blob: a2476f29737faa2a77998fc7916387b257548670 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.sis.gui.dataset;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Collection;
import javafx.util.Callback;
import javafx.event.EventHandler;
import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent;
import javafx.scene.control.TableCell;
import javafx.scene.control.TableColumn;
import javafx.scene.text.TextAlignment;
import javafx.collections.ListChangeListener;
import javafx.collections.transformation.TransformationList;
import javafx.scene.layout.Background;
import javafx.scene.layout.BackgroundFill;
import org.apache.sis.util.privy.UnmodifiableArrayList;
import org.apache.sis.gui.internal.Styles;
// Specific to the geoapi-3.1 and geoapi-4.0 branches:
import org.opengis.feature.FeatureType;
import org.opengis.feature.Feature;
* Wraps a {@link FeatureList} with the capability to expand the multi-valued properties of
* a selected {@link Feature}. The expansion appears as additional rows below the feature.
* This view is used only if the feature type contains at least one property type with a
* maximum number of occurrence greater than 1.
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
final class ExpandableList extends TransformationList<Feature,Feature>
implements Callback<TableColumn<Feature,Feature>, TableCell<Feature,Feature>>,
* The background of {@linkplain #expansion} rows header.
private static final Background EXPANSION_HEADER =
new Background(new BackgroundFill(Styles.EXPANDED_ROW, null, null));
* The icon for rows that can be expanded.
* Set to the Unicode supplementary character U+1F5C7 "Empty Note Pad".
private static final String EXPANDABLE = "\uD83D\uDDC7";
* The icon for rows that are expanded.
* Set to the Unicode supplementary character U+1F5CA "Note Pad".
private static final String EXPANDED = "\uD83D\uDDCA";
* Mapping from property names to index in the {@link ExpandedFeature#values} array.
* This map is shared by all {@link ExpandedFeature} instances contained in this list.
* It shall be modified only if this list has been cleared first.
private final Map<String,Integer> nameToIndex;
* View index of the first row of the currently expanded feature, {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE} if none.
* Expansion rows will be added or removed <em>below</em> this row; this row itself will not be removed.
private int indexOfExpanded;
* The rows of the expanded feature, or {@code null} if none. If non-null, this array shall never be empty.
* The reason why we do not allow empty arrays is because we will insert {@code expansion.length - 1} rows
* below the expanded feature. Consequently, empty arrays cause negative indices that are more difficult to
* debug than {@link NullPointerException}, because they happen later.
* <p>If non-null, they array should have at least 2 elements. An array of only 1 element is not wrong,
* but is useless since it has no additional rows to show below the first row.</p>
private ExpandedFeature[] expansion;
* Creates a new expandable list for the given features.
* @param features the {@link FeatureList} list to wrap.
ExpandableList(final FeatureList features) {
nameToIndex = new LinkedHashMap<>();
indexOfExpanded = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
* Specifies the names of properties that may be multi-valued. This method needs to be invoked
* only if the {@link FeatureType} changed. This method shall not be invoked if there is any
* {@link #expansion} rows. Normally this list will be empty at invocation time.
* @param columnNames names of properties that may contain multi-values.
final void setMultivaluedColumns(final List<String> columnNames) {
assert expansion == null : indexOfExpanded;
final int size = columnNames.size();
for (int i=0; i<size; i++) {
nameToIndex.putIfAbsent(columnNames.get(i), i);
* Removes the expanded rows. This method does not fire change event;
* it is caller's responsibility to perform those tasks.
* <h4>Design note</h4>
* We return {@code null} instead of an empty list if
* there are no removed elements because we want to force callers to perform a null check.
* The reason is that if there was no expansion rows, then {@link #indexOfExpanded} has an
* invalid value and using that value in {@link #nextRemove(int, List)} may be dangerous.
* A {@link NullPointerException} would intercept that error sooner.
* @return the removed rows, or {@code null} if none.
private List<Feature> shrink() {
final List<Feature> removed = (expansion == null) ? null
: UnmodifiableArrayList.wrap(expansion, 1, expansion.length);
expansion = null;
indexOfExpanded = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
return removed;
* Clears all elements from this list. This method removes the expanded rows before to
* remove the rest of the list because otherwise, the {@code sourceChanged(…)} method in
* this class would have to expand the whole feature list for inserting removed elements.
public void clear() {
final int removeAfter = indexOfExpanded;
final List<Feature> removed = shrink();
if (removed != null) {
nextRemove(removeAfter + 1, removed);
* Invoked when user clicked on the icon on the left of a row.
* The method sets the expanded rows to the ones containing the clicked cell.
* If that row is the currently expanded one, then it will be reduced to a single row.
public void handle(final MouseEvent event) {
* Remove the additional rows from this list. Before doing so, we need to remember
* what we are removing from this list view in order to send notification later.
final IconCell cell = (IconCell) event.getSource();
final int index = getSourceIndex(cell.getIndex()); // Must be invoked before `shrink()`.
final int removeAfter = indexOfExpanded;
final List<Feature> removed = shrink();
// index = getViewIndex(index); // Not needed for current single-selection model.
* If a new row is selected, extract now all properties. We need at least the number
* of properties anyway for determining the number of additional rows. But we store
* also the property values in arrays for convenience because we cannot use indices
* on arbitrary collections (they may not be lists). This is okay on the assumption
* that the number of elements is not large.
if (index != indexOfExpanded) {
expansion = ExpandedFeature.create(cell.getItem(), nameToIndex);
if (expansion != null) {
indexOfExpanded = index;
final int limit = Integer.MAX_VALUE - getSource().size();
if (expansion.length > limit) {
if (limit > 1) {
expansion = Arrays.copyOf(expansion, limit); // Drop last rows for avoiding integer overflow.
} else {
expansion = null; // Drop completely for avoiding integer overflow.
indexOfExpanded = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
* Send change notifications only after all states have been updated.
if (removed != null) {
nextRemove(removeAfter + 1, removed);
if (expansion != null) {
// An ArithmeticException below would be a bug in above limit adjustment.
nextAdd(indexOfExpanded + 1, Math.addExact(indexOfExpanded, expansion.length));
* Returns {@code true} if the given feature contains more than one row.
private boolean isExpandable(final Feature feature) {
if (feature != null) {
for (final String name : nameToIndex.keySet()) {
final Object value = feature.getPropertyValue(name);
if (value instanceof Collection<?>) {
final int size = ((Collection<?>) value).size();
if (size >= 2) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns the number of elements in this list.
public int size() {
int size = getSource().size();
if (size != 0 && expansion != null) {
size += expansion.length - 1;
return size;
* Returns the feature at the given index. This method forwards the request to the source,
* except if the given index is for an expanded row.
public Feature get(int index) {
final int i = index - indexOfExpanded;
if (i >= 0) {
final int n = expansion.length; // A NullPointerException here would be an ExpandableList bug.
if (i < n) return expansion[i];
index -= n;
return getSource().get(index);
* Given an index in this expanded list, returns the index of corresponding element in the feature list.
* All indices from {@link #indexOfExpanded} inclusive to <code>{@linkplain #indexOfExpanded} +
* {@linkplain #expansion}.length</code> exclusive map to the same {@link Feature} instance.
* @param index index in this expandable list.
* @return index of the corresponding element in {@link FeatureList}.
public int getSourceIndex(int index) {
if (index > indexOfExpanded) {
index = Math.max(indexOfExpanded, index - (expansion.length - 1));
// A NullPointerException above would be an ExpandableList bug.
return index;
* Given an index in the feature list, returns the index in this expandable list.
* If the given index maps the expanded feature, then the returned index will be
* for the first row. This is okay if the lower index inclusive or for upper index
* <em>exclusive</em> (it would not be okay for upper index inclusive).
* @param index index in the wrapped {@link FeatureList}.
* @return index of the corresponding element in this list.
public int getViewIndex(int index) {
if (index > indexOfExpanded) {
index += expansion.length - 1;
// A NullPointerException above would be an ExpandableList bug.
return index;
* Notifies all listeners that the list changed. This method expects an event from the wrapped
* {@link FeatureList} and converts source indices to indices of this expandable list.
protected void sourceChanged(final ListChangeListener.Change<? extends Feature> c) {
fireChange(new ListChangeListener.Change<Feature>(this) {
@Override public void reset() {c.reset();}
@Override public boolean next() {return;}
@Override public boolean wasAdded() {return c.wasAdded();}
@Override public boolean wasRemoved() {return c.wasRemoved();}
@Override public boolean wasReplaced() {return c.wasReplaced();}
@Override public boolean wasUpdated() {return c.wasUpdated();}
@Override public boolean wasPermutated() {return c.wasPermutated();}
@Override protected int[] getPermutation() {return null;} // Not invoked since we override the method below.
@Override public int getPermutation(int i) {return getViewIndex(c.getPermutation(getSourceIndex(i)));}
@Override public int getFrom() {return getViewIndex(c.getFrom());}
@Override public int getTo() {
// If remove only, must be where removed elements were positioned in the list.
return (wasAdded() || !wasRemoved()) ? getViewIndex(c.getTo()) : getFrom();
public int getRemovedSize() {
int removedSize = c.getRemovedSize();
if (overlapExpanded(c.getFrom(), removedSize)) {
removedSize += expansion.length - 1;
return removedSize;
public List<Feature> getRemoved() {
return (List<Feature>) expandRemoved(c.getFrom(), c.getRemoved());
* Returns {@code true} if the given range of removed rows overlaps the expanded rows.
private boolean overlapExpanded(final int sourceFrom, final int removedSize) {
return (sourceFrom <= indexOfExpanded && sourceFrom > indexOfExpanded - removedSize); // Use - for avoiding overflow.
* If the range of removed elements overlaps the range of expanded rows, inserts values in the
* {@code removed} list for the expanded rows. Actually this insertion should never happens in
* the way we use {@link ExpandableList}, but we check as a safety.
* @param sourceFrom index of the first removed element in the source list.
* @param removed the removed elements provided by the {@link FeatureList}.
* @return the removed elements as seen by this {@code ExpandableList}.
private List<? extends Feature> expandRemoved(final int sourceFrom, final List<? extends Feature> removed) {
if (!overlapExpanded(sourceFrom, removed.size())) {
return removed;
final int s = indexOfExpanded;
final int n = expansion.length; // A NullPointerException here would be an ExpandableList bug.
final Feature[] features = removed.toArray(new Feature[removed.size() + (n - 1)]);
System.arraycopy(features, s+1, features, s + n, features.length - (s+1));
System.arraycopy(expansion, 0, features, s, n);
return Arrays.asList(features);
* Creates a new cell for an icon to show at the beginning of a row.
* This method is provided for allowing {@code ExpandableList} to be
* given to {@link TableColumn#setCellFactory(Callback)}.
* @param column the column where the cell will be shown.
public TableCell<Feature,Feature> call(final TableColumn<Feature,Feature> column) {
return new IconCell();
* The cell which represents whether a row is expandable or expanded.
* If visible, this is the first column in the table.
private final class IconCell extends TableCell<Feature,Feature> {
* Whether this cell is listening to mouse click events.
private boolean isListening;
* Creates a new cell for feature property value.
IconCell() {
* Invoked when a new feature needs to be show. This method sets an icon depending on
* whether there is multi-valued properties, and whether the current row is expanded.
* The call will have a listener only if it has an icon.
protected void updateItem(final Feature value, final boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(value, empty);
Background b = null;
String text = null;
if (value instanceof ExpandedFeature) {
* If this is the selected row, put an icon only on the first row,
* not on additional rows showing the other collection elements.
if (((ExpandedFeature) value).index == 0) {
text = EXPANDED;
} else {
} else if (isExpandable(value)) {
if (isListening != (isListening = (text != null))) { // Check whether `isListening` changed.
if (isListening) {
addEventFilter(MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICKED, ExpandableList.this);
} else {
removeEventFilter(MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICKED, ExpandableList.this);