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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.sis.coverage.grid;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.awt.image.RenderedImage;
import java.awt.image.ImagingOpException;
import org.opengis.util.FactoryException;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.Matrix;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.MathTransform;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.MathTransformFactory;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.TransformException;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.CRS;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.transform.MathTransforms;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.transform.LinearTransform;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.transform.TransformSeparator;
import org.apache.sis.geometry.GeneralEnvelope;
import org.apache.sis.geometry.ImmutableEnvelope;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.privy.DirectPositionView;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.privy.ReferencingUtilities;
import org.apache.sis.util.ComparisonMode;
import org.apache.sis.util.ArraysExt;
import org.apache.sis.util.privy.Numerics;
import org.apache.sis.util.resources.Errors;
* Builds a grid geometry for a slice in a {@link GridCoverage}. This is the implementation of
* {@link GridGeometry#selectDimensions(int[])} and {@link ImageRenderer#getImageGeometry(int)} methods.
* <p>This class implements {@link Function} for allowing {@code apply(…)} to be invoked from outside this package.
* That function is invoked (indirectly) by {@link org.apache.sis.coverage.privy.TiledImage#getProperty(String)}.</p>
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
final class SliceGeometry implements Function<RenderedImage, GridGeometry> {
* The coverage grid geometry from which to take a slice.
private final GridGeometry geometry;
* Extents of the slice to take in the {@linkplain #geometry}.
* May be {@code null} if unknown.
private final GridExtent sliceExtent;
* Dimensions of the slice to retain. All dimensions not in this sequence will be discarded.
* This is usually the array computed by {@link GridExtent#getSubspaceDimensions(int)}.
private final int[] gridDimensions;
* Dimensions of the slices in the CRS space, or {@code null} if not yet computed.
* This is computed as a side-product of {@link #reduce(GridExtent, int)} method call.
* This is often the same dimensions as {@link #gridDimensions}, but not necessarily.
* @see #getTargetDimensions()
private int[] crsDimensions;
* Factory to use for creating new transforms.
private final MathTransformFactory factory;
* Creates a new builder of slice geometry.
* @param geometry the grid geometry for which the transform is desired.
* @param sliceExtent the requested extent, or {@code null} for the whole coverage.
* @param gridDimensions the grid (not CRS) dimensions to select, in strictly increasing order.
* @param factory factory to use for creating new transforms, or {@code null} for default.
SliceGeometry(final GridGeometry geometry, final GridExtent sliceExtent,
final int[] gridDimensions, final MathTransformFactory factory)
this.geometry = geometry;
this.sliceExtent = sliceExtent;
this.gridDimensions = gridDimensions;
this.factory = ReferencingUtilities.nonNull(factory);
* Computes the {@value org.apache.sis.image.PlanarImage#GRID_GEOMETRY_KEY}
* property value for the given image.
* @param image the image for which to compute the image geometry.
* @throws ImagingOpException if the property cannot be computed.
public GridGeometry apply(final RenderedImage image) {
try {
final GridExtent extent = new GridExtent(image.getMinX(), image.getMinY(), image.getWidth(), image.getHeight());
return reduce(extent, GridCoverage2D.BIDIMENSIONAL);
} catch (FactoryException e) {
throw canNotCompute(e);
* Creates a new grid geometry over the specified dimensions of the geometry specified at construction time.
* The number of grid dimensions will be the length of the {@link #gridDimensions} array, and the number of
* CRS dimensions will be reduced by the same amount.
* <p>If a non-null {@link #sliceExtent} has been specified, that extent shall be a sub-extent of the extent
* of the original grid geometry. In particular it must have the same number of dimensions in same order and
* the original "grid to CRS" transform shall be valid with that {@link #sliceExtent}. That sub-extent will
* be used in replacement of the original extent for computing the geospatial area and the resolution.</p>
* <p>If a non-null {@code relativeExtent} is specified, a translation will be inserted before "grid to CRS"
* conversion in order that lowest coordinate values of {@link #sliceExtent} (or original extent if there is
* no slice extent) will map to (0,0,…,0) coordinate values in relative extent. This is used for taking in
* account the translation between {@link #sliceExtent} coordinates and coordinates of the image returned by
* {@link GridCoverage#render(GridExtent)}, in which case the relative extent is the location and size of the
* {@link RenderedImage}. The number of dimensions of relative extent must be equal to {@code gridDimensions}
* array length (i.e. the dimensionality reduction must be already done).</p>
* @param relativeExtent if non-null, an extent <em>relative</em> to {@link #sliceExtent} to assign to
* the grid geometry to return. Dimensionality reduction shall be already applied.
* @param dimCRS desired number of CRS dimensions, or -1 for automatic.
* @throws FactoryException if an error occurred while separating the "grid to CRS" transform.
* @see GridGeometry#selectDimensions(int[])
final GridGeometry reduce(final GridExtent relativeExtent, final int dimCRS) throws FactoryException {
GridExtent extent = geometry.extent;
MathTransform gridToCRS = geometry.gridToCRS;
MathTransform cornerToCRS = geometry.cornerToCRS;
double[] resolution = geometry.resolution;
* If a `gridToCRS` transform is available, retain the source dimensions specified by `gridDimensions`.
* We work on source dimensions because they are the grid dimensions. The CRS dimensions to retain are
* often the same as the grid dimensions, but not necessarily. In particular the CRS may have more
* elements if `TransformSeparator` detected that dropping a grid dimension does not force us to drop
* the corresponding CRS dimension, for example because it has a constant value.
crsDimensions = gridDimensions;
if (gridToCRS != null) {
TransformSeparator sep = new TransformSeparator(gridToCRS, factory);
* Try to reduce the CRS by the same number of dimensions as the grid.
crsDimensions = findTargetDimensions(gridToCRS, extent, resolution, gridDimensions, dimCRS);
if (crsDimensions != null) {
gridToCRS = sep.separate();
crsDimensions = sep.getTargetDimensions();
* We redo a separation for `cornerToCRS` instead of applying a translation of the `gridToCRS`
* computed above because we don't know which of `gridToCRS` and `cornerToCRS` has less NaN values.
* We require however the exact same sequence of target dimensions.
sep = new TransformSeparator(cornerToCRS, factory);
cornerToCRS = sep.separate();
* Get an extent over only the specified grid dimensions. This code may opportunistically substitute
* the full grid geometry extent by a sub-region. The use of a sub-region happens if this `reduce(…)`
* method is invoked (indirectly) from a method like `GridGeometry.render(…)`.
final boolean useSubExtent = (sliceExtent != null) && !sliceExtent.equals(extent, ComparisonMode.IGNORE_METADATA);
if (useSubExtent) {
extent = sliceExtent;
if (extent != null) {
extent = extent.selectDimensions(gridDimensions);
GeneralEnvelope subArea = null;
if (useSubExtent && cornerToCRS != null) try {
// `extent` is non-null if `useSubExtent` is true.
subArea = extent.toEnvelope(cornerToCRS, gridToCRS, null);
} catch (TransformException e) {
// GridGeometry.reduce(…) is the public method invoking indirectly this method.
GridGeometry.recoverableException("reduce", e);
* Create an envelope with only the requested dimensions, clipped to the sub-area if one has been
* computed from `sliceExtent`. The result after this code may still be a null envelope if there
* is not enough information.
final int n = crsDimensions.length;
ImmutableEnvelope envelope = geometry.envelope;
if (envelope != null) {
if (subArea != null || envelope.getDimension() != n) {
final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = CRS.selectDimensions(envelope.getCoordinateReferenceSystem(), crsDimensions);
final double[] min = new double[n];
final double[] max = new double[n];
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
final int j = crsDimensions[i];
min[i] = envelope.getLower(j);
max[i] = envelope.getUpper(j);
if (subArea != null) {
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
double v;
if ((v = subArea.getLower(i)) > min[i]) min[i] = v;
if ((v = subArea.getUpper(i)) < max[i]) max[i] = v;
envelope = new ImmutableEnvelope(min, max, crs);
} else if (subArea != null) {
envelope = new ImmutableEnvelope(subArea);
* If a `sliceExtent` has been specified, the resolution may differ because the "point of interest"
* which is by default in extent center, may now be at a different location. In such case recompute
* the resolution. Otherwise (same extent as original grid geometry), just copy resolution values
* from the original grid geometry.
if (useSubExtent || resolution == null) {
resolution = GridGeometry.resolution(gridToCRS, extent, PixelInCell.CELL_CENTER);
} else if (resolution.length != n) {
resolution = new double[n];
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
resolution[i] = geometry.resolution[crsDimensions[i]];
* Coordinate (0,0) in `RenderedImage` corresponds to the lowest coordinates in `sliceExtent` request.
* For taking that offset in account, we need to apply a translation. It happens when this method is
* invoked (indirectly) from `GridCoverage.render(…)` but not when invoked from `GridGeometry.reduce(…)`
if (relativeExtent != null) {
if (extent != null && !extent.startsAtZero()) {
final double[] offset = new double[gridDimensions.length];
for (int i=0; i<gridDimensions.length; i++) {
offset[i] = extent.getLow(gridDimensions[i]);
final LinearTransform translation = MathTransforms.translation(offset);
if (gridToCRS != null) {
gridToCRS = factory.createConcatenatedTransform(translation, gridToCRS);
cornerToCRS = factory.createConcatenatedTransform(translation, cornerToCRS);
extent = relativeExtent;
* Slicing should not alter whether conversion in a dimension is a linear operation or not.
* So we just copy the flags from the original grid geometry, selecting only the flags for
* the specified dimensions.
long nonLinears = 0;
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
nonLinears |= ((geometry.nonLinears >>> crsDimensions[i]) & 1L) << i;
return new GridGeometry(extent, gridToCRS, cornerToCRS, envelope, resolution, nonLinears);
* Finds CRS (target) dimensions that are related to the given grid (source) dimensions.
* This method returns an array where the number of CRS dimensions has been reduced by
* the same amount as the reduction in number of grid dimensions.
* <p>If this method is not invoked, then {@link TransformSeparator} will retain as many target dimensions
* as possible, which may be more than expected if a dimension that would normally be dropped is actually
* a constant (all scale coefficients set to zero). This method tries to avoid this effect by forcing the
* removal of CRS dimensions too. The CRS dimensions to remove are the ones that seem the less related to
* the grid dimensions that we keep. This method is not provided in {@link TransformSeparator} because of
* assumptions on the gridded nature of source coordinates.</p>
* <p>The algorithm used by this method (which is to compare the magnitude of scale coefficients anywhere
* in the matrix) assumes that grid cells are "square", e.g. that a translation of 1 pixel to the left is
* comparable in "real world" to a translation of 1 pixel to the bottom. This is often true but not always.
* To compensate, we divide scale coefficients by the {@linkplain GridGeometry#resolution} for that CRS
* dimension.</p>
* @param gridToCRS value of {@link GridGeometry#gridToCRS} (may be {@code null}).
* @param extent value of {@link GridGeometry#extent} (may be {@code null}).
* @param resolution value of {@link GridGeometry#resolution} (may be {@code null}).
* @param gridDimensions the grid (source) dimensions to keep.
* @param dimCRS desired number of CRS dimensions, or -1 for automatic.
* @return the CRS (target) dimensions to keep, or {@code null} if this method cannot compute them.
private static int[] findTargetDimensions(final MathTransform gridToCRS, final GridExtent extent,
final double[] resolution, int[] gridDimensions, int dimCRS)
* In most cases the transform is affine and we do not need a derivative computation
* (which save us from requiring a point of interest).
int numRow = -1; // The -1 is for later exclusion of the [0 0 0 … 1] row in affine transform.
Matrix derivative = MathTransforms.getMatrix(gridToCRS);
if (derivative == null) {
if (extent != null) try {
derivative = gridToCRS.derivative(new DirectPositionView.Double(extent.getPointOfInterest(PixelInCell.CELL_CENTER)));
} catch (TransformException e) {
// GridGeometry.reduce(…) is the public method invoking indirectly this method.
GridGeometry.recoverableException("reduce", e);
return null;
} else {
return null;
numRow = 0; // Do not exclude any row in the matrix (cancel the -1 value set earlier).
numRow += derivative.getNumRow();
if (dimCRS < 0) {
dimCRS = gridDimensions.length + (gridToCRS.getTargetDimensions() - gridToCRS.getSourceDimensions());
* Search for the greatest scale coefficient. For the greatest value, take the row as the target
* dimension and remember that we should not check anymore any value in the row and column where
* the value has been found.
long selected = 0;
while (Long.bitCount(selected) < dimCRS) {
double max = -1;
int kmax = -1;
int jmax = -1;
for (int j=0; j<numRow; j++) {
if ((selected & Numerics.bitmask(j)) == 0) {
double r = 1; // For compensation of non-square cells.
if (resolution != null) {
final double t = resolution[j];
if (t > 0) r = t; // Exclude NaN values.
for (int k=0; k < gridDimensions.length; k++) {
final double e = Math.abs(derivative.getElement(j, gridDimensions[k])) / r;
if (e > max) {
max = e;
kmax = k;
jmax = j;
if ((kmax | jmax) < 0) {
return null; // Cannot provide the requested number of dimensions.
if (max > 0) { // Dimensions are independent if scale factor is zero.
if (jmax >= Long.SIZE) {
throw GridGeometry.excessiveDimension(gridToCRS);
selected |= (1L << jmax);
gridDimensions = ArraysExt.remove(gridDimensions, kmax, 1);
* Expand the values encoded in the `selected` bitmask.
final int[] crsDimensions = new int[dimCRS];
for (int i=0; i<dimCRS; i++) {
final int j = Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(selected);
crsDimensions[i] = j;
selected &= ~(1L << j);
return crsDimensions;
* Returns the dimensions in the slice in the CRS space.
* This is a side-product of {@link #reduce(GridExtent, int)}.
* Callers should not modify the returned array since it is not cloned.
final int[] getTargetDimensions() {
return crsDimensions;
* Invoked if an error occurred while computing the {@link ImageRenderer#getImageGeometry(int)} value.
* This exception should never occur actually, unless a custom factory implementation is used
* (instead of the Apache SIS default) and there is a problem with that factory.
static ImagingOpException canNotCompute(final FactoryException e) {
throw (ImagingOpException) new ImagingOpException(
Errors.format(Errors.Keys.CanNotCompute_1, "ImageGeometry")).initCause(e);