blob: e3d4aaedd3422461baf3eb00244e756462ff2f62 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.opengis.util.FactoryException;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.grid.PixelInCell;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.Matrix;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.MathTransform;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.MathTransformFactory;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.TransformException;
import org.opengis.metadata.spatial.DimensionNameType;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.privy.AxisDirections;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.matrix.Matrices;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.builder.LocalizationGridException;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.grid.GridExtent;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.grid.GridGeometry;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.grid.IllegalGridGeometryException;
import org.apache.sis.util.Exceptions;
import org.apache.sis.util.ArraysExt;
* Information about the grid geometry and the conversion from grid coordinates to geodetic coordinates.
* A grid is associated to all variables that are georeferenced coverages and the same grid may be shared
* by many variables. The {@linkplain #getSourceDimensions() number of source dimensions} is normally the
* number of {@linkplain Variable#getGridDimensions() netCDF dimensions in the variable}, but may be less
* if a variable dimensions should considered as bands instead of spatiotemporal dimensions.
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
* @see Decoder#getGridCandidates()
public abstract class Grid extends NamedElement {
* Minimal number of dimension for accepting a variable as a coverage variable.
public static final int MIN_DIMENSION = 2;
* Minimal number of cells along {@value #MIN_DIMENSION} dimensions for accepting a variable as a coverage variable.
static final int MIN_SPAN = 2;
* The axes, created when first needed.
* The ordering of axes is based on the order in which dimensions are declared for variables using this grid.
* This is not necessarily the same order as the order in which variables are listed in the netCDF file.
* @see #getAxes(Decoder)
private Axis[] axes;
* The coordinate reference system, created when first needed.
* May be {@code null} even after we attempted to create it.
* @see #getCoordinateReferenceSystem(Decoder, List, List, Matrix)
private CoordinateReferenceSystem crs;
* Whether we determined the {@link #crs} value, which may be {@code null}.
private boolean isCRSDetermined;
* The geometry of this grid (its extent, its CRS and its conversion to the CRS).
* May be {@code null} even after we attempted to create it.
private GridGeometry geometry;
* Whether we determined the {@link #geometry} value, which may be {@code null}.
private boolean isGeometryDetermined;
* Whether we computed a "grid to CRS" transform relative to pixel center or pixel corner.
* CF-Convention said: "If bounds are not provided, an application might reasonably assume
* the grid points to be at the centers of the cells, but we do not require that in this
* standard".
* @see #getAnchor()
private PixelInCell anchor = PixelInCell.CELL_CENTER;
* Constructs a new grid geometry information.
protected Grid() {
* Returns a localization grid having the same dimensions as this grid but in a different order.
* This method is invoked by {@link Variable#findGrid(GridAdjustment)} when the localization grids created by
* {@link Decoder} subclasses are not sufficient and must be tailored for a particular variable.
* Subclasses shall verify that the given {@code dimensions} array met the following conditions:
* <ul>
* <li>The length of the given array is equal or greater than {@link #getSourceDimensions()}.</li>
* <li>The array contains all elements contained in {@link #getDimensions()}.
* Additional elements, if any, are ignored (they may be considered as bands by the caller).</li>
* </ul>
* If elements in the given array are in same order as elements in {@link #getDimensions()} list,
* then this method returns {@code this}. If the given array does not contain all grid dimensions,
* then this method returns {@code null}. Otherwise a grid with reordered dimensions is returned.
* It is caller's responsibility to verify if the grid has less dimensions than the given argument.
* @param dimensions the desired dimensions, in order. May contain more dimensions than this grid.
* @return localization grid with the exact same set of dimensions than this grid (no more and no less),
* but in the order specified by the given array (ignoring dimensions not in this grid).
* May be {@code this} or {@code null}.
protected abstract Grid forDimensions(Dimension[] dimensions);
* Returns the number of dimensions of source coordinates in the <q>grid to CRS</q> conversion.
* This is the number of dimensions of the <em>grid</em>.
* It should be equal to the size of {@link #getDimensions()} list.
* <h4>Note on target dimensions</h4>
* A {@code getTargetDimensions()} method would return the number of dimensions of the
* <em>coordinate reference system</em>, which is the target of the <q>grid to CRS</q> conversion.
* However, we do not provide that method because, while it should be equal to {@code getAxes(decoder).length},
* it sometimes differs because {@link #getAxes(Decoder)} may exclude axis with zero dimensions.
* The latter method should be used as the authoritative one.
* @return number of grid dimensions.
public abstract int getSourceDimensions();
* Returns the dimensions of this grid, in netCDF (reverse of "natural") order. Each element in the list
* contains the number of cells in the dimension, together with implementation-specific information.
* The list length should be equal to {@link #getSourceDimensions()}.
* <p>This list is usually equal to the {@link Variable#getGridDimensions()} list for all variables
* that are {@linkplain Variable#findGrid associated to this grid}. But those lists can also differ
* in the following aspects:</p>
* <ul>
* <li>This grid may have less dimensions than the variable using this grid. In such case the additional
* dimensions in the variable can be considered as bands instead of spatiotemporal dimensions.</li>
* <li>The dimensions in this grid may have a different {@linkplain Dimension#length() length} than the
* dimensions in the variable. In such case {@link Variable#getGridGeometry()} is responsible for
* concatenating a scale factor to the "grid to CRS" transform.</li>
* </ul>
* @return the source dimensions of this grid, in netCDF order.
* @see Variable#getGridDimensions()
protected abstract List<Dimension> getDimensions();
* Returns the axes of the coordinate reference system. The axis order is CRS order (reverse of netCDF order)
* for consistency with the common practice in the {@code "coordinates"} attribute.
* <p>This method returns a direct reference to the cached array; do not modify.</p>
* @param decoder the decoder, given in case this method needs to create axes.
* @return the CRS axes, in "natural" order (reverse of netCDF order).
* @throws IOException if an I/O operation was necessary but failed.
* @throws DataStoreException if a logical error occurred.
* @throws ArithmeticException if the size of an axis exceeds {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE}, or other overflow occurs.
public final Axis[] getAxes(final Decoder decoder) throws IOException, DataStoreException {
if (axes == null) {
axes = createAxes(decoder);
* The grid dimension which varies fastest should be first. The code below will swap axes if needed in order to
* achieve that goal, except if a previous axis was already using the same order. We avoid collision only in the
* first dimension because it is the one used by metadata and by trySetTransform(…).
final Axis[] workspace = new Axis[axes.length];
int i = 0, deferred = workspace.length;
for (final Axis axis : axes) {
// Put one-dimensional axes first, all other axes last.
workspace[axis.getNumDimensions() <= 1 ? i++ : --deferred] = axis;
deferred = workspace.length; // Will become index of the first axis whose examination has been deferred.
while (i < workspace.length) { // Start the loop at the first n-dimensional axis (n > 1).
final Axis axis = workspace[i];
* If an axis has a "wraparound" range (for example a longitude axis where the next value after +180°
* may be -180°), we will examine it last. The reason is that if a wraparound occurs in the middle of
* the localization grid, it will confuse the computation based on `coordinateForAxis(…)` calls below.
* We are better to resolve the latitude axis first, and then resolve the longitude axis with the code
* path checking for dimension collisions, without using coordinateForAxis(…) on longitude axis.
if (i < deferred && axis.isWraparound()) {
System.arraycopy(workspace, i+1, workspace, i, --deferred - i);
workspace[deferred] = axis;
} else {
axis.mainDimensionFirst(workspace, i);
* If some variables are scalar, those variables can safely be moved anywhere because they do not
* use any input coordinate (their output coordinates are constant). Try to move those scalars to
* more natural positions. We rely on `AxisDirection` ordering: North, East, South, West, Up/Down,
* Future/Past directions in that order.
for (i=0; i < axes.length; i++) {
final Axis axis = axes[i];
if (axis.getNumDimensions() == 0) {
int p = i;
for (int j=0; j<axes.length; j++) {
if (axis.direction.compareTo(axes[j].direction) > 0) {
p = j + 1; // After the last element that should be ordered before `axis`.
if (p != i) {
if (p > i) p--;
System.arraycopy(axes, i+1, axes, i, axes.length - (i+1)); // Remove element at i.
System.arraycopy(axes, p, axes, p+1, axes.length - (p+1)); // Insert a space at p.
axes[p] = axis;
return axes;
* Creates the axes to be returned by {@link #getAxes(Decoder)}. This method is invoked only once when first needed.
* Axes shall be returned in the order they will appear in the Coordinate Reference System.
* @param decoder the decoder of the netCDF file from which to create axes.
* @return the CRS axes, in "natural" order (reverse of CRS order).
* @throws IOException if an I/O operation was necessary but failed.
* @throws DataStoreException if a logical error occurred.
* @throws ArithmeticException if the size of an axis exceeds {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE}, or other overflow occurs.
protected abstract Axis[] createAxes(Decoder decoder) throws IOException, DataStoreException;
* Returns {@code true} if this grid contains all axes of the specified names. This is used for filtering
* coordinate systems according the axes specified by {@link Convention#namesOfAxisVariables(Variable)}.
* If the given array is null, then no filtering is applied and this method returns {@code true}.
* If the grid contains more axes than the named ones, then the additional axes are ignored.
* @param axisNames name of axes to test for inclusion, or {@code null} for no filtering.
* @return whether this grid contains at least all the names axes.
protected abstract boolean containsAllNamedAxes(String[] axisNames);
* Returns the coordinate reference system inferred from axes, or {@code null} if none.
* This method creates the CRS the first time it is invoked and caches the result,
* for allowing {@link Decoder#getReferenceSystemInfo()} to be cheaper.
* <p>This CRS is inferred only from analysis of grid axes. It does not take in account {@link GridMapping} information.
* This CRS may be overwritten by another CRS parsed from Well Known Text or other attributes. This overwriting is done
* by {@link Variable#getGridGeometry()}. But even if the CRS is going to be overwritten, we still need to create it in
* this method because this CRS will be used for adjusting axis order or for completion if grid mapping does not include
* information for all dimensions.</p>
* @param decoder the decoder for which CRS are constructed.
* @param warnings previous warnings, for avoiding to log the same message twice. Can be null.
* @param linearizations contains CRS to use instead of CRS inferred by this method, or null or empty if none.
* @param reorderGridToCRS an affine transform doing a final step in a "grid to CRS" transform for ordering axes.
* Not used by this method, but may be modified for taking in account axis order changes caused by replacements
* defined in {@code linearizations}. Ignored (can be null) if {@code linearizations} is null.
* @return the CRS for this grid geometry, or {@code null}.
* @throws IOException if an I/O operation was necessary but failed.
* @throws DataStoreException if the CRS cannot be constructed.
final CoordinateReferenceSystem getCoordinateReferenceSystem(final Decoder decoder, final List<Exception> warnings,
final List<GridCacheValue> linearizations, final Matrix reorderGridToCRS)
throws IOException, DataStoreException
final boolean useCache = (linearizations == null) || linearizations.isEmpty();
if (useCache & isCRSDetermined) {
return crs;
} else try {
if (useCache) isCRSDetermined = true; // Set now for avoiding new attempts if creation fail.
final CoordinateReferenceSystem result = CRSBuilder.assemble(decoder, this, linearizations, reorderGridToCRS);
if (useCache) crs = result;
return result;
} catch (FactoryException | NullPointerException ex) {
if (isNewWarning(ex, warnings)) {
canNotCreate(decoder, "getCoordinateReferenceSystem", Resources.Keys.CanNotCreateCRS_3, ex);
return null;
* Returns {@code true} if the given exception has not already been logged.
* If {@code true}, then this method add the given exception to the warnings list.
private static boolean isNewWarning(final Exception ex, final List<Exception> warnings) {
if (warnings != null) {
for (final Exception previous : warnings) {
if (Exceptions.messageEquals(ex, previous)) {
return false;
return true;
* Builds the grid extent if the shape is available. The shape may not be available
* if a dimension has unlimited length. The dimension names are informative only.
* @param axes value of {@link #getAxes(Decoder)}. Element order does not matter for this method.
* @return the extent, or {@code null} if not available.
private GridExtent getExtent(final Axis[] axes) {
final List<Dimension> dimensions = getDimensions();
final int n = dimensions.size();
final long[] high = new long[n];
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
final long length = dimensions.get(i).length();
if (length <= 0) return null;
high[(n-1) - i] = length;
final DimensionNameType[] names = new DimensionNameType[n];
switch (n) {
default: names[1] = DimensionNameType.ROW; // Fall through
case 1: names[0] = DimensionNameType.COLUMN; // Fall through
case 0: break;
for (final Axis axis : axes) {
if (axis.getNumDimensions() == 1) {
final DimensionNameType name;
if (AxisDirections.isVertical(axis.direction)) {
name = DimensionNameType.VERTICAL;
} else if (AxisDirections.isTemporal(axis.direction)) {
name = DimensionNameType.TIME;
} else {
int dim = axis.gridDimensionIndices[0];
dim = names.length - 1 - dim; // Convert netCDF order to "natural" order.
if (dim >= 0) names[dim] = name;
return new GridExtent(names, null, high, false);
* Returns an object containing the grid size, the CRS and the conversion from grid indices to CRS coordinates.
* {@code GridGeometry} is the public object exposed to users. It uses the dimensions given by axes, which are
* usually the same dimensions as the ones of the variable using this grid geometry but not always.
* Caller may need to call {@link GridExtent#resize(long...)} for adjusting.
* @param decoder the decoder for which grid geometries are constructed.
* @return the public grid geometry (may be {@code null}).
* @throws IOException if an I/O operation was necessary but failed.
* @throws DataStoreException if the CRS cannot be constructed.
final GridGeometry getGridGeometry(final Decoder decoder) throws IOException, DataStoreException {
if (!isGeometryDetermined) try {
isGeometryDetermined = true; // Set now for avoiding new attempts if creation fail.
final Axis[] axes = getAxes(decoder); // In CRS order (reverse of netCDF order).
* Creates the "grid to CRS" transform. The number of columns is the number of dimensions in the grid
* (the source) +1, and the number of rows is the number of dimensions in the CRS (the target) +1.
* The order of dimensions in the transform is the reverse of the netCDF dimension order.
int lastSrcDim = getSourceDimensions(); // Will be decremented later, then kept final.
int lastTgtDim = axes.length; // Should be `getTargetDimensions()` but some axes may have been excluded.
final int[] deferred = new int[axes.length]; // Indices of axes that have been deferred.
final List<MathTransform> nonLinears = new ArrayList<>(axes.length);
final Matrix affine = Matrices.createZero(lastTgtDim + 1, lastSrcDim + 1);
affine.setElement(lastTgtDim--, lastSrcDim--, 1);
for (int tgtDim=0; tgtDim < axes.length; tgtDim++) {
if (!axes[tgtDim].trySetTransform(affine, lastSrcDim, tgtDim, nonLinears)) {
deferred[nonLinears.size() - 1] = tgtDim;
* If we have not been able to set some coefficients in the matrix (because some transforms are non-linear),
* set a single scale factor to 1 in the matrix row. The coefficient that we set to 1 is the one for the source
* dimension which is not already taken by another row. If we have choice, we give preference to the dimension
* which seems most closely oriented toward axis direction (i.e. the first element in axis.gridDimensionIndices).
* Example: if the `axes` array contains (longitude, latitude) in that order, and if the longitude axis said
* that its preferred dimension is 1 (after conversion to "natural" order) while the latitude axis said that
* its preferred dimension is 0, then we build the following matrix:
* ┌ ┐
* │ 0 1 0 │ axes[0] (longitude), preferred grid dimension = 1
* │ 1 0 0 │ axes[1] (latitude), preferred grid dimension = 0
* │ 0 0 1 │
* └ ┘
* The preferred grid dimensions are stored in the `gridDimensionIndices` array.
* In above example this is {1, 0}.
final int[] gridDimensionIndices = new int[nonLinears.size()];
Arrays.fill(gridDimensionIndices, -1);
for (int i=0; i<gridDimensionIndices.length; i++) {
final int tgtDim = deferred[i];
final Axis axis = axes[tgtDim];
findFree: for (int srcDim : axis.gridDimensionIndices) { // In preference order (will take only one).
srcDim = lastSrcDim - srcDim; // Convert netCDF order to "natural" order.
for (int j=affine.getNumRow(); --j>=0;) {
if (affine.getElement(j, srcDim) != 0) {
continue findFree;
gridDimensionIndices[i] = srcDim;
affine.setElement(tgtDim, srcDim, 1);
* Search for non-linear transforms not yet constructed. It may be because the transform requires a
* two-dimensional localization grid. Those transforms require two variables, i.e. "two-dimensional"
* axes come in pairs.
final List<GridCacheValue> linearizations = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i=0; i<nonLinears.size(); i++) { // Length of `nonLinears` may change in this loop.
if (nonLinears.get(i) == null) {
for (int j=i; ++j < nonLinears.size();) {
if (nonLinears.get(j) == null) {
* Found a pair of axes. Prepare an array of length 2, to be reordered later in the
* axis order declared in `gridDimensionIndices`. This is not necessarily the same order
* than iteration order because it depends on values of `axis.gridDimensionIndices[0]`.
* Those values take in account what is the "main" dimension of each axis.
final Axis[] gridAxes = new Axis[] {
final int srcDim = gridDimensionIndices[i];
final int otherDim = gridDimensionIndices[j];
switch (srcDim - otherDim) {
case -1: break;
case +1: ArraysExt.swap(gridAxes, 0, 1); break;
default: continue; // Needs axes at consecutive source dimensions.
final GridCacheValue grid = gridAxes[0].createLocalizationGrid(gridAxes[1]);
if (grid != null) {
* Replace the first transform by the two-dimensional localization grid and
* remove the other transform. Removals need to be done in arrays too.
nonLinears.set(i, grid.gridToCRS);
final int n = nonLinears.size() - j;
System.arraycopy(deferred, j+1, deferred, j, n);
System.arraycopy(gridDimensionIndices, j+1, gridDimensionIndices, j, n);
if (otherDim < srcDim) {
gridDimensionIndices[i] = otherDim; // Index of the first dimension.
if (grid.linearizationTarget != null) {
break; // Continue the `i` loop.
* If at least one `gridDimensionIndices` is undefined, the variable is maybe not a grid.
* It happens for example if the variable is a trajectory, in which case we have two
* CRS dimensions (e.g. latitude and longitude) but only one variable dimension;
* the first CRS dimension has been associated to that variable and the other CRS
* dimension is orphan.
for (final int s : gridDimensionIndices) {
if (s < 0) return null;
* Create the coordinate reference system now, because this method may modify the `affine` transform.
* This modification happens only if `Convention.linearizers()` specified transforms to apply on the
* localization grid for making it more linear. This is a profile-dependent feature.
final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = getCoordinateReferenceSystem(decoder, null, linearizations, affine);
* Final transform, as the concatenation of the non-linear transforms followed by the affine transform.
* We concatenate the affine transform last because it may change axis order.
MathTransform gridToCRS = null;
final int nonLinearCount = nonLinears.size();
final MathTransformFactory factory = decoder.getMathTransformFactory();
// Not a non-linear transform, but we abuse this list for convenience.
for (int i=0; i <= nonLinearCount; i++) {
MathTransform tr = nonLinears.get(i);
if (tr != null) {
if (i < nonLinearCount) {
final int srcDim = gridDimensionIndices[i];
tr = factory.createPassThroughTransform(srcDim, tr,
(lastSrcDim + 1) - (srcDim + tr.getSourceDimensions()));
gridToCRS = (gridToCRS == null) ? tr : factory.createConcatenatedTransform(gridToCRS, tr);
* From CF-Convention: "If bounds are not provided, an application might reasonably assume the gridpoints
* to be at the centers of the cells, but we do not require that in this standard". We nevertheless check
* if an axis thinks otherwise.
for (final Axis axis : axes) {
if (axis.isCellCorner()) {
anchor = PixelInCell.CELL_CORNER;
geometry = new GridGeometry(getExtent(axes), anchor, gridToCRS, crs);
} catch (FactoryException | TransformException | IllegalGridGeometryException ex) {
canNotCreate(decoder, "getGridGeometry", Resources.Keys.CanNotCreateGridGeometry_3, ex);
return geometry;
* Returns whether we computed a "grid to CRS" transform relative to pixel center or pixel corner.
* The default value is {@link PixelInCell#CELL_CENTER}, but may be modified after invocation of
* {@link #getGridGeometry(Decoder)}.
final PixelInCell getAnchor() {
return anchor;
* Logs a warning about a CRS or grid geometry that cannot be created.
* @param caller one of {@code "getCoordinateReferenceSystem"} or {@code "getGridGeometry"}.
* @param key one of {@link Resources.Keys#CanNotCreateCRS_3} or {@link Resources.Keys#CanNotCreateGridGeometry_3}.
private void canNotCreate(final Decoder decoder, final String caller, final short key, final Exception ex) {
CharSequence message = null;
if (ex instanceof LocalizationGridException) {
message = ((LocalizationGridException) ex).getPotentialCause();
if (message == null) {
message = ex.getLocalizedMessage();
warning(decoder.listeners, Grid.class, caller, ex, null, key, decoder.getFilename(), getName(), message);