blob: 714ccb586658fce80a9dd08334c383f61f7aa7e1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# Argument numbering convention
# -----------------------------
# This resource bundle applies the same convention than JUnit: the first programmatic parameters
# (those having lowest numbers like {0} or {1}) provide information about the context in which the
# error occurred (e.g. the parameter name or the range of valid values), while the last parameters
# (those having highest numbers) are the erroneous values that caused the error. Note that last
# programmatic parameters do not have to be last in the formatted text, since each localized message
# can reorder the parameters as they want.
AbstractType_1 = Type \u2018{0}\u2019 is abstract.
AmbiguousName_3 = Name \u201c{2}\u201d is ambiguous because it can be understood as either \u201c{0}\u201d or \u201c{1}\u201d.
CanNotAddToExclusiveSet_2 = No element can be added to this set because properties \u2018{0}\u2019 and \u2018{1}\u2019 are mutually exclusive.
CanNotAssign_2 = Can not assign \u201c{1}\u201d to \u201c{0}\u201d.
CanNotAssignUnitToDimension_2 = Can not assign units \u201c{1}\u201d to dimension \u201c{0}\u201d.
CanNotConcatenateTransforms_2 = Can not concatenate transforms \u201c{0}\u201d and \u201c{1}\u201d.
CanNotConnectTo_1 = Can not connect to \u201c{0}\u201d.
CanNotConvertFromType_2 = Can not convert from type \u2018{0}\u2019 to type \u2018{1}\u2019.
CanNotConvertValue_2 = Can not convert value \u201c{0}\u201d to type \u2018{1}\u2019.
CanNotCompute_1 = Can not compute \u201c{0}\u201d.
CanNotComputeDerivative = Can not compute the derivative.
CanNotCreateObjectAsInstanceOf_2 = Can not create an object \u201c{1}\u201d as an instance of class \u2018{0}\u2019.
CanNotInstantiate_1 = Can not instantiate \u201c{0}\u201d.
CanNotMapAxisToDirection_2 = Can not map an axis from \u201c{0}\u201d to direction \u201c{1}\u201d.
CanNotOpen_1 = Can not open \u201c{0}\u201d.
CanNotParseFile_2 = Can not parse \u201c{1}\u201d as a file in the {0} format.
CanNotRead_1 = Can not read \u201c{0}\u201d.
CanNotRepresentInFormat_2 = Can not represent \u201c{1}\u201d in a strictly standard-compliant {0} format.
CanNotSeparateTargetDimension_1 = Target dimension {0} depends on excluded source dimensions.
CanNotSetParameterValue_1 = Can not set a value for parameter \u201c{0}\u201d.
CanNotSetPropertyValue_1 = Can not set a value for property \u201c{0}\u201d.
CanNotTransformEnvelope = Can not transform envelope.
CanNotTransformEnvelopeToGeodetic = Can not transform envelope to a geodetic CRS.
CanNotUseGeodeticParameters_2 = Can not use the {0} geodetic parameters: {1}
CircularReference = Circular reference.
ClassNotFinal_1 = Class \u2018{0}\u2019 is not final.
CloneNotSupported_1 = Can not clone an object of type \u2018{0}\u2019.
ClosedReader_1 = This {0} reader is closed.
ColinearAxisDirections_2 = Axis directions {0} and {1} are colinear.
CoordinateOperationNotFound_2 = Coordinate conversion of transformation from system \u201c{0}\u201d to \u201c{1}\u201d has not been found.
DatabaseError_2 = Database error while creating a \u2018{0}\u2019 object for code \u201c{1}\u201d.
DatumOriginShallBeDate = Origin of temporal datum shall be a date.
DeadThread_1 = Thread \u201c{0}\u201d is dead.
DirectoryNotExpected_1 = The \u201c{0}\u201d file points to a directory instead of a regular file.
DuplicatedElement_1 = Element \u201c{0}\u201d is duplicated.
DuplicatedIdentifier_1 = Name or identifier \u201c{0}\u201d is used more than once.
DuplicatedOption_1 = Option \u201c{0}\u201d is duplicated.
DuplicatedParameterName_4 = Name or alias for parameter \u201c{0}\u201d at index {1} conflict with name \u201c{2}\u201d at index {3}.
ElementAlreadyPresent_1 = Element \u201c{0}\u201d is already present.
ElementNotFound_1 = Element \u201c{0}\u201d has not been found.
EllipticalNotSupported = Elliptical projection not supported.
EmptyArgument_1 = Argument \u2018{0}\u2019 shall not be empty.
EmptyDictionary = The dictionary shall contain at least one entry.
EmptyEnvelope2D = Envelope must be at least two-dimensional and non-empty.
EmptyProperty_1 = Property named \u201c{0}\u201d shall not be empty.
ErrorIn_2 = Error in \u201c{0}\u201d: {1}
ErrorInFileAtLine_2 = An error occurred in file \u201c{0}\u201d at Line {1}.
ExcessiveArgumentSize_3 = Argument \u2018{0}\u2019 shall not contain more than {1} elements. A number of {2} is excessive.
ExcessiveListSize_2 = A size of {1} elements is excessive for the \u201c{0}\u201d list.
ExcessiveNumberOfDimensions_1 = For this algorithm, {0} is an excessive number of dimensions.
ExcessiveStringSize = The character string is too long.
FactoryNotFound_1 = No factory of kind \u2018{0}\u2019 found.
FileNotFound_1 = File \u201c{0}\u201d has not been found.
ForbiddenAttribute_2 = Attribute \u201c{0}\u201d is not allowed for an object of type \u2018{1}\u2019.
ForbiddenProperty_1 = Property \u201c{0}\u201d is not allowed.
IllegalArgumentClass_2 = Argument \u2018{0}\u2019 can not be an instance of \u2018{1}\u2019.
IllegalArgumentClass_3 = Argument \u2018{0}\u2019 can not be an instance of \u2018{2}\u2019. Expected an instance of \u2018{1}\u2019 or derived type.
IllegalArgumentField_4 = Argument \u2018{0}\u2019 can not take the \u201c{1}\u201d value, because the \u2018{2}\u2019 field can not take the \u201c{3}\u201d value.
IllegalArgumentValue_2 = Argument \u2018{0}\u2019 can not take the \u201c{1}\u201d value.
IllegalAxisDirection_2 = Coordinate system of class \u2018{0}\u2019 can not have axis in the {1} direction.
IllegalBitsPattern_1 = Illegal bits pattern: {0}.
IllegalCharacter_2 = The \u201c{1}\u201d character can not be used for \u201c{0}\u201d.
IllegalCharacterForFormat_3 = The \u201c{2}\u201d character in \u201c{1}\u201d is not permitted by the \u201c{0}\u201d format.
IllegalClass_2 = Class \u2018{1}\u2019 is illegal. It must be \u2018{0}\u2019 or a derived class.
IllegalCoordinateSystem_1 = Coordinate system can not be \u201c{0}\u201d.
IllegalCRSType_1 = Coordinate reference system can not be of type \u2018{0}\u2019.
IllegalFormatPatternForClass_2 = The \u201c{1}\u201d pattern can not be applied to formating of objects of type \u2018{0}\u2019.
IllegalIdentifierForCodespace_2 = \u201c{1}\u201d is not a valid identifier for the \u201c{0}\u201d code space.
IllegalInputTypeForReader_2 = The {0} reader does not accept inputs of type \u2018{1}\u2019.
IllegalLanguageCode_1 = The \u201c{0}\u201d language is not recognized.
IllegalMemberType_2 = Member \u201c{0}\u201d can not be associated to type \u201c{1}\u201d.
IllegalOperationDimension_3 = Dimensions of \u201c{0}\u201d operation can not be ({1} \u2192 {2}).
IllegalOperationForValueClass_1 = This operation can not be applied to values of class \u2018{0}\u2019.
IllegalOptionValue_2 = Option \u2018{0}\u2019 can not take the \u201c{1}\u201d value.
IllegalOrdinateRange_3 = The [{0} \u2026 {1}] range of ordinate values is not valid for the \u201c{2}\u201d axis.
IllegalParameterType_2 = Parameter \u201c{0}\u201d can not be of type \u2018{1}\u2019.
IllegalParameterValue_2 = Parameter \u201c{0}\u201d can not take the \u201c{1}\u201d value.
IllegalParameterValueClass_3 = Parameter \u201c{0}\u201d does not accept values of \u2018{2}\u2019 type. Expected an instance of \u2018{1}\u2019 or derived type.
IllegalPropertyType_2 = Property \u201c{0}\u201d can not be of type \u2018{1}\u2019.
IllegalPropertyValueClass_2 = Property \u201c{0}\u201d does not accept instances of \u2018{1}\u2019.
IllegalPropertyValueClass_3 = Expected an instance of \u2018{1}\u2019 for the \u201c{0}\u201d property, but got an instance of \u2018{2}\u2019.
IllegalRange_2 = Range [{0} \u2026 {1}] is not valid.
IllegalUnicodeCodePoint_2 = Value {1} for \u201c{0}\u201d is not a valid Unicode code point.
IllegalUnitFor_2 = Unit of measurement \u201c{1}\u201d is not valid for \u201c{0}\u201d values.
IncompatibleCoordinateSystemTypes = Incompatible coordinate system types.
IncompatibleDatum_2 = Datum of \u201c{1}\u201d shall be \u201c{0}\u201d.
IncompatibleFormat_2 = Can not use the \u201c{1}\u201d format with \u201c{0}\u201d.
IncompatiblePropertyValue_1 = Property \u201c{0}\u201d has an incompatible value.
IncompatibleUnit_1 = Unit \u201c{0}\u201d is incompatible with current value.
IncompatibleUnits_2 = Units \u201c{0}\u201d and \u201c{1}\u201d are incompatible.
InconsistentAttribute_2 = Value \u201c{1}\u201d of attribute \u2018{0}\u2019 is inconsistent with other attributes.
InconsistentNamespace_2 = Expected \u201c{0}\u201d namespace for \u201c{1}\u201d.
InconsistentTableColumns = Inconsistent table columns.
InconsistentUnitsForCS_1 = Unit of measurement \u201c{0}\u201d is inconsistent with coordinate system axes.
IdentifierAlreadyBound_1 = Identifier \u201c{0}\u201d is already associated to another object.
IndexOutOfBounds_1 = Index {0} is out of bounds.
IndicesOutOfBounds_2 = Indices ({0}, {1}) are out of bounds.
InfiniteArgumentValue_1 = Argument \u2018{0}\u2019 can not take an infinite value.
InsufficientArgumentSize_3 = Argument \u2018{0}\u2019 shall contain at least {1} elements. A number of {2} is insufficient.
KeyCollision_1 = A different value is already associated to the \u201c{0}\u201d key.
LatitudesAreOpposite_2 = Latitudes {0} and {1} are opposite.
MandatoryAttribute_2 = Attribute \u201c{0}\u201d is mandatory for an object of type \u2018{1}\u2019.
MismatchedArrayLengths = Mismatched array lengths.
MismatchedCRS = The coordinate reference system must be the same for all objects.
MismatchedDimension_2 = Mismatched object dimensions: {0}D and {1}D.
MismatchedDimension_3 = Argument \u2018{0}\u2019 has {2} dimension{2,choice,1#|2#s}, while {1} was expected.
MismatchedDimensionForCRS_3 = The \u201c{0}\u201d coordinate reference system has {1} dimension{1,choice,1#|2#s}, but the given geometry is {2}-dimensional.
MismatchedGridGeometry_2 = The grid geometry must be the same for \u201c{0}\u201d and \u201c{1}\u201d.
MismatchedMatrixSize_4 = Mismatched matrix sizes: expected {0}\u00d7{1} but got {2}\u00d7{3}.
MismatchedParameterDescriptor_1 = Mismatched descriptor for \u201c{0}\u201d parameter.
MismatchedPrimeMeridian_2 = Expected the \u201c{0}\u201d prime meridian but found \u201c{1}\u201d.
MismatchedPropertyType_1 = Mismatched type for \u201c{0}\u201d property.
MismatchedTransformDimension_3 = The transform has {2} {0,choice,0#source|1#target} dimension{2,choice,1#|2#s}, while {1} was expected.
MismatchedValueClass_3 = Class of \u201c{0}\u201d values is \u2018{2}\u2019, but the requested type is \u2018{1}\u2019.
MissingAuthority_1 = No authority was specified for code \u201c{0}\u201d. The expected syntax is \u201cAUTHORITY:CODE\u201d.
MissingCharacterInElement_2 = Missing a \u2018{1}\u2019 character in \u201c{0}\u201d element.
MissingComponentInElement_2 = Missing a \u201c{1}\u201d component in \u201c{0}\u201d.
MissingInterpolationOrdinates = Not enough dimension in \u2018MathTransform\u2019 input or output coordinates for the interpolation points.
MissingNamespace_1 = \u201c{0}\u201d has no namespace.
MissingRequiredModule_1 = This operation requires the \u201c{0}\u201d module.
MissingSchemeInURI = Missing scheme in URI.
MissingValueForOption_1 = Missing value for \u201c{0}\u201d option.
MissingValueForParameter_1 = Missing value for \u201c{0}\u201d parameter.
MissingValueForProperty_1 = Missing value for \u201c{0}\u201d property.
MissingValueInColumn_1 = Missing value in the \u201c{0}\u201d column.
MissingHorizontalDimension_1 = No horizontal dimension found in \u201c{0}\u201d.
MissingVerticalDimension_1 = No vertical dimension found in \u201c{0}\u201d
MissingTemporalDimension_1 = No temporal dimension found in \u201c{0}\u201d
MissingSpatioTemporalDimension_1 = No spatial or temporal dimension found in \u201c{0}\u201d
MutuallyExclusiveOptions_2 = Options \u201c{0}\u201d and \u201c{1}\u201d are mutually exclusive.
NegativeArgument_2 = Argument \u2018{0}\u2019 shall not be negative. The given value was {1}.
NegativeArrayLength_1 = Can not create a \u201c{0}\u201d array of negative length.
NoConvergence = No convergence.
NoConvergenceForPoints_2 = No convergence for points {0} and {1}.
NodeChildOfItself_1 = Node \u201c{0}\u201d can not be a child of itself.
NodeHasAnotherParent_1 = Node \u201c{0}\u201d already has another parent.
NodeHasNoParent_1 = Node \u201c{0}\u201d has no parent.
NodeIsLeaf_1 = Node \u201c{0}\u201d is a leaf.
NodeNotFound_1 = No \u201c{0}\u201d node found.
NonEquilibratedParenthesis_2 = Missing a \u2018{1}\u2019 parenthesis in \u201c{0}\u201d.
NonInvertibleConversion = Conversion is not invertible.
NonInvertibleMatrix_2 = Non invertible {0}\u00d7{1} matrix.
NonInvertibleOperation_1 = Can not invert the \u201c{0}\u201d operation.
NonInvertibleTransform = Transform is not invertible.
NonAngularUnit_1 = \u201c{0}\u201d is not an angular unit.
NonLinearUnit_1 = \u201c{0}\u201d is not a linear unit.
NonLinearUnitConversion_2 = Unit conversion from \u201c{0}\u201d to \u201c{1}\u201d is non-linear.
NonMonotonicSequence_1 = The \u201c{0}\u201d sequence is not monotonic.
NonPerpendicularDirections_2 = Axis directions {0} and {1} are not perpendicular.
NonScaleUnit_1 = \u201c{0}\u201d is not a scale unit.
NonTemporalUnit_1 = \u201c{0}\u201d is not a time unit.
NonUniformScale = Scale is not uniform.
NotABackwardReference_1 = No element for the \u201c{0}\u201d identifier, or the identifier is a forward reference.
NotAnAffineTransform = Transform is not affine.
NotANumber_1 = Argument \u2018{0}\u2019 shall not be NaN (Not-a-Number).
NotAPrimitiveWrapper_1 = Class \u2018{0}\u2019 is not a primitive type wrapper.
NotASingleton_1 = The \u201c{0}\u201d collection is not a singleton.
NotASkewSymmetricMatrix = Matrix is not skew-symmetric.
NotAUnicodeIdentifier_1 = Text \u201c{0}\u201d is not a Unicode identifier.
NotComparableClass_1 = Class \u2018{0}\u2019 is not a comparable.
NoSuchAuthorityCode_3 = No code \u201c{2}\u201d from authority \u201c{0}\u201d found for object of type \u2018{1}\u2019.
NoSuchOperationMethod_1 = No operation method found for name or identifier \u201c{0}\u201d.
NoSuchValue_1 = No value is associated to \u201c{0}\u201d.
NoUnit = No unit of measurement has been specified.
NullArgument_1 = Argument \u2018{0}\u2019 shall not be null.
NullCollectionElement_1 = \u2018{0}\u2019 collection does not accept null elements.
# Use the OGC/ISO "Dictionary" word instead of "Map" for avoiding confusion with geographic map.
NullMapKey = Null key is not allowed in this dictionary.
NullMapValue = Null values are not allowed in this dictionary.
NullValueInTable_3 = Unexpected null value in record \u201c{2}\u201d for the column \u201c{1}\u201d in table \u201c{0}\u201d.
OddArrayLength_1 = Array length is {0}, while we expected an even length.
OutsideDomainOfValidity = Coordinate is outside the domain of validity.
PropertyAlreadyExists_2 = Property \u201c{1}\u201d already exists in \u201c{0}\u201d.
ParameterNotFound_2 = No parameter named \u201c{1}\u201d has been found in \u201c{0}\u201d.
PropertyNotFound_2 = No property named \u201c{1}\u201d has been found in \u201c{0}\u201d.
RecordAlreadyDefined_2 = Record \u201c{1}\u201d is already defined in schema \u201c{0}\u201d.
RecursiveCreateCallForKey_1 = Recursive call while creating an object for the \u201c{0}\u201d key.
RecursiveCreateCallForCode_2 = Recursive call while creating an object of type \u2018{0}\u2019 for code \u201c{1}\u201d.
RequireDecimalSeparator = A decimal separator is required.
SingularMatrix = Matrix is singular.
StalledThread_1 = Thread \u201c{0}\u201d seems stalled.
StreamIsForwardOnly_1 = Can not move backward in the \u201c{0}\u201d stream.
TableNotFound_1 = Table \u201c{0}\u201d has not been found.
TooFewArguments_2 = Expected at least {0} argument{0,choice,1#|2#s}, but got {1}.
TooFewOccurrences_2 = Too few occurrences of \u201c{1}\u201d. Expected at least {0} of them.
TooManyArguments_2 = Expected at most {0} argument{0,choice,1#|2#s}, but got {1}.
TooManyOccurrences_2 = Too many occurrences of \u201c{1}\u201d. The maximum is {0}.
TreeDepthExceedsMaximum = Tree depth exceeds the maximum.
UndefinedOrderingForElements_2 = Ordering between \u201c{0}\u201d and \u201c{1}\u201d elements is undefined.
UnexpectedArrayLength_2 = Expected an array of length {0}, but got {1}.
UnexpectedChange_1 = Unexpected change in \u2018{0}\u2019.
UnexpectedCharactersAfter_2 = The \u201c{1}\u201d characters after \u201c{0}\u201d was unexpected.
UnexpectedCharactersAtBound_4 = Text for \u2018{0}\u2019 was expected to {1,choice,0#begin|1#end} with \u201c{2}\u201d, but found \u201c{3}\u201d.
UnexpectedDimensionForCS_1 = Unexpected dimension for a coordinate system of type \u2018{0}\u2019.
UnexpectedEndOfFile_1 = Unexpected end of file while reading \u201c{0}\u201d.
UnexpectedEndOfString_1 = More characters were expected at the end of \u201c{0}\u201d.
UnexpectedFileFormat_2 = File \u201c{1}\u201d seems to be encoded in an other format than {0}.
UnexpectedNumberOfComponents_3 = Expected {1} components in \u201c{0}\u201d but found {2}.
UnexpectedParameter_1 = Parameter \u201c{0}\u201d was not expected.
UnexpectedScaleFactorForUnit_2 = Unexpected scale factor {1} for unit of measurement \u201c{0}\u201d.
UnexpectedTypeForReference_3 = Expected \u201c{0}\u201d to reference an instance of \u2018{1}\u2019, but found an instance of \u2018{2}\u2019.
UnexpectedValueInElement_2 = Unexpected value \u201c{1}\u201d in \u201c{0}\u201d element.
UnitlessParameter_1 = Parameter \u201c{0}\u201d has no unit.
UnknownAuthority_1 = Authority \u201c{0}\u201d is unknown.
UnknownAxisDirection_1 = Axis direction \u201c{0}\u201d is unknown.
UnknownCommand_1 = Command \u201c{0}\u201d is not recognized.
UnknownEnumValue_2 = \u201c{1}\u201d is not a known or supported value for the \u2018{0}\u2019 enumeration.
UnknownFormatFor_1 = Format of \u201c{0}\u201d is not recognized.
UnknownKeyword_1 = Keyword \u201c{0}\u201d is unknown.
UnknownOption_1 = Option \u201c{0}\u201d is not recognized.
UnknownType_1 = Type \u2018{0}\u2019 is unknown in this context.
UnknownTypeForProperty_1 = Type of the \u201c{0}\u201d property is unknown.
UnknownUnit_1 = Unit \u201c{0}\u201d is not recognized.
UnmodifiableAffineTransform = This affine transform is unmodifiable.
UnmodifiableCellValue_2 = The cell at column \u201c{1}\u201d of row \u201c{0}\u201d is unmodifiable.
UnmodifiableGeometry = This geometry is not modifiable.
UnmodifiableMetadata = This metadata is not modifiable.
UnmodifiableObject_1 = This instance of \u2018{0}\u2019 is not modifiable.
UnparsableStringForClass_2 = Text \u201c{1}\u201d can not be parsed as an object of type \u2018{0}\u2019.
UnparsableStringForClass_3 = Text \u201c{1}\u201d can not be parsed as an object of type \u2018{0}\u2019, because of the \u201c{2}\u201d characters.
UnparsableStringInElement_2 = Can not parse \u201c{1}\u201d in element \u201c{0}\u201d.
UnresolvedFeatureName_1 = Feature named \u201c{0}\u201d has not yet been resolved.
UnspecifiedCRS = Coordinate reference system has not been specified.
UnspecifiedDimensions = Dimensions have not been specified.
UnspecifiedFormatForClass_1 = No format is specified for objects of class \u2018{0}\u2019.
UnspecifiedParameterValues = Parameter values have not been specified.
UnsupportedImplementation_1 = Can not handle this instance of \u2018{0}\u2019 because arbitrary implementations are not yet supported.
UnsupportedInterpolation_1 = The \u201c{0}\u201d interpolation is unsupported.
UnsupportedOperation_1 = The \u2018{0}\u2019 operation is unsupported.
UnsupportedType_1 = The \u2018{0}\u2019 type is unsupported.
UnsupportedVersion_1 = Version {0} is not supported.
ValueAlreadyDefined_1 = A value is already defined for \u201c{0}\u201d.
ValueNotGreaterThanZero_2 = Value \u2018{0}\u2019 = {1} is invalid. Expected a number greater than 0.
ValueOutOfRange_4 = Value \u2018{0}\u2019 = {3} is invalid. Expected a value in the [{1} \u2026 {2}] range.