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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.sis.portrayal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.OptionalDouble;
import org.opengis.geometry.Envelope;
import org.opengis.geometry.DirectPosition;
import org.opengis.metadata.extent.GeographicBoundingBox;
import org.opengis.metadata.spatial.DimensionNameType;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.MathTransform;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.TransformException;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.CoordinateOperation;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.grid.PixelInCell;
import org.opengis.util.FactoryException;
import org.apache.sis.util.Utilities;
import org.apache.sis.util.Localized;
import org.apache.sis.util.ArgumentChecks;
import org.apache.sis.util.resources.Errors;
import org.apache.sis.geometry.GeneralDirectPosition;
import org.apache.sis.geometry.GeneralEnvelope;
import org.apache.sis.measure.Units;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.CRS;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.IdentifiedObjects;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.DefaultCoordinateOperationFactory;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.matrix.Matrices;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.matrix.MatrixSIS;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.transform.MathTransforms;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.transform.LinearTransform;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.transform.TransformSeparator;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.privy.ReferencingUtilities;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.privy.DirectPositionView;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.privy.WraparoundApplicator;
import org.apache.sis.util.privy.DoubleDouble;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.grid.IncompleteGridGeometryException;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.grid.GridGeometry;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.grid.GridExtent;
// Specific to the main and geoapi-3.1 branches:
import org.apache.sis.geometry.MismatchedReferenceSystemException;
// Specific to the geoapi-3.1 and geoapi-4.0 branches:
import org.opengis.coordinate.MismatchedDimensionException;
import org.opengis.coverage.CannotEvaluateException;
* Common abstraction for implementations that manage the display and user manipulation
* of spatial graphic elements. This base class makes no assumption about the geometry
* of the display device (e.g. flat video monitor using Cartesian coordinate system,
* or planetarium dome using spherical coordinate system).
* <p>This {@code Canvas} base class does not draw anything by itself.
* Subclasses are responsible for drawing graphic elements.
* The visual contents are usually geographic located symbols, features or images,
* but some implementations can also manage non-geographic elements like a map scale.</p>
* <p>A {@code Canvas} manages four fundamental properties:</p>
* <ul>
* <li>The coordinate reference system to use for displaying data.</li>
* <li>The location of data to display in all dimensions, including the dimensions
* not shown by the display device (for example time).</li>
* <li>The size of the display device, in units of the display coordinate system (typically pixels).</li>
* <li>The conversion from the Coordinate Reference System to the display coordinate system.</li>
* </ul>
* Those properties are explained in more details below. Other information, for example the
* geographic bounding box of the data shown on screen, are inferred from above properties.
* <h2>Coordinate Reference Systems</h2>
* There are three {@linkplain CoordinateReferenceSystem Coordinate Reference Systems}
* involved in the rendering of geospatial data:
* <ol class="verbose">
* <li>The <dfn>data CRS</dfn> is specific to the data to be displayed.
* It may be anything convertible to the <i>objective CRS</i>.
* Different graphic elements may use different data CRS,
* potentially with a different number of dimensions.</li>
* <li>The {@linkplain #getObjectiveCRS objective CRS} is the common CRS in which all data
* are converted before to be displayed. If the objective CRS involves a map projection,
* it determines the deformation of shapes that user will see on the display device.
* The objective CRS should have the same number of dimensions as the display device
* (often 2). Its domain of validity should be wide enough for encompassing all data.
* The {@link CRS#suggestCommonTarget CRS.suggestCommonTarget(…)} method may be helpful
* for choosing an objective CRS from a set of data CRS.</li>
* <li>The {@linkplain #getDisplayCRS display CRS} is the coordinate system of the display device.
* The {@linkplain #getObjectiveToDisplay() conversion from objective CRS to display CRS}
* should be an affine transform with a scale, a translation and optionally a rotation.
* This conversion changes every time that the user zooms or scrolls on viewed data.</li>
* </ol>
* <h2>Location of data to display</h2>
* In addition of above-cited Coordinate Reference Systems, a {@code Canvas} also contains a point of interest.
* The point of interest is often, but not necessarily, at the center of display area.
* It defines the position where {@linkplain #getSpatialResolution() resolutions} will be computed,
* and the position to keep fixed when scales and rotations are applied.
* <p>The point of interest can be expressed in any CRS;
* it does not need to be the objective CRS or the CRS of any data.
* However, the CRS of that point must have enough dimensions for being convertible to the CRS of all data.
* This rule implies that the number of dimensions of the point of interest is equal or greater than
* the highest number of dimensions found in data. The purpose is not only to specify which point to show in
* (typically) the center of the display area, but also to specify which slice to select in all dimensions
* not shown by the display device.</p>
* <h3>Example</h3>
* If some data have (<var>x</var>,<var>y</var>,<var>z</var>) dimensions and
* other data have (<var>x</var>,<var>y</var>,<var>t</var>) dimensions, then the point of interest shall contain
* coordinate values for at least all of the (<var>x</var>,<var>y</var>,<var>z</var>,<var>t</var>) dimensions
* (i.e. it must be 4-dimensional, even if all data in this example are 3-dimensional). If the display device
* is a two-dimensional screen showing map in the (<var>x</var>,<var>y</var>) dimensions (horizontal plane),
* then the point of interest defines the <var>z</var> value (elevation or depth) and the <var>t</var> value
* (date and time) of the slice to show.
* <h2>Display device size</h2>
* The geographic extent of data to be rendered is constrained by the zoom level and the display device size.
* The display size is given by {@link #getDisplayBounds()} as an envelope having the number of dimensions of
* the display device. The display bounds is usually given in {@linkplain Units#PIXEL pixel units}, but other
* units such as {@link Units#POINT} are also authorized.
* The zoom level is given indirectly by the {@link #getObjectiveToDisplay()} transform.
* The display device may have a wraparound axis, for example in the spherical coordinate system of a planetarium.
* <h2>Multi-threading</h2>
* {@code Canvas} is not thread-safe. Synchronization, if desired, must be done by the caller.
* Another common strategy is to interact with {@code Canvas} from a single thread,
* for example the Swing or JavaFX event queue.
* @author Johann Sorel (Geomatys)
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
* @version 1.4
* @since 1.1
public class Canvas extends Observable implements Localized {
* The {@value} property name, used for notifications about changes in objective CRS.
* The objective CRS is the Coordinate Reference System in which all data are transformed before displaying.
* Its number of dimension is the determined by the display device (two for flat screens).
* Associated values are instances of {@link CoordinateReferenceSystem}.
* @see #getObjectiveCRS()
* @see #setObjectiveCRS(CoordinateReferenceSystem, DirectPosition)
* @see #addPropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener)
public static final String OBJECTIVE_CRS_PROPERTY = "objectiveCRS";
* The {@value} property name, used for notifications about changes in <i>objective to display</i> conversion.
* This conversion maps coordinates in the {@linkplain #getObjectiveCRS() objective CRS} to coordinates in the
* {@linkplain #getDisplayCRS() display CRS}. Associated values are instances of {@link LinearTransform}.
* The event class is the {@link TransformChangeEvent} specialization.
* @see #getObjectiveToDisplay()
* @see #setObjectiveToDisplay(LinearTransform)
* @see #addPropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener)
public static final String OBJECTIVE_TO_DISPLAY_PROPERTY = "objectiveToDisplay";
* The {@value} property name, used for notifications about changes in bounds of display device.
* It may be for example changes in the size of the window were data are shown.
* Associated values are instances of {@link Envelope}.
* @see #getDisplayBounds()
* @see #setDisplayBounds(Envelope)
* @see #addPropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener)
public static final String DISPLAY_BOUNDS_PROPERTY = "displayBounds";
* The {@value} property name, used for notifications about changes in point of interest.
* The point of interest defines the location of a representative point,
* typically (but not necessarily) in the center of the data bounding box.
* It defines also the slice coordinate values in all dimensions beyond the ones shown by the device.
* Associated values are instances of {@link DirectPosition}.
* @see #getPointOfInterest(boolean)
* @see #setPointOfInterest(DirectPosition)
* @see #addPropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener)
public static final String POINT_OF_INTEREST_PROPERTY = "pointOfInterest";
* The {@value} property name.
* The grid geometry is a synthetic property computed from other properties when requested.
* The computed grid geometry may change every time that a {@value #OBJECTIVE_CRS_PROPERTY},
* {@value #POINT_OF_INTEREST_PROPERTY} property is changed. We do not (at this time) fire
* {@value} change events because computing a new grid geometry for every changes of above-cited
* properties would be costly. An alternative approach could be to fire {@value} event only when
* {@link #setGridGeometry(GridGeometry)} is explicitly invoked, but it could be misleading if
* it gives the false impression that the grid geometry did not changed because a listener did
* not received an {@value} event.
* @see #getGridGeometry()
* @see #setGridGeometry(GridGeometry)
private static final String GRID_GEOMETRY_PROPERTY = "gridGeometry";
* The {@value} property name. The geographic area is a synthetic property computed
* and {@value #OBJECTIVE_CRS_PROPERTY}. There are no events fired for this property.
* @see #getGeographicArea()
private static final String GEOGRAPHIC_AREA_PROPERTY = "geographicArea";
* The {@value} property name. The resolution is a synthetic property computed from
* {@value #OBJECTIVE_CRS_PROPERTY}. There are no events fired for this property.
* @see #getSpatialResolution()
private static final String SPATIAL_RESOLUTION_PROPERTY = "spatialResolution";
* The coordinate reference system in which to transform all data before displaying.
* If {@code null}, then no transformation is applied and data coordinates are used directly
* as display coordinates, regardless the data CRS (even if different data use different CRS).
* @see #getObjectiveCRS()
* @see #setObjectiveCRS(CoordinateReferenceSystem, DirectPosition)
* @see #augmentedObjectiveCRS
private CoordinateReferenceSystem objectiveCRS;
* The conversion from {@linkplain #getObjectiveCRS() objective CRS} to the display coordinate system.
* Conceptually this conversion should never be null (its initial value is the identity conversion).
* However, subclasses may use a more specialized type such as {@link java.awt.geom.AffineTransform}
* and set this field to {@code null} for recomputing it from the specialized type when requested.
* @see #getObjectiveToDisplay()
* @see #setObjectiveToDisplay(LinearTransform)
private LinearTransform objectiveToDisplay;
* The size and location of the output device, modified in-place if the size change.
* The CRS of this envelope is the display CRS. Coordinate values are initially NaN.
* @see #getDisplayBounds()
* @see #getDisplayCRS()
* @see #setDisplayBounds(Envelope)
final GeneralEnvelope displayBounds;
* A point (in display coordinates) considered representative of the data.
* This is the default location where Jacobian matrices are computed when needed.
* This is typically (but not necessarily) the center of data bounding box.
* May become outside the viewing area after zooms or translations have been applied.
* Also used for selecting a slice in all supplemental dimensions.
* If {@code null}, then calculations that depend on a point of interest are skipped.
* @see #getPointOfInterest(boolean)
* @see #setPointOfInterest(DirectPosition)
private GeneralDirectPosition pointOfInterest;
* The point of interest transformed to the objective CRS, or {@code null} if {@link #pointOfInterest}
* has not yet been provided. This point shall be updated immediately when {@link #pointOfInterest} is
* updated, as a way to verify that the point is valid.
* <p>There is no setter method for this property. It is computed from {@link #pointOfInterest}
* and {@link #objectiveCRS} (indirectly, through {@link #multidimToObjective}) and should be
* recomputed when any of those properties changed.</p>
* @see #getObjectivePOI()
* @see #getGridGeometry()
private DirectPosition objectivePOI;
* The transform from the multi-dimensional CRS of {@link #pointOfInterest} to the objective CRS.
* This is the transform used for computing {@link #objectivePOI}. This transform may reduce the
* number of dimensions.
* <p>There is no setter method for this property. It is computed from {@link #pointOfInterest}
* and {@link #objectiveCRS} and should be recomputed when any of those properties changed.</p>
* <p>In current implementation, this transform may depend on the zoom level and viewed geographic
* area at the time this transform has been computed. The transform could be slightly different if
* it has been computed at the time a different geographic area was viewed. Those variations may exist
* because {@link #findTransform(CoordinateReferenceSystem, CoordinateReferenceSystem, boolean)} takes
* in account the current viewing conditions. We may need to revisit this behavior in the future if
* it appears to be a problem.</p>
* @see #getGridGeometry()
private MathTransform multidimToObjective;
* The {@link #objectiveCRS} augmented with additional dimensions found in {@link #pointOfInterest}.
* This field is initially {@code null} and computed only if needed. It may be reset to {@code null}
* at any time if the properties used for computing this value changed.
* <p>If the point of interest has no supplemental dimension, then this CRS is {@link #objectiveCRS}.
* Otherwise {@linkplain #supplementalDimensions supplemental dimensions} are added on a best effort
* basis: some supplemental dimensions may be missing if we have not been able to separate components
* from the Point Of Interest CRS.</p>
* @see #getGridGeometry()
private CoordinateReferenceSystem augmentedObjectiveCRS;
* The dimensions in the Point Of Interest CRS that are not in the {@link #objectiveCRS}.
* Those dimensions are encoded as a bitmask: if dimension <var>n</var> is a supplemental
* dimension, then the bit {@code 1L << n} is set to 1. This encoding implies that we can
* not handle more than {@value Long#SIZE} dimensions at this time.
* <p>The value of this field is invalid if {@link #augmentedObjectiveCRS} is {@code null}.
* Those two fields are computed together.</p>
* @see #getGridGeometry()
private long supplementalDimensions;
* Type of each grid axis (column, row, vertical, temporal, …) or {@code null} if unspecified.
* This is only a help for debugging purpose, by providing more information to the developers.
* Those types should not be used for any "real" work.
* @see #getGridGeometry()
private DimensionNameType[] axisTypes;
* The grid geometry, computed when first needed and reset to {@code null} when invalidated.
* This is invalidated when any {@link Canvas} property is modified. In particular, this is
* invalidated every time that the {@link #objectiveToDisplay} transform changes. Note that
* "objective to display" changes happen much more often than changes in other properties.
* <p>The {@link #augmentedObjectiveCRS}, {@link #supplementalDimensions}, {@link #multidimToObjective},
* {@link #objectivePOI} and {@link #axisTypes} objects are intermediate calculations with typically a
* longer lifetime than {@code gridGeometry}. They are saved for faster recomputation of grid geometry
* when only the {@link #objectiveToDisplay} transform has changed.</p>
private GridGeometry gridGeometry;
* The context (geographic area and desired resolution) for selecting a coordinate operation.
* The information contained in this object can opportunistically be used for providing the
* geographic area and spatial resolution of this canvas.
* @see #getGeographicArea()
* @see #getSpatialResolution()
* @see #findTransform(CoordinateReferenceSystem, CoordinateReferenceSystem, boolean)
private final CanvasContext operationContext;
* The factory to use for creating coordinate operations. This factory allow us to specify the area
* of interest (the geographic region shown by this {@code Canvas}) and the desired resolution.
* @see #findTransform(CoordinateReferenceSystem, CoordinateReferenceSystem, boolean)
private final DefaultCoordinateOperationFactory coordinateOperationFactory;
* The locale for labels or error messages, or {@code null} for the default.
private final Locale locale;
* Creates a new canvas for a display device using the given coordinate reference system.
* The display CRS of a canvas cannot be changed after construction.
* Its coordinate system depends on the display device shape
* (for example a two-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system for flat screens,
* or a polar or spherical coordinate system for planetarium domes).
* The axis units of measurement are typically (but not necessarily) {@link Units#PIXEL}
* for Cartesian coordinate systems, with {@link Units#DEGREE} in polar, cylindrical or
* spherical coordinate systems.
* @param displayCRS the coordinate system of the display device.
* @param locale the locale to use for labels and some messages, or {@code null} for default.
protected Canvas(final EngineeringCRS displayCRS, final Locale locale) {
this.locale = locale;
ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull("displayCRS", displayCRS);
displayBounds = new GeneralEnvelope(displayCRS);
coordinateOperationFactory = DefaultCoordinateOperationFactory.provider();
operationContext = new CanvasContext();
* Returns the locale used for texts or for producing some error messages.
* May be {@code null} if no locale has been specified, in which case
* the {@linkplain Locale#getDefault() system default} should be used.
* @return the locale for messages, or {@code null} if not explicitly defined.
public Locale getLocale() {
return locale;
* Returns the number of dimensions of the display device.
* Subclasses may override for a little bit more efficiency.
int getDisplayDimensions() {
return ReferencingUtilities.getDimension(getDisplayCRS());
* Gets the name of display axes and stores them in the given array. Those display axis names
* are used for debugging purposes only, as an additional information provided to developers.
* Those names should not be used for any "real" work. The default implementation does nothing
* since this base {@link Canvas} class does not know well the geometry of the display device.
* It is okay to leave elements to {@code null}.
* @param axisTypes where to store the name of display axes. The array length will be
* at least {@link #getDisplayDimensions()} (it will often be longer).
void getDisplayAxes(final DimensionNameType[] axisTypes) {
* Returns the Coordinate Reference System of the display device.
* The axis units of measurement are typically (but not necessarily) {@link Units#PIXEL}
* for Cartesian coordinate systems, with {@link Units#DEGREE} in polar, cylindrical or
* spherical coordinate systems. The coordinate system may have a wraparound axis for
* some "exotic" display devices (e.g. planetarium dome).
* <p>Note that the {@link CRS#findOperation CRS.findOperation(…)} static method can generally
* not handle this display CRS. To apply coordinate operations on display coordinates,
* {@link #getObjectiveToDisplay()} transform must be inverted and used.</p>
* <h4>Usage note</h4>
* Invoking this method is rarely needed.
* It is sufficient to said that a display CRS exists at least conceptually,
* and that we define a conversion from the objective CRS to that display CRS.
* This method may be useful when the subclasses may be something else than {@link PlanarCanvas},
* in which case the caller may want more information about the geometry of the display device.
* @return the Coordinate Reference System of the display device.
* @see #getObjectiveCRS()
* @see #getObjectiveToDisplay()
public final EngineeringCRS getDisplayCRS() {
return (EngineeringCRS) displayBounds.getCoordinateReferenceSystem();
* Returns the Coordinate Reference System in which all data are transformed before displaying.
* After conversion to this CRS, coordinates should be related to the display device coordinates
* with only a final scale, a translation and optionally a rotation remaining to apply.
* <p>This value may be {@code null} on newly created {@code Canvas}, before data are added and canvas
* is configured. It should not be {@code null} anymore once a {@code Canvas} is ready for displaying.</p>
* @return the Coordinate Reference System in which to transform all data before displaying.
* @see #getDisplayCRS()
* @see #getObjectiveToDisplay()
public CoordinateReferenceSystem getObjectiveCRS() {
return objectiveCRS;
* Sets the Coordinate Reference System in which all data are transformed before displaying.
* The new CRS must be compatible with the previous CRS, i.e. a coordinate operation between
* the two CRSs shall exist. If this is not the case (e.g. for rendering completely new data),
* use {@link #setGridGeometry(GridGeometry)} instead.
* <p>The given CRS should have a domain of validity wide enough for encompassing all data
* (the {@link CRS#suggestCommonTarget CRS.suggestCommonTarget(…)} method may be helpful
* for choosing an objective CRS from a set of data CRS).
* If the given value is different than the previous value, then a change event is sent to
* all listeners registered for the {@value #OBJECTIVE_CRS_PROPERTY} property.</p>
* <p>If the transform between old and new CRS is not identity, then this method recomputes the
* <i>objective to display</i> conversion in a way preserving the display coordinates of the given anchor,
* together with the scales and orientations of features in close neighborhood of that point.
* This calculation may cause {@value #OBJECTIVE_TO_DISPLAY_PROPERTY} property change event
* with the {@link TransformChangeEvent.Reason#CRS_CHANGE} reason to be sent to listeners.
* That event is sent after the above-cited {@value #OBJECTIVE_CRS_PROPERTY} event
* (note that {@value #POINT_OF_INTEREST_PROPERTY} stay unchanged).
* All those change events are sent only after all property values have been updated to their new values.</p>
* @param newValue the new Coordinate Reference System in which to transform all data before displaying.
* @param anchor the point to keep at fixed display coordinates, expressed in any compatible CRS.
* If {@code null}, defaults to {@linkplain #getPointOfInterest(boolean) point of interest}.
* If non-null, the anchor must be associated to a CRS.
* @throws NullPointerException if the given CRS is null.
* @throws MismatchedDimensionException if the given CRS does not have the number of dimensions of the display device.
* @throws RenderException if the objective CRS cannot be set to the given value for another reason.
public void setObjectiveCRS(final CoordinateReferenceSystem newValue, DirectPosition anchor) throws RenderException {
ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull(OBJECTIVE_CRS_PROPERTY, newValue);
ArgumentChecks.ensureDimensionMatches(OBJECTIVE_CRS_PROPERTY, getDisplayDimensions(), newValue);
final CoordinateReferenceSystem oldValue = objectiveCRS;
if (!newValue.equals(oldValue)) try {
final CoordinateOperation newToGeo = objectiveToGeographic(newValue);
LinearTransform oldObjectiveToDisplay = null;
LinearTransform newObjectiveToDisplay = null;
if (oldValue != null) {
* Compute the change unconditionally as a way to verify that the new CRS is compatible with
* data currently shown. Another reason is that checking identity transform is more reliable
* than the `compareIgnoreMetadata(oldValue, newValue)` check.
* Note: we are invoking `findTransform(…)` with a CoordinateOperationContext computed from
* the old CRS. But it is okay because the context information are geographic area (degrees)
* and approximate resolution (metres), which should not change a lot since we will continue
* to view the same area after the CRS change. Those information only need to be approximate
* anyway, and in many cases will be totally ignored by `findTransform(…)`.
final MathTransform newToOld = findTransform(newValue, oldValue, false);
if (pointOfInterest != null && !newToOld.isIdentity()) {
final CoordinateReferenceSystem poiCRS = pointOfInterest.getCoordinateReferenceSystem();
final MathTransform poiToNew = findTransform(poiCRS, newValue, false);
final DirectPosition poiInNew = poiToNew.transform(pointOfInterest, allocatePosition());
* We need anchor in new CRS. If no anchor was specified, `poiInNew` is already what we need.
* Otherwise convert the anchor to coordinates in the new CRS. There is good chances that the
* anchor CRS is the objective CRS, so we can reuse `poiToNew`.
if (anchor == null) {
anchor = poiInNew;
} else {
final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = anchor.getCoordinateReferenceSystem();
ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull("anchor.CRS", crs);
if (!Utilities.equalsIgnoreMetadata(crs, newValue)) {
MathTransform anchorToNew = poiToNew;
if (!Utilities.equalsIgnoreMetadata(crs, poiCRS)) {
anchorToNew = findTransform(crs, newValue, true);
anchor = anchorToNew.transform(anchor, allocatePosition());
* We want pixel coordinates of the Point Of Interest (POI) to be unaffected by the change of CRS,
* and the Jacobian matrix around POI to be approximately the same. Conceptually, this is as if we
* wanted to convert from new CRS to old CRS before to apply the old `objectiveToCRS` transform.
* We get this effect by pre-concatenating a linear approximation of "new to old CRS" transform
* before `objectiveToCRS`. That approximation contains only uniform scale, rotation or axis flips
* in order to preserve pixel ratios (otherwise the map projection would appear deformed).
oldObjectiveToDisplay = getObjectiveToDisplay();
final WraparoundApplicator wp = new WraparoundApplicator(null, objectivePOI, oldValue.getCoordinateSystem());
final MathTransform change = orthogonalTangent(wp.forDomainOfUse(newToOld), anchor.getCoordinates());
final MathTransform result = MathTransforms.concatenate(change, oldObjectiveToDisplay);
* The result is the new `objectiveToTransform` such as the display is unchanged around POI.
* That transform should be an instance of `LinearTransform` because the two concatenated
* transforms were linear, but we nevertheless invoke `tangent(…)` as a safety;
* normally it should just return the `result` as-is.
newObjectiveToDisplay = MathTransforms.tangent(result, poiInNew);
objectivePOI = poiInNew; // Set only after everything else succeeded.
multidimToObjective = poiToNew;
augmentedObjectiveCRS = null; // Will be recomputed when first needed.
axisTypes = null;
gridGeometry = null;
objectiveCRS = newValue; // Set only after everything else succeeded.
firePropertyChange(OBJECTIVE_CRS_PROPERTY, oldValue, newValue);
fireIfChanged(oldObjectiveToDisplay, newObjectiveToDisplay, false); // Shall be after CRS change event.
} catch (FactoryException | TransformException e) {
throw new RenderException(errors().getString(Errors.Keys.CanNotSetPropertyValue_1, OBJECTIVE_CRS_PROPERTY), e);
* Computes the approximate change from a new {@link #objectiveToDisplay} to the old one for keeping the
* Point Of Interest (POI) at the same location. The given {@code newToOld} argument is the change as a
* potentially non-linear transform. The transform returned by this method is a linear approximation of
* {@code newToOld} {@linkplain MathTransforms#tangent tangent} at the POI, but with orthogonal vectors.
* In other words, the returned transform may apply a uniform scale, a rotation or flip axes, but no shear.
* @param newToOld the change as a potentially non-linear transform.
* @param poiInNew point of interest in the coordinates of the new objective CRS.
* @return an approximation of {@code newToOld} with only uniform scale, rotation and axis flips.
* @see MathTransforms#tangent(MathTransform, DirectPosition)
private static MathTransform orthogonalTangent(final MathTransform newToOld, final double[] poiInNew)
throws TransformException, RenderException
final double[] poiInOld = new double[newToOld.getTargetDimensions()];
final MatrixSIS derivative = MatrixSIS.castOrCopy(MathTransforms.derivativeAndTransform(newToOld, poiInNew, 0, poiInOld, 0));
final MatrixSIS magnitudes = derivative.normalizeColumns();
final MatrixSIS affine = Matrices.createAffine(derivative, new DirectPositionView.Double(poiInOld));
final int srcDim = magnitudes.getNumCol();
DoubleDouble scale = DoubleDouble.ZERO; // Will be set to average magnitude value.
for (int i=0; i<srcDim; i++) {
scale = scale.add(magnitudes.getNumber(0, i), false);
scale = scale.divide(srcDim);
* Following code assumes a two-dimensional rotation matrix. We have not yet explored how
* to generalize to n-dimensional case (Gram–Schmidt process may be a path to explore).
* We want:
* ┌ ┐ ┌ ┐
* │ m₀₀ m₀₁ │ ≈ │ cos(θ) −sin(θ) │
* │ m₁₀ m₁₁ │ │ sin(θ) cos(θ) │
* └ ┘ └ ┘
* We want some "average" value for |cos(θ)| (the sign will be adjusted later).
* The root mean square (RMS) is convenient because of cos²(θ) = 1 − sin²(θ):
* |cos(θ)| ≈ √((m₀₀² + (1 − m₀₁²) + (1 − m₁₀²) + m₁₁²) / 4)
if (srcDim == PlanarCanvas.BIDIMENSIONAL && poiInOld.length == PlanarCanvas.BIDIMENSIONAL) {
final double ms = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, (cps(affine, 0) + cps(affine, 1) + 2) / 4));
final double sin = Math.sqrt(1 - ms);
final double cos = Math.sqrt( ms);
for (int row = 0; row <= 1; row++) {
final int sor = row ^ 1;
affine.setElement(row, row, Math.copySign(cos, affine.getElement(row, row)));
affine.setElement(row, sor, Math.copySign(sin, affine.getElement(row, sor)));
} else {
throw new RenderException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.UnsupportedCoordinateSystem_1, "3D"));
for (int i=0; i<srcDim; i++) {
affine.convertBefore(i, scale, null); // Use same scale factor for all coordinates.
affine.convertBefore(i, null, -poiInNew[i]);
return MathTransforms.linear(affine);
* Computes cos(θ)² − sin²(θ) on the given matrix row. Caller needs to add 1 for getting the sum
* of squares of cosine values. That addition should be done last for reducing rounding errors.
private static double cps(final MatrixSIS affine, final int row) {
final double cos = affine.getElement(row, row);
final double sin = affine.getElement(row, row ^ 1);
return cos*cos - sin*sin;
* Returns the (usually affine) conversion from objective CRS to display coordinate system.
* The source coordinates shall be in the CRS given by {@link #getObjectiveCRS()} and the
* converted coordinates will be in the CRS given by {@link #getDisplayCRS()}.
* <p>The <i>objective to display</i> conversion changes every time that user zooms
* or scrolls on viewed data. However, the transform returned by this method is a snapshot
* taken at the time this method is invoked; subsequent changes in the <i>objective to
* display</i> conversion are not reflected in the returned transform.</p>
* @return snapshot of the (usually affine) conversion from objective CRS
* to display coordinate system (never {@code null}).
* @see #getObjectiveCRS()
* @see #getDisplayCRS()
public LinearTransform getObjectiveToDisplay() {
if (objectiveToDisplay == null) {
objectiveToDisplay = createObjectiveToDisplay();
return objectiveToDisplay;
* Returns the current <i>objective to display</i> conversion managed by the subclass.
* This method is invoked only if {@link #objectiveToDisplay} is {@code null}, which may
* happen either at initialization time or if the subclass uses its own specialized field
* instead of {@link #objectiveToDisplay} for managing changes in the zooms or viewed area.
* This method needs to be overridden only by subclasses using such specialization.
* @return objective to display conversion created from current value managed by subclass.
* @see #setObjectiveToDisplayImpl(LinearTransform)
LinearTransform createObjectiveToDisplay() {
return MathTransforms.identity(getDisplayDimensions());
* Sets the conversion from objective CRS to display coordinate system.
* If the given value is different than the previous value, then a change event is sent
* to all listeners registered for the {@value #OBJECTIVE_TO_DISPLAY_PROPERTY} property.
* The event reason is {@link TransformChangeEvent.Reason#ASSIGNMENT}.
* <p>Invoking this method has the effect of changing the viewed area, the zoom level or the rotation of the map.
* It does not update the {@value #POINT_OF_INTEREST_PROPERTY} property however. The point of interest may move
* outside the view area as a result of this method call.</p>
* @param newValue the new <i>objective to display</i> conversion.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if given the transform does not have the expected number of dimensions or is not affine.
* @throws RenderException if the <i>objective to display</i> transform cannot be set to the given value for another reason.
public void setObjectiveToDisplay(final LinearTransform newValue) throws RenderException {
ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull(OBJECTIVE_TO_DISPLAY_PROPERTY, newValue);
final int expected = getDisplayDimensions();
int actual = newValue.getSourceDimensions();
if (actual == expected) {
actual = newValue.getTargetDimensions();
if (actual == expected) {
LinearTransform oldValue = objectiveToDisplay; // Do not invoke user-overridable method.
if (oldValue == null) {
oldValue = createObjectiveToDisplay();
if (!oldValue.equals(newValue)) {
firePropertyChange(new TransformChangeEvent(this, oldValue, newValue,
throw new org.opengis.geometry.MismatchedDimensionException(errors().getString(
Errors.Keys.MismatchedDimension_3, OBJECTIVE_TO_DISPLAY_PROPERTY, expected, actual));
* Actually sets the conversion from objective CRS to display coordinate system.
* Contrarily to other setter methods, this method does not notify listeners about that change;
* it is caller responsibility to fire a {@link TransformChangeEvent} after all fields are updated.
* This design choice is because this method is usually invoked as part of a larger set of changes.
* <p>If the new value is {@code null}, then this method only declares that the {@link #objectiveToDisplay}
* transform became invalid and will need to be recomputed. It is subclasses responsibility to recompute the
* transform in their {@link #createObjectiveToDisplay()}.</p>
* @param newValue the new "objective to display" transform, or {@code null} if it will be computed later
* by {@link #createObjectiveToDisplay()}. A null value is okay only when invoked by subclasses that
* overrode {@link #createObjectiveToDisplay()}.
* @see #createObjectiveToDisplay()
void setObjectiveToDisplayImpl(final LinearTransform newValue) {
objectiveToDisplay = newValue;
gridGeometry = null;
* Returns the size and location of the display device.
* The unit of measurement is typically (but not necessarily) pixels.
* The coordinate values are often integers, but this is not mandatory.
* The coordinate reference system is given by {@link #getDisplayCRS()}.
* <p>This value may be {@code null} on newly created {@code Canvas}, before data are added and canvas
* is configured. It should not be {@code null} anymore once a {@code Canvas} is ready for displaying.</p>
* @return size and location of the display device.
* @see #getGeographicArea()
public Envelope getDisplayBounds() {
return displayBounds.isAllNaN() ? null : new GeneralEnvelope(displayBounds);
* Sets the size and location of the display device. The envelope CRS shall be either the
* {@linkplain #getDisplayCRS() display CRS} or unspecified, in which case the display CRS
* is assumed. Unit of measurement is typically (but not necessarily) {@link Units#PIXEL}.
* If the given value is different than the previous value, then a change event is sent to
* all listeners registered for the {@value #DISPLAY_BOUNDS_PROPERTY} property.
* @param newValue the new display bounds.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given envelope does not have the expected CRS or number of dimensions.
* @throws RenderException if the display bounds cannot be set to the given value for another reason.
public void setDisplayBounds(final Envelope newValue) throws RenderException {
ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull(DISPLAY_BOUNDS_PROPERTY, newValue);
final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = newValue.getCoordinateReferenceSystem();
if (crs != null && !Utilities.equalsIgnoreMetadata(getDisplayCRS(), crs)) {
throw new MismatchedReferenceSystemException(errors().getString(
Errors.Keys.IllegalCoordinateSystem_1, IdentifiedObjects.getDisplayName(crs, getLocale())));
final GeneralEnvelope oldValue = new GeneralEnvelope(displayBounds);
if (displayBounds.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(errors().getString(Errors.Keys.EmptyProperty_1, DISPLAY_BOUNDS_PROPERTY));
if (!oldValue.equals(displayBounds)) {
gridGeometry = null;
operationContext.partialClear(false); // Resolution is still valid.
firePropertyChange(DISPLAY_BOUNDS_PROPERTY, oldValue, newValue); // Do not publish reference to `displayBounds`.
* Returns the coordinates of a point considered representative of the data.
* This is typically (but not necessarily) the center of data bounding box.
* This point is used for example as the default location where to compute resolution
* (the resolution may vary at each pixel because of map projection deformations).
* This position may become outside the viewing area after zooms or translations have been applied.
* <p>The coordinates can be given in their original CRS or in the {@linkplain #getObjectiveCRS() objective CRS}.
* If {@code objective} is {@code false}, then the returned position can be expressed in any CRS convertible to
* data or objective CRS. If that CRS has more dimensions than the {@linkplain #getObjectiveCRS() objective CRS},
* then the supplemental dimensions specify which slice to show
* (for example the depth of the horizontal plane to display, or the date of the dynamic phenomenon to display.
* See {@linkplain Canvas class javadoc} for more discussion.)
* If {@code objective} is {@code true}, then the position is transformed to the objective CRS.</p>
* <p>This value is initially {@code null}. A value should be specified either by invoking
* {@link #setPointOfInterest(DirectPosition)} or {@link #setGridGeometry(GridGeometry)}.</p>
* @param objective whether to return a position transformed to {@linkplain #getObjectiveCRS() objective CRS}.
* @return coordinates of a representative point, or {@code null} if unspecified.
public DirectPosition getPointOfInterest(final boolean objective) {
final DirectPosition poi = objective ? objectivePOI : pointOfInterest;
return (poi != null) ? new GeneralDirectPosition(poi) : null;
* Sets the coordinates of a representative point inside the data bounding box.
* If the given value is different than the previous value, then a change event is sent to all listeners
* registered for the {@value #POINT_OF_INTEREST_PROPERTY} property.
* @param newValue the new coordinates of a representative point.
* @throws NullPointerException if the given position is null.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given position does not have a CRS.
* @throws RenderException if the point of interest cannot be set to the given value.
public void setPointOfInterest(final DirectPosition newValue) throws RenderException {
ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull(POINT_OF_INTEREST_PROPERTY, newValue);
final GeneralDirectPosition copy = new GeneralDirectPosition(newValue);
final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = copy.getCoordinateReferenceSystem();
if (crs == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(errors().getString(Errors.Keys.UnspecifiedCRS));
final GeneralDirectPosition oldValue = pointOfInterest;
if (!copy.equals(oldValue)) try {
* If the user has not yet specified an objective CRS, takes the Point Of Interest CRS
* (only the number of dimensions that the display device can show).
if (objectiveCRS == null) {
final CoordinateReferenceSystem newObjectiveCRS = CRS.getComponentAt(crs, 0, getDisplayDimensions());
if (newObjectiveCRS == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot infer objective CRS.");
// Message not localized yet because we should probably try harder.
objectiveCRS = newObjectiveCRS; // Set only on success.
* Transform the Point Of Interest to the objective CRS as a way to test its validity.
* All canvas fields will be updated only if this operation succeeds.
* Note 1: in the CoordinateOperationContext used for selecting a MathTransform, the geographic area is
* still the same but the spatial resolution could be slightly different because computed at a new point
* of interest. But we cannot use the new point of interest now, because we need the MathTransform for
* computing it. However, in practice the resolution is often ignored, or does not vary a lot in regions
* where it matter. So we assume it is okay to keep the CoordinateOperationContext with old resolution
* in the following call to `findTransform(…)` or usage of `multidimToObjective`.
* Note 2: `oldValue` cannot be null if `multidimToObjective` is non-null.
MathTransform mt = multidimToObjective;
if (mt == null || !Utilities.equalsIgnoreMetadata(crs, oldValue.getCoordinateReferenceSystem())) {
mt = findTransform(crs, objectiveCRS, false);
objectivePOI = mt.transform(copy, allocatePosition());
pointOfInterest = copy; // Set only after transform succeeded.
multidimToObjective = mt;
augmentedObjectiveCRS = null; // Will be recomputed when first needed.
axisTypes = null;
gridGeometry = null;
operationContext.partialClear(true); // Geographic area is still valid.
firePropertyChange(POINT_OF_INTEREST_PROPERTY, oldValue, newValue); // Do not publish reference to `copy`.
} catch (FactoryException | TransformException e) {
throw new RenderException(errors().getString(Errors.Keys.CanNotSetPropertyValue_1, POINT_OF_INTEREST_PROPERTY), e);
* Returns the coordinate values of the Point Of Interest (POI) in objective CRS.
* The array length should be equal to {@link #getDisplayDimensions()}.
* May be {@code null} if the point of interest is unknown.
final double[] getObjectivePOI() {
return (objectivePOI != null) ? objectivePOI.getCoordinates() : null;
* Returns canvas properties (CRS, display bounds, conversion) encapsulated in a grid geometry.
* This is a convenience method for interoperability with grid coverage API.
* If {@link #setGridGeometry(GridGeometry)} has been invoked with a non-null value and no other
* {@code Canvas} property changed since that method call, then this method returns that value.
* Otherwise this method computes a grid geometry as described below.
* <p>The set of {@link GridGeometry} dimensions includes all the dimensions of the objective CRS,
* augmented with all (if possible) or some supplemental dimensions found in the point of interest.
* For example if the canvas manages only (<var>x</var>,<var>y</var>) coordinates but the point of
* interest includes also a <var>t</var> coordinate, then a third dimension (which we call the
* <i>supplemental dimension</i>) for <var>t</var> is added to the CRS, {@link GridExtent}
* and "grid to CRS" transform of the returned grid geometry.</p>
* <table class="sis">
* <caption>Canvas properties → grid geometry properties</caption>
* <tr>
* <th>Grid geometry element</th>
* <th>Display dimensions</th>
* <th>Supplemental dimensions</th>
* </tr><tr>
* <td>{@link GridGeometry#getCoordinateReferenceSystem()}</td>
* <td>{@link #getObjectiveCRS()}.</td>
* <td>Some of <code>{@linkplain #getPointOfInterest(boolean)
* getPointOfInterest}(false).getCoordinateReferenceSystem()</code></td>
* </tr><tr>
* <td>{@link GridGeometry#getExtent()}</td>
* <td>{@link #getDisplayBounds()} rounded to enclosing (floor and ceil) integers</td>
* <td>[0 … 0]</td>
* </tr><tr>
* <td>{@link GridGeometry#getGridToCRS(PixelInCell)}</td>
* <td>Inverse of {@link #getObjectiveToDisplay()}</td>
* <td>Some {@linkplain #getPointOfInterest(boolean) point of interest} coordinates as translation terms</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
* The {@link GridGeometry#getGridToCRS(PixelInCell)} transform built by this method is always a {@link LinearTransform}.
* This linearity implies that the grid geometry CRS cannot be the Point Of Interest (POI) CRS, unless conversion
* from POI CRS to objective CRS is linear.
* @return a grid geometry encapsulating canvas properties, including supplemental dimensions if possible.
* @throws RenderException if the grid geometry cannot be computed.
public GridGeometry getGridGeometry() throws RenderException {
if (gridGeometry == null) try {
* If not already done, create a multi-dimensional CRS composed of `objectiveCRS`
* with supplemental dimensions appended. This CRS needs to be recreated only if
* the Point of Interest and/or the objective CRS changed since last call.
if (augmentedObjectiveCRS == null) {
if (pointOfInterest != null && objectiveCRS != null) {
final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = pointOfInterest.getCoordinateReferenceSystem();
final ArrayList<CoordinateReferenceSystem> components = new ArrayList<>(4);
* `findSupplementalDimensions(…)` tries to complete the `components` list on a best effort basis.
* We have no guarantees that all supplemental dimensions will be included. The set of dimensions
* actually appended is encoded in `supplementalDimensions` bits.
supplementalDimensions = CanvasExtent.findSupplementalDimensions(crs,
multidimToObjective.derivative(pointOfInterest), components);
augmentedObjectiveCRS = CRS.compound(components.toArray(CoordinateReferenceSystem[]::new));
if (Utilities.equalsIgnoreMetadata(augmentedObjectiveCRS, crs)) {
augmentedObjectiveCRS = crs;
} else {
augmentedObjectiveCRS = objectiveCRS;
* The axis types are for information purposes only, for making debugging easier.
* It will typically contains the (column, row) names, maybe completed with up or
* time names.
axisTypes = CanvasExtent.suggestAxisTypes(augmentedObjectiveCRS, getDisplayDimensions());
* Create the `gridToCRS` transform using the "display to objective" transform augmented with POI
* coordinate values in supplemental dimensions. Those coordinate values will be stored in the
* translation terms of the `gridToCRS` matrix.
if (objectiveToDisplay == null) {
objectiveToDisplay = createObjectiveToDisplay();
LinearTransform gridToCRS = objectiveToDisplay.inverse();
if (supplementalDimensions != 0) {
gridToCRS = CanvasExtent.createGridToCRS(gridToCRS.getMatrix(), pointOfInterest, supplementalDimensions);
* Create the grid extent with a number of dimensions that include the supplemental dimensions.
* The cell indices range of all supplemental dimensions is [0 … 0]. If a point of interest is
* available, the `GridExtent` will contain the grid coordinates of that point.
final GridExtent extent;
if (displayBounds.isEmpty()) {
extent = null;
} else {
DirectPosition poi = objectivePOI;
if (poi != null) {
poi = objectiveToDisplay.transform(objectivePOI, null);
extent = CanvasExtent.create(displayBounds, poi, axisTypes, gridToCRS.getSourceDimensions());
gridGeometry = new GridGeometry(extent, PixelInCell.CELL_CORNER, gridToCRS, augmentedObjectiveCRS);
} catch (FactoryException | TransformException e) {
throw new RenderException(errors().getString(Errors.Keys.CanNotCompute_1, GRID_GEOMETRY_PROPERTY), e);
return gridGeometry;
* Sets canvas properties from the given grid geometry. This convenience method converts the
* coordinate reference system, "grid to CRS" transform and extent of the given grid geometry
* to {@code Canvas} properties. If the given value is different than the previous value, then
* change events are sent to all listeners registered for the {@value #DISPLAY_BOUNDS_PROPERTY},
* (with {@link TransformChangeEvent.Reason#GRID_GEOMETRY_CHANGE} reason),
* and/or {@value #POINT_OF_INTEREST_PROPERTY} properties, in that order.
* <p>The value given to this method will be returned by {@link #getGridGeometry()} as long as
* none of above cited properties is changed. If one of those properties changes (for example
* if the user zooms or pans the map), then a new grid geometry will be computed. There is no
* guarantee that the recomputed grid geometry will be similar to the grid geometry specified
* to this method. For example, the {@link GridExtent} in supplemental dimensions may be different.</p>
* @param newValue the grid geometry from which to get new canvas properties.
* @throws RenderException if the given grid geometry cannot be converted to canvas properties.
public void setGridGeometry(final GridGeometry newValue) throws RenderException {
ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull(GRID_GEOMETRY_PROPERTY, newValue);
if (!newValue.equals(gridGeometry)) try {
* Do not test grid.isDefined(…) — we consider all elements as mandatory for this method.
* First, get the dimensions to show in the canvas by searching dimensions having a span
* larger than 1 grid cell. Those spans will become the sizes of display bounds.
* Result of this block: DISPLAY_BOUNDS_PROPERTY: newBounds
final GridExtent extent = newValue.getExtent();
final int[] displayDimensions = extent.getSubspaceDimensions(getDisplayDimensions());
final GeneralEnvelope newBounds = new GeneralEnvelope(getDisplayCRS());
for (int i=0; i<displayDimensions.length; i++) {
final int s = displayDimensions[i];
newBounds.setRange(i, extent.getLow(s), Math.incrementExact(extent.getHigh(s)));
* Computes the point of interest in the Coordinate Reference System (CRS) of the given grid geometry.
* This point will also contain the coordinates in supplemental dimensions (if any), such as vertical
* and temporal positions of the slice shown in this canvas. Those supplemental coordinates should be
* computed in cell centers. This suggests that we should use PixelInCell.CELL_CENTER transform, but
* actually the coordinates returned by `extent.getPointOfInterest()` for [x … x] ranges (span of 1,
* as required for supplemental dimensions) already includes a 0.5 fraction digit.
* Result of this block: POINT_OF_INTEREST_PROPERTY: newPOI
final MathTransform gridToCRS = newValue.getGridToCRS(PixelInCell.CELL_CORNER);
final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs;
final GeneralDirectPosition newPOI;
if (newValue.isDefined(GridGeometry.CRS)) {
crs = newValue.getCoordinateReferenceSystem();
newPOI = new GeneralDirectPosition(crs);
} else {
crs = null;
newPOI = new GeneralDirectPosition(gridToCRS.getTargetDimensions());
gridToCRS.transform(extent.getPointOfInterest(PixelInCell.CELL_CORNER), 0, newPOI.coordinates, 0, 1);
* Get the CRS component in the dimensions shown by this canvas.
* Result of this block: OBJECTIVE_CRS_PROPERTY: newObjectiveCRS
final TransformSeparator analyzer = new TransformSeparator(gridToCRS, coordinateOperationFactory.getMathTransformFactory());
final LinearTransform newObjectiveToDisplay = MathTransforms.tangent(analyzer.separate().inverse(), newPOI);
final int[] objectiveDimensions = analyzer.getTargetDimensions();
final CoordinateReferenceSystem newObjectiveCRS = CRS.selectDimensions(crs, objectiveDimensions);
final MathTransform dimensionSelect = MathTransforms.linear(
Matrices.createDimensionSelect(newPOI.getDimension(), objectiveDimensions));
* At this point we are ready to commit the new values. Before doing so, copy
* the current property values in order to provide the old values to listeners.
final GeneralEnvelope oldBounds = new GeneralEnvelope(displayBounds);
final DirectPosition oldPOI = pointOfInterest;
final LinearTransform oldObjectiveToDisplay = objectiveToDisplay;
final CoordinateReferenceSystem oldObjectiveCRS = objectiveCRS;
* Set internal fields only after we successfully computed everything,
* in order to have a "all or nothing" behavior.
pointOfInterest = newPOI;
objectivePOI = newPOI;
objectiveCRS = newObjectiveCRS;
multidimToObjective = dimensionSelect;
augmentedObjectiveCRS = null; // Will be recomputed when first needed.
axisTypes = null;
gridGeometry = newValue;
* Notify listeners only after all properties have been updated. If a listener throws an exception,
* other listeners will not be notified but this Canvas will not be corrupted since all the work to
* do in this class is already completed. Order matter, it is documented in this method javadoc.
fireIfChanged(DISPLAY_BOUNDS_PROPERTY, oldBounds, newBounds);
fireIfChanged(OBJECTIVE_CRS_PROPERTY, oldObjectiveCRS, newObjectiveCRS);
fireIfChanged(/* OBJECTIVE_TO_DISPLAY */ oldObjectiveToDisplay, newObjectiveToDisplay, true);
} catch (IncompleteGridGeometryException | CannotEvaluateException | FactoryException | TransformException e) {
throw new RenderException(errors().getString(Errors.Keys.CanNotSetPropertyValue_1, GRID_GEOMETRY_PROPERTY), e);
* Fires a property change event if the old and new values are not equal.
* @param propertyName name of the property that changed its value.
* @param oldValue the old property value (may be {@code null}).
* @param newValue the new property value.
private void fireIfChanged(final String propertyName, final Object oldValue, final Object newValue) {
if (!Objects.equals(oldValue, newValue)) {
firePropertyChange(propertyName, oldValue, newValue);
* Fires a property change event if the old and new transforms are not equal.
* @param oldValue the old "objective to display" transform.
* @param newValue the new transform, or {@code null} for lazy computation.
* @param grid {@code true} if the reason is a grid geometry change, or {@code false} if only a CRS change.
private void fireIfChanged(final LinearTransform oldValue, final LinearTransform newValue, final boolean grid) {
if (!Objects.equals(oldValue, newValue)) {
firePropertyChange(new TransformChangeEvent(this, oldValue, newValue,
grid ? TransformChangeEvent.Reason.GRID_GEOMETRY_CHANGE
: TransformChangeEvent.Reason.CRS_CHANGE));
* Returns the geographic bounding box encompassing the area shown on the display device.
* If the {@linkplain #getObjectiveCRS() objective CRS} is not convertible to a geographic CRS,
* then this method returns an empty value.
* @return geographic bounding box encompassing the viewed area.
* @throws RenderException in an error occurred while computing the geographic area.
* @see #getDisplayBounds()
public Optional<GeographicBoundingBox> getGeographicArea() throws RenderException {
try {
return operationContext.getGeographicArea(this);
} catch (TransformException e) {
throw new RenderException(errors().getString(Errors.Keys.CanNotCompute_1, GEOGRAPHIC_AREA_PROPERTY), e);
* Returns an estimation of the resolution (in metres) at the point of interest.
* If the {@linkplain #getObjectiveCRS() objective CRS} is not convertible to a
* geographic CRS, then this method returns an empty value.
* @return estimation of the resolution in metres at current point of interest.
* @throws RenderException in an error occurred while computing the resolution.
public OptionalDouble getSpatialResolution() throws RenderException {
try {
return operationContext.getSpatialResolution(this);
} catch (TransformException e) {
throw new RenderException(errors().getString(Errors.Keys.CanNotCompute_1, SPATIAL_RESOLUTION_PROPERTY), e);
* Computes the value for {@link #objectiveToGeographic}. The value is not stored by this method for
* giving caller a chance to validate other properties before to write them in a "all or nothing" way.
* @param crs the new objective CRS in process of being set by the caller.
* @return the conversion from given CRS to geographic CRS, or {@code null} if none.
private CoordinateOperation objectiveToGeographic(final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs) throws FactoryException {
final GeographicCRS geoCRS = ReferencingUtilities.toNormalizedGeographicCRS(crs, false, false);
return (geoCRS != null) ? coordinateOperationFactory.createOperation(crs, geoCRS) : null;
* Returns the transform from the given source CRS to the given target CRS with precedence for an operation
* valid for the geographic area of this canvas. The transform returned by this method for the same pair of
* CRS may differ depending on which area is currently visible in the canvas. All requests for a coordinate
* operation should invoke this method instead of {@link CRS#findOperation(CoordinateReferenceSystem,
* CoordinateReferenceSystem, GeographicBoundingBox)}.
* @param allowDisplayCRS whether the {@code sourceCRS} can be {@link #getDisplayCRS()}.
private MathTransform findTransform(CoordinateReferenceSystem source,
final CoordinateReferenceSystem target,
boolean allowDisplayCRS)
throws FactoryException, TransformException, RenderException
if (allowDisplayCRS) {
allowDisplayCRS = Utilities.equalsIgnoreMetadata(source, displayBounds.getCoordinateReferenceSystem());
if (allowDisplayCRS) {
source = objectiveCRS;
MathTransform tr = coordinateOperationFactory.createOperation(source, target, operationContext).getMathTransform();
if (allowDisplayCRS) {
tr = MathTransforms.concatenate(getObjectiveToDisplay().inverse(), tr);
return tr;
* Allocates a position which can hold a coordinates in objective CRS.
* May be overridden by subclasses for a little bit more efficiency.
DirectPosition allocatePosition() {
return new GeneralDirectPosition(objectiveCRS);
* Returns the resources bundle for error messages in the locale of this canvas.
private Errors errors() {
return Errors.forLocale(locale);