domainToInput;
* If the input envelopes or positions need to be converted to a (usually) geographic CRS,
* the transform to that CRS. Otherwise an identity transform. This is computed when first needed.
private MathTransform inputToShiftable;
* The transform from the intermediate CRS to final objects, computed when first needed.
* @see #toResult(boolean)
private MathTransform shiftableToResult;
* The span (maximum - minimum) of wraparound axes, with 0 value for axes that are not wraparound.
* Initially null and computed when first needed. The length of this array may be shorter than the
* CRS number of dimensions if all remaining axes are not wraparound axes.
private double[] periods;
* Creates a new instance for adjusting Area Of Interest (AOI) or Point Of Interest (POI) to the given domain.
* The results of {@code shift(…)} methods will be transformed (if needed) to the specified CRS.
* @param domain the region where a given area or point of interest should be located.
* @param target the coordinate reference system of objects returned by {@code shift(…)} methods,
* or {@code null} for the same CRS as the {@code domain} CRS.
public WraparoundAdjustment(final Envelope domain, final CoordinateReferenceSystem target) {
domainOfValidity = ImmutableEnvelope.castOrCopy(Objects.requireNonNull(domain));
resultCRS = (target != null) ? target : domainOfValidity.getCoordinateReferenceSystem();
domainToInput = null;
* Creates a new instance with specified transforms from domain to the CRS of inputs, then to the CRS of outputs.
* This constructor can be used when those transforms are known in advance; it avoids the cost of inferring them.
* With this constructor, {@code WraparoundAdjustment} does <strong>not</strong> verify if a coordinate operation
* is needed for a pair of CRS; it is caller's responsibility to ensure that input objects use the expected CRS.
* <h4>Example</h4>
* In the context of {@link org.apache.sis.coverage.grid.GridGeometry}, the {@code domain} argument may be the
* geospatial envelope of the grid and the {@code inputToResult} argument may be the "CRS to grid" transform.
* This configuration allows to compute grid coordinates having more chances to be inside the grid.
* @param domain the region where a given area (AOI) or point of interest (POI) should be located.
* @param domainToInput if the AOI or POI will use a different CRS than {@code domain}, the transform from
* {@code domain} to the input CRS. Otherwise {@code null} for same CRS as the domain.
* @param inputToResult a transform from the {@code domain} CRS to any user space at caller choice.
* If {@code null}, the results will be expressed in same CRS as the inputs.
public WraparoundAdjustment(final Envelope domain, MathTransform domainToInput, MathTransform inputToResult) {
domainOfValidity = ImmutableEnvelope.castOrCopy(Objects.requireNonNull(domain));
if (domainToInput == null) {
domainToInput = MathTransforms.identity(domainOfValidity.getDimension());
if (inputToResult == null) {
inputToResult = MathTransforms.identity(domainToInput.getTargetDimensions());
this.domainToInput = domainToInput;
this.inputToResult = inputToResult;
this.resultCRS = null; // Not used by this instance.
* Finds a coordinate operation from the given source CRS to target CRS.
* This method is invoked by all codes that need to find a coordinate operation.
* @param source the source CRS of the desired coordinate operation.
* @param target the target CRS of the desired coordinate operation.
* @return operation from {@code source} to {@code target}.
* @throws TransformException if the operation cannot be computed.
private CoordinateOperation findOperation(final CoordinateReferenceSystem source,
final CoordinateReferenceSystem target)
throws TransformException
* The (source ≉ target) condition is a quick check for avoiding
* unnecessary calculation of `geographicDomain` in common cases.
if (!geographicDomainKnown && !Utilities.equalsIgnoreMetadata(source, target)) try {
geographicDomainKnown = true; // Shall be set even in case of failure.
geographicDomain = ReferencingServices.getInstance().setBounds(domainOfValidity, null, "shift");
} catch (TransformException e) {
Logging.ignorableException(Envelopes.LOGGER, WraparoundAdjustment.class, "<init>", e);
// No more attempt will be done.
try {
return CRS.findOperation(source, target, geographicDomain);
} catch (FactoryException e) {
throw new TransformException(e.getMessage(), e);
* Initializes this {@code WraparoundAdjustment} for an AOI or POI having the given coordinate reference system.
* If the given CRS is the same as the CRS given in last call to this method, then this method does nothing as
* this {@code WraparoundAdjustment} is assumed already initialized. Otherwise this method performs those steps:
* <ul>
* <li>If the given coordinate reference system is a projected CRS,
* replaces it by another CRS where wraparound axes can be identified.</li>
* <li>Set {@link #shiftableDomain} to an envelope in above CRS.</li>
* <li>Set {@link #periods} to an array with the periods of wraparound axes.</li>
* <li>Set {@link #inputToResult} to the final transform to apply in {@code shift(…)} methods.</li>
* </ul>
* @return whether there is at least one wraparound axis.
private boolean initialize(CoordinateReferenceSystem crs) throws TransformException {
if (crs == null) {
crs = domainOfValidity.getCoordinateReferenceSystem();
if (crs == null && domainToInput == null) {
* If `inputCRS` is also null, `inputToResult` will not be initialized by next block.
* Initialize here with the assumption that following CRS as same as domain CRS:
* - Input CRS, as specified in `shift(…)` method contract.
* - Result CRS, as specified in constructor contract.
* Note that this field is considered modifiable only if `domainToInput` is null (see its javadoc).
inputToResult = MathTransforms.identity(domainOfValidity.getDimension());
if (crs != inputCRS) {
inputCRS = crs;
periods = null;
inputToShiftable = null; // Will not be used if `crs` is null.
shiftableToResult = null;
shiftableDomain = domainOfValidity;
* Get the transform from input CRS (before replacement by "shiftable" CRS)
* to the CRS of all results. It will be needed by all `shift(…)` methods.
* Note that by convention, `inputToResult` is considered modifiable only
* if `domainToInput` is null (see its javadoc).
if (domainToInput == null) {
if (crs != null && resultCRS != null) {
inputToResult = findOperation(crs, resultCRS).getMathTransform();
} else {
inputToResult = MathTransforms.identity(
(crs != null) ? ReferencingUtilities.getDimension(crs)
: domainOfValidity.getDimension());
* At this point we got a CRS which may have wraparound axes. Search for those axes.
* The `periods` array will become non-null only if we find at least one such axis.
if (crs != null) {
* Replace the input CRS by an intermediate CRS where wraparound axes can be found.
* We try to select a CRS as close as possible (simplest transform) to the input.
final WraparoundAxesFinder f = new WraparoundAxesFinder(crs);
inputToShiftable = f.preferredToSpecified.inverse();
if ((periods = f.periods()) != null) {
return (periods != null);
* Transforms {@link #domainOfValidity} to a CRS where wraparound axes can be identified.
* This method should be invoked only when the caller detected at least one wraparound axis.
* <p>If a {@link #domainToInput} has been explicitly specified to the constructor,
* that transform is unconditionally used and the {@code crs} argument is ignored.</p>
* <h4>Preconditions</h4>
* <ul>
* <li>The {@link #inputToShiftable} transform must be initialized.</li>
* <li>The {@link #shiftableDomain} field is assumed initialized to {@link #domainOfValidity}.</li>
* </ul>
private void transformDomain(final CoordinateReferenceSystem target) throws TransformException {
final MathTransform domainToShiftable;
if (domainToInput != null) {
// Case of the constructor with `MathTransform` arguments.
domainToShiftable = MathTransforms.concatenate(domainToInput, inputToShiftable);
if (!domainToShiftable.isIdentity()) {
shiftableDomain = Envelopes.transform(domainToShiftable, domainOfValidity);
} else {
// Case of the constructor with `CoordinateReferenceSystem` argument.
CoordinateOperation op = findOperation(domainOfValidity.getCoordinateReferenceSystem(), target);
domainToShiftable = op.getMathTransform();
if (!domainToShiftable.isIdentity()) {
shiftableDomain = Envelopes.transform(op, domainOfValidity);
* Returns the final transform to apply on the AOI or POI before to return it to the user.
* If {@link #inputCRS} is null, returns {@code null} for meaning "unknown transform".
private MathTransform toResult(final boolean isResultShifted) throws TransformException {
if (isResultShifted) {
if (shiftableToResult == null) {
shiftableToResult = MathTransforms.concatenate(inputToShiftable.inverse(), inputToResult);
return shiftableToResult;
} else {
return inputToResult;
* Computes an envelope with coordinates equivalent to the given {@code areaOfInterest}, but
* potentially shifted for intersecting the domain of validity specified at construction time.
* The dimensions that may be shifted are the ones having an axis with wraparound meaning.
* In order to perform this operation, the envelope may be temporarily converted to a geographic CRS
* and converted back to its original CRS.
* <p>The coordinate reference system should be specified in the {@code areaOfInterest}.
* If not, then the CRS is assumed same as the CRS of the domain specified at construction time.</p>
* <p>This method does not intersect the area of interest with the domain of validity.
* It is up to the caller to compute that intersection after this method call, if desired.</p>
* @param areaOfInterest the envelope to potentially shift toward domain of validity.
* If a shift is needed, then given envelope will be replaced by a new envelope;
* the given envelope will not be modified.
* @return envelope potentially expanded or shifted toward the domain of validity.
* @throws TransformException if a coordinate conversion failed.
* @see GeneralEnvelope#simplify()
public GeneralEnvelope shift(Envelope areaOfInterest) throws TransformException {
boolean isResultShifted = false;
if (initialize(areaOfInterest.getCoordinateReferenceSystem())) {
* If the coordinate reference system is a projected CRS, it will not have any wraparound axis.
* We need to perform the verification in its base geographic CRS instead, and remember that we
* may need to transform the result later.
final DirectPosition lowerCorner;
final DirectPosition upperCorner;
GeneralEnvelope shifted; // To be initialized to a copy of `areaOfInterest` when first needed.
if (inputToShiftable.isIdentity()) {
shifted = null;
lowerCorner = areaOfInterest.getLowerCorner();
upperCorner = areaOfInterest.getUpperCorner();
} else {
shifted = Envelopes.transform(inputToShiftable, areaOfInterest);
lowerCorner = shifted.getLowerCorner();
upperCorner = shifted.getUpperCorner();
* We will not read `areaOfInterest` anymore after we got its two corner points (except for creating
* a copy if `shifted` is still null). The following loop searches for "wraparound" axes.
for (int i=0; i<periods.length; i++) {
final double period = periods[i];
if (period > 0) {
* Found an axis (typically the longitude axis) with wraparound range meaning.
* "Unroll" the range. For example if we have [+160 … -170]° of longitude, we can replace by [160 … 190]°.
* We do not change the `lower` or `upper` value now in order to avoid rounding error. Instead, we compute
* how many periods we need to add to those values. We adjust the side which results in the value closest
* to zero, in order to reduce rounding error if no more adjustment is done in the next block.
final double lower = lowerCorner.getOrdinate(i);
final double upper = upperCorner.getOrdinate(i);
double lowerCycles = 0; // In number of periods.
double upperCycles = 0;
double delta = upper - lower;
if (MathFunctions.isNegative(delta)) { // Use `isNegative` for catching [+0 … -0] range.
final double cycles = (delta == 0) ? -1 : Math.floor(delta / period); // Always negative.
delta = cycles * period;
if (Math.abs(lower + delta) < Math.abs(upper - delta)) {
lowerCycles = cycles; // Will subtract periods to `lower`.
} else {
upperCycles = -cycles; // Will add periods to `upper`.
* The range may be before or after the domain of validity. Compute the distance from current
* lower/upper coordinate to the coordinate of validity domain (the sign tells us whether we
* are before or after). The cases can be:
* ┌─────────────┬────────────┬────────────────────────────┬───────────────────────────────┐
* │lowerIsBefore│upperIsAfter│ Meaning │ Action │
* ├─────────────┼────────────┼────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┤
* │ false │ false │ AOI is inside valid area │ Nothing to do │
* │ true │ true │ AOI encompasses valid area │ Nothing to do │
* │ true │ false │ AOI on left of valid area │ Add positive number of period │
* │ false │ true │ AOI on right of valid area │ Add negative number of period │
* └─────────────┴────────────┴────────────────────────────┴───────────────────────────────┘
* We try to compute multiples of `periods` instead of just adding or subtracting `periods` once in
* order to support images that cover more than one period, for example images over 720° of longitude.
* It may happen for example if an image shows data under the trajectory of a satellite.
final double validStart = shiftableDomain.getMinimum(i);
final double validEnd = shiftableDomain.getMaximum(i);
final double lowerToValidStart = ((validStart - lower) / period) - lowerCycles; // In number of periods.
final double upperToValidEnd = ((validEnd - upper) / period) - upperCycles;
final boolean lowerIsBefore = (lowerToValidStart > 0);
final boolean upperIsAfter = (upperToValidEnd < 0);
if (lowerIsBefore != upperIsAfter) {
final double upperToValidStart = ((validStart - upper) / period) - upperCycles;
final double lowerToValidEnd = ((validEnd - lower) / period) - lowerCycles;
if (lowerIsBefore) {
* Notation: ⎣x⎦=floor(x) and ⎡x⎤=ceil(x).
* We need to add an integer number of `period` to both sides in order to move the range
* inside the valid area. We need ⎣lowerToValidStart⎦ for reaching the point where:
* (validStart - period) < (new lower) ≤ validStart
* But we may add more because there will be no intersection without following condition:
* (new upper) ≥ validStart
* That second condition is met by ⎡upperToValidStart⎤. However, adding more may cause the
* range to move the AOI completely on the right side of the domain of validity. We prevent
* that with a third condition:
* (new lower) < validEnd
final double cycles = Math.min(Math.floor(lowerToValidEnd),
Math.ceil (upperToValidStart)));
* If after the shift we see that the following condition hold:
* (new lower) + period < validEnd
* Then we may have a situation like below:
* ┌────────────────────────────────────────────┐
* │ Domain of validity │
* └────────────────────────────────────────────┘
* ┌────────────────────┐ ┌─────
* │ Area of interest │ │ AOI
* └────────────────────┘ └─────
* ↖……………………………………………………………period……………………………………………………………↗︎
* The user may be requesting two extremums of the domain of validity. We cannot express
* that with a single envelope. Instead, we will expand the Area Of Interest to encompass
* the full domain of validity.
if (cycles + 1 < lowerToValidEnd) {
upperCycles += Math.ceil(upperToValidEnd);
} else {
upperCycles += cycles;
lowerCycles += cycles;
} else {
* Same reasoning as above with sign reverted and lower/upper variables interchanged.
* In this block, `upperToValidEnd` and `lowerToValidEnd` are negative, contrarily to
* above block where they were positive.
final double cycles = Math.max(Math.ceil (upperToValidStart),
Math.min(Math.ceil (upperToValidEnd),
if (cycles - 1 > upperToValidStart) {
lowerCycles += Math.floor(lowerToValidStart);
} else {
lowerCycles += cycles;
upperCycles += cycles;
* If there is change to apply, copy the envelope when first needed and set the fields.
* If we never enter in this block, then `areaOfInterest` will stay the envelope given
* at construction time.
if (lowerCycles != 0 || upperCycles != 0) {
isResultShifted = true;
if (shifted == null) {
shifted = new GeneralEnvelope(areaOfInterest);
areaOfInterest = shifted; // `shifted` may have been set before the loop.
shifted.setRange(i, Math.fma(period, lowerCycles, lower),
Math.fma(period, upperCycles, upper));
* Unconditionally apply the final transform (even if identity), unless
* `inputCRS` is null in which case the transform to apply is unknown.
final MathTransform toResult = toResult(isResultShifted);
if (toResult != null) {
final GeneralEnvelope result = Envelopes.transform(toResult, areaOfInterest);
return result;
return GeneralEnvelope.castOrCopy(areaOfInterest);
* Computes a position with coordinates equivalent to the given {@code pointOfInterest}, but
* potentially shifted to interior of the domain of validity specified at construction time.
* The dimensions that may be shifted are the ones having an axis with wraparound meaning.
* In order to perform this operation, the position may be temporarily converted to a geographic CRS
* and converted back to its original CRS.
* <p>The coordinate reference system should be specified in the {@code pointOfInterest}.
* If not, then the CRS is assumed same as the CRS of the domain specified at construction time.</p>
* @param pointOfInterest the position to potentially shift to domain of validity interior.
* If a shift is needed, then the given position will be replaced by a new position;
* the given position will not be modified.
* @return position potentially shifted to the domain of validity interior.
* @throws TransformException if a coordinate conversion failed.
public DirectPosition shift(DirectPosition pointOfInterest) throws TransformException {
boolean isResultShifted = false;
if (initialize(pointOfInterest.getCoordinateReferenceSystem())) {
DirectPosition shifted;
if (inputToShiftable.isIdentity()) {
shifted = pointOfInterest; // To be replaced by a copy of `pointOfInterest` when first needed.
} else {
shifted = inputToShiftable.transform(pointOfInterest, null);
for (int i=0; i<periods.length; i++) {
final double period = periods[i];
if (period > 0) {
final double x = shifted.getOrdinate(i);
double delta = shiftableDomain.getMinimum(i) - x;
if (delta > 0) { // Test for point before domain of validity.
delta = Math.ceil(delta / period);
} else {
delta = shiftableDomain.getMaximum(i) - x;
if (delta < 0) { // Test for point after domain of validity.
delta = Math.floor(delta / period);
} else {
if (delta != 0) {
isResultShifted = true;
if (shifted == pointOfInterest) {
shifted = new GeneralDirectPosition(pointOfInterest);
pointOfInterest = shifted; // `shifted` may have been set before the loop.
shifted.setOrdinate(i, Math.fma(period, delta, x));
* Unconditionally apply the final transform (even if identity), unless
* `inputCRS` is null in which case the transform to apply is unknown.
final MathTransform toResult = toResult(isResultShifted);
if (toResult != null) {
pointOfInterest = toResult.transform(pointOfInterest,
(resultCRS != null) ? new GeneralDirectPosition(resultCRS) : null);
return pointOfInterest;